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Having hair...

Chris Evans | 13:00 UK time, Tuesday, 29 March 2011

...re-arranged again. TV appearance calls this evening. Fern Britton has a new show called Fern.

I know the lady who produces the programme, through my relationship with Saturday Kitchen. She asked for some pals' support on the first week. I said 'I'm in', and so tonight, I'm on.

"Colour?" Asked Mario.

"Why not ?" replied I.

Where there used to be trepidation, there is now only certainty. Another lesson learnt.





  • Comment number 1.

    Excellent timing Chris.


  • Comment number 2.

    I just spotted Debs hit the 100 and was thinking 'oh no' here we go again with the next buttons.

    Please could it be returned to the old format.

    Right, I got a bit side tracked last night so didn't get back here.

    For the few that may be interested, after all it is only a car.....

    Pufballs replacement is called..... Noggin the Nog!

    First 200 miles under our belts and we are getting along famously :)

    I dont think I will be testing the sunroof out today, tis proper old gloomy yer!

    Have just about go the hang of the hour change now, aren't we creatures of habit?

    Right, time to fill in a form to get the 4 months road tax back from Puffball. I have just been and removed all my belongings and she is now awaiting .... no I'm sorry, I cant bring myself to say it :(


  • Comment number 3.

    Hello Chris.

    Looking forward to that new show Chris, Fern has done so well with the weight loss and looks beautiful.

    I used to colour my hair Chris but was having to do it so often about a year ago that I decided to just let it go grey. Much to my surprise as the colour was growing out I received compliments, people thought I had been to a top hairdresser to get it that way. It's now almost all grey and people are more friendly towards me as I think it suits me better (maybe they are no longer jealous of my beauty LOL).

    Happy Birthday Hell's Bells!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Pants, thanks MTF!! Posted on the old blog (keep up, I know):

    Sezza #71 - my brother's the one making the cake!! Very excited :-)

    Hello everyone is it the Easter holibobs yet? Could really do with a break from this place... Just yesterday I got a real hankering for just sitting in a chair in the sunshine reading a good book on my K1indle :-)

    Gardening sounds like fun too though CLP - mine is all pots, and I'd quite like some new stuff but my cousin (who's a florist) says I'm not allowed until at least the end of April!

    Jilly, sorry to hear about your mum ((((((x))))))

    I've recently gone back to Miss C, having been divorced for a few years. It just felt like the right time and I wasn't part of the R family any more was I. Sorry, no help to Baggy but just wanted to join in :-)

    Deev, hope you can kick start yourself again! I'm still trying for the first kick!!

    MC, I've done the deckchair-for-6-weeks thing too when I moved back to England - when they brought the sofa it was bliss lying out full length!

    AF x

    ps MTF, loving the new car name - hope Puffball gets a good send-off xx

  • Comment number 5.


    I tried colouring my hair about 10 years ago when I started to go grey but decided I looked like a "right div", so gave up and let the natural grey locks flow. I kind of like it now, though, so glad I didn't carry on trying to colour it. Having said that, my previous natural colour wasn't quite as noticeable as yours!
    New job is getting busy. Had my first monthly Team meeting today, which went quite well, save for 1 awkward individual (there's always 1 isn't there!).

    Happy Tuesday all...



  • Comment number 6.

    Afternoon Each,

    MTF, Welcome to Noggin the Nog, as for Puffball don't look back it will make it worse :( xxx

    AF, I'm counting the days until I go on holiday next Tuesday and I can't wait. I've not had a day off this year so that will be 61 days working, so I think I deserve a week off. As for Easter, I usually have a spring clean and catch up with friends. Let's hope the sunshines, so you can sit in your chair and read your Kindle xx

    Chris, You'll never catch me colouring my hair ;) I started going grey in my early 20's and I wish I was brave enough to just be O'Natural, but for women it's old age and for me it's distinguished - go figure! There will come a point when it is just too expensive for me to do it, but at the moment every 6-8 weeks off I trot to get rid of the badger stripe.

    Taking of badgers, HL if you are out there "Hi" {{{}}} xx

    Right back to the dots on the maps, nearly finished. It's a good job I'm the daughter of a geographer!


