
Outside now...


Just finished our daily meeting at which Paul and I go through the e-mails that have come in during the day and then try to second guess what might be asked for during the show. Past experience has told us this is an almost impossible task.

For tonight’s ‘great outdoors’ theme, songs like Running Up That Hill and Nature Boy are proving popular, but then someone like Mike from Fife throws us a curved ball like “The theme from 'Picnic at Hanging Rock' by Gheorghe Zamfir.”

Still, I’d rather be caught out by a suggestion like that than do a show that’s predictable.

BTW, does anybody know a song which mentions the Murray River on Australia? Kay in Renfrew thinks it would be perfect for tonight’s show but has no idea what it is. I’ve just done an internet search for Murray River lyrics and all I got was Anne Murray doing Cry Me A River. Somehow I don’t think that’s the track Kay had in mind.

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