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Chris Evans | 14:24 UK time, Monday, 12 November 2007

...So thanks for the interest in John everyone. Now here's the thing...

... he had no idea I'd "mentioned" him on the blog but since I didn't reveal too much about him I thought it was ok.

Anyway yesterday I told him and he was chuffed to bits. Phew. He was especially bouyed when we started to read the posts. I think he may indulge.

We were on our way to lunch when we were scrolling through the various entries on my wife's new whizzy phone and also in the car was a single girl friend of mine who piped up with this little gem...

"Hey you couldn't put me on there, on Monday could you."

"Honestly?" I replied.

"Yehhh, why not," she giggled back.

"Alright, what a laugh."

Oh and before you say the obvious John and Hannah have had a look at each other and it's not going to happen.

So, the thing about my single girl friend is that she openely declares she is looking for a husband, something I admire. it gets rid of all the b.s. She's mighty pretty, small but perfectly formed, 35 years old, cheeky, sexy and again like John, completely self sufficient. She likes astronomy and has regularly drunk me and anyone else who happened to be around, firmly under the table.

She really is a little belter.

I'm liking this.





The wife and I are back in the black, in fact I would go so far as to say our little contretemps has brought us closer toghether.

So much more to say, so little time to say it.

Looking forward to David Walliams on tv tonight, I predict the programme will be as dull as ditchwater, ( just like last week's load of pretentious twaddle) but he'll be brill in it.


  1. At 02:51 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Careful Chris, you'll be getting Bingo all excited!!!!!!!!!!


  2. At 03:03 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    I know what the idea was...... Chris wants to present a new Blind Date !!!

    I think David Walliams is brill but I won't be watching him tonight. I am sorry to say that I will be compelled to watch 'I'm Not a Celebrity Don't Get Me Out of Here' I know I shouldn't but I just can't help it......

    Debbie x

  3. At 03:13 PM on 12 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Hi CLP & bloggers!

    It's been a while but I thought I'd pop back in. Seems that Chris has turned into cupid how very sweet! I'm sure that we're all routing for his single g/f to find herself a hubby.... that'll be her... and a whole load more of us too. I don't know about any of the other singlies on here but I'm not shy about the fact that I want a hubby. I just tend to find that most blokes are a bit commitment-phobic at first meeting. Maybe I just scare them off who knows. Anyway I wish them both the best of luck!!!

    Mange tout

    & Booboo

  4. At 03:39 PM on 12 Nov 2007, lazykev wrote:

    another format for the show womans [meet a husband in a minite] ok maybe not.

  5. At 03:44 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Adam wrote:

    She sounds interesting but maybe not enough to make a life commitment over ... yet!

    Have always admired the older woman ... am 34 btw ...

    Good Luck Hannah

  6. At 03:52 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Em M wrote:

    Sorry Chris, think you may have a bit more trouble with this one as i think most of the male bloggers on here are married, but i hope I'm wrong!

    So let me know if John would like to meet my little sis, I love being matchmaker - my name is emma after all!

    Got a new hairdo today, quite short but I'm really happy with it, i look a bit like Flavia from Strictly now (I wish!). My hubby is crazy about her, so let's see if he's crazy about me when he gets home! Anyone else want to learn to jitterbug after seeing Strictly yesterday?

    Em xx

  7. At 03:59 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Sandra wrote:

    I really really want a boyfriend of my very very own. I have tried computer dating but the computer says no. I have been looking for love over 4 years now. I don't want marriage as I live with my mother and her live in lover Mick.

    John give me a try please.

    I am full of fun, enjoy mud wrestling, darts at the local pub. I also confess that I nearly made it through to the finals of X factor. They said I did not look like a super star, but I know I could be your super star.

  8. At 04:00 PM on 12 Nov 2007, wrote:


    You just know when 2 people don't match don'tcha?

    I have someone looking for a mate. Desperately seeking one, however I think we may have found one for her. She stopped being quite so particular about the details, and agreed to a date with someone we spotted, and touch wood, so far so good.