  • Comment number 7.

    Hello all

    Chris, will stick record on for Fern this afternoon - have a feeling tonights going to be a feet-don't-touch-the-ground day!

    Did you go go karting? Or have you let the team loose on their own!

    Haven't reached the needing to colour the barnet yet (am dreading the day I do - it's going to be a major effort)

    I do liven it up sometimes but haven't had it done for ages - think the sun coming out may be the trigger i need

    Nic, glad the meeting went well - the 1 will come round eventually (or just hang on to make your life interesting!)

    MTF, Hooray for Noggin! Poor Puffball. I'm sure you gave her the best end to her life!

    AF, I just love the idea of Wills having his favourite choccie biccy cake at his wedding. I'm sure your brother will make it taste just like his childhood memory but I bet this one is a lot prettier!

    Think I might have to make one for our Royal Wedding Coffee Morning we're having at work - wonder if mine will be like the "real" recipe!

    Maddy, Hi!


    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 8.

    MTF - Hurrah for Noggin the Nog! sniff sniff for the Puffball.....

    Ali's right - dont look back - any photos on tother side of Noggs?

    Really not here....

  • Comment number 9.

    Sezza & AF,

    Before I knew that it's was AF's brother and I was listening to it on the radio, I thought that the biscuit one sounded scrummy and even though I love a fruit cake would prefer the other one. Now I know, via a very tenuous link, the maker of the biscuit cake I think I would enjoy it even more. My bestest friend makes a similar cake and we call it chocolate goo. Tis delicious.


  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon all

    Nic glad the job's going well, are you sure the awkward one was you? ;)

    I too would never start colouring my hair as poor hairdresser would have to find it first!

    MTF - hope that Noggin serves you as well as puffball and doesn't come across Ogbad the Bad in its travels.



  • Comment number 11.

    Chris: will have to watch again with regard to Fern. Hope you have a good time on her show - I think she is terrific. I just love your sense of humour, it is just brilliant. xx

    Hell's Bells: Happy Birthday - sounds like you are planning a fantastic day/evening!

    MTF: good to hear you have the new car up and running. Is Noggin a boy?! I knew cars are always female, but this one sounds different. Happy Motoring, and bless Puffball for all her hard work!

    AF: how incredibly exciting for your brother - your family must all be so proud of him!

    As for hair dyeing, I just had to give in a few years ago - I consider myself extremely lucky to have made it to my 50's before the little patch grey on the top of my head arrived. Maddy, if my grey was nice, I would keep it, but it's not!

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.


    I pretend that my hair is blond, actually it is a faint shade of grey which is OK unless I need glasses too LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon Chris and everyone!

    I colour my own barnet, for just a couple of bob each month, nice and easy it is too! Did you see what I did there? In fact, I had my hair cut this morning and my hairdresser said the colour looked lovely. I like to think she was being honest!

    Happy Birthday Hell’s Bells!

    Will cloud + Fern, as I’m off to see gorgeous granddaughter in her theatre group play. Budding actress in the making!

    Chrissie, like you, my grey is awful!

    MTF, happy motoring in your new acquisition, RIP Puffball!

    Nic, there is always ONE, in my case, an evil one! To this day, I’ll never know how she got away with it, oh hang on, I think I do know!

    AliB, I hope you have a fabulous holiday.

    AF, I noticed on FB you had changed your name, but thought you had secretly got married!

    MM, you make me giggle.

    Brightish, but chilly here.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Pen: I tried it the nice and easy way once (and yes, I noticed what you did there!) but as we had to re-grout the bathroom, I thought it was better to be left to the professionals!

    Maddy: you make me giggle too!

    AliB: I missed you saying that you have a holiday coming up - what are your plans? Sorry if I have missed this completely. Hope you have a lovely break, you certainly deserve it - 61 days is far, far too long!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Pen and Chrissie,

    Thanks I've not quite gone yet. I am off next Tuesday to the States to visit my friend and her family. I can't wait, it will be lovely to see them all again and also for the change of scenery for me. We might even go into New York for a day, which I haven't done for years. I usually fly into NY and then get the bus out to Connecticut where my friend lives.

