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Chris Evans | 07:41 UK time, Tuesday, 28 November 2006


Wired for sound鈥nside, outside, I feel so ecstatic, now it鈥檚 music I鈥檝e found and I鈥檓 wired for sound鈥a, la, la, la, ahhhhhhh.

Had chicken butties in bed last night. Hey, I know it鈥檚 wrong but it was such a busy day and when I arrived home I was simply starving. Enzo on the bed, succulent over buttered moist chicken butties, plenty of salt and pepper, the crossword and a cup of steaming herbal tea, bliss achieved once again.

So Sir Michael Grade has jumped ship, nothing to worry about only something to look forward to...

....Michael Grade is a brilliant human being. He is gifted with wit, wisdom and a nouse for what is the right thing to do at exactly the right time. He realises that the entertainment business is about firing up peoples' immagination and helping them reach places they may have thought were beyond them. He lights up a room when he walks in, he talks with a constant smile on his face. Any broadcast channel is a reflection of those who run it, just as any corner shop takes on the character of it's owner. ITV is our main entertainment channel and one that needs his presence.

As for him leaving the B.B.C. the role he was fulfilling was not one which he would particularly have enjoyed anyway and also frankly most of the important work that needed to be done there he'd already completed. He's put us (THE 大象传媒) in a good place for a fair few years to come, he's set us up rather nicely thank you. I've heard there's some sadness around the B..B.C today but I say good luck to him and on we all go.

It's important that viewers have at their disposal, a wide choice of quality output to pick from, presently that is not the case because ITV is so dier. Grade will change that, this can only be good for the industry as a whole. We can all only get better if we're playing against the best teams.

What Grade has done today is what his family have been doing for years, building up value on one channel and then selling it across to the next because they feel they can't do without it. As an agent, he once famoulsy did this with Morecombe and Wise, he's now done it with himself, lovely work my son, MAZELTOV !

On the home front...night nurse tablets mean I can barely open my eyes right now, those babies really do work.

Enzo has jumped off the bed and is fast asleep on my shirt, my brand new shirt that I bought yesterday in a panic from The Gap, or Gap, or whatever it鈥檚 called. I can鈥檛 be doing with clothes shopping, it makes me feel ill.

I鈥檓 off to Claridges this morning for a breakfast meeting to do with the internet television show, I鈥檓 being picked up in a few minutes. I鈥檝e never been to Claridges, I鈥檓 gonna have champagne and lots of it ! Not really, I want loads of tea and maybe a fruit salad.

You know, I鈥檒l go there and then I鈥檒l come back and last night I went to this do with the boss of the Beeb and I go to do my show every day and I come home and Enzo, (my trusty German Shepherd) is none the wiser, everything is always the same for him.

I remember the day I took him to have his nadgers chopped off, there was no hesitation, no trepidation, he jumped into the van like he was going for a day out to the sea side. All the way there I was saying things like, 鈥淵ou wouldn鈥檛 be smiling if you knew where wee were going,鈥 but of course smile on he did.

Enzo also has no concept of cleanliness. Although he keeps himself pretty clean, he doesn鈥檛 care if he muddies a clean carpet with his mucky paws ! or if he dribbles water all over the kitchen floor after he鈥檚 had a good old slurp from his bowl. These are not concerns of his and why should they be.

And when there鈥檚 nothing going on he just goes to sleep, or at least 鈥渞ests his eyes鈥 in readiness for when there is something worth his while. He doesn鈥檛 panic and look through his phone book to see who he can call, or start flicking through a magazine to see what everyone鈥檚 up to, or turn on the television to see what made up news is filling the twenty four hour news channels who even look bored with themselves.

Imagine if we slept as much as dogs do, only waking to be fed and walked and to bark at the odd shadow flicking by, I wonder what Enzo thinks about all this ?

鈥淓nzo, what do you think ?鈥

No, he鈥檚 fast asleep again.



  1. At 09:51 AM on 28 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning Blogggers and schloggers,

    Thanks for all your get well wishes yesterday. I was not very well at all, still not right I must say, but much better thanks.

    Claridges for breakfast very swanky indeed! I do hope the licence payers money is not being spent on wining and dining, nothing wrong with the Mrs B was in the city last week to visit her sister and they always go and have lunch in Harrods. Spend loads of my/our hard earned (she spent 拢70 on one bra, but I told here they are both worth it) down the west end. I never get invited as they are fully aware I would rather have my eyes gouged out by a hawk than go shopping, even if there was lunch at the end of it.

    My Jack Russell (Murphy) is due to have his nadgers off next month as he will be six months old. I will not be taking him though, that is a job for a woman! :-(

    Still I should be back later ;-)


    P.S. All this talk of the west end reminded me of鈥︹︹..

    A man walks to the corner of Oxford Street and Regent Street in London during a downpour and somehow manages to get a taxi straight away.

    He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says: "Perfect timing. You're just like Stevie"
    "Who?" says the man.

    "Stevie Jones. He was a guy who did everything right. Like my taxi being vacant during a rainstorm. It would have happened for Stevie."
    "Well no one is perfect. There are always a few clouds over everybody," the man replies.

    "Not Stevie," says cabbie. "He was a terrific athlete. He could have turned professional at golf or tennis and he danced like a West End star. He was handsome and sophisticated, more than George Clooney. He had a better body than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. He was something!"
    "Somehow Stevie just new exactly how to make women happy," the cabbie continues. "He had a memory like a computer, could remember everybody's birthday. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse and the whole street blacks out."

    "No wonder you remember him!" says the man.

    "I never actually met Stevie," admits cabbie.

    "Then how do you know so much about him?" asks the man.

    "After he died I married his wife."

  2. At 10:05 AM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:


    After a 45 minute run and an hour of body pump last night I got home to find my dog had eaten half of my dinner! Shephards pie! I was really looking forward to it aswell!

    This morning, after his walk he was still a bit damp but still went to snatch the lunch i was making from the side, and then opted for a cuddle, which put big muddy wet paws on my work outfit! Still love him though, so cute!

    I ache this morning and am hungry! No Champagne for me, just weetabix! Oh how the other half live!

    Great joke Keith!

    Em x

  3. At 10:51 AM on 28 Nov 2006, MWK wrote:

    Good morning Chris,

    Claridges for breakfast, very nice!
    Wish I was having champagne but I will have to settle for a cup of tea :-(

    Keith - another good one xx

    Marshie - Thanks for your hug, I couldn't have done it without the rest of my family. My brother is great, he has acted as guarantor for
    the house and all his utility bills.

    Have a good Tuesday all

    ND and Tracey-Ann thinking of you both xx

    Take care
    Love Mary xx

  4. At 11:00 AM on 28 Nov 2006, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris and all!

    I often wonder if my dog frodo, or actually any dog gets depressed? He definately gets excited and happy! Can dogs be Bi Polar??

    As long as I walk him and feed him he seems to remain my loyal pal! So liitle they ask hey! So simple!

    I have a friend coming for dinner tonight, whenever this occurs i feel the need to clean my house like a mad woman! My mum had a really messy and even dirty house when i was young, I used to be so embarrassed and hate it. I cginge at myself when I look back now.

    When you start seeing your parents as people, flawed people, i think one can have the shame of how one behaved! My mum had three of us, with the eldest being a heroin addict, a full time job and no husband from when i was six, oh and a dog! No wonder the house was a state, and I dont remember helping too much either!

    I feel for my mum, she has aboyfriend she doesnt like who controls her completely, he is also her boss. She has no money, lives in a council house and this will probably never change. She really survives and not lives and is too tired to change it. Makes me strive for more!


  5. At 11:00 AM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    ...aaaah, so many parallels with my life...

    ...between me and Enzo, that is. Except that I never had to do THAT trip in the van (yet - although if Mrs Moose ever looks at me with a glint in her eye and encourages me to jump into the car, I shall decline).

    ...between me and the cabbie. Amazing since Mrs Moose has not, to my knowledge, been married before.

