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The Observer

Chris Evans | 10:59 UK time, Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Man at show today - observing. I know why, but am not at liberty to say. Nice man though, and well respected too. I think he liked what he saw, although you never can tell.

As well as being observed, also had a meeting with my boss after the show. I still get nervous at the prospect of coming into contact with authority. Genuinely, I always presume I am going to be told off. Discretion precludes me from 'fessing up to the details of this morning's meeting, but it's over now, and as I'm still expected in to work tomorrow morning, I must be doing something ok - for the time being at least.

Good luck with your lot, you lot.

More of mine from 6.30 a.m. Thursday.

Toodle - ooh,





  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris: I know what you mean - every time I come back from holiday, I expect to be told I am no longer required! But as for you, you are going nowhere, my old son!

    C xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Good Morning CLP blogsters

    Thought I'd be neighbourly and see how y'all are doing. They're choosing Midsomer Murders Choons next door ..

    How typical is the above by Mr Evans nowadays? Teases with a snippet of information, then says he can't say what it's all about! Cryptic schmyptic.

    Come on Chris - treat your loyal bloggers like adults and share like you used to do.


  • Comment number 3.

    oooh Hi Chrissie - didn't spot you down there from this high horse I appear to have climbed upon ..

    â—’ â—’

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi KatyMac: always lovely to see you here. Och, we are an understanding lot here - Chris will tell us all, all in good time!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chrissie, Christoff and Katy

    (and anyone else who snuckles in as I write this ...)

    Let us gues Chris - are you:-

    * Taking over from Terry on the Rhonnda allotments on the JV Show?
    * Being observed as part of your CPD career path?
    * Was it actually Johnny being observed for Strictly Come Dancing?
    * Are you getting your own cookery show, following your success on SatKit?

    As for always fearing the worse, I carry guilt as well. At the mo, I am beside myself with guilt for NOT being at work. If I was at work, I'd be good for nothing at the mo but I still feel guilty for not being there. Weird eh?!

    Having said that, there's something slightly naughty and decadent about watching live cricket from Australia in my PJs!

    Back later.


  • Comment number 6.

    Oh big bottoms..typical, I post and a new blog appears!anyway, have stuck it on the bottom of here!

    CLp - very cryptic indeed..and I`m going with Deevs cookery show suggestion..although how much cooking would be done would be up for discussion.. you`d never have time to practice all your dishes the amount of times you practiced your souffles!

    Speaking of food...lunchtime!

    mSc x

    PS - Deevs, you are too poorly ot be at work so make the most of it, forget work and relax and enjoy the cricket! x

    Morning each

    CLp - sounds very virtuous(sp?).. we will need pics you know!

    I dont like gardening..hence our `landscaping` efforts in the back garden a few springs ago! Now, the back garden is there for what gardens are intended for imho... sitting in in the summer (i live in hope!), drinking some adult pop and reading..with maybe a bbq and a little snooze thrown in there somewhere!

    However, the GM declared last week that our `week off` at the end of March is now to be dedicated to `landscaping` (and i use the term loosely..) our front garden. Now this is only a very small area but it will involve removal of all grass, laying of sleepers, new planting..not forgetting levelling and a ton of slate to be distributed... I feel my back ache coming on already!

    As ive been absent (no note sorry) I`ll shout a get well/huge hugs/burger off/best wishes/woohoo/urgh and a thinking of you at all you lovely peeps... please accept my apologies for not doing individual..suffice to say you have all been in my thoughts..

    Oh, and a wotcha to anyone who wants one!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 7.

    Thanks Chrissie - and yes, you are an understanding lot :^)

    and #5
    Hi Deevs
    They're calling for you next door


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Scoobs.

    Katy - shall I nip over the fence then?


  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon all

    Chris, all a bit cloak and dagger, like something out of Midsomer Murders!

    Chrissie, thought I would surprise Mr CSN after being with him 38 years tomorrow, with hair of many colours!

    Katy, nice to see you here.

    Deevs, hope you feeling a little bit better today.

    mSc, lovely to see you back here.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Quick update everyone

    Married - at home

    Skied - in Whistler, beached - in Maui

    Still married . . .

    Now, snowed under, again, with work – trying to catch up . . .

    Dt-married-M !!

