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Up with the lark due to the fact that...

Chris Evans | 10:00 UK time, Tuesday, 2 June 2009

...I couldn't sleep...

...due to the fact that...

... I was too excited...

...due to the fact that a few things have been bothering me of late which I have now mostly sorted out leaving the way clear for us to make fresh plans.

So after being tired for all the wrong reasons I am now tired for all the right reasons but nevertheless tired. Ha ha.

Made up with an old mate yesterday. Months of angst due to a misunderstanding not even on either of our parts - what's all that about ?

In the end had one of the best days I've had in years. Three things that I had been hanging on for all suddenly fell in place. Truly instant karma. Don't delay - whatever needs sorting do it today - lightness is the thing. Rock on people. X.





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  • Comment number 1.

    morning Christophe!
    gorgeous here in the west country yet again, let's hope it lasts!
    Glad you managed to resolve your issues with your friend, life is too short to waste on rubbish
    have a good day

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi CLP!

    Good to know you've made up with an old pal, that's always a great thing!

    Another beautiful day so another good reason for being light and fluffy!

    Will have the sunscreen on and the roof down later...

    & the bump

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning CLP,

    Cracking show last night, Rock on yourself.

    The Good Book says, never go to sleep on an argument. Which is of course easier said than done, but glad you sorted it out with your mate.

    I'll get thinking as to whether I have to sort anything out today :)


  • Comment number 4.

    Bonjour CLP....glad you're back and had good time in Monaco and lakes...

    Good thing to make up with your old mate...life is TOOOOO short remember!!!

    TB x

    PS Mayo was not that good, despite what your team tell you....LOL

  • Comment number 5.

    Lyndyloo is getting her top down guys!!!


    TB x

  • Comment number 6.

    I had a lovely little book once about friends,
    must try and dig it out.

    One of my favourite entries was...

    There are three types of friends.

    Best friends.

    Guest friends and

    Pest friends !

    I think I can divide most of mine among those 3 categories.

    Hopefully most fit in the first one.


  • Comment number 7.

    Hopefully should have read as Thankfully!


  • Comment number 8.

    Good to know you've made up with an old pal, that's always a great thing!

  • Comment number 9.

    ah Christophe, up with the lark indeed...and what a beautiful bird to be up with!

    Welcome back from your hols...glad you had a great time, and that Noah has almost persackerly the same t-shirt as I did in about 1974...sept I think my tie was blue...

    I'm orft myself soon, avec lovely mummy for our annual jaunt, she's taking me to Crete...the hotel looks blimmin GAWjus!!! Can't wait.

    Anyhoo, the reason I missed you yesterday is because I was at the dentist (two maHOOsive fillings - one either side at the back) then I went darn the beach for some sun. The paddling was freddy freezing though.

    Also glad you made up with your pal...it's usually a case of the longer you leave it, the worse it seems to get...I'm going to 'dinner' (probably mostly wine, other beverages (and food) available) at the Marina with a mate of mine tomorrow eve...and I haven't seen her for ages...no real reason...just haven't...

    Am also bonkers busy lately, so may not be about as much as before...but KEEEEEEEEEEEF if you're still out there...I LOVE YOU...just because I can...

    keep the block on

  • Comment number 10.

    Castors, on my PC, your signature at the end has come up as blue,how do ya do that???

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning happy people :)
    See - interrupted by work and didn't check to see if new blog.

    Always good to clear up misunderstandings and not let them fester. Great show last night CLP.

    What I said on previous blog was ........

    I didn't watch BGT either - not a single essipode. Not my cuppa either - just Strictly on occasion, same as you Ali.

    Don't you love it when that happens Lyndy - gloat away here in the sun!!!

    Keith - you coming to Birmingham then???

    Happy Birthday Highland Lass 40 !!!!!!!!!

    MTF where's your post about the June diet ? I got on the scales this morning. Yikes!!!! Did I dream it or are we all starving for June ?? Pip, Ali, Pen, Flower, Baggy Tiggs?? Did anyone take a roll call of dieters?