    Let your defences down.... If it's gonna happen it will.


  9. At 04:13 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    OK, Cupid, if she'd be prepared to cope with an Irishman (major benefit: we're hundreds of miles apart, we could meet up once a month, no pressure), then get this:, I'm 34, 6ft, fit, non-smoking semi-alcoholic. Single, supple and sweet, I would take her to Belfast, then to heaven and beyond . . she'd be seeing the moon and the stars before she knows it and there'd be no need for the telescope (har-de-har . . )
    Ladies, form an orderly queue . .

  10. At 04:22 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Rusty wrote:

    Good to hear that all is well between you and Mrs E. I was also in the doghouse over the weekend, fortunately it was put down to me getting a bee in my bonnet (once again) when i'm slightly the worse for wear.

    Now as for your friend Hannah, i'm sure there's a ginger haired single fellow of your acquaintance in Shoreham (who certainly enjoys a drink or two) who needs an introduction ;-)


  11. At 04:40 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Dickie D wrote:

    So pleased you and Mrs E are back on track. Sometimes when life is soooo perfect you need a little nudge to realise just how perfect it is.
    Good luck to both John and Hannah....

  12. At 04:43 PM on 12 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christoffe Lambie Pie.

    The GBF Damian is feeling left out. So.

    36 year-old 6'2" streak of piss George Clooney lookalike big awful eejit sculptor seeks very own Christmas Fairy. Must have own house, bike and hair but teeth not essential. Must like dogs, drink, shopping and never, ever mention flying puffer fish or the hazards of drinking Baby Bio.

    Hows that.


  13. At 04:59 PM on 12 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ere. DanTheMan.

    It's not that long since I saw stars in Belfast after allegedly pullin' a moony on the City Hall steps in front of the Appartment so don't be talkin' to ME about supple or it'll be a periscope yous is needin'.

    Form a queue yerself.


  14. At 05:01 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Helloooooooo Everyone!!!!!

    Its been a long while but just slipped underneath the razor wire to say hi to everyone and wish you all the best of health and happiness, I don't post often but try to read to keep up with whats going on.

    I luv u all


    P.S. Lots of gentle hugs to you Hazel Love, I hope your back gets better soon, I too am having treatment at the moment and my Chiropractor is a dreamboat - makes the whole thing worthwhile!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

  15. At 05:29 PM on 12 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Whato Chris

    Bringing back blind date could be good but I'd prefer to see you bringing back TFI.

    Maybe it was of it's time and rode the Cool Britannia/Britpop wave, but there is nothing like it on tv at the moment and we could all do with the carefree, good fun that used to pour out of the tv at six o clock every friday.

    Keep up the good work Chris

    Love, Peace and Understanding to you and yours

  16. At 05:30 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Red wrote:

    There goes the Irish poet again (D th Man)

    just the poetry should do it ....& and the Celt..

    X D

  17. At 05:36 PM on 12 Nov 2007, simon wrote:

    wife chris thought you a billie had split up

  18. At 06:00 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Tracey B wrote:

    Glad to hear you and wifey are doing well, life is never straightfoward, little glitches are essential to married life, think life would be so dull and boring without the little ups and downs. As long as its mendable.

    Tom Cruise did have an uncredited part in Young Guns, playing the part of a cowboy. Can check it up on www.imdb.com

    Good show as always

  19. At 06:08 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    With prose like that, you'd endear the hardest crim to your over-indulged heart . . .!!!

    Red, some more words, just for you;

    Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
    Enwrought with golden and silver light,
    The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
    Of night and light and the half light,
    I would spread the cloths under your feet:
    But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
    I have spread my dreams under your feet;
    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

    Sadly, I wouldn't dare to claim the above as my own but it is without doubt, a beautiful verse . . just for you . .

    DtM x

  20. At 06:36 PM on 12 Nov 2007, Red wrote:

    oh Dan...

