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Chris Evans | 09:58 UK time, Thursday, 30 August 2007

Last night it all came out again, we received the...

... contact sheets of the wedding back from the photographers.

A glass of fizz each and here we go again !

Ahhhhh, ohhhhh, wooow, ahhhh, eeeeek, ughhhh.

Obviously all the ones where Tash looked a bit, well, even one per cent less than drop dead had to go, regardless of how good anyone else looked. Fair enough she is a girl after all.

I was gobsmacked about what I look like from the back, something we none of us rarely get to see. Note to self, must work on posture immediately.

All in all though, great snaps of a great do. Of course we've ordered far too many prints and will probably never look at half of them ever again.

For me, the day will always be deep inside me, no photograph will ever remind me of what went on at the wedding more than that... except may be one that is.

An image that I caught on my phone in the back of the car just as were driven away from the church of my wife in the back of the car. I'm not going to show it to you but I can assure you she looks like the happiest girl in the world. Just typing about it now is make my tummy turn. Every girl should be allowed to feel like this once in their life. I had never seen an expression close to it on Tash's face before nor have I seen one since. It was a moment in time. Pure bliss.

I was going to talk about something else today as well but I think I'll leave it there for now.

R aymond Blanc tonight, gonna try and a blag a table at his restaurant, fingers crossed.





  1. At 10:19 AM on 30 Aug 2007, Jainie wrote:

    oooh, goosebumps all over reading about Tash's back-of-the-car-photo ... then a slightly scary memory about Angel (the spin-off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) who would turn evil if he ever experienced a moment of perfect happiness / bliss ... anyone else remember that?

    I'll stick with the first thought and dream one day of it happening to me ...

  2. At 10:22 AM on 30 Aug 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Ahhhhh. You little sweetie.

    Anne x

  3. At 10:26 AM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Awwwwwwww we want to see some pics!Infact we must as I'm hoping to get a copy of me dancing with Dissing Dave! Like you Chris I will always hold that memory in my heart!

    So seeing my friend Emily today. She is getting married next saturday so we are having a coffee, cake, a gossip and getting all the news on the wedding!

    It looks a bit cold and windy outside this morning so the jumper is back on! Hopefully the rest of my chunky wool will come in the post today so I can get that finished!

    Well my loves will catch up later today, missy xx

  4. At 10:35 AM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre- how was Bewillderwood? was it magical, it should be at that price to get in!!!

  5. At 10:36 AM on 30 Aug 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hey - good stuff, congratulations on that no.1 feeling - perhaps we'll all be lucky enough someday to experience the same aura!
    If you're talking to Raymond B tonight, ask him why it took him so long to do a foodie version of the Apprentice - Beeb playing catch-up once again - GR rules!
    Have a nice day,

  6. At 10:47 AM on 30 Aug 2007, welsh rarebit wrote:

    Aaaah, you'll have me in tears in a minute christophe, you old romantic you.

    I got married last May after 10 years of living with him in doors, it was the BEST day of my life and I didn't want it to end. I love looking at wedding photos.

    Aurevoir for now, heading to french alps today for 2 weeks holibobs . Yippeeeeee


  7. At 11:04 AM on 30 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    You really made my heart sing today. What a wonderful blog.

    I'm going to call my husband right this very minute to tell him I love him.

    And I love you too!

    C xx

  8. At 11:13 AM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Awwwww CLP ... that's such a lovely blog today. I'm sitting here now with an inane grin on me bouche, with my office colleagues wondering what on earth I'm grinning at!!

    It reminded me of our wedding (way, way back in 1996). For the evening reception we put disposable cameras on the tables and asked guests to just "snap away", obviously with the proviso that we got the cameras back at the end of the evening. We still smile at one of me and Mr Diva caught very candidly ... sitting at the back of the hall, my feet up on a chair and Himself giving me a much-needed and very playful foot massage. That's gotta be our fave wedding pic of the hundreds we got back (see my link above).

    Well, back to reality .... went to chubby club last night and was HORRIFIED to tip the scales at 16 stone. Yikes!! I could have cried. So, today it was melon for brekkie and a new found mental strength AKA "The Emaciated Goth Diet".

    Oh - I also spend almost £400 joining the local gym last eve - induction Sunday pm which means I'll miss the gunners live on sky - but hey ho! One doesn't turn into a slim diva by sitting on ones hind quarters watching footie!

    Clodagh - Gok wasn't wasting his time but I need to slim down for health as well as vanity - I've got 3 generations of diabetics (mums side) and don't want to continue the trend .....

    HL - where are you hun? Do you need International Badger Rescue? Send us a sign, release a dove, anything pet ....

    Righteo, kettle calls (or whistles!!)

    Back later me little chickadees.

