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Another ecstasy aid I would like to share with you is the essential and thus far much undiscovered employment of...

Chris Evans | 09:06 UK time, Saturday, 19 September 2009

... a dressing gown with a hood on.

I am never happier than when I am operating in early morning hood up mode. It helps you transition from sleep to wakefulness far less traumatically.

With dressing gown hood up, there is privacy yet access ability. There is security yet freedom. And most of all there is focus.

I wrote all of my book with dressing gown hood up. I edited it all hood up. Heck maybe I will go on the promo tour "hood up". That would make for an interesting spectacle at The Cheltenham Book Festival.

What a wonderful thing by the way - a whole book festival.

Re-reading Plato's Symposium today. Seriously good short story. Have a look - tell me what you think. Let's make this the first official CE blog book review.

Read and discuss a week today, what do you reckon ?


2009 - signing off.

Hood still up !!!!.



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  • Comment number 1.

    ROFL Chris the hoodie XX

  • Comment number 2.


    Is it a white hoodie dressing gown, or a black hoodie dressing gown? I only ask as when I stayed with my lovely cousin and his partner for Eurovision night, on the Sunday morning i crept downstairs to make myself a cuppa, thinking they were still snuggled in bed, only to be shocked to the core by cousin's lovely partner sitting in the living room in his BLACK hoodie dressing gown, reading his book. Scared the bejaysus outta me - I thought it were the Grim Reaper himself. But no, it was lovely C (not gonna put his full name on here!).

    Personally, I go for a Saturday morning slob-out in PJs, with coffee and jaffa cakes!


    x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Chris et all - to what honour are we treated to a Saturday blog?

    Hoodies on anything - nooooooo - girlie hair gets all squashed to head feeling - yuck - no prefer sat am slobbing in trackie bottoms and tee shirts - right off for a cawfee - happy Saturday everyone!

  • Comment number 4.

    CLP, I'm not much of a hood or hat person meself, besides, I'd get too warm!

    Have a lovely snuggly dressing gown though, which I can't bear to part with until I've had at least two coffees!

    Need to get moving though this morning, niece's bed won't build itself, or the tallboy for that matter....

    JG x

    PS probably won't have time to read anything unfortunately

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning sweeties!! Sun desperately trying to break through here but not happened yet!

    No hoody Christoph - flattens your hair like Debs said and intimidating to other folk! No time to read either - have a stack of books purchased - waiting to be opened but just collecting dust! One day though.

    Two cups of tea and cooked brekkie consumed - time for third cup methinks :)

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Blimey Chris.....thought it was Monday already, what with the new blog.....

    Me sitting in said gown with hood down, tea in hand....contemplating your thoughts on the CE book club...not heard of that book, must head to Waterstones on Monday and check it out....Am not a reader by all accounts, but if it's short...??


    PS-Hi to Deevs, JG, Debs and Beez....(and I will not enter into any confrontations again...promise xxxxx)

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning TB, JG, Beez and Deevs too - Beez - chuck another sausage and egg on for me please!

    Sorry I didnt join in FNWC but after 6 hours getting back from Essex all I wanted was wine and sofa!

    I go in phases with reading - currently have Twighlight, Dawn French and Wossy on the go - however - all will be put behind me on the 9th October when I meet the CLP himself and get his book signed! Whoo hoo!


  • Comment number 8.

    Debs - you going to the Bristol signing then ....CHRISTOPH Look Out !!!! The champion blog hugger on her way! Pics - we will need loads of pics!!!

    Morning Baz - peas - good!

    Just thought of when hoodies are OK. Those weeney towel with a hood on things you wrap round babies after their bath. Now that is just cute.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Beeez...me on t2.....getting towards the third t fast...and we not talking golf!!!

    Re Debs...champion blog hugger or hogger??? lol


  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all - what a treat, a Saturday blog - Thanks Chris.
    Baz - not heard of that book either, but like you, if I can find it I will give it a go.

