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Chris Evans | 15:05 UK time, Monday, 17 December 2007

Whenever we have a toss up of an American guest or a non American for a similar subject...

...we always pick the American. The Americans may have no idea how to run their country, or how the rest of the world works but they sure make great guests on the radio. Tonight we're talking to a guy who makes snow for the movie industry. I almost guarantee he's going to be great.

Spent most of the weekend outside selling the last of this year's charity Christmas trees, which consequently meant that each night I was so relaxed and rosie cheeked when I arrived home and "had a good warm" that I fell asleep alomost the instant I sat down to "rest my eyes.". The glow you get once back inside after being outside all day is one of the best feelings around. Why it's so conducive to sleep I have no idea.

I also have to confess this weekend to watching the X factor finals and a: thoroughly enjoying them, whilst b: sobbing like a little girl when Leon won and dedicated his win to his mum ! Rhydian the Robot scared me by the way and Same Difference well... good luck to them.

We tuned in to Strictly Come Dancing as well. A much higher than normal tv intake for our mob. Aleysha is miles better than either of the boys don't you think ? But will doubtlessy be another vicitim of the female heavy vote that almiost always guarantees a male win.

Last night was a battle against the concrete eyelids. Why is it that when all of my body is telling me to turn in and get some shut eye, I consider it compulsory to do the exact opposite. This did mean however that I got to watch the brilliant Closer on channel five. What a movie. Spine chillingly revealing of how stupid we humans can be when it comes to messing up a prefectly good thing for no apparent reason. God knows I've done it plenty of times before. No more thought eh ? No, life is too good and too simple to become a complicated nightmare again ! I hope.





  1. At 03:36 PM on 17 Dec 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CLP - what a lovely fullfilling weekend!

    Do you know, I am the same when it comes to sleep - it's the non-conformist in me, I think. For example, I am going to London tomorrow and will have to get up at 5 am - BUT I won't go to bed before midnight - how mad is that???

    Bingo - read the Pisces thing and you are sooooooo right - even the negative 'gullible' bit - I swear I have DOORMAT written across my head at times! Also, I now know where I've been going wrong in my relationships - I have NEVER dated a Capricorn! I'm dating a Cancerian this week - I believe that's supposed to be a good match too - although star sign isn't one of my criteria (of which there are many...).

    S xx.

  2. At 03:46 PM on 17 Dec 2007, wrote:

    i had the first long lie in months. My husband woke me with a cup of tea at 8.30, then him and son headed out. Daughter at sleep over, sO i rolled over, and slept til 11.30, and then watched TV in bed til 1. Oh The decadence of it all.
    Feeling great today for it!


  3. At 03:53 PM on 17 Dec 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Guten Haben one and all

    So you watched the X factor Chris. Well I thought Max Headroom should have won myself. But no doubt he will be the next Phantom while Leon makes yet another unforgettable album.

    Bingo do you really need to wear a hairnet?

  4. At 03:57 PM on 17 Dec 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I haven't seen Closer, so don't know anything about it. But I get the gist of what you are saying - it is quite amazing how we can mess up our lives, quite spectacularly, if we don't watch out!

    I've made so many mistakes in life, I can't bear to think about them, but thankfully none of my errors have affected my marriage. I would never do anything that would cause MrS to give me a red card - it would be so awful if he turned his back on me.

    Thanks for sharing so much with us on your blog.

    C xx

  5. At 04:03 PM on 17 Dec 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Testing .. testing............... Greetings and felicitiations one and all, will read up all missed comments soon - but have the BP been out in force or is the Blog iced up? I suppose that will be answered as soon as I press "post". Anyway missed you all, had a wonderful week in the Lakes, weather was glorious (except travelling up on the Sat). Hope everyone still well. Managed to develop a really bad cold on the drive back Sat so will get off before I pass the lurgy on.
    PS Any spare goose fat and brown paper for me poorly chest - please?

  6. At 04:16 PM on 17 Dec 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Yo Big Chief CLP ,

    Glad you had a good ,un -

    all great over here in NornIrn, turned over another year this morning, so a few of us went for Sunday drinkies in the leafy suburb of Stranmillis, before relaxing with Parky last night.
    Woke up 34 today and didnt really feel that different . .hmmm - when does age finally hit you . . ??

    Its going to be pretty hectic for the next few days with parties, shopping, shopping and more parties but lets keep the head up and soldier on . .

    DtM x

  7. At 05:04 PM on 17 Dec 2007, martin james wrote:

    How cool is it that Natasha is now a pilot, with Chris not far behind. I only made it to solo circuits then had to give up. I missed the scary bit of having to navigate!

    I know where I`m going wrong with ARF, I`m picking the wrong songs, I think...

