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Thanks For A Week None Of Us Here Will Ever Forget.

Chris Evans | 10:44 UK time, Friday, 15 January 2010

So that's it, the new kids have finished their first week at the big school and next week it will all become a lot more normal and no more exams !

Thank you so much for your support, loyalty and helpful hints on how we can do this thing a little better day by day.

Moira is the big hit, EVERYONE loves her - what a smart idea to get her on board. Yes. Yes. Yes. . . it was the idea of a clever little wizard by the name of Lewis. He has this uncanny knack of knowing what is and isn't gonna work. He also happens to be great company.

I also want to thank the team - especially my partner in crime Helen from Hull - but the rest of the guys have also worked their butts off supporting me and giving me anything I might need, to sail this ship we call The Breakfast Show. And I must mention Lynn Bowles, what a lovely lovely colleague to work with. She is as good as it gets and so bloomin' beautiful ! I had no idea. Very very good energy.

Saunders x.

Right that's it, I'm off to reacquaint myself with real life, my wife, my son, my dog, my cars and me local pub. Life doesn't get any better than this.

I am so lucky.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Well Done Chris and Gang,

    Have a wonderful weekend you deserve it and roll on 7:00am Monday.


  • Comment number 2.


    Have enjoyed every second of every show this week - well done! A fantastic team, and Moira - who knew ...!?!? That silky giggle and everyfink!!

    Have a wonderful weekend with Tash and Noah - we'll all be waiting for you and the next chapter come 7am Monday morning!


  • Comment number 3.

    Well done Chris and the gang. Now's the time for a much deserved chillax !!

  • Comment number 4.


    The problem with Friday 'Candyman' now being at breakfast is that its stuck in my head all day and im driving the office mad.

    At least on drivetime it was gone by the time the TV went on.

    Thanks Chris, and my office thanks you too !!!!! Although i have converetd 5 of them to your new show from Moyles and they are loving it.

    Great week, great team, great show !!!!!

    Keep um coming

  • Comment number 5.


    To you, and all the team - thanks for making this week feel so special - we have all been there with you since Minute One of the show, and it has been brilliant. It is now working like a dream!

    Moira, Jonny and Lynn are just terrific - you must be so thrilled with their input.

    Have a wonderful weekend with Tash and Noah, you might even fancy having a wee beer this evening!

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning each

    Brilliant weeks shows CLP..and just getting better and better each day..i think it certainly shows how modest and openminded you are that you took on board what people (apart from the numpties of course!)have been saying and adjusted accordingly .. will be listening again next week..and the week after etc etc! Well done and enjoy the rest this weekend!

    Flying as per and might not get back on later so just wanted to get in and say Happy Birthday to Uncle Carl for tomorrow..have a fab day and thanks for making us all laugh!

    And Rips.. he is STILL playing..the battery died last night and he had to go charge it immediatly.. i hold out little hope of me retaining my sanity over this weekend!


    mSc x

    PS - Ali..change is always good..good luck with everything you do! x

  • Comment number 7.

    Ah, that blog gave me a little shiver down my spine, but in a good way. Have a well-deserved rest CLP, and maybe even a glass of the bubbly stuff.

    Happy Friday all xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning all

    Well done CLP and team for a brilliant first week. It is nice to see that you acknowledge that it is a team effort (although I loved STW, I always thought that he was unfair on Deadly, Boggy et al when he refused to say that the show was down to the team). Loved the C spot, will there be an occasional D spot?

    A few hallo's (BTW I haven't heard the end of a show yet - I will try a listen again)

    Carl - Happy birthday for tomorrow
    Baggy - Hope you get your wish...
    Deevs - looks like the roads will be a lot clearer this week - you'll probably get to Cheznic in record time (but be careful)

    Off out for lunch soon - one of my colleagues is leaving, so we're going back to the restaurant that we had our christmas lunch (sorry Beez, c word).

    Will be back later, but if I miss you have a good weekend....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Scoobs: haven't "spoken" to you for a while! How's your hair?!

