Radiohead - 'Nude'
You've got to love a video like this from a band who have made their name being ultra-serious, ultra-swotty, ultra-intense about everything in this damned and frozed world. It sort of proves a point, bearing in mind these are clearly not the miserable whinging doom-mongers their public image would suggest they are. In fact, they seem to be perfectly nice people and not at all cold or remote.
Of course, you could characterise the band's musical output as being either blissful or terrified, but rarely light-hearted or fun, and yet they can't intend to come across like this, otherwise they wouldn't make a video in which they have been filmed playing their instruments in super-slow-motion for the first half - while their skin slops about like cold custard in a rubber bowl - and then introduce the aftermath of a pillow fight in the second.
That's right, Radiohead, spitting feathers out of their mouths and generally having a whale of a time, only slowed down to a glacial crawl - no pillows on display either - so it looks pretty and people don't accuse them of becoming shallow. Because to some people, being seen to crack a smile from time to time is proof of being simple-minded. And yet here's Thom and the boys, larking about, the crazy fools!
It's a lovely song, too...just beautiful. I would say more but I've got this feather in my eye, and it's making it water a bit. Well both eyes, really...
Download: Out now
CD Released: March 31st
(Fraser McAlpine)
Reminds me a bit of all the Virgin Suicides music which is all very strange and sad.