    Beezer xxx

    Where've you been Tango - playing cricket?

  • Comment number 12.

    Beez suggestion rather than eating plan.

    31st may 2885 I think.


  • Comment number 13.

    beesmum - not allowed to loose anymore weight otherwise the dress will not fit

    but am just maintaining weight so eating sensibly and gym twice a week

  • Comment number 14.

    But Beez,most important,dont forget the weekends.xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Sorry Beez...been a busy bee....and yes playing cricket...

    Back with you all now..


  • Comment number 16.

    MTF, what about the weekends???

  • Comment number 17.


    I Love the blog today! Life is far too short to be leaving things undone.

    Make up and make out

    Keep smiling

    The NotsoBigUn

    P.S. Ms Love..gawd bless ya! And just because I can {{Hug}}xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Hazel and Keef, sitting in a tree.........lol

  • Comment number 19.

    I don't wish to blow my own trumpet...but I'm going too!!

    I won't be joining the weighing club, as last year via WW I lost 2.5 stone and so far for the past 7 months have maintained my weight. Really not sure how I'm doing it, but I am.

    I am, however, more than happy to encourage you all in your endeavours - if I can do it then you all certainly can xxx


  • Comment number 20.

    Just FYI, Mrs Tango does Rosemary Connelly diet, so far lost 2 stone since November, so it's slow steady progress, which is good, but progress none the less...she is sometimes naughty but at least knows what being naughty means..

    Just thought I'd share that with you all..


  • Comment number 21.

    AF, in my regime and it worked in March,
    Zilch alcohol during the week,but the weekend a bit of what you fancy within reason


  • Comment number 22.

    Changing the subject slightly, have any of you packed up smoking using the patches NRT stuff????

    Tomorrow will be my 4th week off the dreaded weed, these patches have been amazing, especially considering the fact that I have tried pretty much everything from Zyban to Allen Carr etc etc....

    Long may it continue, think the total course for patches is 12 weeks or so, so 8 more to go...one wierd side effect though is VIVID DREAMS, I mean really wierd vivid dreams..


  • Comment number 23.

    Well done AliB and Mrs T,see what I mean,a bit of naughtiness.x

    Makes the going a bit easier.


  • Comment number 24.

    Bonjour tout le monde!!!

    So so SO lovely to hear you sounding so happy Lambie Pie!!

    Hazel, how lovely to see you - lucky you going on a jollyday to Crete! What will Badger do without you? (Or shouldn't I ask!!)

    i'm a bit tired today - went to see Star Trek last night. Didn't really understand it but James T Kirk ... phwoar!!!!!!!!

    Live long and prosper everyone!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Mornin CLP

    It's the way of the world, things are chewed over when you're trying to sleep.

    Nice to know you've made up with your mate, very good friends are hard to come by.

    As the saying goes, never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. So true.
    But I'm as guilty as the next person, so what do I know?

    Rock on indeed!

    #5 - See TB is lowering the tone lol

    Beez - you been spying on my scales, since when did I agree? Ok I was probably 3 sheets at the time and yes I do need to!!!

    Well done Ali.

    Happy buffday to those celebrating.

    Penny xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Tango, I found the easiest solution to packing in ,I got pregnant,havent touched one since.

    18 years on so will never have another now.

    Good luck with it the patches as you obviously cant follow my method!


  • Comment number 27.

    Ah, thanks MTB. It's what I tend to do anyway (well, apart from the "within reason" bit, which is obviously why I'm where I am to begin with!) so happy with that.

    CLP, completely forgot to mention your blog before, sorry! Glad you've made up with your friend. I think things like that worry at you, even if you're not consciously aware of it, and it's exhausting. Better to have a clear mind!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 28.

    MTF thanks, no it might be a little difficult that pregnancy thing....especially as I've had the snip!!!!


