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Late blogging - guilty, but here's why.

Chris Evans | 16:55 UK time, Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Today saw the third Sporting Challenge between Jonny and me: Golf.

Now by rights I should have won this easily, as it's the one sport I can actually play, however Jonny was playing with the maestro that goes by the name of Bernard Gallacher - ex Ryder Cup skipper.

I, on the other hand, was playing with the Reverend Rob from Pause For Thought - so technically we did have help - but how much God is into golf, we were yet to find out.

Four and a half hours later, and then a trip back to The Berkshire (who were kind enough to host us), to retrieve my bag which I left behind - and I have just arrived home this second.

How many holes do you think we played by the way ? Eighteen? Twenty seven - with a wriggle on? Well no - the answer is nine !!!!

Why? Watch the vid on this website from tomorrow evening to find out. . .

1 - 1 after the tennis and darts, whoever wins the Golf, will take the lead.

I need a hot bath and a nice cup 'o tea. Tea is the new beer.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Love the show, mornings are a giggle now..

  • Comment number 2.

    Typical - I write on t'other blog and we get a new one.

    We now have to wait until tomorrow night for the video but we also need to know where you went last night Christoph??? Sounds like you lost?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris,
    Sounds like you had a good day - bit chilly though.

    Managed to catch almost all of todays show.
    Enjoyed the banter about the wrong words. One evening when my daughter was quite young, she was excitedly telling her Grandma over the phone about her new pet canary. Grandma asked her "Where is the canary now?" My daughter piped up in all innocence, "Oh he's roasting in his cage"!
    We all had visions of this poor little bird wrapped in foil turning around on his perch like a spit roast. Of course she meant roosting.
    Out of the mouths of babes.....

    Enjoy your bath and tea, off to make a brew myself. Good idea!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 4.

    Is all ticketyboo, Ticketyboo!

    Mornings are definately smiley in our house!

    SBP, I am a big fan of umbrellas that are not all black and boring, you need something to cheer you up on a grey miserable day.

    So, if you can see your Tigger, then keep your umbrella to make you smile. If not, choose something that does. The boys bought me a posh brolley from that designer bag company that has a little doggy on with big flowers on - lush

    And I have a pair of wellies with frog eyes on spare here! You're more than welcome to them - if you have ickle size 10 feet!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    I guess I'm a tog (in age) but really I'm a massive CLP fan and have been for years. This is my first post and I've made the jump because I so enjoy the daily blog and all the comments and want to be part of the gang. Particularly like all the 'extra' bits such as the videos and photos. More please.

  • Comment number 6.

    Evening everyone.

    Chris, loved the show this morning.

    Hope everyone that's not well, feels better soon.

    Gail, loved the quotes

    Wendy, lovely story.

    Beez, finally did it.


  • Comment number 7.


    What a coincidence

    That's what i'm just about to go cook!

    Welcome to the party!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 8.


    anytime is a good time to post, can't wait to see the video and hear the score bless ya bet you had a ball tho......literally

    CLP just how many cups of tea do you drink in a day?????

    sausageandmash welcome welcome welcome your name may get shortened down

    How are all the bloggers and bloggettes

    Like a lil zoo in my house, bunny bouncing round the living room and one of my tortoises has just emerged from under a huge leaf in the terrarium to have a munch on some salad, do love watching them BUT they are more active in the day

    just 2 more sleeps until I drive down to Hemel after work to collect my puppy.......yippeee



  • Comment number 9.

    csn I am intrigued what did you finally do (I am nosey)


  • Comment number 10.


    It's not sounding too good if you were up against Mr Gallacher - look forward to the video.

    Enjoy your bath and cup of tea xx

    Bingo your hilarious!

    Oh I really fancy sausage and mash with onion gravy!

    ChrissieS - don't be too hard on Mr S.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 11.


    we cant shorten sausageandmash to s and m though !!

  • Comment number 12.

    Welcome sausageandmash.

    K&Ks sounds like fun in your house.bet you can't wait, what breed is it?


