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Chris Evans | 15:29 UK time, Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Olivia, the young NIGELA look-y-like, is still here. And for the girls....

Naughty Nick is back, for one day only, until that is he returns for good in a couple of weeks time.

Now all this is because Susie Sue has had to stay at home because she has a problem with a leak. More than that I know not.

To other matters, the wife is going out tonight for a pre hen do do. She's going out with two old pals. i've told her to fill her boots and stay out as long as she likes. She can do what she likes for as long as she likes because that's the way it is. I'm at a bit of a loose end as a result and don't really know what to do with myself.

I think against all the odds I may just go home to a good book. I'm flying tomorrow anyhow, so a coupe of glasses of wine and a snatch of james May and that could well be me. On the other hand i may go down the road straight after work and get trollied, ha ha !

Here's a piccie of the lovely Oliv' see what you think about the Nigella comparison.


Have a good twenty four my friends and I'll see you on the radio.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 03:52 PM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Definitely go for the James May prog.

    Did you see him in Typhoon last week - fabby!

    Jan x

  2. At 03:56 PM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    The Wife? The Wife? Already The Wife?

    Grayshus me Christophe! The Wife! A pre hen do do...to do do what she likes likes for as long long as she likes!

    Loving the attitude...a hen likes to be free range. If I got cooped up, I'd just bite off all my feathers and go all droopy. As it is, I can spread my wings when I like, (as can the badger) and we are still, just over four and a half years, clucking in near-perfect harmony...

    I can hear my mum now though, and she'd say don't drink tonight and go flying tomorrow - she'd also say that it's obviously up to you, and then put on a face when you say that you know it is and even if you do go out tonight you'll be ok tomorrow.

    So, have a great night, in, out, hokey-cokeying...or indeed shaking anything about...

    Cheers Natasha

    He has just phoned to find out where the bits of the hoover (other vacuum devices available. I think this one may be a Panason1c) are. He is in a bad mood, one, because he can't find the bits, two, because they are exactly where he wasn't looking hard enough, and three, because he will have wanted to do the hoovering (panasonicking?) for a surprise (although it was on todos list) as I wouldn't really have expected him to have done it, and I should be praising him. I shall have to remember to pick up a small trophy on the way home.............

  3. At 04:02 PM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Olivia has just down-loaded. Yes, she does bear a resemblance to the lovely Nigella...and she looks lovely.

    Here's hoping Susie Sue is at home struggling with a leak that is going to win best in show at the annual fete, rather than a leak like the one I am likely to get with my washer/dryer when I try to get the dryer to work again...

    Cheers Olivia

    Cheers Susie Sue

    Cheers Christophe

    and everyone else too

    ps I feel as if I'm sat on a feather

  4. At 04:02 PM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    If you think she looks like Nigella then you should see what the lads in work have done to me. I end up looking like just about everbody thanks to their handywork.

    Check out the blog of their handywork. This page is the best:

  5. At 04:07 PM on 24 Jul 2007, kazzy wrote:


    Yes she does look like Nigella. I think
    curling up with good book and bottle of
    wine and james may sounds a good
    idea - may join you


  6. At 04:15 PM on 24 Jul 2007, phil wrote:

    Chris i always had a crush on Nigela and her food of course, but the mini Nigela is even more saucy and hot - how can I get her to cook for me?

  7. At 04:24 PM on 24 Jul 2007, Louise wrote:

    defo the James May option for tonight, plus for a bonus!....it's a Top Special tomorrow night - yay!

    Enjoy CLP.

    Have a great show
    Leb x

  8. At 04:34 PM on 24 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Chris, Chris, Chris!

    You know I love you, I always will. My mind's made up ..... and all that. But. And there's always a but. Please, never, ever refer to that lovely girl as "The Wife". Just the absolute pits - are you living in 1968? I understand - it's an embarrassment thing. Some men are so reluctant to say "my wife" or even "my partner". For some reason they will refer to the woman they love, more than anything else in the world, as a nickname rather than use their actual name or title. Makes me seethe!! I was married to Mr S for about two years and he called me everything except my name: all sorts of funny nicknames but he just couldn't say my name. Could never refer to me as his wife. What on EARTH is it all about?! We almost split up over this!

