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Chris Evans | 09:47 UK time, Tuesday, 28 October 2008

...well me, once I'm awake, that's it - I'm up.

In fact if I try to stay in bed, I actually feel worse than if I get up and at it.

This morning I was down in the kitchen by six, looking at the beautifully fresh and frosted lawn in the most perfect of light. The autumn leaves on fire.

At my desk by six fifteen and then more research about a car I'm interested in. There's a big auction in London tomorrow and I don't want to get caught out.

I'm at my desk already because I have a meeting with the lawyers this morning and you never know what the traffic's going to be like. You always have to set off early just in case, and then nine times out of ten you end up with half a day to spare. That's today, not that I mind it's absolutely gorgeous out there.

Have a good one and I'll see you on the radio at the other end of it all.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chief!

    I know exactly what you mean ... in bed by half nine last night, up around six and at desk by 8.20 (via Asda for some pastries) even tho I don't start "officially" til half nine!

    Happy researching. Me? I'm STILL filing!! That'll teach me to have furry tonsils.


    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    PS: CLP - just wonderin', as ya do, when you're at your desk do you have a compulsion to habe the odd sneaky peek at your blog? Just to see what others are scrawlin' ?

  • Comment number 3.

    You're early again, 2 days on the trot!
    Gorgeous autumn day today, a pleasure to be alive!
    Tiggy x

  • Comment number 4.

    Ditto, ditto, ditto CtD and Mr CLP - only I missed out Asda and the pasties as I had time for a fry-up at home. Feet are jolly chilly now though so time for the hot air blower on.

    I'm even toying with the idea of continuing to go to bed at the old time of 10.30 but now it's 9.30 and get up at 6.30, the old 7.30 and ... ok too confusing, you know what i mean,


  • Comment number 5.

    Hiya Chris,

    Good to see you so early! Don't want to be demanding or anything, but I always did prefer when you used to Blog early in the day!!

    Well, of course it's freezing here too and I just cannot face the winter. I absolutely hate it. I am guaranteed to fall at least twice and will now have to live in my wellies - not a good look walking around the streets of Glasgow - fashion capital of the UK, after London!

    Hey Ho! Have a good day everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    (My name is Diego Mantoyez. You killed my father. Prepare to die....)


  • Comment number 7.

    You alright Jen?

    Love the idea of a full English brekkie. Hmmm .... Sunday morning methinks. Cheers for that!

    I usually indulge in toast and homemade jam, but Mr Diva kinda cleared the breadbin out this morning with his work sarnies (see what happens when they do their own packed lunches ... ?!) so it was a Danish from asda. Very nice too for a change!

    Everyone here's in a really good mood today - lovely!

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 8.

    CtD - my film line from yesterday which I didn't have a chance to post!


    PS Just had to go have a mini pastie because of you!

  • Comment number 9.

    nooooooooo - you can't blame me! i was shopping for pastries not pasties. now i fancy a pastie and it's all your fault!!!


    hey ho!

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all - chilly A??

    Before I forget - good luck Debs!!!

    That was really funny Jen/Diva - must admit I wondered if you were ok Jen!!!

    You are just about to ruin my - I am being good day - fresh fruit Only - for brekkie now reading this have a mad urge for a pastie!!!

    Wonder which one of us will get the first snow???

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    I feel we are facing the onset of a chilly winter, and as such I am now totally Ready Brekked up. Can you see me glowing?

    Bring on the chill as I am ready for the soups, stews, casseroles, mash, gravy, dumplings and all else that is considered winter fodder.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 12.

    my money's on 007, B-sMum, if that counts?

  • Comment number 13.

    (We thought you were a horny toad)

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 14.

    i've started warming up my weetabix in the morning (other cereals are available) - keeps me warm all day!

    i like the cold crispness is the morning - just not the clearing of the car in the morning - have got an electrical car scraper but not used it yet!

    just got to get the heating at home sorted as its not caught up with the hour change out

    missed the whole RB/JR debate - whos show was it one?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 15.

    Ahh,central heating and hot running water.

    Things that I can only dream of....

    Still, would I swap where I am for the comfort and convenience? Not in a million years.

    Tin bath in front of wood burner tonight methinks.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 16.

    i have warm air central heating - back to the seventies in my house

  • Comment number 17.