    Brekkie here was poached eggs on toast - lovely x
    Sun is shining in this part of the Principality, Beez, so maybe it will be with you soon.

    Dog walked, washing in, how can I spend the rest of the day?
    Any suggestions?

    Happy Crumpy xx :o)

  • Comment number 11.

    A couple of years ago my mum bought me what I can only describe as an adult babygrow! It is baby blue and poppers neck to floor. At the time I thought ga ga time had arrived but I must own up to snuggling up in it from time to time. I can really lose myself in it. ha ha.

    Your experience Deev would have scared me witless.
    The book doesn't ring any bells so I will investigate further.
    Have a great day everyone

  • Comment number 12.

    Oy you lot, been sat on me ownsome since 8.15 on previous blog!!

    Barbie tonight, ELH had all their party food down to a squid, so filled trolley!!

    Sizzling saturday for moi.


  • Comment number 13.

    Soz MTF....

    Deevs, pass me a jaffa cake when you've finished the hoovering......

    Crumps.....you re about 5 hours ahead of me then (still in go slow mode, along with the lazy kids who CBA also).....as for rest of the day...how about aking some cakes or cookies and/or watching a good fillum later on....?


  • Comment number 14.

    Morning all

    Hoodie dressing gowns sound snuggly! Unfortunately I do not possess one but may have to invest.

    Poached egg on toast and cup o tea for me this morning, along with a nice dose of day nurse! Feet up watching Saturday Kitchen and feeling decidely peckish....just lack the energy to do anything about it.

  • Comment number 15.

    S'ok Baz.

    Actually I treated myself to another hours kip.

    Right then, getting myself geared up to take a trip down to the carboot down at the seafront.

    Have already got my shiny new 10 bob coin in my pocket,so am all geared up to splash out!!

    Anybody need anything??


  • Comment number 16.

    TB - cheeky! HUgger

    MTF - why dont you buy some slides for your projector LOL

    Crumpy - baking - then drunk ironing watching a filum later?

    Noahs M - sorry you are not feeling good :-(

    Jules - baby grow for grown ups???? Ohhh I'd feel all claustrophobic in that! Need to be free me!!

    righty can no longer put off the chores....

    back later to be distracted

  • Comment number 17.

    MTF....doing a dinner party tonight and need to replace our wine glasses.....oh and place mats too, we still have our M & S Harvester collection which was a wedding pressie, and it's our 20th anniversary this week....so I think we are justified in replacing them..

    So if you see any glasses and mats..please pick us up some????

    The hostess is gonna be dusted off and brought in to play too....can't wait to start cooking....just gotta go and get the shopping now...booooooo


    Debs...me ...cheeky..noooo??!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi - thanks for the suggestions on what to do. It seems that Adam (son) has decreed we are making tomato ketchup and also some bread.

    I will look for a good film this afternoon - I have a few dvd's just arrived in the post so might have a sit down with one of them.

    PS - Baz, done the supermarket, too, now - get a shift on you lazy so & so!!

    Crumps x

  • Comment number 19.

    OK OK.....I'm off to Tesco's...every little helps....via McDonalds, without kids...hahaha...how norty is that....

    I certainly know how to live....ay???

    Laterz dudes.....

    Any thorts for next weeks ARF????

    I'm gone......xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Mines a too short affair that always undoes at inconvenient moments, (usually when frying spitting eggs) and has age old tissues in the pockets.

  • Comment number 21.


    Still feels like morning to me, not really got going yet!

    But t'other and boy have gone out (father and son bonding) so I shall have to get a wiggle on and do the chores I suppose - the bathroom won't clean itself unfortunately!

    Oh and apple and blackberry crumble is on the cards, as our back garden (building rubble dump) is full of them!


  • Comment number 22.