  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Sausageandmash,

    I expect we can't shorten your name to snorkers either!!

    Welcome to this lovely madhouse!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi CLP & bloggers!

    Well I hope you had a good game CLP... apparently that's what matters (or so I've heard, I don't play myself). I'm sure that it would have been a fun day out whatever the case.

    My day has been a meeting with the other mums that I met on the antenatal course and their babies which was fab (we had hot chocolate and cakes!) then a baby massage class after last night which was the first night I'd had on my own with B-M since he was born... very different. Mum was on the phone by 7am and back here by 8.30am as she'd missed us so much.. bless! Right now she's holding him on her lap, he's fast asleep and she's nodding off herself awwwwww!

    Hope everyone's well. I'm intending having a catch up later on if nothing happens to stop me so forgive any birthdays/events/troubles I've missed or don't know about yet.


  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Chris,

    It's always great to see you, no matter what time it is! Hope you had a great day - sounds like 9 holes of torture! You might want to check out a very tricky wee 9-hole golf course in Glenshee, Scotland. Dalmunzie House Hotel - the golf course would give even the great Bernard a run for his money!

    Welcome to Sausage (or whatever this may be shortened to!)

    Wendy: I loved your idea on the previous blog. Just when did we stop offering seats to people who REALLY need them?!

    Now, for anyone else on the blog who was told by their husband that Doris the Abseiler was featured on Monday's show .... they are WRONG! Thanks to Baggy and MwK, I found her on Tuesday's show (timed at1.31.57).
    WHAT an inspiration!

    C xx

  • Comment number 16.

    reddjelibeybi - he he he at s and m

    mcw he he he at snorkers

    csn puppy is a jack awawa can't spell, pics of him on the other side

  • Comment number 17.

    Can't wait to see the golf video. Still loving the show - also all the old songs. Have good evening all of you. Moira comes over very well with a lovely clear voice on the radio.

  • Comment number 18.

    K&K, Beez was helping me with fb, because people couldn't find me.


  • Comment number 19.

    oh csn do I have you added as a friend on the other side??


  • Comment number 20.

    Thank you for the welcomes. S&M is definitely out (well for now, anyway)
    How about sossym if that doesn't clash with anyone else?

  • Comment number 21.

    actually i have changed my mind.
    s&m or snm.***ls to being pc.or not offending anyone.it will make people smile
    and anyway when i see MTF i always mistake the M for a W !!

  • Comment number 22.


  • Comment number 23.

    Chrisse-s, my daughter travelled by bus and train every day to london, up to three weeks before giving birth, not one person offered her a seat, how bad is that.


  • Comment number 24.

    he he he


    right got it out of me system


  • Comment number 25.

    i wasnt sure i could get away with wtf !!

  • Comment number 26.

    csn when I was heavily pregnant I was coming home on the train from London and not one person offered me a seat I had to sit on the floor

    The same happened when traveling with my boys around 2 and 4 nobody offered a seat we had to sit on the floor

  • Comment number 27.

    lol we will see if it gets modded and then it will be off to the naughty step for me

    Where is everybody tonight??

  • Comment number 28.

    someone is bound to complain that the blog has gone right down to its lowest level


    if it makes you laugh.
    i see too many people looking miserable in their cars
    smile people. it will make you feel better


  • Comment number 29.

    K&K, No one seems to be able to find me, thats why beez is helping me


  • Comment number 30.

    Ello CLP & ALL....

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - Yer should ave goot me on yer bag.... golf that iz noot tea... a will get ter the tea in a mo!!!!!
    A can read the lines of those greens az good az any pro... it's all ter do with reading Tiger Woods booooks, years of practice... yer see when most a banging their driver at the range... am the only one who spends an 'our practicing me putting!!!!!!
    And me secret ave discovered about putting!!!!!!!

