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Protective Dad Strikes for The First Time

Chris Evans | 11:58 UK time, Monday, 23 February 2009

Noah went a shopping, went a shopping he did, he took in all the sights, so much for a little...


Noah went to Selfridges on Saturday and helped Mummy and Daddy buy a new sofa and chairs.

Brilliant he was, got a little hot though but generally had a productive and fruitful day.

Mum loved it too, she looked ever so yummy in her cool mum baby outfit completed by her uber cool baby sling. We had such a fine time we celebrated with two of those vastly overpriced American coffees. Can't stand the things personally, just seemed like the right thing to do at the time that's all.

Anyway this weekend also saw my first,

"Please don't teach my baby that" moments.

Why can't babies speak until they're a year old ? Because all anyone ever says to them is...

"Goo, goo, goo, ga, ga, ga."

"Speak sense to him will you ? Give the kid a chance, oh and don't get any of that God awful perfume on him, it stinks ! Arrrrrggggghhhhhhh."

He is double in weight and size by the way, or at least it seems so.

Mum is rocking, Dad is officially the galloping gourmet from now on and all continues to be well.

All the Sunday papers remain unfurled for the seocnd week in a row. Anyone know what's going on out there ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    Hello CLP! Nothing worth knowing about going on out here - just stay in your lovely baby bubble for as long as possible!!!

    New sofas, are they baby-sick proof??!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris - you'll have plenty of time to read the news papers when Noah is a teenager and lying in bed until lunchtime - or beyond! And it's all miserable, depressing stuff anyway - you've got your priorities just right I reckon!!


  • Comment number 3.

    Aaaaah CLP ...

    I too tend to get hot in Selfridges. Why do they have the heating on so high?? And don't get me going on fighting thru the fug of the perfoom hall to get to the rest of the shop. But it's all worth it when you get your bright yellow carrier bag with the little rope handles ......

    altho it must have been a big carrier bag for a sofa ... !!

    Daft Deev!

    We went out for dinner Saturday night and there were 21 week old TWINS in the house. Cute beyond cute, and I don't really "dig" babies!


    Deev xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Chris - the news can wait, you've got your priorities right, and quite agree re baby talk. Why do people do it?!!


  • Comment number 5.

    Hi CLP

    A shopping day already... lucky Noah! Don't worry about the rest of the world for now just look after you and yours!

    Loads of Luv"n"stuff
    & Booboo

  • Comment number 6.

    I quite agree that baby talk can drive you mad but mark my words, when little Noah starts realising that he has a tongue and moving it around whilst making a noise is fun you will find yourself "singing" to him using only that well known word "La".

    It is quite astonishing how much little ones copy your actions and many an hour can be spent making your child (or grandchild come to that) sit laughing at your antics and singing back to you. Trust me!

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris,

    I really did laugh at you saying the newspapers remain unread, two weeks running! It will be like for quite a while yet! We couldn't believe, after many months, that MsS went to bed for a couple of hours and we actually had time to watch the news and have a cup of tea! They keep you busy, do babies!

    And you are so right about the baby talk thing - awful. There is a great scene in "Three Men and a Baby" were Tom Selleck is reading a really gritty boxing review to the wee baby - but because he speaks in a normal, quiet voice, the baby is loving it!

    Awww, Chris, hearing about Noah just makes me turn to mush!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Chris- baby talk - one of my ( many) pet hates.

    It will get worse as Noah gets older -Why do people insists on saying things like 'choo choo' and 'brum brum' its a train and car !!!!

    Sorry but it used to drive me to distraction.


  • Comment number 9.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    Posting in from my sick bed, had a weird 36hr illness, won't go into detail but haven't eaten since Sat night and feel so lousy.

    Chris - I remember taking daughter#1 on her first shopping trip, it's so exciting, nervous and yep, protective. I never got the googoogaga either.
    To be honest you haven't missed much in the world, all a bit ZZzzzzzz. Big footie week this week though - will Noah get to see his first ECL games???

