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Another Trip To The Bank

Chris Evans | 10:10 UK time, Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Yet another night time deposit ...

...at the sleep bank. Nine hours - must have needed it as they say. Handed third draft of manuscript for the book in yesterday, which meant no writing today, which meant no early alarm so the perfect opportunity for another top up going towards getting some much needed lost zeds back from the weekend.

Talking of the book, it's the HarperCollins authors summer drinks do tonight - should be interesting ! Any conversational tips anyone?

Back in Radioland tonight is our annual blood pressure/cholesterol competition - always a potential for much mirth mixed with a certain degree of dread - especially after the stress of the weekend and the bag of pork scratchings I celebrated with on Monday night - I love salt me.

Also tonight we have a rare live guest in the studio - the legendary American talk show host Jay Leno is with us. Don't worry if you don't know who he is - he is a very interesting guy. He was the first person to interview Hugh Grant after the Divine Brown fiasco - a show which gave him record ratings and his first ever victory over his arch rival David Letterman. He is also one of the biggest car nuts on the planet with four aircraft hangers full of cars. You can take a peak at some of them at Jay's Garage on the net.

Please watch Johnny's video on our home page if you haven't yet done so - it's a hoot.

Have a great day y'all.




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  • Comment number 1.

    Could I be first. Nice one Chris 9 hours in a bank, sounds like Hell

    Watched the video and it looked good.

    Have a good day


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning CLP!

    Tips: avoid politics!

    You is Da Man Mr Evans!!



  • Comment number 3.

    Back witcha guys and CLP..

    Chris....you need to smash and grab mate!


  • Comment number 4.

    Morning CLP & Blogeroonies!

    Another damp and cloudy morning here in Warwickshire but me & Boo in good spirits after celebrating the birth of ALicia last night. Had friends up from London so we went to a favourite Italian restaurant for dinner then spent a couple of hours chatting into the night.

    Hope everyone is having a good day...

    & the bump

  • Comment number 5.

    Mistake....read too quickly...thought you meant real bank CLP.

    Jay Leno...wow.....result non?


    PS Haze...thanks again.xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Lyndyloo....hows the bump by the way?


  • Comment number 7.

    Good Morning All

    Religion is not a good one either.....

    Made the mistake of talking religion with some people and found myself in deep waters...... nearly drowned!!!!

    Good to hear that the sleep deposits are reducing your deficet...


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi there Christophe...well done on the nine hours matey...I managed about nine minutes...the Badger was also boxing in his sleep last night although he say's he slept fine. Well, ewoodav woodenee...while he's keeping me awake! Bad toof too. Antibs and everything.

    Anyhoo, re tonight, don't talk about books. That's all they talk about all day, and it always seems such a waste of an evening out to talk shop.

    busmans hols

    Jay...FAR superior to Letterman, given the choice...in my opinion anyway...looking forward to it!

    ...and I'm sure one bag of Pork Scratchings won't upset your salt levels too much...unless it was a multipack???

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning chris . I had a great time on Friday with all the lovely cars & people I turned round & headed back to w1 @ the service stop, I loved being in the convoy of such stunning cars I only touched part of such a special weekend ! You & your great team put on a fantastic show, out of this world I watched the video last night it was first class chris . The big man away nex week if you need me give me a buzz kind regards Stewart the Chauffer

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Baz- Bump is doing just fine ta... growing at a rapid rate now... -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 11.

    mmmmmmm, pork scratchings mmmmmmmmm.....

    Sorry, can't think about anything else now!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Does anyone know what on earth is going on with the cost of petrol at the moment - as your programme is called drivetime I thought it would be a good idea for you to try and get some answers. Every day the price is rising and yet nothing is appearing on the news or in the newspapers about this, unlike last time when there were demonstrations etc. by the lorry drivers. It has reached that level again and yet there is silence so what is going on?

  • Comment number 13.

    Just caught up with yesterday's blog.

    Clodagh, so glad to hear you're ok and not at deff's door just yet!

    Bondy - keeping everything crossed for you still!

    Undie debate - am a big fan of comfort I must admit. I like to look good but not at the expense of being sliced in half by a cheese wire!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Morning all from a very wet, hissing down Worcestershire. Where are the sunny spells?

    CLP as Lalove says, don't talk about books!! cars, pubs, petrol prices, your blood pressure - -
    As you had 9 hours, presumably young Noah slept through again?

    Step away from the scratchings Tins!!!