    Been wrapping presents - as the song says, it`s a nice time of the year. Not doing Crisis at Christmas this year, travelling to relatives has prevented that. But if anyone is thinking of helping Crisis out, don`t hesitate, I`ve always felt welcome and enjoyed myself.

    G-ZOOT, isn`t that a suit of some kind?!

    m xxx

  8. At 05:06 PM on 17 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Hi CLP and all!

    I had the first night's sleep without the aid of night nurse (other cold remedies for the night time are available) last night since my Dad passed away on the 3rd. It was wonderful to wake up and realise that it wasn't just another 20 minute snooze but a proper sleep. Think my body must have just ran out of steam! Have to agree with you about spending the day outside having the same effect on me though I can't say I've been spending much time in the freezing weather up here in Warwickshire in the past few weeks.

    X-factor yet again a victory for the mobile phone companies who sell pretty phones to little girls.

    Strictly- I agree completely and may even make a vote for Aleysha myself next week.

    EVeryone else- thanks for all the support that you've sent me in this tough time in my life!

    & Booboo

  9. At 05:09 PM on 17 Dec 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    For me Rhydian will have a much farther reaching career than Leon will - I'll certainly be looking out for him as I can see another Russell Watson in the making - okay his appearance is a bit different but at lease his vocal talent is really rather good.

    I missed Strictly and caught the last 30 mins of Cranford - now that is a drama that could run and run - left me wanting to know what happens next how is Matty going to survive now she has lost her investment in the bank....... Please ´óÏó´«Ã½ make some more.

    Congratulations on selling all your trees - superb effort indeed. Makes you all warm and toasty inside helping other less fortunate people with the profits of the sale.

    Good luck to you and Natasha


  10. At 05:12 PM on 17 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Chris Chris .. we always have so much in common when it comes to tastes and things (this is of course unknown to you ) but Leon on X-factor really is the worse contestant to ever win although he has the best sob story and he really cant wear leather pants so i am amazed that you didnt feel Rydian should have won he is the best and is really going to be a big star at little Leon will soon be backa t his shop.. hopefully taking Mica with him..
    love michaela xxx

  11. At 05:27 PM on 17 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Closer is a great film, I wish I'd seen the play.

    Hey ho!

  12. At 07:28 PM on 17 Dec 2007, MfR wrote:


    Busy little weekend for us.

    Friends over Saturday and we played tennis while it was -3!

    Let me tell you, your balls really don't bounce so well in that kind of weather!

    Sunday, down to Kent to visit the old man. A lovely pre-Christmas lunch, sadly, for probably the last time in the house as they are upping sticks and heading for Wales.


    We've decided to have our inaugral company Christmas do this Saturday.

    All the staff have been invited, with partners.

    So that'll be me and the Mrs then.

    Wild Blueberry @ The Mulberry.

    Kinda nice ring about it!

    Peace & love


    PS Happy Christmas Kyoko

    PPS Happy Christmas Julian

    PPPS War is over now

  13. At 09:46 PM on 17 Dec 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris i too cryed on saturday night ....at the x factor ...cryed laughing that its not on any more.yipee also missed top gear not being on.

  14. At 01:14 AM on 18 Dec 2007, wrote:

    It's beginning to feel like Christmas, and it's wonderful. Watched The Muppet Christmas Carol on the weekend for the first time in years, and it was brilliant. Will definitely watch it every Christmas now.

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  15. At 08:51 AM on 18 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all - just want to see if this actually gets through?? Are the blog elves all wrapping presents and not doing their day jobs????

    ho ho ho ...

    CtD, how did your office Xmas party go??


  16. At 08:58 AM on 18 Dec 2007, RosieRoo wrote:

    VaughanJess - I HAVE to watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacataion every year. This year, I've had to book a couple of hours in front of my inlaws' TV 'specially.

    Rosie x

  17. At 09:10 AM on 18 Dec 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Thank you so much for playing my Christmas crackers. I've never had a request played ever before so it was quite a thrill.
    I just noticed though from the main page that you are supposed to be over 65! I might have broken the rules!

    Thank you again and a good day to one and all.

  18. At 09:20 AM on 18 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Happy Tuesday! Only a week to go hoorah!

    I have to say, I have been here offenon, but was on leave last week for three days, then of course my system crashed yesterday, AND I've caught a cold (thanks wilsmar probably, and by the way, I've sent Vick, so he should be with you a bit later) and am running about like the proverbial chicken today dosed up on d@ynurse...total bleurgh...but better this week than next eh!

    Christophe, I hope you raised LOADS of cash over the past two weekends. You're sounding really mellow lately (the bits of the show I can catch anyway) and it's lovely.