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 10.


    Get well soon matey!

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh, absolutely, CLP... talk to babies and toddlers as people in their own right. They understand so much more than some people give them credit for - same with dogs too actually!

    Are you and Mrs GOTS going to teach Noah signing? I've seen it used and it cuts down hugely on the baby's frustration at not being able to communicate. Totally amazing...

    And, no, not missing much out there, I'd cancel the papers for the next, oh, twelve years???

    Thanks again to all the family for sharing,

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon all

    CLP - we really must be the luckiest bloggers in the entire universe with you sharing every moment of your new life.

    You are never too young to start shopping especially in Selfridges....how I love that store. Shame I don't get to visit very often. (Just as well really cos I spend too much!) Maybe H. A. Rods next week?

    Love to all out there suffering with lurgies of some sort - seems to be alot of it about now the big freeze has ended.


  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris,

    Glad you had a good weekend. Your time is the best thing you can give your children, so who cares about the papers.

    What a lovely blog from Natasha. I'm not surprised she was a bit nervous, after all we are not all gifted writers like you. I thought the way you described Noah last Tuesday was absolutely beautiful.

    I started listening to you and reading the blog just after your wedding in Portugal. It's been quite a journey for your little family from the first cute picture of Beth, the first scan, the waiting and finally the arrival of adorable Noah. Tash has always been there in the background. She was the one who got you out of bed to read the blog, when you were feeling down, when Enzo died. You have a good wife Chris and I know you have the maturity to appreciate her.

    I loved the picture of Noah. It's unbelievable how much he looks like you.

    Lots of love,

  • Comment number 14.

    Afternoon Chris,

    Take Noah shopping while you can, because I am sure there will come a time when he won't want to go, like most boys.

    Agree about talking to a child properly. A friend of mine spoke to her boy in a normal adult voice from the moment he was born, chatting away to him all day telling him what she was doing and what they were going to do. He is now 13, and a lovely articulate, clever boy.

    A train is a train not a choo choo!!


  • Comment number 15.


    Bless Chris, it's just a protective phase that will pass. To be fair I think most of us grew up with a few choo choo trains, and bow wows but it never did us any harm. Well most of us anyway. Mr Debbie does sometimes have to play aeroplanes to get me to finish my dinner.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi again

    Been reading all the comments about baby-talk and I fully agree - why say 'bow-wow' and then later have to change it to dog? Surely that just confuses a child?

    Oh well, better go back to work again.........but just before I do, here's a question for you all. We often discuss favourite things on here. But if you could ban one record from the R2 playlist forever - just because you hate it - what would it be?

    Mine was played by TW this morning and I had to leave the room. It is Andrew Gold's 'Lonely Boy' - otherwise known in my house as 'the miserable spoiled brat song'. I have always hated it and know that I'm being irrational - but it makes me want to shout 'oh for god's sake, grow up and get a life!' at the radio whenever I hear it! So - if any of you have similar rather odd pet hates I'd love to hear them.

    And please don't suggest this one for ARF!! :)

    Bye for now, until much later.


  • Comment number 17.

    Hi Chrissie

    Sorry - have been, not delibetately, MIA from the blog of late - putting in long hours, burning the midnight oil etc etc.

    I intend to write properly later in the week, especially a note to your good lady . .

    Till then, have a great one!!

    DtM x

    PS U2 questions to follow as well . . .

  • Comment number 18.

    Good Q derbyfi. will have to have a thunk about that one and get back to you!

    love it when we have a Q of the Day!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 19.

    derbyfi: Dancing in the Moonlight by Toploader.

    Get well soon Gingembre by the way.

    x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    My most hated in the whole wide world track has got to be

    I shall survive - Gloria Gaynor

    I simply can't stand it it's even worse than It's raining Men - Weather Girls

    Ooo I've gone all cross now just thinking of 'em, best go and have a coffee and digestive.

    Laters all

  • Comment number 21.