    Oh and I came on to say.......t'others hooded dressing gown is closely guarded by himself, I'm only allowed to wear it if poorly sick or hungover when he says I look like 'Mistress Jedi'.........


  • Comment number 23.


    Menus for week done, shopping done, lunch done (bacon and brie baguettes all round - delish!)

    Mr Deev on a mission of "chores" - currently doing something with his home-made wine - keeping well clear me!

    Feeling a bit tired, down and achey today so think this arvo I'll head off for a long soak in a bubbly bubbly bath. Luckily I have some delightful bubbly bubbly bubble bath a good friend gave me for my birthday, eh Debs! Will drag Piers Morgan along (in book form, natch!), light some candles and just steal some much needed 'me' time.

    Have apologies to Mr Deev for being a grinchy auld bird today. Can't put my finger on it but just feel kinda ...... ughhhhhhhh!

    Easy dinner to co-incide with the West Ham match later - roast chicken salad. Lovely jubbly!

    Loving the Saturday blog!


  • Comment number 24.

    Hello everyone

    Soundslike a generally chilled out Sturday all round. Hope the wardrobe building & dinner party prep going ok. Baz, did you warn Mrs Baz about the hostess trolley?

    Boy1 & Mr Seza just off to ring bells at wedding. First professional "gig" for boy1 so v excited about what he's going to spend his tenner on

    Think I'm going to make some choccie cakes with boy2 while they're out. Mind you, just had to use killer mum stare on boy2 as he has a cold & is standing right beside me sniffing. Ugh

    Only 1 comment from last nights bloggings, Hazel I type that sometimes too. Did try just sutting my initial & a kisss but that doesn't work, look - S x - so will just have to carry on & i promise to just smile if you type it wrong. Hope you still feeling ok today.

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 25.


    Billies on her hols and loving the chiilllllout time!!!!!

    hope everyones having great saturday and things !!!!!

    sorrry for not posting yesterday !!!

    meeesie on now !!!!

    Billie xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Crumpy - thanks for sending the sun down to me. Arrived late morning thanks - not that I've been out much yet!
    Deev - menus sorted? You making lists? Good idea though waste half an hour every evening wondering what to eat!
    NM hope you feel better soon. Looks like now you are hols Billie you are OK!
    Seza must admit I smiled when I saw Baz's comment about the hostess trolley :)

    Off to check washing machine - why do these new ones take hours to wash just a few flibberdy jibbetts! sigh...... going to take me all week-end just to do washing!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Beez - know what you mean bart washy machines - my new one takes 2 1/2 hours for a normal wash! Fink its about being eco friendly efficiency and that - seems to spend a lot of time 'just being' rather than swishing around!

    OH yes - and never let it be said I dont know how to live it up - just been out and bought me self a rotary clothes line and a new iron! S*d the Tiff bracelet I say!!

    Drunken ironing anyone???


  • Comment number 28.

    Pee ess - had to ask gorge man next door to help me put the washing line up - DOH blonde moment!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    ha ha Debs - still 15 mins to go!! It'll be dark before the next lot cooked! Eco friendly - yeh so they say - so why enough lights on the front to see in the dark!!!

    Off to strip the beds ready for next load then I'll join you in the drunken ironing - after I've cleaned the windows, bathroom, utility room etc etc!!! Sad A?

    Beezer xx

    Forgot to mention - guess who has been here since last visit?? - our Welsh decorator !!! Just can't get enough of them can I???

  • Comment number 30.

    hate to brag but got all mine done now last load in and line is end to end full!!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Hello, what's this, a Saturday blog? Can't be doing with hoodie dressing gown, in fact as others have said can't stand anything on me 'ead, not even an 'at!! Just flattens the wig and can't be doing with that!!

    Just about to tackle ironing, sober as a judge, as got ankle biters arriving at 5pm for sleepover, deep joy!!! No lie in tomorrow either!

    Best get started it'll be dark soon, no I aren't joking, me no likee!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 32.

