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Hi guys...

Chris Evans | 14:16 UK time, Thursday, 2 July 2009

...Here's the drivers' briefing for our Magnificent 7 run down to The New Forest. They will be taken through it tonight when they arrive at the radio station before the show, and the drivers' dinner following that. Thought you might find it interesting.




To start this beauty it's ignition to on - fuel pump on - wait till pump slows down - clutch in - three pumps of the gas and then press key in to fire. Ease the revs on for warm up and then fuel pump OFF.

If in slow traffic or stationary and engine shows first signs of struggling, fuel pump goes back on until engine is happy again.

FOIBLES: None really but always do a life saver over your right shoulder before pulling out due to left hand drive.

This car is truly amazing - it is the most authentic driving experience I have ever had.


REG NO. ENZ 1000


This car is a legend - only 165 were built and it was Ferrari's first accession to a road/race car.

Very similar starting procedure to the CAL.

Ignition on - fuel pump on - wait for slow down - clutch in - three good pumps of accelerator and push key in to fire.

Once car is nicely warmed up fuel pump OFF unless traffic slows and she begins to struggle.

FOIBLES : Watch out for dip in revs at end of clutch in first gear there is a flat spot stall point right at the death just before you let the clutch fully out.

Again make sure you do a life saver over right shoulder when pulling out or overtaking.




This car is a stunner and drives like a dream. By the end of the tour you will all have done more miles in this car than I have.

Start procedure can be found in car on printed sheet but is very similar to the first two. Must must must remember to turn off fuel pump once car is warm. Otherwise she will oil up and it's re-tune time !!!

FOIBLES: Ensure clutch is all the way down for change down otherwise you may get an embarrassing crunch.

Life saver again required over right shoulder.


REG NO. ENZ 3000


This car is the nuts - for me it's the car that bridges the two halves of design from the old scuderia to the new more mass produced cars but with only 272 ever made it is right up there with the all time classics.

I think this car is the most definitive Ferrari ever ! The whale tail ekes all the way back to the legendary GTO whereas the sharp nose literally points toward the future of the Enzo.

To start this stallion it's ignition to on and then fire her up with the big black push button start.

FOIBLES: Beware the whoosh of the turbos - if you don't know what they are they'll scare you half to death.

Also this car is very very quick so always brake in a straight line and be careful with the power when bringing it back in on a bend. I lost it once and headed sideways towards a very frightened man in a Ford Mondeo.

VERY IMPORTANT WHEN YOU WANT TO TURN THE IGNITION OFF - it is vital you let the car idle for at least 45 seconds otherwise the turbos will melt and have to be replaced !!!!!

This would probably be the last car I would part with if I had to - enjoy.




This car genuinely scares me every time I drive it. For your own sake this is the one you have to be really careful in.

Start procedure is exactly the same as the 288 - key to on and then push the big black button ready for lift off.

Again straight line braking is essential and a love affair with the accelerator is highly recommended.

FOIBLES: Death is never far away when you are at the wheel of this monster.

Turbo cooling is once again essential before turning the ignition off.

Hope to see you on the other side.




This car is a little belter and the car I dreamt of owning when I was a nipper.

Start up is just like a normal car - should be no probs. No fuel pump or turbos to worry about here.

FOIBLES: The gear box is pesky to say the least. This model is renowned for jumping out but only in third fourth and fifth. Male double sure every gear is engaged before releasing clutch and be ready for a jump out over bumps and when slowing down - if you're not ready for it, it can be a bit of a shock and cause rapid de-acceleration.

And finally


REG NO. ENZ 250.


The most important thing you need to know about this car is that it belongs to Natasha my wife so pleeeeease be careful with it. It was her 30th birthday pressie and she adores it.

Back to fuel pump procedure starting.

Ignition on - fuel pump on - wait for slow down then foot on clutch and three pumps of gas before pushing key in to fire.

Again fuel pump OFF when warm and stand by to turn again in traffic but only if engine starts struggling.

FOIBLES: Sometimes you think the hand brake is all the way off when it is still on - this has happened to me twice and both times the hand brake had to be replaced so a double check is handy.

