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Foggy Bloggy

Chris Evans | 10:36 UK time, Thursday, 17 February 2011

Foggy around Berkshire today, which got me to wondering - do pigeons and all other birds (for that matter) get grounded by the fog like planes do? You know - for take off and landing.

If they can't see the windowsill, how can they put down there? I just saw a pigeon who looked like he/she was flying below some low cloud on purpose, skimming deftly under the lower layers. Maybe they have their own PAA (pigeon aviation authority) regulations and guidelines.

Human Planet tonight. Don't miss it. Tonight's episode features a culture that get their meat by stealing it from hungry lions. I have an idea how they feel, after trying to nick a bit of my mate Morg's curry last night. He's Welsh and 6'7". He takes his food intake very seriously, very seriously indeed.





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning all

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Chris, foggy here this morning too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi CLP,

    No fog here, just heavy rain.

    Enjoy Human Planet tonight, I can't bring myself to watch it, even though I am a meat eater, I like to bury my head in the sand when it comes to things like that.



  • Comment number 4.

    Gail, thank you for your message on previous blog.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Chris!

    When I first saw the title of today's Blog I thought you were schmoozing with the legend that is Carl Foggarty, him with the piercing blue eyes of World Superbike Fame, the Blackburn Bullet.

    But no!

    I've oft pondered how on earth flocks of birds don't bash into each other when they are in flight - you know, when you get thousands of them all flying in a group. Unleash a thousand or so humans in close proximity (Oxford Street on a Saturday in December for example) and all hell breaks loose. Birds however don't appear to do the bumping into each other or cutting each other up thing at all.

    I think we at ChezNic will need to do some catching up of digibox stuff when we eventuially sit down tonight. That new channel is being very kind to us and we're recording Six Feet Under, The Sopranos, Mad Dogs - all in HD, which eats up the memory and I need enough space to record Noel Fielding and Ed Byrne "dancing" for Comic Relief on Saturday evening!

    Yoga tonight too, which I am loving so, so much.

    Muchos amore!


  • Comment number 6.

    Deevs - We are enjoying that channel too, so far we have Mad Dogs, Boardwalk Empire and Blue Bloods all on series link, and they are all very good so far.

    CSN - You are welcome.



  • Comment number 7.

    Lets all get ready for the weekend starting tomorrow, and go retro.

    All together now, with Johnny-Boy on the keyboards:

    I want to live in a castle
    I want an ocean for a pond
    I want a jumbo jet just to get to work
    Because it always takes me far too long

  • Comment number 8.

    Oooooh Dozy - forgot about Boardwalk Empire - yes, that's excellent. Although rather a high nork count per episode!


  • Comment number 9.

    Nork? - I have just looked it up and I think you are talking about breasts, and if so, yes I agree.

  • Comment number 10.

    Boobies. Bazookas. Norks.

    Far too many in that programme!


  • Comment number 11.

    Hi Chris: very funny blog today - just love it! I have checked with one of the guys in the office - MAJOR twitcher, and he tells me that birds deal with fog the way we do. They go about their business, but carefully. And if a flock of them were planning a migration, they would cancel it, due to fog!

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    We had an experimental car share today - I thought that I was going to be missed by the girlie picking me up because of the fog - thankfully she spotted me lol.

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning peeps!
    Happy birthday Darce and more importantly (in the Tiggs household at any rate), Happy 50th birthday to my wonderful Mr Tiggs xxx

    Love and hug to everyone, but most especially to CG and Chrissie {{{{{xxx}}}}}

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    hugS even......

  • Comment number 15.

    OK, so I'm not sure how long this will stay here but I jsut saw it on Twitter and it proper tickled me ......

    (Sorry modders!)

    If you listen to music while having sex, try listening to a live album. That way every once in a while you hear applause

    x x x x

  • Comment number 16.

    Happy Half Century MrTiggs


  • Comment number 17.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    There's no fog here Chris, a clear day in Wirral.

    I wonder about the birds too, I think they have built in radar. When I throw out the bread for the seagulls why within a few seconds are there dozens of them when before there was not one to be seen. How do they know? Are they watching?

    Is your mate Morg a Welsh rugby player?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 18.


