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There's a certain type of person in this world who ...

Chris Evans | 10:11 UK time, Tuesday, 23 June 2009

... need to be told they wear too much perfume.

Not for my sake or for any other grown ups sake but for the sake of my son Noah, and thousands of little children like him who have to put up with these walking clouds of pong giving him "cuddles" - that he doesn't want in the first place. This is why he ends up crying and is then left smelling of the cosmetics counter at Miss Selfridges for the rest of the day.

What are these women thinking ? And how much of this stuff do they go through every year ???

Second only to telling someone their breath smells and makes you want to honk every time they open their mouth - it is our duty to tell the flowery perfume brigade they need to cut down on the eau de vom.

Have a nice day y'all





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  • Comment number 1.

    Wow am I first!

    Totally with you on that one Christophe and the same with some men and aftershave - much too overpowering. Less is best!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP - I agree with you 100%

    As someone who is allergic to most perfumes it really irriates me when you walk into a ladies bathroom and come out smelling like a whorehouse - why do they spray it so liberally - have a bath instead

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 3.

    Quite, Christophe, quite. I'm sure some people think it's bath oil, not perfume... And please note, it's not just ladies of the female persuasion - some men need to take the hint too. But how to say it without offending? And is BO even worse?

    Anyhoo, hello to all bloggers. I've been absinthe for some time, but no note from my parents I'm afraid. And not a bike shed in sight...

    No real news to report from a dull and muggy Leeds, I'm afraid, other than crashing the car! Which means no reduction in insurance next year, no 'no claims' bonus and no weekends away ever again (the money will have to come out of the going away fund...), but I'm alive, and the ambulance I saw on the way to the garage wasn't for me.

    Hope everyone's fine and dandy. If anyone needs, or even just would like, a hug, please line up on left - mine or yours!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 4.

    ...there is a line in a book...I forget which book...but it was something like...'I always remember the smell of Granny...but it was like she was standing in a cloud of Tweed...'

    My cat used to come home smelling of Tweed when she used to bunk in the old lady's flat up the road.

    Anyhoo, I sympathise with you Christophe, I only smother myself in a delishus aroma when I'm going out, and highly unlikely to be meeting any small children.

    For day wear, a light spritz of Aromatics or Eau Dynamisante (other light spritzing delights available) usually does the trick!

    In the meantime, I'd stop handing him over for cuddles if I were you...or train him to sneeze or coff at the appropriate point so the cuddler would prefer not to. Cuddle, that is...

    I had a LUVVLY holiday!!!

    Thank you lovely mummy xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Could not agree with you more Chris, as they say, a bath or a shower is better, with perfume for special nights out. Poor Noah, hope he recovered OK, a cuddle from mummy or daddy probably did the trick.

    Been absent from the blog for a while, but have been lurking when possible, so have pretty much kept myself up to date on all the bloggers news.

    Sun is shining, it's going to be lovely few days, so smile everyone. xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Ah, flower, so sorry to hear about your car!

    ...and SBeep, I went into the shop next door to Miss Selfridge, and came out smelling like a Warehouse...


    Will check back later pertaters as my locum only appears to have read magazines during my absinthe, and I have 726 emails to dispose of. Keep Britain Tidy.

  • Comment number 7.

    perfumed people
    in a lift
    is the worst.
    i have
    stopped wearing
    because i want
    to smell right
    for my baby
    boy. and i
    wanted him
    to smell
    like a

    i like perfume
    just not
    when it
    can knock
    you or a
    over at
    50 paces !!

  • Comment number 8.

    Welcome back Hazel - hope you had a great holiday with Mum x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 9.

    Hello CLP - clouds of perfum and boy perfum are not good - now a gentle wiff of something as someone gawjus walks past - well that is somethink different altogether!

    Can I ask all the loverly blog peeps a favour? Can you all please cross something as I have decided to apply for a 'proper' job - this freelance stuff is too scary in these current times.

    So I have taken the bull by the horns and gone for the biggest job I would ever have in my life so far - well start at the top and work my way down I reckon!

    off to press the 'send' button now.......


