I shouldn’t watch Spooks, especially two episodes back to back as I did last night. Apart from the fact that all that excitement is probably not good for my blood pressure, I have an unhealthy longing to be part of their world.
Every time I watch that show I long to work on “the grid”. I want to be surrounded by gadgets, tracking devices and the lovely Malcom who would be able to locate any song I ever wanted to play with just two keystrokes on his computer.
The ´óĎó´«Ă˝ is moving to an all digital world where all of our content will be stored on a huge hard drive. The plan is that presenters and producers will be able to log in, access all our programme material from our desktops and play it out on air digitally. So far, so like working 'on the grid'.
Problem is, the digital revolution hasn’t quite reached my bit of the ´óĎó´«Ă˝ yet. I did ask my boss when this was likely to be. “Ohhhh, you could be looking at the best part of a year,” she said as she drew breath and pulled that face so beloved of plumbers and joiners. “These things can’t be rushed…”
In the meantime, we still have to get our music the old fashioned way: via the record library in London. This is not without its issues as anyone who has ever had to have a vinyl record sent through the post will testify to.
A word of warning: don’t ask for Donna Summer’s I Feel Love on tonight’s show, not unless I can find some glue between now and 6 O’ clock…