    Az for the tea... thought it waz a good trhing tet get yer for crimbo... 'appiness, breakfast, sleepy & contemplation fromthe plantation tea!!!!!!!!!!!!
    'ope they are doing the job.... thee seem ter be!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    had a thought..k&k should be changed to kinky!or knky haha

  • Comment number 32.

    I agree with you both, its good to have a laugh and a bit of fun.


  • Comment number 33.

    csn thank heaven for that (other places available) i thought i had scared everyone off

    going to artfullt arrange pizza and chips now


  • Comment number 34.


  • Comment number 35.

    Lucky Jonny eh, looking forward to seeing the vid on the website.

    Brrr it was cold this morning, I cycled to work and came a cropper on some black ice...had nowhere to go with parked cars to my left and a car coming up the hill at me, touched the brakes and down I went...the car driver waited until I got myself up then drove around me...nice. Got a lift home as me poor old knee can hardly bend, oops! Muchos shame for hitting the deck.

    Right, time for tea....starving!

    p.s. had a date last night....really fun evening ended up in a popular Aussie bar celebrating Australia day, bonza!

  • Comment number 36.


    OMG are you ok after your fall??? glad the date went well

    djeli like the knky he he he, we had pizza and chips and 7 points in total whoop whoop

    csn will try and locate u on the other side

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Knky, jeli, saucice and Rusty! Oh and Bingles!
    3 rings from up darn essex!

    loving the giggles this evening!

    Rusty - get some ice on your knee - can date come round and play nurse!? LOL ;-)

    back in a bit

  • Comment number 38.

    K&K that sounds spooky, but nice.

    Rusty glad your ok.


  • Comment number 39.

    I remember getting the train from St Pancreas back to Wellingborough (ohh, the high life!) and the only seats we could find were the ones next to the toilets. Shortly after we set off a young couple and their 3 year old son came to the fine setting we had found ourselves in.

    I looked at the lady of the couple and immediately offered her my seat due to the fact she was pregnant.

    Only, she wasn't.

    And they stayed with us all the way to Bedford, her embarrassed and constantly tugging her top which I can only presume went in the bin as soon as she got home.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 40.


    I guess your post #28 was aimed at me, so just to say that you've got a very long way to go yet.

  • Comment number 41.

    Mariella I don't know how someone could do that, its awful.


  • Comment number 42.

    So, Chris, Chat show when Jonathon goes? Please please please bring tfi to the bbc. you can do it. script on tuesday, read through on wednesday, rehersal on Thursday then live show Friday. Alas, no concorde these days though. How about a show with the ordinary folks from the radio show as guests. Now there's one I'd attend. that must be a pause for thought. Today, by the way, was pork chop wednesday in our house including a little miniture pork chop for two year old George, tommorow is crabby paddy (burgers for non sponge bob viewers) Thursday and each day there is a "what did you learn today that you never knew before in your entire life" revealing moment around the dinner table. Jack (8) learnt today that if he kicks the ball hard enough, he loses his trainer, Harry (5) learnt today that from now on, Wednesday's will be a day where year 2 children come in to his class and share activities, George learnt today that by rubbing his hands in ketchup he is able to make Mummy's hair sticky, Mummy learnt that today is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and I today, learnt that with a table full of people, it is impoosible to keep the ketchup bottle up right. What did everyone else learn today that they never knew before in their entire lives? Thanks for the daily momentum Chris and the positive attitude to life. Now off to the shed with me to build a device that will keep ketchup bottles upright.

  • Comment number 43.


    love your idea for CLP on the beeb on fri night and your what you've learnt slot

    I have learnt that my bunny likes my sons teddy bear, bless him


  • Comment number 44.

    K&K did you find me on the other side? I have a two year old grandson, he's so cute.


  • Comment number 45.

    Nice post Mullin,
    I have learnt today that engaging brain before opening mouth is the only way forward....will this stop me getting it the wrong way round next time? I doubt it!
    I should also have learned not to make musical recommendations to people.
    My tastes aren't for all.
    I have also learned that my only brother and his wife are having their first baby.



  • Comment number 46.