    'Lo again

    Everyone gone out so I've got lap top & TV to myself

    Most Washing done, line full anyway, choccie cake in oven, bread proving, get me domestic goddess in training.

    Hey Billie, enjoying you hol. How long you got off?

    Debs. Good excuse! Did you have to ask gorge man in for coffee to say thanks?

    Drunken ironing will have to wait til tomorrow

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 33.

    PS Anyone read the book Chris recommends? Is it v difficult? Might see if library got it but not sure I can do it by next week.


  • Comment number 34.

    Hiya Seza....

    me got till fri 1pm then back to work !!!!!

    hows you?

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    I fine thanks Billie. Nicely chilled out

    Choccie cake out of oven & smelling lush. Might have to test it soon.


  • Comment number 36.

    nice to hear you ok!!!!

    mmmmmm !!!! i can smell it now .... wanna try it ... lol!!!

    making me hungry!!!!

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Seza - re the book, if you do a google search on "plato's symposium text", you get to a site called the internet classics archive and you can read it on line or download it.

    Not sure if it's the whole book but it's enough!!

    I'm giving it a go but have to say it's not grabbed me, yet!

    Crumps x

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi crumps

    I googled the book just to see what it was . Seems to me it's about a group of friends discussing different meanings of love. I did wonder if maybe we are being told something about people chatting together in a friendly way? Probably I'm reading(haha) too much into it but seems a bit of an odd recommendation for such a motley group as us to read. Still, Like you, I'll give it a go.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 39.


    Wayhey! 4-0 to the Arsenal - get in!

    Seza - choccie cake in oven - I just had a chocolate face mask. it smelt divine and made my mouth water, but given as it was a face mask, I resisted the urge to chow down on it. Skin now feels lovely and soft - a no make-up weekend treat for my skin, given all that gallivanting last weekend!

    Now sat in my PJs waiting for the West Ham game to kick off. Mr Deev is a Hammer but he's nipped over to lotty to pick dinner.

    Debs - you gonna have a Gold Blend thang going on there sister?!?!?!

    As for all you other "Window Twankey's" out there - I gotta get me load in off the line and shall endeavour to iron it tomorrow, or else I'll be going to work in me PJs!

    Cake making tomorrow - a Nigella creation: a load cake with grated beetroot and cranberries (from her C'mas book - soz Beez!)

    Finally - Seza - re the reading recomendation from CLP - I did wonder! And yes, I think you are probably right.

    Much love


  • Comment number 40.

    load cake??? loaf, even! xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi Deevs

    hey well done Deevs !! Arsenal doin great!!!!

    cake sounds lovely !!!!

    all this foodie talk making me want food!!!!!

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi all

    Have survived the furniture building, despite Mr JG trying to claim the credit on t'other side! Didn't realise the tallboy was going to have 5 damn drawers!

    I've got a sore bit on the palm of my hand from the screw-driver! Bloody electric one kept shredding top off the cheap and nasty screws they provided, so all done by hand in the end.

    Hope everyone's had a great day, need to go and put my lovely thankyou flowers in water, feed the dog, decide on some tea, and open the wine - cos I'm worth it!

    Catch you later!

    JG x

  • Comment number 43.

    Seza and Deev, have just caught up, and I think you're right too. I did think it was a little odd myself, but didn't have chance to look it up this morning.

    Debs - is he single?

    Beez, glad you've had some good weather down there for once! Also glad as my Mum's on holiday down there this week, somewhere between Cardigan and Newcastle Emlyn... by a castle, but she could remember the name of it when I asked her (actually, hope she got there lol)

    JG x

  • Comment number 44.


    In their analysis of your blog people seem to have overlooked the fact that in Ancient Greece a symposium was a wine drinking party.

    An allusion to their Friday night wine club maybe?

  • Comment number 45.

    I can understand the hood thing Chris.

