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Chris Evans | 16:25 UK time, Friday, 21 December 2007

Boy am I ready for a...


I'm pooped. Whacked. Running on empty - or at least reserve.

Been out Christmas shopping in the day... had a Chrissie haircut an hour ago, one more show to go and then ho ho ho ho home and no more London for a fortnight. It's all going spookily to plan.

The do was brill last night, the team seemed to have a great time, good for them, they deserve it.

So, looks like we made it to the end of another year. They're so haphazard these years aren't they, you never know what's going to happen. this time last year I had no idea I'd be married this time this year. Also my mum was quite ill last year and you never know do you, thank heaven she turned the corner and she still with us ... happy days. And she got her first mobile phone today at the age of 82 ! How cool is that ?

Whoever they are, make the most of them I tell you. If you're thinking of nipping home for Christmas and staying for a few hours, stay the night - if you're thinking about staying for a day, stay for two, seriously think of all the losers you've hung out with over the years for little or no good reason at all, once your nearest and dearest have gone they ain't never coming back.

As far as next year is concerned how about we all look after ourselves a bit more, don't buy the new sofa or telly the adverts are seducing you into, spend it on making yourself feel more like you. A week in a health farm.... a few days walking anywhere that's beautiful....goals goals goals. Now is the time for action.

As far as we, the drivetime team are concerned, we thank you for all your support and good wishes every day. You really are the best audience I personally have ever worked for. I speak for my colleagues when Isay, we hope to be doing this job for many years to come. Of course we never know what's around the corner but let's just go with the flow until we know.






  1. At 04:48 PM on 21 Dec 2007, martin james wrote:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the Bloggers, Christophe, and the entire Drivetime team - infront of and behind the mic. May 2008 be a healthy, happy and peaceful time for us all.

    Keep warm everyone.

    m xxx

    PS M, nice poem. Happy Birthday Em. Get well soon all those under the weather.

  2. At 04:54 PM on 21 Dec 2007, Bill Taylor in England wrote:

    Thanks Chris and Team.

    Happy Christmas

  3. At 05:00 PM on 21 Dec 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hey Chris,

    Thanks a million for those very kind words.

    Can I just say that this blog has been, is and will hopefully continue to be one of the most enjoyable things that I look forward to every day - inspiration, sharing, good craic, laughter, tears, feelings, emotions, life, growing & learning, its all here - everyday is a school day!

    Best wishes to Hells Bells & the team, congratulations for such a consistantly highly polished, enjoyable show and long may it continue . .

    Hugs and kisses to you & Natasha - have a great break (presumably in the Portugese sun) and have a great NYE party, whatever you end up doing . .

    Take care Big Chief CLP & everyone out there on t'internet - lets hope this blog continues as well for a long time to come . .

    DtM x

    PS. Happy Christmas, Red x

  4. At 05:20 PM on 21 Dec 2007, tinsel wrote:

    Happy Christmas team - please keep going for years and years and years ....

    Love you all lots!


  5. At 05:25 PM on 21 Dec 2007, Dickie D wrote:

    Great words and fantastic show.
    I wish I replied to more of your fab blog enteries.
    Happy hols to you and your team.
    Dickie D

  6. At 06:06 PM on 21 Dec 2007, M wrote:

    Ace show! catch you next year, stay safe and enjoy.


  7. At 07:00 PM on 21 Dec 2007, lazykev wrote:

    merry christmas chris and your loved ones,merry christmas bloggers, lets all have a safe one .

  8. At 07:56 PM on 21 Dec 2007, steve whiteside wrote:

    Very Happy Christmas Chris & Team --- You have just made me cry on my laptop !! ( bill to Radio 2 ) Enjoy your Hols ---Steve

  9. At 09:22 PM on 21 Dec 2007, Red wrote:

    Thankyou Chris,

    Beautiful words.

    Your a star, you light things up on the darkest


    I agree whole heartedly with DtM...:)

    I too look forward to the show & the blog..

    Happy Christmas one & all..Have fun.

    X R

    Merry Christmas delicious poet man XX

  10. At 11:49 PM on 21 Dec 2007, Martin Hasker wrote:

    You are spot on about making time for those you love and care for - Merry Christmas and keep up the good work Chris and the team.

  11. At 06:16 AM on 22 Dec 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning all

    Spot on CLP, hope you have a lovely break with MrsE and some R&R is what Santa brings you.

    To echo a few other postings, I love my daily read of this blog. I hope all of you have a great Xmas and New Year.

    martin - sounding on top form again mate, great to see, my very best wishes to you for '08 x

    Prof - don't go, or change your name, I love your posts

    On a quick serious note...

    ...had a huge eye-opener at work yesterday. Won't go into huge detail but if you have children PLEASE warn them - no scare them - of the dangers of playing near electric train lines. I have now seen the damage that tens of thousands of volts does to you - and it's horrific!

    Anyway, to all of you out there, regular, lurking, new and old, have a wonderful time with the ones you love.


