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Chris Evans | 15:19 UK time, Thursday, 1 November 2007

So where do we start today, what a crazy...

...twenty four hours. Crazier than Heather Mills after half a shandy.

There was the show yesterday, it's been a good week this week and then there was the auction. No joy for me there but plenty of money spent on plenty more cars. After which we thought, what the heck we're in one of the most exciting cities in the world let's go for a quick beer.

Naughty Nick and Suzy Sioux came with and here's what happened next.

There was a piano in the bar and there was a man playing a rather excellent, if not somewhat premature version of Walking in the Air. "This is rather good, " I remarked to the manager. "That's cos' he's the guy what wrote it." Well stone me, yes it was, Mr. Howard Blake if you please.

Half an hour later Chaz from Madness walks up to me and asks for a quiet word. He then takes me upstairs where there's yet another piano and sings me his new song, which was absolutley beautiful ! It gets madder.

Half an hour after that Naughty Nick whispers to me out of the corner of his mouth, "Don't look now but Roger Waters is sat over there." I did look, of course anyone would, anyway it wasn't Roger Waters but it was Roger Taylor from Queen. In all the excitement Nick had got his Rogers all mixed up. All this on a run of the mill thursday, all in the same bar. You never know do you ?

A pastie on the way home in the early hours just to make absolutely sure of bedtime indigestion and up and out this morning in the bright daylight of a bustling London Thursday morning to get on with the rest of my life and then the reality hit. Tonight is our office do....Aggggggghhhhhhhhh.

I peaked a night too early, don't you just hate it whent that happens.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 03:53 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hey, have a brill night tonight - and LEXY, enjoy yourself - hopefully you'll come and blog and give us all the gossip!!!!

    I've got a couple of days off now but will possibly blog from home - I miss you all too much otherwise!! Does that make me officially sad?? Do I care????


  2. At 04:17 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Where is everyone today???!!!

    I have been lurking for the last few months...mostly in the pub actually and decided today was the day to rejoin Chris's blog! Hurrah!!

    ...last time I was on here, there was a 'girl on the sofa' in Chris's blog - have i missed something???!!!!!! ha ha!!

    Last night i should have been at a Wasp gig, and just couldnt be bothered, alas Tuesday was my early peaking night!!! Chris, I sympathise!


    LF xxxxxx

  3. At 04:20 PM on 01 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    At my age I don`t have peeks; droops, shallows and troughs maybe. I can`t remember the last time I peeked, could have been an excelent trip I won through work to Alton Towers, some years ago. In fact I havn`t beaten it. I entered this competition at work, a few of us came up trumps, it was so brill - intercity train to Stoke, put up in a posh hotel, evening meal, went out on the town with others that had also won, got back 3am! Next day breakfast all laid out, taxi to Alton Towers, (first time for me), it really was ok, had nice meal thier
    At the end of the day they had a taxi to take me to the train station, I felt like a vip. I remember that when I feeling low.

    Shame about the auction Chris, get yourself a copy of Classic and Sports Car magazine.

    m xxx

  4. At 04:20 PM on 01 Nov 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Have a great night out. Sometimes it's o.k. to peak a day too early - at least you have a very good chance of NOT getting hammered tonight! Well, that's how it works with me!

    Tinsel, of course it does not make you sad to comment from home. When Chris's blog first started, commenting used to continue during the evenings and all through the weekends! We should get back to those days! Enjoy your time off work.

    C xx

  5. At 04:26 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Peewit wrote:

    I've been lurking for a while but I've just got to say this: Bingo Star what's happened to your jokes?????

  6. At 04:26 PM on 01 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:


    That`s not being sad, it`s called being a nice human being.

    m xxx

  7. At 04:38 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:


    Must have been the full moon and the hallow's eve!

    I went to Tap - my regular Wednesday Night Excursion and o m g i haven't had a work out like that since.... well - never to be honest.

    Jees. The girl who takes us, and I can call her girl, because she is young enough to be my daughter, had us hopping, tapping and shuffling all over the place. I honestly thought my face would explode. Thank gawd for sports bras!

    Still the 20 or so of us kept at it - this will be our Third dancing display - we only do one dance throughout the course of the show, but so far we always get a massive cheer! We have a ball - our age range is from 13 (my daughter) to a youthful mid-60's....