    You bringing bump to Brum Lyndy?

    Onward and upward - tip top - keep smiling

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 16.

    Ello CLP And ALL,

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - Lookin' forward ter reading the book when it's finished!!!!!
    A thought you'd been writing abit of it early every morning..... good time, probally the only time, ter write in your kind of busy showbizz life!!!!!

    A waz gonna do me Fisichella thingy terdee, especially what with the German GP coming up on Sundee..... but a think i'll leave it for now.....

    Just wanted ter say watched the Micheal Jackson Tribute Memorial last night. A very moving tribute...... and alot of truth spoken about the REAL MJ noot what the press write!!!!!!!
    Seems alot of what a wrote on the blog last week was accurate about Jacko!!!!
    The people who really knew 'im spoke and said off stage 'e waz quiet, shy and like a child but on stage 'e changed into an awesome performer!!!!!!

    Like CLP wrote in 'is blog about Jacko, CLP witnessed at the Brit Awards not a shy, quiet man but a man in control who knew exactly what 'e waz doing!!!
    Alot of these introverted people are like this..... I think it makes them deeper thinkers when they are on their own.... they ave more time ter think.... yet most also ave a extroverted side which makes them perform better!!!!
    They try 'arder when performing.... want to do a better job and az a result do!!!!!!

    It's like Tiger Woods as an example..... I can see simlar traits in 'im az Micheal Jackson.... INDEED a think Tiger iz actually very shy but when 'e performs.... 'e looks like the strongest, most confident golfer ever!!!!!!

    It's so sad and disgusting the way we let the gutter press poison our minds over these 'ighly talented people who do so much good in the world!!!
    They made MJ out terbe a freak when really 'e wasn't just VERY eccentric and VERY, VERY, VERY talented person who did so much good for charity!!!!!!
    It's like the dangling of the baby over the balcony incident.... if you look properly at the incident/ angle.... the baby wasn't actually over the balcony and all MJ was doing abviously was quickly popping out of the 'ospital as a proud new dad showing 'is joy to the crowds of fans outside below ..... but the press twist this to make it look like 'e's a mad weirdo who dangles babies over balconies!!!!!!!!!!

    All a can say iz 'is music waz and still iz and always will be AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's such a pleasure to 'ear all of 'is great 'its being played contunually all over the radio stations at present!!!!!!!
    So good and fresh to 'ear all those BRILLIANT 'its being played again!!!!!!

    Only problem..... a find it difficult ter find which iz my personal favourite...... JM's music iz so diverse..... 'e's covered so many angles of music..... from wrock to rap!!!!!!!
    I always thought me fav waz Dirty Diana but amazingly.... this tune seems ter be forgotten about by all..... until, WHATTA COINCIDENCE what with the memorial yesterdee, last night I 'eard Dirty Diana being played..... and WHAT a tune!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A love the intense build up in this tune.... perhaps the song that MJ really streches 'is vocals on the most.... singing the loudest..... accopanied with great guitar.... the song builds with both MJ and the guitar going mental by the end..... such a talent!!!!!!!!!!!
    PS After 'earing this tune yesterdee..... realised why it's my fav MJ tune!!!!!!!!!!!

    Finally, ter sum up on Jacko..... actually 'e didn't ave a bad life at all really..... loving family, an amazing childhood, gifted with an amazing talent... so many friends and an interesting/ exciting showbizz life...... I wish I 'ad such an interesting life!!!!!!!!

    The only thing iz with the showbizz life comes so much stress..... an unbelievable amount of 'ard work and weight on one person's shoulders that us ordinary dudes can;t even start ter imagine!!!!!!!!
    Coupled with 'is shyness.... I think this iz why 'e and so many of these top performers end up taking so much mediacation.... it's to get them through the intense pressure..... maybe even they get such stage fright.... even though you'd never know it looking at them perform... they need medication ter keep them going.... abit like Elvis in the end.... I think this is what's given MJ a fatal 'eart attack!!!!!!!!!!!

    But then 'aving said that..... best ter die young than slowly age with illness until you do fade......

    And of course ave a said before.... the good always die young!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA 2009!

  • Comment number 17.

    #16 again aye....... most nice!!!!!!!!

    PS Thanks ter all bloggers who wished me mum well.... i've passed on your messages..... she says BIG thanks!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    CLP ...talking cholesterol i have just come back from my gp after having blood taken for my very first cholesterol test. Will have to wait a week for the results. Worst part is the fasting, nil by mouth for 14 hours....so just stuffing myself with toast and tea as we speak.