  12. At 10:12 AM on 22 Dec 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Thankyou all so much for saying happy birthday to me yesterday, I had a lovely day, went to Pizza Express and to see Enchanted with my boys. Next year will be the big one for me, scary!!

    Merry Christmas to you all,

    Em xx

  13. At 10:44 AM on 22 Dec 2007, martin james wrote:

    Is thier special magic to getting on ARF, or am I doing it all wrong? Some of the callers say they got through first time! How? I know I`ll try sending presies to the phone team to bribe them!

    Ah well, I`ve got the whole of 2008...

    Once again, have a good christmas everyone.

    m xxx

  14. At 11:48 AM on 22 Dec 2007, Angie Warby wrote:

    Hi Chris and team just wanted to wish you all a very merry christmas,and best wishes for the new year,i love the show, you always make me smile, sing and dance round the kitchen,have fun and stay away from the bad people.love Angie.xx

  15. At 11:59 AM on 22 Dec 2007, MfR wrote:

    Nice one Chris.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, the team and everyone here.

    I am now paying the price for going to the pub.

    With man-flu.

    I thought I was over it, so spent last night in front of the fire at the local supping pints of their finest.

    And now I feel like death warmed up.

    I'll try and sleep for a while and hope that I can muster the energy to get down to The M for Mrs MfR's company do.

    As I said before, all the staff are invited, with partners.

    Just the two of us then.

    Peace and love


    PS So here it is, Merry Christmas.

  16. At 07:20 PM on 22 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello lovely people,

    Chris you are a very wise man and I wish you, your family and the team the best Christmas and New Year.

    Thank you Red, Tinsel, CtD and other for being so supportive regarding my horrible job situation.

    Cheryl I will email you in the new year, thank you for reminding me that I can x

    Em glad that you had a good birthday and don't worry, they say that life begins at 40 anyway. Only another 6 years to go for me!

    I hope to pop back over the next few days when I get the chance. Had a nightmare here last week, Mr Debbie and Eldest had a row and Mr Debbie ended up taking him to his nan's for a few days. He's back now, that's the main thing.

    I just want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

    With lots of love
    Debbie xx

  17. At 08:46 PM on 22 Dec 2007, alicia mcelhill wrote:

    as i was saying...

    I think you're fab christophe and look forward to sharing every evening, between 5-7pm with you in 2008.

    Wishing you and Tash a wonderful first Mr and Mrs Evans 1st xmas together.

    Merry christmas bloggers and a 2008 filled with peace, happiness & laughter!

    xxx ooo

  18. At 10:03 AM on 23 Dec 2007, MfR wrote:


    Thanks for last night, it was lovely of you to spend some time with us, I felt a bit guilty that we tore you away from Natasha for so long!

    Have a lovely Christmas and we look forward to your return in the new year.

    Much peace


  19. At 05:32 PM on 23 Dec 2007, LILLIAS wrote:

    Hi Chris

    You are such a wise man now! Im glad you are still with us giving us all your quotes and good thoughts, who would have thought you were so sensible!!

    Wishing you and the wife all the peace love and happiness you both deserve over the festivities and all year!

    Lillias xx

  20. At 08:41 AM on 24 Dec 2007, L Vegas wrote:

    Guten Morgan one and all

    Hope everybody has a dead bird in the fridge and have a lovely Christmas.

    Gingembre Who is Prof Plum?

  21. At 10:36 AM on 24 Dec 2007, Elm wrote:

    Happy Christmas one and all

    I'mm be thinking of you from my desk (who put year end on 31 Dec?)

    Elm x

  22. At 11:12 AM on 24 Dec 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Very many thanks Christophe Lambe Pie for your lovely words.

    A big hug and merry christmas messages to everyone on Drivetime and the blog.

    Since its inception this blog has been the lifeline for some and the mainstay of fun for others.

    Enjoy your festive break everyone.


    PS Gingembre I too know what x about of volts will do to a human being who plays on the railway line...
    To all Children - it is not a play area - stay away

  23. At 12:51 PM on 24 Dec 2007, wrote:


    Hope you are all ready and shopped out! Went to Waitrose this morning to get some milk and blimey it was pact!
    I'm here home alone on christmas eve, now gonna try and make some mince pies and sausage rolls after having a rest. Haven't felt too good this week, I think all the madness has caught up with me!
    There are pics of my christmas trees on the blog and will be writing my Missy Christmas Eve speach soon!!!!

    I really hope you all have a good christmas whatever you do and all get too chill out. Love to you all, Missy xxxx

  24. At 01:03 PM on 24 Dec 2007, John Wright wrote:

    Great words and thoughts. You are so right enjoy the moment especially your family. I have just driven to up Stratford -upon - Avon through the fog to pick up my 80 year old mother law (7 hours round trip)- I laughed out loud when you mentioned about the mobile phone you bought your mother we gave her one two years ago. This year we are giving her a DVD player ! Have a great christmas and New year with your family and wife. Your show has been and continues to be the best. I listen to it again as I am often still at work from 5.00 to 7.00 in the evening.
    John Wright
    Yelverton Devon

  25. At 01:11 PM on 24 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Such profound comments... really struck a chord with me, life really is a one shot deal that we really must try and enjoy, savour, and keep close to our breast. Indeed everyday IS a schoolday..