  • Comment number 11.

    Scooby!!! So lovely to see you - I miss you! From your list, I have chosen a hug, your best wishes, and my absolute favourite: burger off! Take care, and come back soon! xx

    CSN: awww, that's a nice gift for your anniversary. And you were married very close to your birthday, weren't you? xx

    Off out to get a sandwich ... oooh, the excitement!

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hello everyone ,

    CLP , whenever my boss says "Have you got a minute" , my lickle heart sinks, and I think "what have I done now".

    MSC , hello , glad you are ok :-) Good luck with the project :-))

    CSN, well done on the colour change.

    Chrissie, mmmm, I'm starting to wish I'd never asked !!! LOL

    Deev, want a go of the slanket ???

    Hiya Katy, good to see you.

    Right, off to find some brain food.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Dan, Dan, the married man - congratulations, and hello!


  • Comment number 14.

    Good grief, just ready to close down, and I see the lovely MC! Oh, I know what you mean, it's my crazy sense of humour - I'm on another planet most of the time!!


  • Comment number 15.

    Dan, the MM

    Congratulations, Maui hey ( just googled it 'coz I had never heard of it )
    how lovely. I could just do with a week there !

    MC xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Yes - t'was very lovely indeed,

    Thanks a million Chrissie!!

  • Comment number 17.


    You really had me there you know. I was thinking about all the time I had spent on here , truly believing Mr Evans was writing to us. And all the time you knew it was Mr G !! Just wait till I see you ... LOL !!!!

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    A mild and showery day here in Wirral.

    I think it was your hair which was being observed CLP. Do they want you to talk about it on a show like This Morning for example to discuss it with Philip Schofield?

    I myself don't think that there's anything wrong with men colouring their hair and yours is by no means overcoloured. You look very cool, there's no need to wear a hat. But the hat looks cool too.

    Whatever the observation and meeting was all about I'm sure we will be informed in due course.

    MM xxx

    PS You also look cool with white hair!

  • Comment number 19.

    Mona never did come back to say what she thought of the oven cleaner!

    Quick hi and by from me.

    Just saw Dan the MMs good news. Congratulations Dtm.

    Off out this evening to meet up with GD and hit the Harbourside in Bristol.

    The oven cleaning can wait. LOL!

    Wishing everyone well.


  • Comment number 20.

    Congrats Dan! Really chuffed for both you oand Mrs The Man!

    MC - think I'll pass on the slanket as I don't want to create too much static in this part of Cannock - it could end in tears (and an amazing light show!)


  • Comment number 21.


    I fully understand, I really havent been the same person since my last wearing.

    Take care and do nowt .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hmmm, Christoff, cryptic indeed. No doubt all will be revealed as and when.

    Dt-married-M, congratulations to you both, and they said it wouldn’t last!:-)

    Scoobs, good to see you.

    Chrissie, I’m so amused by your sense of humour, love it!

    CSN, good for you re the hair, don’t think Mr P would notice if I had mine different colours, but he would most definitely eyeball it on the bank statement!

    MTF, enjoy your evening.

    Hi to everyone else.

    Pen xx

    ps, just to say, two bits of news have hit me this week, one close to home, the other no so, but involves a six year old. Life is not a rehearsal, it sucks sometimes, so make the most of every day.

  • Comment number 23.

    Thanks for the welcome backs guys..really have missed you, have just been slack!

    DtM - many congratulations.. and here`s to many more years of the marriage thing! x

    Mc - loving the `eat all the bad stuff for you` diet..I enjoy what I eat and if I want it I have it.. and `touch wood` have not yet had this horrible lurgy going around. Hope you, Deevs and whoever else feeling pants get brighter soon.. x

    And oven cleaning..I`ve solved it..buy a new oven! Had one installed last week and although it looks lovely and clean I`m still figuring out how to use it and how long things take...shall be having a baking sesh tomorrow afternoon to see if my usual `ten minutes in the oven` buns will actually take twice as long like everything else seems to be doing!

    Csn - hi lovely..glad to see 2011 is starting much brighter for you than the end of 2010! any pics of the hair..? and happy anniversary for tomorrow!