    CtD x x x

  9. At 11:13 AM on 30 Aug 2007, Sue wrote:

    Hi Chris, great memories about looking at wedding photos. We sneaked off and married with just two witnesses, but went to a photographer's studio on route and had some of the best photos taken ever!

    Actually, I'm wanting to talk about yesterday's blog. The photo of your team in the country made me think of this. You live in a rural area, you probably have a big garden and you love food. What you need is a cooking pit!!!

    We built one a few years ago and they are fab. We did a pit roast Sunday for neighbours and had a great time. What's a cooking pit? A big hole in the ground, in our case lined with concrete lintels, then a wall of unmortared bricks. It has a sheet steel lid which has some decking on top to disguise it from above.

    Around 10am we light a wood fire in the pit and keep throwing logs into it for several hours to get the bricks, concrete and ground behind it all nice and hot. This is great fun. You get to play with a bonfire and you can burn all the wood you can find locally or from the garden. Then about 1 or 2pm the meat goes in! Big joints that mean business. This week we did shoulder of lamb, massive rolled joint of pork and a huge chicken. Each piece tripple wrapped in good foil then placed on little balls of foil into an old roasting tin (to avoid the bottoms of the joints burning), with herbs, fruits or marinades inside. You can also wrap the meat in dough which bakes like a brick and keeps the moisture inside. The tins are placed into the pit resting on bricks (looks like a mini-hypercaust system) to keep them out of the embers which are too hot. No flames at all at this stage, just nice hot embers.

    At 7.30pm the joints came out, and were served with minimal fuss, still in their foil parcels for everyone to dive into. Chicken and lamb are truely to die for done this way. We are thinking we might do our Christmas turkey this way this year. You can also chuck a tray of baking spuds in towards the end, or sweet potatoes or squash. The timing is a bit hit and miss, but nothing has ever been under cooked. Usually it just falls apart. You get the hang of it. Everyone loves it, it's so rustic. And after everyone is satiated you simply throw more logs into the pit and sit around watching the stars. If you are truely organised you can have a casserole ready to put into the bottom of the pit when you retire for the night, thus leaving it to slow cook in the ground for tomorrow. I've never been that organised yet! What more could you want in life? You would love it.

    Ancients, Romans, nobles and peasants have all cooked this way through history and it's no wonder. Get Nigel interested, he'd love it too.

    xx Sue

  10. At 11:17 AM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Ooooh CLP you are such a lucky boy!

    I was at a friends wedding on Islay at the weekend and you are soooo right about the expression on the face of the bride, I've never seen her looking so happy. (I've put the little blog of the wedding on the link).

    One day I'm going to feel like that too, I've made up my mind and that's all there is to it!

    So here's to brides everywhere, enjoy your day and keep that warm happy feeling inside for the rest of your lives!

    Happy Thirsty Thursday!


  11. At 11:47 AM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Lyndyloo - I'm so loving your hat!! If yu live anywhere near Suffolk can I please borrow it next time I getasked to attend a wedding!?

    Chao bella!

    CtD x x

  12. At 11:56 AM on 30 Aug 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Those moments are pure gold aren't they..?

    De x

    'the day will always be deap inside me'


  13. At 12:32 PM on 30 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Am I the only woman in the world that hates weddings and will never, ever have one of my own!


  14. At 12:55 PM on 30 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello Christoof & ALL Blog Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP you've 'ad me in total tears all morning. Such a beautiful b... bl.... blog!!!
    I nearly can't speak, or write!
    I'm an emotional wreck!

    CLP terday's blog reminds me of a special moment I shared with a lady golfer.
    I remember a couple of years ago at Royal Birkdale watching the Womens Open championship and the best looking golfer on the LPGA tour Karen Koch (that's pronounced COKE) was walking towards me ter the next tee and suddenly she stared right at me. Such beautiful big eyes.
    It was eye ter eye..... a moment.
    For a minute I thought i'd pulled.
    But maybe it was just my nervous twitch that got 'er attention.... I ain't know, I ain't know blog friends.
    But for me it was a special moment.
    Mind you though I think she's married so it wouldn't 'ave worked.

    CLP all I can say friend, is you and Natasha are so lucky. You should both cherish every moment.

    'old on I can feel a song coming on.............

    Cherish....... mmm... the moment.......aaaa,
    cherish the moment................... mmmmm,
    cherish the moment withinnnnn...................

    Sorry i've forgotten the words. It's that Cherish tune by Lionel Ritchie!
    Aye.......... oh sorry it's by Kool And The Gang.
    That's Kool with a K, errr kerr.


    PS CLP Cherish would be a great tune ter open yer show with. It's also one of Wrightie's favoured openers, oh I yeah!!!!!!!

  15. At 01:01 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Elm wrote:


    CtD - just seen your pictures - love the Rocky horror shots and your mans hair - am I right in thinking its all gone now?