    How beautiful...:) thankyou

    XX D

  21. At 06:41 PM on 12 Nov 2007, tinsel wrote:

    Hey Debbie, I'm with you - Im hooked on I'm a celeb before it's even started!! Can't wait to see all the tears and tantrums - best thing on telly!!!!!

    Have great evenings all

  22. At 08:59 PM on 12 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I love x factor but have never made up my mind up about I'm a celeb, so will tune in shortly. I did see Paul Burell doing a bush tucker trial a few years ago and laughed till I cried v funny.

    Clodagh - saw the togmiester & got a copy of his new book signed last Wednesday - check out CLP Bloggers on facebook or my link above for evidence!! And guess what - I have got to page 84 and you are in it!!!!!!!!!

    Bingo star - any chance of me 'oroscope pretty please x x

    Hi lYndyloo x x

    CtD - have you pre-ordered your booky wook? Mine is coming from amazon (other internet book retailers available) any day now.

    Big actual love to you all

    Vive la russolutionx x x x

    CMel x

  23. At 09:14 PM on 12 Nov 2007, dwarf!! wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I have the perfect lady for your friend John!! She lives locally to you, has just turned 40 is fit(runs alot) is very attractive, and is lovely.

    Hope I'm not too late!!

    Love the show


  24. At 09:48 PM on 12 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Hahaha ere sorry chuck. Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen my granny used to say. Still, I didn't mean to sound like Rita Krebb (is it Krebb or Klebb? You know, 'er with the flick knife in the shoe).

    And I didn't really pull a moony. I just threatened to but luckily for the citizens of Belfast I won me bet.

    Any road up I wonder if Johnny S. is watchin' I'm Pointless Please Shoot Me, bless 'im.

    Johnny listen up. In Victorian times they used to have a viewing gallery in Bedlam, the asylum, for the public to go watch the lunatics in the name of entertainment. Further back than that they used to bang 'em in the stocks and, of course, there's the old biddies who used to sit and knit beside the Guillotene.

    And they say we've progressed.

    Mind you, I can take I'm An Eejit.. or leave it but as for Big Brother, don't start me off. It started off ok in its early incarnation but now it seems to be turning people into vicarious bullies, and that makes me rabidly angry.

    So can I say to anybody who makes a point of watching BB Live in the hope of witnessing a nervous breakdown or some hopeless fumbling under a sofa, or even more bizarre, watching them sleep, I have an idea.

    Why not go and be interested in the old dear next door. Or better still, your own kids. Because you might find THEM interesting if you look and let's be honest. While you're on Moron Watch, they're out robbin' the sweet shop.


  25. At 10:21 PM on 12 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    Harriet, just wanted a coffee and a chat. Look at your web email.

    m xxx

  26. At 10:55 PM on 12 Nov 2007, girlracer48 wrote:

    Simon, where have you been? This is the NEW Mrs Evans Christoph is talking about! Lovely lady she is too.

  27. At 09:39 AM on 13 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning fellow scribers, all well today?

    Stag night was great, I ended up on a mates leather sofa in a sleeping bag which meant everytime I moved, I shot off it!!!! Wedding this Sat...I'm best man, can't wait.

    I decided to watch the Z list celebs last night being dumped into the 'jungle' but I have to say I was very uncomfortable with the hosts repeated pleas for phone/text voting bearing in mind their recent issues surounding this.
    I'm not for one minute pointing the finger at them, although I understand they were chief execs or something similar, but it just didn't sit right with me.
    Sorry for being a party pooper but thought I'd put my tuppence worth in this morning.

    Funeral of good friend tomorrow that I've recently told you all about, I'm on nights tonight and tomo night too so prob won't blog for a couple of days.

    Gaby - where are you?
    HL - how's your back?
    facebookers - good to see you all - come on EmM let's see your pic x x

    Hope that you're all well.

    Bonnet de douche


  28. At 10:09 AM on 13 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    All you single people looking 4 that special person could also try mysinglefriend.com

    m xxx

  29. At 10:12 AM on 13 Nov 2007, Em M wrote:

    Don't like I'm a celeb at all, but sadly Mr M is a fan of all programmes reality. I tend to go bed early and read my book, but tonight I'll be watching Gordon Ramsay as he so gorgeous!

