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Undercover Princesses: Cinderella's List

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Dana Stevens | 10:04 UK time, Friday, 19 March 2010

300x300_cinderella.jpgI'm gripped by the Undercover Princesses. There's something so refreshing about a programme that is so optimistic and hopeful. The princesses all get on so well with each other and seem genuinely lovely (contrary to the preconceptions I had about spoilt royals). Watching them gossiping and squealing excitedly as they share text messages from their dates shows just how similar we all are. The awkwardness, horror, laughs and emotional highs of dating are familiar to loads of us. I've managed to get my hands on some sneaky preview copies of the rest of the series and trust me it just gets better and better.

One thing that was obvious immediately was that Cinderella (real name Princess Nvannungi Sheillah from Buganda) is a rather picky princess. I'm all for a woman knowing what she wants but I was worried for her as she repeatedly gave her list of requirements for the man she was hoping to discover in Essex.

Cinderella's List: A man must be....

  • very handsome
  • not too pink!
  • posh
  • god-fearing
  • honest
  • not married
  • not a father
  • respectful
  • well-educated
  • a Christian
  • faithful
  • in good employment
  • attractive
  • successful
  • very loving
  • not a smoker
  • not a womaniser
  • not a drinker
  • willing to love her for who she is and not because she is a princess

...and did I mention handsome and god-fearing (these came up a lot!)

And just when I was thinking that she would never find her ideal man with a list like that...something amazing happened in the Basildon branch of Asda. Who knew?

(Watch out for the longest handshake ever!)

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How long does that handshake go on for??! Reminds me of from the Banzai show - remember him? (Check him out on )

The fine people over at seem to like that clip as well.

Undercover Princesses is on Sundays at 9pm.

Dana Stevens is content producer for 大象传媒 Three online.


  • Comment number 1.


    Anyone who has enjoyed this series of Undercover Princesses should have a look at this. As a recent resident in Uganda, I was suspicious of Sheilah as soon as the programme began. Her lack of basic knowledge about England was surprising seeing as most of the Buganda royal family are sent abroad for their schooling.

    Ms Nvannungi is a mid-range celebrity in Uganda - royalty, she is certainly not. The 大象传媒 has either been conned or has compromised its integrity by trying to pass off any old person to create a show, without a care for how this will impact upon the genuine royal family.

    We ought to be told.

  • Comment number 2.

    I am the least romantic person I know but... How fab are Cinderella & Paul together? Brilliant, from the ever-lasting handshake in Asda to him not reeling too much when she announced the truth. I hope her tribe accept him and we get a fairytale princess ending on this!

  • Comment number 3.

    Anyone know what the song playing at the end was, when Cinderella was going home (playing in the car, when there was a camera shot of the teddy bear)? Probably called something along the lines of 'Missing You', but I don't know who it's by, and I want to download it now...

  • Comment number 4.

    i just love this series why cant i find love like that!! i cried when the princesses had to leave each other then even more when cinderella had to leave paul i really hope her family accepts him. x

  • Comment number 5.

    Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap

    I keep hearing this and have been waiting to hear the lyrics so I can download it.

    Hope this is the right track. I've registered specially to tell you this! Although for me, then end was nearer 10:55, not 10:28

  • Comment number 6.

    I am loving the Princesses and where in this World do you find a Paul? Wowee, my eyes were leaking. I am not sure I can wait a week. I wondered what the reactions would be when their true identies were revealved. How much fun is this? We can all go to bed dreaming of being a Princess tonight.

  • Comment number 7.

    Sorry just realised I was watching on time lapse. That is definately the track then. Hope you enjoy :)

  • Comment number 8.

    i love this programme i cried to when they had to go home i felt so sad i hope it works out for them. i think i need to try some of the playses they went to or the speed dating who knows it may work for me lol. if any one has any suggestion do let me no.xx

  • Comment number 9.