    I don't mean to over-react, but you have touched a nerve! And I'm sorry, but until she is so, Natasha is not your wife! What don't you practise calling her Natasha? Not "the girl on the sofa", certainly not "the wife" - how about plain and simple (and lovely) Natasha!

    Love you!!

    C xx

  9. At 04:42 PM on 24 Jul 2007, Nev wrote:

    A mixed message........James May and a bottle of wine. He must have spent too long with Oz Clarke.

    Surely James would like to be seen as the kind of bloke you go for a pint or two with and debate nuclear physics or something similar! Whereas a night in with a bottle of wine and Nigella is another matter...........!


  10. At 05:05 PM on 24 Jul 2007, Julia B wrote:

    Yes Olivia does look like Nigella. "The husband" always develops a very strong (and rare) interest in cooking when Nigella is on TV - he thinks I don't notice!!


  11. At 05:58 PM on 24 Jul 2007, Ian Routh wrote:

    I heard your show last night but missed the title of the CD you played over the 'sally spot' it sounded like xylophone music or the backing track to a well known money lending company. It's driving me mad. Ian Routh.

  12. At 06:51 PM on 24 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Feel like the Irish rover one and all

    Been a caddy for builder demolishing me kitchen.

    What happened to my finger nails?

    Hazel yes, Always hated watching sport. Unless it's skiing. I always pick a few tips up on Ski Sunday.

    Kes 44p I am sure CT was only having a laugh!!!


  13. At 07:09 PM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Olivia DOES look like Nigella, lucky thing!
    Who's heart went out to Theo and his lost lepoard cub! So cute. I left Jonny Depp on the A47 if you see him can you return him!

    Oh Chris you are so cute calling her The Wife already! And love the photo in the White Suite very dapper!!

    I'll be watching Holby tonight, I am madly in love with Mr Dan Clifford. He is like the George Clooney of Holby, will never not be georgous!

  14. At 10:47 PM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hey Dude

    Haven't been around for a while, Car was playing up something awful. Well not the car, but the radio. Also - have been on holiday.... little island off the coast of oban www.islandofshuna.co.uk. Aw. beautiful. no electrcity, gas lighting, gas refridgerator and cooker, and wood burning stove. All wonderful.

    I'd just sit in the morning in the garden with my coffee listening to the water lapping up on the rocks at the foot of the garden, just past the reeds where the otters play, and listen to the Seals barking in the middle islands.

    I feel I've missed a lot. CLP mentioning wife. Has lady on the Sofa been promoted.

    Listened to the show tonight and had to drive blinking the tears away from my eyes as I listened to all the fantastic responses from the listeners who wanted to help Theo.

    Lovely Jubly.

    Thanx for a lovely Show.

  15. At 02:13 AM on 25 Jul 2007, John wrote:

    Chrissie S how about "she who must be obeyed" or "er indoors" I love both those phrases. I think its really bad of you to tell Chris off.

    Men, my gender, fall into roughly two categories. Those who realise that unless your life depends on it you may as well just say "yes dear" and those who want to change the world. The latter are either unmarried or divorced often many times over. Can any one person meet all of your needs for all of your life? Absolutely not. So lets be nice and wish them both a happy marriage whatever they decide to answer to.

    How come no mention of harry potter 7? Wickle babies born and Voldemort dead for good, Harry shacked up with Ginny and loads of cousin like incest going on. Perhaps Witches and Wizards live in Bollington Cheshire after all. Me? I think she probably killed him in the first draft then got cold feet or maybe thought she might need more money and have to resurect him lol

    JK Nonegreen

  16. At 08:36 AM on 25 Jul 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Eh? The wife??! But you're not married yet - surely the Wife to be...or the Future Mrs C....

    Oh well, hope the heads this morning aren't too sore...ouch....

    I can't really say much else, all the questions were about what to do last night!

    Off to the Docs later for a checkup - oh joy...!