This car is the second last car I would sell if I had to. A real wolf in sheeps clothing


These cars are drivers cars and love to be driven relatively hard. The best way to do this is hover around 4000 revs they love it there. This is also a really good decision making rev count to be at. Not too fast for safe breaking and a nice torquey point to bring in more gas for an overtake. Of course feel free to take the revs higher but when doing any steady speed get back to 4000 revs and you will have a great ride.

All first gear pull aways are prone to an embarrassing stall right at the top point where the clutch is about to become fully disengaged so get ready for that and be prepared to dip the clutch back in till you get the revs right.

Hand brake starts are essential for all the cars on even the slightest of slopes - rolling back on to the car behind is the most embarrassing way to incur a bill at the body shop.

Beware trying any boy racer quick get aways as the cars aren't built for that - it won't work and the smell from the clutch is worse than that of burning hair which is second only to a rotting corpse.

I'm sure there's loads of things I've missed out but hey ho we'll discover them as we go.


Maps are provided and have been marked up by my driver Marky Mark who has driven the route twice in the last week. We will try to stay together but it will be nigh on impossible, so you will need to have the maps out as we need to meet up for the change overs.

We are on a very tight schedule so we must try to hit these stop points on or before time.

Change over is simply every one moves one car down and the last driver and passenger walk forward to take over the front car.


If you do happen to break anything or bump a car all I ask is the you inform me straight away so I can get it fixed. There will be no tears I promise.

Alright team - let's do this thing.


So there you have it for now blog fans. Never ever been this busy but I have to say I love it.

PS: Don't forget we still want YOU to choose our first track for the show tomorrow. Make it a special one, pleeeeease...


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  • Comment number 1.


    Don't Stop Me Now - Queen

    And yes Mr Evans, I'm gonna make a supersonic man outta you!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    'i CLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 3.

    Okayyyyy.... lets read what The CLP boy 'as ter say about the situation ere!!!!!!

  • Comment number 4.

    My goodness..... that blog looooks like the length of one of mine!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 5.

    CLP - A just wanted ter ask the question on the be'alf of the drivers..... Can they do doughnuts and 'andbrakes turns?????

    Just wondering????

  • Comment number 6.

    Crikey Me Christoph!!!!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    hey CLP!! marathon blog time or what?!

    ARF - Could it be magic - Take That

    for me, deev, debbie c (hopefully), the other cornish girlies, bloggers and everyone else heading to Wemberley to see the boys this weekend!!

    Cornishgirlie xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Bingo, Would love to see Chris' face if they do!

  • Comment number 9.

    I'd be toooooo scared to drive a car worth *that* much pennies!!

    That car o Top Gear ..... Two Million Squids ...... Get Out Of Here!!!! I could buy my entire village for that!!!

    Have fun CLP, and may there be no dents!


  • Comment number 10.

    Ohhhhh #9 today then...toooo slow

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi Chris, Cars sound amazing,WOW.bet you all excited,hope you have a good time and NO problems with any of the cars.
    Have fun love to all.x

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon each

    Back from a mercy mission up the m62 to normal abode of work ...i have lovely air con and a great car but...i would have loved to have been in one of the aforementioned cars....wow, wow, wow...drool is so not a good look at my age!

    Have a fabulous time everyone..and dont forget the pics! we all need to see!

    ARF - The Chain by Fleetwood Mac - got to have some kind of car music in there surely!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 13.

    My goodness CLP.... whatta blog!!!!!!!

    A tell yer yer some dude for doing this.... i'd be terrified of lending my metal ter anyone let alone if they are this kind of metal!!!!!!!!!
    You must be confident all the drivers are upter the metal ter drive the metal and confident there won't be any dents - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!

    If a waz takin' part like ave said before.... soz but ave noot got inter the classic car stuff yet.... am a speed freak (in safety of course... it's bad driving noot speed that causes accidents aka speed used in the wrong place/ at the wrong time).
    The only car i'd want iz the F40 baby... AWESOME twin turbo 202mph road legal race car!!!!!!!!
    And like yer say.... always gotta leave the engine running for a while on a turbo charged car ter let the turbos cool... otherwise yer blow them if yer turn the engine strsight off after a run.... especially in this 'eat too.... my goodness the F40 will be glowing red 'ot and INDEED easily be abitta flames bursting out the exhausts when driven 'ard!!!!!!!!

