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Sometimes one thing is enough....

Chris Evans | 08:05 UK time, Tuesday, 11 August 2009

...and today it's the photo you're going to see when you click your mouse or whatever it is you click to get on to the blog. So 3 - 2 - 1 click now ...


This is young Ralph whose mum sent in this photo as a response to something I said about Einstein, and the fact that his mad scientist hair was never really that mad but a reaction to a film he saw called Metropolis.

So more kids with mad hair eh ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris,

    I have mad hair every morning, thank goodness for hair products and straightners! When I look in the mirror "Crystal Tips" springs to mind...LOL


  • Comment number 2.

    Gosh Am I 1st?

    Wow Chris what a fab looking kid, he'll be forever famous for being on your blog. Going like the clappers here to make sure Mr M has food for the next couple of days tidying etc. Can't wait to see my two big boys, my sister and extended family even if for a day, you've goto grab these moments when you can. You're so right Clodagh.

    see you all soon.

    MaW X

  • Comment number 3.

    Fab timing re this blog subject CLP ..... howz about Bloggers with bizarre yet funny head wear?!?!

    Scoobs - postman just been - thank you so much!! I'm laughing so much they are about to call for the men in white coats (once they've finished at Beezer's, natch!!)

    Will try and get equally bonkers colleague to snap a shot later and post on Faceache!!!

    You rock Ms Scoobs!!!

    Cheryl x x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Everyone!

    Quick hi and bye to let you know I am alive and well - not been able to get on line for a day and new hotel not got wiffy stuff - no time to read what you been up to but hope you are all having fun!

    Chris - that little guys hair ROCKS!

    missing you all madly


  • Comment number 5.


    You`re welcome Deev..and you`ll HAVE to put a pic on later so everyone knows what you are talking about!

    Sunny and gorgeous here today..with torrential rain forecast for my day off tomorrow..such is my luck!

    Actually got some work to do today so will bid you farewell `til later..

    and anyone lurking out there wondering whether to post or not..Remember.. `there are no strangers out there, only friends you havent met yet..`.

    mSc x

  • Comment number 6.

    Just have to say tho...young Ralph..you have fantastic hair! although one suspects he wont think that in a few years time!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 7.

    Top Hairdo!!

    What a great photo (not that he'll probably think that way when he gets older). I was a muppet baby myself... no hair until I was about 2 and now as anyone will tell you I have a mane big style!

    Off for another hospital scan today so I'll catch y'all laters pertayters!

    Booboo & the bump

  • Comment number 8.

    Yo CLP, Yo ALL Bloggers With Or Without 'air And INDEED With Or Without Beards.....

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - My gooodness.... looks like the kid 'as been ter the first barbers in this joke..... (PS If my mum gave me a 'aircut like that.... it wouldn't be a corn on the DAMN cob i'd be chewin' on.... i'd ave a DAMN cob on.... know what am sayin'!!!!!!@!!!@@!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    JOKE - A barber put up a sign in their window in competition with anooother nearby more expensive barber 'Why pay 20 quid for an 'aircut when we do it for 2 quid???'

    WHATTA COINCIDENCE...... The other barber also 'ad a sign in their window.... it read '2 quid 'aircuts repaired for 20 quid!!!!'

    A tell yer it's jokes like this are enough ter make me go grey!!!!!!

    GOURANGA 2U!!!!!!

    Gotta go..... gotta train ter catch DIRECTLY ter Oxford Street, London!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    My gooodness..... no blogs for an 'our and a 'alf..... then 4 come along all within a minute.... it's like waiting for a DAMN IT bus in Oxford Street..... Oxford!!!!!!!!

    Couldn't be London az there's alotta buses in the London one!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all, well ok, so it's just afternoon but having not had lunch yet it's still morning in my book!

    Fab photo Chris, and what great hair!

    Now..............where the hell is the summers day that was forecast yesterday? and 'they' wonder why we give 'm grief!!

    Off to search for the sun!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Ralphy Boy....Chris...funny Pic indeedee....was he plugged in to something at the time?

    Hope scan goes OK Lyndyloo and bump!

    Hi to you all....Scoob, Deevsta, Bingo, MTF, Pasta Pen, Debs, AliB....sunny Sussex once again after a shakey start...life's good ain't it!!!???


  • Comment number 12.

    Ello Ter ALL........... ello......

    Bingo Star ere...... again......

