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Awwww, well there he goes...

Chris Evans | 10:41 UK time, Friday, 18 December 2009

...with the class and style that has become Mr Terry Wogan of Radioland.

The perfect send off but we MUST NOT FORGET - he will be back with a huge huge show come February on Sunday mornings, and you know I think it's going to be great - more than great - in fact I can't wait to hear it. Live bands and guests and a proper live audience.

The show he deserves, and that will carry him on for as many years as he cares to do it.

Bloomin' beautiful day by the way.

Right Noah get your woollies on, it's time for you to meet my good friend Mr Snow - you'll really like him - he's allwhite.




PS: Gonna start the show with Tel's last link today, so what song should follow that little nugget of gold? Pray tell - do.


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  • Comment number 1.

    I'm still getting over it!!

    Enjoy the snow with Noah!

    JG x

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP - you gotta make snow angels!
    PS - whilst still high up on the posts - can you add PIP and Margot to the "list" - they have a normal ticket but want to be with the bloggers! Please, thank you

  • Comment number 3.

    PS - what about "we all stand TOGether"???

  • Comment number 4.

    More tissues!! And if they play the trailer for Jeremy Vine's forces special again I shall be good for nothing

    I was going to suggest Say Hello, Wave Goodbye for the ARF today but not sure if that will go?

    Rips, glad you enjoyed the game. When I saw what boy1 was playing when I wrested the laptop back from him, i thought you should cast your professional eye over it. Hope the bag packing, sorry, har work is going well!


    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Bah Humbug, no snow here, have sent MiniBob to nursery with Hat, Scarf, Gloves and Wellies, just in case!

    Thought Terry's show this morning was lovely, a good mix of sentiment and humour, almost moved me to tears and I am usually unmoveable (I have only had 4 hours sleep though, thanks Baby Munch!).

    As for the song after the link...perhaps a little silence would be fitting so we all stop weeping into our hankies, then something VERY uplifting?

    PS. I have it in my head that you played Boo Radleys - Wake up Boo as your first song on Radio 1, does anyone know if this is right, I was doing my A levels at the time and spent most of my time partying so I could well be totally wrong x

    :o) Jo

  • Comment number 6.

    ps Any body got any spare gift tags?

    Chuck em over please!

    Ta muchly

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 7.


    How about --- Thank you for being a friend ?


  • Comment number 8.

    ARF Thankyou for being a friend..golden girls theme

  • Comment number 9.

    Dear Chris

    I don't usually write in. Have just listened to the last of Terry's show. My children (now teenagers)and I have always listened to him during the school run. They, despitre being 16 and 13, love him too. Now you have to fill those boots! We already listen to you on the drive home so know you are up to the job ! Just go easy on us please (we need a gentle wake up in the A.M.)!! Best of luck for your new show.

    Iz and family

  • Comment number 10.

    oo MTF you got there before me !!

  • Comment number 11.

    Its perfect innit !


  • Comment number 12.

    Morning Christoph

    Talking of Noah, please, please, please may we have an updated photo of ickle man on the blog, for those of us who don't tweet!

    To reiterate, my ARF is

    Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

    Dean Martin

    Thank you, thank you

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Jo - yes he did (with suitably amended lyrics). Happy days!

    Already suggested Those Were The Days Of Our Lives by Queen for ARF, but thought I'd mention it again, just in case.

    Still no snow here, but office heating is useless - can't feel me feet!

  • Comment number 14.


    not sure what should be ARF - but some good suggestions already

    okay - bit personal this and probably shouldn't be on the blog - but does anyone else get a bit sad over the Christmas period - thinking about thngs ending and things changing since last year and missing people - i'm looking forward to the 23rd and making new friends and meeting exsiting ones so don't be shy - come and give me hug!

    Matt - that means you too - we have history of you not wanting to say hi :-)

  • Comment number 15.

    Jo - it was the Boo's.

    Sounds like the first thing I say to the CMM after a big night out.

    Debs - I should think we'll all be in together anyway.
    We just got guaranteed tickets.

    I reckon they've got enough going on that night without seperating us!



  • Comment number 16.

    Farewell Tel - you leave us still at the top of your game.