    Still trying to catch up...visitors go home tomorrow night.

    love Loli x

  • Comment number 19.

    "Yet another night time deposit ..."!!!

    Your trying for another already?

    I`ve watched Johnny`s video and I`ve never seen Chris so on form and chirpy, look who got the cat`s cream.

    I`ve also never seen so many white Fer`s.
    I`m thinking very misty coast road, then one by one a white Ferrari drives out of the mist into shot then back into the mist.

    Mamma Mia, great film up until Julie Walters turns up! What where they thinking?

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Martin, good to see you. Hope you're doing ok mate x

  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon all,
    We've got the biggest black cloud u ever did see hovering right over us here on the hampshire/berkshire border at the moment, so i'm going to dash and feed the chooks and lambs before i need an arc to get across my field!!

    Looking forward to the show tonight CLP.

    TTW. x

  • Comment number 22.


    You took the words right outta me mouth!

    How ya doing Martin?


  • Comment number 23.

    TTW - I'm in berks - hope its not coming my way

    If you can narrow it down - where abouts are you? I know that part of the work very well!

  • Comment number 24.

    Lalove, Deev - ditto

    Heeeellloow Martin xx How're you doing?

    Can you believe it - it is still flippin' raining here - enough - please !!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Beez- I shall indeed be bringing the bump to Brum... is there a plan yet? I'm not stopping over (as I'll be fine to drive) but I'll make sure I indulge in at least one glass of the bubbly stuff :)) -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 26.


    The Plan:

    We meet lunchtime-ish
    Convene in pub next to New Street Station

    When all gathered, we make our way to Mailbox

    Check in rooms if staying over

    Don killer heels

    Convene to Champagne Bar


    Stagger into Italian for dinner (he won't mind!)

    Dance on the tables a bit

    Dance by the canal a bit

    Collapse in a heap, trying to avoid the rozzers.

    Is that ok with you hon?

    Much love


  • Comment number 27.

    Sounds like a blast,Deevs.

    Hope Bristol is as good.

    Thanks for you msge on fb.

    All computers here crashed about 11.30 ish and have only just got back on line.

    Bright and blustery here again.

    No sign of the wet falling stuff...yet!


  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon Each,

    Chris, glad the full nights sleep is continuing. Just one thing, you watch those publishers because they do like to drink. I remember the Friday Publishers Lunches well ;)

    Sounds like a good weekend planned in Brum, don't forget to take lots of pictures. I wish I could be there xx

    Been to the dentist this morning and was thinking of MTF as I sat in the waiting room. Appointment was at 8:30 out by 8:55 after a quick spit and polish. That's that for another year.


  • Comment number 29.

    Alib...as if by magic..LOL.xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Chezza #26

    I have no killer heels darling, wonder if Imelda beezer has anything in a size nine x

  • Comment number 31.

    HaHa MTF xx spooky or what

  • Comment number 32.

    Yo Jovial!!

    If she can't help out, I can lend you me PJs?

    See ya Saturday hunnybun!


  • Comment number 33.

    Cheeky lot !!! Nowhere near a size 9 me Jovial!!

    Just watched the weather forecast tho'. It is going to chuck it down!!! Flowery wellies anyone???

    Good job Mailbox is closed in!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    As a recent convert to your show, was unemployed now working in glasgow but live in fife, the show gives me listening pleasure on the drive back along the M8 from glasgow to fife, enjoyed the report on the weekend drive fest

  • Comment number 35.

    Thanks girls, Hazel L, Deevski and Beezer. I`m ok, been lurking. Been drinking - ooops! Been day dreaming, thinking that Moonraker is a good name for a house. The police havn`t been round the flats recently, must mean the other tenants are behaving!

    Hope your all well.

    mj x

  • Comment number 36.

    Good Afternoon Chris,

    Pleased you're managing to catch up on your sleep. I'm looking forward to your book in October. Enjoy your evening tonight!

    Bingo - loved your blog today and I'm really pleased your Mum is out of hospital and getting better.

    Still waiting for some rain here, just got the grey sky at the moment.

  • Comment number 37.

    Thank you Chez 32#

    You kind offer will be given serious consideration, ok beez, I could squeeze into an eight at a push, this boy so wants to go to the ball , LoL x

  • Comment number 38.

