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Chris Evans | 08:16 UK time, Tuesday, 14 November 2006

Good Tuesday to you one and all. I awake once again with a big furry German on my bed. Enzo is having another of his weeks in London. He鈥檚 the one soul I鈥檝e met that actually becomes calmer when he leaves the country for the heady confusion of the metropolis. He seems to revel in the mystery of it all.

An post holiday thought鈥

鈥fter a couple of weeks break, it is often tempting to have a re- assimilation of one鈥檚 position in life and to come back with a list of almost mini-resolutions. As one gets older one sees this more prevalently in one鈥檚 younger colleagues and friends, I suppose it only starts to become clearer because you鈥檙e doing it less yourself.

They come back from their break and they actually pretend to be different people, it鈥檚 so funny. They may talk differently even, they鈥檝e done their hair differently, they may be wearing the dreaded native wrist band from whence they returned, they鈥檒l walk differently, what on earth do they think they look like ? It鈥檚 so funny.

I鈥檓 sure I used to do the same thing, probably up until quite recently as I鈥檝e only just begun to notice it.

One of the things you realise as you get older is that you simply cannot change things overnight. It just doesn鈥檛 work. Making decisions is as easy as turning a canoe, real change in oneself is about as easy to as turning an oil tanker. This doesn鈥檛 mean it can鈥檛 be done just that it鈥檚 going to take time.

This last holiday I had has been amongst the best ever. It was a real doing holiday. I feel fulfilled and relaxed because I went and did some of the things I love doing. The only regret I have is that I hadn鈥檛 done something like this sooner. I feel great, my mind is in a good place and the waft of wholesomeness that I experienced has snook itself into my suitcase and found it鈥檚 way back home with me.

It鈥檚 good when your life check list starts to become a reconfirmation of what you鈥檙e doing is right as opposed to a complete overhaul of your existence because you feel you鈥檙e doing most things wrong. Ah sweet wisdom.

So, I鈥檝e done the cooking course, I鈥檝e been bush crafting, both have a waiting list of two years by the way, that鈥檚 how good they are. So, what have you done, heard of, or been tempted to do and how much better are any of them than lying on a beach acquiring a tan that鈥檚 only going to disappear twice as fast as it arrived, whilst trying to feel hungry for the next meal as you鈥檝e done sod all all day, apart from pile on a stone that鈥檚 going to make you feel depressed as hell the second you get back home ?

I had a mate once who went to the Cook Islands as a ship hand, he booked it up via NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, said it changed his life鈥 he was only 27!

Preparation, preparation, preparation.

Last night I came home from work bought a couple of beers and re-heated a rabbit stew that I鈥檇 made at the weekend. Whilst this was sorting itself out, I stripped a chicken for the rest of the week and tossed it around in a big bowl of broccoli, cottage cheese, sweated chopped leeks, plenty of olive oil, salt and pepper and big gloop of pesto. I then boiled off the carcass with whatever else I could find which has set me a good stock up should I need it in the next few days.

The beer was then unopened, a glass of red wine sat on the side to breathe, a quick fag on the balcony, then it was in front of the telly with the stew on ma鈥 knee for PLANET EARTH ON TAPE, MASTERMIND and the last SPOOKS boo hoo, starring Daniel Craig;s younger brother and Jo Whiley鈥檚 elder sister.

Great writing, so relevant, great acting and what an ending ! And what a stew ! And what a fab Monday night !

To think several million people instead spent an hour of their lives watching ten sad celebs doing nothing particularly at all for no particular reason in a scenario the exact same of which we鈥檝e all seen before. They probably did this in between flicking through OK and HEAT magazine, not talking to each other save to slag off the people on screen, (highly constructive) whilst contemplating where to book their next beach holiday.

I really can鈥檛 see why ITV is in such crisis can you ?

To the good my friends and never the bad, it鈥檚 the only way.


P.S. The Great Enzo yawns a morning guten tag, from the Blog Bed.


  1. At 08:35 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Jude wrote:

    Great to have you back Christophe- on the Blog and Radio of course.You sound like you had a brill time.

    Can't believe I am first this morning - it's a bit scary!!

    Know exactly what you mean about the 'sad celebs' what a waste of time - I have Spooks to look forward to so hope no one tells me the ending before I see it!!

    It's going to be a good day today methinks.......

    Jude x

  2. At 08:39 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:


    Welcome back (etc). Sorry I'm late.

    Perhaps ITV will improve once you have bought it over - ha ha. But maybe ITV is now just an extension of what has happened to our
    snooze-papers. Have to say I accidentally caught the "follow-up" on ITV2 (because that's where my digi-box was left on he said hurriedly) and I sat open-mouthed. You have to see it to see what I mean (and it wasn't just their more-than-once broadcast of "F" and that was the hosts - Kelly Osbourne and someone else who's name escapes me). Another indicator of the way we are all going is they have a "text-in" (of course) BUT (and I had to squint to see what it said) there is a codicil on the end that if you
    DON'T WANT their marketing texts you have to
    put summat specific on the end of your text.
    Who the flip is gonna notice or reead that?
    (I know, there's a wee conradiction there)

    Gaby #147 on 30th October : There isa film of "Tuesdays with Morrie" starring Jack Lemmon, his last film as it happens. Can be bought on-line from 拢3.99 to 拢5.99 depending. If you
    enjoyed "T/W/M" I would highly recommend Mitch Albom's other book "The five people you meet in heaven" (also out on film but only on Region-1). I've mentioned it here before, some people didn't like it; it's horses for courses. I read it one sad Sunday afternoon and really enjoyed it; so much so I'm on my fifth copy picked up at car-boot sales (etc) and dumped on unsuspecting colleagues.

    Have a good one people

  3. At 08:46 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Lizzybeth wrote:

    Aren't 'doing' holidays great! We spent a month in New Zealand last year and (due to my rather ferocious planning) were on the go all the time. We ate good, simple food and had an adventure every single day...my favourite was getting up at 5am to see the reflection of Mt Cook in the still waters of Lake Matheson followed by the most delicious breakfast at the cafe as we watched the sun rise. This was followed by a heli hike on Franz Josef Glacier and a 5 hour drive south along the west coast of the South Island. The day came to a close with a lovely meal at a superb seafood restaurant on the shores of Lake Wanaka. It was honestly the best day of my life! Plus, life in a campervan taught me that I didn't need to watch telly for the sake of it so now I only choose the good stuff to watch and catch up on the headlines every night- not a mini resolution but a new and much healthier way of life!!! How amazing and simply breathtaking is Planet Earth?!? What a great world we live in.

    I think the next holiday plan is skiing...

  4. At 08:50 AM on 14 Nov 2006, anna wrote:

    Now then, CLP. I am going to take issue here - i watched said ITV programme last night, and i have absolutely no problem with that.

    I enjoyed watching the drivvel on the telly cos it was nothing that needed my attention and sometimes that is a good thing.

    The night before i watched Reach for the Sky, because my WWII knowledge is poor and i wanted to improve (Dam Busters next) and tonight we have a documentary pencilled in - prior to the next installment of itv drivvel. (eaten whilst enjoying the home cooked sausage and beer casserole with chedder mash)

    I think it is important to question oneself, challenge our boundaries and push ourselves to learn new things, that is a large part of how i make my living but - i also think it is important to relax in what ever way suits us best and who are you or anyone else to judge how that should be.

    I shall now hop off my high horse - Lorraine is on!


  5. At 08:54 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Jo wrote:

    Morning all :o)

    Treasure Enzo, you never know when fate will come and wrench him away from you - we're reeling from the news that our Charley has bone cancer at 20 months. The news last night at the vet is that we probably have about 6-8 weeks left with him before his leg (where the cancer is) becomes too painful and he has to leave us. It's such a shame but is something that we are becoming more pragmatic about. It's all about him now and making sure he as the best quality of life. He's happy though as the vet said to feed him a bit more than usual!

    A picture for those interested!

    He's the baby one at the front with his uncle William - a bit old now but still cute!

    My ideal holiday wouldn't be a beach one (and I didn't watch the jungle thing), I like to spend a good 2 weeks in the south of France on the banks of the river, living in a tent, cooking on a bbq and supping lots of quality wine. I never come back with a new hairdo, mainly because on holiday it rarely gets a wash let alone a cut and blow dry. I figure if I'm swimming in the river everyday it's clean enough!!

    Sounds like you had a very producitve Monday night Christoph. After the vets we took the easy option and had Chinese! is that naughty for a Monday??

    :o) Jo

  6. At 08:56 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Eleanor's Mum wrote:

    Oops, managed to blog today despite protestations of being too busy yesterday. Hey Ho.

    Wow - recipe sounds lovely - but where was your secret green sauce?

    We've been doing lots of casseroles (won't eat stew - that's what my mum used to cook with turnip, evil infesting vegetable that is yukky), but have been experimenting with fishy type ones. Anyone got any good recipes we can swap? Or is that a bit cardinganny?

    Holidays are miraculous things, but life gets in the way of them for us. We don't earn enough to be able to save much up, and what spare money we do have goes on silly things like keeping the car on the road.

    However, there is one great way to pretend you're not where you don't want to be.

    Find a patch of green, doesn't have to be your lawn, just anywhere where you have an unobstructed view of the sky.

    Lie down on your back, plug in some cool music and spread your arms out. After a few minutes, your body will relax and if you're doing this outside, you'll soon begin to feel the earth spinning below you. It's fab.

    I used to do it in the cemetery that was next to my mum's garden. :-)

    Happy Chooseday to you Christophle, and all bloggers, and may it be a smiley one.


  7. At 09:06 AM on 14 Nov 2006, steve potts wrote:

    Good morning Chris & bloggers,

    I totally agree with you about the state of current television.

    There are a few diamonds in amongst the dross, though not enough unfortunately.

    Channel 4 is by far the worst offender, the former controller has had a pop about the content and quality.

    This is a great pity as they have commissioned and produced great and groundbreaking entertainment in the past, such as the tube and TFI Friday, what,s gone wrong?.

    Here endeth the rant, keep it real Christoff.


  8. At 09:09 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    Morning Chris!

    A blog full of content marvellous! I love your lust for life, i love the fact you have learnt through every mistake, so much so they are no longer mistakes at all. I love your honesty and quality of life and choices you make!

    I thought people like this, people who are passionate aboutthings, were few and far between, but you seemed to have collected us all and given us all the blog!

    Mybestfriend has just come back from hertravels of the globe and I was relieved to see she has kept herself nicely intact! Tomorrow i am spending the day with her in York tomorrow! I just know my day is going to be full of good drink, good food and real conversation along with the odd cigerette!

    I made a decision a few weeks ago that on my 40th birthday I will get on a plane to where ever my purse can afford, my now three year old will be ready to embark on his own adventures and i will have mine! I want to go alone and i want to feel more scared than I have ever felt in my life!


    ps Chris i would love to win the auction to meet you for children in need, do you think the 拢10 I have in my bank will do it? How about if i paid in installments!!!

