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Don't Be Short For Christmas.

Chris Evans | 12:07 UK time, Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Don't be short for Christmas, not as in - do be tall for Christmas - that would be height-ist or low-ist depending on how you look at it. As in don't get caught short for anything you might need: a light ale for a dear old uncle perhaps, a bottle of stout for your world weary grandma, or an emergency bottle of Bristol Cream should the local clergy pay you a spontaneous festive visit.

Deadlines are there for a reason, and we are fast approaching this year's Christmas shopping lockdown. Mrs E has seen to it that we currently have more fruit than Spain in our cupboards, plus the entire dairy output of North Devon in our fridge. In a nutshell, I think we're going to be ok. The ironic thing is that out of the thirty people who are due to come over for Christmas Day, there is a very real possibility that two thirds of them might not make it. In which case Berkshire will have acquired its very own food mountain for the planes in and out of Heathrow to bump in to.

But oh I forgot, they don't fly so much from there anymore do they ?





  • Comment number 1.


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.


    Congratulations CSN! LOL

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello Marjie.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Thank you, Deevs, Sezza and Ali for your kind wishes.

    Baggy, hope you feel better soon.

    Deevs, advent calendar. A donkey!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 5.

    I think you were lucky to get the North Devon produce when you did CLP.

    Most of it is shut off at the moment.

    We are living out of the freezer and have a goose on stand by for Christmas day if we dont manage to get out at all.

    There are a lot worse off though, at least we have our health and can walk to the shops if need be.


  • Comment number 6.

    Hello CSN.

    Trying to think of a good reply now but my mind's gone blank LOL.

    Well Chris, why do we always buy far more than what we need at Christmas but we have to because we can't run out of anything. And why do we eat things that we would never dream of eating for the rest of the year. Which is just as well because we would all be quite large and unfit.

    But, whether we are tall, short, fat or thin we all need to let ourselves go at Christmas.

    Looking forward to seeing you on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire on Thursday and the very best of luck!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Mange Tout CLP!

    Given your words above, I foresee you delivering emergency food parcels to T3 at Heathrow come Boxing Day!

    I admit that this year, things are slightly different to what I'm used to. Not worse, or better, as it would be unfair to compare, but just different. I guess that what comes of living in sin with an accountant who generally looks after himself (yep, he's fit!). We won't go short of owt, that's for sure. But hopefully, neither will we be throwing stuff out come midweek. I'm going to embrace this Christmas with all the gusto I have, enjoy my first festive tide in Cannockshire (hopefully the first of many ...!) and be extremely grateful that things have worked out from this time 12 months ago.

    I wouldn't swap anything for the world (except a new job maybe, if you're reading the blog, Santa ....!)

    And if all else fails, ELH is open on Boxing Day!


  • Comment number 8.

    My advent calendar guess: snowman!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    ps: CLP - I had a dream about you last night. It was most bizarre but you looked great in the retro beer-related t-shirts (esp the Watneys Red Barrel one) and you were not happy that the people in HMV wanted you to get the rare vinyl worth £25K out of their store room as you were having a day off. I do think your hiding behind a sofa was a bit far fetched tho .....


  • Comment number 10.

    Chris, I haven't done my food shop yet. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 11.

    I'm going to prepare myself for the trauma of the shops on Thursday CSN.

    MTF - I hope you get a bit of a thaw and are able to get to the shops.

    Deevs - what were you drinking last night LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Thanks Marj, it looks like I am going to be going out on the round, my knees have started knocking already.

    Wish me luck as I wave you goodbye, although I dont think I will get much further than the end of the road!!!



  • Comment number 13.

    Marjie, will do mine hopefully on Thursday.

    MTF, hope you will be able to get to the shops too.

    Deevs, strange dream.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 14.


    Safe journey and take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 15.

    MTF - stay put if it's not safe! No job is worth your health, safety and mental calmness. If needs be, the toothless brigade can suck on their sprouts!

    LOL Maddy and CSN! A small glass of red wine may have passed my lips. Yes, just the one ......


  • Comment number 16.

    I had some weird dreams too. I think it must be due to eating toasted cheese at 8 30 last night!
    Christmas is a time for doing things perhaps you wouldn't always do and buying things you don't normally buy but tempered with fiscal prudence!


  • Comment number 17.

    Yes dear!


  • Comment number 18.

    Will be doing our shop for xmas soon but snow isn't too bad around here. Happy christmas all bloggers and to radio two for all good music you play.

  • Comment number 19.

    Big Chief CLP,
    Things over here going from bad to worse.
    We've just had mini-office Christmas lunch and it was colder in the resturaunt than it was outside - at -7, not kidding. The tootsies are now clambering together and planning to gang up on me . . .
    I'm going to have to get the mulled wine out this evening to break the cycle...
    DtM x

  • Comment number 20.