    Hiya gang

    Rip, Congrats for your brother

    MW'a Ooops!

    Debs, welcome back darn Essex, can't you stay away?

    And to everyone else, hello!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Phewww just caught up - so much has gone on in 2 and a half hours....

    Sorry CLP, don't like baths (can't relax in them), like tea but would nearly always choose a beer (or a merrllloott), never played golf (don't understand the game and have hopeless hand/eye coordination), apart from all that nice to see the new blog and look forward to seeing the video on Friday.

    Welcome to a couple more newbies - sausageandmash, you really must rethink your name ;-).

    Like the way you are thinking Mullin, would the Beeb go for that though???


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Rips - you snuck in there. Congrats to your bro and wife. Uncle Rips has a good ring to it ;-)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Good evening peeps, yes tis I the absent Crumpy.

    First of all can I thanks all the lovely blogpeeps (and you know who you are) that have sent me messages/texts whilst I have been 'out of sight'. It has been a real support during a horrible two weeks and I appreciate it more than I can possibly convey here. Big hugs will be in order when I see you all next.

    The funeral was yesterday and it was a really emotional day for all Shirley's family and friends. We shared lots of lovely and often very funny memories of her, between the tears. Everyones life has changed a bit because she is no longer physically with us but she is alive in our memories.

    A bit of an update on lovely son who is coming to terms with his breakup. He is more positive and has taken up a new hobby - archery!! - which my brother teaches at a club called Wrexham Bowmen. Maybe cupids arrow will be fired ... who knows.

    He has another job interview tomorrow, so fingers crossed for that too.

    Otherwise, although I haven't been posting, I have been reading the blog and it has made me laugh out loud a few times - not good when I am trying to read it sneakily at work!!

    Errol and MW a! - congrats on setting the date and the type of wedding you are planning sounds magical. Don't worry about boring us with details - you know how nosey we are - if you said nowt, we'd be asking!!

    Everyone else - lovely to be back and hopefully 'normal' service will resume, with 'post-work' posting from now on.

    Luv ya all loads, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 50.


    T'other is away putting the boy to bed (all I can hear is the two year old giggling!) so I thought I'd pop in to say Hi!!


    Chris - Never understood, or really wanted to, golf, but hope you had a good game and a few laughs along the way!

    Mullin - you made me giggle - and think, and the only new thing I learnt today was the meaning of the word Zingaro.........

    Rip - Congrats to your brother

    I'd better be off - have to clear up from this morning exploding poridge incident.....


  • Comment number 51.

    Rips what lovely news, when is baby due? both my daughter's are pregnant, one is 28 weeks and the one 30 weeks, so I am very excited.


  • Comment number 52.

    Phew!!! I'm just hoping that the peeps trying to leave Manchester by the North/West type routes actually make it tonight!! Traffic chaos like you wouldn't believe!

    Hey, things are looking up, I managed 19.8 mpg on the way home, shame the route I took was 19 miles! This is Mr JG's car, mine would have been worse!

    Sorry Nic, my car and Mercs aren't actually girly at all, I just wanted peeps to convince Mr JG it was, but 280 bhp is never girly, even if it's pink (which mine isn't)!

    MWK, I really hope your back is better soon, I've suffered in the past, and never found a good cure,and I'mto wussy for acupuncture (sp).

    Baggy, just use the damn brolly, and smile at anyone who frowns at you!

    Right more catching up to do, this may take some time! And I haven't even got started on the golf, a rant might be lurking later!!!

    Hi to the new folk, and please..sausagesandmash...not a good name! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    Rips, fantastic news!!

    Crumpy, so glad you are back with us, and so sorry for your loss, going through a similar thing with a colleague at work who's just lost his Dad :(

    Baggy, buy the wellies soon, most shops seem to have a good supply at the moment after the snow! Well they did in Middlesbrough!

    Update on cars, we are keeping mine, but can anyone suggest a good but not huge estate car or large hatchback for us to look at? I'm favouring the Audi A4 estate, but Mr JG looking at options - it has to have a semi-auto gearbox.

