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Four Hours For Free

Chris Evans | 11:48 UK time, Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Had to work in between work today, don't you just hate that? Where did life go all of a sudden?

Radio Show this morning; awards hosting tonight; and writing in between - but here's the thing - I left the house without my computer so I can't write a word. And here's me now with four hours spare, and a beautiful day to have them spare in.

Immediately having realised this, one name crossed my mind - Robin Hood - but cinema wasn't built for sunny days, so I'm off to buy a book instead and I'm gonna spend the afternoon reading in the park whilst trying not to get too red.

Just finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo which was a definite nine out of ten - what next? This is a big bonus Tuesday I have here now. And I'm excited.





  • Comment number 1.

    This weather does make a nice change doesn't it. Enjoy your new book and sunbathe CLP.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Do you know that is really weird - I was just having a few seconds day dream and thought how nice it would be to sit in the sun reading a book. Enjoy Christoph.

    I have got to be the first to say it - this office is a bit too warm !!! :)

    Daisy LOL !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 3.

    CLP - hello

    Have you read all the girl with the tattoo books? They are fab - really really good and a film has been made of the first book which should be worth watching!

    So - been in work for 4 hours and not crossed anything of my list to do yet - anyone want to come and work for me for a bit???


  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: yes, I heard you say this morning that you had forgotten to take your computer with you when you left the house. Result! Hope you enjoy your unexpected wee break!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello Christophe Lambie Pie.

    Maybe you subconsciously forgot your computer on purpose because you need a break from writing and should be reading instead.

    Don't forget to buy some sarnies and cakes and drinks, there's nothing like a picnic in the park on a sunny day!



  • Comment number 6.

    Big chief CLP,

    You fool, you fool!!!

    You had a chance to relax AND YOU ENDED UP GOING TO THE GYM????

    What is the world coming to . . .???

    I'm going to lie down (in this office) . . Can't take it . . me no comprehendee the ginger one today . .


  • Comment number 7.

    Chris - while reading your book take a minute to try this!

    This is hysterical. You have to try this. It is absolutely true. I guess there are some things that the brain cannot handle.


    You have to try this please, it takes 2 seconds. I could not believe this! It is from an orthopaedic surgeon............. This will confuse your mind and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your foot, but, you can't. It is pre-programmed in your brain!

    1. While sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

    2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand.

    Your foot will change direction.

    I told you so! And there's nothing you can do about it! How stupid it is, but before the day is done you are going to try it again, if you've not already done so.

    Right that's my exercise done for the day! I'm off!

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 8.

    Hello CLP, great minds think alike, I just got back from a failed attempt to give blood (it was closed) so I am going to take my book and my i pod and sit outside for a bit. I might even have my lunch out as well.

    I can also recommend The Millenium trillogy of books, I really enjoyed all of them. Am currently reading about Mark Beaumont's epic cycle around the world.

    Right off to enjoy some sunshine, it could be the only glimpse of summer I get here in Edinburgh.


  • Comment number 9.

    Yep I sat here like an idiot trying that DDD.... silly isn't it...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Chris, I have read all the Millenium Books and all I can say is WOWEE! Thoroughly recommended.

    Love nothing more that to sit in the backyard and read a good ole page turner. Shame that the British weather doesn't always cooperate with this, hehehe!

    Hello All, hope you get to enjoy some of the sunshine today!

    Mrs S.

  • Comment number 11.

    Daisy: welcome back! Loved your post on the previous blog (very true!) and the latest one is a cracker - I've tried it twice ... I am powerless!

    Hi Marjie: hope you are well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 13.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 14.

    I'm off in search of a Glossy Ibis!!

    No, its not a freshly painted lower priced hotel chain....

    A little bird has told me that there are sightings on the levels.

    Cuckoo, anyone heard one yet??


  • Comment number 15.

    Chris, enjoy your time in park, also the sunshine. It's good to go back in time to when we didn't have computers.

    Deev,s glad you like your job.

