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Newcastle United up for sale on the web for as little as...

Chris Evans | 10:32 UK time, Tuesday, 9 June 2009

...50 million.

What are they doing ? Now I am pretty good at losing money myself having hung to the wreck of my own company for far too long until the shares, all of which I still have, are worth barely nothing but even my debacle pales in comparison with what has gone on at The Toon. I can't believe Kev Keegan was there less than a year ago - it seems more like a decade! Harder to believe still that they are now four managers further on.

In other news, the Aussies were beaten in the cricket by good old Sri Lanka - hurrah - but then again we were nearly beaten by The Netherlands so ... er well...The Ashes should be interesting.

Mr. Brown is still up and not down. I'm counting the days to best-manning in Ireland this coming Monday, and Noah has decided to be a nuclear physicist.

Have I told you lately that I love you.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Cant be me first can it?


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning 1 and All. Have to say not good at loosing money probably as tight as the preverbial ducks bum, having just used most of ours up building our house. Took a long time, stressed to to hilt, but now we're in, worth every emotional minute.

    As they say here 'cut your cloth accordingly' if you aint got it, don't spend it!'

    Ooo cricket, it's like watching paint dry but hey ho whatever floats yer boat.


  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Christophe!

    Don't worry about "losing" money on the company you still have shares in...coz as we are often told share values can go up as well as down! And if I remember rightly from yesterday's blog someone did suggest letting one of the many repeat digital channels broadcast TFI and DFYTB - thereby bringing the share value up (that is of course if this is the business to which you were referring to!)

    But who in their right mind would buy a football club - fork out a country GDP's to have the honour of paying equally obscene amounts to a bunch of "up their own a*se" prima donnas to play a game twice a week - that most people do for enjoyment on any open space available.

    I note no mention of Scotland's near heroics in the Cricket.....however due to my own ignorance of the game I can't remember who they played ;-)


  • Comment number 4.

    Morning CLP

    Can't and won't comment on football or cricket, cos I no nuffink.
    Good luck on the best-manning, does that mean you won't be on drivetime on Monday, surely not!!

    ........and we love you, too!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 5.


    Everyone is now going to miss my last post.

    Ah well - Beech - Well done on finishing your house. Thought I had big enough project doing my Patio's



  • Comment number 6.

    Debs, so glad that you and me will be able to see each other eye to eye,ha ha.


    ( not 5'7 )

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Lambie Pies

    You gotta lurve the Dutch, ain't ya! Me and Mr Deev went to the Dutch TT (Moto GP) in Assen a few years back - they are bonkers!! There was a Dutch rider called Jurgen Van De Goodbergh and he came lsat in the race - and they went absolutely loopy! The circuit were giving away these huge orange foam hands and the entire circuit was awash with orange fire-cracker smoke, air horn thingys ..... and this guy was LAST!!! Can you image had he scored a podium or woe betide, even won the race!

    Fantastic nation!

    And having just caught up on the last blog - really!!! I'm getting the blame for "shennanigans" and there's HL and TB talking about battered sausages for lunch.

    For now, I'm outta here!

    And CLP - no you haven't. But we know you do!!

    Good call on the Yog toons for WM too .... can we have a blast of Too Funky later. Pleeeeeez!?!?!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 8.

    Debbie, a huge well done to your son.


  • Comment number 9.

    Morning CLP.

    Scotland did really well. I understand the pre match talk described the corcky ball as an English invention, so they went out there trying to smack it back to Yorkshire - The centre of the Universe.




  • Comment number 10.

    Having had a busy few days (or has it been weeks?) I've not managed to catch up completely with the previous blogs. So a brief overview of my thoughts:

    Big Sympathies for those who have lost things

    Big Congrats to those have sorted stuff out

    Well dones to those who have achieved things

    and empathy for those who have had senior/blonde moments


    5' 7" (but likes to wear 3"+ heels)
    Blonde (Very - not in colour though!)

  • Comment number 11.

    CLP - Hadn't heard that about Newcastle yet - got 2 in my household that will be gutted. Guess its not the lovely Gene that you were referring to re the Ashes!