    ...and very few between me and Chris. I had to be up early today too...meetings before 8am should be banned. I also had a chicken butty for tea last night. BUT: Gap clothes never fit me, I always seem to be driving on the rare occasion champers is available for brekkie, and I can't get excited by herbal teas - despite much effort, I stick with full force caffeinated coffee.

    Good to hear Keith getting back to normal - love the joke, as usual!

    Quote for the day: "Ignorance is never better than knowledge" - Enrico Fermi
    Huh! What did he know?

  6. At 11:06 AM on 28 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Morning Chris et al

    Good joke BigUn!!

    To Sarah #73 yesterday - I always use the Canterbury Park & Ride. It's only 拢2 for the whole day and it took about 5 mins to get into the city centre from the Dover Road Park & Ride. I'd pay five times that amount just to ensure that 'im indoors' sense of humour remained intact that little bit longer!!!

    Tracy-Anne - hope the news was good yesterday.

    jillygoat x

  7. At 11:14 AM on 28 Nov 2006, J wrote:


    That must have been some bloody party with the boss.

    By 10:00pm he's on the news having resigned.

    Obviously a very embarrassing moment with Ms. Boseman, but what's so bad he had to leave the Beeb.

    Perhaps you would let us know this evening.

    Sabast is a great place!!! The owner of the chippie used to be a male model, but best not tell Bosey.

  8. At 11:16 AM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Being a Dogwith No Brain, I understand exactly where Enzo is coming from.

    Sleeping is one of the best and easiest things in the world. And you loose weight while you are doing it. So have the chicken butties in bed. They'll be away in the morning.

    Dylan, the original Dogwithnobrain, from where I took my moniker, never slept. He always lay in readiness to jump at the slightest movement. Even when he broke his back, he kept trying to jump. Turn the page of a book, Dylan was there, lift your hand to the TV remote, Dylan was there, Fart, and Dylan was there.

    As for breakfast. Porridge. Mine was lovely, then I put too much milk in Si's. (SORRY PETAL). Then about 10 minutes ago- wholegrain bread and peanut butter. Lunch will be my lovely ham and leek soup, which you could stand up in.

    I often wonder tho.. what do cows think when they are standing in fields? Are they happy, they always look quite happy eh?


  9. At 11:30 AM on 28 Nov 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Happy Tuesday all! Where is everyone today?

    I have two lovely dogs myself. They are as different as night and day (an older gorgeous shephard mix and a young JR Terrier), but you will never find one without the other. I often wonder what happens in the house when I am gone during the day. I will often return to inexplicable signs of strange activity. Often, the couch will be moved about 4 feet from its original spot. A blanket will make its way into another room. My daughter's stuffed animals will be placed deliberately around the house. I really should invest in a video camera that monitors their activity during the day. The video would be priceless to be sure!

    Have a great day!

  10. At 11:44 AM on 28 Nov 2006, MWK wrote:

    I'm getting broody, I soo want to have a dog but can't because we are not allowed to have them in the flats where I live boo hoo :-(
    I can't afford to move but when I can first thing
    I will do is get a dog. For now I take my sister's
    for walks and look after him when they are away,
    he is a Laso Apso - gorgeous, love him to bits xx

    It's quiet on here today, wonder where everyone is. Are you all having a blogfest somewhere? :-)

    Take care
    Love Mary xx

  11. At 11:48 AM on 28 Nov 2006, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    When I had my wee cat castrated, (I'll refrain from using the word "nadgers"!) He came back from the vet still woosy and tried to jump up on the coffee table, hitting his chin as he fell - I was so distraught (I was living in America at the time) I had to phone my mum at what was 2am in the UK! I was in floods of tears at my cruelty. However, next day it was all forgotten and Toots was 100% back to normal. They really do just get on with things!

    Cliff Richard - don't you dare laugh - absolutely brilliant entertainer. Remember that video for Wired for Sound - he looked as though he was about 25 years old and he was almost 20 years older than that!

    Em26 #4 - isn't there any chance your mum can make a move? She must be relatively young, but I can imagine it would be terrifying. Especially living with a control freak - I have seen them in action and it's not pretty. My sister had a partner who would not let her out of his sight and for so long she thought this was normal. After a very long time, she managed to break free but it's not easy. Don't want to put my nose in where it's not wanted, just thought I'd comment.

    Have a good day one and all.

    C xx

    P.S. BigUn, your jokes are brilliant!

  12. At 11:49 AM on 28 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    guys, good morning

    glad you are bit better Keith - am not good myself today - had a very dizzy turn a couple of hours ago - inner ear methinks is the problem and hence balance and indeed my movements are all over the place. hey ho - mustn't grumble.

    Not sure what to write, still gathering thoughts - but just wanted to tune in : )

    Dreamt about the blog last night - probably because I wasn't able to 'tune in' to it much yesterday - it's amazing how easy it is to get behind with what's happening with and for everybody when you miss just a few hours : )

    Wow what a pair of gob smackers last night (if you'll pardon the expression)...or did I dream that too.....

    laters peeps - thoughts-a-gathering I must go


    mange tout and most definitely chaise longue

  13. At 11:54 AM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Re: Correlation

    The amazing correlations go on...

    I have concluded that the following is the standard profile here...
    A Chris Evans blogger:
    ...is a dog lover (or for DWNB's benefit, is a dog)
    ...has (or once did have) a bread machine
    ...is single (good spot Janice)
    ...has grown up kids
    ...is in the caring professions (includes accountant)
    ...is writing (or has written - respect Dr JMcC...btw does anyone know the official blogging symbol for that finger-clicking thing that one must do along with 'Respect'? If I knew it I would have inserted it above...) a book
    ...has a cold at present (yes, man-flu counts)
    ...has trouble sleeping
    ...hates their job (compulsory for all accountants)
    ...likes a drink (OK OK I was running out of ideas - herbal teas count)

    Very high, I think.
    How many do you score out of 10?
    Mine's a ... pint of Guinness...sorry...mine's a 7.

  14. At 11:55 AM on 28 Nov 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Amanda #9: Years ago I had 2 boxer dogs and when I came in from work if anything was amiss I could tell which of the 2 dogs was the culprit just by the look on their face! One day I came home to find that one of them had eaten a half pound of butter. Easy to know who the guilty party was, they sicked it up on the golf course. Sorry Chris!

    Glad you're feeling a bit better Keith, enjoyed the joke. Keep up the good work.

    Lynne x

  15. At 12:03 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Caroline wrote:

    Hello Chaps and Chapettes and the lovely Chris

    Sounds great..breakfast at Claridges, a treat if you weren鈥檛 鈥渁t work鈥 so I hope the meeting goes well.
    Chicken sandwiches with extra butter are truly delicious..I personally like adding crisps too鈥ut that鈥檚 my taste!
    Chris, have you tried personal shoppers 鈥 they may help solve the shopping problem!

    I had a bit of a tricky moment with my daughter this morning..she was watching Disney channel and the programme cast a doubt on whether there was Father Christmas鈥t was resolved at the end of the programme, and I think her faith in him is intact, but it was tricky at the time! I love it that she still believes, it truly is magical.

    Bye for now
    Positive Vibes still being sent to all requiring them!

    Chocolat noix de coco

    Love Caroline

  16. At 12:19 PM on 28 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    I remember my lovely black labrador, Enoch, eating a whole pack of 12 scotch eggs that had been bought for an elderly neighbour of mine. He couldn't stop drinking water that evening and I refused point blank to take him for his walk the next morning for fear of the reprisals!

    Another time I'd left a bag of Thorntons toffee on the arm of the sofa before going to bed. The next morning Enoch could barely open his mouth, he was so full of toffee. Unfortunately, every time he'd taken a drink of water to swill out the toffee it had set hard again!!!

    I still miss him dreadfully but can still laugh at some of his antics.

    jillygoat x

    PS Any word from Nathan on how his trip to Paris went? I'm taking 'im indoors there in January for a bit of a ****fest!! Ooh la la!!

  17. At 12:20 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Hello everybody,

    I am back from my hols. Did you miss me? It doesn't look like you did, but hey - I'm thick skinned so none taken.

