Newton Faulkner Surfs The Web
It will come as no surprise to many of you that Newton Faulkner - the man who resembles the offspring of a ginger pirate and a mop, and finger-twiddling one-man band - is not brilliant at making websites. It's not his job to be brilliant at making websites. He's a pop star. Mariah Carey couldn't parse html code if she was forced to at gunpoint (nor could I, actually, it sounds painful), and she hangs out with web nerds. Newton Faulkner probably hangs out with buccaneers and footpads.
And yet, given the chance to talk to Newton - sorry, The Newt - about anything at all for 10 minutes or less, what's the one topic we kept going back to? Blogging. Not how to wash dreadlocks or if he ever gets into trouble with guitar manufacturers for flicking and bashing their products the way he does...but BLOGGING?
Listen to the interview...
This little extra bit is fairly self-explanitory. It's also very short, so if you want to know how the ChartBlog vs Newton Faulkner thing went down without actually going to the trouble of listening to it, here's your answer.
Two grown men, giggling like girls...
And here's , which he is so very self-depreciating about...