    Forget it Jovial - nowhere near !!!

    Got some pink flip flops in a 7 if that's any good for you !!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    true story - when I was in the shop buying my newest high shoes - the one that come with a H&S warning - the assistant asked mr bp is he wanted a matching pair as they go up to his size!

    Another true story - my wedding pumps came from the childrens section - oh dear!

  • Comment number 40.

    Matching pair - noooooooooooooooo!!!! Baggy that's insane!!!

    Martin - stop it !!!!! Drinking I mean.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 41.

    b-s mum - mr bp very politely declined - he didn't fancy a pair you would be very pleased to hear!

  • Comment number 42.

    He's tall enuff without them really, isn't he baggy!?

    off-topic - playing Hersham Boys by Sham 69 at the mo - always reminds me of MfR.


  • Comment number 43.

    I broke my arm when I was 11 and someone wrote Sham 69 on my plaster, which my dad then coloured over as he didn't think it was appropriate....LOL


  • Comment number 44.


    Sat sitting in the airport waiting for my lift home....

    Hope today finds you all well. No tips from me for tonight Chris, I seem to have lost the art of small talk, until loosened up by a drop of something anyway...then you can't shut me up!

    Clodagh - I didn't stay at the hotel you found as it was quite a way out of town, and fancied a wander round Wexford that evening.
    I opted instead for a suite in Whites...very unnecessary, but very nice and with a view right over the bay.....It's nice to treat yourself every now and again.
    Glad to hear your fully recovered from your 'moment'.....although, be straight with me, I won't tell anyone....was it just an elaborate plot to get the kiss of life from some lucky fella?

    Thought so!



  • Comment number 45.

    Oh yeah - just thought of something from the weekend that made me laugh - My son and I were stood by the BBQ having a chat, when he noticed the new firegrate/basket thing which a mate of mine who has a welding firm knocked up for me.
    He said "that's nice", I replied "it's good isn't it - Jenson's Dad made it " (Jenson his son plays rugby with Max). He went quiet for a moment and came back with "What John?"......For those not into it - Jenson Button's Dad is called John.....and he made the 'obvious?!' assumption that I had troubled the Formula 1 stars Dad to weld some metal together for me, rather than my mate Kevin - Made me laugh anyway!

    I think he may have to find other interests outside of F1 though



  • Comment number 46.

    Rips...once again, you make me LOL re your son's comment...luv im..x

  • Comment number 47.

    LOL Bright little Button isn't he Rips !!!!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Re Wimbledon, some great matches, but for me the two Williams sisters final was a big let down, was we cheated? It`s not for me to accuse, but, I`d like to know the conversations that went on between the two sisters prior to the final!!

    Whoever said, hope springs eternal? Firstly they where wrong! Hey ho.

    Deevski how did the chilly jam go? Are you all chillied out?

    I`ve seen a picture of Jay Leno with his Viper out! Oooer misses.

    Thank you god for cooling the weather a bit.

    Why do some pet owners put a coat on thier dog? Surely dogs were made to live outside naturally.

  • Comment number 49.

    Ohhh MTV - I'm with you on the Williams sisters. I didn't watch the match as I had better things to do, but I said to anyone who would listen that I bet Serena wins as Venus won it last year - how right was I?

    Venus had brilliant matches up to the final and then lost? My thought is that the father decides who wins, it's probably easier to throw a game of tennis than you think.....how controversial am I??

    How can two sisters, who are very close, play a competitive match of tennis? I might be wrong.


  • Comment number 50.


    can i

    come round

    to your

    house please??

    i need

    9 hours

    sleep !

    Is it too

    early to

    feed the


    and climb

    into bed ?

  • Comment number 51.

    I agree MtV and Ali - thought exactly the same. Not that I'm into women's tennis much.

    Loved the story about Max Rips - priceless aren't they?!

    Clodagh - glad to hear you've recovered OK - the blog wouldn't be the same without you. Shame you didn't get the fireman as well as the doc.

    Thanks for warning on fb Deevs and Haze - I was suspicious as well. xx

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 52.


    Please do not mention jam. I am jammed out, and I don't mean the magnificent Paul Weller.

    Mr Deev has made more jam than that company from Tiptree .... strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry ... you name it! No chilli jam tho - they're not ready til August I don't think.

    He's also got into wine making in a big way .... strawberry, gooseberry, josterberry ... and it's driving me insane!!!

    Thanks for asking tho!