    My heating tends to consist of cosy blanket, a fantastic array of pjs, thick and fluffy dressing gown, and most importantly, strategically placed cats.

    It works for me, and not too hefty on the old pocket....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 18.

    I love your early blogging, Chris!

    It was lovely, blue and fresh here earlier but now it's all gone a bit grey - boo.

    Quite like this time of year though: Halloween, Bonfire Night, Loughborough Fair and then...wait for it...Christmas!!!

    Catching up from previous blog, I still think JR and RB are hilarious - naughty schoolboys for sure - cheeky cheeky.

    And as to the Arsenal game, my bet is 1 - 2 to the Mighty Spurs.

    Go kick some leaves,

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 19.

    Horny toad got me worried for a minute!

    Did you crack, CtD and BM? I take full responsibility - I am the old pasty eater of ole devon towns... Eat more gack... eat more gack, eat mooooooooorrrr

    Arsenal Two, Spurs Nil. (said in presentor sing-songey way)

    Yes, I think I may be losing it today, too.


  • Comment number 20.

    LOL Jen! Sadly I work just that wee bit too far out of town to be allowed to crack and bow to pressure ...... however, I do have a sausage roll for lunch - again courtesy of that certain superstore I mentioned earlier!

    MW,a! - winter food rocks!!! I did a hearty beef stew the weekend before last - complete with hot bread for dunking and dumplings. It's just gotta be done! It would be rood not to ....

    Gutted to read that Tony Adams has been appointed the new boss at Portsmouth. Boooooooooooo :-(

    My mojo is a-flowin' today gang!

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Ello CLP And ALL Blog.... Blog..... Bloggers,

    Bingo Star ere......

    Errr also blogging.
    On the RB/ JR thingy I wasn't gonna comment but as some ave i'll join in abit.
    I like Jono R and The Brand, I think they are so funny and Russ in particular is unique in 'is style and could be such a funny comedian but as ave writted on the blog before, 'e ruins 'is 'umour with too much filth. It's one thing to joke abit about sexual 'appenings but all the time and completely pushing the boundaries is too much.
    I was listening in me truck ter the RB show and I 'eard some of the comments and just thought myself that's bordering on sick. I don't know 'ow old Andrew Sachs granddaughter is and I certainly 'ope she's over 18 or the comments are outrageously sick.

    I don't want to sound old fashioned as i'm not, a mean I used to find things like The Kenny Everitt Show very funny. But Mary Whitehouse did ave a very valid point. Nowadays there's just way too much violence and sex on national tv and the internet is playing a big part too.
    It's a worry what children might be looking at on the internet.
    Some things, people at work, have told me about what's on the internet... I just can't believe.
    I think all this is what's contributing to all the problems in society today, slowly breaking down society.
    Freedom of speech is good to a certain degree but not when it just keeps going too far.
    A mean the things daily we hear on the news. Like yesterday a young boy kidnapped at gunpoint in Scotland and then left in Warrington. The events in america with Jenifer Hudson's family... I just can't beleive the evil that seems to be in this world nowadays. Killings of students by a another student with a gun.
    Things like this never used to happen daily. They were very rare. But now weekly/ daily on the news!
    Why are such things spreading? Where do these unbalanced people get their ideas from? I blame tv and the internet.
    Everytime you turn on the tv in the evening people are killing each other. The problem is nowadays it's too realistic/ graphic. I used to watch things like westerns, The A-Team, James Bond and there's lots of killing there but it's done in more of a fantasy way, abit cleaner... cops and robbers style. But all these dramas on tv are just too realisitc, too deep, show too much blood and I think it gives people ideas. It's unhealthy such things going into everybodies subconsciousness on a daily basis.
    For example if someone gets involved in a fight they might just use their fists like they did at school but if they've been watching something violet on tv - it's buried in their subconscious - on the spare of the moment they might copy what they've seen. It might sound crazy but I think it's a valid point. A mean why are motorists sometimes killing each other in road rage attacks?
    I myself have been subjected to viloence on the roads many times - believe me it's scary the way some people are out there nowadays - the anger and aggression.

    Remember the words of The White'ouse.... The Mary that is noot the Bush residence. Actually I can't remember 'er exact words but they were something like "there's too much sex and violence on tv"!!!!
    Aye and remember the words of The Liam... "don't look back in anger" or was it The Noel?