    Just need to watch the weight as my appetite has gone mad!!! So just doing that bit extra at the gym to compensate, which is OK cos now I can actually breath when on the x-trainer..


  • Comment number 29.

    TB, well done with the evil weed avoidance! And do tell us more about these vivid dreams...

    I gave up around 7 years ago, think I used the nicotine patches for a few weeks, but I found it ridiculously easy. Tried it again about 6 months after giving up and was almost sick all over the table in the pub - classy or what???

    AF xx

  • Comment number 30.


    There has been a report of an outbreak of fire breaking out over blogland during the last few hours.

    Reports from the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Blog Police have been received and I am happy to report that the fires have indeed been put out. The raging fire was put out by a simple hard puff from our very own highland lass and the offending cake candles have now been brought under control!

    Happy Birthday!

  • Comment number 31.

    AF- nice picture your painting there in the pub...bet you won't do that again though?

    Re the dreams, not what you're thinking, just really clear, can't tell you how real they are..never tried LSD but it must be similar? LOL


  • Comment number 32.

    Morning all! Bleary eyed dook this morning following a 9.30 to 18.45 stint with bean counter yesterday :-( But that should be that for another year :@)

    CLP - being an army brat - friends are strange things to me. As a defense mechanism you keep them until you move on and then make new ones. Therefore I have very few "true" friends (no sympathy required - its fine!), having said that there are one or two that just stick there. One such friend from college (haven't "spoken" to for nearly 10 years) moved out to Oz a few years ago but two weeks ago got an email to say they were back across and wouldn't it be great to meet up - True Friend!

    Unfortunately got the email late and we didn't manage but the intention was there and it made me feel GRRREAT and made me realise that a good friend is like a good heart....
    # , these days is hard to find#

    so when you do find one - you've got to try and keep it!


  • Comment number 33.

    Lovely blog - love not hate everytime.

    I miss diva


  • Comment number 34.


    P.S Green Yeovil - was it the fire that broke the radio player?

  • Comment number 35.

    I agree on all points 'it........

    "WROCK ON CLP MAN........ WRRRROCK!!@!!!! ........ ON!!!!

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi Chris,

    Glad to hear you have made up with your friend - it is horrible when you are not talking to someone. You find yourself avoiding them, or worse still, dread meeting them in the street! I agree, better to get it sorted .... if possible.

    Happy Birthday Susan! Hope you have an absolutely wonderful day!

    And happy birthday to all others celebrating "milestone" birthdays.

    AliB: Just to say, you have made an old woman very happy - I can now look forward to trouble-free bedmaking in the future!

    Keith: really funny! How I miss you on the blog - good to see you.

    Hope everyone else is having a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    When is the Deevski back? Anyone know?


  • Comment number 38.

    Back later with news of me weekend and 'ow a goot me white bits bright red!!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    Can't wait to hear about the red bits bingo!!

  • Comment number 40.


    I am glad to have been of service xx It certainly does make it a bit easier to put a cover on a double duvet, especially if you live on your own xx


    Deev is back next Monday (8th)

  • Comment number 41.

    2 short ones, Bingo, that must be a record for you. Look forward to next instalment re your white bits turning red.........oooerrr missus!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Morning Christoff . . .

    All grand here as well - I'm as useless as you in holding grudges - I'm stubborn, grumpy for no real reason - and when I do get around to sorting out the arguement it all pales into insignificance . . .

    Men, eh . . .


  • Comment number 43.

    Hi Chris,

    Glad you had a good day yesterday. You sounded so happy on your show. Love having you back. Also pleased to hear you have sorted out whatever needed to be sorted out! I know I'm a great procrastinator, maybe I'll be inspired to sort some things out too.

    I hope your scar is healing and that you don't still feel the pain.

    Stay excited but have a good sleep tonight!

    Love to you,

  • Comment number 44.