    A need some advice from all fellow bloggers and INDEED proffessionals such az CLP & Jono S, in fact a might call at R2 directly for some direct advice, but either way for know, sorry now, could any bloggers out there with aych R experience, aka 'uman resources, advise me on me BIG dilemma!!!!!?????!!?

    Am filling in an application form for a job on the railway that's come up. Aka train cleaner at Liverpool Lime Street!!!!
    Gotta start somewhere on me journey ter driver... and what better than.... ANYWHERE!!!!!!
    Just ter getta foooting towards the...... footplate!!!! (Footplate railway jargon for in the cab of a locomotive) (Noot that they ave lcocmotives anymore.... all EMU & DMU.... no passion in the railways nowadees.... mothing like a BIG powerful locomotive 'auling a train at 100 plus mph!!!!)

    Anyway... forgotten what a waz on about...... oh I yeah.... me application form... on part of it a 'ave ter fill in a section on Customer Service Experience.... it reads/ asks/ requires.....

    'Please provide an example when you have provided excellent service to a customer, stakeholder or colleague. (500 words max).'

    No az ave goot a BIG sense of 'umour do a write about the time a worked in Pizza shop serving burgers ter customers. And write.... a 'ave noot goot 'stake'older' experience, but a ave goot 'steak 'older' experience... az in cheese burger and INDEED burgers without cheese?????

    If a show ave goot a sense of 'umour iz this good and will get me further forward in the narrowing down of the applicants.... or will they think am a fool/ a larker/ an individual who's noot taking the seriousness of the job seriously?????

    A don't now, sorry know, what ter do???????

    Any ideas..... as the adult world confuses me.... one minute yer being told noot ter take life too seriously.... cos yer do, then when yer show yuv goot a cracking sense of 'umour.... then yer noooot taking life too seriously enough, becuase yer don't!!!!!!!!

    Please 'elp me fellow bloggies and CLP!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe just a job at R2 would do instead?????


  • Comment number 13.

    PS Just posted me blove above whilst sat on a stationary train at Crewe railway station..... 'ow damn appropriate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (100% true!!!!)

  • Comment number 14.

    AYE????? Blove above????? Me mind sgone with me application form.... a mean't 'blog above!!!!'

    It's all too much!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Howdy All!!
    Fab pic CLP, thought not sure he'll think so when he's a few years older!!
    Quiet here today isn't it, everyone must be makeing the most of the bootiful sunshine. I've just wandered round my veg garden and picked fresh peas, runner beans, new spuds, plums and rhubarb. So off to peruse the cook books to create a masterpiece for dinner tonight :0) lol
    Have a lovely afternoon and evening all.

    TTW. xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Here comes the sun

    here comes the sun

    and I say it's all right

    (not before time I might add!)

    Bingo, wouldn't have a scooby! Thought train drivers were the dreams of little fellas!!!

    Where is everybody?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 17.


    I'm lurking - just ahve nothing to add today - sorry - still in treacle

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 18.

    Sorry to hear that Baggy, just think not long now and you will be celebrating the best day of your life, 'citing!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Scary more like ay Baggy????


    PPP....spag bol' tonight with.......PENNE x

  • Comment number 20.

    Bazza, should that not be penne bol?!!! hahaha

    PPP xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Morning/afternoon all,

    Good hair!! I bet he's telling all his friends to look at the blog now!

    Glad you enjoyed the hen night SBP, not long now! You are probably sick of people giving you advice you didn't ask for, but try to take a little time each day just to sit quietly and remember that what it's all for, I found it helped put the business into perspective a little.

    TTW I'm v envious of all your garden goodies! I love runner beans, but we just can't get them here! I tried to buy seeds to plant to grow some but couldn't even find those.

    Hello everyone else!

    feeling a little bit delicate today, had a horrible reaction to some medication yesterday, not at all pleasant, so today will be an easy day with flat coke (other cola drinks available!) and rubbish tv methinks. The looming ironing mountain will have to lurk in the corner till tomorrow.


  • Comment number 22.

    Crumbs - quiet here today aint it !!!

    Ralph's moment of fame ! Poor kid!!!!

    We got the sun too - been out for ages and looks set to last - Hooray !! Not that I can get in it! Work reducing though so praps 10 minutes later !!

    Baggy - smile :)

    Laters taters

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi, I'm lurking as well, but just really busy as work at the moment.

    I expect you've got loads of last minute things to think about Baggy, don't worry, it'll all be OK, and you'll have a lovely day! {{hugs}}

    It's sunny here now as well, after a very misty drizzly start

    JG x

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi JG and Beez....good advice for Baggy Dragon!