    Me and TLOML (see earlier posts for meaning!) went to see Rocky horror but his long dark haor was wasted as he sprayed blonde in it and went as riff raff - no suspenders in sight :-(

    No wedding in sight for me yet and no passport either ho hum!

    Elm x

  16. At 01:46 PM on 30 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    j #13: you don't have to have a "wedding" as such. You can get a marriage licence for next to nothing and just get married. The whole "let's invite 433 people to our wedding" never appealed to me either. But being married did, and does. Being married changes everything - I don't believe it's "just a piece of paper". Go for it j: you're gonna love it!

    Bingo Star #14: I'm terribly sorry old chap, but the only song called "Cherish" that means anything is the one by David Cassidy! Check it out, my friend! "Cherish is the word I use to describe/all the feelings that I have hiding here for you inside". Make you weep, or what? Yes, I know it's rubbish, but it's GOOD rubbish!

    C xx

  17. At 01:47 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Richard wherlock wrote:

    as one guy to another was it that feeling you get when you see the red arrows

  18. At 02:05 PM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Elm - Himself still has long flowing locks, at the ripe ole age of 41.

    CtD x x

  19. At 02:07 PM on 30 Aug 2007, on the go wrote:

    Ah Chris, its lovely looking back at wedding photos, no matter how soon/long after the event.

    My other half’s fave photo of our nuptials isn't of the nuptials its self but of our honeymoon, its one of my sitting on a boat looking relaxed, happy and in love. He says it reflects just how he was feeling.

    OTG x

  20. At 02:08 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Oooooooo Chris your blog was really nice, gave me a very nice feeling after reading it.

    Prof Plum how did the date go?

    Hazel are you on holiday?

    Cheryl the photos were lovely and I too enjoyed seeing the rocky horror ones.

    To everyone else out there - have a great hump day and look forward to ARF.



  21. At 02:10 PM on 30 Aug 2007, on the go wrote:

    Ah Chris, its lovely looking back at wedding photos, no matter how soon/long after the event.

    My other half’s fave photo of our nuptials isn't of the nuptials its self but of our honeymoon, its one of my sitting on a boat looking relaxed, happy and in love. He says it reflects just how he was feeling.

    Otg x

  22. At 02:35 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    What a liberty one and all

    An excerpt from some rail type rag.

    The UK enjoys a level of train service that is the envy of the world for reliability," he said. Pausing to stifle what appears to have been the beginnings of a laugh, he went on: "We have credible intelligence reports that sleeper cells of al-Qaeda have recently been activated to infiltrate station staff at major stations with the intent of making bogus arrival and departure announcements and directing passengers to the wrong platform. The effect would be a huge amount of disruption – if people notice the difference, of course."

    "Train spotters have hitherto had essentially free run of stations, and this has allowed the terrorists to spy out the land. The ban on train-spotting is intended to put an end to that," he added.

    From July 1st, spotters caught taking photos of trains or jotting down their numbers will face fines of up to £1000 and prison sentences of up to 6 months.

  23. At 02:37 PM on 30 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL Blog Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere again.

    I'd just like ter say i'm very sorry but i've got me names mixed up. The golfer in question (blog#14) is Carin Koch NOT Karen Koch. Yer see this is the effect goodlookers 'ave on me and why I never pull!!!!!!!!!

    PS. ChrissieS - Look don't put yersen down. Any music is beautiful not rubbish.
    Music is ter promote an emotive repsonse ter the listener - know what am sayin'!!!!!!


  24. At 02:37 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    AW CLP, you softie cutie wutie - why aren't all men like you????? I think you've got more romance in your little ginger finger than my man's got in his whole bod!!

    Well, went to get a red lippy today - just fancied one after reading an article about there being a red lipstick for every woman - and the stupid woman behind the counter told me I'd have to 'draw on' a new top lip as mine was a bit thin!!!!!

    NO NO NO - I will not look like the bride of Wildenstein, I won't I won't I won't!!!!!


  25. At 02:47 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Dot wrote:

    oh I rememeber in my wedding photos I had a waist and my husband had hair!

    love Dot

  26. At 02:50 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Ah, ChrissieS, another David Cassidy fan at last!!

    "How can I be sure, in a world .. that's constantly changing? How can I be sure ..."

    Still makes me tingle!!


  27. At 03:00 PM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    CtD- The hat's yours for whenever you want to borrow it! I'm not near Suffolk but what the heck! I'm sure something can be arranged, I love hats, the bigger the better. Not enough of them being worn these days I say!