    Ah, Tins, thanks matey! Badger has decided to take one or two days off...and has already arranged for it seems approx 76 mates (although it may only be one or two) to come to the Sett and wreck the joint. Have told him as long as he's sober enuff to collect me from the aeropuerto upon my arrival home, and the washing-up's done, he can do what he likes. Possibly not one of my better speeches, but I think he got the gist...by the tone of my voice!!!

    Don't watch BGT either. Life is just TOO short.

    peess yes I am busy today, but my ossif is SOOOOOOO hot that I need to keep taking breaks...so there...

    ah Keef x

  • Comment number 45.

    Ali - what's your duvet tip please? It's just me, DS, a double and a king-size duvet in this house. I'm only 5'5" and DS is only 4'10" so ELH!


  • Comment number 46.

    Hmmm, Hazel, I've tried that speech with my daughter several times. I get home and on the surface everything looks fine , but then just chip away a little and you find the evidence ... broken mugs, burnt saucepans, coffee stains on carpet, strange items of clothing in the wash basket ... and of course absolutely no food left!

    Hope that Badger behaves himself!!

    Bingo - looking forward to hearing about the red bits ;-)

    Happy Burfday to Susan, hope you're having a really lovely day.

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Pip, I did try and find my original post but couldn't so here goes.

    Putting on a duvet cover.

    Turn the duvet cover inside out, then put your hands in the two far corners, take hold of two corners of the duvet and then shake the cover over the top. The cover is now the right way out over the duvet. It does take a bit of shaking, but always works for me - good luck.


  • Comment number 48.

    Thanks AliB. I look forward to a bit of shaking later!!


  • Comment number 49.

    Morning and afternoon everyone from a yet again cloudy upstate NY. Hopefully the clouds will clear later today. It's a work from home day for me today..... Hope you are all having a good day.

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi all

    I've just been out for a short walk around the quays, but only got as far as the nearest free bench and sat and watched the goslings with their parents...really sweet!

    CLP - troubles alway haunt me in the early hours, so it's always best to try to get things straight as soon as possible.

    Ali - I've tried that way too, but we now have a superkingsize bed, and my arms are just not long enough to reach the two corners anymore! So, back to struggling again, as the duvet cover is nearly 8ft wide!

    Hi Bondy, I'd love to work from home sometimes.....

    Happy birthday to the two birthday girls!

    Catch you later

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    Morning Bondy xx

    Pip, I shall have visions of you shaking your 'thang tonight ;)


  • Comment number 52.

    Hi JG and AliB.... hope you are both well.

  • Comment number 53.

    Afternoon everyone,

    CLP, great to have you back , glad you made up with your mate , life is really too short. :-)

    Gorgeous , hot and sunny here today.

    Bingo , hope the red bits are going back to normal ;-)

    Happy birthday Susan, have a nice day.

    Bondy , you should be here , its scorching !!! get your flight booked - working from home - tut tut, whats that all about ???

    Thought i would be stiff after running last night, but everything working today - mustn't be as unfit as i thought !!!!

    MC x

  • Comment number 54.

    Fine and dandy Bondy, thanks for asking - and yourself?


  • Comment number 55.

    Hi 007 and all, back from lunch now, lied in a park in the glorious sun shine, ain't England FAB when the suns out??


  • Comment number 56.

    Ello Bondy, shame about your weather. Don't wanna gloat but gawjus here!!

    As previously said, I could never in a million years change a duvet cover on me own. Being a short a**e that I am I'd have to ask a passer by to help otherwise I'd get tangled up and lost forever!!!!!

    Penny xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Afternoon each..

    Well flaming gorgeous again here today... really fab!

    Supposed to break tomorrow tho - just in time for my day off - bout typical!

    Very uplifting blog Mr Evans... always good to get back in contact with someone and often something that you think happened/was said hadnt happened and you wonder why you wasted your time..as MC just said - this thing we call life is just too damn short so make the most of every day..