  • Comment number 16.

    Heard a cuckoo about two weeks ago MTF. Happy Ibis seeking.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 17.


    Many thanks for asking after me. Off to my outpatients respiratory clinic check up tomorrow. Feeling well at the moment, no heart symptoms, only thing is shortness of breath which is uncomfortable but I am now used to and have adapted well.

    Hope you are keeping well.

    Take care.


  • Comment number 18.


    DDD-I'm all right apart from my right foot aching LOL!


  • Comment number 19.

    That's the spirit MK - I like a gal that doesn't give up!
    I'm left handed so trying to do the 6 with my right hand is a challenge enough!
    Daisy x

  • Comment number 20.

    DDD-Now you've got me trying to do a 9 with my left foot. Or better still, try doing both right and left.

    Now I'm getting confused and need a lie down! hahaha!


  • Comment number 21.

    Hi everyone,

    MTF - heard a cukoo a couple of weeks ago when we were camping at Loch Lomond, and I hear one at home most mornings, worst thing at the moment are the crows always hounding the buzzards round our way.

    Hope everyone is doing ok.



  • Comment number 22.

    Marjie: I am glad to hear that you are ok. The shortness of breath thing is not nice, I am sure, but you seem to be coping.

    Bingo: good grief, have the moderators been alerted because of your new name? WHAT is going on?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.


    Not blogged for little while but have been lurking!

    Baggy - big well done on walk, what an achievement! Hope the blisters ease - surgical spirit is what you need!

    Beez - hope the work load is slowly reducing and you're still smiling! Remember laughter lines are not wrinkles!

    Marj - breathlessness not nice but good to hear you manage

    JG - hope the teeth / mouth are making good recovery.

    MTF - loving your naturewatch! Fascinating.

    Seza - hope house sale is going through all ok.

    Me, second viewing on house went well - offer put in and after a long 48hrs wait has been accepted!! Wooooohoooooo - fingers crossed it all goes well and through without a hitch!

    AS (very busy planning out her new home) x

  • Comment number 24.

    AS good news

    BTW Happy Birthday Tango just in case you are lurking x

    Lovely to have the sunshine and a convertible car!! JG don't let OH rub it in about week off with your car as that is just rotten. Can't sit out in sunshine though so envy those who do - enjoy.

    Sus x

  • Comment number 25.

    AS: really exciting for you - enjoy it all - life seems to be good for you, which is lovely!

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Hi Chris,

    I would have loved to sit in the park and read a book, especially with our current nice spell of weather, but unfortunately i'm stuck here in the office reading an entertaining forum thread regarding your old pal Lee Hill.

    Thanks for doing a fantastic job Chris, and taking over from where Terry left off.


  • Comment number 27.

    Afternoon everyone

    Christoff, enjoy you few free hours in the sun. Boo, no sun here and only about 30 miles south of London, what's all that about?

    Bingo, why has you post been modded? seemed ok to me!

    Happy Birthday Tango x

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 28.

    I posted this on the main Radio 2 message boards. Have a read.


    Have the powers that be at Radio 2 missed the boat?

    I've not heard of any plans to celebrate, and reminisce the quarter-century mark for one of the most historic live music events ever held.

    I've a suggestion:

    From midday on the 13th July, Radio 2 should halt regular programming, and hold a ten-hour radio-a-thon to mark the occasion. You would start with the now famous 'pips' and the equally famous line "It's midday in London, 7am in Philadelphia, and to mark it's 25th anniversary, for the next 10 hours, this is Live Aid 25".

    Midday to the original end time at Wembley - 10pm.

    I'd get Chris Evans to anchor the day, and present the first hour. Every hour thereafter, I'd have two Radio 2 DJ's pair up for their 60 minutes, offering a broad reaction to their memories of July 13th 1985. I'd get Bob and Midge in for an interview during the day, same with Paul McCartney, Phil Collins, Elton John etc and have some of the acts from 25 years ago in to talk of their memories, and maybe even have a few live versions of songs played at Wembley.