    In response to Anna's question: I think there was confusion about the point in the show you meant. But the song playing at the very end, building up as Cinderella said goodbye to Paul until the point where the camera focused on the teddy bear, is called 'Kissing You' and is by Des'ree. It was the love theme in Baz Luhrmann's version of 'Romeo + Juliet' - playing as the two first meet at the ball scene on opposite sides of the fish tank - so a bit heavy handed perhaps but clearly we know what we are supposed to think about Paul and Cinderella's 'impossible' relationship! I hope the producers are wrong about the potential for a hostile reaction from her family!

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi guys, lovin' the show btw..
    ...can someone be kind enough to tell me the name of the music which comes in at 40m 03secs in the 3rd episode?

  • Comment number 11.

    I cried too, it was so sad when Cinders had to leave Paul. I hope they get married and we get the see the wedding. I love this show, its one to remember xx

  • Comment number 12.

    I really hope that Cinderella and Paul are allowed to be together too they are so cute together.
    In a response to the person who asked what the song was its deseree-kissing you. Hope thats some help.

  • Comment number 13.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 14.

    Anyone know what the track at 40m 03s is in Ep 3 is? Come onnnn....someone must know out there, I'm desperate! :)

  • Comment number 15.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 16.

    I really like this program. Oh dear cindella was doing so well with her princess behaviour, why she decide to sleep in the bed with Paul??? I really thought they had a chance, but when Cindrella's parents see the program i don't think they will be to happy to see thier unmarried princess in bed with a man, even if they had their clothes on!!!Can't wait till sunday- will they be allowed to get married or has Cindy ruined her chance of ture love..............

  • Comment number 17.

    In response to Anna
    ''Anyone know what the song playing at the end was, when Cinderella was going home (playing in the car, when there was a camera shot of the teddy bear)? Probably called something along the lines of 'Missing You', but I don't know who it's by, and I want to download it now...''

    The song is called:
    I'm kissing you (Song title)
    Des'ree (Artist)
    Supernatural (Album)

    You can find it on Itunes, It was also part of the Leonardo De'caprio and Clare Danes verson of Romeo and Juliet film, you can find it on the sound track to the film as well.

    It is a great song, very heart felt.

  • Comment number 18.

    I really like this program. Can someone post it on Youtube? I want watch the previous episodes. I hope Cinds parents accept Paul. I love the couple. 大象传媒3 help me to get all the episodes, Im dutch but I love this program.

  • Comment number 19.

    Damey - I'm afraid the whole programme isn't on You Tube but there are some clips from the show on All the episodes are currently on iPlayer ( click here) for anyone in the UK but I don't think you will be able to view them in Holland.
    Thanks to everyone who let Anna know that the sad soundtrack to Cinderella's departure was Kissing You by Des'ree Weekes.
    And Hellbound I'm trying to find out for you the name of the track at 40m 03s...it's hard to tell as it's just an intro but I'll ask the production team.

  • Comment number 20.

    That song around the 40m mark is called GOD MOVING OVER THE FACE OF THE WATER by Moby. Its also featured in the film Heat I think, and also maybe Any Given Sunday.

    Right, now I hope someone can return the favour....what is the song in episode 3 beginning 48.50. Its a piano song with female vocals. Very chilled out. I love it but have no idea what its called. I hope someone can help. Please!

  • Comment number 21.

    Princess Cinderella - how apt! She did indeed find her Prince Charming and I do hope they get married, live happily ever after and have loads of strong children. I found love like that in a train station - one look and it was love at first sight for both of us, so I know exactly what she is feeling. My parents however did not allow us to get married. Marvellous show - well worth watching
    Princess Xenia - what a lovely dress! She is so sweet-lovely character. I feel she was looking for a play mate rather than a life partner but I do wish Elliott and herself all the very best.
    Princess Aaliyah - she definitely struggled with western style dating. I feel if she had a bit more time though, she would have found her Mr. Right. Her confidence did increase in leaps and bounds towards the end of her stay. Good luck to her in her search for him. She needs to be quick though as at 35, her biological clock is slowly ticking to a close

  • Comment number 22.