    Thanks for your good luck note - I'm sure it's to do with all the good vibes round here.

    Thanks again

  • Comment number 22.

    Deb - that song always reminds me of Jamie Oliver. Weird!

  • Comment number 23.

    Yeh - meant to say sorry Nicki - good luck!! Everything quite literally crossed for you. Is Luton far from your base (in terms of commute)?

  • Comment number 24.

    Oh Daddy wouldn't buy me a bow wow

    Yes fully agree my daughter could say
    Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious before Dadda and Mama.

    A child will only learn the knowledge you feed them.

    My blog is somewhat disappointingly bereft
    of comments. I can't think why.

    As for whats happening in the World well why worry it's just another day.

  • Comment number 25.


    Probably be shot down in flames here

    Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On - in fact anything by her really.

    Also that damn awful Sheilas Wheels tune that sponsors the weather on the telly. Makes me wanna lob the remote at the tv.

    Hope you feel better soon Ginge.


  • Comment number 26.



    My song would have to be Crush by Jennifer Page, as soon as I hear the tune I have to switch off and unfortunately TW plays it quite often in the morning. It reminds me of the start of the break down of my 10 year marriage, that was 11 years ago now and not for here, and I'm perfectly happy now but I still hate it anyway.


  • Comment number 27.

    Recent tune that needs to be binned binned binned ....

    that hideous thing by Aleesha Dixon about the lazy man who doesn't pull his weight around the house.

    Bad bad toon indeed.

  • Comment number 28.

    derbyfi: ooooohh, mine is Come on Eileen. Cannot bear it. - good topic btw!

    Gingembre: hope you get better soon.

    Dan: I thought you were saying hi to me ...... but you weren't!

    Nicki-Noos: good luck for the interview. I would definitely have to check out where I was going - I have the worst sense of direction ever!

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Good luck Nicki! x

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi Chris,

    Totally agree re the baby talk - can't abide it. Where you are Chris is the best place to be at the moment, so you just enjoy it and don't worry about what's going on out there.

    Derbyfi - mine is Power of Love by Jennifer Rush, definitely switch off/turn over if that one comes on!

    Gingembre - Sorry to hear you are unwell, hope you are better soon xx

    Nicki-Noos - Good Luck xx

    Happy Monday folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 31.

    All the best on the job front Nicki - I also have to do a trial run to anywhere not familiar. Is it a girl thing?

    Debbi - love to Betty


  • Comment number 32.

    Sorry Debbie, left the e off!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Don't worry Penny I answer to anything me :-)

    And thanks, Betty's content. Sleeping, snoring and expelling lovely smells. She is rather sweet though, honestly!

    Day off work today, back in for the next 3 days. Have my probationary interview on Thursday eeek!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 34.

    Do not be worrying about the papers Chris there is nothing but bad news in them anyway. You,Tash,Noah and Beth stay in that lovely cacoon that you have made for yourselves for as long as you can.Plenty of time to worry about whats going on in the outside world once Noah has grown some more.Hope you made sure that new furniture was baby proof?There are going to be lots and lots of spillages of one thing and another along the parent path.Take care of each other.Love to you all.J x x x x.

  • Comment number 35.

    Morning/Afternoon everyone from a cold and overcast upstate NY. Hope you all had a great weekend. Ginge, hope you feel better soon.....

  • Comment number 36.

    There playing the song I dislike now "Harvest for the World"

    I shall turn the volume down for a wee bit.


  • Comment number 37.


    You don't like that song then Cheryl?!!



  • Comment number 38.

    Glad you enjoyed your weekend,Made me smile about the papers.!!!!
    Just enjoy your beautiful boy,he looks so much like you.!!!!!
    love to all x

  • Comment number 39.

    so were's Steve Wright today..... anyone know

  • Comment number 40.


    I would rather have my eyebrows tweezed than be forced to listen to that utter moosh of a "song".


    Deev xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Butlins Bondy, Butlins. At a guess ...