    Carl: you know, I think I would be such a good agent! I can be quite argumentative (when needed) and would do my utmost to get you a good deal ... once you have your book organised, give me a shout! And, happy birthday for tomorrow - have a good one!

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Well Chris, you did it...you survived the first week, and have come out the other side!

    I'm absolutely certain it's not all down to the bloggers, but it's great to see (and hear) how you take on board all constructive criticism offered. I noticed this morning that you only played 'Go Johnny, Go' once - a result of yesterday's feedback from one blogger (who I agreed with)?

    Either way, it makes us little listeners feel like part of the show, and almost gives us 'ownership' of it too.

    Keep working at it, and refining it, and I've no doubt that the ratings will reward you!

    Have a great weekend!

  • Comment number 11.

    Ello CLP & ALL....

    Bingo Star ere.......

    CLP - A thought yer did a great set of shows this week!!!!!!!!
    Bound ter noot be able ter please all, but overall from the show's ave 'eard yer sound like a really great listen!!!!!!!!
    A think it's great yer are listening ter yer critics az it show's that yer are trying ter makes yer show a good show for all.... well most!!!!!!!
    Am sure, like with the Drivetime Gig, people will get used ter the change in the morning & all will be guten in all areas!!!!!!!!!
    A thought very sharp move getting Moira on board what with all the silly talk lately that the beeb don't ave more mature newsreaders!!!!!!!!
    Yer can't win.... if the beeb 'ad all mature news dudes then people would complain there's no younger news readers.... a think some people just like moaning about nothing!!!!!!!!
    Should loook at the terrible events in Haiti at the moment ter get the important things in life in perspective!!!!!!!!

    Ave a good weekend all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS A just writted on the previous blog : Az am in london, if any bloggies fancy meeting for lunch or a few drinks termozza let me know!!!!!!


  • Comment number 12.

    PS CLP - Thanks for keeping yer great blog going too!!!!!!!!
    A did think yer might stop doing it when yer started the new show, but az yer can see this week, it goes from strength ter strength.... az the Breakfast Show will!!!!!!!!

    Chow again!!!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Thanks MTD - will take it easy, mainly because the car is loaded down with all my vinyl, CDs, shoes and beer!!

    And toys.

    My job is advertised in the paper today - it's weird "vetting" people when they phone up and ask why I'm leaving! Waxing lyrical about a job I love, but am so excited to be heading off to pastures new!

    I'm having areally good day today. Woke up happy, had a blast of Bazza and now playing The Beatles, selling my job to potential replacements and invoicing.

    Aiming for a 4pm getaway if I can.

    If I Fell ....


  • Comment number 14.

    btw - did you all notice that today's show titled "If you can't change the people, change the people" came off the blog yesterday (MissP?)


  • Comment number 15.

    bingo - me and hubby are in london tomorrow - seeing something at the BFI in southbankl but should be free about 4? fb if you are intrested in meeting up somehwere

  • Comment number 16.

    deevs - you are running late - I blogged that excat thing at 7:10 am this morning ;-)

  • Comment number 17.

    Hey Chrissie..i`m not here really but hair is still orange! Going for red next week tho i think..bit of a change! hee hee..
    Hope you are well..still aiming for Glasgae..will let you know!

    take care..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 18.

    Forgive me Baggy - I can't get online early a.m anymore in my digs. Will sit in the corner wearing a pointy hat with a D on the front, and endeavour to keep up in t'future!

    Deevs, not in London this w/e

  • Comment number 19.

    Chris and Team - Good job chaps. Loved it. No more breakfast tv nonsense for me now! Now for heaven's sake, go and relax for the weekend! I will be!



  • Comment number 20.


    Great week Chris et al - it is def getting better every day - or has it always been that good and just getting more familiar....

    Honoured that it was my saying which inspired today's show (I think) - how good does that feel? Next target is to get a mention!

    No news on the job front yet but postman pat hasn't been yet today so there's still time

    Hope everyone has a great weekend

    Off to sit by the front door.........

    Callie x

  • Comment number 21.