    The series are enjoyable!! I have recorded all the series!! I love Gabby, she is amazing. Do not worry about Cind and Paul, I am sure there is going to be a wedding, I come from Uganda and I know her family is not as strict as we are imagining!! Good luck!!

  • Comment number 23.

    I think the parents of Cinderella will not be happy with her taking Paul to a hotel! God only knows what went on! I would worry if she was my daughter and a princess!! "clothes or not",mmmh!!??

  • Comment number 24.

    THE_DUDE500 - thanks for that. And I appreciate the effort Dana Stevens :)

    I'm going to kick back and listen to this...while dreaming of meeting my princess...

  • Comment number 25.

    Can anyone comment on the article relating to the authenticity of Princess Sheillah? According to an article in the Uganda Record published 29.03.10 she is an imposter!


  • Comment number 26.

    Hope we will get to see Cinderella and Paul"s wedding. Paul is trully a gentleman Cinderella is one lucky woman.

  • Comment number 27.

    i loved this programme could watch it everyday, Mr or Miss editor can we have an episode that updates us on what happens next, will Cindy and Paul get married??? I love the way Elliot handled himself, im sure u will find yourself a nice princess xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Why did paul have to go undercover as a prince, i thought the family knew Cindy had gone to england to look for love with an ordinary person not necessary a prince...they look nice together..

  • Comment number 29.

    is there going to be a DVD uncut this programme is too good to just have 4 episodes..

  • Comment number 30.

    i saw this link while searching for more information on Princess Sheillah and Paul as they seemed so happy and i loved watching the show and i am just wondering if the information on this link is true.

  • Comment number 31.

    oops didnt realise ALIASME had already posted the link, but it seems i am not the only one to question this, it would be good if someone could clarify it for us all.

  • Comment number 32.

    If it's true regarding Sheillah, then surely Paul should be warned. Maybe there could be a spin off episode showing the fall out between the loved up couple.

    One thing strikes me as being quite odd; why did the PM meet them if indeed she isn't a princess? Also, if she was a 'fake', it seemed a little too elaborate for her to pull all of this off alone. Although I'm keeping an open mind on this one, the standard of her family get together was far short of what I was expecting.

    I think the Indian Princess wasted her time with the Essex girl. They should have switched the camera off the second she wondered whether or not they had toilet roll in India. It's the shame the Princess was someone from out in the sticks, as it were. Showing a remote village/town as her kingdom seemed a bit of an anti-climax. She should have taken the Essex blonde to Mumbai.

    As for Elliot, he needed to 'man up' and develop a more dynamic personality. The Princess of Saxony was merely curious and lost interest towards the end, probably after a good talking to from her friend.

  • Comment number 33.

    Ah, just thought of something. Maybe the fact that Paul was told to pose as a 'Prince' actually opened doors for them. The PM must have been interested in meeting the 'Prince of Tobago', who just happened to be dating a former singer, which was great cover for Sheillah.

    All speculation of course :)

  • Comment number 34.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 35.


    I also saw that article so I decided to do a bit of research!

    From what I can tell she is a princess, she is a daughter of a Prince called George but it's not the one that died in 1971 but HIS son called george born in 1954 (according to the comments on this article: )

    but then the link where it says the princes/princesses of buganda has apparently been recently edited so that son was deleted (but if you look in the blurb it says there are 4 sons and 4 daughters but only 3 sons are mentioned). Although why someone would want to delete that information I don't know...!

    I don't know if the website they quote from is correct and if someone edited it or not. Again, all speculation :P

    But I do hope that Paul and Sheillah's relationship was a) real and b) lasts!

    Also, I am from Essex and I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows Elliot (all hearsay I know!) and apparently Xenia had a boyfriend all along...! Which doesn't surprise me as she is very pretty!

  • Comment number 36.

    Hello everyone
    Thanks for all your comments about Undercover Princesses. There has been quite a bit of speculation both on this blog and in some newspapers about whether Cinderella aka Princess Sheillah is indeed a real princess. And to clear it up...all checks made verify that Princess Sheillah is a real princess and we have written proof from the Kingdom of Buganda to confirm this.
    In you liked the programme then keep checking the website as there'll be another episode coming soon with some extra footage not shown in the series.