    Pen you are of course correct.....Penne Bol' it is then...xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi All

    What a lovely sunny afternoon & i've finished work a bit early. Yippee

    Bingo, have done a bit of time in the HR cupboard & my feeling is not to try to amuse on your CV. Save it for when you get to know people & when you meet them & can judge their reaction. It is very east for you to write something in one tone of voice but someone else to read it differently. Don't think we've chatted on here before so I hope you don't mind me putting my oar in

    Seza x

    PS I got shut in a sainsbugs veg fridge once, I was only counting carrots!

  • Comment number 26.

    Seza...back so soooon???? How come you finished work so damn early....not fair!!??


  • Comment number 27.

    Blame my boss, was meant to check smoke alarms with him this affo but he wasn't organised. So me home early

    Gotta go get boy2 from holiday tennis school soon so will be back & forth

    Seza x

  • Comment number 28.

    In fact off out now so see ya later

    Seza x

  • Comment number 29.

    Bingo..I agree with Sezagirl.....keep it straight on the application and CV...no larkin' around....plenty of time for that later on, when you get the job...I'm always optimistic.

    Bondy...you out there yet????


  • Comment number 30.

    morning, afternoon everyone from a sunny, warm but less humid upstate NY.... I hope you have all had a good day so far.....

  • Comment number 31.


    For some time now I reckon you have been going through the motions regarding your blogging.

    Today, however you have jumped the shark.

    A picture of some kid with daft hair does not a blog entry make.

    If you are struggling to find something thoughtful or intelligent to say due to your other commitments, why not just blog every couple of days and make it a good one rather than blogging everyday just for the sake of it.

    This is not meant to be insulting, just a personal observation.

  • Comment number 32.

    Hiya bond

    I am so pleased with myself - I have had an issue that has been hanging around since April and i have finally sorted out a solution - now I'm not thinking that thats everything but it looks like it might be completed before I go!

  • Comment number 33.

    I SB, hope you are well.

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi Everyone - been catching up quickly but no time to post properly - just to say I might have the wiffy connection sorted - will do a 'testing testing' session later at hotel!

    Hopefully see you all laters!


  • Comment number 35.

    Hi debs, sorry you're having connection problems. Hope you'll be on later.

  • Comment number 36.

    Ah Mr Bond.....we've been expecting you......


  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Baz..........

  • Comment number 38.

    Bondy...you ignoring me? Have I offended thee at all??

    Feel like I'm invisible.


  • Comment number 39.

    Wot's up Baz

  • Comment number 40.

    Nuffin James.....just wondered why it was taking you so long to ack' me...that's all....off home now....laterz dudes. Be good.


  • Comment number 41.

    Sorry, running around after the daphster this morning, she's being a little diva, no offense cheryl.......LOL

  • Comment number 42.

    Is it quiet here tonight or are things not working properly.....

  • Comment number 43.

    I think it's still working - testing testing 123!

    JG x

  • Comment number 44.

    Howdie pardners!

    I've only just got in, and been really busy today - Liverpool Blog Meet hotel travel agent/advisor/go-between for Beezer!!! Managed some real proper work too - wonders will never cease!

    Went to ELH on the way home tonight. Treated the house to a new washing up bowl, treated me to 2 bunches of gerberas (dark pink and light pink) and also treated me to a new word game for my DS Lite.

    Got some groceries too!

    Life's grand. I feel really happy.


    x x x

  • Comment number 45.

    Hiya Deev, sounds like life is treating you well.

    Hi JG........

  • Comment number 46.


    it is quiet here today - hey ho

    super bp

    teaching mr bp to dance

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi James, unusually quiet innit!

    Also unusual blog subject IMHO!

    or, maybe everyone enjoying the sunshine, like wot I did, once it arrived!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Penny and SB, very, very qwiet........ weather here is much better, a lot less humid, thank goodness.....

  • Comment number 49.


    Hasn't it been a lovely day.

    Is everyone still out enjoying the sunshine?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 50.

    I'm back, eventually!

    It's pouring down here :(

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    Oh, shall I send you a bit of our sun? We're in Essex, where do you need it?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 52.

    Am really annoyed though, Mr JG has completely messed up our recordings, Pizza Hut messed up our order, and Mr JG has blamed me for not having enough time to watch the Nascar!

    I completely give up! So we're watching Coast...