  9. At 09:10 AM on 14 Nov 2006, prof Plum wrote:

    I used to quite enjoy the mystery of a package holiday, especially if you booked one of those Accommodation allocated on arrival type. Would the plane take off on time or be delayed 10 hours? Would you be sat next too Mr and Mrs Tattoo with the children from hell on the plane? Would your luggage arrive at the airport of your destination with you.? Would Mr and Mrs Tattoo be on your transfer coach.? Would they be staying at the same hotel? Would the next hotel en route be yours because the last one we dropped off at, looked like a state penitentiary. Would you have to be up at the crack of dawn to secure a sun lounger with a towel? Would you get bitten by mosquito on your face and resemble the Elephant man? Would you have too much to drink at happy hour and embarrass yourself doing karaoke and avoid everyone鈥檚 gaze at breakfast the next day? Would you run into the same people everyday asking 鈥 What are you doing today鈥 Well nothing much I think we shall stay around the pool again鈥.
    Would you have hair braids done by the local gypsy? Would you buy some gifts to take home which your friends will hide in a cupboard and only bring out when you visit. Would it be nice to get home? Too darn right , and when you get back everyone tells you the weather has been in the nineties whilst you were away

    Morning one and all

  10. At 09:14 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Mary wrote:

    I love Holidays where you do things rather than sitting around and reading. I am twenty two and I have never been on an 18-30s thing. Mainly because I would rather knaw my leg off, but also they encourage you to do nothing but sit on the beach all day! Which does not work for me! Like you Chris I too am a Ginger and I Burn, I like to explore and meet locals! If I want a beach Holiday I will go to the Isle Of Wight!

    Have a great day! x

  11. At 09:16 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Bonnes matins Krystof et tout le monde

    I'm feeling right smug that I was right about the girl. It's nice every now and then...I shall get out my red pen and put a ring around yesterdays date lest I forget I was right at least once this year...

    Any road up. I prefer to have a non-doing holiday. The reason being that the boy and I seem to spend an awful lot of time 'doing' stuff when we aren't on holiday, and his work is very physical, so the poor baby needs a rest!

    Having said that, we do walking, swimming, reading, proper talking/conversations and other things, so we can actually look forward to our dinner instead of wishing it was in a minute coz we're bored now!

    ...and I'm ashamed to say, I REALLY had to have an early night last night, so I only managed the first 10 mins of Spooks. I cannae believe it Cap'un! Snoring by nine thirty according to the boy....

    I can only redeem myself by saying that I cannot BEAR 'Leave me in the jungle and make me eat mealy grubs because that's the only way I can maintain my stick thin figure', so I wouldn't have watched this either!

    It was definitely the result of all the hugs I got yesterday. Helped me to forget my worries for a little while so I was able to actually sleep. Thank you again all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    SOOOOOOO onward and upward for the fine Tuesday that is lying ahead

    PS Big love JO xxxxxxxx

  12. At 09:20 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Great to have you back Chris. Enjoyed all the comments re 'you know when you're getting older when..'

    My most memorable and fun holidays have been taking the motor bikes across to the continent and touring round new places. What can beat getting lost in a foreign country where we don't speak the language, roasting under a hot sun in our leathers when stopping to check the map to see where we've gone wrong, eventually getting to a hotel room or camp site and being able to at last peel off those said leathers and have a cool shower and relax?

    Has Sally been and done her bike test yet? Tell her it opens up a whole new way of life. I think it keeps you young too!

    Fresh out of college I took a holiday in the south of England working for a charity providing holidays for disabled people. I ended up staying a year. What a fantastic place it was. It attracted people of all ages to work there, from 16-80yrs. I think I gained a lot from that year that has stayed with me until now.

    Well enjoy your day everyone.


  13. At 09:25 AM on 14 Nov 2006, cath wrote:

    Chrissy?! I have to take issue with that ... I'm a Celeb is very funny! I always think anything that makes you laugh before you go to bed has got to be a good thing. Talking of which, are you watching the new Never Mind the Buzzcocks? The presenter (can't remember his name) - is just FAB!

    Re the post-holiday wrist band (and haven't we all been there?!) - I think it's cos you get a taste of a different way of life and you try and hold on to it for as long as possible. No bad thing if it makes you question the way you live and strive to change.

    Great show last night, so lovely to have you back.


  14. At 09:31 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    Morning all -
    I always try to have a doing holiday. But I don't know whether it's because I want to explore and sample more of the world - or whether my attention span is low, or whether I'm not really relaxed just to lie down on a beach. (And that was tried once and never ever ever again!)

    I think it's because I hate the idea of missing out on something - everything is there to be tasted, enjoyed and recalled. And everytime I come back from holiday, it's not so much that I'm a different person, but that I'm more focused on what I want to do next. (Which no doubt includes another holiday!!)

    Oh well - I hope someone will console me over missing I'm a celebrity I can't believe it's not butter form last night. Oh the pain - and that's when it's on tv by the way.

    Till later!
    PS - Hazel - here's your hug for today!
    PPS - Enzo - woof woof woof...

  15. At 09:36 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris & Bloggers,

    I think the biggest change in my life was probably when I decided to pack my life onto my Vespa when I was 17 and go visit my friend Linzi who had got herself a job at a Pontins holiday camp. I had no intentions of coming home for a while though I told my parents I was off for the weekend. I came back 7 months later after a fab summer working as a cold buffet chef and living with the lovely lifeguard Daniel (he was my first love ahhhhhhhhh!). I'm sure it wasn't all as I recall through rose tinted specs but what I learned was that I could be whatever I wanted to be and travel wherever I wanted to go, the only thing stopping me was myself.

    Now I chose to live close to my parents as they are wonderful people and I want to share the time I have with them. I'm never sure from one year to the next what it is I want to do but at least I'm having fun along the way.

    Life is a journey and the minute I start feeling like I've arrived I just hope there's someone around to show me another pathway I hadn't yet seen and another adventure waiting for me to try.

    Thanks for the blog this morning. I feel like I'm ready to take the world by the scruff of the neck again now. And with that I'm off to meet some hunky rugby players...

    Mange Tout everybody


  16. At 09:37 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Helen Byrne wrote:

    Reading your blog about people wasting their lives on beach holidays to Majorca (for example!!), made me want to tell you about our exciting trip to Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia!! My hubby Dom and I are off there next month for a whole month back packing - it's true! Life really does begin at 40!! Hurrah!!!
    Thanks for a brilliant show Chris - I dart out of the office every evening to listen to your show in the car!
    Never a dull moment!!! love from Helen in Norfolk x

  17. At 09:38 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Tiggy wrote:

    OMG Jo, Charley is so beautiful! I've been reading your reports about him all last week and had no idea he was so young! My Mum lost her beloved Sparky in May he was an 11 year old Shetland Sheepdog and was taken ill while she was on holiday in Tenerife with my Dad. He got really bad when they got home, so they rushed him to the vet who found a mass in his liver. Operation was quickly carried out but Sparky wasn't strong enough and died in recovery. Turned out it was cancer, obviously he'd had it a while but was showing no signs.
    I know he was 'just a dog' as so many people will say but I still bought her a sympathy card as he was so much more to her and the rest of the family, we all miss him terribly but know he did live a good life.
    Treasure him while you have him, you'll never regret it
    Sorry if this sounds preachy, not meant to be at all but I'm not too hot with words!

    {{{{{hugs}}}}} from me to you and Charley


  18. At 09:41 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:




    You may have seen on the news that part of Hove (that's the real part of Brighton actually) was evacuated yesterday.


    Can't even listen again as the sound card has ceased it's function on the home apparatus, and they won't CENSORED work...

    ah well

    PS - PROF PLUM - Am laughing and laughing...superb x

  19. At 09:48 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Ethan Nroh wrote:

    A very good Tuesday to you one and all, but I have to let of some steam first.
    That mind clogging frustratingly self important Simon Cowell does it again. We (kids and family) are going to see one of the biggest bands that his record label has, Westlife in Minehead, but not only will he reap the rewards of their record sales he will receive some cut, I am sure, of the concert ticket sales.
    However it seems his fans are no more than pure dots of money, he has decided to use his position to change an entire evenings pre-booked concert by announcing in front of millions that Westlife will be live in 2 places at once!!
    How can this be my children asked. Well it turns out he has the power to move concerts in order to get his own way and has forced the boys to play early and leave without signing autographs or seeing their fans to jump on a chopper to London.
    Has this 鈥減regnant gold fish鈥 (Ask a fisher man) of a man forgotten what it is like to be a fan? Or is the power of money just finally gone to his huge head?
    The latter I believe is the true answer, Well Mr Cowell what have you got to say for yourself?
    The concerts have been booked and planned for a year in advance so don't try telling anyone they were booked for your show first because that will just add to the insult. -
    So anyway, have a great show Mr Chris Evans always a pleasure and never a ...

  20. At 09:59 AM on 14 Nov 2006, soozy woo wrote:

    Good Morning all

    I have to say I'm a fan of both doing holidays and doing-nothing-at-all holidays.

    If it's too planned I tend not to want to do it. My summer holidays when I was 'ickle are the best example I can think of. My parents and some friends of theirs packed up their hoards of children (there were 4 of us and 4 of their friends kids plus any school friends/foster children) and took us camping in France for 4-5 weeks every year.

    We were like wild children. We wandered off after breakfast and returned when we were hungry. (not so much famous five - more like the infamous 10!) I learned how to speak French (mange tout!), how to speak a bit of Dutch and German, what the effects were of putting a banger and a slug in close proximity (brothers, what joy!) and many many many more things. I'm sure it's those holidays that made me who I am. (good or bad, not for me to say)

    As for the drivvel on ITV last night. I'm a Celebrity? Excluding the forever wonderful Mr Donovan (Especially for You was the first record I ever bought - aged 6 by the way) I am more of a celebrity than any of them - I'm published on the 大象传媒 website don't you know?


    Gosh, that soap box is high, I'll climb down.

    Have a wonderful, sunny day all.


  21. At 10:02 AM on 14 Nov 2006, soozy woo wrote:

    On a completely unrelated subject, I just needed to tell people (who hopefully wouldn't laugh too much).

    Did anyone watch the rememberance sunday programme on the 大象传媒 on Sunday? I did. My Grandad marches every year with the Normany Veterans, and every year I watch the service and look for him. For 20 years, I've never seen him (there are 10,000 of them).

    This year they gave him a close up. There he was, blazer, tie, medals and all. He's somehow 3 inches taller when he puts his medals on, he's so proud.

    I cried.

    Then, when he got home I told him off for not wearing his coat! He is 84 afterall, and I'm not ready to lose him to pneumonia.

    I'm so proud of my grandad.


