
Meet The Team Part 1...


I thought it was about time to introduce you to the people who work behind the scenes to get the show on air every night. We are a small team so this will be a short series. 'Meet The Team Part 1' will only run till 'Meet The Team Part 2 or maybe 3'.

To kick off - Telephone Jo. If you've ever called in for a request, it's likely that it would have been Jo who would have answered your call. Now, you can put a face to the voice...

My job is: Answering the phones and scribbling listeners requests at high speed! Printing out all the e-mails and texts and taking them through to the studio.

I am currently listening to: Old stuff - Pink Floyd, The Doors, Joy Division, Led Zeppelin. New and new ish stuff - Radiohead, Unkle, The White Stripes, Arcade Fire, Gallows, Enter Shikari, Gogol Bordello.

Celebrity I most closely resemble: My mates say Edith Bowman/Reese Witherspoon (I think they are just being kind!)

I would describe my style as: Kooky/Weird

I love: Gigs and festivals

I hate: Manufactured music

What I'll be having for tea after the show: Pasta and meatballs with tomato and chilli jam sauce

Thing I enjoy most about working on this show: Talking to people and listening to music

Bryan's most annoying habit: Its more funny than annoying, but I can hear Bryan skirling along to records from my desk!

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