    I am ashamed to say that I did not fulfil my ambition on holiday - which was to snorkel - despite the preparation and combatting of phobias which I had undertaken in the bath at home. I bought a mask thingy and dive shoes, booked the boat trip and tried to have a go while on the beach one day. Tentatively I walked into the sea, mask perched upon head and kept saying my mantra - don't be so stupid, don't be so scared - and was pleasantly surprised that the sea was warm and calm. However, after 15 minutes of walking and the sea still no deeper than my calves I thought perhaps it wasn't going to happen, so turned upon my heel and strode back to the safety of a sun bed and a warm, flat coke. The boat trip was also a non event in the snorkelling department. I got very cross with myself for being such a wimp but it wasn't going to happen. We did however, have the pleasure of the company of dolphins while sailing. Not just a few, but a whole pod (is that right? I think it is, but not sure) of about 30 bottlenose. Wonderful! Digital cameras are a great invention, but absolutley useless when trying to take pictures of dolphins out at sea! Whats with the delay thing anyway? When will somebody sort that out?

    Anyway, I digress. So no major achievement made on my part, but at least it still leaves me with an ambition to be fulfilled in the future. I did go star gazing in the desert though, saw a few shooting stars and made the wishes as one is supposed to. I smoked many a shesha pipe, liquorice is a good one, and spoke to an interesting chap about the Koran and international politics.

    Still, its nice to be home. The cats have missed me, even if you lot haven't!

    Til later,

    MW, a!

  18. At 12:34 PM on 28 Nov 2006, MWK wrote:

    Hi Moose # 13

    I score 5/10...............

    Mary xx

    Gaby - sorry to you are feeling poorly, hope you are feeling better soon xx

    Hazel Love - sending you a hug - you might be on a mission and unable to communicate :-) xx

    Weezie - missing you - I don't have any posts to read in the middle of the night :-) xx

  19. At 12:34 PM on 28 Nov 2006, andrew wrote:

    Well here I am In Indonesia, I missed out Bali to avoid tourists I saw to many of them in Thialand and Loas, not so many in Borneo.
    But back to Indonesia its Fab its lovely the people couldnt be more friendly, yesterday I went a whole day without seeing another western face.
    Im in Lombok just now a town called Sengiggi (As in GiGi the movie)
    Tmr Im of to the Island of Flores (Indonesias all islands so I will have to stop saying im of to the Island of...)
    Cant wait I love being away, Its a priveledge to travel...
    BUT I imagine Enzo might not like my future destinations or even some places in Loas they eat Enzos there!!!
    I havnt tried dog yet dont know if I will tried Crickets Larvae of Bees tasted like bacon but I think I prefer bacon the reluctance of your mouth to close and start chewing bugs is incredible its like it refuses to take orders from your brain in disgust.

    Went to the Cinema in Penang to see Death Note A japanese film (Japanese Girls are Great Ive met a few and they all intrigue me).

    It was freezin me and Simon a yorkshire bloke I met were freezin Air Conditioning overkill.
    Everybody was laughin at the weirdest things m,e and Simon were lost.
    Ringtones were going of everywhere we cracked up when we heard Celine Dion.
    Death Note didnt finish it continues into DN2 what a con...
    Went to the pictures in Bangkok too, I wasa shocked when they all stood up after the trailers for the King the cinema was awesome ina big shopping mall the malls here make the ones in UK look cheap anyways marble floors in the foyer great seats great ambient temprature, very clean but no ice cream!!
    Thailand is the land of the yellow tops they all wear them in honour of the King, it just shows how much we have moved away from our Royal Family we used to have the anthem but its no longer Is this a good thing ??
    Watched Casino Royale it was possibly a 7 outa 10

    Oh well this internet connection is costing me so bye bye 96 cents so far thats about 45p.Ive said hello to Maarja who shares my birthday but I forgot to tell her its an inportant day in Indonesia its Heros Day to comerorate all who dies in 1945 in the conflict with the Dutch

    Bye No Really Bye

  20. At 12:42 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Em 26 wrote:

    Hi Chrissies #11

    My mum doesnt live with him, thankfully, he doesnt like her seeing any of her children or grandkids and now my little boy isnt allowed into the shop where mum works!

    She knows its all ridiculous but i think she fears change so doesnt act, plus he is her boss!


  21. At 12:53 PM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Afternoon !

    Well Mr. Grade has gone to save ITV then鈥 Good Luck to him. How terribly sad though that Fluff has died. The man was a legend.

    Chris 鈥 I hope you enjoy Claridges. I can鈥檛 believe you鈥檝e never been ! 鈥 If you ever get the chance check out Gordon Ramsey鈥檚 restaurant there 鈥 Its very art deco ! Lots of beautiful sea food dishes too鈥

    Good Luck with the meeting !

    Hospital went ok. The found 鈥渟omething鈥 they would like to investigate further but that鈥檚 all they鈥檝e said. Going back again on Monday. And so it goes on and on and on and on 鈥..Thank You so much for all your positive vibes ! I really do appreciate it. My Mum came with me for moral support, she is a bit of a superstar really !

    Loved your post Moose 鈥 I don鈥檛 think I score very highly鈥..Most definitely a dog lover ( I love all 6 of mine !!!), I own a bread machine, I鈥檓 single, Don鈥檛 have any kids (yet), unless you count head hunting people all day as caring I鈥檓 not in that line of work !, I鈥檓 not writing, I鈥檝e not got a cold, on the most part have no trouble sleeping and I adore my job. Oh and I鈥檓 tee total so definitely don鈥檛 like a drink !! So what does that give me ? About a 3 !??!?

    MW, a ! Hello ! Welcome back !!!

    Loads to do so must dash.

    All my love as always

    Tracey-Ann x x

  22. At 12:58 PM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I remember that Wired for Sound video.....

    he might have looked 20 years younger than he was, but it didn't improve the dancing ability.

    ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho


  23. At 12:58 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Anna Log wrote:

    On the Moose scoring system (#13) I only managed 2 (I own a bread machine and hate my job) - I will take a drink if encouraged, although I don't really like it so I guess I could score 3 at a push. Does that mean I can't read this stuff any more??

    Caroline - I agree about chicken sandwiches- they should ALWAYS have crisps in them, preferably those chunky, ridged Salt 'n' vinegar ones ... I suppose they might make the bed a bit crunchy to lie in though, so best avoided late at night!

  24. At 01:01 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Morecambe Resident wrote:


    It's Morecambe and Wise with an A aghhhh I hate it when people spell my home town wrong.

    Everyone does it it's not just you fella.

    All the best

  25. At 01:12 PM on 28 Nov 2006, cate D wrote:

    Afternoon All

    great animal stories today.

    We have two cats and I still recall how sad they looked on their return from "that visit" to the vet. All was forgiven soon afterwards. Recently in the block where we live a new kitten arrived as he had grown he has terrorised my boys and the other cats that share the communal garden. I hope his owners take the responsible action soon.

    Keith - love the joke and glad you are feeling better.

    Tracy-Ann - still sending good vibes your way.Best wishes

    Chris - saw the new shirt on the webcam during last nights show - looked good. As for Enzo sleeping on it he just wanted to be close to his dad.

    Take care


  26. At 01:17 PM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Moose Scoring System :

    I only score three, but since was mentioned by name, I think I get a whole 6 bonus points.

    married, with kids, but not old kids, no bread machine, but Si has a print out of the blog with all the recommendations for bread makers, accounting, but only PQ, I love my job. Sorry. But is nice friendly warm type of office. I don't have trouble sleeping, I could sleep for UK, I LOVE drinking, and have a book entitled 101 things to do before you die, one of which is write a book based on the 101 things you've done.

    Said enough today.
    Am Off.
    See You All Tomorrow. Spain to Reconcile.


  27. At 01:22 PM on 28 Nov 2006, a Scot in the Medway wrote:

    Hello Schloggers,

    To Moose#13... I only scored 2... then again I'm only a part-time schlogger... manage a sneaky peak a lunchtime and sometimes @ elevensies.