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    Sezagirl ...Wigan please


    JG xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi all....Deevski (back on form) James, Seza ( in sunshine like me), Super, JG (gettin wet)and anyone I missed....that be u then PPP...nearly missed ya..


    Re Blog...I'll defend the CLP until I'm the last man standing...I agree...he's not been on form...probably due to the infamous BOOK tho', so give the guy a break....IMHO...xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Ok Sending it up. Can't help with the pizza tho. Can tell you we had pizza at friend yesterday. Was cheese & ham so couldn't work out why tasted of fish until we realised that he had drizzled with olive oil that had omega 3 fish oil in!!

    Seza x

  • Comment number 56.

    Omega 3 good sh=t tho' Seza....we all should have more of the stuff..!!!

    Unless you hate fish that is???


  • Comment number 57.

    JG..... NASCAR from watkins glenn, that's not far from me. It was supposed to be on Sunday be was postponed because of all the rain. Good race on Monday by all accounts though...... so may be you didn't mess up the NASCAR recording, it probably just wasn't on......

  • Comment number 58.


    That has to be the bEST pic I've seen in a long time, haven't got much time but I HAD to say that. Oh hohohoho excellent!

    And it reminds me yet again of the Genius daughter, who had no hair at all, just a downy, fluffy heed, until approx. 18 months old; then hey presto it sprouted like Cuthbertson, and continued to do so, all blonde and curly and, well, mad. Now it's still luscious and curly but she mashes it into submission with hair straighteners and a good stiff talkin' to. Oh yes. And it's dark. In fact, she's Davina McCall's doppelganger.

    And twice as gorgeous. Father's looks, MOTHER'S brains, Hurrah!

    Hahaha I wish!!

    Laters, chaps. Just lookin' at that photo again... Hahahahhohohohohoho Cheers CLP.


  • Comment number 59.

    I almost got caught out today, sunny at work so put the roof down to come home!

    Thankfully managed to get to a red traffic light, turning right, to put the roof up before the heavens opened! Got a right dirty look from the woman going straight on! What's that about! She wasn't the one getting wet!

    JG x

  • Comment number 60.

    Omega 3 v good just unexpected on ham pizza! bottle looks exactly same as normal oil so easy to mix up

    At least our bones won't creak today

    Seza x

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi clodag......

    Baz, I agree. I used to do a blog at my last job and it was very difficult coming up with worthwhile topics to blog about. I tried to blog 3 time a week so doing every day HAS to be really tough......

  • Comment number 62.

    Bondy- I've said it before and I'll say it again - you sure you havent worked for the same fallen giant as me????

  • Comment number 63.

    Aww folks, just ignore it, Chris does us proud 99 per cent of the time, and it's a cute photo! We were crying out, not that long ago, for some just to say "New Blog"! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Thanks for the support James....

    Seza...bones not creakin'??? That's a good sign.

    JG- too many green eyed about...take no notice....


    Clodagh.......once again...u make me larf.....LOL!!!

  • Comment number 65.

    SB....LOL They call it corporate america here..... or as esther ransom (sp?) would call it jobsworth.......

  • Comment number 66.

    baz, any time my friend.....

  • Comment number 67.

    Evening blogeroonies.

    Well Deev - despite numerous suggestions for Liverpool blog meet no hotel booked - totally lost the will to look! Work system blew a gasket and had to be shut down I had been on the internet so long!

    Just zipped over to see how all else doing on CLP Bloggers and that's not working either!!!

    At this rate it will be Deev, Auntie Deev and locals only!!!! Liverpool playing at home for those interested in the blog meet! Thought Crumpy was kidding when she said no rooms available this morning when we spoke on phone!!! Marquee at Aintree with sleeping bags anyone?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Thanks Bondy, have missed the live race, but will try to track down a re-run on Sky somewhere!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    When I looked, rooms were available at the Ibis, but only for a two night booking Fri & Sat, but that was this morning!

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    eeew Sez - Baz - omega - good for you but only when you are expecting it! Got something once - can't remember what and nearly threw up - fish in something sweet !!!! Yuk!

    Clodagh - Lyndyloo the same - she was ms no hair till 2 but now !!! Must take a week to dry!!!

    JG - ignore - agree baz - utterley green eyed !

    Daphers calmed down yet James?

    Baggy - sounds like you are out of the treacle?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 71.

    JG when I phoned - one twin room only left! Can't do little beds!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Beeez...I've been to the 'pool, stayed at the Adelphi hotel, where the fab 4 stayed..., or so I'm told....trust me, there are plenty of doorways you can use for shelter.....the Big Issue might help you out too...You and Deevs ruffin it??? I don't think so...do you?