  • Comment number 37.

    GUYS! What is the song played BEFORE the last scene with paul and cinderella?!

  • Comment number 38.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 39.


  • Comment number 40.

    Can anyone tell me the name of the song that plays at the end of the last episode, when Xenia is talking about Elliott and how she hopes their friendship lasts. Probably called something like 'Beautiful Day' or similar??????? Been bugging me for ages!

  • Comment number 41.

    Love the show BTW!

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi you all!! First response to Vicky's comment"I carried ..." hey dont cry baby, it will be fine, and to Natty, you are corrent, if it was my daughter I would be worried about her in a bed and breakfast with a guy! Lets not forget that the princess is actually an actress, the producers did not say that, the last film I saw she cried a river!!

    Come one everyone, do not even worry, Paul is already a prince, lets wait for the wedding, so exciting!! I miss the Germany prince! Hey, did some one say Paul is already married?? I truely hope not!!!

  • Comment number 43.

    I also love the way Elliot handled himself, poor boy, I hope he gets someone who is not a princess and truely loves him, ahh bless!!

  • Comment number 44.

    how come you are not publishing my comments? They are decent comments!!

  • Comment number 45.

    when is the extra footage episode coming...waiting impatiently, been checking everyday....

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi kay15
    I couldn't announce details of the upcoming programme until the schedule went to press, but I can now confirm that there'll be a programme called Undercover Princes and Princesses which will feature highlights and previously unseen footage from both series. It will be on 大象传媒 Three at 10.30pm on Monday 12th April.

  • Comment number 47.

    thank u for that 大象传媒 Three Referee, u r very reliable n quick to respond, u r doing a great job...looking forward to 12 April prog...

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi all,

    As a Ugandan, I am greatfull to the 大象传媒 for having aired such wonderfull programme. Since I spent half of my life in Uganda, I have no dought that Cindy is a royal though a lesser royal. Not many people know that African kings would marry as many wives as 17, 20, 30... which resulted in many royal children like Cindy.

    My mother was Royal from another Ugandan tribe and though we grew up in the Ugandan countryside with not much money as European Royals have, she was still royal, who carried a lot of respect as the only royal in the village and those sorounding us. In fact she was called (Omumbeda/omumbejja) which literaly translates the princess in the Soga tribe, the second biggest tribe and a Kingdom in Uganda. Sheila is not any different in the Baganda tribe.

    Any way to cut the long story short, I request the 大象传媒 to do more programmes about Cindy and Paul. We Ugandans in the UK and those at home love the programme as much as everyone else. Clearly it is also educative because not many of the Western world knew about such African kingdoms yet many do exist.

    I can;t wait for the best of the 'undercover Princes and Princess' to show on the 12th April. Make sure more of Cindy and Paul appear. We love the couple so much.

    Cindy and Paul if you ever get to read this know that we trully enjoyed watching you fall in love.


  • Comment number 49.

    Further and on a more positive note about Cindy and Paul. It would be nice if they got married and started the first Caribbean family. History would have been made and may be 1,000 years later people will be reading about how Paul David- 'the Junk Man' (as he refers to himself) married an African Princess, ended up becoming a Prince and possibly the Caribbean Kings of times.

    Also would the TV and Film producers make a film out of it. Names to suggest; Coming to Africa, King David- the Junk Man, David the Caribbean King- the list is endless. The actors would be Will Smith and Thandi.

    More importantly can the 大象传媒 do more programmes on the couple especially the wedding with Princesses Xenia, Aaliya and their partners in attendence.

    Also since Nvanungi is also an actor can she be offered acting roles or even a chat show programme.

    Please bare with my wishful thinking. It is not common to witness a fairy tale story develop as Paul and Cindy's did, which actually turns out to be true. We just want the fairy tale to go on and on.


  • Comment number 50.

    In my posting above I meant the 'first Caribbean ROYAL family'

  • Comment number 51.

    i love your comments flavia, i agree with all u have said, cant wait for the 12th more paul and cindy please MR EDITOR...