    I'd ask permission from the Mercury foundation to air in it's entirety the full Queen set as it played out on the day, and I'd end it all off with all the DJ's from the day together in the studio with the big names for a rendition of 'Let It Be'.

    I'd take the day off of work to listen to that. People could hold parties, bar-b-que's, accompanied by the Radio. You could have listeners text and ring in with their thoughts on the day, where they were, what the did to celebrate the concert.

    Come on Radio 2, Geldof got Live Aid up and running in weeks, surely you could pull the strings and make broadcasting history - a day to remember.

    I hold the intellectual property on this now, okay? ;-)

    Make it happen.


    What do you guys think?

    I bet Chris could make this work.


  • Comment number 29.

    TMfU/Tobes what a brilliant idea x

  • Comment number 30.

    Afternoon All - just taking 5 to have a catch up. Opened the office door to cool the place down and one of those monster bees decided it would come in and look around. Was outa here faster than Jesse Owens.

    Good idea Tobes - think anyone will listen?

    Jammy hubby JG - cruising round in your car in this lovely weather.

    Still mega busy AS - don't worry - I'm still smiling :) how citing - sorting out your new home. Hope it all goes through smoothly.
    That's a thought though - Seza - I presume you are still on course?

    Before I forget - Happy Birthday Tango Baz.

    Bedlam in the road outside with contractors replacing the gas pipes - digging huge holes and sticking barriers round - can barely get car through, cranes and lunatic mini digger drivers all over the place. Still at least I have a blackbird in the tree next to the office singing his little heart out - nice.

    Back to it ..........

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 31.


    I assume that you are hoping that, in the twenty five years since it happened, people have forgotten how rubbish it was.

    PS What does Scott think about it?

  • Comment number 32.

    A great idea but,unfortunately, governments get in the way of all the good that these wonderful concerts do.

    I'm off now before I turn the blog political!


  • Comment number 33.

    CLP, really envied you sitting in the park, I'd have love to have done that, but was stuck in the office!

    MTF, you be careful of those swans!

    Tobe, sounds like a plan to me!

    Beez & Susam, yes he is lucky, although now he's had it washed I might nick it back again!

    Especially as he's bought Finlay a replacement name tag, with an England flag on it!! He's a WELSH terrier, for goodness sake!!

    Happy birthday TangoBaz!

    Right, we've fired up the Barbie, catch you later

    JG x

  • Comment number 34.


    TMFU, is it really that long? Good Grief!! Not sure about a street party, feel like I'd need to be wheeled there in my bath chair!

    AS & Beez, thanks for asking, think it's all going ok. We keep getting envelopes full of papers to sign and send back so have to assume it's all going through as it should

    AS, Woo hoo for your good news - citin isn't it? :-)

    How nice would it have been to all be sitting in the park together today with our books and picnics!

    I love picnics. We sometimes get together with our friends and the men are always amazed that Alison and I put together a fab picnic without consulting each other. We always bring something different and have lots of lovely grub!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 35.


    How weird is that? Catching up on your missives and just reading Tobe's Live Aid idea (remember when you first talked of it last year Tobe when I was at the London blog meet) and Gary Kemp is talking about Live Aid on The ONE Show.

    Great idea, and I can still remember to this day what I did on that hot summer day.

    AS - wooo hoooo on the house. Fantastic news! So what with you and Seza that's bloggers on the move. And then there's me, Sus, Sam, Lin and other blogger job seekers ..... is it all coming together at last?

    Talking of which, today went really well. I'm doing even more admin for the company I was interviewed by last week, and today got to see inside their office (and cupboards - how weird is that!?). Just waiting for that offer now .... I know it won't be tomorrow as the woman who interviewed me is out all day, but she said on Thursday she wants to sit down with me and show me their database so I can "get to work on it". Sounding good, but still not pinning all my hopes on it. Would be nice tho ......