  • Comment number 10.

    Good Morning The CLP........

    Bingo Star ere.......

    Firstly, a just wanted ter ask who iz Danny Baker??????
    (More details on the previous blog)

    Secondly....... CLP better ter ave a woman in yer life who smells of finely blended ter perfection solvents than of a female shot putter who ain't wear any deodorant - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP, Tash...... does she wear the troussers in your 'ous'old???? If so does she wear...... 'Boss' perfume.... get it!!!!!!!!
    Sorry bad joke!!!!!!!!!

    Talkin' of CLP and Tash..... without me prying, but a do get such a good feeling about CLP and Tash!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A really do think you both ave met your soulmates in each other..... aka such a good match and will never split up!!!!!!!!

    Seriously, you both seem ter get on so well and always loook 'appy together/ a good match in yer photos!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Also Tash being a capricorn, a bet CLP yer might be realising what the cap thing iz all about if she's a typical cap!!!!!!!
    Maybe yer think all the astro stuff iz tiddle poop!!!!!!!
    No offence ter any of CLP's previous partners but of them all..... if Tash iz a typical cap, she'll be very level 'eaded....... calm...... kind...... abit bossy....... an excellent and VERY capable mother and INDEED very good wife in all aspects of the situation of man/ wife????????
    Am a wreet???????

    Yer see all in the stars!!!!!!!!!

    'oping a noot over stepping the mark ere....... BUT...... which begs the next question...... ave goot a feeling it's gonna be baby number two aka the 2nd........ within the next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Any thoughts on this fellow bloggies friends??????????

    Soz ave a put me foot in it!!!!!!
    Only talkin' about perfume and maybe ave put ideas inter Tash's mind..... if she's reading this!!!!!!!!

    Soz CLP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA 09!

  • Comment number 11.

    did you go
    you didnt

    flower..as long as
    you and any
    other peeps
    in the car
    were not
    hurt. big
    fright though
    i spect.

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning Chief Lambster!

    Ugh! Don't get me started ......

    I used to love Davidov's Cool Water For Women. Then I went on a training course and sat next to a woman who kept spritzing herself with it every10 minutes or so. By lunchtime I was ready to vom into the vol au vents, and first thing I did when I got home that night was bin my bottle of Cool Water. Even the thought of it now .... ugh!

    Anyhood, my day is getting betterer and betterer: lovely msg on FaceAche from a friend, then the Ray Bans arrive and then lady boss gives me a bottle of Russian voddy from her travels (don't tell Rips - he may want to share!)

    How good can life get!?!?!

    Lovin' your work.

    Deevster x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    #10 - Bloomin 'eck.... a could ave goot #2 if a 'ad just writted 'ello CLP!!!!'

    #10 - Reminds me of the number of a 'ouse where a bloke lives who messes up the country!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    i cant
    white musk
    huughk (vom noises)

  • Comment number 15.

    ...jelibeybi, I don't know if you're having a wee jokey, or if you akshully did miss my gazillion posts about me going on hols...but I went to Crete...my lovely mummy took me for a lovely treat, and we had the most spiffy time doing b all, and having the occasional G&T...

    We had housemartins nesting in the roof above our balcony and could hear the babies cheeping...was all very lovely!

    DEB + + + + for you x

  • Comment number 16.

    Morning Chris,

    As Sir Tel would say looks like you are leaning against an open door on this one...or something like that!

    Totally agree, can't stand strong perfume, like Deev it makes me want to vom! But agree with Debs2 nothing like a nice wiff of something if someone hunky walks by!

    Teenagers today seem to drench themselves in stuff and when they walk past you, you walk in their haze and it lingers on you for hours afterwards.

    I like a nice subtle perfume and I recently treated myself to a new one a Duty Free the other week, and right lovely it was too.

    Gerogeous day here in Kent, why I'm stuck in an office I'll never know - oh yes to pay the mortgage!


  • Comment number 17.

    Good Morning Chris,

    yeh, agree about the perfume, although sometimes it's nice to wear to make you fell like a million dollars!!!