    Afternoon everyone

    I've just been taken out to lunch, which makes the effort in getting so much more worth it!

    I still need to get a few bits and pieces food and drink wise for Christmas, but not much, as I'm not sure how long I'll be at home for. I'm also not sure how I'm going to go and get it and carry it home? - answers on a postcard!

    Oh well, I'm sure I'll manage with what I've got, if I have to.

    MTF, you be careful out there!

    JG x

  • Comment number 21.


    Home delivery is the answer, I do it every week now, you go around the shop with trolley, they will pack it all at the till and deliver it to you at a convenient time.

    I think most supermarkets do it now!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi Marj

    I've used online shopping in the past, but there are no delivery slots now before Christmas now, and I only want a few bits.

    I'll dig out my rucksack, and walk up on Thursday morning. It's actually the getting there that's the problem, but as I say, I'm sure I could manage with what I've got, I just forgot to buy biscuits and some goodies.

    JG x

  • Comment number 23.

    Yay!! Mark Frith on R2 now .....

    Love him!


  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon Each,

    Chris, I am blessed in that I don't have to worry about how much to buy and if I've got enough - my Mum will be doing all the worring and the buying!! But I promise to roll my sleeves up and help her in the kitchen with the mammoth Christmas dinner cooking for three (that's three people not 3 o'clock, afterall that's when the Queen is on the telly). It will be such fun ;)

    Well I have been Miss Bored of Boredsville today, thank goodness for the blog, FB, Youtube and Radio 2 - done much work? - no not really..hee hee.


    Deev, thanks for the heads up on Mark Firth - I love him too x

  • Comment number 25.

    Ali - are we leading parallel lives? I'm sitting here populating a spreadsheet which is duller than dull, whilst my mind is thinking how much I have to do at home before the end of the week.



  • Comment number 26.

    Deevs, Sounds like we are :( However, I am now going home now as I am walking and I told my boss that I would leave a bit earlier so as to try and walk home in a bit of light, but looking out of the window I may be too late!

    Safe home everyone.


  • Comment number 27.

    Stay safe Ali, and put the heating on when you get there!


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi everyone,

    Right, that's me heading home now, and will not be back at work till Thursday 6th January.

    I will dip in and out over the holidays but since we don't have broadband at home, it will be difficult.

    Thank you very much to all the lovely bloggers who have sent me Christmas cards, they are very much appreciated.

    Office Christmas lunch tomorrow, yum!

    I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year!!

    Lots of Love


    p.s. Today's guess for the advent calendar is - A lottery ticket.

  • Comment number 29.

    Have a lovely Christmas Gail! xx

    Well I'm about to head off to the station too, so I'll give 3 rings!

    JG x

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening all! Chrimble dins round at Chris's then?! I've always wondered why people stock up SO much at Christmas. Last year, I saw a lady in Mr. S**nsb*ry's Emporium struggling with not one but TWO overflowing shopping trollies of food... And you just KNOW that either it won't all get eaten - or it WILL and people will be sick and/or end up on impossible diets in the new year. Hey-ho. I am paranoid about not having anything to offer unexpected callers, though. I guess if folk turn up unannounced they shouldn't expect to be fed and watered... but that's straying into humbug territory a bit though...

    I ventured in to work today (V. dodgy - lanes were like polished white glass). Remember the lovely lady who wanted to torment the two fellows who had the accident with the dog the other week? Apparently, when I couldn't get in yesterday, she spent @40 mins trawling the net to see if there were any webcams in my little town (so she could see if it had "actually snowed" where I live) and, when that failed, she spent another 45 minutes or so scrawling through Jasper's blog (to see if 'he' had posted anything gloating about "getting the day off").

    Deevs - I think I already suggested a candle for today's Addie-Cal, I might opt for a bunch of sour grapes tomorrow...! ;-)

    I wonder what Father Christmas will be bringing Noah this year?

    Keep smiling!

    Roo and Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Take care JG and enjoy your holiday Gail

    Deevs, must be a Christmas tree in the advent calendar ready for all the prezzies to go under!

    I fear I may be corrupting boys just too much - Carry On films anyone? We went up the Khyber yesterday and today it's the turn of the cowboys and The Rumpo Kid!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh dear.

    No winners today as window #21 has revealed ..


    And Simon just menshed me and ploayed China Crisis - so good to hear that again. Actually went all nostaligic!

    4 more sleeps, 3 more reveals ....


  • Comment number 33.

    Wooo Deevs, I missed your mention but was boogying round the kitchen thinking why haven't I heard this for so long - good choice!