    Will need my slanket tommorrow night..off out to see Milton Jones in York tonight and its going to be a late one... off work tomorrow but have to be in(and for that read up and dressed!) 7am-7pm for a fridge delivery.. I refused to pay extra for a time so thats my punishment!

    Right.. off to make a cuppa and eat my first creme egg of the year!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 24.

    CLP - I'm sure the observer was suitably impressed - did they have a clipboard? I've always wanted one of them!

    Re: having to see the boss - years ago when I worked at a University in Sussex(!) the HR lady, who was a complete and utter control freak, would regularly say to us lowly administrators "oh, by the way, I need to see you first thing on Monday morning". When we asked what it was about she would just say "oh it's nothing to worry about but we do need to talk", which without fail would play on our minds the whole weekend. By the Monday morning we were in major panic mode, but it would be turn out to be something trivial that she could easily have said on the Friday. I always swore that I would never do that to anyone should I ever be in a position to manage staff and I'm happy to report that I've kept me promise over the years.

    Deevs - glad to hear you're feeling a bit betterer x


  • Comment number 25.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 26.

    MC: believe me, I am so looking forward to seeing you again, even if it's just to explain how nuts I am!

    Penny: thank you for "getting" me - it can't be easy! I will keep that little six year old in mind - life can be very cruel sometimes. And I hope the other piece of news is resolved.

    Scoobs: how I would love a new oven! Look after that little beauty with the cleaner that MTF and I endorse: O*en Pride - it has magic powers!

    Jillygoat: you know, I had a boss just like that: it is vicious and cruel, and totally abusing their position of authority. I will never understand man's inhumanity to man.

    C xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Bingo, I am at a loss as to why your post has been removed. It appeared ok to me!

    Chrissie, thanks.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Pen..many lovely thoughts towards your 2 people..esp the 6 yr old. My nephew is almost 6 and I cant bear the thought of anything horrible happening to him x

    Chrissie..the new oven is lovely! All black and shiny..but there lies a tale behind it as ever in the Scoobs house!

    if you make a brew i shall begin!

    We needed a new sink and tap and decided in our wisdom to get a black sink and tap (the GM had his heart set on it)... purchased said items on a bit of a whim assuming that they were a standard size. Oh no, new sink standard but old sink far bigger and custom made... and so the new sink would fall through the hole! Decision made to replace the run of worktop that the sink sat in... cant get hold of, discontinued and even if we could get it my joiner said he couldnt promise it would be as neat a fit as it was now. SO, decide to replace all worktops as we didnt really like the ones we had anyway..job done.
    THEN, the cooker started playing silly burgers and working when it wanted...so we ordered a new one (in black to match the sink!) but had to wait 3 weeks for delivery. In the meantime, I was on day off a few weeks ago and came downstairs to a horrible burning smell in the kitchen... walked in and saw the freezer was on fire! (the original Scoobs had knocked a vase of flowers off the side, the water had got in the top of the freezer where the plastic meets the top, melted the electrics and started sparking...needless to say i unplugged it very quickly!). Cue a call to the insurance company and trying to replace it like for like. Well guess what... non standard again! well not really but the size we needed wasnt available anymore in the colour we needed to match the fridge that sits next to it..and the larger size was too big. so a black freezer was ordered instead. And as it doesnt match and the GM has ocd we have had to also replace the fridge...hence me being available 7-7 tomorrow!
    Oh, and forgot to mention that we also want 2 new cupboards to go over a breakfast bar bit weve build and my joiners assured me they could get matching to what we1`ve got already... no prizes for guessing that they are also handmade, custom size and will cost a small mortgage to do! Might as well have ripped the whole thing out and started from scratch!
    Anyway, we pondered over the extra cupboards and did the most sensible thing in our mind..

    ..we went out and ordered a new sofa instead..the wall can stay bare!

    Anyway..thats been my saga this january.. if we start having `size` issues when doing the garden I`m leaving!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon peeps!

    So long since I last posted on here but have been reading your ramblings daily, honest!

    All is good in North Warwickshire, life continues on the happy path it has dealt me. Have been temping since before Christmas and although can read the blog can not post from there, just had a change to my hours so can now post from home in the afternoon - aren't you a lucky lot!!!!???!!! No need to answer that!

    Dan - big congrats to you and Mrs Dan - hope you are having a ball and long may it continue.