    Ads - I saw your post, I was after you.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 12.

    CLP....you gotta feel for Shearer poor bloke.

    Aussies whipped...yeah!!! Will be interesting test though as you rightly pointed out.

    Hope you speach is ready for Monday????

    TIP OF THE DAY- no battered sausages....LOL


  • Comment number 13.

    Sentimentations Of YO!!!! Ter The Christoof L. (dot) Pie And INDEED ALL Fellow Bloggers Blogging.........

    Bingo Star ere.......

    CLP - Footy and even know, sorry now, F1..... all gone mad...... MAD a tell yer!!!!!!!!
    Why you may ask..... they are ALL blinding themselves with money...... bit like the rest of the world!!!!!!!!
    When's it gonna end a say!!!!!!!
    Greed that iz noot the world in case yer gettin' worried anoother Bingo Nostradamus prediction iz gonna 'it the blog!!!!!!
    Ave given up on all that stuff..... past caring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Talkin of shares i'll bang some tips on abit later that a think can make uz all abitta extra money!!!!!!!
    'old on...... 'old DAMN IT on..... sounding 'ypocitical ere know, sorry now!!!!!!
    All am tryin ter make abit from the markets iz ter just try and be abit financially secure for the future.... noot ter be a greedy capatilist of..... greed!!!!!!!!

    PPS CLP - 'eard yesterdee's show theme waz 'it's noot about the timing the market, it's about the time in the market'!!!!!!
    VERY true.... although if yer can get yer timing right.... it's a very nice feeling!!!!!
    VERY difficult ter do though!!!!!

    PPPS CLP - You wreet at the end of yer blog ''ave a told you lately a love you'....... MY GOODNESS...... you ave been on too many strawberries!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 14.

    DAMN IT...... DAMN IT.... a did get #13!!!!!!

    Oh no this iz so bad....... it's all gonna go wrong terdee!!!!!!

    PS 'azel Love - LOL about the administrator thingy from last blog!!!!!!
    Didn't know yer a admin op!!!!!!
    Don't know what ACAS means though!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Iz it ter do with the union ACAS?????

  • Comment number 16.

    Acas - Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service.

  • Comment number 17.

    morning all (again), hope you're well?

    Now I love football, probably too much but how can a whole club which is in effect a big one be up for sale for as little as 50m when another team has just bought a single player for 57m?????
    This I do not understand???

    I don't have a lot of sympathy for Newc the club as they very obviously though they were too big to go down and made massive errore from the top. But I do feel for the fans who have been led a merry dance and for Shearer etc for trying to swim against the tide whilst being watched by the whole world.
    I do owever have no time for those players on 50k+ a week who are stating that they're hapy to stay and help get the bar-codes back up
    - I just read that as they know no-one else will pay them the silly wages they're on so they'll sit for the remainder of their contract and pick up the geordie dollar!!!!
    Cynical? moi? more than likely!

    As for losing money, well I love spending it but MrsW is tighter than 2 coats of paint so we manage to tread water each month. Never owned a share or a company so can't comment I'm afraid.

    Christophe, get on the case re repear, pleeeeeease - you know you want to, er actually we want you to!

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 18.

    I know nothing about cricket and very little about football so can't get too excited about either if I'm honest.

    Now regarding the wrinkles I tried the tight pony tail thing, the wrinkles stayed and my eyes watered!

    MizzDarcey, I'm still very much a work in progress....but am better than before. Thanks.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 19.

    repeats, not repear obviously????

  • Comment number 20.

    Good Morning Chris,

    Don't worry about losing your money - it's YOU we love. I'm pleased you are counting the days to the best-manning on Monday.

    Great show last night. I absolutely love Elton John and "Can't Take My Eyes Of You."

    Love you,

  • Comment number 21.

    Morning all

    Well, decisions have been taken, and plans are to be made. Looks like PiP's life with be very much starting a new chapter. Can't say too much at the moment, other than I'm excited and scared at same time.

    Thanks for being you.


  • Comment number 22.

    pip, whatever it is...good luck x

  • Comment number 23.