  • Comment number 42.

    Where's Sally Traffic as well - Tobes will be devestated.


  • Comment number 43.

    LOL CtD..... hi-dee-hi...... I can just see SW in the sack race and the beauty pageant....LOL

  • Comment number 44.

    CtD, not its only about 15 miles, but I have the sense of direction similar to that of a lemming!!

    Penny_F, yes, I fear it is a girlie thing, but hey ho, could be worse, It's always best to be prepared! (also, I'm that bad I have to have done the journey about a dozen times before I feel comfy with it, and, I nearly always find my way there and then get hopelessly lost on the way home)!

    Ginge, pecker in up position me thinks, hope you're on the mend.

    And Finally GREAT BIG THANKS to all of you guys wishing me well for Weds. with the power of the blog behind me how can I fail?? xx

    Check back later

  • Comment number 45.

    Debbie - All the best at your probationary interview.

    Afternoon Bond.


  • Comment number 46.

    AliBaba, it's almost like they'll all a package deal........

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Penny, Did you have a good weekend?

  • Comment number 48.

    A - I think I recall Sally saying to Chris that she's off till Friday. Will Tobes notice, haven't seen him on here lately.


  • Comment number 49.

    Bond - lull before the storm so as to speak as next weekend celebrations all round with Wedding Aniversaries for me and Mr Penny and youngest daughter and sil, and eldest daughter reaches a big '0' birthday on Sunday. She thinks it's a big one but she should wait till she reaches my age!!


  • Comment number 50.

    Oooh, baba talk.

    Its a bit oochy coochy, and I'm not very good at it, tho methinks maybe the faces pulled while making said gooey type sounds may be entertaining for the ickle wickle baba boos.

    Or maybe its because we adults finally realise that we have nothing of interest to say.

    And my most despised of all music is that one that goes

    'la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la laa la la la la, oo ee oo ee oo, eeeeeeeeeeeeee', with the last eeeeeeeeeeee being barely audible to the human auditory equipment, yet dogs all over the county start barking in fear and frustration. You know the one I mean?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 51.

    Don't like it when SW isn't on in the afternoons, just not the same. Nothing against SM and EF but I don't think it's the right slot for them. Just my opinion.

    Yep Sally is off for the week, don't think it will be long before CLP will be having a break either.

    x x x

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi Mariella - no, I don't think I do! Who was it by?

    But I'm glad to have provoked some debate on here and have to agree with many of the suggestions made.

    At the risk of being greedy my other pet hate is that old song 'I've never been to me' by some American woman whose name I have successfully blocked out of my memory. Awful, awful drivel..................


  • Comment number 53.

    Wasn't that by Charlene df?

  • Comment number 54.

    df: Well, I thought my most hated record was "Come on Eileen, yer an eejit", but you've reminded me of that ruddy awful "I've been to Georgia and California, and sipped champagne on a rock ...." ye gods, it's the worst!

    C xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi Chris and Tash,

    Another 1-handed entry from me today, probably the only one as I'm sick in bed as well as looking after the jumpybean.

    Tash, Didn't get a chance to reply to your blog on Friday, just about had a moment to read it! Tash you sound like you're doing beautifully :D Well done on getting Chris to drop anchor, good catch!! I agree, happy baby = happy daddy, and happy baby and daddy = happy mummy :)

    Serious danger of completely losing my train of thought so apologies if I leave sentences unfinished...

    Chris, the first thing I thought on reading today's blog was aaaarrrgh PERFUME. I get my little man back from people, and all I can smell is their perfume.

    As for the baby babble, high pitched squeaky babbling saying something vaguely intelligible about "what's mummy DOING to you?" really upsets me.

    Wish I could write it in a funny way and take the sting out of what I'm saying...

    On a lighter note, I've just had to move the laptop so it's at arm's length as the jumpybean has managed to wriggle himself over my lap and was trying to headbutt the keyboard! He's not figured out using his arms to lever himself up, but his legs are doing a great job of pushing him along, head sliding along the ground in front of him.....


    and the jumpybean

  • Comment number 56.