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaah CLP, a picnic and a book in the park. Green? Moi? Hell yeh!

    Right, off to seek sun loungers online.

    Laters taters.


    peeeeeeeeeees: Happy Birthday Tango

  • Comment number 36.

    Live Aid had, and still does have it's detractors. It polarizes opinion. Some tend to be too damning, because it wasn't a rehearsed, slick event, at times. What did anyone expect?

    The whole day was about much more than just the music, and what happened on and off stage in the stadium. Some will hate the idea, some will love it, but I think it could work. If you hate the idea, fair enough, that's what living in a democracy is all about.

    I'm sure there would be some red-tape to cut to get a day like that on the air, but it would be worth it (in my opinion) to celebrate a day I thoroughly enjoyed, and that my kids watch on the DVD, even to this day.

    The buzz that it would create hearing the pips at midday would be enough for me, and of course, I'd have Chris kick it all off with Status Quo 'Rocking all over the world'.

  • Comment number 37.

    Woo Hoo! Just had an email to say my wellies will be delivered tomorrow!

    Tobe - can I wear them to the Live Aid 25 day to break them in for V ...



  • Comment number 38.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi CLP

    so what book did ya go for and what a lovely day to have all that free time.

    Hello Bloggers and Blogettes
    How is everybody? How all is well, off to catch up with todays comments and put K to bed

  • Comment number 40.

    Deevs, sounds like new job going well. Do you know how long the temp position is for? Gives you such a good chance to get to know the place

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Evening each

    Chris, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - fabby book and the next 2 are even better. Sadly there won't be any more.

    Son-in-law has just delivered bottle of vino collapso from their fridge. I so need a glass or three.


  • Comment number 42.


    The agency have said initially 4 weeks, but having been there for 2 days now I've found out that the other part of the job share is going back to Uni in September so they will be filling her post, as well as "probably" filling the role permanently I am temping in. So, I'm hoping that if the admin job in the same building (but for a different company) doesn't work out, then I may be able to apply for the reception post I'm doing now.

    Really enjoying it too but toes a bit tender being squished into heels again after so many weeks of walking round the house bare foot!



    hello kandks and barney!

  • Comment number 43.

    Annie - you snuck in there! Evenink! x

  • Comment number 44.

    Deevs, maybe you could wear the wellies? ;-)

    Annie, I've just finished Dragon Tattoo girl, took a while to get into it but enjoyed it in the end and will def read the rest

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 45.

    LOL Seza!

    Right, time to turn this beastie off and spend some time with my lovely Fantastic Rolastic!

    Nite all.



  • Comment number 46.

    Deevs, hope it works out well for you. xx

    Baggy, haven't heard about the film of the first book, must look out for it.

    I can't do without my books. Have a leaning tower of them to take to the charity shop and have some I wouldn't part with (one of them Chris's).

    Ruby Turner's latest CD delivered today - on player and it's wonderful.


  • Comment number 47.

    Seza, me too - took a while to get into the books but aren't they good?

  • Comment number 48.

    Ah, just like the good old days.

    Disagree with a blog insider and get moderated.

  • Comment number 49.

    Posts 12 & 13.



  • Comment number 50.

    Manwithnoname: Just read your post on Live Aid. What a wonderful idea. I sat up all through it, video'd it, then my kids taped over it!

    Don't know if it would work second time around but, sadly, money still needs to be raised for people with nothing. Maybe CIN could do something?


  • Comment number 51.

    Bums. My message should have been to the Manfromuncle.


  • Comment number 52.

    MK, Don't know. Saw 13 earlier but hadn't realised about 12. Could see no reason myself

    Annie, your books sound like mine! We have books everywhere and now boy2 is just as bad! Not looking forward to packing those!

    Oh and have seen Ruby Turner with Jools Holland several times - she's amazing!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Seza, her latest cd is amazing, all gospel. Have posted a youtube video on my FB. The same band she had with her on Saturday evening.

  • Comment number 54.