    I love Foggy's eyes, although he doesn't like the TT (wuss) and tried to launch a green bike which I think hasn't done too well! I did have a friend who looked like him (inc the very sexy eyes) but hasn't aged as well at all.

    Really looking forward to the dancing thing on sat - will be out so have already set the box up to record it

    Whats the show with the norks, think Mr bp has missed that one :-)

    Must do som work, so bored


  • Comment number 19.

    I really should pay more attention when I am reading things, I just skimmed over the Human Planet paragraph and thought you had tried to steal food from your mate's Mog, which would have been more appropriate considering they are stealing it from lions.


  • Comment number 20.

    Dozy - putting the wet stuff in their trayts is bad enough - that stuff stinks!

  • Comment number 21.

    thanks Deevs, will pass that on!

  • Comment number 22.

    I know Baggy, our 4 cats go through at least 1 tin a day plus loads of dry food, and the dogs go through 1 tin of dog food per day too, we clean them out, crush them, and every so often take a few bins bags full to the SSPCA who get money for them.


  • Comment number 23.


    thats a great plan, our tins I'm afarid to say go in the bin, if anyone does know anywhere I can recycle them in bucks I would be pleased to know as we have collections of plastic bottles and i already recycle cardboard and glass at the recycling points.

    our cats get a pouch and biccies in the morning and a tin and biccies in the evening (between 3), thats below the recommended food limit but the vet says they are still porky so we are not sure ehat to do!

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi everyone, just catching up with the previous blog:

    CSN: so sorry to hear about that little baby. I will say a prayer that everything will be alright. xx

    Darce: Happy Birthday! Hope you have a really lovely day. xx

    Mr Tiggs: Happy 50th! and Tiggs, thank you. xx

    Cheryl: (and this may be too much information!) I discovered that it's best not to have s*x with the tv switched on ... it did hurt my ego slightly to find MrS actually watching it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Baggy - don't your large supermarkets (ELH etc) have recycling points in the car park? Also nearly every household waste site in the country is now a "Household Waste & Recycling Centre" with bins for all manner of materials.

    Bucks County Council website should be able to point you in the right direction, and I remember from my Recycling Officer days that Bucks CC Recycling Education Team were fantastic - I did a couple of workshops with them.

    We should all make an effort to recycle as much as possible as landfill space is not only bad for the environment, but its also running out faster than it's degrading.


  • Comment number 26.

    Chrissie - I just fell off my chair laughing at that comment. And I hope you slapped him!


  • Comment number 27.

    deev - to be honest when i do my recycling at the supermarket I dont really look at the other bons, other then the aluminin foil one which i have never seen anyone use.

  • Comment number 28.

    'Ere ya go Baggles.

    Don't ever say I don't look after you ...


  • Comment number 29.

    thanks deev

    and for those who don't know - a picture of foggy


  • Comment number 30.

    Cheryl: oh, believe me, he was in the doghouse for quite a while! How could he prefer watching "A few dollars more" to me??!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Chrissie - that is one of the reasons we do ot have a TV in the bedroom, alkthough occasionaly i have been asked to put my book down ;-)

  • Comment number 32.

    Chrissie - time to buy a poncho!?!?


  • Comment number 33.

    That's so funny Chrissie!

    Baggy - ELH actually give you clubcard points if you recycle aluminium cans in their machines.



  • Comment number 34.

    dozy - not in our one as someone set alight to the cardbored bin and they closed that down, and there is just normal facilities in the small ELH - who said bucks was posh!

  • Comment number 35.

    Dear David Cameron

    Recycling would be so much easier if every Local Authority in the UK collected the same materials, kerbside, in the same receptacles.

    Blue bins all round for fortnightly co-mingled collections!

    Ta muchly.

    Deevs of Blogshire

  • Comment number 36.

    Baggy: good call with the tv. Don't you find though, that you have to put your book down, just as it's getting interesting?

    Cheryl: yes, one of those, and start smoking cigarillos!

    Gail: I console myself with the thought that this must have happened to someone else too!

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Chrissie, its the only battle I have ever won! He does have in one of the spare rooms a TV set up with a DVD player, VHS player and old games consol but if we want to watch something in the bedroom it has to be on the laptop.

  • Comment number 38.