    CSN - 38 years, wow! How did you know Mr CSN was 'the one'?

    CG and Chrissie - sorry to read of the impending losses in your families - am sure big holes will be left with you and your families. Treasure this time with your loved ones and remember they will always live on in your memories, easier said then done I'm sure at this moment in time.

    A big hello/ hugs/ warm wishes/ smiles etc to all you t'other lovely bloggers - have enjoyed your stories over the past few weeks.

    Right, now home I suppose I ought to do some jobs before GM arrives home for our date night :)

    Take care and I won't leave it so long till I blog again :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 30.

    Scoobs: a brew? a brew? I've just poured myself a Bac*rdi and C*ke! Brilliant story - how lucky were you that you were at home when the freezer went on fire?! Sounds like your kitchen is going to be sensational - you must have a kitchen party ASAP. And a new sofa - lovely!

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    #19 Mobile Tooth Fairy - That was very rude of me not to come back to you regarding the oven cleaner. It was brilliant. However, I discovered an even better one. A little man in Kingston who comes to clean the oven for you. It looks like new in about half an hour!!

    #24 - Jillygoat - I worked at Sussex University in the late 60s!

    I'm not sure I believe the bit about Ricky Gervais. And I didn't say that Chris didn't write his blog - just that I found it hard to believe he did. I'm a cynic!

  • Comment number 32.

    Sorry it was a long one Chrissie but its just been a `guess what, it doesnt fit` type job all along!

    and new sofa yay..but got to wait til april..boooo!

    the GM was muttering something last night about a new mattress too.. my reply was can we please get one room finished before starting another..although maybe not quite as polite!

    AS - feels wrong saying welcome back cos Ive been gone too but lovely to see you..glad all is well with you!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 33.

    Scoobs: oh, I didn't mean your post was long, I just meant that in my neck of the woods, "a brew" would not be quite strong enough to take in the news! Wish your GM would have a word with MrS, he keeps telling me "we've had that for 10 years ... it'll last another 10"!!

    AS: how lovely to see you! Thank you for your really lovely words - you are right, and we are trying to treasure the time we have left together. I am glad to see that you are very happy. xx

    Mona: hiya, glad you came back. I think you'll find that you actually did say that Chris's blog was probably not written by him. To me, that means that you thought it was written by someone else. Stick around, you will see that this really IS the Chris Evans blog, and you know, it's a great place to be.

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Scoobs, fantastic story, tea/screen moment for me and glad you lived to tell the tale! Hope you've measured the sofa, they are much bigger than they look in the shop, you know!
    Thanks, 6 year old is school friend of one of my granddaughters. enough said really.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Chrissie - yes, it was a cruel thing to do. She wasn't a very nice person and was so worried about her own position there that she felt it necessary to make everyone else suffer around her. I'm glad to say that she left the organisation before I did and I was most relieved to see her go!!

    Mona - I worked at Sussex Uni from 1991-1995.


  • Comment number 36.

    Right you lot...offski for the da...

    been lovely to be back!

    mSc x

    PS - Pen, it has been measured, remeasured and thrice measured... I did it myself! x

  • Comment number 37.


    Scoobs,thank you for thinking of me. What a great story and glad everything turned out ok.

    Dan, congratulations!

    MC, hope your feeling better now.

    Aunt Sandy, lovely to see you. I was a child bride. LOL!

    Chrissie, thank you and my birthday is next week but I am trying to forget about them now.

    Pen, that is so sad. xx

    csn. x

  • Comment number 38.

    AS, enjoy your date with GM.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 39.


    I will be watching Midsomer Murders because I love John Nettles!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 40.


    There is going to be a remake of Dallas. During the eighties I was often told that I looked like Sue Ellen Ewing (and my ex husband looked like JR ha ha).

    I don't think there is any likeness now as I've had no work done!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Marjie, you look great.

    Did your husband behave like JR?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 42.


    Sorry I missed your post.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi CSN.

    Yes he did behave like JR and I think it was my demented expression that made me look like Sue Ellen LOL!

    MM xxx

    PS Why Bingo's post was removed is a mystery and we'll never know the final part of the story:(

  • Comment number 44.


    I didn't see Bingo's post before it was removed.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 45.

