With nearly two hours of cover versions, we certainly did The Beatles tonight. I hope it was an interesting listen.There is this assumption that The Beatles are universally loved by everyone, so for anyone who doesn't...sorry!
Tom Morton has an excellent song called Learning To Hate The Beatles, an amusing ditty about coming to terms with the 'hate that does not speak it's name'. You can listen to it on his page.
On the subject of the bands you are 'supposed' to like, Bobby from Howwood sent this e-mail:
"Bit of a difficult one for me this as I am probably the only guy on the planet who hates The Beatles! Tonight is however saved somewhat by the fact that we can hear some other, and almost certainly better interpretations of their “tunes”.
Saw Ali B’s request on the Blog for Candy Flip and “Strawberry Fields Forever” and I have too agree, great version of one of the VERY few decent Beatles songs.
Souxsie and the Banshees version of “Dear Prudence” was her other suggestion however, I would prefer to hear “Helter Skelter” which is just brilliant!!! I have NEVER heard the Beatles version of this song.
Funnily enough, Elvis Presley is another one I just don’t get!? I even made it my new years resolution a couple of years back to “Like Elvis Presley”. Always up for a challenge, I went along to HMV in Braehead and bought my first Elvis Presley album. I gave it away in February that year and never listened to him since. It was rubbish! I am sure it was the guy from The Wonder Stuff who had a T Shirt which said “Never Liked Elvis”, I always wanted that T Shirt to write “and The Beatles” below it! So if any of the listeners know where I might get my hands on one? There are only 2 Elvis’s, Costello and Custard (my new dog)."
Someone else came up with a theme of the 'acts you just don't get' - the bands and artists who are critically lauded but do nothing for you. Mine are Brian Wilson, Belle and Sebastian and The Stone Roses. Post a comment and let me know yours...
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