  22. At 10:03 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Est wrote:


    Just to say really enjoyed spooks last night too! Pure escapism but at the same time there is a tiny part of you thinking maybe this could happen!! We turned over to ITV afterwards for about a second to see the 'celebrity' programme. My husband and I just looked at each other and thought no!!! Watched the news instead.
    Really enjoying the show, have listened to you on the radio since The Greenhouse days on GLR!

  23. At 10:04 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Good morning Chris, nice to see you are back on form, refreshed from your various jaunts. One thing I am at a loss to understand, it is patently obvious from reading the blog & listening to you that you are a sensitive, appreciative intelligent kind of guy. But why do you still snatch the occasional cigarette? It is very off putting from a fancying viewpoint you know not to mention it being bad for your health. Just an observation! Enjoy having Enzo around - he obviously prefers hustle and bustle of city life, bless him. Have a good day fellow bloggers.

    Jane x

  24. At 10:24 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Rachel P wrote:

    Well Chris, you must be gutted: Jane T from North Yorkshire doesn't fancy you because you smoke.

    I love watching trash, and reading trash. As it happens, I don't like I'm a celebrity but I do not eschew trash. Sooooooo relaxing. Think of Heat - no reading involved, just pictures. Great.

    Have no clue who Enzo is.

  25. At 10:25 AM on 14 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    Morning Chris and fellow Bloggees,

    My "oil tanker turning" change is to find and create more time.

    When my hubby and I go on holiday, little changes from our home life... We go to the New Forest (one day it wiil be home), we stay in a cottage which becomes a home from home. The difference is the extra time, I can walk with him and the dogs everyday (normally I'm out at work), I bake bread or cakes early in the mornings (I'd normally be leaving for work). I cook a lovely meal every night (I'm not normally back from work in time), that may seem a bit boring to many but it's our dream and so frustrating because in reality it's all so close yet so far....I love my job, I would just like to be able to do it using less hours. (The really bizarre thing is that while being off sick, which is a nightmare, the wierd positive is that I am finding more time???)

    Take care all

    PS Jo, thinking of you and Charley, another beautiful piccy.

    Hazel Love, hugs to you

  26. At 10:27 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wilsmar wrote:

    #21 S-Woo Not laughing - can't see for the tear's.
    Must go 'cos the nose has started crying too!!


  27. At 10:30 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Just a quickie (thank goodness for that I hear you cry)

    Hazel Love - just had a listen again for you....Chris said that you had said that you were older than Demi Moore and Madonna : ) : )

    #2 Steevie fae Dundee + Glas thank you for the information re the film of Tuesdays with Morrie. I HAVE read 'The Five People You Meet in Heaven' - enjoyed that one too. I smiled at your comment re dumping 'The Five People.....' on unsuspecting work colleagues- I have been doing the same with 'Tuesdays with....'. So far ... so good : )

    got to dash (hurrah, I hear you cry)



    ps Rufus Sewell (or have we finished the name game)

  28. At 10:32 AM on 14 Nov 2006, melanie c wrote:

    Morning All.
    With you all the way Cath (#13). I think that "I'm a Celebrity" is great bedtime viewing. That David Gest bloke is just awful, whatever did Liza Minelli see in him??...all that botox, eugh!!!!!
    Oh, Prof Plum, how funny, but remarkably true about the package holiday. My man and I have been to some wonderful places under our own steam, as the package holiday deal is really not for us. South Africa is THE best place we have been to so far.
    Great show last night Mr Evans, and the music was just fabbo... Cant wait for tonight's show.
    Laters Peeps.....

  29. At 10:39 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Emma SK wrote:

    You know Chris Eeyore said "It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine" which is heartening, and I guess what I get from that is now that I have reached the heady age of 38 its not always the outside sunshine that I look for its the inside sunshine.

    My inside sunshine comes from laughing and talking with the people I love, with a glass of Rioja in one hand and (yes its bad) a fag in the other. Or from standing at the top of a tall hill with the wind blowing my hair in my eyes. Or dancing with friends to 'It's raining men" or of course "dancing queen" or driving with my fourteen year old son in the car and playing Greenday, American Idiot at top volume, with the sunroof open even if its raining. And puddle splashing, and leaf kicking, and going on the bouncy castle.

    So maybe that's it:- when we go on holiday we're looking for the inner sunshine, whether it involves walking, cycling, bush crafting, lying on a beach, or dancing til 2am (did I really EVER have the energy to DO that).

    The question your blog leaves me with is are all those millions of people watching the sad celebs looking for the sunshine in the wrong places?

    Ok its a corny corny corny post. But if sunshine is what makes you happy then we should keep on looking for it.

    Go Eeyore, you rock. Even if pliget (as my son used to call him) is my very favourite.


    p.s. Its GREAT to have you back

  30. At 10:40 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Dickie Drain wrote:

    I have just returned to work after having taken the whole of the summer off. I was made redundant in April after 13 years in a Japanese Bank. Timing was impeccable.
    Made redundant. Huge payoff.
    Son No1 flunks College.
    Son No.2 worried about exams.
    Wife wants to Puppy sit for Guide Dogs for the blind.
    Treat myself to a Smart roadster
    Convince Son No1 that he should become apprentice hairdresser. He gets the Job!
    Buy son No1 a car so he can learn to drive.
    Help son no2 with schoolwork.
    Say it鈥檚 ok to have a pup for a year.
    Go and visit sister in France for the first time and have a fab fab time.
    Convince no1 son to play golf again after a 4 year lay off. He gets a hole in one on the 10th Hole! He passes his driving test the next day! (lucky sod)
    Holiday and more golf/cooking/doggy walking
    Return to work relaxed, chilled and a very happy family man.

  31. At 10:41 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Good morning all

    You ask, Chris, what we have done, or been tempted to do, on holiday rather than simply acquiring a tan that will disappear faster than a politician's promises after re-election.

    To answer this question in both words and pictures, I would point yourself, and anyone else who is interested, to one of my less enjoyable (aka 'near death') encounters in an African safari park whilst on a short holiday in Kenya last April.

    My holidays are rarely as enjoyable as yours, I'm afraid, as I seem to attract something approaching bad karma whenever I try to relax. Maybe I was a bad person in a previous life.

    In other news....

    Denise, my faithful, poignant and shy receptionist has finally decided to come out of her shell and face the public. Having refused to go speed dating, joing an internet dating site, place a lonely hearts ad or even go to a nightclub, she has finally succumbed to the idea of advertising herself on video. Any single men out there with a broad-minded outlook might like to view her video on the blog. Here's the link:

    Please do not be cruel. She is very, very sensitive. If she even senses that anyone is being less than sympathetic, the video will be pulled.


    J McC

  32. At 10:45 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Gilly wrote:

    Soozywoo- Bless you and your lovely Grandad.

    Joannie, tickle and mwk- thanks for your kind thoughts yesterday- but I didn't get the job. Trying to be philosophical about it- "wasn't meant to be..." Will spend the morning feeling sorry for myself, then fully intend to find my stiff upper lip and pick myself up.

    Best holidays?..I have fantastic memories of backpacking around New Zealand- about fifteen years ago on my own, and back again 5 years ago when my son was 6.
    Did the beach/hotel thing a couple of years ago with said son- best two days we had were when I hired a car and we went exploring the Greek island we were on.

    Happy Tuesday.

  33. At 10:47 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Susan wrote:

    Morning all!

    Last year I took six months out, lived in a camper van, travelling up the west coast of Britain from Newquay around Wales and up to Blackpool. Oh, and I walked 1,100 miles too! It was an amazing experience and probably the only holiday I've ever had where I DID come back a changed person. When you're walking for so long each day and then coming back to my camper home with no TV, no radio that works, etc, etc, you have a lot of time for contemplation! I've changed my life radically, I've moved from London to a tiny village in Norfolk, hardly watch TV, listen to more music, cook fresh veggies, have loads of people to come and chill out for the weekend, am entertaining most weekends, no more ready meals, volunteered for a local rescue centre and walk their dogs, etc, etc. I'd never go back to how I was before March 2005. NEVER!!!

    Take care all, happy Tuesday.

  34. At 10:47 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Have just listened again to yesterday's show as I was chatting on the phone to my mum and missed it, OH MY GOD, I'm so excited!!!

    I didn't watch I'm a Celebrity last night. I've always watched it before but I just couldn't face it this time. I don't know if I'm getting old, or it's just becoming more of a freak show than ever. Unfortunately lots of people love this kind of programme, one of my friends is very proud of the fact that this is the only reality TV she watches! I'm just surprised people as rich as Ant and Dec still have anything to do with it. I guess they must be tied into a contract, poor sods!

    God I'm turning into a grumpy old woman aren't I?!

    Great to have you back hon,

    Em xx

  35. At 10:57 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Tracey-Ann wrote:

    I`m coming home from the sea today, just wanted to pop in and say hi, was reading away happily, but just wanted to say, I am related to one of those "sad celebs"....I will be watching EVERY night as will all of my friends and family....

    I have NEVER been on a beach holiday in my life, prefering instead to go off the beaten track. I don`t read trashy magazines full of useless (mostly untrue) gossip and I most certainly engage in conversation of an evening rather than comment about people I have never met.

    Have you met every person that watches the aforementioned television programme Chris or are you making a massive sweeping statement based on a generalisation or assumption ?

    I love you to bits Chris but really ????

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. The break has done me good. I`m still feeling very positive about the whole situation.

    Take care one and all... Its a jungle out there !

    All my love as always

    Tracey-Ann x x

  36. At 11:00 AM on 14 Nov 2006, mwk wrote:

    Morning All,

    Work is getting in the way of the blog this morning!! :-) Will catch up at lunch time.

    Hazel just wanted to let you know he read out
    your msg #5 from yesterday mentioning
    Demi Moore and Madonna.........I think that was
    his way of sending you a hug :-)

    Have a good day everyone.

    Take care
    Love Mary xx

  37. At 11:08 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Tobes wrote:


    Is it better to educate or forget?

    I met the girl of my dreams up a mountain in January whilst Snowboarding in Bulgaria... Now 10 months on everything is fantastic, I am a 5 years older than her and am getting to the point in my life where I like the wine, the food and the walking and the talking and she also seems to be enjoying it but I want her to enjoy it for herself as well and not just because I enjoy it...

    Does that make any sense at all??

    Just looking for a little advice if possible!

    Ps: feels great to have the BLOG back, life felt strange without it!

    Have a great day one and all

  38. At 11:09 AM on 14 Nov 2006, a friend for Hazel Love wrote:

    hallo you all hazel has had to not be present for a short time you are all kindness inpersonated thank you gaby for the listening game and to all of you sending hugs and cake too she is finding some things difficult but it is not the boy so this is good this enzo reminds me of one of the border CENSORED we had when we were at CENSORED he was big handsome too gaby you keep saying rufus swell who is this

  39. At 11:17 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Duracell wrote:

    Great to have both you and the Blog back, as far as holidays go doing holidays are the only way to go i've been addicted to them scince I was a kid, having been part of a very active scout troop going camping almost every weekend from about the age of 12 learning how to forage and survive in the great outdoors. Injury has now stopped me from sking and climbing so I now spend a month a year travelling to far of places meeting great people scubadiving with the fishes by day and drinking gin and tonic as the sun goes down it really gives you something to look forward to on a cold wet day in london.