    Busy bee again today but home visit later and that means an earlier finish... will head for a swim and eat up there i think..there,just solved my own dilemma as to whats for tea tonight! (Note, tea, NOT dinner!)

    oh, and ive booked for Brum too..hotel and everything..so see Lin and the rest of you there!

    Happy tuesdays everyone..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all!

    Happy Birthday HighlandLass - hope you enjoy your day.

    Love the duvet tip - will definitely give it a go. Having a king size and only being 5'2" I usually end up having to crawl in the cover. Much to the amusement of the cat who tries to join me, and well, you can image the fun I have on duvet changing day!

    Haven't been-a-blogging for a while, my poor 'puter couldn't hack the big blog.

    Lovely sunny day here, hurrah for summer.

    Hope you're all shiny happy people!


  • Comment number 59.

    Well done on the running MC, does this mean that you are heading for the aforementioned profiteroles?

    If so, could you do it quietly so as not to torture all us muesli munchers.


  • Comment number 60.

    Talking about fitness, playing cricket Sat afternoon in Eastbourne (bloody great twas) I'm opening the batting, then on third ball of the afternoon I run for a single and badly pull my thigh muscle..PAIN incredible...had to have a runner (someone who runs for you if you didn't know). managed to stay in for 50 mins and get 23 so pleased with that, but muscle still very sore.

    Any suggestions on what I should do to make my thigh better would be gratefully received.

    Here's hoping...


  • Comment number 61.

    Oh how bad am i...?

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HIGHLAND LASS! Hope you have a wonderful day with the family and whatever you are doing!


    mSc x

  • Comment number 62.

    TB, I was out in the park too - didn't see you though ;-)

    Penny, I've visions of you shouting out of your bedroom window at some random stranger to ask them to help with the duvet cover now - giggles!

    Scoobs, see you in Brum! Perhaps we should've asked for a group rate...

    AF xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Greetings Ter The CLP aka the 'Whackey DJ' (whackey iz good in my book... well actually a aven't writted a book but if a did, whackey would be in it somewhere) And Ter ALL Of This Blog......

    Bingo Star ere.....

    Bridget M - (from yesterdee's blog) - Glad a 'elped ter entertain abit on the blog with me words of the dee.... but know, sorry now, CLP's back.... it's back ter the pro at it.... aka CLP boy!!!!!

    ManchesterCalling - (from yesterdee's blog) - Thanks about me predictions coming true... but me one about The LFC winning The Premiership didn't.... and so far the one about Robbie Williams getting back with Take That this year ain't!!!!!

    So all a 'ope all 'ad a most friendly weekend... all dee's included (that's Sat and INDEED Sun).... A did only problem on sat and sun a goot too much sun!!!!
    The reason.... well am 'ope ter go away to a sunny clime soon for some foreign sun and am worried if a get there a might look too english, aka white bits, aka from the place where we don't get much sun. Although presently we are getting alotta sun so a suppose this doesn't apply presently.... So a thought 'id make the most of it and rid mesen of me white bits!!!
    So Saturdee a decided ter wear me 1993 g-string all and apply me Tesco number '6 FACTOR' suncream left over from me trip ter LANZAROTE in 2005!!!
    Only problem it all started ter go VERY wrong when whilst getting abitta sun in nothing but me g-string and jesus sandles and practising me acoustic guitar in preparation for possible 'X FACTOR' possibilities!!!!
    Know, sorry now, yer may wonder what tune waz a practising... don't worry al tel yer.... 'Bad Moon Rising' by the Fogerty dude!!!!
    Only problem it all went wrong when a accidentally missed both me B string and the adjacent G string with me pluck and inadvertantly plucked me g-string a waz wearing.... A then ended up noot wearing it az a snapped the DAMN string in two and waz left totally left and INDEED right red cheeked!!!!!
    It waz a case of 'X FACTOR ter more like 'XXX FACTOR'!!!!!
    Just 'ope the neighbours didn't see me or that the pap were 'iding in me bushes!!!!
    In the words of The Grohl... 'It's times like these' am glad am noot famous!!!
    Or i'd be bound ter end up red cheeked on page three of Sundee's News Of The World complete with guitar in 'and and snapped string on me garden grass!!!! Bare faced cheek of them!!!
    Anyway.... a ended up diving for cover ter getta cover from me 'ouse!!!!
    Know, sorry now, yer might think that iz more than enough trouble for one dee... well no... there's more!!!!
    Later that evening a discoverred that me '6 FACTOR' cream wasn't enough and 'ad partly gone past it's best thus leaving me with a painfully red rear and unable ter sit down!!!!
    A case of being red cheeked more than twice in one DAMN dee!!!