    The drivetime show is a real lift for me, that chink of sunlight beaming through the mundane. Thanks Chris & team..

    In the words of Micheal Stipe, "Take comfort in your friends"

    Merry Christmas and an even better new year..


  26. At 02:59 PM on 24 Dec 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon everyone!

    Chris and Team - thanks for a fab year of broadcasting - don't know what I'd do without you on my drive home of an evening. Hope you all have a well deserved rest, a fabulous Christmas and a wonderful new year.

    As for all you wonderful bloggers/schloggers - Chris is wise indeed - take heed of his words. Have a fantabulous time and if you do have to work over the festive period, my thanks to you!!!

    See you all on the other side!

    S xx.

  27. At 05:17 PM on 24 Dec 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Hello Bloggers!

    I admit that I lurk more than I post here...but I am a loyal/daily visitor for the past two years or so...can you believe this blog has been going on that long?!

    Anyway, this is a special community for me and I wanted to wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope you all have peace, joy, and the warm hugs of your loved ones at this season.


  28. At 06:47 PM on 24 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:

    A very happy Christmas and a peaceful and safe New Year to all of you.

    And to CLP. I wish you, your lovely missus and your sweet and feisty mum all that you wish for yourselves.

    My lovely little Auntie Dot finally passed away on Saturday so I'm back from Ireland to be with my mum. We've cried and we've laughed and have toasted Dotty's memory with her favourite tipple, and tomorrow will be tinged with sadness but full of tales of their exploits.

    Me, I'll no doubt be fibbin' as usual about bein' given The Best Presents Ever, then retiring to behind the sofa to check for the spike that will consequently sprout out me head, just as Dotty always warned me.

    And though I don't believe in the life hereafter, I wish I did, as it's a marvellous thought that two chaps, namely Uncle Jim and the Dear Departed Father Eric, up there at the big rugby club in the sky, won't half be coppin' it now for headin' off to the Celestial Members' Lounge without 'em.

    So once again, let's have a lovely Christmas, cherish each other and if the feckin' turkey's not cooked or the puddin' blows up, so what. We have the love of each other now, and always will in spirit. And that's priceless.

    Peace and love one and all.


  29. At 07:39 PM on 24 Dec 2007, wrote:

    A peaceful and Holy Christmas to you all.

    I have just returned with my lovely girls from our childrens mass. Youngest daughter lit the first candle on the advent wreath in front of everyone she is only 7 and I am so proud!!

    I have a warm winter Pimms in my hand and I toast each and every one of you - my shlogging friends.

    God Bless & merry christmas


  30. At 04:26 PM on 25 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    TESTING 1,2,3,8 iz the blog working terdee????

  31. At 08:26 PM on 25 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Season's Greetings Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Glad ter see the blog is still working terdee, being the special one, the special day of..... the year!!!!

    Weren't sure if the blog ploice were 'aving their Christmas dinner or still under the influence of drink - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Just wanted ter wish everybody who is reading this, yes this means you, yersen, "A VERY 'APPY & BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS IN ALL AREAS"!!!!!!!!!!


    PS I'll try me best ter bang on the blog termoz a Bingo Special Christmas Message of the 12 ly's, yes the Bingo Star 12 'LY'.... s of Christmas!!!!!

  32. At 05:52 PM on 26 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Season's Greetings Ter All,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I come ter all of yersen's with a special Bingo Christmas Message Of..... The Twelve LY's!!!!!

    FIRSTLY - I'd just like ter say don't take offence whatever order the message that might refer ter yersen..... i'e first isn't more important than eleventh - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    SECONDLY - I'd just like ter say ter CLP & Natasha - "Ave a very 'appy Christmas & I wish you both ALL of the best for 2008, 2009 & every year past those two.. too"!!!!
    When I say Natasha I don't mean the Bedingfield or The Nap.... Naplinkskkkkk... the one who reads the news with Belarus connections.... I mean the Natasha Evans. Mind you as it's Christmas - why not ter the other Natasha's aswell - know what am sayin'!!!!

    THIRDLY - I'd just like ter say all of the 'secondly' greetings ter the blog ploice & all of The Drivetime Team!!!!!

    FORTHLY - I'd just like ter say the same as 'secondly' & 'thirdly' ter all who are reading this, aka every blog friend/ oparatative!!!!!!
    Plus 'ope you 'ave many a 'appy blogging in 2008, 2009 & every year past those two.... too!!!!!!