    Gonna have to watch A 2 A again on iplayer as too many distractions going on here last night,I did however catch the battered sausage clip,hilarious writing.

    Monday nights are not going to be the same.


  • Comment number 24.

    ACAS? - Isn't that the agency you apply to, to get into uni/college? Oh no thats UCAS (University and College Application Service).

    Oh ACAS - the concillation service! Jeez should have known that straigt away been on many ACAS courses on employment law! (Curse of the blonde strikes again!)

    Not as bad as Last week though..... my truck (4x4 - before you get ideas of a blonde in 3" heels getting out of an HGV! having said that - a common sight at the local truck stop - and that's just the drivers:-P) ....sorry.... my truck was in the garage so I borrowed Dad's spare car and was given BOTH sets of keys as " sometimes the central locking activates itself without warning so just in case here's the spare!" Fine no probs.... just don't have both sets in the car unattended....as if!!

    So I left the office, threw jacket on the back seat, started the car reversed and remembered I hadn't picked up the post - jumped out, leaving door open and engine running, bounded up the stairs and heard a clunk - No! Surely Not! - but alas yes! The wind had picked up and gusted, closing the car door. Leaping down the stairs I heard the ominious sound of the central locking activating! Both sets of keys safely locked in the car - with the engine running. At 6pm the local garages were closed so it it was down to the 5th emergency service (not 4th don't want to upset the coastguards!) who arrived at 7.30 and within 2 minutes we were in! Unfortunately the petrol guage was flashing and being 8 miles from the nearest garage - Nae chance. Nice Mr 5th Emergency Service did have a wee jerry can - with just enough contents to get to the garage!

    Think it's time to dye my hair - I think its called artificial intelligence!


  • Comment number 25.

    Pip - ooh sounds exciting, good luck you deserve it as you work so hard.

    MTF - yes what are we going to do without our fix of Gene Genie now it has finished. Thought it was a great ending.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 26.

    Dook - classic!! What did your Dad say?

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Darce, dont tell me please.

    Gonna watch it tomorrow morning hopefully.


  • Comment number 28.

    Ok MTF - enjoy it tomorrow. I missed the first part unfortunately as I was racing home from baby sitting at daughters house.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 29.

    I could hear his eyes rolling heaven ward - whilst the voice in his head shouted " I don't BELIEVE it!", when I had to phone him to phone the 5th Emergency Service as my card with membership no. etc was in my wallet...... in my jacket....... in the car.... which was locked with the engine running!

    Ahhh Joy!


  • Comment number 30.

    .....you fill my heart with gladness, take away my sadness, ease my trouble - thats waht you do...

    O the morning sun in all its glory . .

    (I could go on . . . )

    Sun is out, birds on on twitter and all is right with the world . . .

    Have a nice day, everyone . . .



  • Comment number 31.

    ...Christophe...being half Geordie, and even though I only have this much interest in Football...I'm bereft. Bring back Malcolm Macdonald. He had 'thighs' before anyone else! Proberly about the same time Kevin Keegan had a perm.

    I only have shares in Badger Enterprises. What's mine is mine, and what's his is mine too. Currently worth about 0.04p.

    'they' are also selling Eastbourne Pier

    Bingo...I hope you get my wee jokette now! Bless yer x

    Many shennanigans...

  • Comment number 32.


    As they say, what is the fastest way to become a millionaire? Start of as a billionaire and buy a football club.
    Are NUFC, a Huge Club, a Sleeping Giant or just a rubbish team, personally I reckon relegation was the Universe punishing them for not having the guts to sack Joey Barton, and take the associated financial hit.

    Let's not get too excited about the Aussies getting beat, as any resemblance between Twenty20 and test cricket is entirely coincidental. Plus the Aussies are now well hacked off and up for the Ashes.

    Re Mr Brown, the main winners in the whole sorry debacle seem to be the BNP, a worrying thought.

  • Comment number 33.

    shirley - hear hear

  • Comment number 34.

    Dooks - good job he loves you!!

    DtM - that was lovely, have got that going round in my head now sung in a lovely Irish accent.....