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!


    PS I'll keep stum about BP's profits!!!!

    PPS Sorry all a waz originally gonna putta joke on the blog terdee!!!

  • Comment number 22.

    PS Prof Plum - Back inter yer coffin 'cos of daylight?.... What daylight?????

    It's always dark and raining near my abode!!!!

    Wanter do an abode swap???

  • Comment number 23.

    same as you jen, just a fave line from a fave film.

    However, it does remind me of a journey home from work around this time last year. It was nearing 9.00pm, raining buckets and trunks and most of my journey involves dark, winding country lanes. As I came out of one of the villages I noticed something crawling in the middle of the road. Being an eco warrior and also a complete wuss I slowed to make sure I didn't hit it, and saw it was a toad. As my journey progressed I saw more and more toads, and realised they were orf for a night of soggy passion at a lake in one of the fields. This was all well and good, until I ventured about half a mile up the road to be confronted with swarms of toads, giving the illusion of the road surface coming to life in a squelchy crawling kind of fashion. It was imposible to carry on with my journey without mashing them under my tyres, so again with the wuss thing I stopped driving. At this point there was oncoming traffic, that obviously did not have the same sense of concern for another living creature and you could actually hear the poor creatures popping as the cars drove past me.

    It was truly, truly horrendous, and now I come home on a different route if its raining.


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 24.

    OMG, MWa, amazing, fab and disgusting all in one drive/story! Thanks for sharing! Seriously, I love it when I get caught up in Nature but toads body-popping is not cool!

    May I ask which film?


  • Comment number 25.

    My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know.

    Alfie, 1966

  • Comment number 26.

    Of course you may.

    Tis the classic Coen Brothers - O, Brother, Where art thou?

    Simply stunning.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 27.

    Ta, Another one for the 'to watch' list...

  • Comment number 28.

    mwa is that the Clooney one?? yumm

    Jen - nose dived in to freezer and a panini hit me before the pastie - having one tom though!!! Just off to scoff now!

    Beesmum xxx

    Agree Bingo too much too graphic - where's your joke then? and you can mention the BP word!

  • Comment number 29.

    Well done weather forecasters - snow showers? It's raining!!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 30.

    our sun has gone into hiding too BM. all dark and grey here now. boooooooo

    007 - where for art thou?

  • Comment number 31.

    Bingo #21: what a brilliant comment you made. I agree 100% with what you are saying - so many of society's problems today stem from what people see, hear and read. Of course, it has always been this way, but now we are able to access things we would never have been able to dream of, even just 10 years ago.

    I have discussed with my daughter the danger of watching tv/dvd's or reading books/magazines which will distort her understanding of the real world. If we shoot someone in real life, this is not the movies - they are not going to get back up. Voilence is glorified and it is really disturbing, I think.

    As for JR/RB, I adore them both. I am a JR fanatic. But they took it too far and it wouldn't do them any harm to have their wings clipped. Incidentally Bingo, the girl they were referring to is, apparently, 23 years old, but that is academic.

    Anyway, just wanted to say I thought your post was brilliant.

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Bsmum, it is indeed Clooney, but not particularly yum in that particular movie.

    If ya want yum, then the quote and filum of the day is.......

    'You want me to shoot the cook?'
    'No, I'll shoot the cook. I'm parked out the back anyway'

    Once upon a time in mexico.

    Johnny Depp and Anonio Bandana. (And Salma Hayek - I'm straight, but she is drop dead gorgeousness.......)

    MW, a

  • Comment number 33.

    That is Antonio Bandana by the way.


  • Comment number 34.

    I'm straight too (a curvy stragiht!!) but as said yesterdeeee ..... Helena Bonham Carter every time!

    CtD xx

  • Comment number 35.

    I'm 100% straight - heather graham every time -

    super bp x

  • Comment number 36.

    Morning/Afternoon everyone,

    Not going to be around much today. Meetings bl**dy meetings......

  • Comment number 37.

    How very odd that the girlies taste in girls is much more diverse than the girlies taste in chaps.

    Bizarrier and bizarrier...

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 38.

    Hello again folks

    I went to bed stupidly late at about 3am after trying to understand the basball on five (why do the Americans have to make such complicated sports??!?). I ended waking up nice and early at about half 11...