  28. At 03:13 PM on 30 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    ...so there I was in circuit at about 800 feet with the canvas covered little yellow Piper Cub, G-AYPR. Over the radio came a voice, I was told by the control tower the runway had changed to two-five, the long runway, as an executive plane was about to land. I turned on finals, this was going to my first cross wind landing, never practiced it, but I`d read all about cross wind landings in the pilots bible. Nose pointing into wind, I side slipped in, ready to strainghten up just before the wheels touched the ground. Then over the radio I heard, "Golf, Papa, Romeo overshoot, overshoot. I repeat overshoot!!"
    I opened the throtle to maximum, the little lycoming engine on full throttle as the plane slowly climbed away from the runway and airfield.

    Little did I know but my instructor had been watching me and listening to air traffic control in the club house. As soon as he heard the tower tell me to change runways he ran as fast as he could to the control tower to tell them I had never been taught how to land in a cross wind.

    I brought the plane around again and did a textbook landing, this time without a cross wind. Parked up the little Cub and went for a debrief and cuppa in the club house.

    Yes, those were the days...

    m xxx

  29. At 03:25 PM on 30 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    CtD - just had to check out your photos. Your husband has the same eyes and mouth as David Essex! I mean, the same! I'm sure you don't mind me saying he's a bit of a babe and you're not too bad yourself!

    C xx

  30. At 03:39 PM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Lyndyloo - I purchased a luverley hat at V - its a kinda beanie in purple and black horizontal stripes. Love it! My drawers are full of pyjamas and hats ... I think the dye is cast for a very bizarre decline into old age!!

    CtD x x

  31. At 04:07 PM on 30 Aug 2007, barb wrote:

    Hi all, just chilling out after being so good today and giving blood, so ii have to relax for a while, my excuse for not cooking the dinner! no honest if you have never done it you really should, makes you feel good, and i plastered all my kids with loads of "my mummy gave blood today" stickers.

    I loved my wedding, arranged in 2 weeks, and at a church, its too long a story really, but fab day with a BBQ in the back garden, and it was such a hot day that most people went home to change into shorts,so we got the kids paddeling pool out. People still talk about our day to us, 3 things they mention the weather, the fillet steak done on the BBq or the fact that England beat Germany ! oh and we all watched that in the garden ...fab fab day. You dont need bling to have a great day , just the people you love with you and of course the drunk uncle that everone can laugh at! and lots of disposable cameras to get the shots that no one else gets no matter how expensive the camera is...

    be good

    barb xx

  32. At 04:13 PM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    LOL!! Cheers Chrissie - I have to admit to still being very smitten with Mr Diva, even after all these years!! He made me laugh today - he's still off after his appendix op (back to work on Monday) and he rang me at lunchtime purely to inform me hed just had scampi and chips and a pint in the local country pub. Grrrrrrr!! Not that I'm jealous or owt .....

  33. At 04:14 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    ChrissieS - don't tell me you love David Essex as well? He was my second love and the first person I ever saw in concert ...

    "Hold me close, don't let me go, oh no" PHWOAR!!!!!!!


  34. At 04:21 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Just back from Bewilderwood and the ankle-biters are crashed out on the sofa. It's a new place to visit about 6 miles north of Norwich. It's a wood full of treehouses, zip wires, jungle bridges, swamp crossings, slides and general malarky for all the family.
    My 10yr old had a blast, she was here there and everywhere.
    My son who's 2 and a half had less to do as he was a bit small for some of the things but nevertheless had a great time running around. The food is organic, average selection and a tad pricey. I think they've been caught out by their popularity a bit by the lack of kiosks and staff but work is ongoing to build more refreshment areas.
    At a tenner each to get in for me and the oldest (free to the little 'un), plus the food, drink, ice cream and visit to the shop I didn't get a lot of change from fifty pounds but it was a great day and we all had a great time.

    So for those who asked - there you go, if you're this way give it a look. It's all on their website too.


  35. At 04:37 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    sorry CLP I never commented on today's lovely entry.

    You seem to have put into words exactly how I feel when I remember my wedding day. MrsW took my breath away when she appeared from our room (we got married abroad) and I recall that I constantly found myself staring at her throughout the day. We have a picture at the bottom of our stairs which I love to look at everytime I pass it.

    Must be a ginger thing that I also have a candid shot which is one of my favourites. My daughter took it with her Barbie camera (other kids toy cameras available I'm certain?) of us both just standing together not really posing.

    It's a goosebump, tummy turning feeling I fully agree.


  36. At 04:51 PM on 30 Aug 2007, wrote:

    CtD- Is that "worn out old" car in Cuba the same as the one that CLP had at his wedding? Looks very familiar!

    Hazel is excused as she has had nightmare with tinterweb today.... normal service should be resumed shortly!

    Bona Tarda


  37. At 05:55 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    sorry CLP I never commented on today's lovely entry.