    However, tonight, I'm going to go run round the town a bit. I think two weeks of running around should bring my fitness up to scratch. Can't be doing with collapsing in the middle of the dance and letting everyone down!


  8. At 05:04 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I've done exactly the same - couple of red wines too many, and now it's Thursday rather than Friday and there's no chance of coasting into the weekend.

    We do indeed hate in when that happens.


  9. At 05:07 PM on 01 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - What a big mix up... roger.
    A tell yer fancy getting yer waters mixed up... roger.
    Mixed up with yer taylor.... roger.
    10 - 4 errr ello... ello.... roger.... roger... me damn walkie talkies gone ape now.
    10 - 4 errr Bingo ere.. roger.
    The Nick getting them mixed up errr good job 'e didn't get 'is taylor mixed up with 'is waters..... roger.
    Or 'e'd end up with a.... sorry theres a joke in ere but I can't find it - any ideas blog friends?

    Gingembre & Clodagh too - eres yer astro reading.

    Err i'm just rubbing & looking inter me ball of.. The Zodiac ter get it glowing.....

    Am getting Sam Fox.... no... I see jugs.... no am getting a jug... a jug full of water.... someone carrying a jug of water.... 'old on.. 'old on... Yeah The Water Carrier aka Aquarius!!!

    Aquarius - Known for being creative, errr electricity.... na sorry, mean't eccentricity... friendship - make loyal friends. Courtesy, interested in people.
    Can be fiercely independant though sometimes making them seem detached, impersonal at times.
    Know for genius, mystery sometimes seeking fame or interested in politics and scientific analysis.

    Fellow Aquarians - err yer lookin' at Russell Grant, Robbie Williams, Eddie Izzard, Jack Nicklaus, Oliver Reed, Phil Collins, Ronald Reegan and errr... errr.... Burt Reynolds and Paul Newman - alot of actors in there Aq dudes!

    'op this 'epls abit!

    PS Clodagh - Bernie Ecclestone & yer mother.. seems all damn stress ter me!!!!
    Plus by the sound of it am scared of them both - know what am sayin'!!!!


  10. At 05:10 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Just a quickie enroute out of the work door....

    Ahhh to Tinsel.

    Clodagh you share my sign aquarius DCI Gingembre also I believe - don't know about barking but the men in white coats have been lurking around for years after me!!

    Lexie do let us all know how you got on tonight with the drivetime crew.

    I'm off to enjoy the show enroute home.

    To Martin - keep at it.

    To all new and returning bloggers a big hi from the dorset coast.

    Phoenix out

  11. At 05:20 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    evening all!

    You are completely correct bingo star - I checked the bill and brake discs and pads it was!! Clever Bingo Star!

    CtD - well done on your weight loss it feels so good doesn't it! Unfortunately I put on a pound and a half but deserved it really - for the last 2 weeks I didn't really stick to the diet and still lost and last week I stuck to it and put on so I think it is my excesses catching up with me.

    This morning i made the mistake of going onto u-tube and watching RB sketches from his ponderland show and they wer so good I watched more and more and just made myself so late I never caught up!!! Still vive la russolution!!

    Have fun tonight lex

    x x x x x x

    P.S. Tinsel I always blog from home - no time at work!!


  12. At 05:22 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    P.P.S I am a scorpio

  13. At 05:23 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    P.P.P.S why are we all giving our star sign??

  14. At 05:48 PM on 01 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Cathmel - The reason why were givin' our astroillogical signs is ter create peace & love on the blog - i.e. so we don't misunderstand each other by learning all about our astro make up - 'ence if one of us is too egotistical or too sensitive we know it's nothing personal.... just ter do with the lining of Uranus, Mercury & Saturn plus any other planets.. can't remember the other names!

    PS Glad yer bill wasn't for a indicator bulb!

    Prof Plum - Yer were askin' what me sign is....................... can't remember!


    PS Is CLP gonna play the Foo Fighters at last.... what a very nice man....

    PS 'it!

  15. At 05:52 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Hi Guys and Girls,
    I have posted on yesterdays blog, that explains why I haven't posted recently.
    Gingembre- so sorry to hear your news I'm sending you lots of hugs.