    Here’s the thing. In the womb we are safe and secure, all covered by our mummy. As a child and adult, we somehow like to recreate this time of our life. As a youngster I used to hide under the duvet where I felt safe and cosy.

    Hood is realy ok.

    mj x

  • Comment number 46.


    Choccie cake is looking goooood. Have resisted it so far as really for picnic with friends tomorrwo but think I ought to test it before we go. Wouldn't want to give them something that didn't taste nice! lol

    Deevs, glad you resisted the face mask. Used to have some choccie bubbly bath. Have you any real choc to keep you going?

    Loads of cake sounds good btw.

    JG Congats on beating the flatpack. Any fingers left intact?

    Right, am going to feed the troops now. May have to buy my Strictly time with the lap top so not sure when I'll be back.

    Will wait for some very clever person to tell me what that book's really about but still think we have a good theory going on.


    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    You might be correct, Barney. Perhaps it will morph into a Friday coffee morning from January.


  • Comment number 48.

    Aye up you happy saturday blog peeps.

    Just back from carboot, laden with gifts for all the family.

    Spent a small fortune, literally.

    Baz, too late for your dinner party, sorry, will get back earlier next time!

    Now just off out to fire up the barbie, well throw a match on it and as its a gas affair, will be able to start cremating stuff instantly :)

    Going to put my new ice crusher ( yes, one of my purchases today ) into
    operation and get frappeing toute suite!

    Zut alors, too much telly choice all at the same time, grrr!


  • Comment number 49.

    Evenin all. Just been ooot with doggy. Flippin hilly here - back killing me now having to walk in flats. Great dog to take for a walk tho' by the time he's gone back and forth and up and down each cliff trail he's walked twice as far as me!!

    Not had chance to look at book. If I can download it I will listen on ipod whilst spending most of the day ironing!!!

    JG - know exactly where your mum is - can't remember the name either but used to go that route to bolt hole before we found a few short cuts!! She'll have no problems finding it - it's on the main road through to Cardigan!!! Been lovely today except for first thing - dry for once!!!

    Mr B cooking tonight (except for the saffron rice which he insists he is incapable of doing !!) so feet up, vino about to be poured and Strictly part 2 here I go.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi All

    Having a good saturday? My nose won't stop running, have got Mr NM to make tea tonight, sausages, mash, gravy & yorkshire puds. A little bit of what you fancy does you good! Have caught nasty cold from the boy. He likes to share!
    Hope the BBQ is going well MTF.
    Anyone watching X Factor tonight or are we all Strictly fans?

    a snotty nm. x

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi NM - Strictly Strictly in this ere abode! Can't get into the X Factor this year - dn't like the new audition format.

    Now, who just saw Ola Jordan? Think I'll give her a call and see if she'll lend me her rhumba outfit for the blog meet in Liverpool .....

    Hell yeh baby!!!!

    x x

  • Comment number 52.

    Yeah it is wierd the new format, I love watching it for the Nutters though!!


  • Comment number 53.

    Ola - wey hey Deev - wont miss that!!
    Haven't watched the x factor for yonks - painfull!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Enjoy your saturday tv people. I'm off after the x factor. see ya!

  • Comment number 55.

    I'm in pain, ouch , X factor pulling out all the so bad voices!


  • Comment number 56.

    C'mon Eileen, way to go girl, 80 yrs young!!


  • Comment number 57.


  • Comment number 58.

    Not a fan then Deevs?


  • Comment number 59.

    Fruit Pastille anyone?

    NM sorry to hear you not feeling tip top but glad you being looked after.

    MTF Haven't watched X Factor but can imagine what sort are on. Do you think they really believe they can sing?

    Deevs, am glad Kathryn Jenkins on tonight cos that means we won't have to have her again for the whole series

    Also, Ola's outfit in Liverpool in November? Think you'll need your vest on honey. Chilly!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Love ,love love Tom & Camilla's show dance though. Couldn't we have watched that twice instead?


