Beat Backshall on a highwire course

Steve during last week's Beat Backshall
Last week we tested boffin Backshall with your tricky wildlife questions whilst he had to make his way round a highwire course.
Last week Steve was beaten by 2 questions:
- How many eyelids does a camel have?
- Answer - 3
- What are the 3 types of harriers in Britain?
- Answer - Hen, Marsh and Montagu's
The questions that Steve got right were:
- What is the smallest type of shark?
- Answer - Pygmy Catshark
- Where are a butterfly's tastebuds?
- Answer - OnÌýit's feet
- How does a chameleon change the colour of its scales?
- Answer - It doesn't change the colour of its scales, it changes the colour of cells underneath the skin called chromatophores.
Can you beat the wildlife wizard this week? Send us your questions now!
Comment number 1.
At 20th Oct 2011, Spotysnake wrote:Q.What is the most venomous or poisonous animal?
A.The world's most VENOMOUS animal: Box Jellyfish a.k.a. Sea Wasp.
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Comment number 2.
At 22nd Oct 2011, U15012039 wrote:How many taste buds are on an anacondas tongue?
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Comment number 3.
At 22nd Oct 2011, shauna_h-a-p-p-y wrote:How many legs does a centipede have?
Centipedes always have an uneven number of pairs of walking legs, ranging from 15 to more than 171. The true centipedes (order Scolopendromorpha) have either 21 or 23 pairs of legs. Common house centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrato) have 15 pairs of legs.
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Comment number 4.
At 22nd Oct 2011, U15012352 wrote:Whats the most dangerous animal in the world (even the one that are now extinct)
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Comment number 5.
At 23rd Oct 2011, minto36 wrote:Why does a snake have a fork shaped tongue?
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Comment number 6.
At 27th Nov 2011, harry932 wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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