I'm back baby!
Well hello there blog readers,
Are you well? Yes? Fantastic, I'm glad to hear it. I'm ok thanks for asking, I've just come back from a bit of a holiday in so am the proud owner of a tan, some new clothes and a bit of a debt… ooops!
It's great to be back in the Switch office though, and I've been going through the cool web things that you've been sending us… check this one out that'll be on the show on Sunday, we've turned .
So what else to say? Well it's rainy here at the moment isn't it.. And I hear there's been snow.. Cricky! I was enjoying temperatures of around 80 degrees farenhite, and beautiful blue skys, none of that for me any more, nope. I managed to see lots of very good comedy whilst I was away, , and were all amazing… and hopefully we'll have Mr Minchin on the show in the new year, he'll delight you with his musical comedy.
This week we've got coming on to make us laugh, he's brilliant, and has a big comedy like face, what more could you want? There'll also be all the usual gubbins and our other special guest … and I might as promised a few weeks ago do a , but then again I might not…tune in, Sunday from 7 to see if I do. See you there.
Chris x