    Az for Sundee.... a went ter watch the touring cars at Oulton Park!!! Much az a love going ter the motor racing a always come away feeling a little sad that a now, sorry know, deep inside of me ave goot a driving talent that a can't afford ter get out!!!
    In fact a decided ter test me reactions at the start of the Porsche Career Cup, sorry Porsche Carrera Cup race, (mid you wouldn't mind a career in a Carrera just aslong as a don't go carrering off the track in me..... Carrera - know what am sayin'!!!!!) yer now, sorry know, when their all lined up on the grid... engine revs risen and on the red light waiting for the green ter.... go green.... then blast off.... a imagined a waz in one of the Carreras ready with me revs set noot too 'igh but noot too low just te rget maximum traction but noot too much wheelspin if any at all!!!!! That moment a tested meself... a imagined aving 'old of the wheel firmly but noot too tight az that creates tension... watching the lights.... revs ready.... red light comes on.... then az the red goes off the green comes on..... and up the clutch down on the accelerator fast... GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Murray Walker the talker stylee!!)
    And guess what all.... az the light changed something clicked inside me in a 10th of a second.... then with a 'alf a second delay all the engines lit up.... an immense sound and all the Porsches blasted off..... What a realised iz my reaction waz faster then all the other cars.... a would ave been first ter blast off!!! So maybe a 'ave goot faster reactions than most and thus me driving talent iz wasted!!!!!!
    Or maybe it was just a time delay in the sound, az a waz standing 50 yards back, and am talkin' aload of rubbish!!!!!
    Mind you it's easy ter stand az a spectator... when yer in the car it noot az easy.... yer get adrenaline... nerves.... the trembling right fooot which could cause yer ter stall.... noot a good idea if yer on pole/ waz on pole!!!!!
    (disclaimer : please note the above commentations are noot mean't, in any way shape or form, ter be of egotisticals on the part of Mr B Star (one 'r' star).

    Talkin' of Porsches.... a notice the doctor's car waz one of the new mighty Porsche Caymen Turbo S's.... 0-60 in about 4 seconds...ish!!!!!
    At every race the doctor's car forms up at the back of the grid and blasts off ter trail the pack for the first lap in case of any incidents..... goot me thinking..... 'what 'appens if the docotr's car crashes????@?!!'

    GOURANGA 09!!!!!!

    PS Soz ain't goot time for me Stockmarket Tip Of The Dee terdee.... but i'lll give the name of my 'ottest 'ot company at present.... the on if a could only invest in one company and no others........ 'Autonomy'!!!!!!
    Am 90% sure this one iz gonna go mental in the new bull market!!!!!!
    Well when a say mental.... a mean double or treble in value!!!!
    PS REMEMBER.... a did say 90%.... that means 10% it could noot go well.... but i'd be very suprised if it doesn't go well!!!!!

    Check it out!!!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    63 - Reminds me of 3 years before England won The World Cup at footy!!!!!

  • Comment number 65.

    14.03 - Wrightie's startin'!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 66.

    Flower, it's a good way of meeting people, have you never tried it? lol

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Oh what a beauoooootiful faberoonie day!!!

    And yes Tango I shal indeed be taking me top down.... on me car! You norty thing!