    But I'm sure there was nothing wrong with it.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Maybe a ladyboy was offended LOL!

    (Will I now be removed)

  • Comment number 47.

    Marjie LOL!


    csn. xxxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hello *pops head round door* is there anybody home?

    By gum it's been a while since I put pen to paper here, I know. I have popped by now and again to see the ramblings, rantings and ravings of some of my favourite people though, I promise :-)

    CLP, were you being audited? You did sound on chipper form this morning so I hope that wasn't nervous laughter!

    Well, I gather that CSN, Pen and Chrissie are having a difficult time at the moment - I've been thinking of you both. Chrissie, your sister reminds of my my mum and dad's friend June, who remained her marvellous, positive, upbeat self until the end. I think you must be so proud of her (if that's not too much of an odd thing to say).

    Scoobs, fantastic kitchen tales! Good luck with the new fridge, and have fun in your week off heh.

    MC, are you on the mend yet chicken?

    Dan, congratulations, lovely news :-) (MC, I don't know where Maui is either!)

    I'm just back from 2 weeks in Goa - interesting place, very different to any holiday I've had before, but lovely and relaxing which was just what I needed. And I've been on an elephant ride! Recovering now from the tummy bug and cold I've had since I got back :-(

    AF xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Yay Flower! Did you see my mum in Goa? She lives there - you could have popped round for a cuppa!


  • Comment number 50.

    Flower, Thanks.

    Nice to see you popping in. I'm more of a lurker these days, but am promising myself I will join in more!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Ah Deev, if only I'd known! Think my auntie and uncle would move there too if it wasn't for their day jobs... I guess they're a bit disappointed that I didn't fall in love with the place as they have (and your mum I suppose!).

    How you feeling today hon? And stop feeling guilty for not working - sure they don't want your mucky auld germs anyway hee hee. The cricket wouldn't exactly be my cuppa, but tv in pyjamas on a week day is very decadent :-)

    AF x

  • Comment number 52.

    Howdy all,

    Another top show this morning - and with the Man from the Ministry in attendance - oooh, scary! The worst 'boss' phrases for me are "Have you got a minute?" or - most dreaded of all - "I think we need to have a word." That last one heralded my last serious boyfriend's breaking-up-with-me-conversation. Still hurts! The swine... ;-)

    I used to have a boss (it was a small, family-run company) who, rather than tell anyone he was cross, would walk up and down the stairs next to our office whistling "London Bridge is Falling Down". Quite how he never caught us all laughing I still don't know to this day. That was about 10 years ago and whenever I hear that tune it still makes me laugh.

    I think a cooking show with Chris would be great - was intrigued by his potato talk this morning. I should think he cooks up a really good meal, lucky Mrs. Evans!

    Manchester-Calling - my cousin's wedding is on 26 March. I'm trying very hard to save up for staying over, as I could really do with a good party! I am being VERY good and I think I might be able to do it, but I won't know until the last minute. Hoping to be in Brizzle overnight on 25 and 26 March - even if I have to be frugal for a couple of months!

    Even though CSN reminded us that Jasper, in human terms, is 84, he still insists that he is 12 and that he wants to send in a story. He barks that it will be about the exquisitely beautiful and elegant Good Queen Moira, her sparky sidekick Princess Lyn, and the two cheeky imps that often harrass her of a morning... But don't worry - even if he does scratch out something, I won't send it in. He wouldn't ever (if he thought properly about it) seek to gain glory at the expense of an entry by an HONEST child!

    Johnny was very brave with his tongue-twisters this morning, I thought. I wonder how many veto-ed submissions there were of my favourite "My father is a pheasant plucker and I'm a pheasant-plucker's son. I'm only plucking pheasants 'til the pheasant plucker comes."...?! A lovely old country hymn...

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Evening all, oh back to the jumping blog again...

    I'm fine, have nicked Finlay's fave cushion to lean on, and now he's sulking...

    Sorry, this jumping thing is making me feel ill...

    MC, I'll text you tomorrow!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.

    Evening All,

    Chris - Was the man observing, the new DG? And was the meeting anything to do with Elton's flowery language?

    Just some thoughts - I don't think you've got a great deal to worry about job-wise. No one else is doing what you do -anywhere near as well - any where else.