    Bad breath - Just keep well away!!!!!

    Debs - Good Luck, fingers and toes crossed!

    AF - I'm waiting in line for that HUG, Hon.

    Love you guys,

  • Comment number 18.

    Welcome back HL - missed you, glad you had a good time xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Oh and Debs2 - everthing is crossed for you - you go girlfriend xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    hazel haha.
    didnt know
    it was
    and i
    read it
    and thought
    i have heard
    of a dry
    but never
    a housemartini
    i like

  • Comment number 21.

    Morning bloggers and schloggers,

    Chris for once (not for the first time) I completely agree with you! Although with the modern man they can be just as bad (not worse of course!) with all of the cosmetics that are available to us. Let us not get carried away with the adverts for Lynx as they do not do what they say on the tin!

    My good lady is a Channel No5 girl which I have to say I like (on her) in small doses. Even that when first applied is overpowering. Once I have calmed down I am fine. ;-))

    Clodagh, loving your work. xx

    Madi, dont worry I do keep smilingeven at the nasty people (of which there are many just not as many as good folk) as I find they do not like it at all. ;-)) xx

    Ms Love welcome back! Xx

    Keep smiling (ah gowan you know you want to!)

    The NotSoBigUn

  • Comment number 22.

    Thanks Hazel, madi and aliB

    it means a lot to know that lovely people are 'rooting' for you

    Hazel - glad you had a fab hols - cant say I noticed you mentioning it before you went (!) LOL

    Jelibeybi - you make me giggle - I love it - housemartini's - shaken not stirred I hope!


    PS - Deevs - get you all raybaned up!

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi Smiling Deevs - from previous page - ever thought of writing songs???? I loved George Harrison too, was really interested in that whole Indian thing, when I was a teenager. I don't think he wrote Dear Prudence. It was a Lennon/McCartney or was it a McCartney/Lennon!! I don't think they were writing together then, we used to try to guess who wrote what. I think this one was a John special.

    Just got my third cup of coffee, quite an addict.

  • Comment number 24.

    Pee ess - the job I am going for is a UK Head of Recruitment - I know why they need one now - just had an automated reply to say they will get back within 21 - YES 21 days!

    let me at their recruitment processes for goodness sakes!

    rant over

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning all from very warm and sunny Midlands.
    Just popped on to see CLP's comments and will be back later.

    Yuk - totally agree - over smell is just disgusting.

    Baggy I am sure you have commented cos you are 'lergic aren't you but I rarely wear any and have to watch which I try - my skin turns said stuff to resemble smelly socks!!!!

    Someone should tell these folk the idea of perfume is that someone moves closer to you not backs off !!!!!

    Beezer xxx
    up to ears in work/ emails / etc etc etc aaaargh!!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Dear me, this catching up business takes a while!!

    So, from yesterday's blog (I can't catch up on everything, I'm going home at 4!):

    Tins, so glad you had a good time away with the other half, must be great to be so loved up, long may it continue!

    TB #19 - I started getting on with my parents when I left home, so you might have a wee while to wait!

    Debs2 #31 - eh??

    Pip #45 - did you tell the landlord? If not, get that letter off girl!!

    Lyndyloo, how's bump?

    Margot #56, good luck with the health challenge, hope we'll see you back soon x

    Puff, didn't realise you were moving to France - 'citing eh??

    Debbie, hello lovely lady!

    Rips #114 - "socially relaxed as a Newt" - pmsl!!

    Deev, the courtesy car has a CD player - I've been listening to the one you sent at Christmas, it's a cracker!! Does feel slightly odd listening to Let It Snow in June though...

    Clodagh #129 - stawberry Mivvi *drifts off into the golden years of childhood*

    Debs2, sweetheart, got everything crossed for you, you'd be an asset anywhere xx

    AF xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi Chris,

    I do agree - some people just overdo it! And if someone asks to hold your baby, it's very difficult to say no! Other than being brutal, we just have to put up with people and their smells.