  • Comment number 73.

    Beez, she's sleeping at my feet as we speak......

  • Comment number 74.

    I only have to write a bit for a newsletter once a month but that's hard enough.

    JG glad you managed to get your top up quick (oo eh Mrs) hope you didn't get too wet

    James, who is Daphers & why was did she need calming down?

    Baz, location is Braintree, if that means anything to you

    Seza x

  • Comment number 75.

    Seza, yes, it's a frequent problem! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 76.

    Tee hee Baz - too true - can you imagine me n Deev roughing it - nooooooooo but she's got her room booked - going with Auntie Deev - hotel - train tix the lot - all done!

    Been advised to stick to dock area as match on and avoid city centre.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 77.

    beesmum - still in treacle - just having to fight it as have far too much to do!

  • Comment number 78.

    You an Essex girl then.....FAB! Not that far from Brighton then...

    Daphers the dog.....BTW


  • Comment number 79.

    sbp treacle sort of weather isn't it. Even harder when you must be so busy.

    Seza x

  • Comment number 80.

    TB thanks, wondered why she had to sleep at his feet. Makes sense now!

    Seza x

  • Comment number 81.

    seza - work is hectic - pre wedding issues are hetic and now I am 'go slow' - just what I need - not - I just have to set myself small tasks and do one thing at a time rather then my normal 50!

  • Comment number 82.

    I'm out then for the meet, not fighting my way through that traffic, sorry folks!

    JG x

  • Comment number 83.

    Beez - you will get a room, I am sure. Drop a message to BigNick on FB - the font of all knowledge when it comes to things of a Liddypool nature.

    If all else fails there was availability at that nautical hotel I emailed you earlier, but its nearer Lime Street than Albert Dock. Try that Tower one ..... gwon woman!!!

    And how fab was Coast tonight - I'm more excited than ever now about going oooop norf in november!

    And who knew Liverpool had a seaside?!?! At this rate, it'll be a week long visit!

    Tally ho!

    x x x

  • Comment number 84.

    thanks baz for explaining, seza, she's a little yorkshire terrier.....

  • Comment number 85.

    And there was availability at A Hard Days Night hotel if you want to carry on the Beatles theme ....


  • Comment number 86.

    For any ABBA fans....check out VH1 classic now....xx

  • Comment number 87.

    well daphne has been working like a dog all day.....LOL

  • Comment number 88.

    sbp so much has to be done then so much at v last minute. as you say, best to just do a bit at a time. I know this one is really hard but ry to make sure you get enough sleep.

    Love Mummy Seza x

  • Comment number 89.

    thanks mummy seza

    don't know if you were around when we sorted out the vertial blog family but I feel I have lots of aunties (and a few rougish uncles) and I do listen to your words of wisdom

  • Comment number 90.

    No probs Deev - I'll find something and as travelling Friday will hopefully not get caught in traffic - Is it that bad JG? Worse than the M6 car park?

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Can I be an Auntie too?

    Do you remember, when we (I?) was lttle all my mum's friends were Auntie this or Auntie That. Now my kids call my friends by their names. Always makes me a bit sad.

    AUNTIE seza x

  • Comment number 92.

    I thought it was the M25 car park or parking lot as they say here.......

  • Comment number 93.

    ps can't promise words of wisdom, just little thoughts. Pick & choose as you like.

    Seza x

  • Comment number 94.

    seza - i still call my dad's friends auntie this and uncle this and am auntie to my friends little girl! and of course you can be an auntie - the more the merrier

  • Comment number 95.

    So agree with that Seza - I used to be auntie beez - now all grown up - I'm beez !! Cept when they want something - then I get the old please auntie beez please please!!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 96.

    seza, I had to do that too....... but now you're right it's all first names. That would never do at Grace Brothers....LOL

  • Comment number 97.

    Can I be uncle Baz then Seza??

    Bondy, M25, M62, M6/M5 all are 'pay and display' these days.....

  • Comment number 98.

    James - where the M5 meets the M6 - Mad as hell - SO the M5 backs up trying to join - miles and miles and the M6 backs up - miles and miles - letting M5 cars filter in!
    Time to read the paper - do your nails - apply face cream - get dressed - whatever!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Baz LOL - pay and display !!! Brilliant!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    If I come over at xmas I'll need a briefing on the roads to avoid........ well I'm off out. Catch up later...... BBFN


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