    Phoenix! Whaddya mean, the last 30mins of Cranford...are you only watching the Sunday afternoon one? The last one was on later at 9pm...I should think they'll be showing it again next week at 4pm ish though...I do hope so...because Chris, I cried like a babe watching that!

    X-factor. Blimey wot a charade. Bring on Aleysha and Matt.

    Plum, the goose is on order hoorah!

    ps wilsmar, do you want us to save any fat for you? Badger is looking forward to doing the roasties in it, but I'm sure that there will be a bit left over...

  19. At 09:28 AM on 18 Dec 2007, Matthew Stevens wrote:

    Hi Chris

    listened to the Hollywood snow guy yesterday & it reminded me of a few years ago when my son & I went (care of the make a wish foundation) to a holiday centre in Florida for children with a variety of disabilities & illnesses called Give Kids The World. As its very popular & a charitable venture you are limited to a stay of one week during which every Thursday is Christmas day !! Santa & Mother Christmas appear with Disney Characters and a SNOW MACHINE - its a bit weird to be running around in snow whilst the weather is 80 degress !!

  20. At 09:31 AM on 18 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Hi Tinsel - it's this Friday night. We finish at lunchtime then re-group for an evening of fun of frolics!

    Will let you know via the blog over Christmas!

    Back later gang.

    CtD xxxxxxx

  21. At 09:47 AM on 18 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Greetings from Galway Blog eejits!

    Howya. I'm ragin' me knobs won't tune in so can't listen. Ah well, if that's me biggest problem I'm a happy bunny boiler.

    CLP I'm with yous. I, too, watched X factor for the first time on Saturday, holed up on me hotel room for a bit of peace and quiet. Rhydian. Scary. Whoever told 'im do 'is hair like that wants a slap. Bless 'im, 'e looks like an albino. Mind you, given 'e's a bit of a rugger bugger 'e'd come in useful in the middle of the scrum, I'd say it's a bit dark in there.

    Ere come to think of it. Has anybody ever seen 'imself and Neil Back in the same room?

    Also, hilarious as it was to see the auditionees performing, and delightful as it was to be on the phone to my barking mad friend Maggie, the pair of us just screeching our eyeballs out, speechless, what was the point of THAT, Mags... I have to say I felt bad about myself afterwards for laughing at them, they're clearly delusional and need help, not having the piss taken out of 'em.

    We've not moved that far up the evolutionary scale really, have we. Still throwin' cabbages at the nutters. Which is what the X Factor is really about isn't it.

    I hope the American lived up to expectations. They certainly always do in my experience. Bless 'em. And if you want a jolly good laugh in that vein, go get a copy of The Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson. You'll give youself a hernia but it'll be worth it.

    Must go; the GBF is gettin' tetchy and me toffee nut is curdlin'.

    Egg Nog.xx


  22. At 10:40 AM on 18 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hello again all.

    I'm so disappointed that the GORGEOUS Gethyn is out of Strictly. When he did that tango ... phwoar! anyone seen Scent of a Woman? I've always wanted to dance the tango ince then.

    Good luck for Friday then Cheryl!! Ours is tomorrow but the logistics of getting to, from, back to work the next day ... are getting more and more complicated - it's going to cost me a fortune in cabs!! Still, only once a year eh??

    MMMMMMM, roasted nuts anyone?


  23. At 11:18 AM on 18 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Tinsel ... I'd love to mange some of your roasted nuts but I'm still coughing like an old coughing thing! Can I have a choc instead please?

    Well gang, I've sent in my Fox The Fox ... it's a cracker (in more ways than one!!)

    Let's see if it gets picked for the show later!

    Hope you're all well. I'm knee deep in wrapping presents for work - this is the second day of constant wrapping - ugh!! I feel like an elf!

    Laters everyone!

    CtD xxxxxxx

  24. At 11:56 AM on 18 Dec 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Good morning all,
    Well I'steamed me head for a couple of hours last night with some Albosoil - other menthol based confections are available - and am now able to breath again. Sorry Ms L didn't pass the lurgy on purpose and........... Vick hasn't turned up yet, did he have the same directions as last year's gorillagram? Will take any offers of goose fat too. Thanks.

  25. At 11:57 AM on 18 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Season's Greetings Ter ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - Not seen the X factor yet (tapped it) but please tell me it's not fiddled yet again, the result!!!!!
    I'm amazed Riddion didn't win but good one Leon.... just 'ope 'e's still around in a few years - what's 'appened ter the others & I feel very sorry for Gareth Gates - 'e 'ad big talent but for some reason 'is come back recently seems to 'ave fased away - shame!