    Good luck Callie - fingers crossed for you :-)

  • Comment number 22.

    Ah Ha Christoph!

    What a lovely day it is :)

    It does feel as if we have all be hanging around cheering on one of the family who has had a ace week in the new job!

    I can't wait until things settle down even more and I would love for Lynn to get more involved - she is so smart and quick of the mark...

    Have a lovely weekend - you deserve it after such an eventful first week :)


    "A friend is a person who knows all about you--and still likes you"

  • Comment number 23.

    Morning all,
    Well CLP the fist week over and a great success IMHO. Congrats to you and the team. I too no longer feel the need to watch Breakfast TV. No need with you and the team around.

    Thanks for the C spot today. Glad it survived the move. We look after our granddaughter on a Friday and I think she was slightly worried that grandad was singing along to the radio as we drove home.

    Have a great weekend all and can I just take this opportunity to wish the darlining Mrs T a very happy birthday today.


  • Comment number 24.

    Hi CLP

    Love your Blog today - Have the best weekend and can't wait to see you on the radio on Monday!

    What a week it has been.

    My morning schedule has altered to enable me to catch all of the Breakfast Show and I'm loving it, it's amazing how quickly we adapt. On Monday, I could hear the nerves in the team's voices and was worried when Chris was a bit noisy as I didn't want him to upset the people who he might be wanting to win over. As the week has progressed, the nerves have seemingly disappeared and the slick professional we have come to know and love is back and firing on all cylinders. And it seems that he is doing precisely that, winning folk over. Good on you Chris!

    The highlight of my day - and although I may have other exciting things to happen to me today, the highlight was when the C spot came on and I was on the running machine at the gym - How I laughed! Even one of my fellow gym inmates asked me why I was laughing on the treadmill!

    What a lovely start to the day, it has set me up for the rest of the working day and then the weekend.

    So, hope everybody has a great time, whatever they are doing. safe and swift journey Deev - have a lovely weekend to you both and enjoy the toys (does that sound wrong?)

    Carl, thank you for making me laugh out loud many times this week.

    Bingo, glad you had a great birthday and hope you enjoy tomorrow in London. Unfortunately, I will not be able to join you.

    MSc. Hope you have a good weekend - even though your patience may be tested - the novelty will work off, one day..........maybe........

    To everyone else, have fun.


  • Comment number 25.

    Good friends bail you out of trouble, best friends are the ones in trouble with you

    x x x

  • Comment number 26.

    LOL Beany ... a tad wrong but oh so much fun!!!



  • Comment number 27.

    Morning again all.

    Well done Christoph - excellent first week. Was relieved when Monday was over as I was holding my breath through most of the programme. Off you go and have a lovely relaxing week-end with the family.

    Back later

    Beez xx

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow Uncle Carl x

  • Comment number 28.

    Morning all (only just)

    Wow! What a week it's been. Haven't been able to catch much of the new show Chris, but what I've heard, it's been fantastic! Well done all of you. AND Moira - 'b' awesome choice!

    Busy, busy here despite the snow lingering around. Managed to actually wear proper shoes to-day, which feels more human somehow. Website building is driving me bonkers along with all the usual.

    GD is beside herself cos' I've let her get back out on the road in her brum brum. Bless her, we have had a few heated discussions - sometimes they just don't have the sense. AND of course 'what do we know'?

    Anyhow, hope everyone has had a good week, my lurking has even been cut short this week. So, I apologise for being out of touch.

    Good luck to anyone who needs it. Tis the season for new starts and planning for the future.

    Be safe Deev later on that road. A little bit late is better than not getting there atall.

    Special hugs for anyone feeling poroly or mis with life. Things can only get better - really, they do.

    Later folks - only 155 pages left to edit before re-edit!!

    _MrsT_ aka Steffi


  • Comment number 29.

    Scoobs: change is good! And, no worries, I will tell NO-ONE that you were here! (glad to hear that Glasgow is still a possibility) x

    Callie: I would be thrilled if Chris quoted a single word that I had written to him! Well done! And fingers crossed for you.