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi all,

    We only have a week to go the 'Undercover Princes and Princesses'. I cant wait

    However I have just seen differnt times and dates for the programme.

    When you click watch episode 1 and 2 above and go right at the bottom of the page, this is what is recorded as broascasting times.

    Under Episode 1
    Sun 11 Apr 2010 00.25 BB3
    Mon 12 Apr 2010 4.00 BB3

    Under Episode 2
    Sun 11 Apr 2010 1.25 BB3
    Mon 13 Apr 2010 4.15 BB3

    Refree please clarify

    Refree please advice

  • Comment number 53.

    The allegedly 'True princess Elizabeth Moplogoma royalty under question.

    I found this on another blog and I thought u might be interested.


    The INTERNET princess (note small p) is the FAKER, PRINCESS HATER!!!(alot of
    written by yhhh umm , March 31, 2010

    i found this on another forum

    Posted by ekitibwakyabuganda on March 11, 2010 at 9:39 pm
    Ms Mpologoma Elizabeth,
    1/4 There are some of us on the UAH forum with a terrific propensity for being unnecessarily confused and we might need your assistance here.

    2/4 You say, and I quote you, 鈥淚 am a true Princess from the Buganda Kingdom and my brother Kabaka (king) Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II is the present ruling King of Buganda鈥 . This probably means you are Kabaka Mutebi鈥檚 sister.

    We tend to assume that Kabaka Mutebi鈥檚 father had 18 offspring, 11 of whom are male and 7 of whom are female.

    3/4 The seven females, whom we suppose would properly call the reigning Kabka their brother are listed below:

    1. Princess Dorothy Kabonesa Namukaabya, Nassolo, whose mother was Damali Nakawombe born in 1951.
    2. Princess Dina Kigga Mukarukidi, whose mother was Beatrice Kabasweka.

    3. Princess Anne Sarah Kagere Nandawula, whose mother is Kate Ndagire. Born at Mengo in 1951.
    4. Princess Catherine Agnes Nabaloga, the current Lubuga; whose mother was Kate Ndagire.

    5. Princess Alice Mpologoma Zaalwango, whose mother was Edith Kasozi. She was born in 1961, she died on March 23, 2005.

    6. Princess Stella Ndagire, born in Nairobi Kenya, whose mother was Lady Ngatho.
    7. Princess Diana Balizza Muggale Teyeggala, born in Kampala in October 1966.
    1/4 Who, exactly, of those seven princesses are you?
    Lance Corporal (Rtd) Patrick Otto

  • Comment number 54.

    Please where can I watch clips of episodes 3 and 4 as I missed these!!!!!!

  • Comment number 55.

    If you want more information about the Undercover Princes and Princesses programme just visit the programme page here. It also has the times when it will be repeated on 大象传媒 Three next week.
    For tracy and anyone else who wants to watch clips from the programme just go to the individual programme pages and click on the 'clips' section. Click here for the whole series.

  • Comment number 56.

    @damey: As you might have noticed the bbc iplayer isn't available in Holland. All episodes are available on 'alternate sources'. They probably won't stay on youtube. 大象传媒 is, as most stations, not very likely to broadcast abroad. Most stations are allowing replays on their websites only for their own customers.

    I can view 大象传媒 Three also (its available on digital cable in Holland), but for replays, I've to stick with alternate sources. The dating video's... I can't view them either.

    (I'm Dutch too)

  • Comment number 57.

    Mr editor can you please tell us what happened to Cindy and Paul, are they married now??? We need an update as we have followed their love grow i think its nice to know what happened thats if you know.

  • Comment number 58.

    I found this on another forum and thought you might be interested. Just pastd it as below

    She is a princess! But sadly there are some sad people out there.
    written by Helen , March 29, 2010

    The royal site did listed Nvanungi as a princess but bizarly she has been deleted from the webpage, but with a mistake left.

    If you look at the line where her grandfathers name is Prince (Omulangira) George David Onesiphorus Juuko, its says he has four sons and five daughters...