    All sounds so exciting ter me!!!!!!!

    A notice too.... very interesting number pates.... a tell yer CLP, yer definately a BIG Ferrari enthusiast!!!!!!!



  • Comment number 14.

    Scoob...ah The Chain...good choice


    Lenny Kravitz - R u gonna go my way!!!!

    Go on CLP....u know you want to..!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Ooooh Bazzles! Saw Lenny K supporting The Stones at Wembers in '95. He was hot!


  • Comment number 16.

    PS My ARF Choice..... Queen/ Roger Taylor and 'In Love With My Car'!!!!!!!
    Either the Queen version or the one sung by Roger Taylor.... both very appropriate and great tunes!!!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    PS CLP - Just read the last bit about things aka doors etc possibly noot shuting properly etc.... should all bring some selotape just in case??????

  • Comment number 18.

    Bingo you crack me up...the thought of sellotape holding the doors shut on any of the multimillion pounds worth of cars...genius!

    TB-ta muchly!

    And now youve got Deevs going again with this talk of Mr L Kravitz... fan needed to cool you down Miss Deevs?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi Chris,

    I know this has been played to death after the passing of the Great Michael Jackson but my choice for the first recorded to lauch your epic drive this Friday would be THRILLER! this would link nicely with the thrill of driving these Classic Cars!

    Have a great day.



  • Comment number 20.

    PPS ALL - All this reminds me of when a waz in the TVR Car Club!!!!
    They often go out on organised country drives/ meets..... A remember a few years ago there waz a big meet at York and about 140 ter 160 TVR's all turned up .... We went through the streets of York aided by the ploice closing the roads on a parade!!!!!!

    Great fun!!!!!!!

    Only thing though a didn't ave TVR even though a waz a TVR club member..... Long story but a waz gonna buy a TVR Cerbera but ended up buying a Lotus Esprit V8 twin turbo instead..... and a ended up taking part in the TVR parade.... az the only person noot in a TVR!!!!!!

    Complications...... story of me life!!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    MsScoobyCat - Selotape and INDEED.... DUCK tape 'as 'elped ter win top motor races..... 100% TRUE!!!!!!

  • Comment number 22.

    Bingo you crack me up! A Lotus in a TVR parade - bet you waved !!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Wish a wasn't at work termozza so a could come and ave a loook!!!!!!!

    Reminds me of when a missed the celeb golf thingy at Cletic Manor, Newport a few years back... of which were CLP and Tash met!!!!!

    Damn always end up aving ter put work first!!!!!!!

    Would love ter go ter Goodwood Festival Of Speed too!!!!!!

    Never been which iz insane for a motorsport fan!!!!!!!
    Really yer could say am noot a proper fan until ave done Goodwood!!!!!!

    Defo do it next year!!!! But say that every year!!!!!

    Ahhhhh it's all DAMN streeeeess!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Scoobs - Mr Kravitz hot but me not need fan because of him.

    Mr need fan because of ....


    x x x x

  • Comment number 25.

    Wow, Christoph, the magnificent seven INDEED!


    Greased Lightning - John Travolta

    Thank you.

    Pen xx

    Melting here.........again, phew!!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Bs Mum - A couldn't wave..... a couldn't fit in the DAMN Lotus being 6' 3"!!!!!!!!

    A used ter ave ter drive it with me legs spread with the steering wheel 'eld firmly between me legs.... knuckles 'itting me knees everytime a turned the DAMN wheel.... az me legs would fit in, too long!!!!!!

    A did getta mention in the TVR club mag though..... it read 'ow 'more than expected TVR's turned up and even a Lotus.... 'e must ave got the wrong club!!!!!!!!'

  • Comment number 27.


    And Bingo - me and the GM are definatley going to Goodwood next yr..see you there!

    and so true bout the duck tape stuff..my dad was a rally driver and half their car ended up being fixed by the stuff by the end of half the races! Now i`m not saying he was a bad driver but....