    You seem to have put into words exactly how I feel when I remember my wedding day. MrsW took my breath away when she appeared from our room (we got married abroad) and I recall that I constantly found myself staring at her throughout the day. We have a picture at the bottom of our stairs which I love to look at everytime I pass it.

    Must be a ginger thing that I also have a candid shot which is one of my favourites. My daughter took it with her little camera of us both just standing together not really posing.

    It's a goosebump, tummy turning feeling I fully agree.


  38. At 07:28 PM on 30 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Tinsel #33 - how did you guess?! The man is gorgeous beyond words! I went to see him in 1974/75 with my then boyfriend, the present
    Mr S. Glasgow Apollo. No-one had bought the tickets for the boxes at the front of the stage and a "bouncer" came up to us (near the back) and said "do you want to move into one of the boxes?" I ask you! It was brilliant, he was fantastic and I was a size 10! Those really were the days!

    C xx

  39. At 07:35 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Evening All!

    How gutted am I? Posted yesterday and it's not even there! Golly - I was sooooooo busy, I managed to grab a few minutes to say hello to all you wonderful people and it didn't even get passed the BP!!!

    Hope you're all well. Work's just too manic for words. On top of that, my washing machine is broken and the local LEA have made a complete hash out of my application for my son to transfer school, so guess what? He's not in school! Aaaaaagh - at least he's old enough to come to work with me and entertain himself! Not much fun for him though.

    Jo - are you on Mat Leave yet?

    Clodagh and Hl - have missed reading your fantastic posts - haven't had a chance to catch up with them all yet - might have time in 2010...

    Take care all - ARF tomorrow (already!)...

    S xx.

  40. At 08:13 PM on 30 Aug 2007, BigBump wrote:

    Awww Christy, that is so nice, Its so wonderful to feel like that, nothing in this world can compare to it. My other half proposed on a freezing cold, rainy and windswept english beach on Xmas day this year, but it didnt matter cos I was glowing I was soooooooo HAPPY! Glad we didnt take pics tho cos I had a runny nose and eyes from the wind coming in off the channel and the tears of joy!

  41. At 08:15 PM on 30 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Aw how sweet Christoffe.

    Who'd have thought it.

    You've just reminded me of something.

    Owing to the ex-hubby trading me in some years back for summat comfier, and my consequent departure in a fit of pique, I was told that the wedding album, amongst other things, had hit the bonfire at the gleeful hands of the said Summat Comfy. So imagine my unbridled delight when the daughter unearthed it.

    And how we larfed at the state of us all. This was back in 1975 when we all sported crimplene and ghastly mullets and the whole thing looked like the set of The Love Boat.

    There's a particular photo of me with one of the Dear Departed Father's rugger-bugger friends, a big imposing bear of a man with something of a psychopathic trait and a legendary sense of humour, whose party-piece was carrying a pair of scissors in his pocket, so that if any unsuspecting Toff visited the rugby club in a flashy tie, Jack would first admire it and then promptly remove it just below the knot. I remember at his funeral, the brother-in-law, one of the pallbearers, whispering to the others, "Ey up, lads, mind your ties."

    Anyway, there's meself in me wedding veil, in full Pucker Up with Jack, cigar in hand and with his glasses on his head. Bless him.

    Thank God for colourful characters. Jack had his critics of course, as he was such an enigmatic character and I'm sure he richly deserved getting the glass coffee table and numerous buckets of water over his head at the hands of his long-suffering wife, but long after his death, he's still vividly remembered with nothing but laughter and fond memories.

    And memories are so important. So bugger what you look like from behind, Christoffe. You treasure that photo. But I suspect you don't need it, it's firmly imprinted on your heart.

    Oh yes that's what I was going to say. There's one little picture in the album, just a little one, not posed but just me and the hubby, late on in the day, looking a bit tired but straight into each other's eyes, those eyes only for each other. I swear that the instant I saw it again, I could smell, feel, touch the moment. The daughter picked it up, gently stroked it and said, "Ah, mum, look. It's like you're saying 'It's just you and me against the world now.' Dad still looks at you like that, you know."

    "Ah yes." Says I. "Well, see now. At half time it was The World 1, your dad and me 0. But we've slaughtered 'em in the second half, haven't we?"

    So all is well. In the words of John Lennon, 'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.'

    Which it certainly did in his case.

    Anyway, treasure your memories and hold them close, whether they're in an album or simply etched on your heart.

    I wish you all well.


  42. At 08:36 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Lovely blog - this is the first time I have joined the Christophe Lammby Pie Bloggers - you seem like a nice bunch.

    How nice for people to reminisce about their weddings, it made me take a look at my photo's too (4 years ago this May) and also reminded me of my friend's wedding from 4 weeks ago - I did the flowers and her bouquet and it was a magic day.


  43. At 08:42 PM on 30 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Beautiful, really beautiful.


  44. At 08:54 PM on 30 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:

    Everybody peeps.