    Unless, of course, you are my ex-boss who sent one of his employees home and told her to come back when she had solved her "severe B.O. problem". (no, it wasn't me!!). She returned two days later - after calming down from the humiliation - and there was never a trace of any smell from her, ever again!

    Clodagh (from previous blog): look no further, contracts being taken out as we speak! And, yes, you are quite right about the flirting thing. It can backfire quite spectacularly, but don't beat yourself up about it - it takes two to tango.

    Hazel: great to see you back - how lovely you had a wonderful time with your mum!

    Debs: you are quite right to rant: these people need you - now!

    C xx

  • Comment number 28.

    AF - I agree about catching up. I could spend the whole day on this 'ere blog!!!

    Bingo - CLP and Tash - definite SOULMATES - don't really believe all that star stuff, but sometimes it's just so true!!! Agree with you about baby number two - nice to have them close together - mine are 20 months apart - so Tash start working on it.

    Bingo - we need you in no.10

    Deevs - enjoy that vodka and tonic (not a diet one) with lemon and ice.

  • Comment number 29.

    Big Chief CLP . . .

    V good - especially in an office environment - usually after luchtime this becomes more apparent . .

    Anyways, Christmas is only 185 days away . . . .

    and counting . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 30.

    Daniel, stop that this instant!!

  • Comment number 31.

    Oh Daniel, I'm counting the days until Christmas with you.

  • Comment number 32.

    Morning all! another lovely day here!

    Christophe - with you all the way on this one! babies should smell of babies and not perfume or (even WORSE) stale fag smoke! i know someone who says "but i only smoke outdoors and not near the baby" and it drives me MAD!!

    too much perfume is hideous i agree - and so are those which just give you a headache. Mr CG always wears the same one which i really like - whenever he has gone for a different one it gets binned after a while cos either me or him doesn't like it!

    right, off to do some proper work!
    (Hazel - not all us locums read magazines! some look at blogs too!!)

    CG XX

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning my lovelies!!

    Hazel, how lovely to have you back. Did Badger behave himself??

    Debs - everything crossed - but for 21 days??????? Might lead to circulatory problems I fear!!

    Perfume - me and daughter sat next to a woman on a plane once who had doused herself in something revolting to try and disguise the fact that she'd been drinking and not washing for 2 weeks I think. The combination of all 3 was worse than the worst smelly smell you could possibly smell. We asked if we could change seats but no joy, so we had to spend the whole flight (about 3 hours) with our hands over our noses. I still can't smell that smell without wanting to heave!

    Loving the women's minute grunting by the way - hilarious!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 34.


    AF - I listened to that playlist on the beach in Thassos - All I Want For Christmas, Let It Snow and Baby Its Cold Outside whilst baking on a beach at 80 degrees!

    Its my intention to do one every year, so join DtM in the Countdown ... Divalicious II will soon be on your doormat!!

    Debs2 - good luck with the recruitment process hon. All crossed for you. Maybe TT will give you a reference - you must be on first name terms with the chaps by now?!?!

    Madi - was thinking of a vodka and lime over ice. That lovely feeling of the alcohol as it hits the back of your throat .... yum yum!!

    ALiB - I spent a small fortune of perfume in Duty Free en route to Greece, and am now all stocked up on CKOne and Gauliter Classique Woman. My faves!

    Has anyone sniffled the new Diesel fragrance for men - I think its called Only The Brave .... phwoar!!!! Very nice indeedy!!!!

    Howdie doodie to everyone else - you are all fantabulous dahlinks, yes, even YOU!

    Back to grindstone ....

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 35.

    Can i add my own personal countdown?

    its minus 2 months to the wedding!

  • Comment number 36.

    Christoff Lambie Pie dear heart I absolutely 100% completely and utterly agree with you and would like to be associated with the remarks of the genius speaker.

    I HATE when you go into the posh nob stores- and yes, Haemorrhage's is one of the worst offenders- and you get approached by some Danny La Rue lookalike wielding a bottle of what smells like sarin and offers it to you with the enthusiasm of somebody fending off a 10kg. angry wasp. And if you're not concentratin' you get it ZAP full in the mazzard and end up smellin' like Toilet Duck for the rest of the day. GRRR grrrumph grrrr.

