Secrets Of Everything - #AskGreg

Only two days to go until Secrets Of Everything kicks off on ´óÏó´«Ã½ Three with a double bill on Sunday at 8pm. I am so excited that you finally get to see it!
Have you got a question that's always bugged you? Ever wanted to settle once and for all that classic argument about whether you should put your milk in first or last when making a cuppa? Or maybe discover why we can't tickle ourselves? Or see if science has got any secrets to rid you of your stinking hangover?
Well, this is your chance to find out the truth! Just scribble your mind-twister down and...
- Post it in the comments below or
- Tweet it at using the hashtag #AskGreg or
- Post your questions on the
I'll pick a bunch out and jot down the answers in the next blog post.
In the first episode I go under the knife to find out what humans taste like, head to Reading Festival to see if everyone on the planet jumped at the same time would it move the Earth, and hurt myself doing stupid things with electricity to find out how to survive a lightning strike. Check out the clip below:
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The second episode sees me finding out whether or not you can survive in a falling lift, I sweat profusely as me and my mate Jonny have a chilli-off to find out what makes them hot, and take a gruesome look at what happens to our bodies when we die. Oh and I try fire-walking and avoiding an asteroid attack too!
Hope you enjoy the series and it gets you thinking of some great questions of your own!
Secrets Of Everything begins on Sunday at 8pm with a double bill.
Comment number 1.
At 4th Mar 2012, Katerinasoteriou wrote:Hi Greg! Loved the show!!! It has unleashed my inner science geek!
I have 2 questions: how much water can we drink in one day? How much is too much? Is it dangerous?
Also, why don't we feel upside down when we visit Australia when it on the opposite end of the earth?
Good luck with the show!!
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Comment number 2.
At 5th Mar 2012, peter h wrote:The human decomposition test may be floored. I read somewhere that corpses where taking longer to decompose because of preservatives in the food we eat, is this so?
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Comment number 3.
At 5th Mar 2012, Chrisso wrote:Dear Greg. QI but... Earth balances itself out. Storms for example slow down or speed up the Earths rotation as they hit the Himalaya's. The taste of human flesh is subjective. Two guys in the Netherlands have eaten eachothers flesh. Cannibalism is still practised in Africa. Ears, lips, genitals, eyes and organs are eaten in voodoo like rituals. There's also an ancient recipe book on how to cook human flesh. Tesla coil. Westinghouse, Edison and Tesla. DC versus AC. Today we use 2 phase / 50 Hz. get the Hz. up to 25.000 Hz. and you don't need a Farraday cage, as proven by Tesla. Sun's surface is about 5000 degrees Celcius, Lightning around 10 million.
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Comment number 4.
At 5th Mar 2012, cusker87 wrote:hi greg, that show was truely awesome! Just a quick thought........
Is it possible to travel back/forth through time?
and if it is possible, how far can we actually travel?
it's a question i've always wanted to know. :)
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Comment number 5.
At 8th Mar 2012, owen_41 wrote:Hi Greg i think i'm right in thinking a few years ago i read or saw something on tv about scientists saying that the right foot is more ticklish than the left and that men are more ticklish than women, is there any truth in any of this? How would they have come to these conclusions?
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Comment number 6.
At 9th Mar 2012, christinker86 wrote:Hi Greg fantastic show!
My question is: I've read somewhere that if time travel is possible that we wouldn't be able to travel forward in time because the future hasn't happened yet and that we can't go further than the day we are in, but travelling back in time is possible as that has happened, but I've read that the individual person can only go as far back as the day they were born? What are your thoughts? Thanks!
Chris Tinker
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Comment number 7.
At 10th Mar 2012, suzanne-doyle wrote:Greg - you were a very memorable Maths GCSE and 'A' level student of mine. I somehow knew you would go onto great things. I only spotted your series in the paper this week, so I've missed the first few episodes. Do you know if there are any repeats planned? Congratulations. PS Your lifestyle sounds very exciting ....I'm still a Maths teacher !
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Comment number 8.
At 11th Mar 2012, Mark wrote:I've just watched programme broadcast today 11th March. Can't say I was greatly impressed with it, I feel that it was too much an arts-type presenter trying to make light of science. I was particularly upset at the discussion about whether water runs down a plughole (anti) clockwise in this or the other hemisphere, and the notion that this is an 'urban myth'. The coriolis effect was mentioned, and correctly shown in the behaviour of weather patterns in the north and south. But the demonstration using kitchen sinks in GB and Australia was unscientific tosh. It was done just three times, with a 'success' rate of one in three. Yet even the unscientific brain could see that Greg just moved a lever to withdraw the plug, and then stuck his hand in to remove it from the plughole, thus completely disturbing the flow of water down the hole. What was the conclusion of this experiment? pointless, as I saw it. The 'urban myth' was apparently shown to be just that, when a little more care would have shown that water does rotate anticlockwise down a plughole in the northern hemispher, an clockwise in the south. Now the next question has to be, what happens at the equator?
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Comment number 9.
At 12th Mar 2012, amaweni wrote:Agree with Mark, it was a useless "experiment". I have tested this theory scores of times on numerous trips to Southern Africa and where there is a fair amount of water, such as in a bath, even disturbed water will eventually ALWAYS go down the plug hole clockwise in the Southern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the Northern. Someone in the production team should have realised the conclusion was misleading.
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Comment number 10.
At 13th Mar 2012, emcheetz wrote:Hi Greg!
I don't eat breakfast, and my friend always tell me that's really bad because breakfast starts up your metabolism for the day, so your more likely to loose weight. Does breakfast actually start up your metabolism, or is it just an urban myth?
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