    FIFTHLY - Just wanted ter say don't change yer name Prof Plum. My mistake at the misunderstanding - I always thought in Cludeo the Prof was a man. But not on the blog, so I say keep your well established name ere Prof as i'm sure all the other bloggers would agree.
    Don't know were Bingo Star came from, although might ave something ter do with the time me mum met Freddie Starr at 'er local Bingo 'all - allegedly!!!!!

    SIXTHLY - Please remember that many people are very lonely over this season.
    But I say, directly, ter all the lonely people out there - It's better ter be lonely then ave a load of relatives who yer can't stand the sight of coming ter yer 'ouse, taking over, drinking all yer booze & just using yersen for a free damn meal - know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    I was talkin' ter a bloke at work who told me that 'is mother-in-law is comng ter stay so 'e's gotta sleep in the garden, in a cold caravan, yes blog friends...... a cold caravan!!!!!
    So always look on the bright side of life.... who wants ter, at Christmas time, sleep in a.... cold caravan!!!!!!!

    SEVENTHLY - I'm not very 'appy with some of me presents I received - I asked for a Nintendo Wii & gotta damn Japanese commode!!!!!!
    What der thee thinks damn wrong with me - incontinence!!!!
    Me present is damn incompentant...... unless they thought I mean't a wee instead of a..... Wii!!!!

    EIGHTLY - Wrightie, All of The BIG Show Team & Sally Boazman, Lynn Bowles, Bobby Prior.... again 'secondly' & 'thirdly' goes ter yersen's too.
    Plus all above & CLP & 'is team - I sent you all cards ter arrive on Christmas Eve - not damn realising yer all off - BIG 'pologies - yer might get them next year unless a BC 'ouse cleaner bins them, shreds them or trys ter sell em on E-bay!!!!!!
    Again BIG 'pologies!!!!!!!!

    NINTHLY - Errrr, errrrr, errrrrr...... can't remember the ninth one!!!!!!!!!!!

    TENTHLY - Don't eat ter much over the 'oliday period or drink so much that yer make yersens feel ill. Although do enjoy yersens and do let yersens go & drink & be merry..... especially if yer on the snowballs!!!!!!
    'old on, 'old on I can feel a very important goverment message coming as we can't think for ourselves nowadays....... "PLEASE REMEMBER TO DRINK RESPONSIBLY".
    Thank you for that message..... I was gonna put mesen in 'ospital 'cos of snowballs needing a new..... liver - thank you voice over friend!!!!!!!

    ELVENTHLY - Some predictions for 2008 - Although I think we are going ter go inter recession & the 'ousing market is gonna go down big & a stockmarket bear market will gather pace.... all of this is good news, as, if the economy kept going at the pace it 'as, the gap between rich & poor would widen outragously & our children would end up with 100yr mortgages.... so abit of economic gloom now is good for in three ter five years time - know what am tryin' ter ay ere!!!!!!
    But apart from the above i've gooot a feeling 2008 is gonna be a good yer for most..... wanna know why?????
    Well the Spice Girls ave reformed for starters!!!!!!

    TWELVETHLY - Finally I just wanted ter say ter all, again, I 'ope you all ave "A BEAUTIFUL, SPIFFING & PEACEFUL NEW YEAR IN ALL AREAS AND 2008 IS A YEAR IN WHICH ALL OF YOUR 'OPES, DREAMS & WANTS...... 'APPEN"!!!!!!


  33. At 10:26 PM on 26 Dec 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Well another Christmas gone one and all

    What was your favourite pressie? Mine was a cool new phone with the 007 theme tune for my ring tone.
    What was yours?

    Great night out at the Christmas Bingo and won tickets to the local Panto. Lulu and Cliff in Peter Pan.

    Karoke tonight at the Jolly Sailor Pub.. still not sure who to do.

    I suppose I will stay Prof Plum or nobody will know who I am will they?

  34. At 09:50 AM on 27 Dec 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Bingo................. right back at yer...... am tellin yer!!!!!!!! and all the very best to everyone else too.

  35. At 10:29 AM on 28 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning,

    Hope that you all had a great Christmas everyone!

    I'm back at work today. Haven't had to work between Christmas and New Year for ten years so not best pleased. I love the fact that you can forget what day it is over Christmas when routine goes out of the window.

    What do you think of the television programs this Christmas? We haven't been impressed at ours this year.

    Lots of love
    Debbie xx

  36. At 10:32 AM on 28 Dec 2007, Nev wrote:

    is it broken or just no one there?


  37. At 11:45 AM on 29 Dec 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning folks!

    My best Christmas pressie this year... My 10yo son opening a pressie that contained the Man Utd kit and him saying, rather emotionally "Father Christmas even got me the socks!" Bless!!!

    Least fave pressie - a rather heavy cold, curtesy of my brother-in-law. Then, when I took one of those famous cold remedies - I developed a rash all over my body - an allergic reaction apparently!

    Today - I am going to the monastery to light a candle for a friend who is having a very difficult pregnancy. I can't think of a more worthy person - she's crushed - but hopeful.