    I prefer Liza Tarbuck with MR when SW's off


  • Comment number 57.

    Don't know who it was by DF, and have no intentions of looking it up. Its some woman and its just blummin dreadful.

    Also dislike 'je t'aime' - I mean, come on - get a room! And that huffy puffy panty one by fleetwood mac. I remember it being played a lot when I was in my teens and in the car with parents. It was written purely for the embarrassment of girls in cars with parents after being picked up from the boyfriends house, and catching said parents looking at you out of the corner of their eye as if to say 'have you been up to this type of thing?'

    The answer might well have been yes, but thats not for them to know!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 58.

    So funny MW,a! I remember being embarrassed in the car with my parents too! I hated that song.

    x x x

  • Comment number 59.

    Many thanks for the 'Leader of the Pack' on Friday Chris and sorry I was gabbling! I knew I was the last song and I was panicking I wouldn't get to say who it was for. Noah is gorgeous and I would have loved to have a longer chat about him but I am grateful you chose me at all. Incidentally, the show still isn't up on Listen Again yet and my other half missed it when it went out live - any chance you could give the gnomes inthe cupboard a nudge? I thought you dealt with the 'namechecker' incident very well :-)
    Keep up the great work, thanks again and all the best to you and your lovely family.

  • Comment number 60.

    So far a productive day has been had in my household.

    I have completed my first test in the degree I'm doing, results to be given in the next ten days, I've received my certificates for the OATA qualification - that means I'm good at talking about fish, and I've just enrolled myself and Errol on a 6 weeks ice skating course - starting tonight at 7.30.

    Ray Quinn, you've met your match!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 61.

    Oh what did I miss on Friday then, what's this about a 'namechecker'?

  • Comment number 62.


    Sounds like a really busy week/weekend coming up. Hope you have fun... I do agree with your choice of stand-ins for SW. They have quite the on-air chemistry...

  • Comment number 63.


    DF - mine is Charlene's "Never Been To Me" though I have to agree with CtD I can't stand washup by Aleesha either!

    & Booboo

    ps. Bond we're now unbeaten in 20 games a new record for us!

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Chris,

    I'm new to all this this is my first time 'blogging' is it??? ( god i'm only 27 but i've already lost touch with technology!)

    I just wanted to say i have been reading your blogs ever since Lil' Noah arrived and think they are fantastic! I'm am 9 weeks away from having baby number 2 and you are reminding me of so many things that i forgot that i have to look forward to again! I'm getting so excited.

    Congratulations to you both! You are obvioulsy fantastic parents already to be so relaxed. He is a very lucky boy! Good luck and look forward to reading more!

  • Comment number 65.

    Lyndy..... that's great. Still top of the div I see....

  • Comment number 66.

    Lyndy - I'm with you....looking forward to Champ League this week. Even the beloved watches with me...bless!


  • Comment number 67.

    and getting points without a full compliment on the pitch too Lyndy.

    Bunch of thugs really ;-)

  • Comment number 68.

    only joking....honest

  • Comment number 69.

    Latest thing is for the beloved to make GD squirm when with her boyfriend in the car....boyfriend thinks it's very funny and takes it well. As for the GD, well language not appropriate here!

    Have a great evening all...off to the pool for another mega mile to help remove inches!

    Worst song ever - Theme from Titanic, talk about 'wailing wanny'!!

    Love and hugs


  • Comment number 70.

    Yay!! Champions League.

    We're quite good at that one ......

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 71.

    Another worst song now playing - remove from list pleeeeeaaaassseee! Reminds too much of drunken chaps frolicking around the dance floor way back when!

  • Comment number 72.

    Me thinks marconi (or is it radcliffe?) is reading this blog!

    Come on Eileen!

    Have to agree with sealion and "that song from Titanic" being truly awfull!


  • Comment number 73.

