Becoming Human Director Alex Kalymnios
Becoming Human is a murder mystery set in a normal college. However, three of the pupils who go there are anything but.

Becoming Human (Leila Mimmack as Christa, Craig Roberts as Adam and Josh Brown as Matt)
- Adam is a vampire last seen in Being Human episode two. His lines are cheesy and his pulling ability is rubbish.
- Christa is a feisty werewolf who's secretly terrified of anyone finding out her condition.
- And Matt... well Matt's a ghost, having recently been murdered. Drowned in a toilet, to be precise. I know, it's embarrassing.
Plus there are new clues every day, including pictures, mobile phone vids, diary entries and more, all created by characters themselves. This means you can play detective and follow their theories as each new piece of evidence crops up.
We caught up with Alex Kalymnios, the amazing director of the Becoming Human episodes, to hear her take on this unusual and, quite frankly, bloody awesome new drama.

Becoming Human Director Alex Kalymnios
The characters in Becoming Human feel quite fresh and unique compared to the usual teenagers seen on our TV screens, not just because of the supernatural element but because their problems are very much rooted in truth.
Matt, the 'ghost' was invisible to the world even before he was dead - a friendless loner. Christa, the werewolf, is really just a girl at that awkward period of her life as her body is changing and she is just trying to figure out who she really is. Adam's vampire bloodthirst could be seen as a comparison to being a horny teenager, yet to lose his virginity (!). So the teenage world and our characters' issues are genuine and relevant but of course slightly heightened given their supernatural abilities. This is why I think it makes our characters special as they are believable yet intriguing - they are ordinary kids with extraordinary abilities and so very enjoyable to watch!
The main trio are all teenagers... how does that make Becoming Human different from it's established cousin, Being Human?
Becoming Human could be seen as aimed at a slighter younger audience however, I think the characters are so funny and genuine I hope they have a universal appeal to all Being Human viewers. In fact Adam is a 46-year-old in a teenager's body so a lot of his references are from his era that I suspect older audiences are more likely to appreciate!
Ultimately, Becoming Human is an extension of the Being Human world and although it has quite a similar tone in it's humour and the rules of the supernatural world, I feel the character's worlds and therefore their problems are quite different - mainly due to the fact our trio are all still stuck at school!

Leila Mimmack as Christa, Josh Brown as Matt and Craig Roberts as Adam in Becoming Human
I loved the idea of creating the Becoming Human teen world - something that felt slightly nostalgic, atmospheric yet epic. I wanted to approach the murder mystery with a modern 'film noir' feel to it, reminiscent of films such as 'Brick'. I wanted the school to be its own character and to portray how the school world is in fact our characters' entire universe - as this is the only world they know at the moment. I loved this idea of the three characters lost in the vastness of school life and also feeling slightly trapped and contained by being there. For example, a lot of the scenes are set and confined to the detention room at school - so it had very much a 'Breakfast Club' feel to it - with the idea of these outcast kids all stuck together in a room. Over the course of our episodes we see our trio come together to solve Matt's murder and ultimately becoming great friends by the end.
What were your main aims when directing the episodes?
My main aim was to create a series that was cinematic, funny and memorable. I wanted each of the three characters to feel iconic and for their own unique style to feel timeless and slightly underground. I also wanted to create a cool soundtrack to their world and therefore tried to find interesting and less commercial tracks to help further create this mysterious world.
What were the biggest challenges you faced when shooting Becoming Human?
I think probably the biggest challenge was filming in a real working school during term time! We had to work around the school's working hours (for example - quickly film a scene in the corridor before all the kids rush out in-between classes!). Luckily, the school was very accommodating and helpful which is how it all came together so well - but it was definitely a challenge to have on a film shoot!
Which episode/moment is your favourite and why?
I love all of them! But I guess if I really had to choose- I really enjoyed filming the haunting scene in episode 2! I love anything supernatural - so it was fun to play with things flying around the home economics room! I also love the opening sequence of episode 5, Matt's confession - it still gives me goosebumps when I watch it now.
Alex Kalymnios is Director of Becoming Human and Barry Pilling is online editor of Being Human.
You can watch new Becoming Human episodes online every Sunday night after the latest instalment of Being Human at 9pm.
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Comment number 1.
At 9th Mar 2011, tony_jackson54 wrote:Congratulations Alex, you should be very proud of Becoming Human. The main characters are well thought out and well acted. The episodes contain suspense as well as humour and the storyline is keeping us all guessing. My only complaint is that the episodes are so brief. Keep up the good work.
I hope a further series will follow.
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Comment number 2.
At 12th Mar 2011, agatha wrote:I completely agree with tony_jackson54.
The Series is brilliant and the beginning scene in episode 5 is stunning.
as Alex Kalymnios, i too get goosebumps when watching that scene
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