    So Norfolk bloggers have you heard who is switching on the Norwich Christmas lights?! Only radio2's very own Sally Traffic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW!!! Then I book signing in a certain book store beginning with the lettrer W.
    I am so so so dragging the fella along to that! Maybe the Drivetime show can come from Norwich that night!

  16. At 06:05 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Where oh where does a pastie fit into your new fitness regime mr evans? Ha ha. I was nearly goin to join you in the 6 week fitness plan but now....the pasties are on me. Cornish of cause.
    take it easy...love the show, keeps me sane on the way home from leeds every monday night.
    If you get the chance, give us a shout on monday the 12th.
    John, Stu and the lovely Nicki.

  17. At 06:33 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Tinsel, bless you, no you're not sad at all. I post from work and home for the same reason so if that makes you sad so am I ha ha! Have a good couple of days off and make sure you pop in to 'see' us xxx

    Clodagh, as usual spot on. It's a running joke with my friends and family, they say that I am a terrible worrier. In fact I'm rather good at it x

    Bingo, your horoscope readings are proving to be very popular mate. Why don't you go through the zodiac and maybe give two signs a day so we will all get to have a reading from 'Mystic Bingo'? I'm a Taurean, stubborn apparently! x

    CLP and crew, have a wonderful night out. Haven't been able to listen this week not sure who Lexi is but hope a good time is had by all x

    Debbie xx

  18. At 06:39 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Evening one and all

    Busy day ..long story.

    I have sympathy can never remember peoples names, for instance Robert Powell I can only remember as Jesus Christ.
    Love Walking on Air. I played it down the piano to my mobile phone as a ring tone.....

    Bingo are you an Aries?

    Ciao for now

  19. At 08:42 PM on 01 Nov 2007, MfR wrote:


    We're on a temporary wagon at the moment as we're running the Loseley 10k for CHASE on Sunday.

    Except they moved it to Camberley.

    Either way, when you are all snuggled up in your duvet on Sunday morning, dropping crumbs in the bed and getting Marmite on the pillow while you peruse the Sunday rags (with numerous gadget catalogues spilling out from between every page), spare a thought for Mrs MfR and I as we brave the elements and go for broke, all in the name of charidee.

    Blimey. It seemed such a good idea back in March.

    Peace & love


    PS Run to the hills

    PPS Running free

    PPPS Keep on running

  20. At 09:01 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I'm a Taurus, except for when Aries has a really good horroscope and then I'm Aries.


  21. At 10:35 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Moose wrote:

    Better to have peaked too early than never to have peaked at all.

    Unlike Christmas morning when it's better to have peeked too early...


  22. At 10:42 PM on 01 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Ere mate what's with only the chaps. Germaine Greer is an Aquarian, top bird. As was Christobel Pankhurst and Janis Joplin and Anna Pavlova, inventor of the pirouette and the custard pie.

    And as was another top bird who shared the same birthday as meself, early fillum star and general all-round eejit Tallulah Bankhead. Now she WAS bonkers bless her. She had a particular party piece which was doing cartwheels across the stage to a packed audience with no knickers on.

    Not that I have ever done such a thing myself. Oh no. I've never bin' able to cartwheel straight and with my luck I'd be straight into the orchestra pit and ruin the tuba.


  23. At 08:28 AM on 02 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning peeps

    It's a sunny day here today... long may it continue.

    Mystic Bingo - thanks for the reading, I actually share my bday with Robbie Williams and Olly Read I believe, not sure if that's a good omen or not???

    I pretty much always blog from home - not the done thing at my work!!

    missy - I'll have to keep an eye out for that date, might see you there? Perhaps get Em M along too and we can do latte's???

    Back to work tomorrow, big weekend looming as it's the local derby on Sunday which brings all the muppets out of the woodwork!!

    Off for a nice meal Sun night with MrsW at a fish restaurant (national chain I believe?).

    9am this morning I shall be queueing on a well known ticket website for Alicia Keys tickets, can't wait.

    Have a great day and weekend everyone, it's been a shi**y week but these things are sent to try us - apparently.