    Deevs - Because we live in the country, we only have a normal bin and a paper bin, the paper one gets emptied monthly and the normal one fortnightly, however, we recycle, (off our own back and take it to the local recycling centre every so often), glass (there's a lot of wine/morgans bottles in there), plastics, tins (which as I said earlier go to the sspca), cartons and anything else we can, we are lucky in that we have outbuildings we can store it all in until we are ready to take it away, but it must be difficult for people in the town and who don't have much room.



  • Comment number 39.

    Chrissie - Re: Post 36, when what gets interesting? The book or the s*x?

  • Comment number 40.

    Deevs - I meant to say, well done on your mention last night!



  • Comment number 41.

    Gail: excellent! I did mean the book ... but I see what you mean!

    Right, off to get some lunch - I sincerely hope the tone of the blog has been raised when I return. What do you mean, it's all my fault?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Thanks Gail - although I actually missed it as I was swimming at the time. The lovely Blogpoppets told me about it this morning!



  • Comment number 43.

    Morning all from a not so cold upstate NY. Hope everyone is having a great day so far!!!

  • Comment number 44.

    By the way

    my darling husband has been given ethical approval for his sleep survey dissertation for his masters.

    We need volunteers who can complete his online survey when it is availble in the next week, if you would like to I will send you a link on fb as I'm guessing I wont be allowed to post it on here.


  • Comment number 45.

    Put me down as a volunteer, like being a guinea pig!!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    cheers tiggs, can you fb me your email address and I'll send over the link when it's ready

  • Comment number 47.

    New blog post (or more of my rambling) if you want a coffee time read ...

    All feedback welcome!


  • Comment number 48.

    great blog as ever Deevs, good luck hon xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Great blog Deev, Baggy, I'm up for being a guinea pig too.



  • Comment number 50.

    thanks Gail

  • Comment number 51.

    Baggy - me too! x

  • Comment number 52.

    Afternoon All,

    Happy Birthday Darce xxx


    Happy Birthday Mr Tiggs, I did meet him at my first blog meet in Docklands xx

    It was right foggy in Kent this morning. I walked to work by the river, which is very eery when it's foggy as it's perfectly still. At least I could see it sometimes when it's really foggy you wouldn't know the river was there!

    Deevs, Good blog as always and good luck in whatever it is :) xx

    Baggy, I'll be a guinea pig too, my email is on FB xx

    Alright Bondy, good to see you popping up on here. But you could write a bit more about what's going on in your life!!

    I slept much better last night and have only just realised that I must have been tired as I didn't watch Greys Anatomy, good job I set the +Box for it!

    Oh well best get back to the bordom that is my working life!


  • Comment number 53.

    Baggy, I'll be a guinea pig too, you've got my email address already.

    Happy birthday to Mr Tiggs as well!

    Deev will have to save your blog for later...

    It was misty here this morning, but has cleared into a gorgeous sunny day.

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.

    Here is an amusing video:

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Have lovely evenings one and all.

    I'm now off to unroll my yoga mat and get bendy!

    See ya tomorrow, and thanks for your company today


  • Comment number 56.


    Just got home.

    Happy 50th Birthday Mr Tiggs, hope your having a great day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Hi y'all

    Hope you're all ok and found your way home in the fog

    Baggy, put me down for the sleepy survey - but you might have to wake me up to do it!

    I've been at a training all day about dementia and the mental capacity act - hard work for my poor little brain!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi alib and all. Not much to report since starting the new job back I'm July it's been all go... Daphne is now 2 years old but she will always be my puppy.... Footie now 3 times a week keeps me sane..... Supposed to be in the 50s here tomorrow then plunge into the 20s from Saturday...

  • Comment number 59.

    thanks CSN
    Just back from the local and cooked his favourite steak dinner

    Tiggs xxxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Evening all

    Sleep... one more for Mr SB's survey here Baggy (looks like he's getting a female bias, did he want that?), but I'm not sure we know each other on fb. Will have to work on that one. Several here I'm sure could point us out to one another.

    Not much to report that I can think of. Need sleep, mostly ;) Sounds like a common theme round here. Might just go make my self a hot choc and then head for bed. I will catch up those hours I didn't get to sleep at the weekend... honest ;)

    Hugs to all (and an extra one or two for CG to keep in her pocket for tomorrow)

  • Comment number 61.