    ITV certainly needs Michael Grade as it is slowly flushing itself down the big toilet. It seems to be 24-hour soaps n clebs n trevor mcdonut. Never watch the channel apart from local news bulletin.

    Sad to hear of passing of Fluff Freeman. He was an icon of radio broadcasting. Not 'arf! But nice to hear that his passing was peaceful as so many are so often taken suddenly and/or tragically.

    How nice to be taken to Claridges for breakfast. I like my job, but wouldn't mind there being more trips out of the office.

    oh dear... time to retrun to the fold...

    Happy Tuesday!


  28. At 01:22 PM on 28 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    I score 5/10 Moose. As ever, I am completely and utterly average. That's what my school reports always said and that's exactly what I am. Average, average, average.

    Oh well, the world needs plodders as much as it needs leaders I suppose.


    PS Tracey-Anne - lots more PVs winging their way to you for Monday xx

  29. At 01:23 PM on 28 Nov 2006, MWK wrote:

    Moose - sorry didn't expand on how my score of 5 came about............I am single, a dog lover, unhappy in my job, I enjoy a drink (but not always on a school night) and have trouble sleeping.

    MW, a! - welcome back xx

  30. At 01:27 PM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Ok, maybe it's just bread machines and the rest is simply projection because I feel like I have so much in common with you all you lovely people.

    Tracey-Ann, glad to hear from you. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Where did all the Michael Grade stuff come from?...Chris your blog was very wierd today - arrived very late and then only half of it...the rest turned up later...or was that just my PC playing up? I read Morecambe Resident's post and didn't know what he was on about, until I re-read Chris's blog and the new bit had arrived...btw, lighten up and give Chris the benefit of the doubt for a typo. We all mak them now and agin. ;-) It's hard to type properly with crisp crumbs in your bed, and a muddy-pawed dog with no nadgers jumping all over you...so I've heard.

    Signing out, for I have a meeting to go to. Yawn!
    The Moose

  31. At 01:39 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    good afternoon friends and how lovely it is to tune in...

    Mary - thank you so much : )... Mary, is it your birthday today - there is definitely a birthday blogger today (unless I am mistaken which is likely) -

    #17 MW,a - we did miss you - lovely to have you back.

    Moose -mine's a...... cheeky Merlot - sorry..... mine's a strong 6.



    ps Daniel Craig

    pps mange tout

  32. At 01:39 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Jillygoat #16 Anymore funny stories about Enoch you could share with us? They did make me laugh.

    MWa #17 Welcome back. Perhaps you'll get to snorkel next time.

    Tracey-Ann hang in there.

    Moose #13 I score 5


  33. At 01:43 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Jax wrote:

    J #7 - I like your comment re: helluva party! Made me laugh out loud. Dangerous thing when at work and you suddenly laugh to your self, people think you're crazy!

    Nothing else to write just yet.

    Back later

    J x

  34. At 01:43 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:


    I am so pleased about what you said re Chris' blog - the bit arriving late/missing etc. I felt unwell this morning and when I logged on this afternoon to see what you guys had been up to, there was this extra bit to Chris' blog - but I truely thought that I had just 'missed it' when I read the blog this morning due to unhealthy disposition.

    Oh joy, I have more marbles remaining than originally thought - thank you Moose



  35. At 01:52 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Caroline wrote:

    hey moose

    you're v observant...I didn't get the bit about M Grade first either and the blog title was different...Anyway, i'm up to speed now..thanks

    by the way I scored 4 and a half
    I couldn't have a dog myself, but other peoples are lovely (is that Half) / yes to Breadmaker (1)/Kid but not grown up (half) /yes to writing a book(1)/trouble sleeping sometimes (half) / love drinking (1)/love my job/married/food development not caring/luckily no cold (nil)

    so lower than average! However, that won't put me off....maybe another trait is addictive personalities!

    Love Caroline x

  36. At 01:54 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Likewise Moose, I had the same thing happen with me/my computer. Didn't want to say anything in case I had imagined it!


  37. At 01:57 PM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:


  38. At 01:58 PM on 28 Nov 2006, ChrissieS wrote:

    Back again - so much to reply to!

    Chris, I agree - good luck to Michael Grade. I think we'll see enormous changes at ITV, so that has to be a good thing. Hope he manages to hold on to Ant & Dec - the 大象传媒 must be desperate to get them!

    Briefly: Moose - I score only 2 - honestly! I like a drink (and then some) and I have trouble sleeping. Looks like a link there.

    Mariella - welcome back, you have been missed. Em26, thanks for the reply - you just watch - there are not too many women who will put a man before her family. Tracey-Ann - always thinking of you.

    DWNB #22 - HOW I laughed!!


  39. At 02:05 PM on 28 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Hi Lynne - hope you're doing OK.

    We used to live in Canterbury and on the odd occasion I'd go away for the weekend my mum and aunt would house and dog-sit with pleasure for me as they loved Enoch almost as much as I did!

    If you know Canterbury, you'll know that the seagulls there are absolutely enormous. One evening Enoch was let out into the garden for his last wee of the night when he came face to face with a seagull the size of a small dog. Not sure who was more surprised but Enoch, ever the macho dog, whined loudly, turned tail and ran into the kitchen, and then proceeded to bark very bravely from behind my mum's legs!

    That was my boy!!

    jillygoat xx

  40. At 02:06 PM on 28 Nov 2006, cate D wrote:

    This blogger

    ...is a dog lover and likes cats
    ...does NOT have a bread machine
    ...is married but childless
    ...is in the caring professions
    ...is writing a thesis
    ...has a headache at present
    ...has trouble sleeping (some times)
    ...hates their job (one of them but not the other one)
    ...likes a drink (a cold glass of something fizzy)

    How about the rest of you?


  41. At 02:11 PM on 28 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:


    4/10 not too bad ;-) (I am still not buying a bread maker)

    MW,a of course we all missed you but not as much as your cats missed you! ;-) x

    Gaby, sorry you are not well, :-( I normally get the same effect as an inner ear infection after the second bottle of red. ;-) x

    Tracy-Ann, great news :-) good luck Monday! Xx

    Mary, you could be onto something鈥︹︹.

    Mmmm, Hazel Love and Weezie missing in action? So should everyone be on the look out for a couple of blondes especially in 大象传媒 towers! Has the blog police got them or are they mixed up with the dastardly deeds of the Russians and been contaminated after eating some dodgy sushi? As this is a virtual world we are in be careful of impostors pretending to be them ;-)))

    Keep smiling everyone :-))


  42. At 02:20 PM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hello all!

    It's been a while for me - have been away from work having fun, but I have been keeping a close eye on all of you!!

    Went to see 2 gigs at the weekend - the first was J Spaceman at The Lowry and what a spiritual affair it was (no pun intended). Very simple, just a man and a guitar, a string quartet, 3 gospel singers and a piano. Almost life changing.

    Saturday night I went to see the Killers in Nottingham, and I am so pleased to have seen them in a small venue - they start in the stadia next year so I think I just caught them before it was too late! It was phenomenal.

    Fuller reviews and pics on my MySpace (click on JF)...

    Hope everyone is well and happy xxx

  43. At 02:25 PM on 28 Nov 2006, MWK wrote:

    Hi Gaby - My birthday is a week today. I think Hazel Love is the 30th not sure who's might be today xx

    I thought someone had spiked my tea earlier when I re-read the blog :-) wishful thinking :-)

    Tracey-Ann, will keep sending you positive thoughts xx

    Take care
    Mary xx

  44. At 02:33 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good afternoon lovely Krystoffe, and good afternoon lovely people!

    What an interesting and diverse blog today CLP. Congrats to MG for the new job. They said how much he was gonna be earning at itv and jolly good luck to him. Maybe now it'll be worth watching some of the programmes!................Claridges for brekkers. How terribly hedonistic dah-ling...y'could have done just the one glass of champers just to whet y'whistle!....................and the sarnies...HAS to be lovely warm fresh bread, REAL Anchor and a wee sprinkle of sea salt with the chicken..yumster bejumster...