    Annia, one of our best nights was when Marc Almond was guesting with Jools and they were all on together

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Evening chaps

    Brilliant isn't she Seza.Ruby - Saw her on Jools too and don't often watch him.

    I am counting the days until I can take my books to somewhere peaceful and have a flippin good read. Stacked to the ceiling they are!!!

    Missed it Barney - can you agree with whatever it was, and I will know you mean the opposite?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Have missed some of the posts, already modded:(

    Barney, I don't know why your's was...

    Well, for some goods news, I've turned my back on soup! Hell Yeh!!

    So had a prawn sandwich, some fruitcake and a yogurt for lunch

    Then, Mr JG surprised me with a BBQ, herbified salmon fillet, and a seasoned mackerel fillet as well, with some salad and chutney...I didn't risk the coleslaw!

    I wish he'd allowed me time to boil some new pots, as afraid to say, I'm still hungry!

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    JG, So pleased you're starting to get back to normal. Bet you can't wait to have a proper meal. Hope you can soon

    beez, last time we saw them was at the Ipswich Regent - great night out!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 58.

    not caught up but does does anyone on the blog keep chickens?

  • Comment number 59.

    Erm Kands - try MCW????? as in mad chicken woman..........

    Ooooooooo JG prawns - love them - not keen on salmon except smoked and smoked mackerel too. Had Deev's bacon wrapped chicken tonight and all I can taste is garlic! May have over done it a tad!!!
    Love it when the cheese squishes out though!
    Oh and Nic - frozen chip shop chips? I had a couple but yum!!!
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 60.

    am i dreaming ...??????

    or is the weather being delightful .....??

    hope so.. dont want to be freezing my noodles off anymore ..........lol xx

    heyyya hows everyone ..???

    hope you all are feeling okies .....

    Billie xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 61.

    hi Billie

    yeah weather seems to be hotting up at last and supposed to be getting hotter by the weekend hope it is nice and dry sunday as I may do a car boot

    So how is everyone and what have I missed?

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi Billie long time no blog. Presume you like the warm weather?
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Definately getting back to normal, but am also keeping the better eating habis..no crisps, no pizza etc! Weight has fallen off of me!

    So, if I gave up the wine as well?

    Well I probably would be in the news for doing something nasty to Mr JG! LOL

    He got the stuff for the BBQ, which was lovely, and then I found out he'd dried the spare room bedding in the dryer!! On a lovely day like this???

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Must be salmon night! That's what we had with delish new pots! Also treated myself to sme smoked salmon as was on special offer, yum

    Hi KandKs and Billie You all ok?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 65.

    JG At least he thought to dry it, more than would have happened at mine!


  • Comment number 66.

    Hiya KandK and Beez ...

    yes i love the sunny weather and warm too .... out come me skimpy skirts ... and dont give a toss if anyone says ewww !!!

    yes i know its been a long time but had a few horrendous weeks , but hopefully over the worst .. too personal for the blog , sorry .....

    hope you are ok both of you ...????

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi K&K and Billie

    Yes, it seems set to stay for a while as well!

    Right, I'm off to bed!

    Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 68.

    OH JG - naughty lad - got all my washing out today - even smalls I can't normally be faffed to peg on the line. Plus crispy towells here I come! Softener just does not work sometimes....

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Hiya JG and Seza ..

    you ok ?? i have not been on much so im a bit behind on the goss ..

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    yeah all I am ok dunno why I have not been on here for like ages but here I am been keeping up with some of ya on faceache

    have a new addition to the clan - Barney the kitten and him and the dog are bestest of friends only took and hour. they have to sleep together and if one is not winding the other up the other does lol so like having another two kids really

    getting a lil stressed with the puppy as still not cracked the house training so any tips would be greatly received

    hope everyone is well and that I have not missed too much on here


  • Comment number 71.

    night night JG

  • Comment number 72.