    I may have worked 61 days before I go, but in April I only work 11 - Result :)


  • Comment number 16.

    Ah now, Chrissie, I cop out and use the non permanent, just in case! Hence I have to do it every month. It's a pain sometimes, but I can't warrant the extortionate prices having it done professionally. Now, if I come up on the premium bonds, that's another matter!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi AliB: yes, I did see that you go next Tuesday, but it's never too early to talk about someone's holiday!

    I really hope you get into NYC for a day, wouldn't that be wonderful? This has now become my big ambition. Last time we were there, was in 1983 - I was full of optimism that MrS and I would be back there in a couple of years. Well, life being what it is, here we are 28 years down the line and it's still not on the horizon, but who knows?

    If you go there, say hello for me, will you?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Chrissie, I will certainly say hello, in fact if I go to the top of the Empire State Building I will shout hello for you xx

    I am sure you will get there one day. I have a plan to stalk Sandra Bullock who is filming there at the moment as you know I have a secret girl crush on her (well perhaps not so secret!) Lol!


  • Comment number 19.

    AliB: I love your plan - you could do a lot worse than Sandy! I don't have a "girl crush" as such, but I would have loved to have been Debbie Harry in 1976. She was just too cool and s*xy for words!!


  • Comment number 20.


    Thank you ladies for your great idea of trying a tonic, might try a bit of gin in it later. Doctor has given me some more wonderful medicine.

    Ali, have a wonderful holiday. xx

    Nic, glad new job is going well.

    Marjie, your post made me giggle. xx

    I find it easier to let the professionals dye my hair, until they hand me the bill.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon each

    Am waiting for 5, with the remote in hand Chris.

    Ali, your holiday sounds fab, bet you can't wait.

    Chrissie, I agree with you about Debbie Harry, she was uber cool.

    I'm off to the hairdresser tomorrow morning. Was just thinking I might ask for less blonde (my original colour a million years ago) and let the grey take over but what if it's that horrible steel grey? I'd hate it. I think I could deal with white.

    Anyway, I'm burbling....... CSN, you feeling any better?

    Hallo to everyone else.


  • Comment number 22.

    Hi Annie, you just missed my post. LOL!

    Good luck at the hairdressers.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi Annie! You could experiment a wee bit, perhaps? See what it looks like grey, and if it's a no-go, back to blonde! I will be sticking to dark for the foreseeable future, methinks. Enjoy watching Chris ... I'll just stay here in the office, aarrghh!

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Oh there you are CSN. How are you?

    Chrissie, I feel your pain - hehehehe


  • Comment number 25.

    Annie: I feel so much sympathy coming from you! Enjoy!


  • Comment number 26.

    Chrissie, I feel your pain too.

    Annie, enjoy watching Chris.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Chrissie, I am going to watch it too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Chrissie - you noticed!! xxxxx

  • Comment number 29.

    CSN: but, of course - you enjoy it too!

    No doubt Maddy will be watching it too - happy for you all!


  • Comment number 30.

    Why do I feel you're biting your tongue Chrissie?


  • Comment number 31.

    I have steel grey hair and I don't think it's horrible at all.

    To quote another poster " maybe we all need to think before posting things that will upset others on here".

  • Comment number 32.

    Chrissie, thinking of you. xx

    Chris is on now!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Bums, CLP, sorry. Just meant 'with my face'.

    Chris was so good on Fern. He must get really fed up talking about the same things over and over again, but he was very generous.


  • Comment number 34.

    Gosh, I didn't realise the bar was open already - seems a little early, even for me!

    Have a nice evening, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Chrissie, have a lovely evening.

    Annie, Chris was brilliant.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Wasn't he CSN? And his hair looked strawberry blonde!


  • Comment number 37.

    Annie, lovely hair colour.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Lordy, how pressurised is Fern's show? That sort of stress can't be good for you.


  • Comment number 39.

    I enjoyed Fern's new show. Anne Robinson "Goodbye! You are the weakest link!"

    I see that you wore your lucky star shirt Chris, at least I think it was, the more I looked I think it could have been something other than stars but if it was it certainly hasn't faded.

    Iknow what you mean though Annie, some of it was slightly uncomfortable viewing.