    Christmas dos. No partners at mine, but then he wouldn't know anyone except me, and we can't risk it anyway...Most of the time the guys are in those 'groucho marx' masks and cracker hats coz they think it's funny. Har har har... every bleedin' year...it gets funnier and funnier....

    GABY - I have similar but is sinus I think...it's Mary's birthday next Tue I think??...and yours soon...see below for MINE!

    MOOSE - 3 cats, no, divorced (twice), no, no, yes, yes, yes, yes. So I guess 4.

    How nice to have a lovely hug from lovely MWK xxx

    ...and M.W,a! OF COURSE we missed you. I personally have not been about much either (didn't have access to any technology at all...the state of my hair!) but HALLO!!!!!!! Welcome home etc etc...

    May have to do the nightnurse thang this eve. Not used to sleeping lately, but IT'S MY BIRTHDAY THIS THURSDAY, and have got lots of things planned so need to get some good kip in. The boy will even be making a guest appearance on Saturday apparently...hoorah!

    By the way ANNA, no squid in the paella for me thank you.

    BIGU'N - I gather that you were u the w yesterday. I trust you are returning to form? Mrs B sounds like a proper trouper - hi Mrs B xx

    and for you, Keith, just because I can...

    Whaddya get if two elephants and a snake fall out of an aeroplane?

    BADUM, tssssssssssss!

    tout les alles

    ps Daniel Craig II

  45. At 02:38 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Parker wrote:

    My Very First Time

    The sky was dark
    The moon was high
    All alone just she and I
    Her hair was soft
    Her eyes were blue
    I knew just what
    She wanted to do
    Her skin so soft
    Her legs so fine
    I ran my fingers
    Down her spine
    I didn't know how
    But Itried my best
    I started by placing
    My hands on her breast
    I remember my fear
    My fast beating heart
    But slowly she spread
    Her legs apart
    And when I did it
    I felt no shame
    All at once
    The white stuff came
    At last it's finished
    It's all over now
    My first time ever
    At milking a cow

  46. At 02:41 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Oh BLIMEY!

    Meant to say hi to about 50 more people, not least of all Tracey-Ann, jillygoat, Cathmel, Cate and Cat and Jo and ooooooooooohhhh! McCrumble, Weezie, ermmmmm...Oh gawd I dunno Billy...ya knows I loves ya!

    ...and now it is all refreshed I see even MORE of you...

    I am, at present, safe and sound. Thank you all of you. There is a good stable lock on the door as my friend is off for two weeks. I'd rather they weren't around for my birthday. The face as long as a fiddle turns to one as long as a damp Sunday, and they don't get the jokes in the funny cards.

    blessed be

    P.S. Have asked for a Geiger counter but the boy says it will have to be for Christmas as well as it is too expensive just for birthdays.

  47. At 02:42 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Gavin wrote:

    Dear Shlog Community

    Wired for Sound was aired last night and I also have it in my head. No shame in that though. The song is ace.

    Gav out.

  48. At 02:43 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Em M wrote:

    Hello everyone,

    I don't think I am a typical blogger as I don't have a dog as my son is allergic to them along with lots of other things (I do like them though), my kids are still young, youngest is 7 tomorrow, I don't own a breadmaker and I don't work in a caring profession.

    My name is Emma though, and there seem to be lots of us on the blog!

    Em xx

  49. At 03:02 PM on 28 Nov 2006, MWK wrote:

    ps Gaby - Haven't forgotten yours is the 9th xx

  50. At 03:06 PM on 28 Nov 2006, fillybay wrote:

    Back for second day..what a friendly lot you guys are.
    Caring sharing n well blogged up.A good way to go.
    Re Moose; love dogs have cat!
    Hate bread machines....bread tastes
    shop like.
    Still single.why oh why what do I do
    Have daughter 11yrs,nothing wrong
    job great caring for wealthy folks
    no book but plenty of tales{re above}
    V healthy,Love sleep,Love to drink
    {hot choc in bed}
    Oh what a grand life I have!!
    #Em, re your mum.Ive been there too and boy is it scary just thinking of getting away.No one can do it for her but helpful hints work eg point out diff job opportunities.Oh and try a poss council exchange? Good luck n lv to her.

    Chris ur jammy and I hope you had to work for that bfast.Break your fast is what you were ment to do not bust your belt on a big B.
    lv fi x

  51. At 03:09 PM on 28 Nov 2006, NICKI wrote:

    Hi all (again maybe)

    I had just prepared a fairly long message/blog/thingy, apologising for being missing the last few days, and other stuff just about to post and it gone away, no sign of.

    Due to the very small size of my brain I cant remember exactly what I was on about, I think it whent along the lines of:

    Tracey Ann - everything crossed for Monday

    Jillygoat, - dont be daft, average, never. What is average other than a knicker size, I'm sure I don't know. I dare say anyone that knows you would agree with me, average - humbug!

    Mariella - 'cause we missed you, place hasn't been the same without you.

    Moose - dont know how I would score
    I think I said, No dog but would love one, but not until I don't have to be at work all day.

    Single, but firmly attached to gerogeous guy as often as possible.

    Have amazing cat

    No kids, never felt the urge but can understand in others.

    Breadmaker, I think I was the first to offer mine to Mr E as housewarming gift. So technically I still own one, can't even give the damn thing away!

    Drink - Oh, yes please, I'll have a v.large glass of red Italian by choice, but anythin big, round and busty that turns to velvet on your tongue will do.

    Big un - neat joke, as ever, glad you're on the mend.

    Sooper dooper wishers to all that are feeling poorly, or miserable or down int dumps

    Take care

  52. At 03:14 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Caroline wrote:

    hey moose

    you're v observant...I didn't get the bit about M Grade first either and the blog title was different...Anyway, i'm up to speed now..thanks

    by the way I scored 4 and a half
    I couldn't have a dog myself, but other peoples are lovely (is that Half) / yes to Breadmaker (1)/Kid but not grown up (half) /yes to writing a book(1)/trouble sleeping sometimes (half) / love drinking (1)/love my job/married/food development not caring/luckily no cold (nil)

    so lower than average! However, that won't put me off....maybe another trait is addictive personalities!

    Love Caroline x

  53. At 03:22 PM on 28 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Hazel Love, Very good :-) Pleased you are around; Mary was getting worried about you. ;-) I did my best to put her mind at rest :-)

    Now you have got me started ;-)

    Two elephants walk off a cliff...boom, boom!

    What do you get if a herd of elephants tramples Batman and Robin?
    Flatman and Ribbon

    How do you turn a fox into an elephant?
    Marry it!

    Parker # 45 great start鈥.I predict the blog police may have you on their radar very soon ;-) and that may take some pressure off me, keep up the good work!

  54. At 03:33 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Em 26 wrote:


    Let me see,

    I am single

    I have a child but he is only two going on three

    I do write when i find time

    I do have a dog and love them

    I Love a drink

    I totally hate my job

    I have trouble sleeping

    I have a cold

    But I don not have a bread maker and have never had one, I do not work in the caring profession but would like to work for a charity if that counts?!!!

    8 out of ten! Blimey obviously I belong here then!!


  55. At 03:41 PM on 28 Nov 2006, duncan stripp wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Loved the story about Enzo's journey to the vets. There are a few obnoxious oiks at the end of my road, I wonder if youd mind popping round to pick them up and get them "seen to".

    Keep up the good work, listen every day from 5.30 til 6.30 on my way round the damn M25, love the show


  56. At 03:41 PM on 28 Nov 2006, MWK wrote:

    Guess who hasn't done much work today! :-)

    Hazel Love.......your still here, thought they might have sent you to the back of beyond!
    Felt reassured when Keith suggested you and Weezie might be on a joint mission, tad envious
    of you two having a wild time, but a little less anxious :-)

    Love Mary xx

  57. At 03:42 PM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Hi quiz fans!

    Meeting over...nothing better to do than collate the scores.