    Tickle :)

  17. At 08:44 AM on 25 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hey ho, Hump Day...the weather (at least darn sarf) looks to be having a hump day too...can't make up it's mind weather to rain, sun or spit.

    The Badger calls me Kitten or baby or babe. I can't remember the last time he called me by my name...I can remember, however, the last time he shouted it out, but that's not for here...

    ...and Patio Heaters are to be taken off the market...allegedly...according to some news wot I have just heard. We are being advised to put a jumper on instead. Now the radio is starting to sound like my mother...

    Christophe, I hope that Natasha (Miss Shishmanian, the future Mrs Evans etc etc) had a FAB time last night, and that the practice went well...and did you watch James May? We did, just seems odd that a lot of the bods on here were doing exactly the same thing last night, and we all know each other. Sort of. Well, not intimately obviously. Well, some of us do. You get what I mean...

    I did go for a lovely walk before settling to telly. Some friends are visiting and want to go to a particular Thai restaurant. 'Oh, it's only five minutes from here!' I exclaimed. 'I shall pop and get a menu so that we have got an idea of food and prices!'.

    Forty minute round trip. Like a route march it was.

    And the print on the menu is SOOOOOO tiny, we can barely read it.

    Still, the exercise is doing me good.


    Plummet the Eagle - has a certain ring to it. David Vine was always quite amenable. Sorry about your nails. I'd be heartbroken.

  18. At 10:28 AM on 25 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    John #15 - I would love to think Chris read my comment and considered himself told off!

    I think "The Wife" is derogatory. But nicknames are cute. My husband calls me Mrs Miggins and Miggsy - two wee names I love. But when he's referring to me he calls me by my name and he knows I would be really offended if he called me "The Wife". I know someone who only ever referred to her husband as "The Husband". He's not now.

    But I do appreciate your comments, I take them on board.

    And of course I wish Chris and Natasha all the love and all the luck in the world. They don't give monkey's what my opinion is - and that's fine by me. I just like getting my oar in, just like everyone else!

    C xx

  19. At 10:31 AM on 25 Jul 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning!

    Can I just ask does anyone notice that they sleep badly after eating certain foods?

    I had a pizza last night and put extra cheese and jalepenos on it and had a terrible night sleep. I've noticed lately that if I eat spicy food then I have really bad dreams and a restless night.

    Maybe the fact that I watched that new drama 'Cape Wrath' before I went to bed didn't help either. Is anyone watching that? It's really wierd but I think I'm going to be hooked on it. As long as it doesn't drag on like 'Lost'.

    Love Deb x

  20. At 10:50 AM on 25 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    JK - no mention of Harry Potter because not everyone's read it yet and NO ONE wants to spoil it for anyone!!!


  21. At 10:59 AM on 25 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Chris - the wife!! good gracious it would be pre-divorce drinks if it were me. But that's probably why I'm single and intolerant - sigh. Hope she had a good time and James May was good last night - such a treat. Tried to call in for woman's minute yesterday as my daughter had passed her driving test and I'll be losing my car from now on.

    Mwa xx

  22. At 11:12 AM on 25 Jul 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Who's Harry Potter?

  23. At 11:20 AM on 25 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Debbie, yes, definitely. Ushooly, but not always, Chinese take away or Fishnchips give me the most gyp, if eaten at whatever time, and I also find that if I eat later (after about 7ish) I tend to have a restless night, and it takes me ages to get off to sleep at all!

    However, a kebab at about 0430 after a night out, knocks me out like a feather.

    Uncanny wouldn't you say?

    With regard to telly b4 bed, I am a great believer in not watching anything violent or scary coz I get all stirred up and can't relax. Even more so if the badger is working away. Am seeing and hearing all sorts...and not in a Bertie B@sset way...Couldn't cope with Cape Wrath AT ALL, speshully as I think the bloke playing the policeman was last in an episode of Sherlock Holmes with the same moustache, but less effing, AND I don't get it. The Time Of Your Life gave me a bit of trouble too...mainly because I missed the first one...