    Will drop by again in a few days people - enjoy the festive period and your loved ones!

    S xx.

  38. At 02:09 PM on 29 Dec 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    hi all...

    ...umpteenth attempt!

    Hope you all had a great Christmas and got all you wished for. Happy New Year to you all. See you in '08


  39. At 09:41 AM on 30 Dec 2007, Don Bishop wrote:

    Chris you are one media person I trust to be sincere, human, genuinely funny and a credit to us all. long may you be at the ´óÏó´«Ã½, and don't rule out a top job one day

  40. At 01:51 PM on 30 Dec 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Happy New Year one and all

  41. At 10:39 PM on 30 Dec 2007, tinsel wrote:

    just a quickie to say happy new year all. I now have a lovely new greyhound - still trying to find out what her name is!!

    Here's to 2008 being better than 2007!!!!


  42. At 05:59 AM on 31 Dec 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Just another day at work...

    ...but we don't deserve our pay rise do we?????

    My thoughts at New Year go out to all who lost a loved one in the line of duty (police, fire, ambulance, army, navy, air force, etc) during '07

    Peace & Love


  43. At 02:53 PM on 31 Dec 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Watched your video Gimgembre. The task of the Police in this country is becoming a very difficult one.
    The Great Britain we once knew, now has ghetto's of drug and ganglands. Over crowding too many immigrants adds fuel to the fire. Pride and the work ethic seems to have vanished.
    I really think it is time for the Government to stop giving handouts of benefit. Bring our armed forces out of Iraq and have them on our own streets to combat terrorism. Lets see our country remain as a Christian country. Have a policy of indentity cards. Without an identity card a person hopefully would be not allowed to work, gain a passport and hopefully get them sent back from wherever they came.
    We have shipped so many jobs abroad to save money and combined with immigrant cheap labour here the situation can only get worse.

    I hope in 2008 the government gets tough.

  44. At 08:32 PM on 31 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Hi guys and girls!

    Just want to say a huge happy new year to you all. 2007 has been fab and as I write this I am having a white wine and soda and listening to fireworks at the fella's house.
    2007 has been a crazy year but all in all a fab year. I can't wait to kick start 2008 by seeing the fab Spice Girls on wednesday. It has been a dream to see Baby, Scary, Sporty, Ginger and Posh together and on the 2nd I will. I'm sure it will make me have a relapse but this years resolution was to make dreams come true!

    Sorry I haven't commented recently, I promise to do better next year. Have a wonderful night and I'm now about to write my New Year Resoultions on my blog! I wonder how long they will last!!!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Love Missy xx

  45. At 04:41 PM on 01 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    'ootanany Greetings Terrrr ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Just wanted ter wish all a 'APPY NEW YEAR'!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gotta feeling this one could be a good year.

    1st New Year resolution.... too get some 'ypnotherapy ter sort out me problems with me..... aches, sorry mean't me.... ayches, yes, me ayches blog friends!!!!!


  46. At 07:22 PM on 01 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:

    Chris, gang and all you lovely Shloggers,

    May 2008 bring you everything you want from it.

    S xx.

  47. At 02:35 AM on 02 Jan 2008, Athame wrote:

    Happy New Year to everyone, and CLP, please give my best wishes to Billie and Laurence should you see them soon!


  48. At 10:01 AM on 02 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Wishing everyone a Very Happy and Healthy New Year!

    Lots of Love
    Debbie xx

  49. At 02:29 PM on 02 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Good day to everyone reading.

    I have had an electronic break and am busy catching up with all the blogs, emails and work.

    Christmas was lovely quiet and restful. The New Year I decided to stay in and keep the cats company - I had a glass of alcohol to welcome in the new year and watched the world celebrations.

    My sister and brother in law saw the new year in - in style out in Hong Kong, one cousin is in Dubai, one in Zimbabwe, 8 in South Africa, one in Singapore and in Ireland so the telephone was busy and internet (ah facebook - thank you)

    I hope you all made new year resolutions and that you can only do things in small steps - a bit at a time and its like dominos one step leads to another.... etc

    Gingembre you and your colleagues are really appreciated for all your hard work - its just that good news rarely makes the headlines.

    Phoenix out

  50. At 03:49 PM on 02 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Happy new year everyone,

    Just watched that video on youtube Gingembre and I couldn't agree with you more. I admire you and your collleagues so much; I know I could never do your job.

    Had a nice Christmas and New Year, spent NYE with hubby's family who I haven't always seen eye to eye with, but we had a lovely evening.

    Debbie - sorry you've had to work over Christmas, the great thing about childminding is I'm my own boss and I work when I want to, so I've chosen not to work until Monday! I quite liked the telly over Christmas, I've even started watching Corrie again for the first time in years, loved it when Rosie's family realised she was sleeping with the teacher - priceless! We bought ourselves a Freeview recorder before Christmas and I've turned into a complete telly addict as it's so easy to record things. I thought Extras was really brilliant, Clive Owen and George Michael, what a couple of great sports. I've just finished watching the first two Big Cat Diaries, I think I'm going to be crying when I watch the next one.