  24. At 09:34 AM on 02 Nov 2007, RosieRoo wrote:

    Hello all, happy Friday!

    Can't wait for this weekend. Me and Mr P are hosting a Halloween party. I'm dressing up as La Winehouse complete with mile-high beehive and tattoos and Mr P is donning skintight black trews as one Russell Brand. Facebook will be teeming with incriminating pictures by Monday. I fear for my job.

    Anyone else doing owt exciting?

    Rosie x

    PS I think Bingo should be given a regular slot on Steve Wright's Monday astrology bit. Anyone with me?

  25. At 10:02 AM on 02 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello..... Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Gingembre - It's a pleasure ter 'elp abit. Looking inter the Bingo Ball i'm getting for your birtdee...... the 13th of the 2nd!!!!!

    Clodagh - There's just no pleasing some people - wot yer tryin ter do ter me.... send me totally over the edge?
    I'm only doing this cos me shrink said astro secret ter sanity & relaxes..... THE MIND!!!!!

    Female Aquarians ok - Lisa Marie Presley, Jennifer Anniston, Natalie Imbrulia, Joko Ono.

    Talkin' of which theres more proof of the zodiac -I've seen it so mant times.

    Joko Ono - Aquarius / John Lennon - Libra = Perfect Match.

    Linda Mc Cartney - Libra / Paul Mc Cartney - Gemini = Perfect Match.

    Heather Mills - Capricorn / Paul Mc Cartney - Gemini = Bad Astro Match.

    Kate Middleton - Capricorn / Prince William - Gemini = Bad Astro Match.

    Yer see blog friends the proof is above that there does seem ter be some truth in this astro stuff.
    I blame the differences between Kate & William on being the wrong signs for each other.
    If they understood their astro differences more then they would understand more why they are maybe clashing abit/ having differences even though they clearly like each other alot.
    Then they probally could work through their present problems and work towards a better understanding of each other & stay together!

    Sorry yer got me going off on one now!

    Debbie - Ok i'll take your great idea on board & i'll bang on an astro profile each day for the next 12 weekdays starting from next week - if the blog ploice ok it!

    Plus Debbie & DWNB - Taurus - Calmest sign of the zodiac!!!

    Cathmel - Scorpio - The Sexiest sign of the zodiac!!!!

    CLP - 'ope the night out was good & Lexie 'ad a good time.
    PS CLP - Aries - The Boss of the zodiac... in a nice way.
    Just 'ope yer producer 'elen isn't one or there'll be fireworks in those production meetings - know what am sayin'!!!!

    PPS Big thanks for playing The Foo Fighters on the Jukebox Jury. Not 'eard that one before but sounded a guten one.
    Not as explosive as The Pretender or as emotive as My Hero but still GUTEN!!!!
    Plus a 'it!

    Peewit - Two reasons why i've stopped me jokes. well three. 1 - I've been issued with a court order by Peter Kay, Ricky Gervais & Freddie Starr before I leave them outta work (only joking). 2 - I've run outta material - (only joking). 3 - I'm too damn busy giving astro readings (not joking).
    But Peewit i've still not put Fridee the 19th Sep Joke on yet so I will later friend!!!
    I was just doing it for the two weeks CLP was on 'olidee!
    PS - I did put me chemistry joke on the other day!


  26. At 10:18 AM on 02 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Morning guys

    Feel awful today, throat so sore can barely swallow. Hardly slept at all. Woke up and hypochondria set in when saw how red the back of my throat was, tonsillitis, laryngitis etc. Good old fashioned anxiety attack brought on by something this stupid left me even more exhausted by the time I got to work. Two steps forward one step back my counsellor tells me. Just took a step back this morning.

    Didn't help that I left my little boy screaming for me at the childminders this morning. Had to peel him away from me. I just want to go home and crawl back between the covers!

    Gingembre - sorry, my problems are rubbish compared to what others are going through, I promise to keep reminding myself that today. I saw photos of you and Mrs KW on facebook by the way and can I just say, she is a stunner! You both look very happy x

    RosieRoo - Having some friends and their little boy round for a fireworks party tomorrow night which I hope goes well, enjoy your party x

    Better go and sort me face out now before the boss comes into the office. Had a few tears while typing and he'll think I left me halloween mask on.