    (I'm liking the new look Radio 2 website as well... very flash!)

  • Comment number 39.

    Yo Big Chief CLP

    Hove to moan about the lack of consistency here!! Not used to early blogs TWO days in a row!!!

    Dont be going buying another set of wheels - thats all you need . . ha!ha!

    All good over here - the house move is approaching, the goose is getting fat . . .

    Have a very nice day soliciting with the solicitors - I'll be conducting power deals with my powerful customers . . great.

    DtM x

  • Comment number 40.

    Tom - you need to speak to 007 - he'll explain the yankeeee rools to ya hun!

    Tried to get into American Football years ago but it just didn't do it for me. Too stop start stop start ... and all padding??? Wimps!

    CLP - listen to DtM - you can only drive one vehicle at once! And think of the insurance premiums ..... ;-)

    It's soooooo quiet in here, you could hear a pin drop. It's actually too quiet for me to eat my crisps. They're sitting on my desk looking at me, all tempting like, but one crunch and the library-like silence will be broken ..... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Silence is golden ... my @**** !!

    MW,a! - yes. Bizzarrer and bizzarrer.

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Just reading the paper whilst at lunch ... there's a pic of the lady in question in the RB / JR "scandal" .....

    Virginal? Pure?

    I think not. Black and red satin basque/suspenders outfit thingy ... pouty .... really.

    I despair!!

  • Comment number 42.


    feeling pants today - have a cold lurking, hit my head of corner of dining chair, had argument with Mr. Egg ;-{ The promised snow hasn't arrived at home, at work a vaugue smattering - but did pass some cars on the road with a fair covering - that put a smile on my face for a second - until the wrinkles hurt my head and made me wince.

    Just want to crawl into a dark hole and not come out again until i feel better!

    Glad to hear you are all doing well, lurgies retreating, look forward to your cheery banter to get through until 4ish when I've decided I'm going home!


  • Comment number 43.

    There are some right rants going on over at RB blog...


    Ermm... i think this person was confused. hahahahaha.

    I mean, i agree with both sides of the argument... both to a certain degree... but this is getting silly.

    I don't think my grandad would be very happy if this happened ... mind he'd be more confused that it was man calling him telling him they'd "done the deed" with me. ... he's known for years men aren;t my thing.

    I'm very bored and lunch hour is officially OVER. Booooooooo.


  • Comment number 44.

    Check our RB's FB page - there's some real fab comments about the lady in question and her "dance troupe" !!

  • Comment number 45.

    Dook - hope you feel better soon.

    Snow? Whereabouts are you???? Hopefully nowhere near Suffolk or Essex???

    x x x

  • Comment number 46.

    Just about to battle out to the bank - oh yes - and get my tyre seen to - just wish it was gentle snow flakes landing on my nose and not thrashing down with cold rain!!! Ah well!

    Nice to see you working hard Tom!!!

    Hope you feel better soon dook - got the kitten to snuggle up to today?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Thanks CtD & B-sMum.

    Don't worry CtD I'm at the other end of the country!

    Kitten is now staying at home - too much "stuff" to carry about with me (cage, food, bowl, cat lit, toys etc) and he's getting bigger and getting quite adept at either keeping out of the old collie's way or beating him up depending on old collie's mood!

    Ahhh Tom - those student days - bliss! I got into F1 at uni - all gathered round in the rec room at silly O'clock watching East Asian Grand Prix. Unfortunately no time to indulge anymore :-(


  • Comment number 48.

    Dook - as you may (or may not) have picked up from my ramblings and drivel on here - I follow Moto GP.

    I just love getting up in the wee small hours and snuggling on the sofa with duvet, hubby and cat to watch the Asian / Asia Pacific rounds of the racing ..... it's brill!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Ooh I'm always up for the Formula 1! I did a full night stint the other week not going to bed until 8am a few weeks back!

    (Is it me or is Russel Brand no longer a Radio 2 presenter?)

  • Comment number 50.

    why'd ya say that Tom? (RB)

  • Comment number 51.

    ** going off to find a black armband **


  • Comment number 52.

    Well he's not on the presenters list (neither is Ross) and wasnt his face down the side with all the other presenters on the main page earlier?