  • Comment number 53.

    I just have to share this with you all...I'm checking through a database, and have found this address...

    Roughen, 2 Oxbottom

    Sounds like the start of a recipe...

    ...and what the potato is a Josterberry, pray??

    I am now doing an impression of the great Russian Sleep Champion...

    Ima Noddinov

  • Comment number 54.

    Thanks for that Chez- I'll be meeting you at said Champers bar at Mailbox (as parking is easy peasy there) so is there an ETA for tottering in killer heels?


  • Comment number 55.

    For the bubbly bar? I'd say after 3pm. You've got my number tho - just give me a call and I'll tell you where we are (if you can't hear us, that is!!)

    Haze - you'll have to goog jostaberry. I kinda shut down by that point ....


  • Comment number 56.

    Lyndy the walk from the Mailbox car park to The Newt (pub) by the station is about 4 minutes - if that !!!!! I'll be parking in M/Box, then walking down.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 57.

    You will need to start selling some of it then you will see how quickly it disappears you would be suprised how many people love home made jam

    hope your Brum meet goes well

  • Comment number 58.

    Art-er-noon Wickerman - how you diddling?
    Come and find us in Brum and bring Jason with you!!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Hello WM1962

    He does sell it, which is why he's so obsessive about it.

    It drives me nuts!


  • Comment number 60.

    Very well thankyou and i suppose you meant Justin ? did you get a chance to see any of the C4 (other stations are available)i am running sainsbugs he was on them a lot i thought of you drolling over him

  • Comment number 61.

    wish i live closer i would have the raspberry flavour i love homemade jam always remember my g/mother making it for us when i was a kid

  • Comment number 62.

    Yes I meant Justin !! doh !!!!! and you are right - saw some of the programmes and was drooling !!!! Phew !

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Beezer, I know, I must stop this drinking malarky, just save it for high days and holidays. Vodka is the drink of choice but only for effect, I`m not so keen on the tast. For tast I`d go for a really cold guinness or nice dry cider over ice. `Drinking days I can remember` (good name for a book, ay), well for me it was a long country walk on a warm summers day near Ilkley, Yorkshire. Arriving back in Ilkey I had the most refreshing pint of ice cold Guinness. Wonderful.


  • Comment number 64.

    Martin - one day at a time honey xx Like the sound of the ice cold after a long walk though!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 65.


    You lot gawn to the seaside and not told me?? Where are you all??

    So, we're nearer the next weekend than the last - hurrah!!!!

    Need to have a re-count for the meal on Saturday and ring the restaurant tomorrow.

    Scoobs - how was Top Gear???

    Ugly Betty night tonight - Bring On The Mabius!!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 66.

    Evening Deev


  • Comment number 67.

    Afternoon, evening everyone from an overcast, cool (about 70) but so far dry upstate NY. Happy hump day, hope your day went well and you have a good evening.

  • Comment number 68.

    Evening Bond, how are you?

    Had a great day with all 3 gorgeous little boys, at The Glen in Dunfermline, playing.

    Am now knackered.


  • Comment number 69.

    Helloooo.... is there anybody there???


  • Comment number 70.

    Hi all

    Have been out with Mr JG and he's got himself a little netbook thingy, so have been setting it up for him, whilst watching M/Chef!

    He's like a litle pig in s... at the moment!

    Sounds like fun Annie :)

    Hi Bond, how's things?

    JG x

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Annie, I remember the Glen......... sounds like you had a good time.

    Hi JG, things are fine thanks. How are things with you?

    Hi Rosie, Did you have a good day?

  • Comment number 72.

    Hello everyone!
    I've had a luvly day today meeting up with my 'ladies wot lunch' that we've done off and on since - forever! Now all of us have left where we used to work (and met) 3 (inc me!!) now retired, all v. different and we talked for hours!!!!!!
    Should've been sad to leave but actually just more & more excited!!
    (but got nothing done)

  • Comment number 73.

    Sounds like you had a good time puff......

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi aliB
    just went back over posts - Wiliams? soon as they said V won last year I thought it was S's turn. what the hell - as OH said , it all goes into the family coffers!

    Not cricket! (ooh tennis)

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi Bondy
    Better than expected to be honest. I'm not keen on 'all ladies' stuff - but we have known each other for years!!
    How's the job thing going?

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi Puff.

    Just been watching the Drive & Dine video. You are such a fidget Chris, do you never sit still?