    Food arrived, and footie on...

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.

    Cheers Guys,

    Mtd- due to me having 3042 sisters (or something like that) I am an Uncle to 4 of the little beggars.
    This one might take the pressure off of Max to carry on the family name.
    If I make him sit through one more Jude Law Film he may go t'other way!
    Which is fine....obviously.

    Crumps - lovely to see you back



  • Comment number 55.

    Thanks guys for thinking about me knee :-)

    Debs, date is in fact a nurse.....a vet one...hehe, don't think I suit one of those big lampshade-like collars lol.


  • Comment number 56.

    Rusty - see if you can get her to rub your tummy!
    Just don't lick her face.

  • Comment number 57.

    rusty have an image of you with a collar on now he he he

    uncle rips bless

    csn how exciting two expectant grandbabys

    Crumpy big hug and welcome back you have been missed

  • Comment number 58.

    rusty you will be defleaed and wormed on your second date he he he


  • Comment number 59.

    I can understand someone struggling to be on time at 7:30 in the morning....sometimes!
    But how can you be late at 7:30pm when you have had the day off in anticipation.
    I don't suppose double time has any bearing on it.
    Does anyone famous live in Islington I could get a good half hours stalking in.
    Actually.....Mayo does, doesn't he?



  • Comment number 60.

    Hi guys and CLP, hmmm so who won the sporting challenge? From the tone of the blog I'm guessing that it's now 2-1 to Jonny...

    Welcome to new bloggers out there tonight, I'm a regular-ish blogger but lurk most days.

    Poorly laptop has now been picked up by the courier and is off to laptop hospital to be fixed, or exchanged is they can't repair it.

    Rips congrats to your brother, that's very exciting news.

    MwK hope your back is better, a bad back is a horrible thing

    Baggy get wellies! I bought some dotty ones in the outdoor shop Mountain Life (other outdoor shops are available) in the summer and am sooo glad I did given all the snow we had. Oh and stick with the novelty brolly too!

    Hope your knee is better soon Rusty

    And hi to anyone else I've missed, have been trying to catch up with all the posts, not always easy!


    PS Welcome back Crumpy! x

  • Comment number 61.

    When I was young, and it wasn't all that long ago, you would automatically stand up on a bus or train if an adult got on and there were no seats. It was a given and heavens help you if you were the least bit tardy in doing so.

    I don't use public transport a great deal nowadays, but the times of late that I have used the tube in London I have been amazed at the sight of fit young people sitting while older people, pregnant ladies and people with young children are made to stand.

    It has got to the stage that when I have tried to give up my seat I'm met with looks of incredulity.

    Having said that; the first young tyke that offers me a seat is going to get a clip around the ear.

    It wouldn't happen in Swindon!

  • Comment number 62.

    Evening each

    Just home, been looking after poorly 4yr old - we've been poorly together but still managed a toyshop. He went straight to sleep in the car, shopping does take it out of you.

    Chris, can't comment on golf, sorry, but I agree with you about the tea. I love my rose petal tea from the Rennie Mackintosh Willow Tea Rooms in Glasgow.


  • Comment number 63.

    Haha....think i'd better watch out for when the elbow length rubber gloves come out!

  • Comment number 64.

    Rusty hope your knee is better soon!

    Annie hope you and the boy are soon feeling tip-top!!

    Oh, you could cut the tension with a knife here at JG towers! Both me and poor Finlay have been glared at, but Finlay is now relieving the bad feeling by licking Mr JG's toes!! YEUUWWCHH!

    Hmmph, not looking good for the red team.....

    Oh, and I must take a pic of the car at work with the South stand in the background sometime!

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    Ok, caught up I think.

    Rusty: Hope your knee's ok
    Mary: Find a good Physio for your back - it's worth it, believe me.
    Welcome to Sausages and other newbies who's names I can't remember now I've got to the bottom!
    CSN: How lovely - new babies in the family. My 5th!! grandchild (a little boy, probably called Louis) is due in May.