    Can't help singing along to it tho - very sad!
    To ra to ra to ra to ra lay.....

  • Comment number 74.

    Oh I forgot my U2 question. How is the sound produced so well at live concerts, does it take a lot of music tech guys?

    Ctd yes that washing up song does my head in too.
    My latest fad though is the Ting Tings , ok they may come from Salford with Jonny Marr connections but in my humble opinion a load of rubbish.

  • Comment number 75.

    Just as a fleeting thought - where did our imaginations disappear to? I've been thinking about the blog just before christmas and Highland Lassie's virtual pub the blog and duck and it seems that we all came back after christmas with sensible, dare I say adult, heads on! I want to know if steve is still in the shed looking after the plasma screen and maintaining the olympic sized hot tub and if that is why he hasn't been appearing on here of late


  • Comment number 76.

    Thunder Steffi & Bond- Thanks it feels good to be top (even if it is only the third division!)

    PP- I saw U2 at Croke Park on their last tour and the sound was apalling! Something to do with the shape of the stadium I think as I'd seen them a month before in Chicago at the Bulls stadium and the sound was amazing!

    Now.... Bring Chris Evans on!!!!


  • Comment number 77.

    Hey Chris, Tash and Noah! So pleased you enjoyed your little family shopping trip, that is a lot to take in for such a small person!

    As a previous poster has said, don't worry about what's going on outside your baby bubble, just stay right where you are. Anyway, why would you find out what's going on from the newspapers, we never know what's true! We only believe the good things!

  • Comment number 78.

    Lyndy I am a huge fan of U2 but I thought the live concert in Manchester was like listening to a CD .

    Not that it matters of course I am just interested in how the Music techs manage to produce such great sound at a live venue.

  • Comment number 79.

    Dook it seems that the blog & duck is awaiting a beer delivery!

  • Comment number 80.

    Lyndy - it may also waiting for the jukebox to be updated as it's still playing terry & aled!

    My query for U2 would be - why when they are sooo involved in heavy political subjects such as poverty aren't they reflecting this in their music the way they did with the "troubles" in songs such as Sunday Bloody Sunday?


  • Comment number 81.

    Hi all,

    Chris, Tash, - as posted previously enjoy taking Noah along with you everywhere now. There comes a time when they are not so co-operative! I agree about the news - nothing very positive out there so enjoy the baby bubble!

    DF - mine is the one where they are singing about a cake left out in the rain! Macarthur Park? It always sounds like a recipe gone wrong.

    M xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Oooh Margot I'd forgotten about that one! You're right it's dreadful!

  • Comment number 83.


    I'm orfski now to cook a salad. After I've been to W@itr0se to buy it, that is.

    It's a hard life, y'know.

    Had a really good day today too. Probably back later as Heroes appears to be on the tellybox, which means Mr Deev will be engrossed and I will be at a loose end.

    For a bit.

    For a bit of what. Who knows??


    Miss me like wot I misses yous lot!

    Deev xxx

    ps: anyone seen Ripples of late?

  • Comment number 84.

    margot - all that sleek green icing, running down eh?


  • Comment number 85.

    Enjoy the salad Deev! xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Chris and your lovely family

    Glad you had a fab weekend.

    Agree with the other bloggers. Don't worry about not reading the newspapers. Plenty of time for that in the future. Stay in your baby bubble and keep sharing it with us.

    JB x x x x

  • Comment number 87.


    I hope you NEEDED the sofa's and wasn't just a whim :-D

    I know what ya mean about . . . . "don't teach my baby THAT" and "keep away that stinks" I was same . . .albeit 21yrs ago it still rankles at when people think they can do to/with babies.

    Bloggers One And ALL

    Hiya folks hows it going? all well i hope. Not seen the blog since before Xmas and don't think i'll ever get round to seeing it either so forgive me if a make a fois paux (if thats spelt right)

  • Comment number 88.