    Having a little party for one of the kids I childmind tonight, just made a pass the parcel, think I'm more excited than the kids!

    So Chris, how are you going to get in touch with John's prospective dates? I haven't told my sister that I've put her forward for it, think she'd kill me if she knew!

    Em xx

  30. At 10:19 AM on 13 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello, Ello Ter Each & Every,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Tinsel - Thanks for your interest in me new chocolate bar i'm bringing out (your comment #31 09/11 blog) on (my comment #28 09/11 blog yesterdee).
    Full details on the previous blog!

    CLP - Yer friend 'annah sounds 'ot CLP man... 'OT! (sorry 'annah always 'ad a problem with me ayches)
    Only probs yuv not said what 'oroscope sign she is, ter see if she's got the scope for compatible astro 'armony - there's alot in all this astro stuff -know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    Plus what sign is yer friend John?

    Shame there's so many single people about out there.
    It's so frustraiting when yer single, all this dating stuff.
    I find it very 'ard ter get ter know people because most people seem put up a defensive barrier, almost paranoid barrier sometimes.
    If people would chill & open up abit more, let down the barriers of love, then it would be far easier ter get ta know someone - am tellin' yer!

    When yer meet someone yer frightened of saying one wrong word or that's it.... there gone!

    It takes time ter build a relationship - aye there's a song idea there for the radio 2 song writers comp am gonna enter..... next year. Too soon ter rush an entry for this year.

    'It takessss... time..... oh yeahhhhhh'
    'It takessss... time..... oh yeahhhhhh'
    'terrrrrr build........ luvvvvvvv!!!!!!!!'

    Aye this could be me song opener!!!!!!

    Seriously though i'm so fed up with this love thingy i'm seriously thinking of trying abroad!

    Cathmel & Big Bump's baby - I'm gonna start me astro terdee & with Scorpio - yer first!!!!!!!!

    Just gotta get some Mr Sheen ter give me Bingo Ball Of.... The Zodiac a good polish so I can see deep inter the astro..... mind!!!

    Back soon!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!


  31. At 10:21 AM on 13 Nov 2007, wrote:

    We didn't watch it either, but tonight we WILL be watching Spooks! I know Peter Firth! He was in a children's programme called "The Flaxton Boys" about 25 years ago!
    We wrote & kept in touch for many years. Bumped into him when he was filming Hartbeat, here in Whitby...he remembered me! Ah fame eh!

  32. At 11:34 AM on 13 Nov 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Morning all.......
    Ms L hope the back is much improved.
    Congrats to Big Bump - nice name choice.
    Denise Nesbitt .... unless you were watching reruns I think you'll find it was 1969 - Flaxton Boys - so that's 38years ago!!!! I loved watching him on a Saturday morning in The Double Deckers, I thought he was lovely.
    Bye for now.
    PS Clodagh had you lost the bet it might have been a relative of mine you pulled - I used to be a Moon(e)y!!!!!!!! - still a bit of an *rse. Totally agree with your final para in post #24. Hurrah to you.

  33. At 11:43 AM on 13 Nov 2007, PROF. PLUM wrote:




  34. At 12:09 PM on 13 Nov 2007, wrote:

    cathmel #22: me and Mr Diva have a "pact" - from October we're not allowed to treat ourselves to anything** - if we see something we want, we put it on our christmas lists. So, Mr B's booky wook is on my list, as is his other book also out this week. Oh - and the dvd of the tour, of course.

    I have dutifully informed Mr Diva that if Santa Claus fails in his mission to furnish my stocking with lots of RB merchandise, a divorce may well be delivered for Easter inside a choccy egg!