    Current scores on the doors (including bonus points):

    DWNB 9 (includes 6 bonus points)
    Cate D 7
    Moose 7
    Gaby 6
    Em M 6 (only denied 4!)
    Janice at least 6 (...if it's good enough for DWNB)
    Dr JMcC at least 6 (as above)
    jillygoat 5
    MWK 5
    Lynne 5
    fillybay 5
    Caroline 4 1/2
    Hazel Love 4
    The Big'Un 4
    Nicki 4
    Tracey-Ann 3
    Anna Log 2
    a Scot in the Medway 2
    Chrissie S 2

    A good spread around the middle, just like me...

    Chris...I think you should award a special prize on the show tonight for the most representative blogger...for which, at this point in time, I nominate Cate D for the prize. 7 is a truly remarkable score...worthy of special mention even if beaten in the next hour or so...
    DWNB cheated by making up bonus points - typical accountant!
    I cheated by picking loads of things that apply to me anyway.

    Those of you at the bottom of the list...Congratulations are in order for not being as marble free as SOME on the list, nearer the top. Well done you.

    And on the elephant theme...
    How do you get 4 elephants in a mini?
    ...2 in the front, 2 in the back.

    How do you hide an elephant in a cherry tree?
    ...paint her toenails red.

    My humble apologies. I shall leave the jokes to the professionals in future.

    The Moose

  58. At 03:44 PM on 28 Nov 2006, My name is Joannie (Toronto) and I am a Blogaholic :-) wrote:

    Mornin' all....
    First of all, last night I was looking for something on the internet (can't remember what) I think I was looking up something to do with entertainment and up pops Christof's pic with the 'mystery woman' - I had to laugh! Why can't these clowns leave you alone? I never read these magazines and stuff - waste of money!!
    Enjoy Claridges Chris - sounds very posh :-)

    TRACEY-ANN - PV's are all around you, stay positive xxx
    MOOSE - I scored 6
    ANDREW - eating dog - omg - dont even know what to say about that - yuk
    MW - We missed you hinney :-) Too bad about the snorkeling but dont beat yourself up, maybe next time. I could never snorkel, cant swim, cant stand anything over my nose/mouth so you definitely get points for trying
    GABY - feel better xx
    BIG UN - glad you are feeling better, great joke! Your Mrs. sounds like a great lady!
    HAZEL - Happy Birthday for Thurs, let us know what you get up to

    OK I am off for a quick run then got errands to do. Trying to get my business up and running but not having much luck. Looking for another job now, something, anything!!!

    Have a great afternoon everyone
    Joannie xxx

  59. At 03:48 PM on 28 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Nicki # 51 - oh, you are kind. Sadly the only bit of me that isn't average is me knicker size! I'll spare you the details ........

    Hazel Love - glad you're back with us - it's not the same without you

    To all - I hope the only red nose now belongs to Rudolf and that everybody's sniffs and snuffs are fading fast.

    Today is really dragging at work, so roll on 5pm, the magic hour!

    jillygoat x

  60. At 03:53 PM on 28 Nov 2006, NICKI wrote:

    They were meant to be sooper dooper wishes
    as I'm not sure what wishers are.

    Should have paid more tension at typing class

  61. At 03:56 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Catherine wrote:

    Chris you've got to stop with the Cliff Richard song! As soon as I heard it last night I was singing along at the top of my voice and all day today it's been in my head and I keep singing it, so what have I just done?! - only downloaded it from itunes! - so now there it is - proudly sitting on my ipod playlist next to Bucks Fizz.
    Hope you enjoyed Claridges and hope your cold gets better - have you tried Night Nurse liquid - a horrendous green colour - but v potent - even more so than the tablets!
    Give Enzo a big kiss from me - he sounds adorable.

  62. At 04:00 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Jill wrote:

    Hello Blog Buddies

    Michael Grade makes headline news with his departure too - another accolade and, like you, I hope he improves ITV as everyone seems to predict.

    Went to France at the end of last week and have just about caught up with Blogsters' news, but blogging is truly infectious as I have caught the dreaded lurgy from at least one of you... Never mind, an early night at the unheard-of hour of 8.30 seems to have revived my energy a bit and removed some of the aches.

    MW a! Your trip sounds great, despite the lack of underwater adventures, but - hey! - if God had meant us to venture to the bottom of the ocean he would have given us gills and fins.

    Big 'Uns joke reminded me of one I heard yesty about a nun who gets in a taxi. The driver keeps looking at her in the mirror, so she asks what's on his mind. After considerable embarrassment, the driver admits that he has always had a yearning to kiss a nun. She hesitates and then replies 'That's OK by me but there are two conditions - you have to be single and also a Catholic'. The driver brightens up and says 'yes, I'm single and yes, I'm a Catholic to be sure'. So she instructs him to pull over into the nearest layby, calls him into the back of the cab and gives him the most fruity snog ever. He returns to his seat and then shamefully owns up that he has committed a great sin because he is, in fact, married and Jewish. The nun replies 'Don't worry, mate - I'm a bloke and I'm on my way to a fancy-dress party'.

    Off to see Casino Royale at last this evening. Fish supper at Phish beforehand. Mange tout.

    Jill xx

  63. At 04:01 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    ...and CHRISSIEs, and Em and EM and EMMA and M and Em M and Em 26 and emandem and erm...I was nearly Christened Catherine. Then there'd have been one more of them too! Love it! We could all have separate corners with banners at the blogfest like at school sports day! On that note, there are at least 7 Chloes in my friends daughters class, imagine the blog in a couple of years!

    FILLYBAY - You new? Oh dear...SMITTY thought it would only be once...and now look...


    Thank you Keith. I have fortunately not been mixed up with any Russians...although I have been moving about quite quickly...ta da!

    Oh so close...
    mais pas le cigar...

    NICKI #51 - "but anythin big, round and busty that turns to velvet on your tongue will do." I have many friends who would echo the same sentiment...

  64. At 04:01 PM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    ...and in a late burst, Em 26 has come up on the rails. But there's going to have to be a steward's enquiry...the question was "grown up kids"...oh my goodness, that answer has just been disqualified.
    That leaves it as a dead heat between

    Em 26 and Cate D

    with a grand score of 7 points!!!

    You are all mad as a box of frogs.

  65. At 04:19 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Amanda wrote:

    I score 8/10 as follows:
    Dog lover - yes (see previous post)
    Bread Machine - used to own one but gave it away because I hated to clean it!
    Single - yes
    Children - yes (13 yr old daughter)
    Caring profession - No...I am a university professor, it would be a great job if it weren't for the blasted students!
    Writing - Yes...part of my job
    Has a cold - Yes...more like the plague
    Trouble sleeping - Yes, because of the plague
    Hates job - NO, I love my job
    Likes a drink - Oh sweet nectar, Yes!!

    We could probably add another...growing Christmas potatoes.

  66. At 04:21 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Em 26 wrote:

    now come on moose thats abit unfair! He is older than his years!!!!

  67. At 04:30 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:


    If you have a box of frogs in your possession in order that you may ascertain as to their sanity levels, may I recommend that you please ensure that Dr Joseph McCrumble has had them checked over for opalina or ribeiroia.

    Many thanks

    By the way, ou est le petite Hobo and Prof Plum?

    JOANNIE - the itinerary is...Thursday, night in with the 'girls' for poker, take-away and probably wine. Friday, night out with some friends and probably wine, possibly Jack Daniel's. Saturday, boy home, night out with more friends and probably wine and Jack Daniel's, possibly some vodka. Sunday, day in, probably Alka Seltzer. Monday OFF!!! hoorah!