    Oz, I've sent you that friend suggestion

    Am all worn out now.

    Night all. Sleep well

    CG, (((xx))) for tomorrow

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Thanks for that Sezza, I've taken up your suggestion :)

    Hot choc slurped, so must be time to head for Bedfordshire.

    Night all

  • Comment number 63.

    The PAA doesn't exist!!!! How could one type of bird have it's own authority!!! There'd be chaos in the sky’s !!! Imagine the regulatory clashes with the EAA (Eagle Aviation Authority)!!! And there'd be a hung parliament unless the SAA and BTAA formed a coalition!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Evening all...

    Another late appearance, so I doubt if anyone is around.

    I've been trying to think of something to do this weekend, that might match last weekend.

    I have now decided that this is an impossible task.

    So, looking for something totally different to do, I have come up with the idea of 'doing' the Old Gloucester Road in Brizzle.

    This is an area of Brizzle, that I have warned my GD about going to!!

    Of course, that was like red rag to a bull and of course she has ventured under the 'forbidden bridge!'

    Having driven through this particular area, hundreds of times, I have always promised myself a visit, but definitely a daytime visit!!

    The road goes on for miles and has the most amazing collection of shops I have ever seen.

    Having googled it, I have now discovered, that it does in fact have the largest collection of individual shops in the whole of the Uk!!

    So, I am going to saunter down there on Saturday morning and walk as far as I can for 3 hours up one side, then grab a bite of lunch (it looks like I may be spoiled for choice there) then amble back down the other side before popping in to see my GD in her uni digs.

    I'm not really one for the shops as a rule, but this is not your usual shopping experience.

    OOh and throw a few banksy etchings to look for en route and thats my Saturday sorted. Proper job!


  • Comment number 65.

    Evening ALL,

    Haven't seen any fog today in fact it's been a beautiful day lots of sunshine and the patio doors have been opened.

    Now I should imagine that birds have built in radar as like has been said in earlier posts ,you don't see birds flying into one another do you .

    Tiggs ,hope that Mr Tiggs has had a good B/day and that he's now fully sated after his meal .
    We've had pasta tonight ,I just love pasta ,and of course had to swill it down with a glass of something cold .And of course there was enough left for my lunch tomorrow .

    Can't believe it's Friday tomorrow and not even got my shopping list sorted ,must get my finger out as I've got a busy w/end ahead .
    got company Saturday and Sunday so I think some chores will have to be done in preparation .


  • Comment number 66.

    Bids, we're like a pair of buses!!

    I'll be the number 48 if thats ok? LOL.


  • Comment number 67.

    When or if, you have ever seen a flock of starlings that stretches about a mile long, you just stand and gape in awe of their spacial awareness!!

    I am lucky enough to witness this on a daily basis over the Somerset Levels.

    I may moan about my job sometimes, but its getting to the stage now, that with the lighter evenings, that I get to do so much more of my round in the daylight.

    Outdoor time is very important to me, so I dont get on here as much as I used to.


  • Comment number 68.

    MTF ,you weren't there just now ,you sneeked in there under the radar.

    If I having wasn't a friend to visit on saturday I just might have joined .
    But (1)I need to clean the house ,these house husbands aren't that thorough and (2) It wont come up to last weekend away will it.
    Looking forward to the next one aren't you ??


  • Comment number 69.

    I wonder what 'our' Debs is up to this weekend!!


    Maybe a bit too much walking, but we could meet at an eaterie at the halfway stop??

    Bids, the next one may involve a few more :)


  • Comment number 70.

    MTF ,there was a picture in our room last weekend of the somerset levels,very nice too .did you see it when you popped in on your visit.

    Saw two swans today in the harbour looked lovely .I must take my camera to work ,I always forget .
    Really looking forward to your nature watch updates ,I know then that the nice weather is coming in .Bring it on .

    So If we ever do the Old glouster road in Brizz do I need pots of money ??
    Maybe our mini meet???


  • Comment number 71.

    I suppose it depends on what you are looking for Bids.

    I am hoping to do lots of shopping in the global food mini supermarkets.

    I cant wait to report on the first swallow sighting.

