'Songs about getting old' is the theme for tonight. As I am at least fifteen years older than everyone else on the show, it's one that I will find especially poignant.
You can post your suggestions below or you can call or text during the show. If you want to give us a call then you'll end up speaking to the lovely Simone, who is answering the phones this week and who we managed to poach from the Fred show. Just don't tell Macaulay, as I don't want to get accused of tapping up.
If you're a regular Get It On caller, here's a chance to put a face to the voice on the phone:

My job is: I'm currently a Production Assistant on Macaulay and Co. and in the evenings take the calls on Get It On.
I am currently listening to: Wohh Freaky Question considering no-ones around to see I'm listening to music....... Just happen at this very moment to have on my ipod - The Big Lebowski Soundtrack - Kenny Rogers - Just dropped In - To See what condition my condition is in ('bout sums me up really...)
Celebrity I most closely resemble: Ohh gosh what a question - love to say Naomi Campbell but I'm a foot to short and a stone overweight - but on a slightly different note when I was growing up in Alva in the '80's I used to tell kids that my dad was Mr T to stop getting bullied .... it worked so I must have a slight resemblance to the great man - failing that I mibbe look like a Whoopi Goldberg in miniature
I would describe my style as: I'd like to say cutting edge or unique but it really amounts to whatever I can afford at the time off the high street - guess I'd describe it as.... MISH MASH
I love: Gosh- is this a philosophical question ? -Erhmm love hill walking in the Ochil's and the campsies with my dog Cailin and partner Craig - Love mini breaks to Ardnamurchan with my friends and family - Love my Job and all the brill people I get to work with - I guess you could Say I love My Life and all the people - pets, random pubs and musical pleasures I've experienced thus far - (Oh and god Bless the MP3 - my tunes go everywhere with me)
I hate: The fact that I compulsively have to eat everything on my dinner plate, whether I like it or not before I let myself have a pudding ...... But I guess it's a good thing really (God Bless me Granny Campbell for that one)
What I鈥檒l be having for my tea after the show: Tonight I shall be mostly dining on ....Veggie Stir Fry and left over crimbo Ferrero Roche for dessert mmmmmmhh yumm
Thing I most enjoy about working on this show: The callers and the music they request - Love their enthusiasm for their sounds - When they tell me a track I've not heard of I get googling straight away for a wee swadge - It's a great education
Bryan鈥檚 most annoying habit: Oh has to be that contagious dancing in the studio - I have to walk out when he starts - or else I'd join in - probably get far too carried away and never get any calls answered.
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