    Kip: love that saying - so true!

    MrsT: happy birthday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 30.

    I did preview, honest. Of course I meant poorly or miserable.

    Yes, I know, me editing website could be dangerous.


  • Comment number 31.

    Awesome Chris.

    The first week is over and I'm looking forward to next Monday already and that's not the usual end to a week believe me.

    Hats off to all the team job well done.

    To uncle carl happy birthday
    Diva take don't rush to get down the road its icy out there.
    To all bloggers and blogettes have a great weekend.

  • Comment number 32.

    Afternoon one and all, just,

    The perfect blog to end the perfect week for Chris and the team. What a week, waking up to the breakfast show has been a blast and may it carry on for many many more years, well done to all of you and thanks you.

    I have now converted the whole office, 20+ , to listening to the breakfast show (not that they had any choice as the radio goes on on my computer lol) but they all say it is better than anything they have had to listen to befor, good chat and great music, again WELL DONE Chris and team.

    Hope everyone is ok, well and looking forward to the weekend, I am.

    Bye bye for now,

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 33.


    Belated Birthday wishes to Bingo, sorry I didn't get to say it on FB or here yesterday, mad busy, hope you had a great day mate,

    Errol n MWa xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Thanks Christoff and the team, you have been a tonic this week since I have been suffering with a heavy cold, but I’ve been there with you all along the way from 7-9.30 every day and will continue to do so, I just love it. I am still missing you on the drivetime show, not sure that will ever change but I am trying!

    Have a lovely, well deserved weekend with your family.

    Morning everyone else.

    Pen xx
    Pee ess, Terry Who?

  • Comment number 35.

    Errol - are you some sort of convert-a-listener commission!?!!?

    Good one!

    And thank you everyone - I will drive very carefully, I promise. The thought of a huge huggle and glass of red wine awaiting me will keep me focussed, as will Simon playing my ARF just after 5 !!


  • Comment number 36.

    I get to listen to more of the Breakfast Show than I do of Drivetime, so win win for me.

    Moira is a gem and like you said I think she has the potential to be a bit norty! Lynn is funny, and thank you for giving her a bit more air time and Saunders what is there not to love about him.

    Dorset Photo #10 it was me and I noticed that too xx

    Can I go back to yesterday's blog and the comment Crumpy said about her crumpets - didn't get it at first, but when it finally sunk in - boy how I laughed and I am still chuckling about it now - thanks Crumpy xx

    Nearly lunchtime - homemade soup today.


  • Comment number 37.


    I ought to be lol, wonder what the going rate is???????

    Drive carefully

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Hello all,
    Well done Chris and the team, looking forward to the show going from strength to strength.

    How's everyone else? Hope everyone has a lovely weekend planned. Apart from the rain tomorrow I shall be out getting the miles in on Sunday, has to be done.
    No dating no nothing, so i'm reacquainting myself with the dvd collection, currently going throught the Aliens boxset, forgotten what a good film the first one was!


  • Comment number 39.

    Morning everybody,

    Its just getting better and better Chris - well done you and the team.

    Ali - I did that re Crumpy's crumpet post - still giggling!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 40.

    Afternoon folks,

    CLP , have a great weekend, you really do deserve it. Got in my car this morning and the first thing that came on was The Candy Man. Took me right back to singing it at the O2 . Have had it going round and round my head all day !

    Deev, make sure you have got your change ready for the M6 toll !

    Uncle Carl, Happy birthday fella , have a good one.

    Scoobs, want a picy of the new hair colour please.

    Not got a lot planned for this weekend, so may have to have some retail therapy, just to get me out and about .

    Rewind .... i have lots of shopping to do this weekend, lots and lots and lots .........

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 41.

    How do you like your Evans in the morning?
    I like mine with a Chris,
    From 7 til 9........
    ....30, that's just fine
    Now wake up and listen to this!

    Fantastic week, heard most of this mornings show, but missed the first half hour, so just sat and listened to the whole darn show again! What's not to like? Have a great weekend team, see you on the radio on Monday.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 42.