  • Comment number 61.

    All in tears here for last duo.

    Bless em both.

    Right, whats on next??


  • Comment number 62.

    Seza - so agree - utterleeey brilliant routine!!! Need to see again and again!!! Tom & Camilla more please !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Thats me at a loose end then!

    Some Bond thing on and I didnt get to the controls first.

    Time to drive you all mad, or bonkers on here. ;0


  • Comment number 64.

    MTF Only advantage to Bond thing is Daniel Craig so you can have best of both world's - Good Company on here & Eye candy to glance at. Fruit Pastille before I finish them all?


  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Seza, only if there is an orange one left.

    Sfunny that you found those, mine found dinosaur eggs in October last year, that I had put by as daft stocking fillers, thay are nearly 16 & 18!!

    They yelped with delight when they found them, so much more than they would have done at CHRISTMAS!

    We have now got one solitary choc snowman sitting on the dresser, to see who finally caves in or who is so desperate, tis a fine line!!

    Who is this Craig Daniel chappy then??


  • Comment number 66.

    Have a orange one! Catch

    By rights Mr Daniel Bond should be squished in a little heap. Mazing how tough movie stars are

    Maybe your snowman will be lucky & make it to this Christmas. Who would have the heart to eat him then?


  • Comment number 67.

    hey Seza ....

    stop saying that word !!! should not be uttered till after halloween !!!!

    too commercialized xmas is!!!! now you got me saying it!! lol!!!

    hows everyone????

    me im ok justfinished watching american wrestlers again and now off to watch last weeks installments of "waking the dead" we sky+

    cant watch strictly or x factor... not my thing!!!!

    loveski Billie !!!

  • Comment number 68.

    Sorry Billie

    Not sure if you saw but Santa bought some of those tubes of sweets you only get at that time of year & forgot he had hidden them in my house when it came to filling the stockings. I only found them this week! MTF also has choc left over so it's ok cos we are talking about last Christmas & that's ok. I promise not to mention this years festivites yet.lol


  • Comment number 69.

    Right that's it - MTF Seza that C word has been said far too many times and you know I have banned it !! Norty step right now and it's pretty cold cos no-one been there for a while!

    Beez xx

    Well done Billie for joining my no C word until at least C Eve!!!!

  • Comment number 70.

    Was just thinking best thing in this Bond filum was Judi dench then there was the swim shorts moment. Eye candy indeed!


  • Comment number 71.

    tis ok !!!!!!

    im not allowed sweeties or choccy on diet want to be slim !!!!

    lost two stone already want to lose a further four!!!

    want to wear size 10 to 12!!!!

    loveski Billie xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Oh Beez

    I very sorry. I promise not say it again for ages, reeeeeaaaallllyy.

    Please can we not be on the norty step. It's cold & dark & I think there's spiders too.


    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    AND, still have bar of LINDT choc stuck on the front of a 2002 Hello mag to prove how not into choc I am!!

    Midget gem gal me.

    But gotta be Lions, you can still get them in jars in Bampton.

    Its all about the Black ones!

    Keep em in your pocket for 5 mins and they soften and once the fabric conditioner taste has passed, heaven , mwah!


  • Comment number 74.

    Oooh MTF, I'm anybody's for a quarter of Floral Gums!!

    Now inbibing a glass of ginger wine. Tis very nice and warming, added to the snuzzling in CLP's virtual hoodie dressing gown - tis good!


  • Comment number 75.

    Wahoo the norty step for me.

    Love the chill on me derriere.

    And I can go on Bat Watch, yabadabadooooooooooooo.


    Slightly batty dont ya know!

  • Comment number 76.

    Cherry lips Deevs??


  • Comment number 77.

    I didn't think you'd noticed MTF!!


  • Comment number 78.

    And and and Deevs, sorry, getting a tad excited now, they ask you would you like a quarter OR some other measurement.Ha!


    Squirrels nuts anyone?