    Nice to see some returning bloggers, to see some returning bloggers, nice!

    Be good



  • Comment number 55.

    Untalented Mr. Ripley

    Also available to apply the handbrake to weddings, bar mitzvahs and blogs......

    Shine on, you crazy diamonds




  • Comment number 56.

    Boohoo, late home but for once, because I wanted to be.

    Had a lovely evening In Bristol with my GD.

    I like the hustle and bustle of a city, but its nice to get back to what I know best.

    Country bumpkin me?



  • Comment number 57.

    Morning each

    Just popped in while I'm waiting for the snow to stop. Gales forecast too - and I have to go across the rickety bridge. Bums.

    Hope the weather's nicer where you are.


  • Comment number 58.

    Good morning All,
    Morning Annie ,just caught sight of you there ,sorry to here about the weather that still suffering .
    you north of the border lassies must be mad of tough stuff,a bit namby pamby's down south don't ya know.

    Crissie ,Cg ,thinking of you both .xxx.

    Extra work duties last night of the voluntary kind ,so early night last night .
    tonight it's hair cut ,take away ,and a nice bottle of wine yeh!!!!!.

    Suns up here this morning and it looks like it's going to be a lovely day .
    So I'm hoping it's the same with you and also shining within.

    Hope the poorly peeps are on the up and doing as instructed.

    Have a nice day all and Take Care.


  • Comment number 59.

    Morning all

    Cloudy and cold here!

    I am very happy today.

    Annie, take care going across the rickety bridge. xx

    AF, hope you feel better soon. xx

    Roo, Holly is 14 in human years, she is a mad teenager. LOL! xx

    Deevs, hope your feeling a bit better today and still resting.

    Chrissie and CG, thinking of you. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 60.



    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Good Morning, just a quick pop in from me, busy doing outside stuff. (That time of year!)

    Today, February the third, just as a point of interest or useless information, whichever you wish to choose is.....

    The earliest day that Shrove Tuesday aka pancake day, can fall on.

    The latest day being March the 9th.

    This year, we will be tossing those pancakes on March the 8th.

    However, I see no harm in getting some practise in beforehand.

    Oh well, back to it.


  • Comment number 62.

    Hi everyone:

    First and foremost: Happy Anniversary to Mr & Mrs CSN! Hope you both have a lovely day - 38 years is quite an achievement! xx

    AF: what a lovely surprise to see you. Glad to hear you had a nice holiday - why is it that when we come back from holiday, we end up ill?! Thank you, and no, it's not odd what you said. I am so proud of my sister - she is such an inspiration. xx

    Annie: you poor thing - more snow. We just had a light shower to contend with, but I know it's bad where you are.

    Bids: awww, you are not nampy pappies living in the south - just very lucky with your weather! xx

    Cheryl: hope you are feeling better.

    Have a happy Thirsty Thursday everyone!

    C xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Morning all

    Happy Aniversary Mr and Mrs CSN, hope you have a lovely day x

    MTF, Absolutely! Why wait for pancake day, in our house it's any day. Topping has to be golden syrup for me, lemon and sugar for his nibs!

    Annie, sorry about your weather, it's positively springlike darn sarf, wall to wall in fact!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 64.

    One more topical theme...

    Kung Hei Fat Choi.

    And on the note, I'd better 'hoppit'


    Ps Pen, Cointreau and banana :)

  • Comment number 65.

    That note, ho hum!


  • Comment number 66.

    MTF, Kung Hei Fat Choi, back at you and anyone else for that matter!


  • Comment number 67.

    Aye up!

    Lovely sunshine here in Cannockshire.

    Barbed wire appears to have left my throaty region, although a cough cough seems to be taking its place. Still tired and achey though.

    Happy Anniversary to CSN and Mr CSN.

    I've been doing a spot of writing this morning .....

    Bit of a trip down memory lane. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Back later.


  • Comment number 68.

    Hello Everyone and Kung Hei Fat Choi MTF.

    A lovely sunny day here (sorry Annie, take care on the rickety bridge)

    Happy Anniversary Mr & Mrs CSN!

    I don't often say it but I'm thinking of Chrissie & CG at a very difficult time.

    Hope all who are not well soon recover.

    MM xxx

    PS To the shops>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Comment number 69.



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