    Hey Christophe and team!

    Well done for the most nerve-wracking and anticipated week for a long time! Great shows, and you've set my day up with a great song to kick off the show every day. Long may it continue! I'm now ignoring the weather whilst I listen to the good chat and cheer. :o)

    Have a great weekend and see you on Monday!

    Ripley x

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi Everyone,

    Only get to hear the first hour as I start work at 8 and think it's brill, well done!

    When they were talking the other day about someone's whirlwind romance and Chris said "when you know, you just know", I immediately thought about Deev and Nic!

    Have a good weekend.



  • Comment number 44.

    I'm loving the blogger migration / crossover to Simon's blog too ...... team spirit!

    And at least if I get stuck on the M6 later I have a couple of hundred CDs in the back of the car and an iPod with +4000 toons on it!


  • Comment number 45.

    Awwwwwwwwww Dozy - thank you. I just went all wobbly when I read that ..... and YES!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 46.

    You were great in the evening, you are fantastic in the morning!!! Inspired decision to get Moira on board, well done Lewis!!! Love the show, particularly, the'Hello/Goodbye' at the end of the programme, makes me chuckle. You've even got me joining in as I drive the car!!!

    P.S. Naff tennis socks, Jonnie!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    Wellllll......postman pat has just been and......

    I've got past the second round!!!

    Final interview 28th Jan - whoo hoooooo!!!!!

    Thanks to everyone on here for your good wishes etc. I just know it helped x

    one question please...is debshasjoined the same person as debs2 on the 'list' and if so - debs - is it alright if I contact you on fb and ask you a question? Big thanks x

    Off to celebrate my making some Dora cakes with my granddaughter now (whose school is closed today for some bizzare reason)


    Callie x

  • Comment number 48.

    hmmm..that should be 'by' making some cakes - not the fact that I can actually cook!

    Callie x

  • Comment number 49.

    Well done Callie....fantastic news! Will cross fingers for 28th now.

    Making cakes is good therapy.

    MrsT XX

  • Comment number 50.

    Whoo Hoo indeed Callie, well done and all the best for the 28th.

    Yes Debshasjoined is Debs2.


  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Chris,

    Congrats on a fab first week! I love the new show. I don't manage to listen to it all in the morning but my digital radio records it for me each day so I can listen to the rest later in the day.

    I'm dying to know - what time do you have to get up now to do all the pre-show news research and get to work etc??? (and what time do you have to go to bed??) I'm worried that the 2nd book might be suffereing as you always seemed to work on that early mornings!

    Have a brilliant weekend relaxing with your gorgeous family.

    Love Marie x

  • Comment number 52.


    Well done.

    Debshasjoined is not the same as Debs2 .

    Debshasjoined will be able to offer you job advice if thats what you require.

    Hope that helps
    MC xx

  • Comment number 53.


    Oh , really ? must be me getting the Debs mixed up then, sorry Callie.

    If you want Chards advice , Debshasjoined can help , for sure ;-) x

    MC xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Well played Callie - good luck! And I too find baking very therapeutic, if a little calorific!


  • Comment number 55.

    Well done Callie! Fingers crossed again now!

    And yes..Debs2 IS debshasjoined... MC must need her chocolate fix! Although to be fair MC you are prob dreaming of all you are going to buy tomorrow...enjoy your shopping trip..sounds like a spanking way to spend a Saturday!x

    Almost the weekend guys..

    Beany..he just texted me telling me the things he is `discovering` on the phone..i`m losing the will!

    However, on Sunny (still Beez?!) Sunday we shall be going to the Autosport International show at the NEC which, by definition, means lots of gorgeous cars to drool over... so i`m hopeful of a reprieve between say 1 and 2pm!

    Off again..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 56.

    Well done, Callie.

    I also thought Debshasjoined is the same person as Debs2!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 57.

    well done Callie and fingers crossed for the next round x

    Have a great weekend everyone x

  • Comment number 58.