    17) Prince (Omulangira) George David Onesiphorus Juuko. b. at Mengo, 9th May 1930 (s/o Sara Nayiga), educ. King鈥檚 Coll., Budo, Namilanyo Coll., and Makerere Univ. Internal Examiner of Accounts, Buganda 1952-1963, Assist. Accountant Uganda Electricity Brd. 1963. He d. at Kampala, March 1971, having had issue, four sons and five daughters:

    And then it only list three of the sons, the one deleted being her father, under which she would then be written.

    I think someone is trying to discredit her being a princess. Truly is was no ast, God can indeed bring true love together!

  • Comment number 59.

    Hullo Kay,

    Before Cindy and Paul can get married, they would have to perform a traditional ceremony called ' Kwanjula'. This is a very important Ceremony in Ganda and Soga culture in Ugnda, where Paul will seek permission from Sheila's father for her hand in marriage. This he will have do while kneeling down before Sheila's father with Sheila on his side and in front of the whole family , friends, relatives and clan members. Paul will also need to take gifts including live game like cows, goats etc and a live cockreal to the parents and other in-laws.

    It is after this ceremony that Paul will have been accepted as part of the family after which he can then marry Sheila in Church. We would wish 大象传媒 to be there and post us with all the updates including the real wedding

  • Comment number 60.

    More about Sheila Nvanungi's authenticity as true Princess to the Buganda Kingdom. This clearly shows that Sheila is an intelligent woman who is also highly educated. See below

    o i) Prince (Omulangira) Ronald Mutebi. b. at Kampala, 1970, educ. Makerere Univ. (B. Social Psychology) and US Intnl Univ., Nairobi, Kenya. Children's Programs Coordinator for the Catholic and Amglican Archdiocese in Kampala; Facilities Technitian at Navigation Technologies, Des Plaines; Field Technitian Specialty Computers and Systems Inc [SCSI] until 2001, MD Tek Consults Inc. since 2001. Presdt. Uganda Men's Forum of Greater Chicagoland; Mbr. Rogers Park Rotary Club, AO Pilot's Assoc., Illinois Pilots Assoc., US Golf Assoc., PGA Partners Club, Mountain Club of Uganda, etc.

    o i) Princess (Omumbejja) Sheillah Cindrellah Nvannungi. b. 1st January 1982 (d/o Muzaana Miriam), educ. Entebbe SDA and Aga Khan High Schs., Intnl. Institute of Business & Media Studies (dipl. Journalism), and Kampala Intnl. Univ. (B. Dvpt. Studies). Programme presenter with CBS Radio.

    1. Check on this webpage: and look under offspring No.17 of the 40 children of Kabaka(King) Daudi Chwa. King Chwa had 46 Children

    2. Princess Sheila Cinderella Nvanungi, daughter of Prince George William Walugembe Kassabbanda Juuko (b.1954), grand daughter of Prince George David Onesiphorus Juuko (1930-1971), and great grand daughter of Kabaka Chwa II.

    Sheila Nvanungi says on her Face book that her father is Prince George Juuko and indeed, there is a Prince George Juuko who passed away 11 years before Sheila Nvanungi was born; just like there is a Kabaka Mutesa who passed away 101 years before Kabaka Mutebi was born. The Kabaka Mutesa who happens to be Kabaka Mutebi鈥檚 father is Mutesa II, whereas the one who passed away in 1854 was Mutesa I. So Kabaka Mutebi would be perfectly in order to state that his father was Kabaka Mutesa. We would only require Kabaka Mutebi to be specific, or to convince that he is not an impersonator. 鈥(to avoid similar confusion when Prince Jjunju in future states that Kabaka Mutebi was his father, let us call the reigning Mutebi, Kabaka Mutebi II, given that there was a Mutebi I鈥nd may be we should talk of Jjunju II, since there is another Jjunju in the past)

  • Comment number 61.