    I have to take a strip up to Stoke in a bit hopefully to sign up a sale which will make me feel loads better about not being on my way to show a client around the gawjus Long Island in the Bananas... so it's hair up, roof off, moosic on full blast and up the M6 toll we go... eeyyyiiieeyyyiiieeeyyyiioooo!

    & a warm bump

    Booboo seems to have taken root in the garden chasing the birdies off...

  • Comment number 68.

    TangoBaz...what you need is a nubile young lady massaging said thigh...any takers girls...?!

    mSc x

    PS - AF - thought of discount had crossed my mind too...must be the Yorkshire in us! x

  • Comment number 69.

    PS Wonder if. az it's so 'ot, if Wrightie iz presenting The BIG Show in 'is g-string terdee??????@?????????????

  • Comment number 70.

    Blimey Bingo that's an extra long one! Good on ya!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hiya, just popping in for a wee look - not a lot happening, but nice to see people returning now that Chris is back.

    Now, I know I am completely in the minority - but it's too hot! It's just too hot. Can't sleep - it's too hot. Having difficulty getting dressed in the morning after a shower because it's too hot. Dying in the office - it's too hot.

    Sorry, but it is just too hot!

    Tango: I can see you are just a wee bit frisky today! My suggestion of ice pack, followed by hot water bottle, followed by ice pack may not be quite what you had in mind ....

    C xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Bingo, please can we have no more talk of men in g-strings, I've not long finished my lunch!

    AF (feeling slightly nauseous now) xx

  • Comment number 73.

    ...Bingo...Steve Wright in a g-string is really not conducive to a pleasant afternoon's travails I'm afraid...and I'm also sorry to say that you didn't make the NOTW, but were in the Sund@y Sp0rt in all your glory. I have pinned a copy of the picture to my fridge.

    ...and regarding the great duvitt debate...have prev menched that it is the Badger's job. Last time I tried it, I ended up prostrate upon the kingsize, wrapped up like sack o' spuds, while the dear boy was curled up in the 13.5tog on the floor. But that's proberly not for here...

    Lyndyloo - whaddidimiss? Why you not bananananana bound?

    (not for Bingo, this is not like being egg bound)

    ...peas, Tangobaz...me 'n Keef have been up a tree, down a tree, round a tree and in a tree. But I shouldn't think that's for here either. Hope your leg feels better soon. I heard the twang from here. But then that may have been Bingo's pants.

  • Comment number 74.

    LOL to all the above....

    'Frisky' Tango xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Hazey- the client I was taking to show around the Island has had to go into hospital (hopefully not too nasty...) so I've cancelled my trip and am enjoying totally tropical weather here in Blighty! Whoodafawtit?

  • Comment number 76.


    You sound like you have a right interesting job, do you need an assistant?? I make a cracking cup of tea and would be willing to carry your bags, even though I have a bad neck!!


  • Comment number 77.

    HI Chris and welcome back nice to hear you on the wireless again.

    What a lovely blog!! Something to think about certainly.

    Thank you

    Hells x

  • Comment number 78.

    I've emailed about a group booking for Brum. Estimating 12. Only thing is, those who've already booked on special rate (no show/no refund) might not be able to cancel and rebook. Anyway, I'll let you know what they say.


  • Comment number 79.

    Ah pip you're a star! Although I fear I'm one of those in the cheap seats...

    AF xx

  • Comment number 80.

    AliB- thank you so much for your kind offer... I seem to be getting more and more of these kindly offers from people and I can't imagine why?????

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi everyone!

    Just about getting my voice back after 'singing' (ahem) along with the Girls Aloud at the NIA last night - jolly good poptastic show actually.

    Had a good ole nosey around the area that will be featuring in the Brum blog - never been to that part of Brum and its fabby!

    Didnt get a chance to listen to you CLP last night but looking forward 5.05 today!

    Welcome back - but that has been said over and over so I wont go on.

    hazel - funny as ever

    PiP - organised as ever!