    Keep up the good work


  40. At 11:19 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Emma SK wrote:

    p.s. I just wanted to say that I was very very very sad about the rabbit stew. Cows and Pigs and Sheep and Chickens are fair game- they stand still and LET you catch them, but at 2am this morning, I was woken by our rabbit Sock calling out "help me mummy, help me mummy" in a sort of squeally crying loud way, and went into the garden in an entrancing combination of silk nighty, tea stained dressing gown and partners deck shoes, to find our bunny had escaped from his run and couldn't get back in and was being stalked by next doors tiger. He NEARLY got eaten. He was lucky. Unlike the one in your stew.

    Don't know why I can't eat bunny I just can't.



    p.s that doesn't mean I don't still love you I do. I jut think that you shouldn't go eating rabbit stew,

    Its surely not good for you.

    or the rabbit

  41. At 11:19 AM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Morning all,

    Woke up at 8.40am arrived at work at 9.25am, had beans on toast for dinner last night, feel quite icky now as a result.

    Tuesday, its a bad bad bad bad day for me this time around!!!!!

    Jo, your Charley is a gorgeous little thing (and his uncle too) am thinking of you!

    Watched Holiday last night and now want to go to Szechaun in China and Lake Cuomo in Italy. Would especially like to go to China and also Tibet - who wouldnt want to go to a country where more importance is placed on gross national happiness than gross national product??!! Think our government could take a leaf out of their book - sooooooo many unhappy peeps out there!

    Ugh.......am now going to crawl under my desk and quietly expire.................

    ttfn xxxx

  42. At 11:23 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    Gilly -
    Sorry to hear you didn't get the job. Never mind, have a good mope around and then get back on those feet. It's obviously not meant to be, it could have turned out a horrible job that you'd have hated in the end - so maybe it's for the best...?

    Keep positive - easily said I know - and stick with it. I'm a firm believer of the "Things will work out well in the end" mantra!


  43. At 11:38 AM on 14 Nov 2006, ChrissieS wrote:

    Welcome back Chris (and hi to everyone else),

    Great blog today and the comments are brilliant as always! Holidays are just a wonderful way to re-charge the batteries. I love going to Spain (the quiet villages and little towns that still exist) and adore spending 3 hours over a bottle of wine (or two), people watching. Nothing to beat it. I cannot stand going anywhere near a beach, but for some people that's their idea of heaven, so that's fine by me. When I come back from holiday, not only am I wearing the clothes I bought there, carrying a VERY loud canvass bag, but I find I have completely forgotten how to type when I get back to work! I don't think I walk differently, but you get my drift.

    Tracey-Ann - thank you for reminding us that "celebs" are people too and they have families! Personally, I have had enough of reality tv, but I hope your relative wins the show!

    Chris, it's great to have you back. It's been a long two weeks, however your little family on this blog have kept everything going, it's been really fascinating to read.

    Just about to go - but on the subject of changing ourselves - every single 1st January since I was 25, I have vowed that the new year would see a new me. It has NEVER happened! I think we can change a wee bit, perhaps the stuff that we know we need to work on, but basically we are who we are, I wish it could be different!

    C xx

    P.S. As for Simon Cowell (Ethan #19) he must get his ounce of flesh. I am sure the very last thing the guys in Westlife need is to do two shows back-to-back but what Mr Cowell wants, it would seem he gets!

  44. At 11:53 AM on 14 Nov 2006, gail bedwell wrote:

    hi chris thoroughly agree with your comments on the 10 "wasters" . my evening much more satisfying ........getting on broadband to get myself into 21st c now theres a thought about people being younger. the world wide web MUST be younger than me [im 42!] LOVE enzo really miss mine will have to start looking for a puppy think cheers chris have a good day

  45. At 11:54 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Morning all,

    Why is it non smokers and ex smokers think that we smokers are so stupid?

    Do they think that we are not aware of the damage it can cause? Do they think that we can't read the warnings plastered on the packets? Do they really, honestly think that we do it to 'look cool'. Do they even bother to ask why, before preaching at us.

    After the news yesterday about prisoners with drug addictions one would hope that this witch hunt towards smokers (as its a perfectly legal habit) would subside, but no. I can't get through a day without hearing more about smoking being banned in public places, which apparently includes bus stops. Queuing in Alton Towers is a smoke free zone, which is great when there is 3 hour wait. I heard a while ago about some social workers refusing to go into some homes because the residents smoke.

    I was in an Indian restaurant the other week, and lit up a fag. The table next to me made such a fuss, over exaggerated coughing, wafting menus and calling a waiter over so they could change tables. My suggestion - don't sit in the smoking section!

    I don't drink, I don't do any drugs other than caffeine and nicotine, I pay for my own cigarettes at over inflated prices due to the tax on them and if /when I get ill later I may be refused treatment because of my disgusting habit. I am fed up of being treated as a second class citizen because of a choice I have made. I know its not sensible, I know its bad for me and I hope in time I will be able to give up, but right now I get so frustrated that all I want to do is light up.

    I am not defending smoking, I am defending those of us that enjoy a smoke, and we will pay the consequences if thats the way our lives pan out. With all the latest legislation which doesn't only affect smokers but also businesses one has to ask why don't they just ban cigarette sales all together, make it an offence, make it illegal, but I guess they would miss all that revenue.

    I guess that will get the ball rolling on some heated debate.

    Signing off and going for a fag!

    MW, a!

  46. At 11:55 AM on 14 Nov 2006, KIMBERLEY BILLS wrote:

    Hi Chris
    just a quickie as I am at work!! My last holiday was 10 days in Simferopol (city in the Crimea ) I went with the charity Samaritan's Purse. I spent my time painting Disney murals on the walls of an HIV and infectious diseases ward in a childrens hospital and renovating parts of the children's Street Shelter.There were 12 of us in the group aged from 25 to 64 ( only 2 girls though ! ) - we had the most amazing time - worked hard and played hard.
    I would not say it changed my life - as I am very
    aware of how lucky I am etc - but it just makes you look at things differently. I hope to go again in 2007.
    Having said all that I do love a skiing holiday!
    looking forward to the show later
    Kim x
    PS love your dog x

  47. At 12:00 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Andy wrote:


    It is great your back
    Stuart is not you and not that good either

    I though spooks was superb, and brilliantly done

    I'm a celeb where is my agent is awful, ITV used to be a decent TV station and now it is rotten
    No wonder they are about to be taken over

  48. At 12:17 PM on 14 Nov 2006, soozy woo wrote:

    Mariella #45 - Just want to give you my support here. I dont' actually smoke (anymore) but I fully support the rights of those that do.

    If something is legal to do, it's legal to do. It should be as simple as that.

    Forget the argument that people shouldn't be forced to breath other peoples smoke. They're not. People choose to work in a bar or restaurant, in the full knowledge that people smoke there.

    Where I live about half the establishments are non smoking anyway - therefore you have a CHOICE. isn't that was being in a (supposedly) free country is all about?

    I've really got to get rid of this soap box, it's a bad influence on me.

    Having said all this - I gave up smoking 11 months and 7 days ago. I do feel SOOOO much better and would highly recommend it. (I do, however, seek out bars that allow smoking so I can get my passive fix!!!)


  49. At 12:29 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Jane wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Enzo is beautiful and yes, Spooks is great. As a vegi, I'm a bit upset about the stew business, but I'll get over it.

    All the best

    Guildford Jane

  50. At 12:31 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Great to see you back!
    Cant believe Madonna "only" made it to No9 in the charts but well it was the fourth single from her album.
    Glad you had a good time

  51. At 12:47 PM on 14 Nov 2006, shottie wrote:

    Welcome back Christophe,

    Hearing the theme to Dallas on yesterday's show reminded me of a game a colleague and I play at work. How many songs can you hum, or in this case da daa, which start off with the same few notes. We reckon Dallas, Star Wars and the Black Beauty theme all start with the same three notes. You can take the tune in anyone of the three directions. Try it - da da daa........

    If you're on our wave length then great. We can't wait 'till Friday and the 'Going home Dance' which involves marching through our warehouse and waiving goodbye to every CCTV camera on the way.

  52. At 01:04 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Afternoon Christoph and fellow bloggers!!!!!!

    Enzo looks georgeous, please give him a big hug..

    You are so right about the holiday wristband thing, we get so used to wearing different clothes, doing different things and feeling so completely relaxed, we want to hang on to that feeling for as long as we possibly can.

    Must go busy busy day - may write again laters

    Big Hugs


  53. At 01:17 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Diane wrote:

    Inspiring words there.

    Have done short course breaks at West Dean - fab location near Chichister - was the home of Edward James surrealist who left it to a trust to promote art and craft. great food - they grow their own stuff and are renown for their chilli peppers

    Best thing I did on a holiday to near Cancun was to learn to sail. Took off most days for an hour or two to poodle around on my own. find a spot and snorkle. aaahhhh

  54. At 01:24 PM on 14 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Good afternoon bloggers and schloggers,

    I agree with him that when we are young we do things first and think of the consequences not maliciously more through youthful enthusiasm. As we mature we are naturally a little bit more careful by nature as we are (should be) wiser because we have made enough mistakes to have learnt a lesson. I know I have made mistakes, some more than once and that is why I can tell my children 鈥淚 told you so鈥 :-)

    As for holidays I think you circumstances dictate largely what sort of holidays you take. I remember my holidays BK (Before Kids) when although we had little money we visited friends and relatives to keep the cost down. AK (After Kids) we did lots of camping (Low cost) and value package deals. Always ensuring that there was something to amuse the kids first and us second (so many time we had some terrible times but the kids loved it) just as told by Prof Plum # 9. LOL. :-) Now we are WT (with Teenagers) we can talk to them and find out what and where they would like to go happy in the thought that we are only doing what they asked. My son who is 18 simply says 鈥淚 will go as long as you are paying鈥. Mrs B and I are now much happier in a hotel than self catering in a n area with good history and nice coastal walks but not necessarily beaches, so yes I guess we are getting old. :-(

    Lynne # 12 I also go all over Europe on my bike (BMW K1200LT) and now only go from hotel/guest house as my days of camping beside the track at events have gone. Nothing better than a good shower, good food and a warm bed :-)

    Soozy woo # 21. No laughing here. My father fought in the war and has now no longer with us. I spent 23 years in the Army and I will salute your grandfather any day! I paraded locally on Sunday (with medals) and I am very proud to do so.

    Hazel love {{{{hug}}}} just because I can. xx

    Happy Tuesday everyone!


    I am sorry this is a little late today but I had to let the nurse at my arm again for a drop of the red stuff :-)

    "Irish Sausages".