  • Comment number 79.

    I had a heart shaped jelly bean given to me the other day!! Cute.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 80.

    right then girls!!!!1

    me off ok!!!

    hope to be on more as holidays are now here for me!!!!

    love Billie xx

    PS Cheryl well done for the gooners!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    And can I have a quarter of sherbert pips please ..... x x x

  • Comment number 82.

    What's a bit scary is that you have a 2002 Hello magazine MTF! I wonder how many of the happy couples & loved up peeps in there are still with those partners?

    Can I have a read while we on the norty step together?


  • Comment number 83.

    thanks Billie - wished I'd gone now! went to that fixture last season, in December. it was the day Eboue came on as a sub and got subbed as he played so bad!!

    nite nite you.


  • Comment number 84.

    I'd like a quarter of foam shrimps please. and a sherbert fountain. yum


  • Comment number 85.

    and and and can i have some of those white chocolate buttons wuth pimply candy on please ....... jazzles? and white chocolate meeces......


  • Comment number 86.

    aniseed balls and black jacks puleese

  • Comment number 87.

    Seza, just nipping upstairs to get it.

    have some 1950s ladies mags too.

    Now they are a treat, how divine was life then??

    Ok not to those living it at the time, but some of the problem pages include,... How do I keep my Husband happy?

    Answer..make sure you look nice for him when he gets in from a hard days work,comb your hair, and take his breifcase off him and tell him how much you have missed him..WHAT!!!

    La de da de da!


  • Comment number 88.

    sorry peeps - got too excited there and forgot me mannas

    Good evening folks

    great to have a sat blog. Seems all is well what with teams winning and generally chilled out day

    Wonder how Baz is doing with the hostess trollee?

  • Comment number 89.

    Ok, said copy of OK mag, not hellooo, in hand.


    March 12 2002.


    Will Young, his intimate secrets, well I ask you, who never saw that coming??

    Going to look for index now!


  • Comment number 90.

    ooh yes forgot about the pink shrimps

    sweets just aren't the same now - MTF I'll have to fight you for the black midget gems and please don't tell me you like the white ones to?

    Saw those very quiet gold bars in Wilkinsons (other general purpose stores are available) for 9p less than Morris mans are selling them - feel cheated now

  • Comment number 91.

    Can probably dig out some Gold Wispas from first time around too, bear with me!


  • Comment number 92.

    Sus, love the white ones , sort of pear flavour.


  • Comment number 93.

    We've got one of those nice shops in town that sells proper sweets from jars. Lemon Bon bon anyone.


  • Comment number 94.

    Flying saucers please

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 95.

    MTF what are you like? defs TOG material but don't know how anyone can keep choklit for more than a few days never mind 7 and a half years xx

  • Comment number 96.

    sorry MTF but the white ones are all mine or I could turn nasty.
    Making choccie cake for nephews birthday tomorrow with white buttons on top but not with the sparkly bits, sorry Deev or you would have been welcome

  • Comment number 97.

    Oh, just opened up mag at Dame Judi Dench with a pic of her and her lovely hub, Michael Williams.

    Expressing her sadness, werent they a lovely match.:)


  • Comment number 98.

    Susan, not just me finds it a bit scary that not only does someone have a 2002 Hello mag but can find it without ransacking the whole house?

    Sounds like a mass trip to the sweet shop tomorrow. Do you remember being given 10p & buying a whole bag of different sweets


  • Comment number 99.

    best sweet shop is at Beamish open air museum and they make some of them there too - you can watch and obviously buy loads - you should see the kids faces with all the jars full of sweets on the shelves. Takes me back to my walks home from school many moons ago with pocket money pennies (the large ones pre decimal)straight to the sweet shop

  • Comment number 100.

    my hubby won't let me keep mags for a month never mind 7 years and as you say Seza to know exactly where it is sounds either organised or obsessive - not quite sure which lol


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