    Maybe Riddion is wanted by the Lloyd Webber & a deal 'as been done, 'ence they didn't want 'im ter win the X factor as it would get in the way of 'is musical career.... just a theory of mine... probally wrong but who knows blog friends... who damn knows!!!!!

    Makes yer wonder 'ow our country 'as got so bad that there's all this paranoia with everything... and no wonder the way we are treated.
    I was watching a programme about wheel clampers in London the other day... just shocking that ordinary people can be treated so bad - makes me want to leave this country - yer get a bigger fine for being a motorist parking badly than if yer a yobo who attacks say.... the fire brigade... yet god 'elp a fireman, sorry person, who retaliates - CAREER OVER!!!!!!!

    Sorry gone off on one now..... give me rehabs number or a flight ter Lanzarote!!!!!!!!!

    DEEP BREATHS..........

    Sammie - Yeah glad you liked the astro thingy. Very good match Pisces with capricorn & with cancer. Very nice people cancerians, but can be abit moody, tempremental but apart fom that very nice people - Princess Di was a typical cancerian!!!!!
    Apart from me just being dumped by me new girlfriend who is cancer. Been going out since October but nice of 'er just before Christmas. Knew really she was being properly open.... probs found someone better than me. Kept all the Bingo stuff top secret from 'er though - enough ter frighten anyone off!!!!!!!!!

    Tinsel - know how yer feel being dumped at this time of year.... maybe atlast 2008 will be a good one.... i've 'ad a terrible year if i'm 'onest but atleast I keep me 'umour going!!!!

    Prof Plum - NETS..... yes I 'ave worn 'airnets many a time but it's along story man..... 'ad to at work ter stop me getting 'airs inter cadburys wrapper packaging - long story... don't ask!!!

    Sorry drifted off inter a gloomy blog terdee eres some 'umour ter end with.......... Sven style :

    Blue flashing lights..... not in my rear view mirror after doing 63 in the ploice station's car park...... but on a Christmas tree......

    I LIKE IT....... VERY MUCH....... I LIKE IT!!!!!!!


  26. At 01:22 PM on 18 Dec 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Just had to pop in to say to Bingo Star: no way has your ex found someone "better" than you! Really, it's her loss, but sometimes these things just happen.

    And for what it's worth, I think it was very brave of her to finish things before Christmas. Last year, one of my relatives was dumped by his girlfriend of one year, just after Christmas ...... once he had spent a fortune on gifts. Very mercenary of her, but Karma being Karma, I hear that her present boyfriend treats her very badly - maybe that will give her something to think about.

    Anyway, you sound like a great guy - Ms Right is out there, she really is!

    C xx

  27. At 01:45 PM on 18 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hiya Bingo et al. Yep, 2008 has got to be better. Anyone been making their New Year's resolutions yet?

    I've got 2 so far :
    Get an allotment (I'm no 1 on the waiting list, woo hoo)
    Join an evening class or two (I'm thinking dancing - I'd LOVE to tango!! - and car maintenance)

    onwards, upwards and spark plugs mes amis!!


  28. At 02:08 PM on 18 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    by the way ...

    (((((((Bingo)))))))) - don't you worry mate. All us singletons will find someone who appreciates us exactly as we are. And until then, we can appreciate each other!!

    T xxx

  29. At 02:25 PM on 18 Dec 2007, wrote:

    My "resolution" is to carry on with the weight loss and get fit in time for my 40th in Aug 2008.

    Tinsel - we've got 2 allotments - they're great fun to have and you never stop learning! Word of advice: don't throw anything away that you may be able to make a cloche/frame/plant protector etc from. Allotmenteers are a frugal bunch!!!!

    Looking forward to Christmas Eve and going to dig up and pick the veg for Christmas lunch: this year our parsnips are soooooooooooo massive you need one of those bore-hole thingmejigs to get them out of the ground! Mr Diva dug one up on Sunday for dinner and it almost went down to the water table!!

    Back to the wrapping .....

    CtD xxxxx

  30. At 02:41 PM on 18 Dec 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi, just popping into say hi, Rhydian should have won and Alesha should win (in my opinion!).

    I'm leaving tomorrow yippee! And then I'm 39 on Friday boo!

    See ya,

    Em xx

  31. At 03:14 PM on 18 Dec 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    What a liberty one and all

    Trying to ban the lyrics of Fairy Tale of New York,
    Whatever next!

    Bingo- I can just see you on the production line with your airnet on, wrapping flakes. As for romance well maybe 2008 might be your year man. Meanwhile keep on working on the tune.

    Hazel- Glad the goose is on it's way. Actually I passed a field recently with Turkies trotting about. They are all doomed and it kind of made me sad. I think I might have beans on toast this Christmas.

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