    A while ago, I pointed out that there seemed to be an awful lot of dreary music about, and lots of you agreed...now, whilst I am OVER THE MOON and SOOOOOO happy that there appears AT LAST to be some REAL telly and not just 'reality' telly, REAL DRAMA and some excellent stuff on lately...a lot of it does seem to be quite dreary...

    ...or maybe it's just me...

    Answers on a postscript please

  24. At 12:02 PM on 25 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Ah. Le Hump.

    The dizzy, downward spiral to the weekend begins.

    So. Mr Joorabchian wants to take everyone to court to prove he still owns the ‘economic rights’ to Carlos Tevez.

    If he is proved right – shock, horror!, West Ham couldn’t have been, lying, could they? – where does that leave The Premier League and West Ham? Prepare for multiple lawsuits, starting in Sheffield......

    I caught a bit of Radcliffe and Maconie on the way back from The M last night and it did make me laugh. There they are, like two northern intellectual gladiators, trying to out do each other with their pop and rock trivia knowledge, Radcliffe waxing lyrical about the bass player from some obscure death metal outfit from Barnsley being the tennis partner of the sister of the singer from Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry, and Maconie trumping him by knowing that one of Zodiac Mindwarp’s roadies once beat the drummer from Half Man Half Biscuit’s aunty at ludo.

    OK, I made them up, but you get the gist. And they played Sigue Sigue Sputnik.

    It’s fantastic listening.

    A quick sarnie, an afternoon of accounting fun and games, then the gym and an early night.

    That’s me sorted then.

    Peace and love


    PS William Broad

    PPS Robert Zimmerman

    PPPS Vincent Furnier

  25. At 12:04 PM on 25 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    HL and t'others

    Saw the thing with Joanna Lumley in it last night and it's excellent drama - proper grown up stuff like what we used to get!

    And everywhere I turn 'Heros', starting tonight, is quoted as must see tv.

    Hay ho

  26. At 12:05 PM on 25 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Debbie #19 - as you progress on this lovely journey called life, you will find that the older you get, the more you can't eat - and it doesn't matter what time of day it is! Now off my list completely - sausages, eggs, pies, onion, bacon. Every now and then I risk a rasher of Oscar Mayer American bacon just because it is so delish, but it's a risk and sometimes I don't get away with it! So, while you can, enjoy all your favourite food, just not too late at night. One day, you'll be an old goat like me, always suffering from indigestion, and meddling in other people's relationships!

    As for watching scarey stuff: I'm just too scared. I watched Pyscho (the original) in 1972 and I've never recovered! My dad warned me not to watch it, but did I listen? I was so afraid after the shower scene that I sat behind the front door until my sister came home. I was so traumatised I could hardly tell her what was wrong. So, fair to assume I'll not be watching Cape Wrath - though I do understand, some people love being afraid!

    C xx

  27. At 12:47 PM on 25 Jul 2007, Bodminbabe wrote:

    Hey, hey what's this with Harry Potter.

    Why didn't the blog police stop the post 15 from john. I'd read the first sentence of the last paragraph before I knew what was being said.....stop it! stop! I've not finished it yet and I will have to stop reading this blog if BPs don't do anything!

    ChrissyS - s'OK. He loves her...he respects her...you can tell this from all his posts...


  28. At 01:24 PM on 25 Jul 2007, wrote:

    I love being called "the wife".

    I met my husband in my graduation year, and when I met the dean of the College and accepted my degree, he said "and what are you going to do now", and I said, "i'm going to get married to Si", and he said "what else", and I said, "Just get married to him what else it there". It was my one ambition and it took us another 4 years before we got there, (stupid first wife).... and nothing makes me happier when he yells "oi Wife" at me. Nothing at all. Is my privilege.


  29. At 01:54 PM on 25 Jul 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hazel, I find that eating chinese food in the evening usually means that I'll wake up and drink about two pints of water in the night.

    I don't watch an awful lot of television these days. I prefer to be in the bath, making cards or given the chance out in the garden. However every now and then something catches my eye and I make a point to watch it. I have gone off of light entertainment and soaps etc apart from Desperate Housewives which I love. Real 'brain in your pocket' tv. I like to be scared but not with blood and gore. A storyline with suspense.