    Sound like my mother.


  • Comment number 77.

    Hi Bondy! A pretty good day, work went fairly quickly then burgers for tea followed by choc brownies. Just chilling out with Radcliffe and Maconie and daydreaming!

    How are things with you??


  • Comment number 78.

    Quiet here tonight. Can't stay awake 'till the night birds come on! Love to all - catch up tomorrow (more clearing out to do after day off today!!)

  • Comment number 79.

    Night Puff. I'm off soon too.

    Must remember I'm far too old for chutes, swings and shoogly things.


  • Comment number 80.

    Evening all

    I'm not watching Torchwood and feel like maybe I'm missing out on something.

    Had a wierd but not necessarily bad day.

    Got into work to find my boss upset at her desk with a 'Do Not Disturb' sign up at our door. Me and the girl I work with sat with her drinking coffee for a while untill our boss decided to leave the sign at the door as it was and get some biscuits from the canteen.

    More chatting and then we decided to order a pizza........we had a proper bonding session today. Didn't do much work though.

    And this evening I totall surprised myself (again!) LM didn't want to brush his teeth before bed, showed off loads, telling me that he hated me etc. Then he suddenly said that he hated my cuddles, wished that he hadn't been my baby and said that he never wanted to be my baby anyway!

    Once I got him to bed, left the room and sobbed! Had a good half hour of self-pity, telling myself that all I do is give and all they do is take........and think I'm ok now.

    Oh dear, sorry for going on a bit. Will have a nice shower and then come down and catch up with today's posts.

    Deb x

  • Comment number 81.

    Oh Debs, don't take it to heart. The little so-and-so's know just which buttons to press. He'll have forgotten about in the morning, unlike you!

    My gorgeous daughter was an absolute horror, then when she was about 19 she apologised!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 82.

    Deb well done for recognising that it's ok to have a cry but that it's also just a child saying things that they don't really mean.

    Don't let it get out of all proportion.
    We are here for you to off-load when you need to.

    C xx

  • Comment number 83.


    Little Man adores you - I've seen it first hand!

    Like Annie said, it's a classic case of button pushing!!

    Evening everyone!!!

    Nearly Betty Time ...... Mabius .... til 11pm ... swooooon!!!!


  • Comment number 84.

    Rosie, Things are about the same with me thanks......

  • Comment number 85.

    Debs, while at The Glen today (which is the local park in Dunfermline) I had a sneaky fag while the little'uns were faffing about. The middle one (7 next week) pointed at me and yelled 'I know what you're doing - hold your nose everyone'.

    He's the joker of the family, but really!!!!!


  • Comment number 86.


    I have had a very similar sort of day with the teens. It seems they are both so wrapped up in their own universes that they forget to do ordinary polite things like ASK if we are available to give lifts/ think before asking for yet more money and say please nicely/do absolutely anything at all to help in the house.

    When I said tonight that we were thinking about buying a new landline phone I was practically accused of child abuse by teen2 because I don't want to get a wireless one on account of everyone in this house, but especially her, dropping things down randomly when finished with. We are the ONLY family who still have a wired up phone, and how on EARTH is she supposed to talk to her friends confidentially in her room, after all (her words) I'm a TEENAGER you know.

    As if I'd not noticed.

    Finally, when I lost my patience she told me I need anger management!

    I think she was also 6 when she firstt old me she hated me; it's heart wrenching at the time (and I know we just wouldn't have dared; I was 15 the first time I answered my mam back) but believe me they don't mean it. It's just they are surrounded by stuff like Hollyoaks (I'm sure LM doesn't watch it but he might have friends with older siblings who do), and this sort of behaviour is now endemic in our young people, I speak as a mum and teacher.

    We have to try and set the right example as much as we humanly can, and, just as importantly, make sure that they understand the boundaries and how far they can get away with pushing until consequences are inevitable. Otherwise we are doing them no favours.

    Parenting is the hardest but also the most fabulous and rewarding job in the world.

    But please, please Debs don't take what he said personally, and try not to show how upset you are. He loves your hugs and I'm sure he will be after another one soon, possibly before the night's out.

    Sorry, I think this is going to be a long one, but am in serious mode for once!

    A x

  • Comment number 87.

    Debs - watching Torchwood and was half way through posting when the aliens landed!!! Annie Crumpy Deev Boleyn said it all really!!!!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Well said Boleyngirl. I can remember looking back after my 3 were grown up and thinking, God, that was hard work!!