    Love to all
    Debbie x

  27. At 10:36 AM on 02 Nov 2007, Em M wrote:

    Missy - Brill idea about Drivetime coming from Norwich when Sal switches the Christmas lights on - when is it? Go on Chris, missy, gingembre and I could show you the sights.

    Bingo - I am loving all the star sign stuff, I should have said I'm on the cusp (Sagittarius and Capricorn) - does that make a difference?! Who am I compatible with? And who should I avoid like the plague?! Thakns hon, I agree with whoever said you should have your own slot on Steve Wright!

    Chris - I think as we get older we can't party night after night like we used to. I'm OK as long as I don't drink too much, but how much is too much?!

    Off to the Maddermarket theatre in Norwich tomorrow with the kids and the inlaws, then fireworks on the close when we get back.

    Have a great weekend everyone,

    Em xx

  28. At 10:36 AM on 02 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Another day in paradise one and all

    Plasterer number two arrives today. No doubt to give a ridiculous quote.. well we shall see.

    Office parties arn't they the best.
    We used to have some cracking ones in my old office in Manchester at Christmas.
    One year I came back from Bangkok armed with two pineapples for the centre of the table buffet. The Office was transformed into a grotto. Decorations and a Christmas tree. The party got in full swing but the drunken Lufthansa rep fell into the Christmas tree and wrecked it. The pinapples were full of little bugs crawling around the buffet table. A female member of staff set her hair alight with a candle. That was all before 9pm.

    Rosie Hope you enjoy your party sounds interesting.

    Bingo Come on man whats yer sign?

  29. At 10:42 AM on 02 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Debbie - problems are problems, they are important to the individual. Don't apologise for yours, they're no more/less important than anyone elses.
    Thank you for the comment re: MrsW.

    Have a good day, I'll send you a gift via facebook later x


  30. At 10:45 AM on 02 Nov 2007, Katy wrote:

    Help me Bingo

    I'm a very menopausal cancerian and the fella is a loving caring scorpio - but my moods are driving him away. What should I do?


  31. At 11:02 AM on 02 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Our office parties are usually dreadful!!!! Last year we all went to a 'nice' hotel....the food was done on the cheap, the entertainment was ropey to say the least (madonna & anastasia tributes badly done!!) the DJ needed a slap (am a rocker not a pop princess)...so, by half past eight nearly everyone was wishing they could go home!!

    This years office party.....is in another hotel, and we are to be entertained by circus performers all night...except at the end when the (no doubt) awful DJ will start playing 'Oops upside your head' and other school disco-esque 'hits'!!

    ....actually just read over that, and it does appear that I am being a misery-guts about it and I do like a bit of Abba and cheesy stuff as much as the next rocker (yes, we can dance as well as head bang!!) but there are some crimes against music that cannot be bourne!!! lol!!

    Right then, the kettle beckons!!! Must drink more COFFEEEEEEE!!!!!! Have a fantabulous weekend all!!



  32. At 11:36 AM on 02 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    Hydrogen power has a lot going for it. There are limitless supplies of the stuff and emissions are nothing more harmful than water vapour. Honda announced last week that it intends to launch a production version of its hydrogen powered FCX concept car next year. Now that`s what`s going to help save the planet, a car that runs on water! Only problem I`ve got is, are you going to hear the thing comming?


  33. At 12:14 PM on 02 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    Just been emptying the dish washer. Got a dish washer? Always put the knives and forks sharp and pointy side down. People can and do fall and slip!

    Bingo Star, I`m Capricorn.

    But, don't search in the stars for signs of life, look around your World, you'll find a love.

    m xxx

  34. At 12:19 PM on 02 Nov 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Hmmm, interesting we seem to have a glut of Aquarians (Is this the dawning of) on the blog!

    Awaiting delivery of new brum chuffer at the moment, just to spite the green lobby four by four all the way!