    Welcome Chris - now its your turn to create a Big Breakfast for the morning listeners - leave them tv heads to gmtv and loops of news.

    Psst What's Gabby up to??

  • Comment number 17.


    Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) - Green Day

    Before you lynch me, have a listen. In fact, you must have heard the cover by Glen Campbell (?) - Chris has played it often enough.

    Happy Days

    M - TAFKAMfR

  • Comment number 18.

    I have just braved the shower, with the window open and the curtains blowing horizontally with the icy blast, now thats brave or stoopid, still working out which !

    Anyone seen the google homepage?


  • Comment number 19.


    Know exactly what you mean and I am very much looking forward to making amends next week.

    Matt xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Matt - I'll hold you .................... to that :-)

  • Comment number 21.

    SB - you're not the only one, it's a natural thing to do at this time of year.

    Just thought I'd share my favourite Dr. Suess quote with you - seems appropriate today of all days:

    Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened

  • Comment number 22.

    Baggy - I always feel the same, and I think a lot of people do. It's natural to remember at this time of year.

    Have a {{{{HUG}}}} now, as I won't be there on the 23rd

    JG x

  • Comment number 23.

    Well loves - good blog blogmeister.

    Trying to think of a good song to follow what Terry said this am........I am tempted to say the Floral Dance to cheer us up but maybe that is too obvious???????

    Chris can we please have a pic of you and Noah in the snow - I could do with an awwwwwwwwwwww moment!


  • Comment number 24.

    It's all yours now Chris and thats snow joke :O)
    Baggy, yes I get sad at Christmas too. Don't know why but I think sometimes it's best not to analyse things too much.

    And, repeated from previous log....

    ARF The Cure - Love Song. This is for someone...she knows who she is, if she is reading this...


  • Comment number 25.

    SBP --- I am your girl when it comes to hugs and can't wait to give a massive hug next Weds

  • Comment number 26.

    MTF That Google page is beautiful, thanks. The homepage is the winner, have you looked at the others?

    Sbp, (((x)))


  • Comment number 27.

    Uncle Carl - #21 - very nice quote - I am going to adopt that thank you!

    Baggy - fear not - you will get lots of huggs next week and I guarantee you will have achy face cheeks on 24th from so much laughter!


  • Comment number 28.


    I know I'm going to get heckled..... but here goes......


    Floral Dance
    The Togmeister


  • Comment number 29.

    Dook - you are not on your own love - see my post #23 LOL


  • Comment number 30.

    Seza - how do you see the others (google) things???


  • Comment number 31.

    Baggy, yes I get a bit blue over christmas, moreso over new year. My resolution is to make 2010 the best year of my life ever.


    One Day Like This - Elbow

    Have fun in the snow Christophe!


  • Comment number 32.

    Oooooh Good Riddance (Time of your life) would be a sure fire tear jerker her, good choice TAFKAMfR.

    Have a baby snuggling into my neck currently, should probably put him down somewhere but I am finding it physically impossible as he's too cute...scuse any typos, one handed typing only!

  • Comment number 33.

    D'you know what.

    Although this snow is a inconveience for many, and my thoughts with anyone who has been caused real problems, but have a extra day at home, listening to the radio & the seasonal musis, putting presents under the tree is a real treat

    Do you think "someone" wanted more of us to listen to the radio this morning?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Debs, click on the big google picture then it will bring the others up.


  • Comment number 35.

    Seza, I had planned to have the day off to do so much, but am struggling to find the motivation...Oops!

    Really enjoying the radio though, but for some reason, unless I sit next to it, it crackles, well that's my excuse anyway!

    I have managed to get the train times to get into Manchester tonight though, would prefer to stay home TBH - it's too cold to be going out!

    Would it be wrong to go back to bed for an hour?

    JG x

  • Comment number 36.

    Mine in the bedroom does that! Have yet to persuade Mr Seza stand next to it till i fall asleep each night.

    Can't have a proper radio in the living room at all so have tv on radio if you know what I mean.

    Am actually getting on

    Presents wrapped that i can so far, next task looms

    Better go, think very wet snowy boy just returned. Yuck!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Ewwww ..... not a wet snowy boy. Good luck!!! x x x

  • Comment number 38.