    Has anyone else made a new year's resolution? I really want to learn to dance and to play the piano before I'm forty (December). Do you think Matt Di Angelo is available for lessons?! (Yes I know he's half my age, my delightful kids have already pointed that out!)

    Chris, you and Natasha both looked great in the picture of you arriving at Billie's wedding but you're meant to tie your scarf so you can't see the label! Seriously though, the PowerPlate is really working, wish i could afford one.

    Love and hugs to you all for 2008,

    Em xx

  51. At 04:25 PM on 02 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    I forgot to say Missy, have a lovely evening with the Spice Girls. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of the show as I'm off to see them in a few weeks.

    Em, I enjoyed Extras too, got back into Eastenders but nothing else really interested me. We watched Shrek the Third on DVD which was great.

    My first resolution is to get a new job. I registered with an agency last week and I'm going in to see them next Tuesday. Starting to get excited about leaving here now.

    I have loads of resolutions but sensibly, I'm tackling one at a time.

    Debbie xx

    PS. Wrap up warm guys they say it may snow tonight!!

  52. At 09:22 AM on 03 Jan 2008, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning team

    Hope that you're all well and not too cold today? The snow never made it to Norwich, but I didn't really think it would for some reason. Kids not too happy about it but I'm sure they'll get their wish eventually.

    New Year shannanigans (spellcheck?) over and almost back to normal. Got a few days off at the mo' which is nice as N Y Eve was unbearably busy. I've never slept so heavily after a night shift!!!!

    So what will '08 bring us all? I don't really 'do' resolutions but I'd like to keep my weight down after losing over a stone from the pre-Xmas lurgy! Oh and I'd like to get to the bottom of my now oh so boring knee problems, new surgeon taking a look next week!

    missy....a latte a day keeps the blues away!!!!

    Bonnet de douche


  53. At 12:43 PM on 03 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Happy 2008 all!

    Lets hope it is eh?


  54. At 03:30 PM on 03 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi Guys

    Happy New Year to one and all.

    Can't wait for CLP to return!

    C x x

    (have just asked kids to tidy their area together - am now waiting to ww3 to start in my house!)

  55. At 04:43 PM on 03 Jan 2008, j wrote:

    Hap' py New Year All

    May 2008 be the year of peace and tolerance and PARTYING!!!!

    Lots of love to all from me

  56. At 09:19 PM on 03 Jan 2008, bah humbug wrote:

    thanks for all the good advice for what to do over christmas and new year.here is some advice for you and all the other millionaires in this world why dont you spread some happiness and part with some of your cash i am sure there are lots of people who could do with a hand espescially now in the winter or those who are financially hard up and dont know who to ask for help yes we have shows like the secret millionaire but now they are not secret and i suppose they only help the once billy piper didnt want your help for her wedding so how bout spending the money that you would have spent on that on helping someone, some family any ordinary person as your new years resolution

  57. At 07:45 AM on 04 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Morning one and all

    Day 7 of my anti wrinkle cream experiment and yes I am sure I have now taken off 4 years.

    Bah Humbug. I think Mr Evans does more than his bit for charity. Do you remember him buying a wedding dress from a poor girl when her wedding was cancelled for example.

    Maybe if you ask nicely he may offer to pay for some english lessons for you! If not I will.

    Meanwhile flying can be fun

    Toodle oo

  58. At 10:20 AM on 04 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning All

    Bah Humbug, Chris Evans donates money to a Children's Hospice regularly. If you were to ever visit his restaurant you would see that to be the case.

    He may support other charities but who knows? I have much respect for the 'rich and famous' that help charities without making a big deal about it. Otherwise I think they appear to be trying to boost their public image.

    As you must be a caring person I just thought you would want to know that CLP actually does help not just ordinary people but extraordinary people in the saddest of circumstances.

    Have a good day all.

    Debbie xx

  59. At 11:48 AM on 04 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Happy New Year to all of yous, hope yous all had a blast.

    Now then. I wasn't going to do this, but.

    Bah Humbug.

    I have yet more advice.

    Since you obviously have access to t'interweb and the wherewithal to use it, can watch Secret Millionaire on your TV and can suck in newspapers and I daresay lots of glossy rags divulging 'information' about Mr. Evans' private affairs, I'd say things aren't that bad. If you don't know how to ask for help, try looking beyond the bbc website, there's plenty information out there for you; now more than ever.

    What there WON'T be is the Christmas Fairy waiting for you with a bag of money. Life isn't like that, sunshine, and being full of bitterness about it isn't helpful.

    And having that aura around you will not help you to attract the kind of positive assistance you need. Change your viewpoint. You have many things going for you. Use them wisely. And if you find the green-eyed monster a-knocking at your door, custard pie it immediately. There is nothing more carcinogenic than bitter and pointless jealousy.