  • Comment number 53.

    i just checked and their pages still exsist

  • Comment number 54.

    i think that's down to the new R2 website layout .... i'm sure wossy's still there.

    if you click on the full list of presenters and R - good ole Russ pops up! mind you, his comments on his blog need sorting out - they're all over the place (interactive ian - are you there .... ???)

    according to the bbc news website, the whole "incident" has been referred to Ofcom for an investigation.

    I wonder if this week's podcast will be ready for downloading tonight? Tuesdday is always Russpod night in Diva Towers!

  • Comment number 55.

    Bingo the undead have to stay out of bright sunlight but..

    He's from Barcelona you know, so what can you expect.

  • Comment number 56.

    I know a couple of peeps have said they like this new, early posting but I'm finding I get to this time in the afternoon, I'm a little bit jaded, lagging slightly and then I think, oo, how exciting, new blog soon. Then I remember - oh, pants, already had it...

    Sad-sack-j x

  • Comment number 57.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi again,

    Back for a bit between meetings. We had snow last week, more coming tonight apparently.

    Don't like baseball. Although I do understand the rules, somewhat. I do like American Football though.

    Hope everyone's having a good Tuesday.

    Dookegg, hope you feel better soon. No fun being sick especially when the weather is crummy.

    I think it will be a draw between Spurs and Arsenal (2-2).

  • Comment number 59.

    Just back from bank/tyre place - that's a thought forgot to ask how much new tyre would be duh!! Flat one completely shot cos spike went in side wall. Blast! Booked in for tomorrow. Any road up - heavens opened just as I parked - soggy beesmum now!

    Dook/Tom/Bingo - last F1 this week-end - must admit I don't do the all night/ early morning stuff these days and wait for the re-run in the afternoon!

    Beesmum xxx

    Got round to munching your crisps yet Diva?

  • Comment number 60.

    Aha no snow yet then James? See Diva - he may not be the first!!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Chrissie. Point taken.

    BM - 007 had it last week. And the snow!

  • Comment number 62.

    I blame the press if it's not poor Amy Winehouse, it's the credit crunch bringing the world to an end.

    If Mr Sachs was so upset about the comments aired on radio why did he go public drawing more attention to his Grandaughter.. publicity?

  • Comment number 63.

    NewC - I agree they "behaved like a couple of 14 year olds" and I think they overstepped the mark a bit.

    BUT, I'm afraid I don't agree that "they totally and absolutely overstepped the mark."

    It was late Saturday night on the radio. The two chaps involved are reknown for this sort of behaviour and I think if we curb their exuberance (and attempt to tame all other such situations) we risk throwing the baby out with the water.

    I don't want to live in po-faced pc land - I'm not suggesting you do either - but I fear that's what we'll end up with if we take this too seriously.

    They have both sincerely apologised to the Sachs families. I believe the producers involved in giving the go-ahead should also be made to publicly apologise and then I think I'd draw a line under it.

    Unless, of course, Mr Sachs and his family can think up some more embarressing public humiliation for them!


  • Comment number 64.

    We have sleet in leicester :o(

  • Comment number 65.

    BeesMum, no snow yet today unless last week counts.

    I'm a F1 fan too. Good to see the Brits (well Hamilton anyway) back at the top. Here's hoping for the right result this weekend. I'll be watching.

    KW, loved the Spurs joke from the previous blog. Very funny.

  • Comment number 66.

    AND NOW SNOW!!! It was sunny this morning... this is not good!

    p.s - less leicester...more market harborough

  • Comment number 67.

    Prof Plum - Checked out yer link.... it's all 'alloween goulies or is it gouls???

    Sounding like RB/ JR chat!!!!!

    Talkin' of which maybe as deserved punishment they should publicly be made ter make love ter each other.... since they're always talking about such on their shows.... mind you they'd probally enjoy it!!!!
    (No offence ter antone who iz already on the otherside in that department - PC bit!!)
    Soz now ME blog commentations are taking a turn in their direction!!!!!

    I do like RB and JR though... but noot in that way!!!!!

    B's Mum - Yeah lookin' forward ter this weekends GP. But yer in luck B's as the brazillian GP iz normally on about 16.00 ish.... so no excuses noot ter watch live!!!!