    DD out

  35. At 12:28 PM on 02 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    Office parties, memorable for all the wrong reasons. Everone was oh so drunk. It was held at a race course function room. One guy got thrown out for peeing in a kitchen sink when he coudn`t find the loo. My manager was asked in front of her manager what she would like to give him for Christmas, she said, a sence of humour - silence!! People where sick every where, married women snogging single men, couples in corners with hands everwhere. I`d never seen so much debauchery.

    m xxx

  36. At 12:29 PM on 02 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    - how was your weekend in Norwich?


  37. At 12:38 PM on 02 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Right Norfolk Bloggers write this down! On the 22nd November the lovely Sally Traffic will be swtiching on Norwich Christmas lights and then doing a book signing at that book shop on Castle Medow. Now how can we get the Drivetime show to come form Norwich?!
    So many of us bloggers are from the east I think it would be so much fun if that night the show could come from the Forum! So come on Chris take the opportunity to come and visit one of the best city's in the UK!

  38. At 01:22 PM on 02 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Who should you avoid like the plague.

    Bingo of course. Bless 'im the man is clearly near the edge with a dodgy parachute.

    Bless 'is little cotton straightjacket, what a marvellous eejit he is.

    Anyway Hurrah Yippee.

    Christmas is officially on the march, I've just had me first Toffee Nut Latte in Starbuck's so I'm full up to the fetlocks with sugar and other assorted shite and whipped cream up me nose.

    I tell yous what, blog eejits. If I end up strapped into Old Sparky, I'll 'ave 'ad one of them in the condemned cell and I'll go with a smile on me face.

    Mind you I'm told they usually do anyway...

    I'm not sure where I stand on the old Starbucks debate mind you. I have friends who berate me for setting foot in there, globalisation, blah blah; but give me a Toffee Nut with the old crazy foam and bits of shrapnel and bugger that, the word Prostitute springs to mind.

    I missed the debate with Foxy re. the fake handbags as I was in Ireland (probably in Starbuck's or Penneys, Ireland's sister to Primark) but I'm told Christoffe Lamb Pie bless 'im tried to get the chappie to say where the funds go. Al Qaeda, I'm informed. Now, see, this is where my high moral ground goes whistlin' straight out the window, as despite knowing this fact, I have never quite had so much fun in my life as I did a few years back in New York with the GBF Damian, when we discovered the area Downtown where this all goes on, and witnessed the palaver when the NYPD turned up to seize said fake handbags. It was hilarious.

    Anyway, if anyone has ever been into the Louis Vuitton shop in Paris, and probably everywhere else for that matter, the snotty attitude they have in those places means I'm delighted that they get ripped off.

    So shoot me.

    Well now. ARF it is so rock on Tommy.


  39. At 01:22 PM on 02 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello ter All,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Sorry but i'm back in work terdee & mega busy & over the weekend.

    But i'll answer all of your astro questions as best as I can next week!!!

    Katy #30 - very interesting - i'll look it up & i'll write a reply next week.
    Cancerians are known for being abit sensitive & moody but they are very caring & kind!
    Probs Tue i'll write in some more detail as i'm at work full time til then!

    Prof Plum - I'm still counting on me fingers me birthdee & tryin ter work out me sign. I'll reveal all next week man! Me birth sign thats iz!!!

    Chow all!

  40. At 01:47 PM on 02 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Ah the quizz of the week from Norwich

    Sorry not sale of the century but drive time of the century.... Missy original hand bags reduced from £1000 TO £10. Gimgembre original policemans hat reduced from £300 to £200.
    Years supply of Prof Plum pea and ham soup.. so good even the dog eats it.... Reduced from £10 to 10p.

    Well it's just a thought..

    Bingo just reveal all!

  41. At 02:45 PM on 02 Nov 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good aft everyone,

    So much going on I can't keep track of you all.

    Gingemebre now being spotted on facebook - must do some detective work and locate said dci.....

    Sorry it's really busy in work today so not much time for even a sniff at the blog....



  42. At 04:45 PM on 02 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I wonder what's happened to todays blog??

    Yep Bingo Star scorpio is the sexiest sign and it is therefore criminal that I'm in my sexual prime (age 37) and single!! Ho hum...............

    Clodagh - are you the TOG know as clodagh rubbish? If so I do enjoy you contributions to the togmeisters show on my way to work every morning. Am v excited as TW is doing a book signing in little chesham (where I live) next wedneday.

    Actual love x x x

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