    a) Prince (Omulangira) George William Jjuuko Walugembe Kassabbanda. b. 1954 ("elder brother of Kabaka Ronald Mutebi) (s/o the Naabagareka Damali Catherine Nnakawombe). JW Victoria Agro Industries. m. Muzaana Miriam. He had issue, a son and a daughter:
    o i) Prince (Omulangira) Ronald Mutebi. b. at Kampala, 1970, educ. Makerere Univ. (B. Social Psychology) and US Intnl Univ., Nairobi, Kenya. Children's Programs Coordinator for the Catholic and Amglican Archdiocese in Kampala; Facilities Technitian at Navigation Technologies, Des Plaines; Field Technitian Specialty Computers and Systems Inc [SCSI] until 2001, MD Tek Consults Inc. since 2001. Presdt. Uganda Men's Forum of Greater Chicagoland; Mbr. Rogers Park Rotary Club, AO Pilot's Assoc., Illinois Pilots Assoc., US Golf Assoc., PGA Partners Club, Mountain Club of Uganda, etc.

    o i) Princess (Omumbejja) Sheillah Cindrellah Nvannungi. b. 1st January 1982 (d/o Muzaana Miriam), educ. Entebbe SDA and Aga Khan High Schs., Intnl. Institute of Business & Media Studies (dipl. Journalism), and Kampala Intnl. Univ. (B. Dvpt. Studies). Programme presenter with CBS Radio.
    1. Check on this webpage: and look under offspring No.17 of the 40 children of Kabaka Daudi Chwa. King Chwa, Sheilas鈥 great grand father apparently had 46 children

    2. Princess Sheila Cinderella Nvanungi, daughter of Prince George William Walugembe Kassabbanda Juuko (b.1954), grand daughter of Prince George David Onesiphorus Juuko (1930-1971), and great grand daughter of Kabaka Chwa II.
    Sheila Nvanungi says on her Face book that her father is Prince George Juuko and indeed, there is a Prince George Juuko who passed away 11 years before Sheila Nvanungi was born; just like there is a Kabaka Mutesa who passed away 101 years before Kabaka Mutebi was born. The Kabaka Mutesa who happens to be Kabaka Mutebi鈥檚 father is Mutesa II, whereas the one who passed away in 1854 was Mutesa I. So Kabaka Mutebi would be perfectly in order to state that his father was Kabaka Mutesa. We would only require Kabaka Mutebi to be specific, or to convince that he is not an impersonator. 鈥(to avoid similar confusion when Prince Jjunju in future states that Kabaka Mutebi was his father, let us call the reigning Mutebi, Kabaka Mutebi II, given that there was a Mutebi I鈥nd may be we should talk of Jjunju II, since there is another Jjunju in the past)

  • Comment number 62.

    More support for our Cindy from another forum

    Hi all
    it would have been really good if the 鈥淧rincess鈥 was an authentic princess, however if she is not but represented much of the culture of Buganda and the 鈥淩oyal鈥 I can see no issue there.

    I can see at least some members of the 鈥淩oyal Family鈥 getting upset because of 鈥淒esired image and Name鈥. For this reason I can understand why it may touch nerves, however, I must say as a British national and one of proud African-Caribbean ancestry I wasn鈥檛 at all embarrassed and besides 鈥淧rincess Cinderella鈥 was adored by my colleagues and my wife said the same of her work mates. As a matter of fact, it was my wife who invited me to watch the program with her after overhearing her colleagues talking so excitedly about the 鈥減rincess of Buganda鈥.

    In spite the fact that I am well educated, currently pursuing a doctorate in Christian apologetics (I鈥檓 not a Christian) and embarking on studies for my Masters in Bio-Science and I鈥檓 well read and traveled much but I still didn鈥檛 know that there exist a 鈥淏uganda Kingdom鈥. Even my wife who is from Kenya and knew of it from taking history in school, even she was unaware that the Kingdom still exists. So, if 鈥減rincess Cinderella鈥 did nothing else she brought Buganda, its Kingdom and its royal to the awareness of the world.