    My mum even asked me to re tune her radio last night so she could hear "what all the fuss is about". My mum is 51 going on 70 not really a radio listner and very stuck in her ways so will be intresting to see what she makes of it.

    Does anyone know how the listening figures are worked out? I read somwehere that its like a survey of a number of people who record their listening habbits over a period of time.
    Surley that can't be accurate as how do we know it's a fair reflection of the rest of the country.

  • Comment number 59.

    Well done Callie!
    I was told today that my month by month contract will continue until mid March, which is good (maybe even a little longer, if I don't get a job elsewhere)
    Gail - LOL - when did he say that?


  • Comment number 60.

    Nic, I can't remember, it was the other day and someone had got married but they had only met a matter of months ago and Johnnie was saying that it was very quick but Chris just said "when you know, you just know".


  • Comment number 61.

    Well, he's right! lol..



  • Comment number 62.

    thanks for all your good wishes guys - have a big smilie on my face just now!

    Good news Nic - 2010 is shaping up nicely for lots of us eh?

    Phil - I was also going to ask if anyone knows when the listening figures are published? - I've read in so many places over the past few days of people switiching from various other morning pursuits to Chris that I'd be amazed if the figures weren't brilliant.

    thanks for help with Debs - more chocolate MC!


    Callie x

  • Comment number 63.

    Here here!



  • Comment number 64.

    Well done Callie! Good luck for Jan 28.

    I was going to post a bit earlier, but it was a little deep and meaningful so I did the manly thing of hiding under the desk until it was safe to come out again.

    You may have noticed that while I can cope pretty well with trivial things, anything that really matters is WAY out of my comfort zone - to truthful I've never really wanted to be a New Man (although I did want to be Gary Numan when I was twelve, I think it was the synthesizers and the voice that sounded like he had a clothes peg on his nose. Regular bloggers will not be surprised to know that nothing ever came of this - I have a particularly tuneless voice, in addition to which having a clothes peg on your nose is significantly more painful than you might think. I suppose it could have been worse though, peg-wise - I could have wanted to be Jimmy Somerville...). Anyhoo, seems to be safe now, so, in no particular order:

    1. Deevs - and anyone else travelling this weekend - safe journey.

    2. Baggy - don't worry, everything comes to those who wait. Unless you order it from the same website we ordered our Nigella Lawson kitchen jars from (other celebrity storage vessels are available).

    3. Chrissie - Thanks for the offer, although I'm not sure that argumentative skills will be enough if I ever get round to offering my randon witterings to a publisher in return for a book deal. What are you like with veiled threats? :-)

    4. CLP - good effort, but you're no Alan `Fluff' Freeman, are you :-) Only joking - enjoy the weekend and sleep the sleep of the righteous (whatever that means).

    5. Thanks for all the FB friend requests - I'm officially Britain's worst secret agent.

    6. To everyone - have a great weekend!



    P.S. Thanks to everyone for the kind birthday wishes - much appreciated! I intend to spend the day learning to play `Are Friends Electric' on the Stylophone....

  • Comment number 65.

    I have been listening to you all week. You got better as week went on - you will be ok from now on. I like Moria Stweart lots. I think Sir Terry would say you are doing good job. I like all the older songs you play - can't wait until Monday - have good weekend all of you.

  • Comment number 66.

    Callie: excellent news! The power of the blog knows no bounds!

    Carl: veiled threats - no problem. I can also do "cute" if need be!

    When Chris said "when you know, you just know" I immediately thought of me and MrS. Sunday is our 34th wedding anniversary, and I can't help but think back to 1976 - I was 19, he was 21. And I knew, I just knew, that I would not be able to get through life without him. It's not a perfect marriage by any means, but he still makes my heart go pitter-pat, and that'll do for me!

    Sorry Carl: getting deep and meaningful again!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hello all,

    Just a quickie to say Thanks MTF, it's lovely.

    I'm just heading off for a snooze right now!

    See ya'll later,

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi All,

    Chris - I have listened as oftem as possible this week and have enjoyed everyday. You, the team and all of the contributors to the blog have made it a really distracting, interesting and enjoyable week.
    Well done Sir - Keep up the good work and make the most of your weekend off.