    ** the exception to this rule is if I see any funky boots on "that" auction site, I am allowed to proceed to checkout!

    Great show last night CLP - full of energy as always. Made a Christmas cake whilst listening. By 9pm the house was filled with the aroma of rich fruit cake - so I went to bed hungry! I've made 2 now - only 1 to go then that's me done!

    Feeling a bit down today - my bosses are stressed and as a PA I tend to get the brunt. I mustn't take it to heart but I'm just so tired I'm counting the hours until we finish for the Christmas break.

    6 weeks today ....... will be christmas day.



    CtD xxxxxx

  35. At 12:20 PM on 13 Nov 2007, wrote:

    OMG you are sooooooooooooooooo right! Gosh, am I old or what!
    Yes wasn't he gorgeous!
    I wrote to Yorkshire TV and they passed my letter on. He wrote back, with a photo. He lived at the Waterloo inn, Pudsey!


    I have a couple of great girlie mates looking for somebody......is this match making London based? Anybody know of some sound Yorkshire chaps 40's?????

  36. At 12:29 PM on 13 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:

    cathmel. By the crin you're right! Hahaha bless the Togmeister, I've always said 'e was a Lovely Boy.

    Ah NO. The daughter will be furious she's bin' outed.

    And wilsmar. Your relative should be greatly relieved I know me Serial Killers and therefore won not only me bet but the Picture Round in the pub. I'd 'ave probably ruined 'im.

    Now then I wonder if Johnny Saunders 'as knitted 'imself a nice tea cosy while watchin' I'm A Numbnut....Chuck Me In The Skip. I believe Lynn Franks is in it. Why oh why.


  37. At 01:25 PM on 13 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello guys,

    So much to say, so little time.....flying visit as have been rushing around with my mother in law this morning and I'm a bit behind with everything now. She is staying with us for Christmas and phoned me at 8.30am to say we had better go out and get a turkey as they all have bird flu and we might not get one for Christmas. Unbelievable. Not a woman to question either. You just do as you're told.

    CtD, sorry to hear that are down lovey. Deep breaths and count to ten x

    Gingembre, thinking of you tomorrow x

    Tinsel, did you see it last night? I don't know most of them but that Janice woman is really going to stir things up. She's funny now but can imagine getting fed up with her really quickly.

    Clodagh, agree with you on BB but think 'I'm a Numbnut Chuck me in the Skip is quite harmless' You make me laugh so much, thank you x

    Em, that jitterbug on Saturday night was amazing wasn't it? But the dance before, to Billy Idol, well I was worn out just watching them. I had no idea legs could move like that!

    Must go, housework to catch up on.
    Debbie xx

    PS. Hazel hope you back feels a little better x

  38. At 01:34 PM on 13 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    PPS. Clodagh, I'm still giggling. I think we shouldn't refer to it as 'Celebrity' now but 'Numbnuts' instead! x

  39. At 02:20 PM on 13 Nov 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Nope not interested in t'jungle..... went to RNLI meeting last night - am out tonight and have Steve Tilson to look forward to hearing on Wednesday night.

    and I wonder why I'm still single..... I used to do modern jive at least once a week but now can't find the relevant free evening to go - but I can tell you all that it is extremely good fun, lots of exercise for the middle and sociable.

    Ah well at least I have the sanity of the blog to read when I get the chance.... oops lunchtime over must dash off

    Phoenix out

  40. At 02:21 PM on 13 Nov 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Sorry forgot to ask Chris did you get blogitus as there are two blogs for this thread????

  41. At 02:29 PM on 13 Nov 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Wasn't Peter Firth in the Onedin Line??

  42. At 02:32 PM on 13 Nov 2007, PROF. PLUM wrote:

    Oh dear one and all

    I'm afriad I quite enjoy the X factor and Celebrity "get me outta here". I suppose they just provide light entertainment and a bit of a laugh. I would hardly describe the contestants as nunb nuts though, especially the great Janet Street Porter.
    It's funny what people like and dislike. I think Terry Wogan is a lovely man but all the ramblings and silly stories get on my nerves and I don't find it funny at all..... guess it's an age thing.

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