    Same with the aftershave. And this reminds me of the marvellous gaffe that the ex-hubby made many years ago but has never been allowed to forget; upon our return home from a dinner party thrown by some congenial guests, he screwed his nose up and declared,

    "Pfff. I wish (he) wouldn't wear that strong aftershave, it makes your eyes smart. What is it, anyway, is it that Herpes?"

    (He meant Hermes of course but bless 'im, it had the same social effect.)

    No, I reckon the nicest smell of all on any human being is Human Being. Clean human being mind you. And can there ever, ever be a more divine smell than fresh baby. Yummy yum yum no wonder all we girlies want to bite their little bottoms.

    Mind you. I had the privilege once to meet the fantastic, if nobby-named, Professeur de Parfum for Guerlain- which, incidentally, is the last surviving Perfumier in the world, one Roja Dove. What a top, top man he was and totally riveting in the way he spoke about perfume and the undervalued olfactory senses.

    It's perfectly true that you can be transported back many years just by the faint aroma of a perfume. It's a mind-blowing experience when it happens; only recently I discovered the re-surgence of Dioressence, which the fragrant (if barking mad) friend Linder used to wear when we were trendy art students. Gorgeous it was, and so I bought it for her and yes, there we were, back in the heady days of our attic flat in Whalley Range.

    Trouble was, it only smelt like that on Linder. On me it turned into Vapona.

    What's all THAT about.

    Anyway, am off to get me some sunshine and a Mivvi. Hurrah.


  • Comment number 37.

    morning (again) hope you're still well?

    totally agree about the over-doing it with parfum, al in moderation methinks - however there's nothing better than catching a waft of gorgeous scent as a lady walks by.
    Me...I wear estee lauder Beyond Paradise on nights out and have recently gone old school in the day by wearing fahrenheit again.

    Q: in the main why are ladies who sell parfum so 'up themselves'?
    I mean all they actually do is sell smelly water???!!!!!
    Sorry if you work in this line and are lovely but more than most aren't!

    eau de toilette/apres rasage


  • Comment number 38.

    I'm with you SbP, allergic to the stuff, and avoid people (male or female) who wear too much. As I get older I seem to be getting more and more allergies, and my skin's getting more sensitive too.

    Madi - I was always led to believe that Lennon & McCartney never truly wrote together, and that you could tell who had written what by who was lead singer on the song, in which case it was Lennon who wrote Dear Prudence.

    Good luck Debs2 - sounds like you might need it!

    Anyway, popping out to mooch around the Quays and look/listen out for TT!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.


    I purchased cK1 Summer, it smells delicious, even if I do say so myself. Usually a ck1 girl and a bit of Izzy Me-Ak-e, thrown in for good measure, except I purchased the male fragrance instead of the girlie one. So I've been smelling all manly for ages now...hahaha


  • Comment number 40.

    I have worked in a perfume warehouse (which is how i know I am allergic to most things) and the only stuff I wear is green tea by elizabeth arden

    Mr bp is banned to lynx (not cheap stuff) only

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 41.

    Thanks for all the 'crossings' and support everyone - best not cross too tightly though after Tinsels comments

    you in elf and safety Tins?

    I like countdowns - could you tell last week!!! LOL

    So I am supporting SbP and Dan and have 2 of me own - '21 days till I'm binned off the job shortlist' and 8 days till I see TT again YEH!

    Deevs - I want to be on the Divalicious II mailing pleeeese


  • Comment number 42.

    AliB, I'm an Izzy girl too, although I do buy the girly one!! Fantastic stuff. Also like a bit of Burberry Weekend (does that make me a chav I wonder?) and Tommy Girl.

    AF x

  • Comment number 43.

    Just having a breather and catching up.

    Good to be back then Hazel love??? Probably not. I had a zillion emails waiting for me too - 2 days away!!!! Sigh......

    Flower - Big hugs ((())) I play Deevs cd when I go off on my jaunts - usually skip the winter toons (not saying that word yet!!!) but had a passenger last time - nutters! - both of us singing Let it Snow !!!!