    Darce x

  • Comment number 35.

    Morning all,

    Chris, frankly I would just like to have some money to be able to lose it! I have no sympathy for teams like Newcastle, Leeds and the like that spend and spend to chase the Holy Grail, only to fail. Footballers are paid very well and so often fail to deliver value for money for the hard working supporters who struggle to pay for the match day ticket. When these companies do go bust (Southampton for example) it is the small companies that suffer who have been trading on good faith only to be shafted! Rant over.

    As for your company, will the shares ever go back up? If not you still have your great job, health and family what more do you need? ;-))

    20/20 cricket is by far the most exciting version of the modern game. Good on the Nederlands for beating us English. I have to say though that my good lady (a Dublin lass) was rather surprised when I informed her of Irelands win yesterday. Sport is just full of surprises. ;-)) The Ashes will be whipped up into a frenzy by the media and then struggle to live up to the hype, in my opinion. ;-)

    Keep smiling

    the NotSoBigUn

    P.S. Congrats to your teen Debbie xx

  • Comment number 36.

    CLP - I also know nothing about footy or crwiket - but it is nice to be loved thanks! Right back at you!!! MWAH!

    Debbie - nice to see you popping in more regularly today! Well done on teen passing tests.

    MTF - eye eye!

    Dooks - I have been dying my hair blonde since my original blonde hair turned mouse when I hit 16 - it costs me a fortune to look this dumb! That way I can surprise people with my genius!


    later potatas

    PS TB and Hazel - have a nice lunch - we want a full run down later!

  • Comment number 37.

    Can't be doooin with footie - load of overpaid wimps.
    Cricket - love it - any sort - but I agree Keith - it will be whipped up in to a media frenzy.
    We love you too CLP xx

    Pip !! 'citing - wossappening?? Spill !

    Just popped on to wish the mini Brighton meet a good time. Have a good un LaLove, Baz & Keef. no battered sausages.

    Beezer xxx

    Back to shopping - big bottoms - can't find what I want - so bought 3 pairs of shoes for now.

  • Comment number 38.

    Ah thanks Keith and Debs2. Very pleased for the teen, it's brill for him and for Mum and Dad Cabs.

    Have enjoyed popping in here today, hope I have time to come back later.

    Better log off now...straight to hospital from here...busy busy busy!

    Have a great day all!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 39.

    Only three pairs Beez ??


  • Comment number 40.


    How many sorts of Cricket are there?



  • Comment number 41.

    Beez - I've sent you a text!


  • Comment number 42.

    YAY !!!!!!!! Brilliant Pip !!!!!!!!!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Thank you. Do you reckon I need to do a spreadsheet? lol


  • Comment number 44.

    Good luck with your new chapter Pip.


  • Comment number 45.

    V funny Ads !!! on the edge of your seat cricket - the lie in the sun for days cricket - in other words - the quickie or the ......... !!!

    MTF - actually 4 now!!

    Beezer xx

    Debbie - forgot to say congrats to the lad passing his test xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Afternoon all!

    CLP - you know we love you too!!!

    Pip, very exciting. My life is taking exciting turns at the moment too, so we can be excited together :-))

    T xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Pip - come away from that spread sheet !!! NOW !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 48.

    More like it Beez, but how many more before you say.. no more ?


  • Comment number 49.

    Debs2 - out of the entire family - only 2 of us have Blonde hair me and a cousin. My brother was White Blonde as a kid but now a dark mouse, Cousin admitted that since late 20's hers is Bottle Blonde. So it appears that at 31 I'm doing well - mostly natural helping hand during winter months curtesey of artifical sprayed sun, but when the sun proper comes out leave it to nature and yep all hint of intellegence leaves the room! Am blaming the mini heatwave the other weekend for previously mentioned "blonde moment" as hair went 2 shades lighter in 3 days!

    but hey I'm not complaining - it is grrrrreat when the intellegence sneaks passed the blonde police and I astound everyone with my knowledge!


  • Comment number 50.

    It's me!