    Unfortunately, there are still a lot of deceased swans on the levels. I might get in touch with the Wildlife trust tomorrow, as it is so upsetting to witness and as the birds mate for life, it must be devastating for them.

    Chances are, that the Wildlife Trust are not aware, as so many swans were lost to the harsh conditions. Literally getting frozen into the rhynes.

    I will see if I can volunteer to help.


  • Comment number 72.

    That would be just up your Street MTF ,can just see you doing that and so rewarding too .Yes go for it ,don't know where it might lead !!!


  • Comment number 73.

    IF I didnt have to work Bids, I would love to do something worthwhile with my spare time.

    One day eh!


  • Comment number 74.

    Yes my friend and one day your boat will come in .


  • Comment number 75.

    If it doesn't Bids, I am happy with my lot.


  • Comment number 76.

    Righto ,

    Better get this puter turned off as Mr B is just coming to the end of his Program ,and then he's off to bed and I don't want to be left behind .
    And I'm very late myself tonight ,nobody to blame only myself .

    night night all.

    sleep well and sweet dreams.


  • Comment number 77.

    Hiya everyone

    thanks for all the volunteers for mr bp's survey

    So far he is getting a female bias but we did used to have men on this blog, where are you all?

    Lots to do today and want to get out at a sensible time so must dash

    Baggy xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning all

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Morning Troops

    Can I just apologise in advance as you might be sick of the sight of me by 5 o'clock today ....!

    All alone in the office with precisely 3 things to do (real work), although about a million things to do (personal). It's going to be a very very very long day ahead!

    Yoga last night was indeed bendy.

    Weather check: grey, overcast, cloudy, cold.

    Hope you're all dandy.


  • Comment number 80.

    Grey, cloudy and cold here too.

    Daughter has hurt her back, so busy day for me now.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Deev - do you want to go to me meetings for me and explain cost centre busgets so i can get on and do some real work?

  • Comment number 82.


    If you give me any control over budgets I can guarantee you will have an astounding collection of shoes, boots and handbags but I would seriously fear for the economic future of your company ....!

    But thanks for the offer!


  • Comment number 83.

    Good morning everyone from a very grey Ayrshire.

    MTF - Sounds like you are going to have a lovely day on Saturday, I'm not really into shopping either but the sound of all those individual shops is very appealing, as is the lunch part.

    CG - Thinking of you today.

    Have a good Friday everyone, and a good weekend too.



  • Comment number 84.

    Morning All,

    Grey, Overcast and Cloudy in North Kent too.

    Big Hugs to CG on what will be a tough day for her and her family {{{HUGS}}} xxx

    MTF, Your plans for Saturday sound lovely, I just wish I lived a bit nearer and I would certainly join you.

    Instead I think the parentals are coming to visit, which will be nice as I haven't seen them for a few weeks and then I shall just chillax. I am feeling incredibly stressed at the moment, which is very unlike me. My brain is full to overload and I think that at some point I might implode! Still only a few more hours of work and then it's the weekend.

    So what are people's plans for the weekend? I think it will be tough to top MTF's.


  • Comment number 85.

    Ali - we are taking Nics 8 year old son to see Yogi Bear in 3D at the cinema. Last time we took him to the cinema was to see Alice In Wonderland, also in 3D. He sat between Nic and I and kept ducking out of the way every now and again, thinking the 3D effects were going to hit him!

    Note to self: don't let him see me laughing as he will have a strop!

    Enjoy the parentals!

    x x x

  • Comment number 86.

    Deevs - That sounds fun. I've only ever seen 3D things at theme parks and I must admit to ducking a few times myself...lol.

    Have a nice time

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi everyone:

    CG: thinking of you today - it will be difficult for you, and we are all "with" you. xx

    MTF: sounds like a terrific Saturday you have planned. Like Gail, I'm not into shopping, but I love individual shops - they are so hard to find these days.

    Cheryl: no problem - just you chat as much as you want!

    CSN: sorry to hear about your daughter. It's an absolute misery when your back is sore - can't do a thing. And, yes, you have a very busy day ahead. xx

    AliB: take care of yourself - stress is just the worst feeling. xx

    This weekend, my sister has lots of visitors who want to see her, so my other sister and I are going to see the King's Speech. I am really looking forward to it, everyone I know who has seen it, says it is a brilliant film.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 88.




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