    Home alone tonight.

    Mrs MfR is lording it up in the west end, dining at our favourite Covent Garden restaurant, taking in a show and generally celebrating her sidekick's departure from the company.

    I've been for a run, having a glass of red and about to dive back into HP&TDH for, probably, the last time.

    Sometimes it is good to have our own space.

    I admire and totally subscribe to your sentiments above, Chris. I'm pleased you've found your soul mate. I know I've found mine.

    I'm taking the old man 'back home' to Craven Cottage on Saturday.

    He used to take me when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, indeed, the first game I really remember was against Man Utd in the cup and I stood on a milk crate behind the advertising hoardings. Steve Coppell nearly spat on me, but it was a good night as we got an unlikely draw.

    Shame we lost the replay.

    The last time I took dad (or Brian's clone if you've been keeping up), we won and all but secured our survival that season.

    Let's hope that's a good omen for this weekend.

    Unless you're a Spurs supporter, of course.

    If you are there, and you spot Brian from Jamie's garden, please come and say hello.

    BTW. Gingembre. Did you ever visit The M? We'll be over next weekend for my birthday.

    I'm going to be old.

    Much peace & love everyone


    PS Viva El Fulham

    PPS You've done it all, you've broken every code

    PPPS Peter and the Test Tube Babies

  45. At 05:46 AM on 31 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    MfR - we haven't been yet. MrsW is reluctant o leave our youngest overnight just yet (7mths old) but we have 2 dates pencilled in (Nov) to drive down and spend a weekend there. Nearer the time once I have booked the room etc I'll be bothering you for any other local attractions n stuff.

    Have a great day with your dad on Sat but I have to hope that my Spurs do tarnish your day a bit! I like what Lawrie is doing there tho'

    Back to work today, had a lovely 3 days off.

    missy and Em - I'll keep my eyes peeled in case you're out and about on the sauce.

    Have a lovely weekend one and all.


  46. At 08:39 AM on 31 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Muchos apologicas for yesterday and Wednesday's absence - was off poorly chick on Wednesday, then, as lyndyloo has so kindly put, I had a complete 'mare wit't'interweb and all things pc related yesterday...however...

    Good ARF Christophe and all you lovely lovelies!

    Have got masses (of work, other occupations available) to catch up on (and I have to order my books for my course today) AND I've gotta read all the comments and posts!

    ...that said...Chris, that is SUCH a cool story, and I think it is right that you have chosen not to show us the pic...some things are just meant for you and you alone...the badger has a look he gives me...after nearly five years, it still gets me...we have one photo that just makes me melt, and his favourite one of me is one taken on my honeymoon...before I even met the boy! I loves me badger...

    'snice innit

  47. At 09:29 AM on 31 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    I went to London yesterday with my eldest to see Mary Poppins, and i thought it was absolutely wonderful! I can't recommend it enough, and look out for a little girl from Norfolk playing the part of Jane, she's fab too.

    Gingembre - guess where hubby went while i was there? Bewilderwood! He had my younger son who is 7 and very dark and handsome with him, and also my friend's little girl who is blonde and aged about 10 i think. What a small world!

    Cheryl - I have put on weight lately so I'm about to start an anti-ageing detox tomorrow for 7 days, I found it in a magazine and you eat lots of raw veg and natural yogurt, i'll tell you how I get on.

    Chris - I am just so chuffed for you and Natasha, i saw the pics that were in Hello magazine and I love the one of the two of you in the car where she is really beaming at you.

    Off to Tesco soon to stock up for my detox,

    Em xx

  48. At 10:09 AM on 31 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hellooooooooooo ... CtD reporting for ARF registration.

    So, it's the weekend again! Hurrah!! What's everyone up to this weekend then? I've got my gym induction Sunday afternoon, and a boot sale (fine weather permitting) on Sunday morning.

    The biggest thing for us is that we're actually having a Saturday night in - yipppeee!! Not had one of those since early July. Methinks a visit to the local seafood vendor on Saturday morning to stock up with some nice fresh fish, a carpet picnic and favourite PJs will be the order of the day.

    Oh - and I'm taking Mr Diva to our fantastic local Thai restaurant tonight as a belated birthday prezzie. Yum! (I'll make wise food choices - trust me!)

    Right, I'm heading out into the playground for a quick game of hopscotch! Back later for my warm bottle of milk.

    CtD x x x

  49. At 10:24 AM on 31 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    wedding moments chris you old softie.....sue love the cooking pit idea

  50. At 11:23 AM on 31 Aug 2007, wrote:

    The Restaurant: how good was this new show last night?? Fantastic!! Like "The Apprentice" but without ole Nooky Bear and his pointy finger of doom.