    Me, I'll never have the kind of money or lifestyle that the Ginger One has, but so what. I'm lucky enough to be able to watch his exploits from afar and join in the laugh. That's what you need, a laugh. So go buy a comic instead of The Sun; go take your granny to the bingo and sit with some old dears. They'll show you how to summon up lucky energy and make you chortle while you do it.

    Meanwhile, I buried my lovely Aunty Dot yesterday and spent the day laughing with my mum and the rest of the family and friends over the holidays we spent back in the sixties. Neither family had a brass farthing in those days but the mums and dads saved up hard all year so we could go on holiday, 4 adults, 3 kids and a dog squeezed into a Volkswagen Dormobile en route to Camping Cala Gogo in northern Spain, along with an army issue tent, tea bags, vac-packed bacon and a hundredweight of tins of beans, spaghetti and rice pudding culled from the Heinz factory seconds shop. The labels having fallen off, it was my job to decipher the codes beneath the tins. Therefore we used to dine lavishly on peaches and mushroom soup in a scene you'd only see down at the Fat Duck.

    I shall never forget Dot and Renee dispatching Eric and Jim, both in pyjamas, down to the Beachside Disco late one evening to winkle out my then early teenaged older sister and cousin when they contravened their curfew, meself sniggering in me sleeping bag as the said mums, ringers for Hylda Baker and Peggy Mount and both in terrifying night attire and rollers, waited behind the chalet door to deliver a sound slap each that would have Big Daddy's eyeballs rattlin'.

    And you know what. Those are some of our most precious and priceless memories, turning tears to laughter on more than one occasion yesterday.

    No amount of money can bring my auntie Dot back, but the memories can and will forever.

    I wish you well. Now catch yourself on, sunshine. I know it's horrible living hand to mouth, trust me I do; but only YOU can break the cycle, and you CAN. It's nobody else's fault or responsibility.


  60. At 12:06 PM on 04 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    I got 502 errored yesterday and no entry.

    Good morning bloggers and lurkers

    I hope everyone had a very good new year and for those like me back at work I hope since its friday you are ready for the weekend rest.

    To everyone I hope 2008 is a really good year.

    No snow here yesterday :(


  61. At 12:46 PM on 04 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    grrrr 502 errors.... the blog has the lurgy

  62. At 01:39 PM on 04 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:


    I go away for a few days and 'bah humbug' (sic) appears. I think Plum, Debbie and Clodagh between them have covered off my exact thoughts.

    Clodagh - glad you could turn the tears to laughter - that's something we should all do when we're grieving.

    When I die, I want people to celebrate my life with a huge party, rather than grieve my passing - much healthier - surely??? (Some may wish to celebrate my passing of course, but that's another comment...)

    Looking forward to Chris's return on Monday, as I expect you all are.

    Have a great weekend all and if you are back at work on Monday, having had the last two weeks off - ease yourself back in gently!

    S xx.

  63. At 02:13 PM on 04 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    2000 n' aight Greetings Ter CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Ello... errr got some jokes ere. Not mine but 'eard them on tv & thought i'd share them on the blog :

    JOKE NUMBER..... ONE -

    Two men go fishing.

    First bloke gets 'is rod out and puts an apple on the end of 'is line as bait.

    Second bloke says "yer mean't ter use worms as bait... yer can't use an apple."

    First bloke replies "ahhh but the worms in the apple"!!!!!!!

    JOKE NUMBER..... TWO -

    Blind man walks inter a supermarket, in Newcastle, & starts swinging 'is guide dog around 'is 'ead.

    The manager comes over & asks 'im "y i mun... wooot thee 'eck yers is doin' mun".

    Blind man replies "am just.... 'aving a loook arund"!!!!!!!

    Yes..... errrr Chow!

    PS I've go some very exciting Bingo Star predictamentations ter share with all for 2008.
    I'll bang 'em on the blog.... next week.

    PPS Still got me Gemini, Cancer, Leo & Virgo astro readings - i'll start ter bang them on next week too - Gemini first!

    Chow again!

    PPPS Got some important questions ter ask CLP about 'is name too. I don't know wot 'e's called anymore after accidently seeing pics of 'im & Tash in the papers the other day. (I don't read the papers except for the first day of the year ter see me astro predictaments from all the top astrologers. I 'ear this is the year for capricorns - about damn time!!!!)

    Chow yet again!

  64. At 03:39 PM on 04 Jan 2008, j wrote:

    Got bp'd or projectile vomitted off last time.

    Anyway, just wanted to say have enjoyed Whispering Bob - thanks for some fab tunes.


  65. At 06:09 PM on 04 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    bah humbug

    I agree with our Clodagh & co......

    please do a little research before you criticise Mr

    Evans , always look behind the picture you first

    see..... cheer up and think poitive :)

    Happy, healthy & fun New year to you all x.

    X R

    Blwyddyn hapus poet man :) X

  66. At 08:15 PM on 04 Jan 2008, MfR wrote:

    And a Happy New Year to you all.