    Anyway we have tomorrow and tomorrow Macbe*h

    saloo mes choux

  68. At 04:31 PM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Final scoreboard before logging off and heading for the swimming pool for a few crafty laps:

    Cate D 7 ) therefore declared joint winners!
    Em26 7 )

    ...and the rest of the field
    Moose 7 (was once a bit of a stallion, now past his best)
    Gaby 6 (great effort with new boy Daniel Craig on board)
    Joannie 6 (good late burst, not quite enough to take the trophy)
    Em M 6 (a bit indecisive for 6 furlongs)
    jillygoat 5 (superb, above average effort - very nearly got bonus points for knickers)
    MWK 5 (solid, keep trying)
    Lynne 5 (very good effort given recent personal tragedy - will come back strongly next time out)
    fillybay 5 (very promising filly)
    Caroline 4 1/2 (bit nervous with the half points...should stick her neck out for full points next time)
    Hazel Love 4 (started as favourite but drifted, could be she's getting old :-) )
    The Big'Un 4 (putting up 10 pounds overweight)
    Nicki 4 (great mare - ready for breeding)
    Tracey-Ann 3 (vets only just declared her fit for the race, stunning effort)
    DWNB 3 (tried to cut a corner but was ushered back on track by the stewards)
    Anna Log 2 (much faster without the jockey)
    a Scot in the Medway 2 (part timer - really a stud stallion)
    Chrissie S 2 (blood test still at the lab)
    Janice (showed up yesterday for the race - not to be seen today)
    Dr JMcC (not at the races)

  69. At 04:32 PM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Dear All.

    Bring Me Sunshine. In your Smile,
    Bring Me Laughter.... All the While.
    In this world Where we live,
    there should be more happiness..

    And there's plenty of that around here.

  70. At 04:34 PM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Sometimes I think that it would be very nice to have the opportunity to have a day off. sleeping all day, on and off like a dog. To lose all the stress too might be nice. they may not know hwat is going on from one day to the next, but they don't have to think about it either! Bliss!


  71. At 04:36 PM on 28 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    Hi Chris and fellow bloggees,

    My Score:
    I am a dog lover (Lucky and Rio beside me now)
    I am a Bread Machine!!!
    Married (0)
    No kids (0)
    I am a Midwife for pregnant teenagers
    I am writing a book slowly but surely
    I don't have a cold (0)
    I am not sleeping
    I love my job (althogh signed off sick for yet another month by hospital yesterday)(0)
    I like a drink
    I guess that's a 6 then.

    Tracey-Ann I will keep sending positive vibes and also to you Big un want you well soon (I'll try some distance Reiki if you like, I'll send it at 17:15(let me know if either of you feel anything))
    Welcome back Mariella, sure the snorkelling will happen next time.

    Some more jokes:

    How do you get 4 giraffes into a mini?
    You can't, it's full of elephants! (Moose#57)

    There was a sign in a pub saying no pieces of string served here... A piece of string walked in.
    Please may I have a pint of beer?
    Barman said: "Are you a piece of string?"
    No I'm afraid not.....

    A ham sandwich walked into a pub,
    "may I have a pint of beer please?"
    "No, I'm sorry we don't serve food here"

    Sorry all, I know they're bad!

    Cake x

  72. At 04:40 PM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Sorry, the stewards decision is final. Mine are older than yours, and also 'beyond their years' and I didn't give myself a point either!
    Be generous, share the prize...it's not worth much anyway...

    ...it's a night out with me.

    Second prize, 2 nights out with me...!


  73. At 04:44 PM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    ...I can't keep up. Always been my problem.

    There's a late challenge from Amanda with a claim of 8 points...not sure about the 13 year old....go on I'll give it to you, they do grow up so fast and I think we allowed a point for someone else with a 12 year old earlier...

    Congratulations, so far.....

    Auf Wiedersehen und bis zum naechsten mal,

    (sorry, no moose in french speaking countries - well, except Canada of course, darn. But I never was much good at it.)

  74. At 04:53 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Emma SK wrote:


    I think I've missed you but my score is as follows:

    ...I love dog's but own a cat (did have two but one died earlier this year and I STILL cry thinking about her) and a rabbit. Plan to get a dog in the future but one of the littler ones (no not a handbag dog a proper one)
    ...we did have a bread machine that we gave away
    ...am attached (currently...)
    ...my son is nearly 15 so is that grown up or not? I think not- that way I can feel younger
    ...I'm a team manager for social work (I CARE I CARE!!)
    ...I am writing a book (quietly)
    ...NO COLD - I got rid of it two weeks ago
    ...Sleep like a baby.
    ...quite like my job (sorry all)
    ...LOVE A DRINK ESPECIALLY RED WINE (think the drinking thing links with the caring profession including accountants who care too)

    that makes me a five out of ten.

    Have to go now as Chris is on in 5 and I am very late blogging today.

    Cliff Richards neck is the oldest part of him. It looks like my toes when I spend a long time in the bath.

    love to all



  75. At 04:54 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Em 26 wrote:


    is this night out with you on you?

    Being single with a dog and a love for drink and a small child to raise I am broke!


  76. At 04:58 PM on 28 Nov 2006, My name is Joannie (Toronto) and I am a Blogaholic :-) wrote:

    Hey Moose....
    I just went back to your list and demanded a recount :-) I scored 7, not 6 - honest!!! But I just saw that Amada scored 8 !!!! Darn!! :-) Do we need to get a life or what :-) LOL

  77. At 05:22 PM on 28 Nov 2006, NICKI wrote:

    You is barking, love it (oops back to the great mare ready for......................)

    Well, the answer is....always!


  78. At 05:44 PM on 28 Nov 2006, cathmel wrote:

    Here is my late entry moose I hope it still counts:

    1) Just adopted Jasper (7year old) labrador from Battersea 1point
    2) No bread machine
    3) Single 1 point
    4) Kids are 9 & 5
    5) I'm a cancer specialist nurse 1 point
    6) Am planning to publish blog enteries 1 point
    7) Have a definate sniffle 1 point
    8) Yes 1 point
    9) love my job so no points
    10) Am partial to a vidka 1 point

    So that makes me a 7 out of 10

    Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  79. At 06:00 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Dave wrote:

    Chris every single day i stare at my cat, wishing i had the life she does... she's fed, she wanders off, she sleeps and she gets stroked.... i am jealous!

  80. At 06:17 PM on 28 Nov 2006, fillybay wrote:

    So this is what happens when you let a Moose loose!!!
    Youve got us tellin' all!!
    So middle of the field for my first time out.Not bad.Wouldnt go putting your shirt on me yet though. May need a tad more training!
    Need to find a good trainer though.
    Can anyone recommend one?
    #Hazel Love, yep may be addicted? KNow any Doctors to help with the 'Bloggers' condition?
    Gotta go daughter moaning for dinner...............
    lv Fi x

  81. At 06:39 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Warning. Late Blogger.

    Is it bad form to blog during the show? Today has been topsy turvy, so I've already 'gymed 'n' swimmed' and now I'm catching up on the blog before a glass of vino (yeah, yeah, I know what I said yesterday) and a dose of Heston.

    Well Moose, I'm afraid I score a pathetic 5, although I question the weighting of the points. OK, I have a bread machine, but a 'caring profession'?, accountant?. Trouble sleeping? No brainer, ditto hate job. Like drink? Ummm, let me see........

    Only one thing left to say today......

    .......Not 'Alf!

    RIP Fluff.

    Peace all.

  82. At 06:48 PM on 28 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    Dear Moose and all,
    I have had an eventful evening.
    17:15 sent distance Reiki to Tracey-Ann and Big un as promised. Then:
    My throat started hurting and I sneezed
    My hubby going to be late tonight so feel single
    My boss called to discuss my sickleave, stress +++ to go back to so decided I hate my job
    Haven't given birth to any adults though so still no grown up kids (unless all the teen parents I look after count???)

    Does that make me a temporary 9

    Take care all
    A tongue in cheek

  83. At 06:51 PM on 28 Nov 2006, My name is Joannie (Toronto) and I am a Blogaholic :-) wrote:

    Hi again....

    Fillybay - as you can see from my name I am a Blogaholic....all I can suggest for you and other blogaholics is the Blogging Five Step Program:
    1) Admit you are a blogaholic
    2) Ask all the other bloggers to help you regain your sanity - oh wait....are any of us sane???
    3) Realize that all the other bloggers have the same problem
    4) Admit blogging is taking over your life - and that you are loving every minute of it :-)
    5) Read Big Un's joke for the day and send in your daily entry to the blog
    Then do the same thing all over again every day :-)
    Joannie xxx

  84. At 07:04 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Prof plum wrote:

    Iv'e cracked it. At last I have managed to get around some very strange behaviour on behalf of my pc. The web pages of the 大象传媒 were stuck on the 11th Novemeber. It's all spy stuff. It's as though my pc controlled by a higher being.