    Me and Mr Diva were pondering how we'd missed the call for contestants - we were in hysterics watching some of the efforts in this weeks' 2 shows: serving raw chicken, not meeting clients' needs .... hells bells! We could do better than that!

    It got me thinking ... if it was you, what theme would you go with? We agreed on "meditteranean" as with a few staple ingedients you could rustle up a whole host of dishes from Italy / Spain / Greece.

    Great stuff!

    CtD x x

    PS: My signature dish is definitely paella!

  51. At 12:24 PM on 31 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Lorks a Lordie - it's quiet in here today. Where is everyone???

    CtD x

  52. At 12:39 PM on 31 Aug 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Afternoon Blog community!
    CtD, defo agree about the Restaurant, is Minnie Mouse getting on your nerves yet though?
    Really good concept and Raymond Blanc is fabulous!
    TTFN all
    Tiggy xx

  53. At 12:40 PM on 31 Aug 2007, wrote:

    CtD- I was just thinking the same... I thought for a minute I'd missed a new posting by CLP but it seems not.

    Shall we just have a general chit chat about the fact that it's Friday again Hoorraayyyy! What are we all doing this WE etc? Personally I'm planning a bit of a quiet one. I'm having in a night in tonight with Chilli fajitas, wine and BB (yes I know not everyone's cuppa but it is mine). Saturday is not planned and I think I might make Sunday lunch for my parents and some friends....

    Any advance?


  54. At 12:48 PM on 31 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    I agree, we never look at ourselves from the back. I caught a picture of myself from the back on a shop security camera, I thought that`s never me! But it was. Note to self, buy some hair restorer!

    m xxx

    PS Despite chirpy blogging, I`ve been a bit low recently.

  55. At 01:08 PM on 31 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey martin - chin up mate! You've been doing soooooooo well of late.

    Tiggy - LOL re minnie mouse! I take it you're alluding to the hyper young landy from acorss the pond? I think they could have got the boot last night had it not been for the attitude of the guy who did get heave-hoed outta there. Appalling! You would never address a paying client like that, would you?

    Just "enjoying" my fat-club friendly lunch and looking forward to my Thai (mini) blow out tonight!

    CtD x

  56. At 01:11 PM on 31 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Didn't see 'The Restaurant' as am sick of the advert - the music makes me want to shoot myself, so figured the programme may have a slightly irritating slant. Besides, Kitchen Criminals - can't beat that for some cr@p telly!

    So, this weekend? The badger is (hopefully) working and I have to purchase a 'new baby' card and a playmat for our friends..er..new baby...This evening it will probably be BB with a coupla lagers then shopping/visiting tomorrow, and Sunday, well, badger (hopefully) working, and then I'll do him a roast dinner. I expect anyway.

    Time for a quiet one

    ps CtD - Mediterranean. Definitely. Possibly fish-based. Probably sea bass and a few sardinas.

    pps Bewilderwood. Probably where me and him will end up once all our faculties give out. It's where they send old badgers. And there are high-backed chairs and everything!

  57. At 01:37 PM on 31 Aug 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Back again, this must be some sort of record!
    Cheryl, yes I did mean Jacqui and yes I really thought they'd get the boot if it wasn't for the Ifty ish Scot who missed home and his attitude to his customers! No way would I treat someone spending £50 a head like that! Yes ma'am, no ma'am, 3 bags full ma'am!

    ttfn (again)
    Tiggy xxx

  58. At 01:45 PM on 31 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Afternoon,

    I'm so bored here today, this has just got to be the longest Friday ever!!!! I hate working on my own.

    Mum has taken little man to the seaside today and I'm jealous, wish I was with them. I can smell the fresh, warm donuts as I type.

    Tonight me and hubby are popping to our local as one of the barmaids is off to Ghana for 4 months and there is a party planned. It's hard life being a student you know! As a leaving present the landlady has booked a stripper for said barmaid.

    Apparently he will be doing the 'full monty'. I have a feeling that I may have a bit of a face on me at some point. I am no prude I promise but those bits and pieces are normally best, you know, left to the imagination. But hey, a few glasses of red and I may be cheering him on, baby oil in one hand and hubby dragging me away by the other.....

    Love Deb x

    PS. You can leave your hat on ;-)

  59. At 02:08 PM on 31 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    martin -
    keep it up mate. You're doing very well. I know I speak for many wheN I say we're very very proud of this recent good run. Excuse me if I'm wrong but is it day 35 or 42?


  60. At 02:08 PM on 31 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hello all.

    (((Martin))) - bound to have good days and bad days - wouldn't be normal if you didn't

    Hazel - a closet BB fan! I thought I was the only one on this blog (I know we're frowned upon by some!!)

    I like the sound of Bewilderwood ...

    CtD - did you ever find out what the first rule of Fat Club is???