    The Assistant looked at him and asked "Are you Irish?"
    "If I asked you for Italian Sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian?
    Or, if I asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
    Or if I asked you for a Kosher Hot Dog, would you ask me if I was Jewish?
    Or, if I asked you for a Taco, would you ask me if I was Mexican?

    Would ya, ay? Would Ya?"

    The assistant says, "Well no".

    "And if I asked you for some Bourbon Whiskey, would you ask me if I was American?

    What about Danish Bacon, would you ask me if I was Danish?"

    "Well, I probably wouldn't,"

    With self-indignation, the man says, "Well, all right then, why did you ask me if I'm Irish just because I asked for Irish Sausages?"

    The Assistant replies, "Because you're at Homebase."

    Smile :-))

  55. At 01:34 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Say Hello to the Great Enzo

  56. At 01:44 PM on 14 Nov 2006, pickle wrote:

    About four years ago a friend poured wine down my throat until I agreed to go on a charity 'holiday' as a carer - it was the most splendiferous trip, learnt masses about so many people and different lives, came back and ditched the commercial career, and got a job working for a very nice man, who married me, and now we go on not so worthy holidays together, and are poor...but extraordinarily happy :0)

  57. At 02:00 PM on 14 Nov 2006, NICKI wrote:

    Hi Chris an bevry oddy,

    Welcome back Chris, I 100% agree, well on several subjects in your blog.
    I love 'doing' holidays (thats a verb thingy isn't it)
    The most amazing one I ever had was spending several weeks in Tel Aviv, It was a work thing, so all paid for by the company!
    I met some amazing people, saw things I never believed possible, imagine seeing and having a wander around Royal Davids' City after having sung about it at school for all those years, floating on the Dead Sea. Well I fell in love with Israel, and sounded like I should be working for the Israeli Tourist Board once I got home, however I could not convince my then partner (23 yrs one of us must have been bonkers) that it was a fantastic place to visit, especially as a day or two after my return Tel Aviv was on the news, for all the wrong reasons, I'm sure you know the sort of thing.

    Anyhow, here is the reason for this waffle, several years ago partner (23 yrs don't want to go to Isreal) decided that the grass was greener, so there I was single, a year or so passed then I met Georgeous Guy. It must have been written in the stars, apart from loving Italian red wine, like myself, hating TV, ditto, passion for Indian food, another ditto, he smokes ditto again(SO JANET #23 doesn't always follow) he also has a burning desire to visit Israel.

    So, Chris,don't feel bad about having the occasional ciggy, there's a lot worse that you could be doing.

    So here's to 'doing' hols, nights in with red stuff and the TELLY in off mode.

  58. At 02:01 PM on 14 Nov 2006, CrispyJ wrote:

    Hello One and All

    Choice of holidays is interesting. When we lived in the city we craved open spaces and countryside for our hols. Now we live in the countryside we want to see what's hip and groovy in different cities (always glad to get back to the country though).

    Glad to hear you made the most of your chicken Chris. I keep chickens for their eggs, haven't got round to killing one yet. New chickens with no name will be for the pot this year (if I bring myself to do it)!!!!

    I agree with Christoph, Spooks is THE cat's pyjamas.

    Lookin forward to hearing you on my way home.

  59. At 02:01 PM on 14 Nov 2006, prof plum wrote:

    I have had more time to read the blogs today, as my car has gone to hospital for a face lift. A wall jumped out at me whislt I listened to Jeremy Vine too intently. (THATS TRUE).

    I found all the posts very funny. Too many to mention. However...

    I was extremely honoured to get a mention in a utube clip. This was by the dear Dr Mc Crumble's secretary, the fabulous Denise. Fame at last..

    All thanks to Chris Evans.

  60. At 02:03 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Sue wrote:

    I haven't had a proper holiday in years, but every now and then we get away for a few days at the sea. We like to go out of season and spend hours just sitting on sea walls and watching the water/boats/birds/people. Its a great way to unwind, and living inland I find I need to see the sea every so often.

    As to TV, just sell it or give it away. I have only had a TV for 7 years in the 43 years I've been here and when I left it behind again 15 years ago I didn't miss it one jot. We get to keep up with the news via the web and we watch DVD films on our laptop by the fire. We've recently aquired the DVD set of Cosmos by Carl Sagan. Its a wonderful science programme. First broadcast in the early 1980's I think. Its science as it should be. We watched episode 3 last night after a lovely dinner of casseroled lamb shanks. My only gripe is that it still isn't cold enough! I lit the fire but we had to prop the doors open and let it burn down early because we were cooking ourselves.

    Have a good day all.


  61. At 02:08 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Tiggy wrote:

    Great joke BU!


  62. At 02:10 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    We just booked up for next summer. A wee island called Shuna off the west coast of scotland. No Road, No Electricity. No Shops! Just a housey with a gas refridgerator, and wood burning stove, and a wee boaty with an outboard so we can go to the mainland for provisions.
    Looking forward to seeing the deer, seals and dolphines.
    What a wonderful world!

  63. At 02:24 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Good afternoon all

    Well, Denise's video is proving rather popular. She's getting excited at the prospect of someone finally accepting her for who she is, though so far no-one has actually offered to communicate any further. Early days, I guess.

    Prof Plum - did you not hear your special mention?


    J McC

  64. At 02:29 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    good afternoon chris.
    i did watch i'm a (z list) celeb... last night. i have to say the only good thing about that programme is lovely ant and dec. as for david gest....eurgh!!!
    and i'm sorry but that x factor. give me bruce and tess any day. i think we all agree the bbc has a bit of class and thats why we love it!
    i do love the idea of a sun holiday (just booked 2 weeks in tenerife) but i know by day 3 i'll be bored! so will have to try and explore and do something interesting.
    i know i said it yesterday but i'm so glad your back. we all missed you, love to all you lovely bloggers. love missy xx

  65. At 02:30 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Your back, thank goodness, missed you and all the bloggers.
    Thanks for todays thoughts, mmmmmm have to get moving me thinks.

  66. At 02:32 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Sigh Not Simon wrote:

    What a great bunch of Blomments!

    Nicely started by you, Chris. You threw in some interesting 'grenade-type' comments there. it just has to be done sometimes - afterall, us oil tankers will never change direction unless we're made to struggle with our rudders every now and then.

    I'll steer clear of the heavyweight smoking and I'm a celebrity debates and plump for the 'fluffier' one... :-)

    For the last 8 years I've steered well clear of beach holidays in favour of snowboarding with friends & family. The only type of holiday, I guess, where I would get up earlier than I do on a work day, go to bed later than I would on New Years eve/day, eat twice as much (and twice as nice) food than I would in a week at home, grin more than I did as a kid at Xmas, see more beautiful scenery than I would in a whole year of watching TV holiday programmes, be more successful at a foreign language than I ever was at school (linked to obtaining food you see!), feel more alive than ever....and come back half a stone lighter! Gravity and snow - the S-Plan diet!
    Having said that though, I did go on a 'sun holiday' in Greece this summer and it was great fun despite some fears of boredom before I went - I ended up swimming and walking miles every day, tried any food I'd never tried before and lots of Ouzo I HAVE tried before! The sitting down in the sun bit married up perfectly with having to set some time aside to eat and drink. Perfect!....apart from the lack of snow!

    Sorry to bore you with tales of holidays past but I think I'm just trying to make the point that it doesn't matter what your holiday plans are as long as you make sure you get as much out of it as YOU want out of it. The only thing you have to do is make sure you've got a strong enough arm on your rudder.

    Anyway, I think my blomment is way past rescue now so I'll say Happy day to one and all...and get back to work....and only think of snow covered mountains occasionally!

  67. At 02:48 PM on 14 Nov 2006, David S wrote:

    Ooh! What a wonderful load of things to talk about.

    Firstly, holidays. When I was a child on holiday with my parents we went to the beach. Every day. When I started going away with friends, whether we were on a campsite or in a villa, we went to the beach. Every day. I just figured that this was what everyone did on holiday. The evenings were great fun but the days were boring. Then, in 1992, I went to Malta and learned to scuba dive. I haven't set foot on a beach since, unless heading to the sea with my scuba gear. I think paying money to fly somewhere just to lie down is s little daft. I can do that at home for free!

    Next up, reality TV. Your friend Danny Baker made a very sensible comment about it on his London Radio show about a year ago and I have quoted it several times whilst discussing the state of commercial television. TV companies rely fairly heavily on repeat programmes. In 5 years time, however, they will have no back catalogue to use because you can't repeat shows like X-factor, I'm a celebrity, Strictly come dancing etc because the whole point of them is that they are of the moment. What are they going to do?

    Finally, and related to that, the state of ITV generally. This is the channel that brought us Upstairs Downstairs (one of those rare programmes which is showing somewhere in the world at any given moment), The Professionals, Minder, The Saint (and various similar secret agent type programmes from the 60's and 70's), Jeeves & Wooster, The Darling Buds of May, Inspector Morse, Prime Suspect and Cracker. The best they have managed in the last 5 years are revivals of the last 2 programmes. Where are the new classics?

  68. At 02:49 PM on 14 Nov 2006, PAROCK40 wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I am so glad youre back. I missed youre wit & wisdom. You make my mornings go so better when I listen to your previous days broadcast. My work flows better.

    I have a problem today though. I came bursting into my office clicked on my real player to listen to last nites show, but it wont work. I have tried everything to get you to work. Do the powers that be not want me to listen to you!!

    I am now pine-ing for you. My day has gradually gone down hill from not hearing from you.

    I just hope tomorrow works.

    Why you say do I listen to the previous days show, well when I get in my dog, Rocky needs me, I walk him, feed him. Play with him. I don't get a chance to listen to you. That and my hubby needs his tea, so I don't get to listen to you.

    Spooks, your right was brilliant last nite, as for ITV I never watch it.

    I miss you I hope you work tomorrow.

    LOL me xx

  69. At 02:55 PM on 14 Nov 2006, pete wrote:


    Usually like your blog but today seems a tad pompous and you are usually positive.

    Different strokes for different folks

    Lets keep it positive and 'highly constructive'

  70. At 02:55 PM on 14 Nov 2006, PAROCK40 wrote:

    Forgot to say Chris

    I have just started living my dream. I have bought a wood and am developing an archery course on it. Here in Wales there is nowhere to go & do Field Archery. So hubby & I have spent our savings to live out one of our dreams.

    Life just gets better & better xx

  71. At 02:56 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Jill wrote:

    Thought-provoking as ever. We've had family holidays canoeing, cycling in the Jura, driving off the beaten track, walking in Spain and Italy. Have met fascinating people and really been able to absorb the feeling of the places we saw.

    Spent 3 weeks in Tibet (the Chineses think this part is Chinese now) vstaying with my eldest daughter who was doing 2-year VSO stint there. Didn't see the Great Wall, the Teracotta Warriors or any pandas, but met loads of Tibetan and Chinese students, went out for meals (followed by karaoke!!) nealry every night with university staff, explored the hills up to prayer flags, and observed so much more. Unbeatable!