    At last. I'm man-flu-free.

    Two blimmin' weeks of it!

    This evening was the best part of Christmas.

    Don't get me wrong, I love all thing Yule, but taking down the tree, recycling the cards and suddenly remembering how big the room was before it was full of decs is so refreshing.

    And. Ten or so months before we hear Wizzard, Jona Lewie or Greg Lake again.

    Still can't believe it is all over though. It seems only a day or two since Mrs MfR and I were wishing Christoph seasons greetings....

    Sorry to mention it again, but we have been dead lucky.

    2008 has been a busy one so far. I'm sure you fellow accountants can testify to that one.

    Still, our Bob has kept us going and Mr E returns on Monday.

    Massive peace, love and luck for the new year,



    I could deny
    But I'll never realise
    I'm just chasing rainbows
    All the time

  67. At 08:25 PM on 04 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    bah humbug,

    I agree with our Clodagh and co....

    Do some research first before being critical of

    Mr Evans...cheer up, don't give in to envy...:)

    Happy, healthy & fun New Year to you all x

    X R

    Blwyddyn hapus poet man x :)

  68. At 03:03 PM on 05 Jan 2008, Candles wrote:

    I really look forward to reading this blog every day so have decided to jump on board in 2008!

    Can't wait for Mon eve and the return of CLP to make the journey home on the M25 almost fun!

    Meanwhile thanks everybody for being there.


  69. At 03:17 PM on 05 Jan 2008, Candles wrote:

    I really look forward to reading this blog every day so have decided to jump on board in 2008!

    Can't wait for Mon eve and the return of CLP to make the journey home on the M25 almost fun!

    Meanwhile thanks everybody for being there.


  70. At 06:51 PM on 06 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Debbie- the spice girls were just amazing! I'm so pleased I went as I was dreading the journey and I didn't feel too good. They were just fab and I can't wait till the dvd comes out!
    I've got pics and a missy review on my blog so take a look!
    Love to everyone xx

  71. At 07:03 PM on 06 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Now listening to the spice girls recording on the i player!

    Debbie! it was soooooooooooooo good. They really did rock and i can't wait for the dvd to come out as the 'fella' doesn't have a clue how good it was! On my blog there are some pics i took. they arent brilliant but they are memories for me! Take a look!!

    It was a great way to kick off the New Year although I'mn paying the price now! hehe!!
    Happy New Year everyone! Love Missy xx

    GIRL POWER!!!!

  72. At 10:10 AM on 07 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:

    Good morning, good morning!

    Tel's back - yay!!! CLP is back later - yay yay!!!

    Got into work this morning after two weeks off to find that some Travellers have parked on a neighbouring carpark. Jolly inconvenient for that business. However, that's not the worst of it. Since the arrival of our travelling friends, the site has coincidentally been littered (all the bins have been emptied) and there is an abundance of what would appear to be human faeces around our building. Now, I'm not saying the two are connected, but...


    I understand that a Court Order is imminent, Environmental Health have been informed, as have our internal Health and Safety people, who have been out to assess the situation and will return, fully suited and booted in NBC (!) gear to remove the offending items.

    That's one job I'm really glad I don't have!

    So cheer up lovely people, if you have the post-Christmas blues, aggravated by that Monday feeling, it could be worse, you could literally be cleaning up someone else's cr*p!!!

    Have a great day,

    S xx.

  73. At 10:16 AM on 07 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello Ter CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Anyone know when Christoof is due back?

    Is it terdee?

    My goodness the 'olidays that these broadcasting gods 'ave is the way ter go - am tellin' yer!!!!!!!!

    Always knew I should 'ave bought mesen a BIG mixer & 'it 'ospital radio at 14 years old!!!!!!

    Could 'ave ended up one of the chosen ones & been caressing the airwaves from BC 'ouse meself by now!

    Nice thing about radio yer don't 'ave ter go through make up before opening yer mixer ter..... the nation & beyond.

    Instead bought the wrong type of mixer & ended up reconcreting me mothers path!!!!!!!!


  74. At 12:17 PM on 07 Jan 2008, wilsmar wrote:

    Happy New Year folks.......... first day back after a nice break, the snuffles, tight throat and ears and nuisance cough have all reappeared too. Could it be the building I work in? very possibly. Anyway.... Bingo have I missed your birthday petal or is it imminent?
    All the best peeps.

  75. At 01:27 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:

    It's really quiet here today....

    S xx.

  76. At 04:07 PM on 31 Jan 2008, Gordon Bremner wrote:

    I have contacted the program on many of occations but with no response . I contacted you once as I have a great idea for new program but you probobly hear this all the time. but it is what could be verry good. any way I also would like to say out of all you give me hope as you can move in all dirrections and yes make mistake like us all but Sill come out on top good on you. I think twenty times before I move and would rather use some more supper glue to keep my feet flat on the ground incase I make the mistake I made when I was yong, also I cant listen again to emas eve program advice would help

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