    Seza - thanks - they are brilliant! the google doodles that is!

    Not soggy sons!

    so CBA today - should be writing reports and wrapping up other job before I am off for 10 days......

    anything else to distract me anyone???


  • Comment number 39.


    Newbie here, have been lurking for a few months now.

    I have a lot of respect for you Chris in the way that you have changed and become a thoroughly decent bloke.

    Sad to see Terry leave the breakfast show but looking forward to hearing you on the breakfast show.

    The only problem now is to find enough cd's to listen to on the drive to work as not a big fan of JW in the mornings.

    have a good day.


  • Comment number 40.

    Seza, do snowy wet boys smell as bad as snowy wet dogs?

    (we have no snow, I've hung nappies on the line to sun!)

    :o) Jo

  • Comment number 41.


    There is nothing to add to the comments about Sir Tel, a very moving breakfast show - God bless him - Chris it's your turn now - bring it on xx

    Well it's snowy in Kent, I walked to work (what a trooper) if was lovely crunching through the snow. Days like this don't get any better. I am keeping a watchful eye out of the window in case it starts again, which they are threatening, as soon as it does I am out of here. I was going to see my Bestest Friend tonight, but there are so many hills separating us that it's not worth the risk, so we've just sorted out a present exchange for Sunday afternoon...hooray.

    I am glad that everyone is safe, either snuggled in the snow or out enjoying it.

    I'm happy to go with any ARF suggestions, but I think we should be prepared to get the tissues out again.

    SbP, I'm not over keen on New Year, as, for some reason I expect everything to be better as soon as the clock strikes midnight, but of course it isn't. Big hug coming your way next week - are you still wearning jeans?


  • Comment number 42.

    Welcome Nate

    I agree with you about clp.

    As I am on holiday for most of the next 2 weeks I probably won't listen to JW. I don't mind him though. My main worry is getting used to SM on the way home zzzzzz.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Last day at work for the year! Woohoo!!
    No strike next week! Woohoo!!

    4th date last night :-D :-D :-D....i'm smitten


  • Comment number 44.


    Not 1 but 2 wet soggy boys, who need toasted sandwiches and soup!!

    Lates gang

    Stay safe, keep warm, work'll still be there tomorrow,

    Enjoy the day

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    PS Hi Nate


  • Comment number 46.

    Go Rusty!

    Lovely feeling isn't it?!?


  • Comment number 47.

    Yes, hi Nate! Welcome to blogsville x

  • Comment number 48.

    Right, am definately going to need to get my act together and go out - I'm starving, and we haven't even got a crust of bread in the house!

    Mr JG just rang to see if I'd stopped crying yet...he even admitted to feeling emotional listening to Terry.

    Hi Nate!

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.

    Thank you for the welcomes.

    Re SM, wont be listening to him at drivetime, probably find a local station to listen to.


  • Comment number 50.

    Ali - I'm wearing jeans now but probably not for the party - I have a secret outfit in my mind so watch out :o)

  • Comment number 51.

    Nate welcome, I only dipped my toe back into blogsville yesterday myself. I'm feeling the same about SM, I would have liked Dermot to have been 'promoted' into the drive time slot but I'm not sure his Saturday show would fit into a weekday prime time show.

    My local station is Kerrang! which is great, otherwise I have to endure Mary Mary-Shackles and UB40 every half hour on Heart FM!!

  • Comment number 52.

    Baggy, I think I'll wear a skirt then as I don't want to be the only girl blogger wearing jeans! I too am wearing jeans now!


  • Comment number 53.

    Been racking my brains for a particular song and couldn't remember what is was called so had to get my CD's out to check the title


    I blogged the same time as Chris this morning so mine is on t'other side.

    love Loli x

  • Comment number 54.

    Jo - do you "do" Kerrang! TV? Great for late nights and sneaky peeks at Justin Hawkins!!


  • Comment number 55.

    Ms Diva....Naturellement I do 'do' Kerrang! TV

    (Do you do judo?
    No I don't do Judo but I do do voodoo')

  • Comment number 56.