    Evening All

    What's with all the modding today - I just about understand 13 (I think Bingo mentioned the name of a golfer) but there was nothing wrong with 12 was there? As for Barney's post, there didn't seem to be anything wrong with that either - so what if he didn't enjoy Live Aid, each to their own.......

    Hi Kands and Billie - long time no see.

    Kands are you friends with MCW on FB? I can intro you if you like.

    It's warm tonight, that bodes well for tomorrow hopefully.

    btw interview tomorrow afternoon XXX everything.....

    time for a cup of tea before bed.

    Nite all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    I get confused as to who is who on here and FB lol doesn't take much?

  • Comment number 74.

    MTD Good luck for tomorrow

    And to all, good night, sorry to not chat to some of you for long but getting sleepy

    sweet dreams

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 75.

    well my name on fb is easy ..... lol xxx

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 76.

    all those are going to sleepy land .. nite nite xxxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Greetings Ter CLP & ALL....

    Bingo Star 'ere again....

    Don't know why me earlier blogs 'ave been removed?
    Nothing nasty, only fun & friendly!!!

    Oh well back ter what a came on 'ere ter write about:

    Bingo Star's BIG Wentworth Golf Report: It's all gone wrong!

    Yes all, it's all gone inoperative, a left college early ter rush over ter get the late train from Liverpool ter London but when a got there found out it's cancelled due to vandalism.
    Been told by the rail staff apparently on the outskirts of Liverpool trackside copper cables 'ave been ripped up & stolen!!!
    Been told not the first time it's 'appened lately, all ter do with the recession!!!
    A think it might ber scousers ripping them up due to the 'igh price of copper & weighing them in at Birkenhead metal merchants!!!

    So am back 'ome & it's all gone wrong!!!
    Not that am after sympathy or INDEED meaning ter bring the blog down!

    There's a blessing in disguise 'ere.... me ticket iz valid on any train in the morning.... So am gonna get up early & get the fastest & flagship train of the dee from Liverpool ter London!!!
    Aka the 07.00 flyer!!!
    Most of the fast trains take 2 'ours eight minutes but this baby does it in 2 'ours & one minute.... believe me ter people who no nothing about trains.... that is some going!!!
    Ter do the 193 miles from Liverpool ter Euston in that time.... that's errrr.... 95.7024mph average speed!!!!!!!
    And a like speed!!!!
    (Sorry getting boring - practising me maths).

    Then it's drop me bags at me dad's & over ter Wentworth asap!!!!

    The only problem, a can't take all these nights with so little sleep, 15 'our shifts at work, then at college & now up early again!!
    Just 'ope me ever increasing bags under me eyes don't get mistakened by Ernie Els for newly placed bunkers on the newly remodelled Wentworth course!!!!

    PS 'ope CLP & playing in Ian Poulter's group tomorrow.... would make an interesting paring, sorry pairing!!!!!


  • Comment number 78.

    mtd good luck 2moro

    night night sleepy heads

    I am gonna head as cat and dog settling now

  • Comment number 79.

    Early night MTD - all crossed hon.

    Kands - newspaper moved closer and closer to the door with treats each time and when finally outside - huge play time and treats for several days. One accident but Biggs was a good lad within 2 weeks - really teeny bless him - even when new visitors came to see him - batted the door to go out, even though bursting with excitement.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Ello Mistletoedipper - If yer get moderated for mentioning the name of a famous golfer, then that's worse than blogging in communist China!!!

    Nite all!

  • Comment number 81.

    ahhhh Bingo thats bad they nicked the copper cables where I lived once too as worth a lot of money when sold

    this wiped out the internet connection and phones tho!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    I think that I may have upset some poor sensitive soul by inferring that rock musicians may indulge in illegal narcotics from time to time.

    Better not mention what bears do in the woods or the Pope's religious leanings then.

    Ready, steady, moderate.

  • Comment number 83.


    do you just like being modded lol :-)

  • Comment number 84.