    Debs - everything crossed for you but I recokon its yours - 21 days !!!!xxxx

    Jeli - you do make me giggle!!!

    Back in a bit to catch up a bit more

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    JG - never knew that about Lennon and McCartney. It does make sense!

    Deevs - never had vodka and lime over ice, I'll have to try it one day.

    Super bp - counting down to the wedding with you.

    I really must go and do some work, this blog really does take up so much time and hubbly has just come home.

  • Comment number 45.

    Voddie, lime...delishus...but no ice...really CBA with ice...voddie straight from freezer for preferunse...

    Anyhoo, Bees, indeed good to be back. I also have very priddy brarn feet atm...and have been banned from going in any of my collegews ossifs until at least August as they are still really pale...Renners says the sun is very ageing, so I'm just getting away with it by saying I'm only 27.

    Cornish, apparently some locums get paid more than I do per hour, and spend a lot of the time running their own web design business...so I hear from a little bird...

    Speaking of which,

    ...jeli, I'm trying to think what you would mix for a Housemartini...it would obviously have to have Gin in it...v-e-r-y dry Gin...

    Am currently enjoying the smell of my delishus fresh coffee. But I don't intend embracing any babes whilst drinking it.

    nice to have bin missed

    peas, Deev, I had a cheers for you with a Mythos!

  • Comment number 46.

    Can I add a really random comment as I need to share with someone

    I understand people hate fb and feel its not all that great

    but .............................

    I have just found my step sister who i have not seen for about 9 years and who is now married and lives in wales - I ahd no name and no address and have finally tracked her down.

    Even if she doesnt want to be my friend (and with all the history - not deserved on either side) theres no gaurentee that she will but I am so happy to find her alive and well

    thats all

  • Comment number 47.

    and - its not too late to have her at my wedding ;-)

  • Comment number 48.

    Hurrah for Mythos!!! x x x x

    Debs2 - Divalicoius II - you are on the list!

    That bottle of vodka is sitting on my desk, just looking at me .......

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 49.

    peeeeeeeees: baggy - none so odd as family. Friends, we can choose. Family, we are lumbered with!

    xx x xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Ah, thats lovely Sbp. How did you find her without a name?

    Darce x

  • Comment number 51.

    Well someone with her first name has commented on my brothers status - now he has hundreds of freinds but she called him brother so I'm hoping its her!

  • Comment number 52.

    hazel - locums like that give the rest of us a bad name!!

    sbp - it is always good to find someone out of the blue like that - hope she acknowledges the contact.

    and on the subject of martinis - the best dry martini i have EVER had was at 15 here in Newquay. absolutely delish - and didn't feel the need for any wine afterwards i can tell you!

    CG x

  • Comment number 53.

    Afternoon all,

    Debs, good luck , i hate waiting for responses , hope its good news for ya.

    SB , hey thats nice, i found a long lost cousin and we have been in close contact since .

    Sunshine (whispered) here today , have a line of washing out, so its bound to rain at 4.45pm !!!

    I find the shop that sells those bath bomb things (Lu$h) take my breath away when I walk past them, god knows how the staff survive being inside all day.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Martini - dont think i have had one for about 3 years, since an all inclusive holiday to Jamaica. Spent the night working my way through the menu, and .............. well its a long story , and its not pretty !!!!!!!!

    MC x

  • Comment number 55.

    Ooh, forgot to say, if anyone wants TT tickets for tomorrow in Manc @ Old Trafford cricket ground , let me know,.a colleague has two , wants £100 .

    I cant check back on here until about 6pm, but you can find me on FB too, (ask JG or Deev or Beez etc)

    MC xx

  • Comment number 56.

    super_BP - i agree and have had a similar experience with fb which I wont comment any further on in this public forum but happy to tell you more on facebook!!

    I do agree about the perfume blog but hope the poor lady in question with the over perfume problem isn't a regular blogger and realises the blog is about her.

    Laters taters


  • Comment number 57.

    thanks for all the kind words

    cath - would love to hear your story on fb

  • Comment number 58.

    oooooooo MC - what you doing to me......................................................................................................................