    I'm sure Enzo like many fellow blogger dogs might appreciate the programme entilted "Dog Borstal". My dog is glued to it. Loves to join in.

    the names Bond... James Bond.

  85. At 07:24 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Thanks Jillygoat. if you think of anymore....

    Cathmel, how is Jasper settling in?

    Moose, I think you've done sterling work today at the races.

    Lynne x

  86. At 08:10 PM on 28 Nov 2006, rachel wrote:

    Off Side Rule For Girls

    On your show tonight you were discussing off side, the off side for girls is a guaranteed way to explain this to the female population.

    You are second in the queue in a shoe shop the assistant behind the counter has the last pair of shoes you want but so does the person in front. Neither of you has your purse, your friend has yours further down the shop. She sees you wave and throws the purse to you but it would be rude to step in front of the girl queuing until you have you purse in you hand. You could move to the side of her while your purse is in the air but not in front until you have it.

    Great show

  87. At 08:23 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Christine Mackay wrote:

    Hi Chris.....I too have a German Shepherd who is 11 months old call Mitch.....he has helped me a lot with moving to the states with my husbands job. His undying love and contstant companionship have helped me through many a homesick day....as has your show and all of Radio 2. Keep up the good work...mange tout
    Chrissy Mackay

  88. At 08:51 PM on 28 Nov 2006, cate D wrote:

    Hi All

    thank you Moose for the scores. I am so excited I have never been representative before - success at last and what a wonderful group to represent. Em 26 glad to be tied!

    Off to celebrate with a small drink.

    Nighty night - mange tout mange tout


  89. At 08:53 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Rudi wrote:

    Added to the blog the first time a few days ago and was also the first to blog that day- well amazed.

    While I was exercising, my mind wandered off the Red Hot Chili Peppers that husband put on to inspire me and wandered onto the standard of English of the people on this site.

    Some questions arise:

    Are we the last who were taught to spell and punctuate and it mattered if we got it wrong?

    Does Chris use a spell checker?

    I absolutely refuse to use 'text-speak' even when texting - do we all feel the same? (Admittedly I do say 'b-day' instead of birthday).

    mmmmm.....there are two 'and' in my first question, I'm sure it is right but it looks wrong - if you know what I mean.

    I only score quite low but I am an accountant for a caring company - can I have double points?

    PS the Chili Peppers are on Later with Jools Holland this Friday 1 December.

  90. At 08:55 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Rudi wrote:

    PPS regarding 'mange tout'

    My mother in law is NEVER allowed to forget that she pronounced it 'man-gee tout' as in 'mouldy seller of knock-off tickets'

  91. At 09:04 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Joanne Healings wrote:

    CRICKEY!!!! I'm a virgin blogger (no pun intended Chris!!) In't there a lot of you about.....i never realised!! Its like a loverely 'blog community'. I felt quite intrusive havin' a sniff at your blogs....i hope you didn't mind. It's all quite intriguing - its like trying to catch the jist of a long running soap like Neighbours!!

    I'm DEFO coming back for another sniff!! That's if i can elbow me hubby out of the way!!

  92. At 09:06 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    I'm not a number! I'm a free frog!

    or should that be tree frog? hmmmm...

    Hey CAKE - I do reiki too! Hoorah...we'll have to do swaps!

    Bloke goes into a pet shop.

    I'd like to buy a wasp.

    We don't sell wasps.

    You've got one in the window.

    3rd Prize - 3 nights out and you've gone and got another moose!

    Good luck fillybay...

  93. At 09:28 PM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    entries now closed...

    Amanda is the clear winner by 1 point. Congratulations and a bag of hay is on it's way to you.

    Joint second place is Cate D, Em26, CAKE (I'll allow the cold only I'm afraid - hatred of job has to be more deep seated, and if temporary singleness counted, I dread to think how many extra points I'd get...), Cathmel AND Joannie (given my inability to speak the other language of her home country, we'll let her off without having fully disclosed all answers). Oh...and me!!!! Unless, I'm very much mistaken (an outside possibility) the second prize will be given out at the Blogfest!!!

    Nighty night!

  94. At 09:44 PM on 28 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    ...back again.

    Rudi, if you really want to have double points, feel free (although I do have to warn you that it can't make a difference to the prizes...)

    Also, eye think ewe have a point on the grandma...eye am considering weather eye should change won of the ten questions and get everybody to resubmit there answers. Unfortunately, its now two l8 four me two bee bovvered to reinculcate the scores, and Amanda has all ready eton the hay (it was only a virtual bag after all).

    Just a little proud moment on the grammar/spelling front. I am trying hard to raise a new generation similarly obsessed...mooselet #1 (5 years old) got FULL MARKS in his spelling test at school today...and not for the first time. Chip off the old antlers!!!

  95. At 10:02 PM on 28 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    Hey Rudi#89,

    Your question got me thinking. It reminded me of the story of the sign paper asking for approval from the pub owner...

    "The sign is ok but I'm not sure about the spaces between Dog and and and and and Duck."

    Hazel Love - great to hear you do Reiki, I kind of lost faith in it recently but my confidence is returning

    Take care all,

    PS Moose - good decision

  96. At 10:04 PM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Damn, I missed the race

    J McC

  97. At 10:05 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    good evening friends

    Thank you Mary - great memory : )

    Thanks all for your 'get well' wishes and right back atcha to all those feeling under the weather. Hazel Love - sinuses and inner ears can be a pain : )

    Moose ...I really enjoyed your scores on the doors. Also, am loving the thought of me having 'Daniel Craig on board'......yipee .....

    Yeah, where is Littlest Hobo - i think the Professor was here yesterday?

    mange tout - et dormez bien - darn, meant to purchase some night nurse tabs (after Chris' comment earlier about them working) - hey ho - having Daniel Craig on board should do the trick ; )


    ps Rufus Sewell (always handy to have back-up)

  98. At 10:10 PM on 28 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hey Chris,
    You have just got to see the video I have done for Madonnas Jump, with my kids Luke and Rebecca dancing to it!
    Just follow my link

  99. At 10:40 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Gaby #97.

    I have often seen your ps's remarking quite simply Rufus Sewell and I understand it all started from the name game, entwined with the elevator game. I thought to myself at the time that I couldn't put a face to the name, but an interesting enough name to get excited over.

    On holiday I was fortunate enough to see A Knights Tale for about the 8th time. I would just like to say....

    ps Rufus Sewell!

    Obviously you get first dibs, but when you're done, send him on over.

    Share the wealth,

    MW a!

  100. At 10:53 PM on 28 Nov 2006, cate D wrote:

    congrats to Amanda and thanks to Moose for scoring the event.

    Cake - keep our chin up evil bosses get foudn out in the end

    A final nighty night to all


    best wishes to all bloggers

    ps Rufus Sewell rules

  101. At 03:28 AM on 29 Nov 2006, dizzy wrote:

    Oh God Chris I sometimes wish I had a dogs life! I'm just having 5 mins break on a busy night shift as a sister on an intensive care unit, thought I'd catch up on yours days blog. If I was a dog perhaps I could sleep all day and get to lie on your bed....do I get to be stroked by you as well???!!!!

  102. At 09:29 AM on 29 Nov 2006, IanG wrote:


    Missed out on the race as didn't get online yesterday - only scored 2 though so feel very inadequate.

    But, the good news is that I bought a DAB radio yesterday and for the first time in 16 years we can get radio 2 in the kitchen. Finally got to listen to the last half hour of the show.

  103. At 11:37 AM on 29 Nov 2006, David Hood wrote:

    The things I don't get include:

    brail instructions in car park lifts, (Preston multi storey), do blind people drive cars?;

    side lights on cars when main beam costs no more to use;

    massive cash payouts to high flying executives who have been given the sack. I would just be shown the door with the likelihood of a rubbish reference;

    football managers who have failed at one club, got the sack then are head hunted by other clubs offering an even more lucrative package.

    Here endeth my moan for the day.

    Keep it up,


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