    Ok, so Christmas tree for tomorrow

    Bah Humbug to the mean boss Roo. Can't you send her into the woods with a pocket full if bread crumbs to find her way back? Then arrange for her to be followed by a flock of pigeons!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 34.

    travel safe everyone

    went home about 4 but have set up work laptop so can work from home to keep up.

    had another pants day today, really looking forward to my last day on Fri where I can have a week off, still feel below par and boss firstly didn't belive my asthma attack and then started cross referencing my inhaler usage before deciding that I didn't manage my asthma properly, as if I deserved to have an attack, hmmmmmmmm :-(

    hugs to all, and according to wiifit the asthma diet is working, down below 10 stone for the first time in over a year ;-)

  • Comment number 35.

    PS - roo - hope you don't mind me introducing myself to Jasper on his blog, only seemed polite, we're not too far from you if you ever want to meet up?

  • Comment number 36.


    Everyone's gone out

    That's me with the sticky tape and wrapping paper for an hour or so!



  • Comment number 37.

    sezza = good luck

  • Comment number 38.

    Home just now, need wine!

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    Home now, have scrumpy jack. Down the hatch!


  • Comment number 40.

    Evening CLP and the bloggers out there, a very appropriate blog today! Mum has decided to stay put in Liverpool rather than attempting to drive up to Edinburgh and risk getting stranded somewhere in sub-zero temperatures. She has had invitations from a couple of friends who live within walking distance from her house. I'll be off to the relatives who were expecting us anyway so need to get a couple of last minutes bits so I'm not turning up empty handed!

    Hope everyone who was travelling/commuting today got to where they need to be and are now nice and warm


  • Comment number 41.

    Have a lovely evening friends. I'm orf to get not-dolled-up for the pub quizzery.

    Til tomorrow.


  • Comment number 42.

    Well done JG.

    Your're not doing the same tomorrow aee you?


  • Comment number 43.

    Yikes on my speelings. Thats one tin of scrumpy jack for you!


  • Comment number 44.

    Evening all

    It appears I've got used to not having tinternet, since I haven't had the computer on much since I got connected! Mind, like Deev I'm having a busy month. I'm sure I must've been wicked at some point in my life, I certainly don't get enough rest! Managed a relatively early night last night (out like a light before 11pm) and my reward... awake at least an hour before the alarm went off this morning. Typical eh?!

    So tonight... I could do with continuing my challenge of unpacking a box a day, but can't see it happening. Got a small mound of pressies to wrap for distribution shortly, and there's the "small" matter of trying to find 8 people out of 16 to play a match next Tues, what's the betting most of them are away until new year?! I'm thinking the best idea is to track 6 of the 16 down playing a match tonight (and save my phone bill), so perhaps I ought to go and de ice the car and get going, on the sooner I go, the sooner I can come back and go to bed principle.

    Hugs to those in need. Hope everyone who's feeling a bit grotty is better soon.


  • Comment number 45.

    hello bloggies hope all is ok


  • Comment number 46.

    Greetings Of... This... Season CLP & ALL Available Ter Read This Bit Of The WWW. ...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP – A once got caught short at Christmas after too many snowballs... A couldn't get inter me aunties toilet, due to a 'ouse full of relatives... Most of which 'ogging the toilet after eating too many of me aunties dodgy 'ome made Crimbo puddings!!!!!!!
    A ended up 'aving ter go in the emergency commode!!!!!

    Am glad Tash 'as got plenty of grub... Just sorry ter 'ear many of yer guests might be unable ter fly in!!!!!!!
    If yer need the numbers making up... Am more than willing ter drive down whatever the weather!!!!!
    No snow would ever stop me getting anywhere as am a member of The Institute Of Advanced Motorists & former 'older of of FIA racing driver licence ter name butta few crudentials ter me driving experience/ expereinces.... Talking of which.... 'ere is part one of me sharing me tips with all on 'ow ter NEVER let winter weather stop yer getting from A ter B >>>>>

    Bingo Star's Winter Driving Tip Of The Day:

    Oh dear... oh dear oh dear.... oh dear.... winter drving... oh dear... After all ave seen recently in me truck on the roads.... a just don't know where ter start... A think many out there are beyond 'elp & should stick ter driving nothing but their tv remote control in winter weather.... errrr


    Ave lost count of the amount... of cars ave seen being driven without their lights on!!!!!!
    Just today on my way to work... i'd say 90% of vehicles didn't 'ave any lights despite very dull conditons!!!!!!!!
    Ave even seen 4 driving in the dark at night without lights!!!!!
    A think some people are so terrified of the slippery roads.... they're clinging ter the steering wheel in so much fear, they can't take their 'ands off the damn wheel ter switch their lights on!!!!!!

    At this time of year, there's so many driving around from people peering through a small 'ole in their yet not defrosted windscreen, to frozen up windscreen washer jets causing people to 'ave dirty salt covered windscreens!!!!!!
    And it's not just at night or in dull conditions... the low winter sun or INDEED glare of bright white snow can make it difficult for people to see you in the middle of daylight 'ours!!!!!!