    Every year I also go on a 'caring' holiday to Lourdes, and have the best-ever time, feeling so relaxed with everyone I meet. There's a very special feeling to the place, given that you take all the tatty shops in the right spirit, as a bit of fun. The main area is completely devoid of all that stuff.

    For me, I don't read mags or watch much TV (love Spooks and Planet though!) as there's too much else on offer, but I still think it's important to chill out regularly. I do this walking, or sometimes doing nothing at all, but I accept that others do this by reading Heat or watching blobby stuff on TV. 'Chacun son gout', as my Mum used to say.

    Hig bugs one and all.

    P.S. Wish to join Charley's fan club- he's gorgeous. Can't say the same about the wildlife that the McCs attracted on holiday.

    P.P.S. Glad your hols went well Tracey-Ann, hope it's the start of a good week

    Finally - Gilly #32, the people aren't worth working for if they don't recognise talent when they see it

  72. At 03:11 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Charley Spotty wrote:

    Hello :o)

    Thanks to all who have joined my fan club, i'm very appreciative!!

    I went for a walk (am 3 legged at the mo so was more of a hop!) at lunch time and had lots of sniffing opportunities

    Woofs and wags all round

    The C :o)

  73. At 03:12 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mariella my dear, i quite agree with you re the smoking thing!!!

    I have a plan for anyone out there who owns a pub/restaurant etc, build a conservatory and make it a "smoker's only" room, then whoever is smoking in there has to bring back their glass to the bar when they want to buy another drink!!
    Therefore no staff have to work in the smoke and all the menu wafters can eat their frozen/microwaved steak and veg in peace!!! (I used to work for a company that supplies food to restaurants etc, ladies and gents pretty much EVERYTHING you order will have been frozen at some point, especially in chain pubs etc, gross isnt it?)

    Also heard t'other day that pubs are now trying to get parents and kids into pubs for meals. Doesnt that mean that these establishments are actually restaurants, not pubs???!!

    I have always been under the impression that pubs are for adults. Not kids. (sorry all parents out there, am not meaning to be offensive, just thinking aloud!)
    Is it me, or are all pubs seemingly being taken over by McD****d's and then turned into plastic, hygenic, sterile environments which serve alcohol free beer, and ready meals with mindless elevator music pumped into the place??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Finally, i am a smoker, bad idea seeing as i am also a singer, BUT:
    i dont smoke around people who abstain,
    i dont smoke where i'm not supposed to,
    if there were enough of those bins to dispose cig ends in, i wouldnt chuck em on the pavement,
    i enjoy it and its my right to enjoy it....

    ...plus, going to/playing a gig will never be the same again. When going to a rock venue you dont WANT to be able to see the floor or the walls or indeed anymore of the bar than you have to cos most of them (and i have been to a vast amount of these places so am speaking from experience!!) are filthy and in need of some cleaning...but then again, the sticky floors, sweaty walls, clouds of eye-stinging smoke and intense heat are all part of the experience!!!!!!

    ...However having said all that, when this nanny-state smoking ban comes in i have to say i may well give up smoking as it'll be too much bother to continue.

    Wow, i wonder if the moderator will allow this post????!!! I have officially climbed off my soapbox now - I'm an opinionated c*w at times!

    AD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  74. At 03:19 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Joannie (Toronto) Blogaholic :-) wrote:

    Mornin' all....
    Great show yesterday Chris and great blog today....you sure know how to get us all going!!!
    Congrats to all mentioned :-)
    xxxx Hazel Love oooo

    Enzo is gorgeous - hugs x

    Jo - Charley is so cute. It made me cry looking at the pic (lost my baby 1.5 years ago). My heart breaks for you and what is to come....enjoy the time you have left with him.

    Guilford Jane # 49 - another veggie...yayyyy - me too....I have a soulmate :-) Are there any other veggies out there?? How long have you been a veggie Jane? Me - about 15 years. The talk of rabbit or any other animal to eat turns my stomach but to each his own - same with smoking.

    Gilly - so sorry you did not get the job....obviously not the one for you and there IS something better around the corner just waiting for you.

    SuzyWoo - I cried too reading about your grandad....I am so proud of him too - I will never forget. My dad was in WW11. I salute you too Big Un x

    OK - now holidays :-) I think Big Un is right, depends on your circumstances, the amount of funds available to spend on your yearly frolicking :-)

    Growing up we used to go to Blackpool every year, my auntie had a boarding house there. What memories I have of that - going on the donkeys, making sandcastles, pleasure beach - did not cost a lot but we enjoyed it as a family.

    Now I have kids of my own, and being on my own, I have not always been able to take them away but I try to make the most of it when we do....we have been to BC - my niece got married on a dude ranch and the wedding was on the top of a mountain so everybody rode up on horses to the ceremony and then rode back down. My kids had never been on a horse, they lurved it. What memories :-) Even when I have been strapped for cash, I have tried to take them snowboarding for a day or two. Canadian seem to 'get' the great outdoor thing (right Karen in Calgary???). Winter is to be enjoyed (skating, skiing etc) - although I love to just hibernate :-)

    Anyway, I think it matters who you are with, not necessarily where you are :-)

    Have a great day everyone - looking forward to the show Chris.
    Joannie xxxooo

  75. At 03:26 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Gilly wrote:

    Dr McCrumble-
    Had a gander at Denise- and for a straight woman, I have to say I found her strangely alluring!!

  76. At 03:29 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Jo wrote:

    Hello again - Just looking at Enzo's picture...is that a hint of pyjama I can see in the bottom right corner, or are they golfing trousers??

    :o) Jo

  77. At 03:33 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Prof Plum wrote:

    Note for Mc Crumble.

    I have tried in earnest to post a message to Denise without success.
    I did explain that although I would like to be trapped in an elevator with her, I am very afraid.

  78. At 03:35 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Plum - I told Denise you wrote that she is 'fabulous'. She blushed like I've never seen before and went into quite a girly mood for some considerable period of time. She only recovered her composure after spending a good half-hour chopping logs.

    Jill - I try to keep a healthy distance from all African Wildlife, but they just won't leave me alone sometimes. Maybe they sense my fear.


    J Mcc

  79. At 03:38 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Just Emma 39 wrote:

    Hello all hope you are well. The weather is awful today but looking out of my window at work and the colour of turning leaves are absolutely beautiful. I want to learn to paint so think i will do a course after xmas maybe even get my mum on it too she would love that. She has too much time on her hands now she has retired. I dont know whether to do water colours or oils!

    I did not watch spooks last night, i watched the first 2 series but then gave up after that. I have been watching Vincent though - brilliant. However last night watched Memoirs of a geisha and all i can say is WOW!!!

    Anyway 2 things a) how do the people who put calories on the side of our food work this out as i believe you have to burn the food etc to find out the calorific value (So do they guess!) and b) is it true if you have a good hot summer that the leaves are a more vibrant colour in Autumn as i do feel this year the colours of the leaves are particularly beautiful.

    Any answers to these x

  80. At 03:51 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Ian G. wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Nice to have you back on, Great show by the way.
    I was trying to remember who was doing this show before your goodself.You seem to have slid in almost unnoticed.(Ex JW fan, still try to listen again on sundays)
    I have started a computer course and now work part time Weds to Sun with 2 days of to complete the course. I feel I am completeing my education that I started so long ago. I should have done this twenty years ago; but I didn't have the inspiration or the will (or for that matter the computers).
    Agree about Spooks! (ITWHO)Dont watch much of that side!
    I used to have one of those Germans aswell take care of him he will look after you. You shouldn't let him sleep on YOUR bed. (Refer Ms.Stilwell )He might think that he is the boss!

    From Red headed german admirer to another....

  81. At 03:51 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Caroline wrote:

    I hate I am a celebrity - get me out of here because they aren't. They are people who's fame pill has flopped or wannabes.
    I watched David Starkey instead on Channel 4 - I enjoy his programmes

    It is fantastic to have you back - it makes my long journey home nicer. I always prefer the first hour to the second half of the show. You peak early - guess thats age again :-)

    You take care and I love the way you think -

  82. At 03:55 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Caroline wrote:

    PS age is a state of mind - no one would believe you are 40 or that Jonathon Ross was 45 0r 46. No one would think terry w is 68 - its incredible

    Some people are just old before their time.

  83. At 04:01 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Just look at that. You take a two minute comfort break (akshully just nipped to the loo) and your whole system gets hi-jacked!

    I will try to elicit an apology from my so-called friend who should have been housed in a secure area well away from my electronics.

    (This friend, although being thoroughly gorgeous and reasonably good at dictation, is barely allowed to use the hoover...)

    San fairy ann mes choux

  84. At 04:03 PM on 14 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Not sure if my entry got posted or not - something weird happened to my computer!!

    Anyway, what I meant to say was:

    Hi Chris

    Great show last night and good to have you back again on such great form.

    Himself and I spent a wonderful week in the Normandy region of France in May. Stayed in Bayeux, Caen, Rouen and Honfleur, but the best time was in Arromanche, the site of Mulberry Harbour, the false harbour built by our boys to help with the D-Day landings. We walked on Gold Beach and oh, was it fully charged with atmosphere. Not in a scary way, but in a spine-tingling and quite sombre-making way.

    I thought on Sunday morning of all those who landed there, especially those who didn't make it.

    If you ever get the chance to go, it's well worth it.

    Tracy-Ann - glad you're still upbeat xx

    Jo - just looked at Charley, love him xx

  85. At 04:11 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Good day to all you Bloggers/Commenters!!

    Re Holidays: Beaches - NO!!!; Mountains, hiking, cooler climes - YES!!!

    Re Smoking: Grew up with two parents who both smoked and were constantly, unsuccessfully trying to quit. I understand the craving, the frustration, etc. However both of my lovely parents died prematurely (don't we all) from smoking so it just hurts my heart.

    Re Rabbit Stew: Where exactly does one get rabbit meat? Is it available at the market?

    Love to you all!

  86. At 04:11 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Batten down the hatches, I am back.

    I'm a celeb may be mind rotting trash, but do we really have to have our minds stimulated all the time? I watched Spooks last night, and though it was brilliant it was a little bit predictable. Tonight I may well watch some of the jungle. Some of you have been highly critical of the contestants and the hosts. Personally I think that Ant and Dec are excellent. Maybe they don't need the money, and maybe, just maybe they enjoy the job. To watch a group of people thrown together into a bizarre set up is quite voyeuristic and personally I enjoy watching the relationships flourish as time passes, or little personalities creeping out from the most unexpected of people - after all, who in the world had Jimmy Osmond down as a smuggler? So, yeah, it is tat, absolute drivel but totally harmless fun too.