    As for the Lotus in a TVR parade - nice car anyway! we go to the Italian car shows but up til 3 months ago i drove a German one... never used to confess. But ive now seen the light!


    mSc x

  • Comment number 28.

    CLP, those cars sound fantastic, a little bit complicated and scary though!

    Oh Bingo, you really should go to Goodwood, it's fantastic!

    I used to be a member of the MX5 club and go on drives and meets with them - in an MX5 though - great fun!

    ARF - Rule the world - Take That

    JG x

  • Comment number 29.

    Penn...to the back of the queue with that ARF...soz, but c'mon???

    Look at it this way....Kravitz...or John?

    Say no more.

    Deevski....support may be required...lol :-)

  • Comment number 30.

    #25 Penn - i'm with you there girl!!

    #29 - sorry Baz but sometimes only John will do!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Wow what a line up of fab cars Chris and really great to read all those instructions. What a top man you are for letting others enjoy them and for such a great cause.
    Would love to see you all on the road.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 32.

    OMG - have just got the version of the blog with the photos in - they weren't there when i read it first!! am now sitting here with mouth wide open in awe - and this is from someone who usually thinks a car is a means to get from A to B with your own choice of music!

    cg xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Bazza, shuddit!!!!!!!!

    CG - Thank you

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Ah, Christophe...I'm particularly enjoying the word 'foibles' which translates into the Italian 'eccentricità'...if you were wondering...

    Have an absolutely FABulous time tomorrow darlings...I'd give anything to drive a car hard, and who knows, in the greater scheme of things I might be one of the lucky ones next year...well, a gal can dream...

    Anyhoo, ARF.

    Jungle Rock by Hank Mizell please m'deario?

    that'll do

  • Comment number 35.

    pease, the question mark in a box is an 'a' with an accent over it...

    CG I have no pics. Will have to wait until later I spec.

    hey ho

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi chris my god sir you have a kind heart I hope you all have a fab time take care of the beautifull car collection .

    I may to try & get away from my driving dutys to see all the cars I shall look @ the route & join you 4 a cup of tea ,, good luck & have a great time ,, clp

    Stewart the chauffer x

  • Comment number 37.

    OMG Just seen the pics - me too CG!!

    ARF - Hit The Road Jack - Ray Charles


  • Comment number 38.

    Oh My!! - now got the pics too


    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 39.

    OMG big time re pics......FAB Mr CLP****

  • Comment number 40.


    But all I want is a Honda Civic ....

    please .......


  • Comment number 41.


    me hitting the floor after seeing the pics..


    mSc x

  • Comment number 42.

    Wow! Now that is a garage and a half! Chris you must be mad to let these cars be driven by anyone else?!?! (Especially the James Coburn 250, what a beaut..)

    Have you got anything in place to stop any of these cars just being driven off tomorrow?! :P

    ARF - The Boss - Born to run

  • Comment number 43.

    ARF Just got to be hasn't it Tomgriff Good choice

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Penn...#33...fanks...but they do say the truth hurts! Let's not fall out over it tho'

    Nice to see Deevski backin me up....NOT!

  • Comment number 45.

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat now Bazmundo?

    Back you up on what exactly???

    Like scaffolding or a lintel or a truss?


  • Comment number 46.

    Bazz - I wouldn't fall out with you if you were my worst enemy, well I might!!!!!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Oh cripes...I never, but NEVER get all hutc about cars, but ENZ 1000 would appear to have my name on it.

    Have henceforth changed all personal details to...


  • Comment number 48.

    PPP too kind by far!

    Deevsta....support for LK as opposed to JT...

    See #29

  • Comment number 49.

    Noooooooooooooooooooo ....

    I want QUEEN - see #1

    Coz I'm having a good time, having a good time!


  • Comment number 50.

    Jungle Rock by Hank Mizell.

    Now I are orft to la plage.

    Olive oil

  • Comment number 51.

    Love yer photos CLP.... But SH)OCK 'ORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A thought before and nearly writted on the blog..... CLP, ave you goot something against RED Ferrari's????? AYE..... Ahhhh????

    Even yer F430 iz black!!!!!!!!!