    Bingo - bonkers (in an whacky nice way) as ever!

    AliB - there is indeed a queue to be lyndiloo's helper - I am in it!

    Tango - I would try 'all of the above' - I quite fancy that idea of a 'runner' - do they do a 'gymer' so that I can sit in the coffee bar at the gym but still clock up gym points?

    Later everyone - work to do 'sigh'

  • Comment number 82.

    Just zipping through - been mad busy today - met myself coming back twice and now have to dash - as off to the barnet fixer in about 10 and a mountain of post to get ready to go!!!

    Back later - probably with a glass!!!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Hells Bells, are you the same Hellenbach that we hear about most mornings on Tel's show???

  • Comment number 84.


    She is and also Clodagh is often read out on Tel's show xx you get some right famous people on this 'er blog you know.


  • Comment number 85.

    It's good to know that Beez is still doing her bit for me with that glass in her hand! I'm off into the garden now to enjoy a bit of late arfternoon sunshine :)

  • Comment number 86.

    AliB, thanks for that, WOW, mixing with the famous, amazing stuff....been hearing her messages on Tel's show for years!!

  • Comment number 87.

    Afternoon All,

    Happy Birthday HighlandLass!

    Chrissie #71 - you are not alone - I don't do hot, feel a bit like I'm melting!
    And the poor mutt can't go more than 50 yrds without looking frazzled (she black and long haired!).

    But it's gonna get cooler from tonight thankfully.

    back in a bit - have to stop small boy climbing the walls!


  • Comment number 88.

    ebbwbeth: thank you for that! I really did feel all alone this afternoon - awww!

    Well troops: have a lovely evening. Will try pop in, while drinking yet another glass of ice water!

    C xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Hello Bloggsville


  • Comment number 90.

    Hey jAds - aren't you in my neck of the woods today? Right warm init!

    you sat somewhere nice by the docks drinking somat chilled?


    PS - grand job on the DIY BTW ;-) Ta!

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi Debs

    Yup i'm in Bristol as we speak sat in a Travel lodge very near Junctio 17 of the M5, a stones through away from a retail pack. Tis extremely lovely, but been in a class room all day teaching engineers - Bless um.

    Will be sat in a pub very soon having a jar of Cider. You are more then welcome to come down and attend for a jar or two.



  • Comment number 92.


    If I can be of more help just give us a shout.




  • Comment number 93.

    Well, I'm home and sat in the garden with a glass of white...bliss!

    JG x

  • Comment number 94.


    Are you asking me to help you over there with that




  • Comment number 95.

    Ads - if only I had got the invite before I too am with glass of white - dont want to get the poolice upset with me - but LOL I know exactly where you are - literally about 2 miles from me!

    dont worry - I is no stalker - well maybe after a few more vinos and in a taxi....

    (how would that screetchy violin noise be written)? you know - eee eee eee - but that sounds too jolly not stallky

    debs2 ;-)

  • Comment number 96.

    Ter ALL On The Blog.......... ALWIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 97.

    Bingo - you're a busy blogger today!


  • Comment number 98.


  • Comment number 99.


    Never had a stalker before - looking forward to it. Would you want me to role play with you. I have the Sun glasses for the job.

    If you make a good enough job of it I may invite you to join me, and share a bottle or two - and move from stalker to gossip!!!!

    I can here that Violin from here , or it a cat been strangled?

    Bingo - How's it anging? Slightly to the left or is we allrieet toda?



  • Comment number 100.

    Hi Everyone, Its such a perfect day...im glad i spent it with you.....

    AliB...I have never seen a single episode of BGT either I have no interest in it what so ever...too cringy for me. But Strictly now that is a whole different ball gown..love it.

    Mtf ...ah now memory that is a strange thing I can still remember my mums co-op divi no but ask me what did yesterday and Im struggling!

    It's the 3rd June tomorrow.. seems like nothin' ever comes to no good up on Choctaw Ridge.

    Loli x


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