    As for 'doing' holidays, aren't all holidays like that? I think it doesn't matter who you travel with, where you go nor what your hotel is like. I'm going All Inclusive next week to Egypt. That is a package holiday by all accounts. However, when I'm there i'm be making my own way round, exploring the markets and little known beaches, talking to people from a different culture, trying their food, smoking from one of those big pot things, taking an interest in their history and their local wildlife. I will also sit by the pool or on the beach and read a good book, followed by a trashy book. I shall sunbathe, look forward to dinner, play cards and generally while away a few hours doing nothing. I have raced huskies in Lapland, been a dolphin trainer in Mexico, been on safari in Kenya, ski-ed most of Europe, seen the orang utans in Borneo, hot air ballooned across The Valley of the Kings and swung through the canopy of a rainforest. All of this I don't think is too bad for package holidays.

    Oh, I don't have any tattoos, but I am considering getting one.

    MW, a!

  87. At 04:12 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Evening all, less than one hour to go till utopia!

    I tried to watch spooks last night, in the same way that I have tried to watch spooks for weeks, laid on bed put telly on, turned slightly twenty minutes later to get comfortable, 30 seconds later watching the inside of my eyelids. I've seen the start of every programme, but only seen one all the way through, damn these 0500 starts every morning.

    Is this how I know that I am getting old?????

    Bon chance mon ami.

    DD out!

  88. At 04:27 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good morning from Vancouver and good afternoon to all back in Blighty,

    Just to add my philosophical two pennies worth on age, I must say that each and every age has benefits much as each has drawbacks. Regardless of your years, enjoy the pleasures which are attendant on each year of growth:

    "You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing"

    I am 32 years of age and as the years continue to clock up, I enjoy life with a renewed vigour, educated and rational outlook, not to mention a sense of knowing myself more deeply. Such contentment is something to be applauded and as someone much wiser than me once intoned, too many people chase ultimate excitement as pure contentment stares them in the face.

    Karen D in Calgary....I shall email you this week for your restaurant recommendations in Banff. Having dined at one of the finest establishments in Vancouver on Friday last, some more fine dining is indeed an inticing prospect.

    Jeannie in Toronto...I heartily agree that here in Canada, winter is embraced, celebrated and appreciated as a time to be enjoyed. I too love to hibernate with superb book and even better wine but also take in the true majesty of the British Columbian landscapes. What fun it is.

    Good day to you all

    Dr T

  89. At 04:31 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wilsmar wrote:

    Is there something in the air today? Why does there seem to be so many negative comments..... we bleat on about live and let live but then slate those who happen to enjoy(!) what other鈥檚 abhor. We've got non smokers agreeing with nicotine loving friends, veggies coping with rabbit stew but hell's bells the snobbery over junk tv addicts and a little bit about beach holidays too. I happen to dislike these reality shows so don鈥檛 watch - but lots of folk say they enjoy them. Have had some holidays which have had a couple of days spent on the beach 鈥 in my case though usually me wandering up and down said beach or attempting to read the paper whilst husband ranted at the cricket on the radio. So let鈥檚 leave the beach to those who want it whilst others go beneath the waves/above the frozen stuff or do good deeds infact spend your money where it suits you.

    Someone鈥檚 definitely raised this soapbox and I can feel a nosebleed coming on.

    A fine and convivial evening to one and all.


  90. At 05:15 PM on 14 Nov 2006, alexbluecat wrote:

    tis a little grumpy in here today.

    I like Spooks because it is clever and I like reality telly because it is not. I don't smoke in real life but have one socially every two or three months just to keep my hand in! Don't care who agrees or who disagrees.

    Lets all play nicely.

    wrap up warm everyone.

  91. At 05:43 PM on 14 Nov 2006, snodgrass wrote:

    what a great dog, I am surprised you are not a dof owner you seem to like them a lot or is it just Enzo you like. Glad to hear you had a great holiday, I cannot understand people laying on a beach all day either you shoud try mountain climbing next time its fantastic.
    Really missed your daily blog it keeps me sane in this mad,mad world we live in.
    greeting snodgrass.

  92. At 05:47 PM on 14 Nov 2006, cate D wrote:

    Hi Chris

    welcome back - I agree with the doing things holiday.

    I have just returned from 2 weeks in Tanzania -one of the highlights was a visit to a Masai village (not a touristy one) where we met the tiny children (4-6 years) at school learning to count in masai, swaheli and english (amazing) thier older siblings only 50% of whom go to school have to walk 10km each way to school daily. School is free but children have to have uniform, and pay for thier own pens, paper and lunches - many families cannot afford these so children do a long day with no food. Made me renew my resolve to buy more school dinners in Africe via Oxfam unwrapped. The women in the village are given 20 litres of clean water a week per family, in the weeks the village can afford clean water. in UK we flush away 5 litres of clean water every time we use the loo - something to make us think about how lucky we are.

    Took a boat to Gombe to see chimps in the wild - glorious. A perfect evening was had watching the sun go down over lake Tanganyika, a beer in hand.

    Jo - sorry to hear about Charile what a cutie. Must be hard to know what the future holds for him. Take care and give yourself the freedom of a few tears.

    Cate D

  93. At 06:22 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Lisa wrote:

    Hey Chris

    welcome back buddy! how great to hear your voice, all friendly and interested in the world about you.

    Im reheating a homemade vegan flan and roasting a sweet potato, its mouthwatering caramel smell is filling my kitchen. I am a ravenous bunny rather than being hungry for a bunny like you.

    Isn't cooking great - so satisfying. A freind came on Sunday and I cooked them lunch and dinner and I got such a kick from their comments of yum, yum pigs bum (their saying not mine)

    Oh Chris, help me. I have spent the last 3 years being rejected for jobs I dont want and I still am in the grip of 'what the bloody hell am I doing' mode. A round the world trip is slipping into my past and threatens to be forever on my lips as a 'chance in a lifetime' I want to say PAH! to that and have a funky life now. Can you say 'abaaracadabara' and open seasame and see if you can be the magic fairy that can open some doors for me.

    I trust that time will bring me the knowledge that I am doing something worthwhile. My life is pretty fabbo really.

    Yours - developing the skin of rejection whilst gripping onto the gooeyness of me inside


  94. At 06:35 PM on 14 Nov 2006, sarah harwood wrote:

    Nothing interesting to say just that I love you for all kinds of reasons and am all warm inside cause I can hear you every day. Even my 5 year old can sing your jingles....

    Life is sweet

  95. At 06:49 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Tracey-Ann wrote:

    Good Evening One and All

    I hope everyone is fabulous !

    Jo - I am so so sorry to hear about Charley. My thoughts are with you. Enjoy every moment x x

    So - I`ve had a few days R&R, took it easy, went for walks on the beach, explored a bit and generally tried to keep my mind off things. Had a few wobbly moments when it all got a bit scary but I`m feeling much better about things. I`m home and as of yet, no letter from the hospital...Hopefully it will be here soon !

    I didn`t mean to sound negative earlier. I totally understand peoples view points regarding reality TV. I guess I just wanted people to see the other side. Sometimes there is a lot more to it than just trying to raise their profiles etc. I don`t know all of them so I can`t say.....

    I was thinking about places I have been and things I have done, I am very very lucky. I have a book of my life, it has everything I have ever done from the day I was born to present day. Every event, everything I have done, been a part of, everything I have seen. I have made it so that one day when my little person arrives from the East I can show her what an amazing life I have had so far... Some of my fave things have been :

    Canoeing down the entire length of the Ardeche river in France. 4 days of pure bliss, sleeping out under the stars every night on the side of the river, bouncing down rapids during the day, seeing the most beautiful surroundings from the water. I loved it.

    Like jillygoat, I adored Normandy. The atmosphere on those beaches ....indescribeable. The Bayeux tapestry, the cathederal, Mont St. Michel, St Malo ...

    Seeing the very first ever star spangled banner (complete with needles in the stars where the ladies had sewn it together) in Washington DC

    The beautiful beautiful world famous golf course in Augusta. Twice

    Watching dolphins play in the creek off an island in South Carolina. With pelicans flying over head.

    Touring the UK as a guest of a brilliant band.

    Watching eagles soar in the Blue Ridge Mountains

    Horse Riding in The Breacon Beacons

    Camping - everywhere and anywhere. I have loved every single camping adventure

    Touring orange groves in Seville

    Caving in Cheddar

    Watersports in the Med. Paragliding, snorkling, body boarding, windsurfing

    So many great memories.... I am planning a one woman lands end to john o groats for next Spring as I think the UK has so much beauty and so much that I have yet to see....

    I am really looking forward to travelling to China to meet my daughter. Understand more about her culture, her history and where she came from. My father has asked to come with me too. Thats the trip I`m really really looking forward to !

    Right then, back to the grindstone. I`m off to get everything ready for work tomorrow.

    I hope you are all happy and healthy.

    Jo - my thoughts are with you.

    All my love

    Tracey-Ann x x x

  96. At 07:01 PM on 14 Nov 2006, chris m wrote:

    to number 5-so sorry about your news-Ilost golden retriever Fleur to an aggressive cancer on her spleen-within 2 weeks of diagnosis she was gone at the age of ten-such a fit healthy dog.Chris great to have you back x

  97. At 07:28 PM on 14 Nov 2006, anna wrote:

    dicke drain - smart roadster, cant fault you at all. had to chop mine in cos i couldnt get the baby seat in the roadster. loved it tho!! would go for the roadster coupe brabus next time!!

    Tracy-Ann, welcome back. Hope you are feeling fit and strong. celebrity relative..... cool. i hope they do well. will be watching tonite wondering which one!

    Tobes - at the risk of giving advice that appears useless, if it is meant to be and all that. if she is just pretending to like then she may not be right anyway, I suspect you would have worked it out by now if she was just doing it to make you happy. (incidentally there are things i do to make my hubby happy, and things he does to make me happy - that is also part of the give and take that makes a relationship work!)

    MW a - smoking, i stopped 5 years ago. i dream of having another cig and love people smoking around me - the smell of a newly lit fag is the best. Unfortuantely the last one i had made me sick and i realised that to start again i would really have to perservere. probably not worth it in the long run, dont think the bank balance could manage it!

    yippee - the sausage casserole is just about ready.



  98. At 07:41 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    Tracey-Ann # 96....
    Glad to hear you have rested...the beach is a great place to think or not :-) I am thinking about you, as we all are. Waiting cannot be easy but we are all here for you, this likkle family of ours :-) Remember, you are not alone!!
    Reading all the things you have accomplished so far is wonderful, you certainly have had some great experiences. The book of your life, how wonderful for your little person, I am sure she will cherish it. I think we all feel there is so much we have not seen yet and so much we have not done but all we can do is hope we get to have more great experiences, travel and learn about different cultures. How great that your dad is going with you to China - what a trip!! Something to treasure for sure.
    Anyway, keep us all posted
    Joan x
    Talk to you all tomorrow - great show today Chris, as usual

  99. At 07:46 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Loved the show today. Just wanted to let you know that we have just installed a SMART monitor and it really is very cool indeed. OK we spent all of last night turning on an off appliances and lights to see how much we were spending - but it certainly gives you a reality check as to why your parents shouted at you to turn off the lights! Highly recommend everyone gets one in a bid to all start using energy better. Save the planet and more cash for beers down the pub :-)


  100. At 08:31 PM on 14 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Being a self confessed "not an everyday listener", but one who enjoys you when I do, I turned on the other day to find that it wasn't you. I had convinced my kids that we MUST listen to Chris Evans in the car, rather than Radio 1. They were very annoyed with me when it wasn't you!