    But what 'as really shocked me.... The F40...... it's WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A thought everyone prodiced waz only in red????????
    'as this one been specially repainted in white or..... iz it the only one ever mad ein white..... and INDEED only one ever made noot in red.... which will make it rarer and thus more valuable and thus more collectable ter collectors!!!!!!!!

    A love the Ferrari 288 GTO aka Car #4 too!!!!!!
    It looooks muscley what with it's bodtkit.... that's what a like in cars.... gotta look fast even when it's standing still.... like it's goota bitta kick - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    One good thing about all yer cars.... being white they will be cooler in this 'ot weather az white cars reflect the 'eat... black absorbs it!!!!!!

    That F40 will be roasting.... no air con and a thumping red 'ot V8 twin turbo behind yer!!!!!!!!

    VERY NICE BLOG TERDEE.... 'ope yer gonna leave it over the weekend so we can keep admiring the photos til Mondee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 52.

    Right, my work here is done for another day.

    Allotment meeting tonight so may not get to say Evening All to the later brigade!

    Man, my life is soooooooooooo Rock And Roll!

    Think Vicar of Dibley meets the smurfs and that's out allotment meetings!

    Psychoville at 10 on Beeb2!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 53.

    I wish I had a collection of cars like that in my garage christophe!! Have a fantastic run down to the New Forest, and have a great weekend.

    ARF has got to be Born to run, imagine blasting that out over the stereo driving one of those ferrarris! :)

    TTW xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hiya Chris,

    How do I see the route/timetable? I'm probably looking in the wrong place...!

    I live near the Chewton Glen, (very nice), and would love to see the arrival of all those terrific cars, (we often go to the Walkford pub round the corner). So, what's the expected arrival time, any idea?

    My uncle's got an old rare Ferrari but I don't remember which one! There, that was very interesting, wasn't it! lol

    Good luck with the drive anyway, I will give you a wave if I see you! I'll wave my orange cowboy hat!

    Christine x

  • Comment number 55.

    Back from my "informational" interview. As expected they didn't have any vacancies that are a fit for me, but I did pick up several contacts..... which is good.

    Hope you are all having a great day....

  • Comment number 56.

    First time on the blog, just for the Ferraris, and aren't they fantastic.

    Surely there can be only one opening tune for the drive time, a Ferrari V12 being driven with gusto.

  • Comment number 57.

    Welcome kogafan...... like the suggestion for opening tune.......

  • Comment number 58.

    Welcome kogafan! Good idea:)

    Sorry about your news Bondy, hopefuly something will come from the other one early next week.

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi JG, I hope so too. Hope your are having a good evening. Are you managing to stay cool? I just checked our outside temp and it is only 68...... brrrrrrr

  • Comment number 60.

    I'm trying, and have a glass of wine for thirsty Thursday.

    I'm not a big fan of hot weather to be honest, I like it, but from the shade! It was 31C according to my car, don't know what that is in old money!

    Trouble is, in the garden, the shade is where all the horseflies are, and I've already almost got bitten once tonight, so I'm boiling in the lounge at the moment - this is the only time I wish we didn't have a leather suite! yeuch!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 61.

    MsScoobyCat- Interesting ter 'ear about yer father being inter rallying!!!!!!!
    'opefully a will see you there next year!!!!!
    PS German cars are ok.... very good quality/ well made.... it's just the drivers a find usually aren't!!!!!!
    But noot always, az in your case MsScooby!!!!!

    A find Audi's often driven by nutter.... but VERY nice cars!!!!!

    JakeyGirl - Interesting ter 'ear yer were a member of the MX5 club... it's great fun joining a car club!!!!!

  • Comment number 62.

    oooooo leather and hot weather do not go together.......LOL

  • Comment number 63.

    Lovely evening

    down here.

    might even

    pop over the

    water and stalk

    lucky drivers


    my ARF suggestion

    Cheryl Crow

    ...Real Gone..

    lovely cars Chris.

    bath time for

    small people

    must dash.


  • Comment number 64.

    ARF: Get into my car by Billy Ocean.......

  • Comment number 65.

    Hey Bingo, I drive one or other of two German cars and am perfectly polite and courteous to all other drivers....but neither of them are "that" German brand!!!!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Not sure if it's a good idea to sit in an air conditioned office all day - hop in to an air con car to take post. Then take to the kitchen !! I am now melting and I'm only washing salad! not a hob or cooker on in sight!!!!