    Is it just me, or has anyone else started to notice more blinkin' Nissan Micra's on the road since someone who isn't me made it car of the year.
    I've yet to spot one without a dented panel or wing mirror missing!

    Ali - The only thing I know about you is that you are one of the good guys. I won't get too into religion as I do believe in something, just not sure what that 'something' is!
    As for the change - It doesn't need to be huge and life changing I don't suppose. How about going out to different or new places and putting yourself in situations where you will have to meet new people.
    You can stay within your comfort zone as much or as little as you like, but new people will inevitably lead to new paths. x

    Scoobs - Everyone moans about the battery life of the eyefone, but it's fine - you just use it more as it does more.
    I use a slimline case called a Mophie which also acts a second battery and charges the phone while protecting it. x

    Super Beep - Good luck with the baby stuff, I know how keen you are to become a Mum. It'll happen in its own good time. Just keep up the practice. x

    Dreamy...sorry Dreamer! Wise words - with great age comes greater wisdom x

    Callie - Congratulations and good luck x

    Nic - Great news, you must be quite an ass et! x

    Fun Unky Carl - happy Birthday for tomorrow old boy x

    Hope everyone has a great weekend



    Thought: If ignorance is bliss. Why am I so bloody miserable most of the time?

  • Comment number 69.

    You have extended my day my at least 20 minutes as I am up and at em earlier with a spring in my step. Good fun all the way...not sure the calls from the kids work and the music hasn't caught up with the new style...probably by design though. Still good nonetheless. All in all ...I like it. I like it a lot.

  • Comment number 70.


    Awww, that's lovely!

    X Gail.

  • Comment number 71.

    Callie - well done
    ChrissieS - Congrats! To be feeling like that after 34 years is truly fabulous.

    In the words of Sir Tel - Is is just me?! I can't count, but the number of times I have heard the song Ain't No Mountain High on radio2 in last few weeks is....a lot!! So - is it in an advert and being released, or a movie track? Please can someone tell me why I keep hearing this song and I now have it in my head constantly. Even Chris played in on brekkie show!


  • Comment number 72.

    Rips - LOL, if it wasn't for Micra's I'd have to collect my own pizzas :-)

  • Comment number 73.

    I have 2 wing mirrors! And no dents! And I had it cleaned on Monday!

    So there .....


  • Comment number 74.

    Audience figures for radio shows are published by RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research Limited) who interview approximately 130,000 adults 15+ per year (plus roughly 5,000 children 4-14) and the figures are published quartely.

    The interviewees will represent all ages, socio economic groupings and location to give a reflection of the country as a whole.

  • Comment number 75.

    Chrissie S - HUGE congratulations for Sunday!! A marriage made in Heaven does not exist (IMHO) - the next best thing is the pitter-patter. Love to Mr S as well.

    Ali B and SBP - have some interesting stuff on the subject of God and meditations etc.. Ali - find me on FB (on CLP Bloggers - used to be AS66) if you are interested and I will send them over on FB mail.

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 76.

    Callie I think the figures will be about the same for Chris to begin with as for every tog that goes a new person tunes in. I can see Radio 1 going down, Radio 2 staying the same and radio 3/4 have a slight increase to begin with. But then over the next year I can see Chris's figures starting to go up.

    Good looke with the interview

  • Comment number 77.

    Carl - shouldn't that be Micras...sorry.

    Pernickety Nic

  • Comment number 78.

    Afternon folks - this blinkin work does get in the way doesn't it???

    Just off to catch up but whilst I was whizzing down, noticed Callies comment. Well done you and good luck for the end of the month. You will sail it, no problem.

    And good luck with the practice Baggy.

    Off to Brum tomorrow and instead of all this internet shopping I have been doing, I'm going to shop till I drop in real shops. Get your credit card ready hon !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 79.

    I have consulted my crystal ball and am now, at 15.04 Hrs on Friday 15th January 2010 predicting Sony Awards galore for the CLP Breakfast Show within the next 2 years.