    I don't really like cricket but years ago I went out with a fella who played for a North London side (Winchmore Hill, I think) and his bro played for Glamorgan.

    Thing 1 - Glam got into the semi's of the Benson and Hedges that year. We went all the way to Mumbles to watch and it rained incessantly. My boss at the time gave me the day off on the condition that I took a company golfing brolly with me as it was telivised and he said it was "good, free publicity" !!

    Thing 2 - on the plus side, sitting on the boundary with all his mates on a summer Sunday afternoon quaffing Pimms absolutely rocked!!

    Pip, Tins ..... 'citing!!!

    Deevs x x x

  • Comment number 51.

    Bs,mum #37

    The Imelda Marcos of Droitwich x

  • Comment number 52.

    By Jove,

    Its bonny jovial. How you doing matey?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 53.

    Afternoon all,

    Cloudy and chilly up nawf today.

    CLP , you need to get Bingo to manage your money, you two need to have a serious chat !!!

    Dook , am having myhair cut tonight, cant wait, feels like i'm wearing someone elses right now. Roll on 7pm for a bit of pampering . then comes the colour - coz I'm worth it .......
    Nice n easy - (the product, not me !)

    MC counting down the hours ............x

  • Comment number 54.

    Soz all am just mega busy again off ter the gym know!!!!!!!!
    Sorry now!

    Tell yer what for any who want me share tips i'll bang em all on know, sorry now, and my advice check em out aka do yer own research/ aka ring yer broker for advice/ aka contact a tarrot card reader ter see if they give these the ok!!!!!!!

    In order of my favourites, favourite on first, these are the BIG favourites that a think are gonna do well in the next 'Bull Market'.......

    1 - AUTONNOMY CORPORATION (Computer software dudes, geeks running the world's #1 computer database that iz being used by ALL BIG companies everywhere)

    2 - KENTZ - (Oil Industry/ Recovery/ Producer Supplies Firm - It supplies the oil industry arooound the world with tools ter suck oil outta the ground without spilling alot)

    3 - 'ERITAGE OIL - (Oil Recovery - Good news terdee and looooks like it could join the FTSE 100 VERY soon)

    4 - WORKSPACE - (Involved in property for working aka commercial property mainly in the UK - Directors been buying - shares were 150 odd last year know, sorry now 16p - looks good and like gnna recover)

    5 - BANGO (reported it's results terdee with a BANG - plus a like the name - reminds me of a CLP blogger!!@!) (Noot that am saying a like meself - noot that ave goot low self esteem - noot that ave goot too much self esteem)

    5a - Just threw BANGO in for obvious reasons - Does loook good though ter invest!!!!

    6 - RBS (A bank!!!! 'oards money then blows it all. Although risky.... a think in the long term it's gotta good chance of coming good. Could be a big winner - BUT is abit risky!!!!!!)

    7 - COMPUTERCENTRE - (Clues in the name - directors been buying - recently announced good results - charts are saying 'BUY' - lookin good ter go.... UP!!)

    8 - Keeping this one ter mesen!!!!

    9 - SDL - (Anoother computer software dude - mainly in language programmes - doing very well but share price sticky/ stagnant - Only yesterdee announced contract with 'aych pee' aka 'ewelett Pakard'!!!!)

    10 - If yer 100% don't wanter risk yer money don't invest!!!!!

    Okay there's a quick TOP10 run down!!!!!!

    The two that really excite me are Autonomy and Kentz!!!!!!
    Mind you 'eritage Oil loooks 'ot too.... maybe abit more risky!!!!!!
    Nahhhhhh Autonomy iz the MEGA one of the bunch!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!

    I'll bang more indepth detail on the blog soon (next few dee's/ weeks) about each company!!!!!!

    GOURANGA LSE 09 AND BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 55.

    #54 - Know that iz a good omen...... 54 a very good number from me child'ood!!!!!

    My grandparents 'ouse #!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 56.

    Hiya Maz,

    I,m fine thanks, had a look at your holiday snaps on FB, most excellente x and Chezza,s, most excellente also x.

  • Comment number 57.