    I actually bought Kerrang! the magazine the other week for the first time since I was about 17.

    Midlife crisis, what midlife crisis?


  • Comment number 57.

    Welcome Nate.
    I will be using my fm fangled gadget thingy which I put my Ipod in in my car to solve the SM "problem" - nice bloke, just d-u-l-l daaahling.
    Snowy in Warwick but only light...



  • Comment number 58.

    oooh noticed my song has already been suggested...great minds...

    love Loli x

  • Comment number 59.

    We should give Mr Mayo the same chance we gave Mr Evans - didn't do too badly out of that one did we :-)

    Off for our Christmas buffet in a mo, might check back later, depending on how many mince pies I get through....

  • Comment number 60.

    LOL Jo!

    Matt - I used to get Kerrang! regularly, every week, up to about Placebo/Terrorvision time, or maybe just after. But then sadly the demographic seemed to change from a music magazine to a mag for 14 year olds. Maybe when Phil Alexander left the Editors chair?

    I buy Q now every month - love its wit and depth of interviews, although it could do with some more Justin Hawkins .....!!!

    Deevs, being serious for once
    x x x

  • Comment number 61.

    Actually, re: SM....do you think he'll resurrect the confessions item form the R1 breakfast show? Hilarious stuff

  • Comment number 62.

    How camp am I re #57...ooh get me...oops..



  • Comment number 63.


    I too do Q - that kind of worked too! - but I'm afraid it isn't a patch on what it was a few years ago - around the time a certain Mr Maconie worked on it. I was so hooked that I even got my mother to mail me copies to wherever I was in the world during my travels!


  • Comment number 64.

    LOL Nic - as camp as a row of tents during Scout week dahlink!

    I never knew Mr Maconie wrote for Q Matt. Today's new factoid in my life!


  • Comment number 65.

    I love kerrang on tellybox, hope CLP is going to be too soft in the mornings some people have suggested soothing gentle music me i need to ROCK!

    love Loli x

  • Comment number 66.

    ARF - thank you for the days - kirsty McColl

    For you and Tel

    T xxxxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Oh Yeh! Kick start the day with some Ramones or AC/DC!! Or both ..... x

  • Comment number 68.

    Enjoy the snow with Noah Chris. Like everyone else, I'd love to see a photo of him.

    Thank you for being a friend for ARF was the only one that came to mind when I read your blog.

    Just watched the postie van slipping and sliding outside my house.

    Uncle Carl - I'm going to remember that quote. Good advice.

    Welcome Nate.

    Back later after I've toasted some cheese. Yum.


  • Comment number 69.

    Re the mayo - dont mind him when he is not SHOUTING!!!

    Welcome to the newbies - hang around - you might have fun!


  • Comment number 70.

    PS: Deev: Just got your pressie. Thank you soooooooo much my love.


  • Comment number 71.

    Maybe we could suggest Chris does a ROCK moment at say 7.30 each morning that would give us a good kick start as generally I'm in the car at about that time.


  • Comment number 72.

    Annie - you're welcome. Enjoy! That Gretchen Wilson song always makes me think of you!

    Loli - good call!!!!!


  • Comment number 73.

    I only dip into the blog occasionally, but have read it most days since it started, so feel i know you all. Am I allowed a suggestion for first song tonight? If so, how about

    After you've Gone - by Eva Cassidy. Apt words and one of Terry's favourite artists.


  • Comment number 74.

    Terry's own Christmas offering - Silver Bells

  • Comment number 75.

    Just seen sparklysparklytinsel's suggestion and think it is FAB

    thank you for the days - kirsty McColl

    Appropriate for both of you!

  • Comment number 76.

    Hang on.chris was always a decent bloke

    and i would just like to add that a party isnt a party without

    JELLY !

  • Comment number 77.

    Red Jelly by any chance?!?!? xx

  • Comment number 78.


    Didnt get chance to listen to much of TW this morning, as only in car for 15 mins, will certainly listen again later.
    CLP just know you are going to be great, just take it in your stride and do what you do best.Looking forward to listening to you.

    Rusty - good luck , can i be a bridesmaid please ??

    Debs - pies - i know what type, but think i can only get frozen ones, which will be unfrozen by the time i get them to you - is that OK ???