    Even stoopid dog joined me in office today and his normal daytime place is playing Chad at top of stairs or in the porch watching the world go by and pulling stuff out of the letter box wiggling his tail at all and sundry - Hello mr burglar - come in - I'll give you a lick!!!

    JG I am sure you are not one but why do beemer drivers never signal??!! Nearly went careering in to one on the M6 car park yesterday - as did a thumping great big truck - which I hastily made way for! Mr Trucker not amused although he did thank me which was nice!!!

    Right - off to eat my rabbit food - back later smiley peeps.

    Beezer xxx

    Jeli that's a good ARF driving toon. I seem to be agreeing with all ARF's suggested today!!!! Deev's bloggers anthem, Tomgriff etc. No mind of my own I guess - still in jelly land from day off yesterday!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    OOO that was a long one!!! Sorry!!!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Beez, I'm not and would never be!

    Don't get me started out! Wish I'd kept me MX5 sometimes!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    ARF This week; RELAX Frankie goes to Hollywood, for all the nervous drivers on the Ferrari run.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi all back and have eaten..and drank oops!

    Taking brand new shiny Yellow lab puppy for her first ever experience of the sea..well the Bristol channel anyway.

    She has had her jabs but still looks too small to face the outside world.

    We will be brave together.Luckily, we have direct access to the beach courtesy of the
    local farmer.

    No storms here, in fact,I didnt even know there had been any rain until I was 2 miles away.

    Very local..as the locals say!!


  • Comment number 71.

    ARF...have to keep having a go.

    One day it will be me.

    The long and winding road......



    OK, maybe not one to rock to..but one to wind down to after all your miles.

    Go on CLP..you know its the perfect way to start the show.

    Then lets liven things up a bit.

  • Comment number 72.

    Hiya MTF,
    Didnt know you had a new addition to the family , an ickle lab, how wonderful, Whats her name ??

    MC xx

  • Comment number 73.


    good luck for Friday, oooh what lovely cars.

    ARF Beatles , Drive my car ,

    thanks and enjoy the day

    MC xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Hiya MC...no no no not mine.

    Bosses new baby, Me and rest of famille have been made..Dog Parents ! Geddit?

    Called by a name that I cant always remember so call it PUPPY.

    Very , very cute.

    Gonna watch some guy looking to give away one million squideroonies and see if I can pick up any tips..LOL.


  • Comment number 75.

    Hi MTF , LOL

    Watch out for those toilet rolls ...............

    MC xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Evening each

    Now Chris, any of those cars will do for me. I'd just love a chance to drive any one of them. Hope the drivers appreciate them and look after them for you.


  • Comment number 77.

    Evening all, hope all is well with you all. I would now like some rain ad we've not had any here yet , and I must say It would clear the air and then I could get a good nights sleep .

    I suppose I'm not alone on that score ?

    Bridge xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    Mr chris , lovely cars . Have a good journey tomorrow.Just sorry I have to work or I might of tried to see you enroute .
    All the best Bridge xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Mtf ,nice to see you puppy sitting . I've had my bosses dog stay over with us while they are away aslo.
    Bids xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Evening guys, how is everyone?

    Just cooling down slightly here, thankfully. Looking forward to that shower later.

    Had a pretty mixed day today. Wore this dress, first time I've worn one in probably 6 years or so I think. Felt very strange and I wasn't very good with the compliments....if I was told that I looked nice I would say 'thanks.....but....'! Don't normally display legs or cleavage so feel quite brave now lol!

    I asked my boss if she wanted to come with me to see Take That and she straight away said yes. Even booked a hotel near me while I was on the phone. So I sent my friend a text explaining that I had found someone to come with me, only for her to reply and tell me that she had given the tickets away.

    As I hadn't got back to her yet she thought that I didn't want the tickets. But I definately said that I would let her know either way!

    So I'm very, dissapointed. I don't get to hear them sing my fav song 'Shine'

    Anyway, my boss said maybe we could do something else so it's not all bad.


    Shall be back when showered, and with a tub of strawberry cheesecake ice cream.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 81.

