Series 4 of Being Human confirmed!!

Being Human (Russell Tovey as George, Sinead Keenan as Nina, Aidan Turner as Mitchell and Lenora Crichlow as Annie)
"We were overwhelmed by the response to series three, and so we're absolutely thrilled that the ´óÏó´«Ã½ have given us this opportunity to continue our show into a fourth year. We've got another intense and epic story lined up for you, with some new faces and old, and even more horror and mayhem and mugs of tea. I can't wait to get started."
That's all the clues we've got for now but keep checking the Being Human blog for up-to-date news about the show.
If you missed any of series 3, don't worry you can still catch up on previous episodes now on the website. And don't forget the online drama Becoming Human will get its first showing on telly this Sunday at 9pm.
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Comment number 1.
At 14th Mar 2011, H wrote:its not goin 2 b the same wiv out mitchell :'(... roll on S4 WWOOHOOOO
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Comment number 2.
At 14th Mar 2011, Sean55 wrote:But it has been told, that would have been his lot if he got stabbed in the heart, so how can he come back and if he comes back as 'A ghost??' The it's no longer about a ghost, warewolf and a vampire. It would be about 2 ghosts and 4 warewolves counting mc'nelly son. if that last name is spelt right. ?? As for that new guy i thought he was a vampire then when like 2 people have asked him "who the 'hell' are you?". I thought he was Satan or something. after he said something out hell himself.
They should make the final series on the St Lucifer himself. i thought that old religious guy from the other series was the devil too at first.
C'mon show ´óÏó´«Ã½Three's idea of St Lucifer. They seem to get the acting and the creepyness of actors right. They just need him. Anyway i have issues about this programme, For many years it's said that a vampires heart is on the right not on the left. Why are they getting stabbed in the left?
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Comment number 3.
At 14th Mar 2011, daisyok wrote:Well, after moving to Wales, I think it was the death knell for BH, talk about if it aint broke dont fix it!! I wont be watching series 4, you've taken the best thing (Mitchell) out and put the worst (nina) in! It will now go down the road of sillyness now, and unless you get in a decent lead vampire or Aidan back, I cant see the viewing rate rise after this climax!! :D
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Comment number 4.
At 14th Mar 2011, Russell wrote:"its" first showing, not "it's". Tsk.
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Comment number 5.
At 14th Mar 2011, Sean55 wrote:Yes! You said it, i agree with the view ratings, I mean i will watch the first couple of episodes and see if i like it but if nothing obviously i won't watch it. Many people say that about programmes then they like the new one, But with programmes like 'Skins' i said if it can't match the last series then i won't watch it. And i watched 2 episodes of this series and havn't watched no others. But to keep the topic on B.H. ´óÏó´«Ã½Three producers of B.H you have messed it up.
It appears viewers agree you have taken out the greatness of B.H they're all great actors etc but it's best when there's a Vampire, ghost and warewolf as friends. Not 3, 4 Warewolves and a ghost. I'd say you ended series 3 amazingly well but we hope you have thought about how you will replace Mitchell.
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Comment number 6.
At 14th Mar 2011, laura wrote:Have loved the series since the beginning. Sorry you had to get rid of Mitchell but that's what happen's when you become (famous). You will definately have to get Annie a new boyfriend now. She will be so lonely!!!
Sorry you will not have a new fan for Becoming Human I prefer my programmes to be more adult not teenage tosh.
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Comment number 7.
At 14th Mar 2011, philg wrote:I absolutely love Being Human i just bought series 1 & 2 on a Dvd Boxset cant wait for the third to be put on Dvd. I hope that the fourth series has Mitchell in because it wouldnt be the same without him, him and George both make the series.
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Comment number 8.
At 14th Mar 2011, rebecca wrote:please tell me mithchell will be back can anyone tell me
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Comment number 9.
At 14th Mar 2011, Jake Dougal wrote:People should remember what the Old One said: "You don't live to be 1,000 years old without learning a thing or two". Herrick didn't think a Vampire could be brought back from being staked, but what does he know? Also, being brought back from a werewolf attack was simple, maybe being brought back from a staking is possible, just a little more problematic. I sure hope I'm right, it wouldn't be the same without Mitchell!
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Comment number 10.
At 14th Mar 2011, battycoda wrote:The only person to say you cant come back from a staking was heric, surely the old ones can bring mitchel back they are 1000 years old and as he said you don't get to this age without learning a few tricks when he came in without being invited, he can then escape and try to kill them....please please please.....the writers must realise that mitchel is the main draw of the show and surely wouldnt axe him
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Comment number 11.
At 14th Mar 2011, battycoda wrote:sob juswt found this so looks like he may stay dead.... damn peter jakson
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Comment number 12.
At 14th Mar 2011, Filbert77 wrote:As much as i'm seriously wanting Mitchell Back for the fourth series, just because he's a brilliant character - both dark and heroic - and Aiden Turner is a phenomenal actor.
Unfortunately, because of his phenomenal acting - I'm pretty sure he isn't coming back. He's going to be filming The Hobbit (parts 1 and 2) for the next 3 years in New Zealand. He has the part of a Dwarf I think - I don't know which because i'm not really a LOTR-series fan, but yeah.
Plus, I can't a see a way for him to come back. He's definitely dead after being staked. And he can't come back as a ghost because Vampires don't have souls - even if his heroic martyrdom would seem to support the opposite.