    Hubby walked into to the room towards the end of "Spooks" last night and said "Jack, Jack in a near death voice.......... 'Twas reminiscent!
    Glad you had a good break. Welcome back!


  101. At 08:51 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Georgina wrote:

    hi guys,

    I have really enjoyed reading all your posts today - but have felt unable to contribute in as much as I have been unable to travel really as I have had panic attacks for years - I travel about 40 minutes by car distance-wise from home and that is all I have been able to do. I have had some counselling and a bit of hypnotherapy and am in the process of 'pushing' myself. I am doing well and would like to capitalise on my small progress so that I DO progress and don't regress. I have a big test coming up in the way of travelling (although to you guys the journey would seem like it was a very short one). I am going to 'go for it' when it would be all too easy to bottle it. I am going to use the good vibes from the blog since CE started this whole thing as one of the motivations to do it.

    I am a regular contributor to these pages but have changed my name so that my kids don't recognise - these problems can be 'hereditary' and I don't want the same for them.

    I sort of know why it happens and have had all the 'counselling' that I want to , I feel it is now up to me!! - and in a way, I am hoping that that is precisely the motivation needed to crack this.

    So, back to the holidays : )....I guess so much of our enjoyment, happiness and gain boils down to our expectations....at present mine are small but special

    Thanks for listening

    ps mange tout

  102. At 10:35 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Jill wrote:

    Quieter now it's late evening. I love the peace of the house at this time after the usually-noisy, phone-filled, people-filled day. All much appreciated but the quiet is a good contrast.

    Georgina #102 - what a brave and good resolution. I'm sure the Blog vibes will carry you through and onward, and help you to be strong.

    Lisa #94, my daughter Lizzie is going through the same as you, having returned from an amazing 2 years working in Tibet/China. She came back so motivated and full of hope, and determined to build on what she had discovered there. She's remained her unique caring and deep-thinking self but finds it hard to fit in with people around her, to do what's 'expected' and - like you - has not been offered the jobs she's gone for, although - like you - she hasn't really wanted them. Is teaching Eng as a foreign language to keep herself going, and puts a lot of work and fun into it, but is still waiting for the right thing! With positive thinking, it WILL come along, for her as for you. Keep listening and trying to understand where the 'wizards'/life/God/angels are taking you. Easy to say, hard to do....

    Till tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow


  103. At 10:44 PM on 14 Nov 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hello Mate!

    So glad you're back! Missed you're energy but soon found a stash of my own so no harm done. x

    Bomfire night?!! How long ago was that?!!! I'm in need of some serious catching up time. I wish that I could do it "On the hoof" like you seem to.......xx

    I love to have a lesson every day and if I'm not given one I'll find one. Seems a waste of a day without it. Today I learnt that spreadsheets don't behave the way that they used to when I first learned about them although there's always the possibility that I waasn't really paying attention when I first learned...(learnt or learned?...I need that lessson too). Anyway...more of a discovery really and that's cool too. xx

    Days and nights with Ray Mears....now there's my kind of man or person. There's got to be a load of learning going on there. Happy days. Tell us more. xxx I love your pictures. They tell me that you know what's important in life.

    Happy cruising Chris and keep that energy coming at us. You know we love it. There's nothing like a big dose of support. Hope you'e getting that too.
    Thanks mate,

    Debs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  104. At 10:45 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Jill wrote:

    Dr J McCc - why the name change? Spotted in entry #79. Have you registered it by deed-poll? Is this part of your new cover? I would seriously advise something less similar to your current nomenclature if a change is necessary, although of course I like you as you are, along with all your family and assistants.

    I do know three people who have selected a change of name. One changed both Christian names as well as surname and WOW it was hard to remember to call her by the new one - although she seemed to have no trouble with getting to know her new self! Another (her ex-husband as it happens) re-named himself Stefan van Beethoven. I asked if he was keen on classical music and was met with a quizzical look. The third was more pragmatic, changing her legal surname to that of her lover/father of her son.
    'Nitey nite

  105. At 11:02 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Susie wrote:

    I'm sat here at 10.55pm having just watched the news and weather and can't believe how grumpy people are about the forecast being wet and windy! Call me strange, but I adore the winter and especially the weather. Everything smells so different, more intense and new. Plus, it's weather that has a sound and actions...it shakes your head around, it gets you soaked and gives you red cheeks! The rain smells and sounds fantastic.

    So, anyway, welcome back Mr Evans. I'm glad you had a lovely break. I missed Spooks, it truly is a tragedy but makes buying the box set even more exciting!

    S x

  106. At 11:02 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:


    It strikes me that many people on here have been to some exotic places and experienced some wonderful things, but you are embarking on one of the most impressive journeys. I wish you well and hope you achieve your dreams. Take it steady, keep it simple and don't let anyone push you too far too soon.

    See, I'm not always harsh and opinionated!

    Night all,

    MW, a!

  107. At 11:34 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Evelyn wrote:


    Where's that come from? What you bin readin' on holiday then? Barbara Cartland? We're getting a bit flouncy wouncy, ain't we?

    You'll be using real hankies soon and carrying a dog in a little wicker basket under your arm - you're going all 'southern' mate!!!!!

    How's the Sea Cucumber?


  108. At 12:19 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Joannie (Toronto) wrote:

    I forgot to put my name in the message # 99 - just so you know, it is Joannie from Toronto :-)
    Night all
    Joannie x

  109. At 01:29 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Weezie wrote:

    Good Morning,

    I am so sorry to be this late - AGAIN! I'm not doing very well since CLP has been back at the helm am I?

    SOOZY WOO - I welled up reading your blog. I'm very proud of your Grandad too. What a moment for you all.

    Without doubt, the most moving thing I have done in my life so far, was to go to a Rememberance Service in Ypres followed by the laying of the wreaths at the Mennin Gate. The families of the servicemen, resplendant in their medals, pushed those who could no longer walk in their wheelchairs for the parade to lay the wreaths. When they got to the gate, one gentleman stopped his son from pushing.

    It took him 15mins to walk the 100 paces to the gate.
    5mins to bend, lay the wreath stand back and salute.
    15mins to walk back to his chair. He refused all help.
    No one spoke. No one moved. We waited, watching. There were hundreds of people there (inc. the Duke of Kent). It was complete silence. Silent weeping. From everyone. Not a dry eye. Except from the brave Soldier laying his wreath who was determined to walk to honour his friends.

    I love your grandad too SOOZY-WOO. I am so proud of him.

    Thought I'd share that with you all.

    For my holidays I just love to ski. Only discovered it bout 5 years ago and still cannot believe I'd never skied before. I am not very good, but I dont care! I just love it. All you parents out there, when you can, if you can, try try try to get your kids on skies.

    I promise I will try to blog at normal time tomorrow (today) but I just cant get my body to sleep at night at the mo!!

    Love you all. Nite Nite, Weezie xxxx

  110. At 01:42 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Tobes #37

    All makes perfect sense... apart from.... us girls think you blokes don't think the same way as we do.

    Nice to know you're just the same as us really!

    Good luck and tell her how much you love and care for her... as often as you think it!

    Trust me, it doesn't get old!

    We all love you guys honest


  111. At 05:54 AM on 15 Nov 2006, cate D wrote:

    tried Eleanors mums suggestion (6) - a great feeling. Thanks for the tip.

    Tracey Ann - hope you are holding it together. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  112. At 06:41 AM on 15 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I'll be blunt and honest, I didnt used to like you much! you vexed me but I have to say more I read more I listen more you are growing on me!!
    So I have to say good on you for the life changes, the turn around and the happy fulfillment you have about you, care to pass some on?
    wellanyhoo have a great wednesday and long may your washde over with thingy last

  113. At 07:38 AM on 15 Nov 2006, anna wrote:

    Georgina. thanks for sharing, you CAN do it. You ARE strong enough and you WILL succeed.

    Good Luck!


  114. At 08:40 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Georgina wrote:

    Jill #103, MW,a #107, anna #114....thank you so much, thank you : ) I am such a positive person but this one area has been very debilitating. HOWEVER, I am now going to turn all negative thought processes in relation to this into positive ones ( I manage to do this in other areas of my life, so why not this one : )) and conquer this. Thank you

    Mange tout : )



  115. At 09:11 AM on 15 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good morning Chris and fellow morningers xxx

    WEEZIE - Good to have you around, late or otherwise!

    TRACEY-ANN - You had a fab time and you deserve to...and as has previously been said, if the hospital hasn't been in touch yet, it is hopefully gonna be good news. Everything crossed xxxxxx

    AND...If you are doing the Land's End to John O'Groats as a sponsored thing, please let everyone know! (or put it on a seperate blog like Dr JMcC...)

    JO - Hope you (and Mr Jo) and Charley are doing ok. LOADS of love to you xxxxxx

    GEORGINA - Deep breath hon! Try as I might, I still can't pick up a spider...

    dans mon poche

  116. At 09:49 AM on 15 Nov 2006, mwk wrote:

    Good Morning Chris and friends xx

    Weezie - I have trouble sleeping to so when I'm
    awake in the middle of the night it's nice to
    have your message to read xx

    Tracey-Ann, Pleased you had a good time.
    Like Hazel I will keep everything crossed xx

    Georgina - sending you lots of positive thoughts
    to help you along xx There are a lot of good
    people on here who help those of us who have
    had tough times, for me it's nice to know I will
    never have to face anything alone again xx
    You will get all the help and advice you need from the blog so don't be afraid to ask. xx

    Gaby - Thanks for your tip re lights, I did check
    the dimmer because I thought thats maybe what
    I had done, but it was ok, it's going into the garage at the weekend. Sorry for not saying thanks sooner xx

    Have a good day all

    Take care
    Love Mary xx

  117. At 11:38 AM on 22 Nov 2006, stephen hall wrote:

    Hi everyone, especiially Chris this is my first blog so I hope it works.

    I need your help have been accepted by the RHS to build a show garden at Chelsea flower show next year, Its my design and its on behalf of the wildlife trusts so its for a good cause it is based on William Morris, so lots of lovelly plants and stuff.

    Now Im on a sticky wicket with my proposed sponsor think they have gone all watery at the knees and I only have till 2nd Jan to confirm that Im in, so I need to sort stuff out pretty quick.

    Would anyone out there like to sponsor a show garden or know anyone who could be in a position to do so, Its a pretty expensive job but you get to mix it with the stars on gala day and get to have loads of fun

    How about a Radio 2 garden Chris?
    Will keep you informed of my progress

    Ta very much steve

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