    Wrote .
    DEEV, Do you know who is with Take That on Saturday please ?

    Our paper shop owner is taking his wife he doesn't know who it is .

    My daughters went last evening and said just one word ,
    Fantastic .
    Bridge xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Hi Bridge , Annie & Debbie.

    I bought a dress last Sunday , and like you , havent worn one in years. This is for a special occasion, and now i have to find shoes this weekend , oooh and a bag too.
    Flippin expensive night out ........

    Humid and heavy here.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Debbie, I am so sorry , You were really gunning to go weren't you ,only for that to happen .

    Alls not lost ,Im sure that you and your boss will have a nice day what ever you do

    Have a good one .
    Bridge xxxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Hi everbods
    So Tues I left work forever (early retirement) & had a lovely evening (was dreading it). Now have to conccntrate on moving to France. Can't believe CLP is letting other peeps drive his v. special cars. Will be tuned in tomorrow ('cos now I can!!)

  • Comment number 85.

    Hiya Puff,

    Wishing you the very best for France , hope it all goes well, and keep in touch.

    All the best

    MC xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Mc , It's allways the way ,you buy something then it's the extras . Are you going for sandal type shoes or shoes ?
    you need to try and get something that will do you several times .
    I think that what most people do these days .

    Very muggy here tonight ,no air at all.
    Best wishes Bridge xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Evening all!

    Just a quickie before Psychoville comes on at 10.

    Soz Bridge - I don't know who you've got on Saturday. i know I have Lady GaGa on Sunday, and Gary Go though. Joy!

    Oh and Deb .... Boooooo! :-(

    Well, i survived the allotment meeting. Spent the entire 2 hours doodling a certain letter of the alphabet all over my pad and ornately decorating it in many different styles. And I'vevolunteered to re-hash the news letter and the one drafted up was so flippin' negative it'll scare people off!

    Got an ice cream on the way home so not all bad!

    xx x

  • Comment number 88.

    Yeh Puff - keep in touch ... or else! xx

    Deev x

  • Comment number 89.

    Hi Puff , Nice to see you , Not long now then . Glad your do went well .
    Bridge xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Hiya Bridge, not sure what to go for yet, will know it when i see it kind of thing !!

    Hi Deev, glad you survived !

    MC x

  • Comment number 91.

    Aww Thanks MC. Been great so far 'cos here in Essex been hot & sunny. So topped up the tan! But - so much to do - luvly weather ain't helping!!
    Rips - i need you - mobile broadband ????

  • Comment number 92.

    Blimey - this thing moves so fast sometimes!. Thanks to all for your support - your're great! So want to know how mobile BB works for the interim while I've not got BB! Rips or anyone??!!
    (Will phone VP tomorrow - hey got the time at the mo!}

  • Comment number 93.

    MC: I'm dress shopping on Saturday with shopaholic friend for a dress for July wedding, then August wedding.

    Got the shoes though!!!

    I truly hate shopping, will probably end up with black trousers and a nice top!!


  • Comment number 94.

    Annie, good luck , especially if its still so hot

    am trying to give the black trousers a rest , was going to wear white ones ! but decided to step out !!


  • Comment number 95.

    Night folks, am off to bed, really need some sleep.

    HAve a nice day tomorrow CLP and everyone

    Luv MC xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Night MC. If I wore white trousers, I'd probably drop my dinner on them!


  • Comment number 97.

    Evening again guys. Am just about at melting point in this ere concrete jungle!! Shouldn't I be in Wales or somewhere with not so many flippin houses all bouncing heat offf each other!

    Puff best of luck - I'm sure we will be able to help you keep in touch. Leave your mobile number/ email address whatever on your fb page. I'm sure Rips or someone will help!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Annie - totally agree - don't wear white - last time I did - ooops - gravy on my white top! It was wiped off for me tho' !!!!

    Wish I was closer - I would soon get you "in" to shopping!!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi Beez.

    I should be at Loch an Eilian. Was fantasising about it when driving home today.


  • Comment number 100.

    Beez, who wiped it off for you??

    You'd be fed up with me 30 mins into shopping - moan, whinge, whine.........



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