    No snow round here, just a very light dusting, but black ice . Think we are due to get it tonight and weekend. Better get it over with before next week.

    CLP, could we have Pip and Margot on the list too please , that would make their day and mine .

    Last day of work until 2010 for me, am in the office on my own today, and reflecting on our year .

    MC xxxx

    Deev, advent calendar today - Statue of Liberty please , thanks and enjoy your film fest xx

  • Comment number 79.

    of course..sparkly red jelly !

  • Comment number 80.

    Enjoy the snow with Noah CLP, its never too early to learn how to build a snowman!

    I couldn't listen to the end of Sir Tel this morning as I was at work, so I have been listening again on the iplayer. How good was he?!

    Pip - thank you for bringing up the possible problem of not getting in as our (and Obama's) tickets do not guarantee an entry. Lets discuss over on FB. Obama I don't think we are friends on FB - could someone intro us please?

    Debs - a great idea to ask CLP if he can include us in the "guaranteed" list. Thank you. I think we had better have a plan B just in case we do not get added to the list - I wouldn't want to miss out!!

    Have been thinking about ARF. I thought of a great one for the new breakfast show - Get the party started - Shirley Bassey, but nothing comes to mind yet for tonight.


  • Comment number 81.

    Cheryl - I used to hang around with Phil Alexander when I first moved to Bristol (24 years ago - yikes!). He was a very lovely bloke with awesome hair.

    I'm being so lazy today, I'm starting to get on my own nerves. There is so much to do but I appear to have gone on strike, unlike the BA staff. How many High Court judges had BA flights booked over Christmas, do you think? Excellent!

    I'm struggling with an ARF suggestion. Something to follow Terry's last breakfast link but to get Drivetime off to a cracking start - tough brief, Chris.


  • Comment number 82.

    Meant to say hello to all newbies and welcome, and lovely to hear its going so well for you Rustie.

  • Comment number 83.

    Obama - that is sooooooooooooooo cool! Did you know his brother Krusher as well? And his dog .... Bullseye (i think)?? Happy memories of late night rock tv flooding back now!


  • Comment number 84.

    Afternoon peeps.
    After my late start this morning, I decided to have that early finish, so am home and warm.

    Also been naughty and had chippy fish n chips for lunch, Only managed half of the chips tho - way too many.

    Bit more present wrapping and maybe some card hand-delivery around the neighbours.

    Deev - thanks for the cd - hope we all get to sing along to She's So Luvverly - will dedicate it to you if we do xx ps - I keep my christmas lights switched on in the fireplace all year 'round!!

    Nic - v camp ...are you going to choreograph our dancing at the O2 dahling?

    Nate and other newbies, hello good afternoon and welcome as Mr Frost (see what I did there???) would say.

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 85.

    MC - un-frozen pies is fine dear! Will have them for our tea on Christmas eve - what a treat! I'll get the mushy peas in!

    Jeli - how do you get sparkly jelly???

    Seza - do you think CLP has a soggy boy by now! LOL
    Actually strike that - do you think TASH has 2 soggy boys!

    And yes - CLP I agree with the team - we'd love a pre-xmas Noah pic please!


  • Comment number 86.

    or even Rusty - sorry for sp mistake!

  • Comment number 87.

    Oh by golly, is it shiversome !

    Just been out to break the ice on the bird bath.

    Looking out of the front window, the sea looks black and very uninviting.

    The South Wales coast is a glow with brilliant sunshine, but that wind!!

    The hills in the background appear to be covered in snow, anyone on here from that way ?

    JG, maybe a bit too far south for your folks ?

    Putting my shoes on the storage heater for half an hour before I leave, cant stand cold feet.

    Also, am going to start the car and leave it running for a bit before I get in. Sorry environment, just today cos I am feeling whimpish.

    The steam train is just going past, billowing out huge white puffs, its the Santa Special.

    On days like this, I would be content to stay at home, but my job means a lot to folk at this time of the year ( all I want for Christmas and all that ) so needs must, I'll be on my way soon.

    Hope all else are coping with the cold snap.

    Go carefully now.