    I drive everywhere at this time of year with my 'eadlights on.... It could save yer from 'aving someone pull out at a junction right into you!!!!!
    Plus being a trucker... often cars are near invisable in our mirrors if they 'ave no lights on in certain conditions!!!!!!

    Finally, also remember ter clear snow/ frost from yer all of yer front & rear lights... indicators too!!!!!!
    It's all very simple common sense!!!!!!! Yes it is all!!!!!

    Remember: Don't be dim.... be bright... day or night.... turn on yer light..s... And be seen!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!


  • Comment number 47.

    Well, that's broken the back of the wrapping and I've cleared up the room - I think!!

    Can't see anything that shouldn't be there can you?

    So pleased to see travellers arriving home safely

    Please take care, all of you

    Sezza xxx

    ps Boo to mean bosses!!! Hope they all get lumps of coal on their stockings!!

  • Comment number 48.

    Perish the thought of seeing them in stockings Seza!!

    OMG, James May with a drastic haircut. YIKES!


  • Comment number 49.

    MTF, we are expecting a snowfall (oh, please let it happen) and if so, the taxi driver has told me he wont be able to get to me (Yep, same guy there and back)! (He did have a break)!

    So I will look out of my curtains at 6am tomorrow and decide whether I have flu or not ;)

    Right, on catch up, did you make it out MTF?

    Bingo, the auto-lights on my Merc apparently dazzle folk for miles, shame it's under 5 inches of snow! Never one to be in the Not Seen club!

    JG x

    PS in true Bingo style, an update on the new car will follow...

  • Comment number 50.

    Actually, I didn't go out on the round today. My boss eventually turned up after the snow plough had cleared his way down and gave me the work which has to be delivered at various times tomorrow.

    I have lost all confidence since almost going under an artic truck on friday.

    So, I have done a test drive of all the routes out of here. I just made it up the hill out of the village and a lot of sideways driving got me down the other side.

    I took the more level road back into the village, 3 miles futher and not without gradients either.

    I have tried every way with the brakes, but nerves have taken over and no traction doesn't help.

    So, tomorrow is the last mission and I have a bit of a deadline to meet, but will do what I can.

    More snow forecast tonight.


  • Comment number 51.

    LOL, JG, I took so long posting this, your post 49 snook in between, but it sort of flows :)


  • Comment number 52.

    Oh Blog Buddies, just be careful out there

    I'm so glad I only have to go just down the road but I shall worry about you all

    JG, are you all stocked up for Christmas now? All the treats you like I hope!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Just back from washing up.

    Had the most amazing roast dinner. A chook that I took out of the freezer two days ago and finally defrosted.

    Morrisons had reduced veg to suit all tastes and all ready to cook.

    The best roasties I have ever cooked, thanks to some lovely beef dripping from a couple of weeks ago and yorkies as big as footballs. I dont think I could do better on Christmas day, so might have beans on toast instead.

    Until the kids see this post. They are both out!


  • Comment number 54.

    No, I was so frozen, and only beat nasty Mr JG in by 10 mins, so as his car hadn't been de-iced, he is now refusing to take me anywhere..

    Not that I care, I'll walk down to the local ELH (tiny one) with my rucksack, and get all I need!

    And to contradict him - no I won't be a "sad old p***ed up B""ch" for Christmas!

    I'm absolutely fine that he's off out, the longer the better, and I will enjoy the TV, Finlay, and my dinner (which is never traditional anyway)!

    JG x

  • Comment number 55.

    Sorry for the rant!! :(

    It's been a bad day! Please let it snow!

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    JG, that is awful :(


  • Comment number 57.

    JG, Would he like to go to whoever will put up with him now? Sounds like the sooner he bu****s off the better!


  • Comment number 58.

    MTF and Sezza, apparently no, as he doesn't want to disturb them when he's on call! And I can't afford to pay all the bills here on my own...

    I just feel a bit cut-off at the moment, it's a bad time of year too, sorry!

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Does he read this JG?


  • Comment number 60.

    I don't think so, am sure he doesn't!

    JG x

  • Comment number 61.



    Going to message you....

  • Comment number 62.

    JG (((xx))) Such an awful situation for you to be in. Only thing I can do is let you know am here to listen if you need it


  • Comment number 63.

    Sezza, have messaged you the other half of my rant on t'ther side!

    Oops, may be I should re-message and include MTF?

    JG x

    PS Sorry for bringing the blog down :(

  • Comment number 64.

    We are all on a great big bouncy castle JG.


  • Comment number 65.

    So true, just hope I can find my bounce again before tomorrow, as it's still not snowing :(

    Girl-flu, anyone?

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    It doesn't exist as well you know JG!



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