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Comment number 13.
At 15th Mar 2011, crappy wrote:lol you silly brits, of course Mitchel isnt going to rally leave, ever see christopher lee rise from his ashes in the old Dracula movies. why do ou think they brought in a very old vampire at the series finale....
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Comment number 14.
At 15th Mar 2011, themadcatgurl wrote:please resurrect and bring back Mitchell in 3 years, it works for the Alien movies and Doctor Who.....he's so awesome and his last act wipes the slate clean, they can all go back 2 watching the real hustle again. (yes, you know it's possible especially with that knowledgeable Old 1 knocking about. pretttttyyyyyy pleeeease!)
By the way, not many shows pull off such an awesome third series that surpasses all gone before. well done!
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Comment number 15.
At 15th Mar 2011, Memphis wrote:I wouldn't have thought Mitchell, or any other vampire, would be able to come back as a ghost due to the fact they are already dead...The head vampire would probably be able to bring him back anyway as he said he'd learned a few tricks (the crossing of the threshold uninvited)
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Comment number 16.
At 15th Mar 2011, Laura8 wrote:Hi @crappy-
I LOVE your answer! SO true! Mitchell will be back!
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Comment number 17.
At 16th Mar 2011, saint78 wrote:Well done bbc three being human is fantastic. really enjoyed serise 3 one word outsanding. cant wait serise 4. Bring back mitchell, u can bring him back anyone recall angel in buffy? he got it in the hart.
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Comment number 18.
At 16th Mar 2011, TATmaster wrote:Just think about it. When the "Old One" showed up, he mentioned that you don't live to be 1,000 years old without learning a few tricks. I am guessing that he will be able to bring Mitchell back.
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Comment number 19.
At 16th Mar 2011, stinker wrote:oh please please please bring Mitchell back, he's the main reason I watch Being Human :-(
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Comment number 20.
At 16th Mar 2011, Chris_Page wrote:The series is bigger than any one character. Of course it won't be the same without him - that's stupidly obvious. But this gives the series a breath of fresh air to explore new stories and characters. If you can't survive without Mitchell, then you weren't true fans of the programme.
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Comment number 21.
At 16th Mar 2011, robert wrote:Couldn't heric of lied to mitchell to just check if he was still trustworthy
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Comment number 22.
At 16th Mar 2011, MezzaM wrote:Good
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Comment number 23.
At 16th Mar 2011, Stotty wrote:I absolutely loved this series. One of the great things about Being Human is that it doesn't hold back. There is a grittiness to it that makes it feel so much more real. There are so many programs out there where vampires are misunderstood romantics and Being Human puts them right back where they belong ... dripping in blood and murder ... brilliant.
I really look forward to series 4 and I'll definitely be adding series 3 to my DVD collection. :)
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Comment number 24.
At 16th Mar 2011, bazza_c wrote:I have to admit that Mitchell was a great character but the show can continue without him. There's no real reason for the old ones to bring him back (even if they could). He was only to be a poster boy after all. I would take a guess that Adam will be the new series vampire?
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Comment number 25.
At 17th Mar 2011, Dannysnuffles wrote:I'm a 54 year old Being Human addict. I've watched every episode. Losing Aiden will sadly taken the 'soul' out of the show and, I can't expect it to be so good from now on.. Aiden and Russell are fabulous actors, (my favourites), alas it's now down to Russell to take the helm and carry the show.. I appreciate actors need to grow and spread their wings, but this is a drastic direction to take the show in. The solution? If it's 'humanly' possible, bring Aiden back - at least let let him continue to be there in some small way - not as a ghost perhaps, but surely as some spiritual helpful / guiding being - afterall, Mitchell did do his best, against the odds, to reform himself, so surely he has earned some degree of salvation!!!
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Comment number 26.
At 10th Apr 2011, kris wrote:If we have to have to have another vampire in the house(which we do) then I think they would go with the female detective. As for Mitchell coming back as a ghost, I can only hope so.
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Comment number 27.
At 19th Jun 2011, dawetan wrote:i brought all 3 and watched them all thought it was pretty good series when is series 4 out to bye? and i thought Mitchell was brilliant i never watch warewolves films but will deff watch a few more now.
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Comment number 28.
At 10th Sep 2011, Liz wrote:I adore "Being Human"!!! OMG in the season finale when George staked Mitchell and said , he was doing it because he loved him, I lost my mind. It affected me for days and that's a testament to the brilliant writers and actors. These's nothing and I do mean nothing in the States that compares. When SYFY announced it was doing Being Human I just laughed. I refuse to watch it because no matter how hard they(US) try is doesn't translate, again it has to be the writing . I'm not certain Aidan Turner is out. There has to be a point in showing Heric's return . If anyone can bring Mitchell back, these incredible writers can and it won't be in that fake or cheap way. It will be in a respectable way for the audience's intelligence. I for one will be watching!
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Comment number 29.
At 26th Jan 2012, ladydi850 wrote:Ok. I really love this show and I am from the US. Thank goodness for Netflix. I didn't even know that we made our own version of the show until I told someone to check it out on Netflix. I was informed that we (US) have it. I tried to watch one episode but was really disappointed. This little Puerto Rican from da Bronx loves the UK version. Great job to the creators, writers and the actors..
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