    PS Me grandad wazza reverend of The C of The E and a VERY nice one too!!!!!

    A ave fond memories of 'im sitting in 'is study smoking 'is pipe (nice smell) whilst 'e read the FT!!!!!!
    E used ter dabble in shares!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Jovial baby!!!

    Hows trix?

    Deevs xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    PS Welcome back Chezza!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 60.

    Arftenoon all!

    Hi Tip-top glad to see you're back x

    Don't get me started about Shearer... haven't forgiven him for kicking Niel Lennon in the head and blackmailing the FA... nuff said!

    I love watching most live sport and live music... in fact I think I just like sharing stuff with loads of other people.

    Mange tout!

    & the bump

  • Comment number 61.

    Woz gonna go the gym but am back.... goot outta breath whilst trying ter get inter me illuninatative lycra shorts.... maybe a bad omen for the gym!!!!!!!

    Just wanted ter add - ter the PC doe gooder nutters out there.......
    My mother and grandad smoked and INDEED az a kid a liked sweet cigarettes.... BUT a didn't start smoking!!!!!!
    (A believe sweet ciggys are banned nowadees.... ter busy teaching 5 year old about 'omosexualalities)
    And me grandad who wazza rev.... a aven't turned inter a religious maniac either!!!!!!!


    PC Bit - Ave goot nowt against 'omosexuals, ciggarettes, smokers, people of the church or atheists but a ave goot alot against nutters ruining childrens...... child'oods!!!!!!!!!

    "nd rant in two dee's over again!!!!!!

  • Comment number 62.

    This time a really am gonna go the gym!!!!!

  • Comment number 63.

    OOOps - me hubby is back !!!

    Beez xxxx

    slinking off quietly .........

  • Comment number 64.

    Hiya Chezza,

    Tip Top and Bristol fashion , so to speak, had a bad back but all fine now, erm, self inflicted if you get my drift LoL x

    Hiya Lyndy and Bump x

  • Comment number 65.

    oooh, norty Jovial!!

    Anyone heard from Bondy recently??

    Wonder how the Hazel/Tango meet went?

    Bingo - I have a desk drawer full of sweet cigarettes - or candy canes as they are now called! Exactly the same except the red colouring which of course made the sweetie look so much like a burning cigarette has been removed! Still v tasty tho - anyone like to try one???

    T (for Temptress)


  • Comment number 66.


    You been playing with your bowls again luv?????

    Do take it easy babes. Would hate to see you worn out and washed up before Brum and Bizzle!

    Deevs, the PJ Queen!
    x x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    Good morrow JTT!

    Well, I've been Tangoed, and Baz has been loved...so there you go. He had a pint, I had a wayte wayne and sayda, and a ciabatta with way too much stuff in it.

    We had a lovely time thank you, and will probably repeat the sperieance when the weather is a lot nicer. As it's a bit grim darn sarf atm.

    Anyhoo, living in my fair city, the chances of hitting a 5yr old smoking a sweet cigarette are fairly slim. On the other hand hitting a smoking homosexual who knows a sweet 5yr old, chances fairly high...We have two laydee friends who have a child (who has two mummies, who love eachother and child is about as well balanced as a gyroscope, but it's a bit different being brought up with it than being taught about something)...but Bingo, I have to agree mate! My 'generation' (not that long ago, so don't get too excited) didn't find out about any sort of 'sexuality' until we were about 13.

    for crying out loud...pc gone BONKERS

    Coo. Not often I have a rant.

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning, afternoon everyone from a sunny and warm upstate NY. Temps today in the upper 70s, and fairly humid. Hope you're all having a great day.

    Shirley, very well put.

    Hi Sparkle!

  • Comment number 69.

    Morning Bond!


  • Comment number 70.

    Hiya Tinsel, and Hazel,

    I will of course comply your PJ majesty x

  • Comment number 71.

    Well Chaps and Chapesses,

    I'm off to bed. Midnight over here

    Chin Chin



  • Comment number 72.

    For all the FB bloggers. I've just added a new friend. Have a look at my profile and add her too!


  • Comment number 73.