  • Comment number 59.

    CLP- couldn't agree more about overpowering perfumery smells... one lady I know in 'Dorra smells so fiercly of Poison that you can tell if she's been in a bar/restaurant/house for hours after she's gorn! I try to only have to get in close prox' to her in the summer months outside at BBQ's and the like!

    AF- it's fab thanks, growing outwards in a horizontal fashion... most fetching!

    Good to see you back on the blog after your vacation in Crete HL... I got the feeling you'd had a super-dooper time somehow!

    Gawjus here now so the table has had it's 2nd coat of oil and I'm putting off all work that can wait until tomorrow so I can enjoy today!

    Booboo (basking on the lawn)
    & the bump

  • Comment number 60.

    Was it you who said you'd bought some fitflops sometime back? Only I just bought some in a sale and I'm really hoping they work (but don't believe the hype!) I could do with being a trimmer me in my new life!

    PS gorgeously hot & sunny in London today - won't need Centre Court roof methinks!

  • Comment number 61.


    Just for you .... pix from Sunday night.

    The support band, Majistrates, were really good - get there early to see them as you have them tomorrow nite. They are also from Essex, so it was a real Essex Nite on Sunday.

    And never before in my life have I wanted to be a double bass so much ....... !!!


    x x x x

  • Comment number 62.


    Blast from the past. I used to wear Poison in my late teens / early 20s.

    Overpowering doesn't even begin to describe it .... !

    On the other hand, Tendre Poison is quite nice!


  • Comment number 63.

    Puff I've just bought some too but haven't worn them yet. I'm hoping they are going to work as well - maybe if I wear them when I'm pushing granddaughters in double buggy, I'll get a full work out!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 64.

    Deev - thanks for piccies

    I want to be a microphone now :-)

  • Comment number 65.

    hehehehehe baggy - what are we like?!?!?

    x x x x

  • Comment number 66.

    peeeeeees: I've set one of my Alex James pics as the wallpaper on my phone!

    Phwoar indeed!

    x x x xx

  • Comment number 67.



    x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    since no one on the blog wears heavy perfume, I must conlude, Chris, that your listeners are not big perfume wearers.

    Perhaps you could get a perfumier to invent an light scent called Tash or Lambie pie *lol*

    H x

  • Comment number 69.


    work status gone from bad to worse - have sent out CV left, right and centre today - please let me know if anyone needs a very capable bean counter

  • Comment number 70.

    Oooo Deevs - what got moderated!!!

    pee ess - am I the ONLY part of the world that isnt sunny - boo - got warm, but not sunny

    stomps off in a sulk

  • Comment number 71.

    Uh oh SbP
    anything I can do to help?

  • Comment number 72.

    Deev - you naughty girl!

  • Comment number 73.

    debs - unless you have a job - not really - have blanket sent out the lovely CV we hacked together - now just see what happens

  • Comment number 74.

    Deev what you been up to while I have been texting - oh sorry I mean working!!!

    Baggy - what's happened?

    Hells - we are obviously Noah cuddlers then as we don't pong of Poison and the like.

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    bs mum - cannot say on blog as I dont think its public knowledge yet - will see whats available in general press and post on fb

  • Comment number 76.


    What did you say?

  • Comment number 77.


    It was only the link to the Blur pix people! Nowt offensive, honest ..... just 12 very nice photos of Blur!


    Baggy {{Hugs hon}}

    x x x x

  • Comment number 78.

    I'm off to sit on the norty step ........


  • Comment number 79.

    well, deev, as long as you take your phone with you to the norty step so the pix of Mr James and co can keep you company you should be ok for a while!! LOL X

    ps - and did you see him when he did Maestro recently? Can handle a baton too, it seems!!

    CG x

  • Comment number 80.

    Deev, I wonder if it was because it was a FB link? As far as I could tell nowt norty about it - perhaps they were just protecting you xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Oh Baggy - big hugs ((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Ali - think you got it in one there

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Aha! Mebbe gang, mebbe .....

    and CG, my phone is never far from my side! Always on silent but ever-present, just in case ......


    x x x x

  • Comment number 84.