    PS I'll be banging some physc up info for Lewis man on the blog again but only if a can physc meself up ter blog.... going through abitt pain at present all!!!!
    Noot that a want sympathy!!!!
    Only somebody ter love!!!!! Reminds me of a duet of a Queen song by The George Micheals and The John aka Elton..... BUT noot that kind of somebody ter love!!!!!
    (No offence ter anyone who iz already on the otherside in that department - PC bit!!)


  • Comment number 68.

    WoooHooooo .. email from "that" CD shopping site .... Terry Hall is on his way to me!!


  • Comment number 69.

    Bingo I just don't think we should hang the DJ .

    Maybe Sach's is looking to fill a slot on Fawlty radio or something.

    Let's all have a whip round for his Grandaughter opps wrong term of phrase for her.

  • Comment number 70.

    I can't say I suffer with your problem CLP I can stay in bed just to enjoy being there. No such luck though as Booboo seems to just hear my eyelids opening and then there's no rest for the wicked... dog needs to go out... I have to get up.

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 71.

    shorty5feet it is sleeting in Leicester aswell.

    Very murkey. Not lloking forward to the drive home.

    Cold office no heating on as boss back from hols and no radio. Boo.


  • Comment number 72.

    Cheryl: thanks for coming back to me.

    Jen: point taken.

    C xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Go Bingo - your last talk to the Lewis laddie was a success anyway!! Not sure who I want to win anyway - he would be the youngest but I feel sorry for Massa cos he was in shumys shadow for so long and not "allowed" to win and the red team in uproar about next years engines so it may be massas last chance!!!

    Shorty - that could be coming my way soon then not much further south - is it still snowing? Just phoned friend in scotland and where she is not a spot!

    Diva I now have stew and dumplin's on the brain as it's a bit nippy - will I have time before autumnwatch......

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    It's snowing here in Atherstone as well!!! Brrrrrrrrrr!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Cheers, NewC, jx

  • Comment number 76.

    Bingo - xxxx from me, jx

  • Comment number 77.

    I would obviously like to see Lewis win but I wouldnt really mind who wins as long as it's done FAIRLY! If the FIA intervene again I'm not watching again... (also if Kimi crashes into Lewis at the start or something like that... that wouldnt be too good)...

    Beautiful blue skys here but apparently there has been a bit of snow up the coast... I want some!!!

  • Comment number 78.

    Afternoon each, although it feels much later - it's dark up here.

    Please don't send snow up here, I'm off out soon to an evening meeting and I'm scared of driving in the snow.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 79.

    It's the "team orders" thing that gets my goat. Letting your team-mate overtake ... that's surely not a racing instinct to let someone else win - even if he is your team-mate?!

    Most bizarre!

  • Comment number 80.

    Yes true but when that was introduced after Schumacher overtook Barrichello on the last corner of the race to let him win (in Belgium I think) that really ruined the race and it was pretty dispicable...

  • Comment number 81.

    CtD, I agree. Let the best man (or woman for that matter) win.

  • Comment number 82.

    Snow update!!! Still nowt at home, light covering at work gone away..... 5" FURTHER UP NORTH NEAR GRANTON ON SPEY

    Woohoo to the skiers!!!!!!!!

    Bitterly cold and now I'm going home with big 4x4 with All Terrain Tyres and heated leather seats.

    Enjoy your evening!


  • Comment number 83.

    See you later, off to more meetings.....

    I will be a round a bit more tomorrow. Work from home day........

  • Comment number 84.

    Ooohhh Dookegg: Thank goodness we came home on Saturday. We were 4 miles from Grantown on Spey.


  • Comment number 85.

    Playing White Christmas was very low CLP... I feel ridiculously Christmasy now with the snow and all. 2 months left yet!!

  • Comment number 86.

    evening all

    I'm with you Christophe, just have to get up once awake. House is nice and quiet, no kids tv either!!

    Have to put my tuppence worth in on the RB/JR incident. Inappropriate really but I have to ask this question....what does RB actually do that is so good anyway? Didn't he recently poke fun a rape victims? Big words aren't funny alone, he just doesn't float my boat at all.

    I know there are many on here who adore him but not for me. His behaviour today with the press just shows the level of the man, not a humble bone in him. How easy is it to say sorry, it was silly, blah blah?
    Mind you, what muppet allowed it to be broadcast in the first place??
    Rant over

  • Comment number 87.