  • Comment number 89.

    Rips yous cheeky monkey how very DARE you.

    Ah no actually, apart from concentratin' on uncrossin' me eyes and the roarin' in me ears, and the bright white light which I was quite convinced was the lamp post outside the pearly gates... not to mention the floatin' Saint Peter who was a ringer for Damian... how unlucky would THAT be; it didn't occur to me to play deed so the rather delicious young medic would have to dive in with the full-on snog. Bugger. Am obviously gettin' old.

    Anyway I'd've been too shy, what with himself bein' Johnny Lee Miller's doppelganger and so I did 'im a favour really. I'd say 'e'd rather be shot than poisoned.

    Now then White's. Yes have stayed there, fine and dandy. No biscuits but the shower is second only to bein' attacked by the Riot Squad, marvellous. But it's perilously near to the Bates Motel up the road, where my mates Bernie and Orla stayed last summer; you have to genuflect and say 3 hail Marys before Kathy Bates lets yous in. And then she looks you over with a look on 'er gob like I haven't seen since facin' the Nit Nurse at junior school. So Beware. Leave a trail a blue licquorice allsorts back to White's if you're out on the town so yous can find your way back. I say the blue ones because even the seagulls won't eat them bad boys, yuk.

    Now then CLP. Pork Scratchings. Much as you like salt, you, I'm reminded of the party the nightmare cousin attended in honour of his mate's granddad's 95th birthday. All night the host was circulating and pointing to a bowl of nuts on the table. "Don't eat the nuts," says he, "they're Granddad's." Anyway, always one to be bold, Baz ate them. Suddenly, Missus host turns up and gasped. "Oh no! Where's Granddad's nuts?"

    Tittering, Baz fesses up. "Anyway, what's the problem? You can get him some more, surely?"

    "Ah no; see, he doesn't like peanuts really," says she. "He just likes to suck the salt off and put 'em back."

    Divine retribution if I ever heard it.


  • Comment number 90.

    Clodagh, that's disgusting!!

    When's your book coming out?


  • Comment number 91.

    Annie, I actually remember (stalker memory again) when you came on the blog and said that your daughter had apologised, and believe me it really did give me hope!

    They both have their moments (quite a lot of them) but they are my girls, funny, clever and individual, and I love them dearly, I just wish they could be a bit calmer and more considerate on occasions!

    A x

  • Comment number 92.

    Torchwood obviously finished as I can hear movement.

    Goodnight all.

    A x

  • Comment number 93.

    Boleyngirl, they will, promise.

    Just been talking to gorgeous daughter about going for facials next week.

    You'll all get there, and it'll be great.


  • Comment number 94.

    Aw Debs that's not nice is it.

    But of course he doesn't mean it.

    Mind you, I sure wouldn't like to hear that. You maybe need to try to find out what made him so angry; it sounds like he was projecting something. Please don't blame yourself, you've done so, so well and didn't deserve that.

    It'll all come out in the wash. You'll see.


  • Comment number 95.

    It's all in the pipe-line, Annie!


  • Comment number 96.

    Bless you guys. Yep I know that he loves me, it was probably just a case of me being over-sensitive again.

    I think I needed a good cry and something to set it off.

    Boleyngirl, have the teen thing going on yesterday. He was soooo rude! Kids eh?

    Glad to hear that they can eventually apologise though Anne. Have decided that when I'm really old I'm going to get my own back on them both!

    Cheers Deev, Crumpy and Beez.......I reckon my buttons are illuminated with a sign saying 'Push Me'.

    LOL Clodagh, but yuk!

    Deb x

  • Comment number 97.

    Debs - we've all got those buttons!! They are alongside the sigh that say push-over!

    C xx

  • Comment number 98.

    sorry, sign not sigh!

  • Comment number 99.

    Sorry for being a bit slow super bagpuss, hope you didn't get caught in the rain today. I'm v.near newbury.

    TTW. x

  • Comment number 100.

    Thanks Clodagh. This house is often an angry house. I have been learning ways to deal with my feelings, thoughts and behaviour but I'm living with people who are resisting the change.

    I've had so many problems recently with comments regarding what I may be up to when I'm out etc that it's really causing me a problem now.

    I thought that losing loads of weight and trying to like myself and have a life would make me happier. Doesn't seem to be the case right now.

    Best stop now before I totally take over the blog and I've been there not doing it again.

    Deb x


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