    Handle a baton ......

    * thud *

    x x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    Now there's a thing Hells.

    I'm sure Roja the Professeur de Parfum would be delighted to create Eau de Lambpie. A heady fusion of ginger and Red Bull with sweet, floral overtones of priceless Tash oil.

    Me, I'm workin' on me own fragrance as we speak, fresh in as I am from me deckchair, bit sweaty and covered in Bergasol and raspberry Mivvi. I shall market it as Eau D'oreaters and it will be charcoal-based, with cheeky top-notes and a base note of lemon jelly, evoking the unique, heady and bewitching waft of ozone and asparagus.

    Whaddaya reckon. Is it a line?

    Am off to design me bottle without delay. I've a lovely one I bought in Knock last week, in the shape of Our Lady of Knock and made for the Holy Water. That'll do nicely.

    By the way did I tell yous I brought the GD a stick of Knock rock? Marvellous. Had Our Lady right through it.

    Best be off, am hurtling disastrously towards blasphemy here.


  • Comment number 86.

    GET IN!

    just got through the first stage interview!!!!

    comon baggy - today is a good day for us job hunters! Got it all crossed for you now X


  • Comment number 87.

    Sounds perfick to me Clodagh - nice touch the asparagus. Mix it with a bit of miyake l'eau d'issey with their permission of course and hey presto - a bloke version.
    Have good idea for the two bottles but better not for here A?

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Whoop Whoop Debs - Well done you, that's the quickest 21 days I've ever known.

    Go on SbP your turn xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Debs thats great news

    As for me - well lets not get excited too soon

  • Comment number 90.

    but on the good news front - my step sister accepted my friend on fb - thats made my day if nothing else does

  • Comment number 91.

    Well done Debs - didn't have to wait that long after all. xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Thats really good Sbp - lets hope you can build up a god relationship. Job will be next. x

  • Comment number 93.

    Thats good not God!!

  • Comment number 94.

    Woo hoo, Debs, can't believe you've done it *already* - they must be keen as mustard on you! But how long do we have to keep things crossed for stage 2 eh?

    SBP, all crossed for you too that some bright spark recognises your talent from your CV and snaps you up!

    Deev, tut tut, norty girl ;-D

    Clodagh, I'd buy your perfooooom, not a doubt. Could do with an effective wasp killer round here... No, seriously, smells gawjus I'm sure!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 95.

    AF. Seriously or not, no self-respectin' wasp would approach without goggles and a peg on its nose. Specially in Renee's hands, the woman is lethal on the business end of a bottle of perfume. I well remember a right tussle between herself and the DDF Eric at Alicante airport, when he refused to sample some smelly elixir that would lift 3 generations of varnish, so she forced the issue and got him full in the eye.

    I reckon that's when the Tourrette's kicked in.


  • Comment number 96.

    Baggy great news about your sister - job will be next mwah

    thanks for all your good wishes ladies - in process of setting up the interview to 'get me on the shortlist' - just read the full (5 page!) job spec and it pretttttty much matches my CV bullet for bullet - so keep your fingers crossed for me and baggy TA!


  • Comment number 97.


    Fingers, eyes and legs crossed.

    Good for you!!!


  • Comment number 98.

    Ta Clodagh - not your eyes though dear in case the wind changes!

  • Comment number 99.

    Too late, Debs.

    Am skennin' like a basket a whelks as we speak.


  • Comment number 100.

    There's a lot happening today!

    Debs - well done - it's all looking good!

    Superbp: sorry to hear your work situation is getting worse. Just awful for you. But, you are staying positive and that's the main thing - there will be something out there.

    And how fantastic you have found your stepsister- it is absolutely amazing how life turns out sometimes. It would be wonderful if she can come to your wedding!

    Incredible day here in Glasgow - I want to go home. I want to get the washing hanging out on the line. I want to sit in the garden, reading the paper and sipping a glass of wine. I WANT TO GO HOME!

    C xx


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