    Hi everyone:

    Back to work for me today, after my long weekend in sunny Oban - and man, it was sunny! Sorry to all my English cousins who had terrible weather over the weekend - for once, the place to be was Scotland - isn't that right, Annie?!

    Haven't had time to read the blog - hope everyone is ok.

    I know it's a hundred years ago now, but I was very taken aback that the lovely Alan picked Yasmina on Sunday! As much as I did not like Kate, her presentation and product was streets ahead of Yasmina's, IMHO! Methinks we'll be hearing that Kate has a much better job at Sugar Towers than the one Yasmina is getting .... something to do with advertising boards?!
    And no Margaret next year .... arrggh!
    Sorry, enough about the Apprentice, I know!

    Hazel: glad to hear you had a pleasant lunch with Mr Tango!

    C xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi all...Bondy, Sparkle, Lyndyloo and of course the Haze.

    Nice Brighton meet I must say!!! as she knows where I live now....LOL

    Like your comments Haze, funny...but true.

    You hangin' in there Bondy??


  • Comment number 75.

    peesse Mr TangoBaz did wear a carnation. Albeit yellow and drawn on a piece of paper, but it was there all the same. Knew I meant to mention sunnink else...

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi Chrissie Pleased you had a good time.
    You too Hazel and Baz. Nice touch with the flower !!!

    Hi James xx

    Now don't tell Jovial - Imelda Marcos indeed !! but I still can't find the skirt I am looking for so - two tops, one blouse, and now 5 pairs of shoes, 2 black 1 bronze 1 pink and 1 red.
    (elh ordered for the old gits too)!

    And a pile of work done too - phew !!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Hey Tango! Glad to hear you were gentle with our Hazey-baby (she's not been well ya know!)... -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 78.

    Hazel/Tango - glad you had a good mini meet - liked the paper carnation bit!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend Chrissie - you definately got the best weather. And Annie's too.

    Hi James - hows it going? x

    Imelda Beez - have you stopped yet!!! Good to see you're keeping the economy going!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Naturally Lyndyloo....was unaware Hazey had not been well tho...she seemed in fine fettle at lunch today, am pleased to say...hey hey hey that rhimes...


  • Comment number 80.

    Hi Lindy. How are you today.....

    Hi Baz, yes thanks. Doing what I can. Thanks for asking. How's it with you?

    Hi Darce. Fine thanks. Hope you're well.

    Hi Beez..... how are you today?

    Great tunes on Steve Wright.....

  • Comment number 81.


    Beez.. are they as red as mine is the question? is it red shoes compulsory in Brum?!

    Debs - well done to the teen and great to see you.. x

    Cricket - dont get it, used to annoy my granddad by asking half way through who was winning - still none the wiser as to why he used to look at me gone out!

    AF - you and GM were prob made for each other - instead he got me..but he`s teaching me to be tidy! Hope u feeling better today.

    MW and Deevs - great photos.. very jealous!

    Can keep going but wont...will be longer than one fo Bingos great missives!

    But good to see JTT back -youve been missed!

    Oh, and PiP -great news - chuffed for u!

    Really must get on..hi to all else as usual!

    mSc x

    5`6" - noone had that yet..but i do DO heels!

    PS - A2A - brilliant!

  • Comment number 82.

    Just a thought on the blonde bit though...been grey since very early twenties.. always had dyed hair (altho currently borrowing HL badger for the stripe down the middle)...and i swear i get treated differently when blonde as opposed to brunette as now! Or maybe thats just me being my usual dippy self...*walks off in search of self-enlightenment...*

    mSc x

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Scoobs.......

  • Comment number 84.

    Hey Bondy...chin up over there?

    mSc x

  • Comment number 85.

    Hi all

    Been mad mad busy here again all day, so can't stop!! Will try to get back on later from home.

    Beez - single-handed refloating the economy eh? Good on you!

    Hi Bondy, glad to hear you're OK

    PiP - what? Tell me!! Happy for you anyway!!

    Also glad HL & TB had a good lunch meet

    Must get on, so hi to everyone else I've missed!