  • Comment number 66.

    Actually, it must be the North stand, cos that's the big one! Mr JG giving me duff info, stress induced probably, and me being better with geography!

    JG x

  • Comment number 67.

    Evening folks - Just off to catch up but welcome Mash. Reading your name tonight ditched the lamb chops idea and had sausage, mash and onion gravy. Yum.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Now see what you've done sausagesandmash!!

    A nation has eaten your namesake tonight!

    I had mine with onion gravey too, boys had beans with theirs.

    JG Hope your evening improves

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Seza, it has Utd have finally scored, level now...have the dog on one knee, lappy on the other and Mr JG has finally poured a beer! LOL

    Dog is watching the footie more intensely than me!

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    Crumpy - been feeling for you. Dreadful time but good you had a laugh at old memories - always good. I have received similar news today but about someone lost touch with a while ago. Hits home when younger than you doesn't it?

    Uncle Rips - congrats to your bro. You feeling a bit more tickety now?
    Hi Tickety btw - what you doing away from mayonnaise's blog?

    Rusty I am sure she will have some some of linament (sp) handy to rub in to your poor knees.. As you say - look out for the long rubber gloves.

    Nice post Mullin and good to see you zapping through too ebbw and Rosie - fingers crossed for your computer.

    JG - is it over yet? Can you breathe yet? Love it when dog licks my toes - sometimes does it when passing as an afterthought - really funny!

    You better now Annie? sorry to hear little 'un got it too but shopping - way to go always a good cure :)

    K&K - Not long to puppy time now......

    CSN - not been on fb yet - will have a look in a mo.

    MTD - you don't like baths? Noooooooo nothing better than a good soak in bubbles.

    Debs/Sez - is it ladies who lunch soon?

    Beez xx

    btw Mash - now got indigestion!!!! doh !!

  • Comment number 71.

    JG Am glad Mr Seza not interested. Too much stress!

    Dog sounds snuggly

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Beez We are meeting Monday for a Diva style send off!


  • Comment number 73.

    Evening Beez. Yes, lots better, but nose blowing for Scotland! Sorry, not a nice thought.

    Crumpy: You know where I am.

    Re Tickety Boo - didn't Billy Connelly have a Tickety Boo Tea?

    Now, need some advice here: Daughter has been in heaven since reading that Desperate Housewives is starting again tonight. Think boys have been flung into bed, husband has been flung into the kitchen and she's probably sitting there with her cup of tea in her element. Is it worth watching? Have never seen it, but am wondering if I should stay up.


  • Comment number 74.

    Beez, sadly no, at the moment it's going to extra time :(

    I really hope that United win, not that I've got anything against City, just that a sulking Mr JG is unbearable, he's only just got over losing to Leeds in the FA Cup!

    Stress levels at maximum now, and poor dog was shouted at for "celebrating" the City goal...

    Never seen it Annie, sorry can't help!

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    Brilliant Sez - wish I could be there - although as she is coming to my neck of the woods can see a couple of ladies who lunch in Brum shortly!!!
    Boleyn - Sammie - Lyndy - any other Midlander ladies I've missed?

    If you have got to the nose blowing stage Annie - it's nearly gone. Hang in there hon!! Afraid never watched Desperate housewives - can't help there.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Oh, and Beez, the only order Finlay has ever obeyed is never to touch my feet, and only ever told him once....

    My feet must be too clean, as he's not that clever ;-)

    JG x

  • Comment number 77.

    Back after the match, as the dog needs a cuddle....

    Or, if I forget...night all! xx


    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    Beez, Am looking forward to Monday, will be fun

    JG, Hope you get the footie result you want for a quiet life!

    Annie, got a bit hooked on Desperate Hpusewives when it was being repeated in the afternoons but then I realised that I didn't know who anyone was or why they were doing stuff so I stopped.