    Nite Kands
    Bings - I was wondering if too many celeb names were mentioned...oh well, read it before it was modded! Enjoy your whizzy train trip tomorrow. I just love the Brum to London tilty - addictive!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Barney !!! Got it before modded!! Really need to lurk a bit more but my work computer doesn't much like various websites!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 86.

    best to keep politics n religion off the topic radar .. causes too many fights or fallouts .. okies xxxx

  • Comment number 87.

    It's apparently one of the blog rules Billie but sometimes - one can't just help it?

    Right - checked MTF's latest pics of the swans on fb - off for a catch up on my messages and an early one for me!!!

    Keep smiling :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Back again....

    Kandksmummy - What they need iz more railway coppers ter protect the railway copper!!!!!!!

    B'sMum - Yes INDEED the Brum ter Euston iz nice but mines faster.... noot that am boasting!!!!!!

    Just thinking, ter 'ide me BIG bags under me eyes termozza.... might 'ave ter wear me latest BIG shades!!!!!

    Only problem which pair... 'ave goot around 30 pairs of shades!!!!!!

    Most of comedy attire!!!!

  • Comment number 89.

    A like this.... first #77... now #88!!!!!!!

    Really gotta get ter bed now!!!!


  • Comment number 90.

    hows MTF ???? have not heard from her?

    hope you ok ?

    i be keepin that in mind bout ter blog rulesokiesxxx

  • Comment number 91.

    No sightings of the Glossy Ibis, but.....

    Cygnets have definitely hatched. Mum swan was on the nest and Dad was right next to her. Instead of sitting on the nest like she was while hatching the eggs, she was instead, sitting with her wings spread by her side, indicating that she is covering something much larger than eggs.

    It was quite late by the time I got there.so I dont think there was much chance of them moving again and being at risk of predators.

    I hope I pass that way again tomorrow. Took a couple of pics today as its the first time Mum and Dad have been together when I have had my camera.

    mtd,if you are still about, best of luck for tomorrow.xx

    Visited the heronry today with Mr Mobs. Now there are 83 herons nests and 6 egrets. Lots of noisy babies there making the most peculiar noises, a bit like a loud gulping sound. There was so much to-ing and fro-ing to see from these huge birds that I could have stayed there a lot longer.

    I met a representative from the RSPB who was carrying out some surveys. I told him my unfortunate experience from yesterday with the agressive Swan. He was not surprised and went on to tell me that he has seen a heron eat a teal!!

    Its very nice being around these waterways but there is one downfall. MIDGES!!! Millions of them!

    Going back up to the lab, we followed the hare for about a hundred yards. I tuned my lights off and we drove along slowly behingd him.

    Quick read back to see how everyone is, then off to bed.


  • Comment number 92.

    oooooh spooky .....

    MTF gets mentioned and like a fairy she appears..lol xxx

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Back again....

    Just checked the golf website... some interesting people playing termozz.... Ron Dennis (McLaren boss), Tim 'enman, Zola ter name butta few & of course alot of the well known european golfers including the return of Earnie Els one me golfing 'eros!!!!!

    But best of all.... ave just seen the player draw.... CLP is gonna be playing with Brucie!!!!!!!!!!!!
    CLP "Nice ter see yer... ter see yer..... with Bruice!!!!!!!"

    A will defo be following them around their round!!!!!!

    'ave a look at this think a will bang on in a moment!!!!

  • Comment number 94.

  • Comment number 95.

    Back yet again....

    PS CLP - Playin' a round with Brucie.... should be a "nnnneee good game.... good game!!!!@!@!!!"

  • Comment number 96.

    I'm back too to see MTF's nature watch up-date!!

    MTF - just looked at pics and wondered why daddy swan so close. You just be careful there. Especially if he's taller than you when he stretches his neck and hisses!!Spect they will be straight on the water tomorrow - as they do.

    Bings - you auld CLP stalker you !! --- have a great time at the golf just checked out your link. Is it on the box anywhere?

    Really must go - night night all xx

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 97.



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