    Looking forward to 5.05, that'll warm us all up.


  • Comment number 88.

    welcome Nate

    just braved the snow and crunched down to the supermacado! It was beautiful in the snow with blue skies and the sun shining


  • Comment number 89.

    Have awoken late again today. Didn't even realise it was snowing last night til I got up to ahem, well you know, and I took a pic of our outside steps...looks proper Victorian and everything but is only 4megapixels not 12 like these fancy cameras / phones you get these days. But I digress. Anyhoo, Christophe, I do hope Noah loved the snow! After I'd got back to bed, I did consider getting a teatray out to toboggan down the hill. Get your boy a sledge Christophe! I know he's young yet, but get one early for next year...is the most fun you can have with a bit of wood and a rope on the snow!!!

    Big bums though to miss Terry's last show...is a definite listen again tomorrow I think!

    And I'd like to go with Good Riddance as my ARF...I did suggest something earlier in the week, but my memory is shot on these pills, so I have no idea what it may have been...

    ...or You'll never walk alone - from Carousel...or Sailing...by Rod...

    pesssess hi to everyone, I've not time at the moment to be catching up as I need to get the snow plough out to get to the docs...o joy...

  • Comment number 90.

    ARF - I agree, Thank You For The Days would be perfect, fingers crossed.
    Coo, is it the emotion of this morning, or the 4.5 hours sleep after taking 2 hours to get home after the work Christmas do, or the ?? glasses of wine plus pink champagne (dahlink!) consumed during the do, but I'm worn out and it's not even 2pm...
    Am working through this year, first time in ages and kinda looking forward to it as there should be time to sort out endless email, tick off the 'to do' list and have a lickle blog or two whilst the boss and boss's boss aren't there.
    Stay warm everyone, and see you at 5.05... if not before
    Ann xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Almost forgot to add for the advent calendar - rocking horse.

    Gotta go now.


  • Comment number 92.

    hello evil twin!

    Our local chippy actually sells completed chip butties - and reet good they are too! How about that for a darn sarf chip shop!


  • Comment number 93.

    Howaya Christoff.

    ARF. Cheesy and soppy I know, but..

    Merry Christmas, Darling, The Carpenters.

    And this not just to follow our own lovely Sir Tel, but also for all those with boys and girls in the Armed Forces this Christmas. I thank God and the Universe every day that it's not me, and am massively grateful that there are those prepared to fight and sacrifice so that the rest of us can enjoy indulgences like this.

    HUGE thanks and hugs to all.

    A red-eyed Clodagh.xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Not stopping, and not read the posts yet, but need to tell you all my news.

    My dad has been given the all clear on the cancer front. Still something wrong with him, but its not that.


    Will be an excellent christmas now.

    Right, gotta go kick snow at a dog. Will be back soon and catch up.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 95.

    Can I just say I love you all. My life would be far poorer without you all in it.

    Sbp - I totally empathise with you. Despite this being the month for both mine and DS's birthday I always feel low at this time. Looking forward a boost in spirits in more than one way next week!

    Welcome to the newbies. Stick around - you won't regret it!

    Going to follow Crumpy's lead and have a flier.


  • Comment number 96.

    MW,a! that's fantstic news!! x

    Crumpy, stop it woman! I now have an eerie vision of MrRolastic dressed in spandex, akin to Craig Revell Hawood telling us all our cha cha cha was a-maze-ing daaaaaaaaaaaaaahlink!

    Best I lay orf the gin on Wednesday methinks!

    btw - did you know on Strictly their shirts are stitched to cycling shorts under their trousers to prevent untuckerage. 100% true!!!


  • Comment number 97.


    Haven't managed to catch up at all but just got a message through on FB saying I was invited on 23rd? Is this true? Has anyone else had an invite this way? I thought that other than the 'jib ins' the other invites were by email.

    Can anyone answer this please?

    Thanks very much

    Nervously Excited


  • Comment number 98.


    edible glitter gives you sparkly jelly.or diamonds


  • Comment number 99.

    or if you make it with champagne.

    I don't arf fancy a Caramel .....


  • Comment number 100.

    I got some toffees but that ain't what ya mean is it?

    C x


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