    Not bad fluff and nonsence though

    Am going to switch this off & go sort washing out before beddy byes

    Night all

    Sleep Well, Sweet Dreams

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Thanks Seza for reminding me!! Need to sort out stuff to take tomorrow.

    Back later smiley peeps.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Oh...God Bless Wayne Rooney, (never thought I'd say that)!!

    It's such a big thing up here!

    I swear Mr JG didn't even breathe for 25 minutes....

    Sorry any City fans!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    Night all x

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Back after eating,clearing up,putting two to bed, painting two chimney breasts and catching up..
    barney re 40/28 i honestly was not aiming at anyone..it was a general sweep.

    oo i have just noticed i have been moddered. i cant even remember what i put there.how do i find out what was wrong?

  • Comment number 83.

    Annie-G, This is my fourth grandchild,already have one boy, one girl, another girl on the way, my other daughter and her husband thought they would wait till the birth.


  • Comment number 84.

    reddjelibeybi, was that when we were talking about being happy?


  • Comment number 85.

    Evening all!

    Just wandering through to see if anyone is here? been lurking a bit today so am fairly up to date with everyone!

    was out this evening - some of us in the village have decided to get together and do our own "Biggest Loser" (of weight!) by way of a bit of support for each other!! and actually it was quite a laugh! did come in and eat a load of chocolate (!!) but that's it now till next weigh in day!! will try not to bore you all stupid with my progress!!

    also trying to decide where to go for hols this year - Germany in May for a few nights, but fancy a hot "bucket and spade" one in the summer - lazy and warm, with swimming and a few cold beers sound good? So we are looking at Majorca, Menorca, those sort of places!! I can look at pics of blue sky and pools with white sandy beaches all day long!!

    right, off to make a coffee then back again!

    Cornishgirlie xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Night everyone, dog walk time, bath and bed.


  • Comment number 87.

    csn..nope i think it was to do with me reading M as W in MTF

    i mean how can that be breaking rules..not had an email from them yet so dont know what the problem is


  • Comment number 88.

    Just done the same Jeli and still not put my stuff together for tomorrow. Will in a mo!!Loaded d/washer - washed up overload now wet top - hence the dishwasher.... You normally get an email to say why you have been modded - can't find where it was??..

    CSN - still not checked fb!!! I'll get there!!!!

    Me too back in a bit CG !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 89.

    CSN re #83 - I decided to wait to find out with both of my children too! there aren't that many surprises left in life so it was nice to have those!! and I liked the mad rushing about to find pink/blue things immediately after they arrived!!

    I did think it was weird having a boy the second time though, saying "my son" sounded very odd after 6 years of "my daughter"!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 90.

    probably broken rules again
    not had email yet

  • Comment number 91.

    got to go .number 3 has a prize winning smokers cough.she is only 6

    night all

  • Comment number 92.

    Post 87....

    Did someone mention me??

    Just popped in ( am I the only one that spells popped as pooped before checking it and correcting it? ) and have a lot of catching up to do, but had a quick gander over the last few posts.


  • Comment number 93.

    hey MTF!!

    i think there was some confusion earlier with MTF and WTF which are of course completely different things!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Ooooh I hope so!

    Thanks CG.xx

  • Comment number 95.

    just popping back in to apologise unreservedly for any offence i may have caused with my wtf/mtf problem

  • Comment number 96.

    CG, love your Choc therapy as relief for being the biggest loser.LOL!!


  • Comment number 97.

    well i have done WW at various times over the past few years (other weight loss groups are available!) and always have to have a pig out on weigh in day, so why make an exception this time? was my first week this week so will see how i do next Weds!

    but chocolate will feature every week, rest assured!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Djeli, totally oblivious to what was going on.

    Who modded it, was it that offensive??

    No apols needed as far as I am concerned.

    WTF, oops. MTF.LOL! xxx.

  • Comment number 99.

    it wasnt offensive at all.i had a minor rant about being pc then went on to say about my m/w problem that is all

  • Comment number 100.

    if i didnt have to wait 20secs then i might get post 100


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