    ChrissieS, you're right. I know that you aren't supposed to eat too late at night, something about the body is digesting and not resting......can't be helped sometimes though and I usually end up falling asleep on the sofa afterwards. And I would love a chance to meddle in other people's relationships right now. I'm working totally on my own in an office in this new job and miss the gossip, company and banter sooo much.

    I don't actually get Harry Potter and have never read one of the books or seen any of the films. My husband and oldest son, however, love them. Having just left school and on the longest holiday of his life so far, the fact that he is actually reading something other than the back page of a newspaper is fantastic.

    Hope you're all having a good day so far x

  30. At 01:57 PM on 25 Jul 2007, wrote:

    I LOVE Cluedo. I have no idea how to play it, and don't really care who was doing what with Miss Scarlet in the conservatory with a short length of pipe...BUT...

    BIG KUDOS to MfR - MfR, in the Guinness Book of One Hit Wonders, with the best list of obscure bands ever!

    Lovin you like that Matt!
    Love Missile F1-11

    ps William Shatner

    pps Robert Smith

    ppps Vincent van Gogh

  31. At 02:01 PM on 25 Jul 2007, Phoenix wrote:


    Last night's TV I ended up with an episode of NCIS I hadn't seen all the while resisting the HP book which is awaiting reading at the weekend.

    Did some surfing on Facebook and added some new groups. Could we have a group on it?

    I agree you can't just refer to Natasha as the wife or wife to be - what's wrong with her name.

    Never really liked er indoors either - I'm old fashioned I suppose.

    Plum I hope you are looking after your fingers.

    HL you crack me up each time I read your entries.

    To everyone else a very happy hump day and yes he was tugged over backwards.

    Phoenix out

  32. At 03:08 PM on 25 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    DWNB #28 - hiya - you have really been missed! I love that you are happy - it's the way to be. When I married my husband 31 years ago I said to him, "if we manage to get 50 years together, it won't be enough". I meant it then, I mean it now. Forgive me if I have offended anyone or stepped over the line. I stand by my own personal feeling - I don't like being called "The Wife" ! Wouldn't it just be hilarious if this is how my husband refers to me to his pals? Or worse, "that old c*w"!!

    Happy days.

    C xx

    P.S. Phoenix - you are so right, Hazel is a scream: her brain works so fast, no way can I keep up! Also Clodagh - she makes me laugh so much. This is such a great blog!

  33. At 03:29 PM on 25 Jul 2007, wrote:

    I LOVE Cluedo. I have no idea how to play it, and don't really care who was doing what with Miss Scarlet in the conservatory with a short length of pipe...BUT...

    BIG KUDOS to MfR - MfR, in the Guinness Book of One Hit Wonders, with the best list of obscure bands ever!

    Lovin you like that Matt!
    Love Missile F1-11

    ps William Shatner

    pps Robert Smith

    ppps Vincent van Gogh

  34. At 03:36 PM on 25 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Afternoon folks

    I always refer to MrsW as that when talking about her but always call her by her 'real' name when talking directly to her. I think Chris' tongue was planted firmily in his cheek and he got a perfect blog response - top man CLP!

    Had an awful shift last night, I've seen far too many things - not wanting to sound like the wise old man from the hills - in my job and you get blase/hardened to lots of stuff.
    ....seeing someone's house go up in flames just stopped me (and a lot of colleagues) in my tracks. I wont inflict the gory details on you out of respect for the family concerned but it was terrible.

    When you next see any of your loved ones, give them a hug and a kiss and tell them how much you love them....

    ....and PLEASE go and check your smoke alarms.


    PS - normal attempts at humour/wit will return tomorrow

  35. At 11:53 PM on 25 Jul 2007, John wrote:

    no harry potter spoilers here.

    Greetings from the doghouse. Very sorry for discussing the HP subject I was stupid enough to think that now its in the public domain it was fair game DOH

    JK nonegreen

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