    Very quiet weekend planned for me. Got howibly dwunk last night with some chums, not going to dwink any more ...


  61. At 02:25 PM on 31 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Oh and Martin James, don't be too hard on yourself. We all have down days, just makes you appreciate the good ones even more.

    Deb x

  62. At 02:25 PM on 31 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Tinsel ... j wouldn't tell me! She said that if she told me, she'd have to shoot me. Bit drastic that! From my meeting, I reckon it's along the lines of write everything down (that you eat). My journal of my journey is well and truly started.

    I usually love BB but because we were in Cuba when it began I've not watched any of it this year. I have to admit, I'll be glad when it's finished as my weekly celeb mag is currently giving BB way toooooo many pages every week for my (non BB viewing) liking!

    Debbie - you go girl!! I agree about certain bits being best left to the imagination - that's why The Chipendales were sooooooooooo successful a few years ago. But I reckon that after a few chilled alcopops you'll be whooping with the best of 'em!!

    ARF ARF!!

    CtD x x x

    PS: I'm bored at work too, nowt to do but blog and surf. Hey ho!

  63. At 02:58 PM on 31 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Ahhhhhh. I've got a compilation CD on at the mo and David Essex has just come on singing Hold Me Close! Must be something in the air!!

    Having my nails re-painted tonight at the local chinese nail bar. Going for black tonight.


  64. At 03:45 PM on 31 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Right, it's POETS day for me so I'm orf home.

    Have lovely weekends one and all - CtD - good luck at the nail place (couldn't do it myself, cant stand the smell of them!) and at the gym on Sunday.

    Hmmmmm, first rule of fat club ... thought it may be some secret that you were let into on your first visit ... or maybe it is and you just don't want to say ... hmmmmmmm ...

    Martin - be kind to yourself, you're doing brilliantly.


  65. At 04:04 PM on 31 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Dear one and all

    I have had the first CD forwarded to me. This is from an amatuer new band. I am hoping to to follow in the foot steps of(god bless him) John Peel.

  66. At 04:20 PM on 31 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Re first rules - am I the only one to have watched 'fight club'?!! Perhaps I'm the only one to have this particular warped sense of humour...

    About to set off from work - am going to the Autumn Fayre in NEC to man a stand for the next few days. Will be fun but will be exhausting too.

    Missing you guys already.... !


    PS Martin - such is life. When you do get down though get yourself outside into the natural world and she will give you a lift like no other. Good luck.

  67. At 04:48 PM on 31 Aug 2007, wrote:

    CLP, mon amie ..... where's today's blog. So early all week yet so late on ARF.

    Hope all's well.

    CtD x x

  68. At 12:30 AM on 01 Sep 2007, Viv wrote:

    When we will see a picture of Wifey?

  69. At 04:02 PM on 01 Sep 2007, Angie Warby wrote:

    Hi Chris you sound so very happy, you old romantic, made me smile. love the show. Angie.x

  70. At 10:58 PM on 02 Sep 2007, eddy wrote:

    Chris thank you for talking about sweet shops on your show. Was busy over the weekend in the shop

  71. At 11:08 PM on 02 Sep 2007, girlracer48 wrote:

    Saw you both at Goodwood on Saturday. Never seen two people so obviously in love. Your lady is beautiful and you both radiated happiness. Good luck to you both.

  72. At 11:13 AM on 05 Sep 2007, Caroline Davies wrote:

    My husband once said to me that I will never look as beautiful as I did on our wedding day (April 21st 2006).

    It's true, because I felt like the happiest girl in the world and couldn't stop beaming, plus I was wearing a simply gorgeous gown!

    He still thinks I'm gorgeous though... not that I've gone downhill since we got married!!!

  73. At 02:19 PM on 08 Nov 2007, David Robinson wrote:

    Dear Chris Evans

    I need a motormouth to champion a cause and I reckon you are the man!

    Whilst driving back fom Tunbridge wells to my home in Broadstairs last night I was amazed to hear that the Christmas lights in Regent St were being switched on.

    Why!!! when this government of ours are bugging the hell out of me,you and Jo Public to lower CO2 emmisions and lower our carbon footprint, is vast amoumts of energy being used needlessly in early November. Surely the idiots that sit in Downing St can see that this is a total waste of energy, increases CO2 and requires some legslation to ensure that such events are put off until 1 December.

    Please take up the challise Chris.

    Your input would be appreciated.



    ps. No one loves Chrismas more than me so I cannot be considered a party pooper or a baaaaa humbug! Lets just make this government clean up their own back yard prior to giving us all grief!!

  74. At 07:17 PM on 26 Dec 2007, John Coulston wrote:

    Could you please ask Chris Evans to stop talking when he plays music and allow us the listener to hear the song to the end? Many thanks
    Jack Coulston

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