    You heard it here first.


  • Comment number 80.


    FLAT SHOES WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 81.

    Nic - you're right, sorry. However I am now determined to use `pernickety' in a future post - love that word :-)

  • Comment number 82.

    Gail, Dreamer and Daisy: thank you xxx A wee bit "mushy" but that's just the way it is!

    Dreamer: perhaps it's just me, but I'm not too keen on the new version of Ain't No Mountain High. Must be my age!

    Rips: don't try to give us the old "oops, I keep calling Dreamer, Dreamy, by mistake" stuff!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Deevs - you know fine well I don't do flat shoes !! Even our marathon round Liverpool with Bingo & Jovial was carried out in heels !! Mind I was pleased when we sat down in the Cavern Club for a well earned drink!

    Chrissie - congrats for Sunday

    Hope all sorted with the Debs - Debs C is the original and Debs 2 is the Chard queen. I think we did have a few more but not heard from them lately.

    MC Choc - you need choc - right now !!

    Nic - good news with the job. I suppose you have seen how her ladyship shops too? Nothing to do with me whatsoever ;o)

    Scoobs - yes - Sunday still sunny forecast - woo hoo

    Hi de hi to all others and for goodness sake come out from under that desk Carl.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Uncle Carl

    Please don't tell Nic he's right ..... I've gotta live with him gloating he's right now!


  • Comment number 85.

    hahahaha Beez - you taught me everyfink wot I knows!


  • Comment number 86.

    Carl - Best use of pernickety was in a James Blunt song (forgotten the title)- "pernickety little B*s" if I recall!
    Deevs - you know I am always right, even when I am wrong. Best to set out the ground rules from the start....;O)


  • Comment number 87.

    Sorry Deevs, think he already knows - hate to be `pernickety' :-)

    Chrissie - congratulations for Sunday!

  • Comment number 88.

    If Debs2 is the Chard Wueen....may I be the Pinot Queen? Or does one have to prove one's quaffing skills before aka's are bestowed? i.e. attend a Super Blog Meet?

    Steffi X

  • Comment number 89.

    Deevs - there is just one more thing you need to learn from me

    # 86 - I'll whisper in case anyone's listening - but just how wrong can someone be ---- cackle cackle cackle :o))))

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 90.

    I give up! This here keyboard is driving me mental! Of course I meant Chard Queen.

    Have a great weekend folks whatever you are upto, whoever you are doing it with.


  • Comment number 91.

    Steff you can be what you like and it is normally associated with booze.

    Pink fizz Beez xx

  • Comment number 92.

    LOL Beez, Nic and Carl.

    I am always right. Down one side. Left down t'other!

    Deevs, clock-watching
    x x x x

  • Comment number 93.

    Gin Queen!!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 94.

    Are there any 'King's' out there? Larger, gin & bitterlemon, beer, pernod & blackcurrant, cider or otherwise?

    Really going now........ttfn


  • Comment number 95.

    Prince of Stella.


  • Comment number 96.

    Chrissie - That was more for your benefit, huge congratulation to you and Mr Chrissie xxx

    HANDS UP! 'Micra's' was my fault, I started it.
    That's what happens when you grow up going to a different school every three years and then leave and work in jobs that don't require you to write anything but your name for the next 15 years!



  • Comment number 97.

    Lol Nic.


  • Comment number 98.

    Not Stellar Prince?!?!


  • Comment number 99.

    Beez: thank you. Hope you and Cheryl have a terrific day tomorrow. xx

    Carl: thank you too. x

    Steffi: no worries about the keyboard. Sometimes they have a life of their own!

    If we're talking booze, I feel I must confess (yet again) that in my younger days I must have, personally, bought Pi*rre Smirn*ff AT LEAST one of his yachts! Did he ever send a card? or even flowers? Ungrateful git!

    Nic: ALL men are always right. We lassies know this only too well!

    C xx

  • Comment number 100.

    That Cheryl - "She's a star"



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