    Sunday Bloody Sunday wasn't written with U2 in mind they only covered (i think) and if my memory serves me rightly SLF (Stiff Little Fingers) covered it 1st. I may even be typing complete testicles but i'm sure that SLF did it couple of years BEFORE U2.

    No doubt someone will correct me.

    Steve (praying he's right) :-D

  • Comment number 89.

    Ohh didn't realise that steve! Thanks

    OK Chris - don't ask that question to them on Friday - i'd look like a complete Donald Dozzie Duck!

    Good to hear from you Steve! hope you're working hours are calming down abit!


  • Comment number 90.

    another wonderful blog CLP - yes what is it with baby talk - our first was surrounded by adults who actually talked to him and his first word was radiator - don't ask!

    continue enjoying the world of new discoveries with Noah xx

  • Comment number 91.

    SJF..... didn't know that about Sunday, Bloody Sunday.... interesting.

    Dook, good question about U2, I could give quite a cynical suggestion, but that would be rather, well cynical....LOL

    Lyndy, I think it better to be winning in a lower division than being spanked every week by the teams in the prem.

  • Comment number 92.

    Awwwwwwwww how lovely to hear from Tash, She really does sound so blissfully happy....as you all do. Its lovely that you keep us up to date on the little man and how he is getting on, he looks so gorgeous and yummy.

    Enjoy EVERY minute of him.


  • Comment number 93.


    According to Wiki (see link below) It seems it was a John Lennon song. well thats what i've deduced anyway.

    Steve :)

    Can't find out when SLF did it. But U2 was in 1983.

  • Comment number 94.

    Wow..... John Lennon..... now that IS interesting.......

  • Comment number 95.

    I think we may be talking about different songs here.

    The U2 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' was written by Hewson, Evans, Clayton and Mullen Jr and was a different song to the Lennon one of the same name.


    I've just got in and I'll be off to bed shortly.

    Such is life at the moment.

    And, Mrs MfR has the cold lurgy thing that is doing the rounds.

    The art is settling down nicely and I feel much better having done some exercise at the weekend.

    Oh, and didn't the boys play well? 8th. Who'd have thunk it?

    Later, my friends.

    Peace etc


  • Comment number 96.


    SLF had a B side in 79 called 'Bloody Sunday'.


  • Comment number 97.


    You are in fact correct about SLF i thought i had made a mistake so went back to check. IT's on one of their LP's called Bloody Dub so i was actually talking complete testicles so ignore everything i've posted tonight about U2 & SLF as i know nothing.

    *holds head in shame*

    Steve :(

  • Comment number 98.


    Please don't think I was being a smart arse, and don't hang your head in shame.

    I was certain that the U2 song was original and stumbled across the SLF thing when I was checking the Lennon thing.

    Interesting lyrics on the Lennon song by the way......


  • Comment number 99.

    Evening all!

    Well CLP - if you read this - I think there is a bloggers consensus that neither Celine Dion's Titianic theme or Charlene's strange lyrics and warbling should ever soil the pristine and wonderful list of musical items that is the Drivetime show!

    But maybe Mark R was reading this too - I certainly cringed as I sat in the car at about 4.45 and Chrissie's pet hate came on. Sorry................

    Thanks folks for joining in with my suggestion. Any more late offers of pet hates from the guys? Nice to see you Steve btw.


  • Comment number 100.


    Worst songs?

    I concur that anything by Celine Dion ought to be jettisoned into the far reaches of the universe where they can do no further damage, but the what really takes the biscuit for me is

    Lady in red.

    Now, beleive it or not, I was once a bit of a fan of our Crusty. I kid you not. You listen to his early stuff and it is actually quite good. I'm talking from the mid 70s through to about The Getaway (82ish?). Sadly, it all went downhill from there (Transmission Ends apart) and reached the very bottom with the tripe that ironically is the song he is most famous for now.

    Off the watch the shouty food blokes, then grab a couple of chapters of Grisham before laying awake all night wondering if there is a dog.

    Your agnostic, dyslexic, insomniac friend,



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