    JG x

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Scoobs, I'm trying.....

    Hi JG, thanks......

  • Comment number 87.

    Is it Humpday yet?? This arvo has draaagggged.

    Hi Scoob, Darce and JG...home made paper carnations are the way forward you know??

    Beez...you won the lotto?


  • Comment number 88.

    TB - `im working 6 days straight this wk so humpday feels about 6 weeks away right now!

    As for the homemade carnation - genius! GM and i met on a well known dating site and was worried bout how to know it was him first time we met.... he was holding a red rose.. cheesy i know but it worked for me!

    And not for one minute suggesting its the same..what would the badger and mrs tb say...?! Glad you had a nice lunch tho..

    and Bondy..if you need to borrow a chin to keep up then plese yell - i have several to spare!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 89.

    Afternoon All

    The sun has finally made an appearance up 'ere in the valleys - Yay!

    Don't do football or cricket so can't really say anything - bar I hate how much these football players get paid..........

    PiP - am happy/excited for you, but not sure why, just am!

    Hi debs - Congrats to the teen, it took me three goes!

    Right, off to teach the boy how to wear his sunglasses on the top of his head like all the cool people..............


  • Comment number 90.

    afternoon all,

    have i missed much. been on my hols for two weeks. no pc's where i was and boy did i miss it.

    I bet you the aussies werent happy at being knocked out of the 20/20 but we need to watch out when we face them for the ashes.

    still catching up on my emails so catch you laters.


  • Comment number 91.

    Hello Mr BigNick

    Was wondering where you'd got to. Trust the holiday was dandy? Any white bits to share?


  • Comment number 92.

    Scoobs - me and Mr PiP also met in same way. He was holding a packet of curly wurlies! I knew straight away it was love!!!


  • Comment number 93.

    ..Scoob, wotcha mate! I'd not seen my lovely friend for AGes...the one who I met last week...I said I'd be carrying a rose (cream...very tasteful) and she gave me a spoon. A plastic spoon.

    ...and Badger is just glad I had some lunch and he doesn't have to cook tonight (insert Badgery sigh of relief here)...he can take his hair shirt to the launderette instead...life's SO hard being a Badger...with regard to self enlightenment, I find Born Blonde works well...(see woddidid there...)

    Bondy, downstate East Sussex is grim today...hope you're doing ok...all these good wishes from this side of the pond must be doing some good surely???

    SOOOOOOOO glad it's nearly home time...it's been a long day...albeit with a lovely lunch in the middle!

  • Comment number 94.

    Norty step Deevs.....!!!

  • Comment number 95.

    holiday was very good thanks deevs, i believe you went away as well.

    my white bits stretch from under chin to ankles.

  • Comment number 96.


    I met my other half that way too. Didn't do the flower thing for first meeting but awhile back I booked a surprise trip to Paris on Eurostar for his birthday and told him to meet me after work at Waterloo station under the clock like they do in films. He wasn't there when I got there and I'd left my mobile at home so couldn't contact him. I was panicking that we would miss the train cos obviously he just thought we were going out for a meal or something. Eventually found him with a carnation in his hand and he had been waiting on the platform where he thought my train was coming in. Wrong platform as well!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Hiya Beez and Darce: thanks, I really did have a lovely time.

    Paying the price for it today of course, office is fairly crazy - can't wait to get home!

    007: hope things are shaping up a wee bit for you.

    bignick: glad you had a good holiday.

    C xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Hi everyone

    Sorry I haven't been around, after returning from the UK we've been without t'internet which has been so annoying.

    But we did have a very nice little jaunt to Turin, on to Lake Garda up to Zurich and home again all in aid of Mr MAW 5oth Burpday which was seriously fantastic.

    I haven't had a chance to catch up much, but hope all is well in blogland and a big thankyou to all that have welcomed me on to fb.

    Please be patient with me as I'm new to it all

    Hi to all that I haven't met yet.


  • Comment number 99.

    Welcome back Nick - hope you had a good time.

    darce x

  • Comment number 100.

    And to you as well MaW - that trip sounds fantastic.

    darce x


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