    Therefore, I see no need for all that insults that were hurled at the young lady. I think instead it makes the attacker rather common in her way, aggressive and spiteful. After all, she is one of your own. Is that what she calls being educated and civilized? She even went on to indicate that she and the rest of the 鈥渞oyal鈥 are civilized because they were educated in Europe and America and associate with these nations. She made no mention of any other African nation鈥檚 Kingdom except where she mentioned 鈥淶ULU鈥 dress with disdain.

    I am so sorry for Princess Elizabeth Mpologoma, she is a sad self denying creature. I hope She soon awake from her slumber.
    Princess Cinderella we love you!!

    Ben, Essex.

  • Comment number 63.


    Princess Elizabeth Mpologoma attacks another princess, calling her an impostor and primitive. Does she mean to say that she knows the identities of the Baganda royals?
    Do all of them know her?

    Not long ago, while in Sweden, Princess Mpologoma's credentials were highly questioned in the same way she is questioning Nvannungi's.Thanks to a letter from the Kabaka, the issue was settled, but not after Mpologoma had suffered much embarrassment.

    Even after the confirmation of her status in the royal family, the Baganda in Sweden continued to doubt and despise her, calling her "Omumbejja w'ebbaluwa", meaning that she owed her royalty to a mere letter. Mpologoma shouldn't criticise Nvannungi the way she does because her own behaviour in Stockholm was far from being respectable.

    As a result she drew much criticism and ridicule herself and was never a popular royal, she tried to impose her status on the people with an air of arrogance, and was never always attired dressed
    in a鈥 gomesi鈥 to prove her royalty! Nor did she prove to be any more civilized than Nvannungi. Now that evidence has come out that Nvannungi is actually a Buganda princess, I hope that Mpologoma will have the courtesy to use this paper to offer an apology.

    Names withheld

    It has been alleged by Princess Elizabeth Mpologoma that [Sheila] Cinderella Nvannungi is not a member of the Buganda royal family. Whatever the truth of the matter, I have been reminded that for a long time, when Princess Mpologoma lived in Sweden, her membership of the said royal family was a contested matter. People openly questioned her claim to being a daughter of the late Sir Edward Mutesa {which she is not}.

    It took an official letter from Kabaka(King) Mutebi, reportedly after lengthy research, to clarify the matter and confirm Mpologoma as a Buganda princess. As a result, people started refering to her as "Omumbejja ow'ebbaluwa", the idea being that but for that letter from the Kabaka, she would have been a "mukopi- a commoner like us".

    Having known Princess Mpologoma for a long time, and having watched Princess Nvannungi's theatricals on the 大象传媒, I am persuaded to believe that the two ladies are closely related. When Princess Mpologoma first came to Europe she never acted any differently to Princess Nvannungi.

    But of course she will beg to differ.

  • Comment number 64.

    the scenes with princess cinderella and paul,are scintillating,i find very entertaining more than most pre-rehearsed charade.i'm happy for them if they do eventually marry each other.you can tell its true love and indeed a fairy tale of this day and age,even though i had wished i met her first.a true picture of African queen.

  • Comment number 65.

    Ummmm Tunla. Are u handsome and VERY attractive and would you fit our Princess un-ending list of requirements? As an African I too I agree with you about Cindy's true African Queen picture. I am woman by the way who apprecaites the beauty of a woman as sisterhood and not Lesiiiiiiaaaaaan.

    Remember how after halfway through the night, Cindy managed to recognise they had been in the wrong night club on the trio's first night out. She commented, ' this is a place for gays, lesiiiiiibiaaaaaans and bisexuals and I am none of these'. It was halarious.

    True we are eagerly waiting for an African fairytale wedding. When did we last see one 25 or so many years ago? which turned out not to be a fairy tale after all. Remember Princess Diana(RIP)?

  • Comment number 66.

    can anyone tell me the song at the end when shes in the car crying?
    i know it said missing you but i cant find it.

  • Comment number 67.

    I love Gabby, she is amazing. Do not worry about Cind and Paul, I am sure there is going to be a wedding I come from Uganda and I know her family is not as strict as we are imagining!! Good luck!!

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