    That was just the opinion of a ginger bloke in Norfolk, don't really want to get into a debate about him as I know he is well liked on here. I am a big JR fan and am saddened by his behaviour too. I look forward to his response which I hope is more dignified.
    If either of them had said that about my daughter/granddaughter/friend etc I'd def go looking for a face to face explanation!

  • Comment number 88.

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 89.


    I agree wholeheartedly with your comments i don't find him funny in the slightest i can't see why people are clambering to have them both sacked . . wasn't it passed by the Producer who is actually in charge of the prog that goes out.

    Rant Over

    Steve :-D

    PS . . . .Shed's blooming cold just now :(

  • Comment number 90.

    I'm with Chris, I if wake early I have to get up or feel bad for the rest of the day if I do get back to sleep.
    Fab programme tonight. Made my day (not hard at the moment) but thank you Ian, whoever you are, with your fab choice of gobsmackers. Not enough TBS or Housemartins on the radio these days. I keep thinking of ARFing them, but never get round to it. Apparently the bf got his text read out before I got into the car tonight, so I'll be listening again later.
    No snow here, but a surge of people ordering propane for their gas heaters at work today. Gonna have to stock up on deicer, not much left after this morning attempts at being able to see out of the car!


  • Comment number 91.

    I've just read a brief summary of the calls they made and it was awful what they said really... if it was said in jest or not. What gets me though is that only 2 people complained when the show was first broadcast but since Sunday 10,000 complaints have been made since it's become news... it's just people jumping on the bandwagon.

    I dont think Brand and Ross should be sacked though... they''ll just go off elsewhere and get just as lucrative contracts and TV shows and such. Cut the value of their ´óÏó´«Ã½ contracts in half or something.

    Friday Night with Johnathon Ross should be an interesting watch this week though.

  • Comment number 92.

    I can't believe the PM has got involved! Hasn't he got a country to run??

    nitey nite

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 93.


    Only a quick pitstop tonight.

    The last 24 hours.

    Sleep. Had loads. Can't remember the last time I had so much. Heaven.

    Empire. Coming together nicely.

    Legs. Hurt a little, but managed 10k this evening. Got the race on Sunday.

    Car. Booked the 612. Ha!

    Life? Well, pretty damn good, all said and done.

    There. That didn't hurt a bit, did it?

    Much peace, huge love.


    PS Chris. If it is the 250 LM Berlinetta, go for it. Don't go mad though.

  • Comment number 94.

    Gingembre/Steve - prob the only female to agree but cannot stand Brand - spitting image of my brother in law in looks and attitude - bombastic and one to take centre stage whether you liked it or not. although b-i-law would certainly not be that crude. and JR should be ashamed of himself for letting himself get dragged in.
    If the beeb halved their pay perhaps they could pay itv for Doc Martin and my fav person Mr Fry in Kingdom and others. Far more entertaining!

    Rant over! sorry.

    Matt - don't encourage him!!! he's got enough cars! Pleased to see all going well with you.

    Gingembre - any news on the job
    CLP any news on your unpacking for gingembre??????????????? C'Mon - we need to know!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Just checking in. Back from thoroughly boring meeting on Locality Planning (no, I don't know either).

    Matt: Lucky you on getting a good night's sleep.

    Haven't much to add on the RB/JR debate. Didn't hear it but what little I've read/heard, they sounded just like two teenagers who'd got out of control. Perhaps they should be treated as such and ignored.


  • Comment number 96.

    Crikey me Annie - that was a meeting and a half back at 11 o clock!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    And it was bloody boring too.


  • Comment number 98.

    I'm with you Beesmum/ Steve & Gingembre, can't stand RB, but with all his fans on here was just waiting in the wings for someone to go first!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 99.

    Morning bloggers :-D

    Tis blooming cold out there this morning :(

    Don't foget to watch out for black ice if yoo're out and about before the sun's up

    Take it easy folks

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 100.

    morning all

    good advice Steve, me thinks a busy day at the office is looming with a few traffic incidents???

    Tonight's the night Chezza, my virtual fiver is ready to send....CoyS

    Thank you B's mum - keep plugging away, much appreciated x



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