    MM xxx

    PS I'm sure you have a lovely barnet Barney!

  • Comment number 40.

    Howdy peeps
    MTF - loving the pics of Noggin. How cool would it be to have Oliver Postgate's voice on your sat-nav? He was also the voice of Ivor the Engine, too, another animation I could watch again and again.

    Hair dying .... mine is enhanced by some craftily placed 'streaks' as my mum would have called them! Not so much hiding the grey as blending!
    But on the grey hair front, I think it really suits some people and would love to have the bravery to carry it off, but mine is all patchy.

    AF - great news about the cake. Saw your piece on FB yesterday. Is he excited or nervous?

    Missed Fern as I was driving home and forgot to '+' it. May catch it later in the week if home early enough.

    ttfn, Crumpy x

  • Comment number 41.


    re the hair thing - some of you have met me while I decided to see how white I had really gone as it runs in both sides of my family for most people to go white early except that is both my parents so I am the one with the white barnet!
    The colour I like having is red and dark - people say it suits me (photo on FB) but it is so awkward to keep as needs doing every 3-4 weeks. Much cheaper to grow it out but .....

    I'll have to try and catch Chris on watch again somehow. Like most of you I like Fern.

    Have a good evening all

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Evening all,

    My colour is courtesy of Clairol . However, since having the new bathroom installed, i have been banned by Mr Mc from using hair dye in there. Consequently , I nearly end up in A&E each time I do my colour, as trying to rinse it off in the kitchen sink and not knock myself out on the taps, drown or dislocate my shoulder is quite an art.

    Tonight, I had to let the gas man in to read the meter, he took one look at the deckchairs in the middle of the room , and looked bemused. Why couldnt he have come next week, when we are back to normal ??

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    MC, that is so funny, hope you didn't explain to him.

    Susan - if my hair was the colour of yours, I'd be happy.


  • Comment number 44.

    Hi bloggies

    CLP have you tweeted a pic of the colour Mario created???? I always see a little man in a hat who collects coins and mushrooms when I hear that name!!!! Sorry Mario no disrespect sure you don't do that!!!

    Thanks for all the kind messages. Work is mainly catching up this week with a clinic Thursday morning. I love love love my job.

    Not yet caught up so hope all is ok and in a min will be up and down to comment.

    CSN how did it go at the Dr's hun? Did they issue you a rent book (I know that feeling!!!)

    Hugs to those whom need

    back soon

    kks xxx

  • Comment number 45.


    It did cross my mind to offer an explanation, but i had hoped he may take pity on me and knock a few units off , as you would say " bums " !!!

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Just landed from a second days successful driving.

    Have had a quick speed read, thanks for all the comments re Puffball.

    Also about Noggin the nog, dont want him hogging the blog. LOL!! But yes, I guess, it is more male sounding than female.

    Andy, you obviously know more about Noggin than I do and I must read up more on it.

    Now to have a proper read back and I hope to pop back all depending on if I am side tracked again!! ;)

    Oh yes dinner too.


  • Comment number 47.

    MTF - loving Noggin the Nog, ahhhhh Puffball have a nice journey is it the last?
    AF - not long til the easter holibobs maybe we should start a countdown
    Nic - always in life there is an awkward individual, great to see you on ze blog again so soon
    AliB - badger he he he that made me laugh so is it AliBadger from now on then, cor you do deserve your holibob are you off anywhere nice? wow enjoy the USA, your secret crush is no longer a secret that would be awesome to see her tho
    csn - what magic medicine do you have??? Do you want me to send you a bottle of tonic as have a spare
    MC - have you got a paddling pool by the deck chairs to dip your feet in??? I am sure the gas man has seen much much worse
    Hello to anyone I haven't mentioned and the hair debate has made me :-), I have a few white hairs shining through and have always self coloured usually when bored!!! Not done it for years as I have beige carpet throughout upstairs and kinda like it that colour

    Sezza - Royal Wedding coffee morning that sounds rather grand
    Andy - ya made me laugh about hairdresser having to find your hair in order to colour it, you could just dye your skin
    Penny - hope you enjoyed your GDs play and love how you do things nice and easy
    Chrissie - omg that was not so nice and easy if re-grouting of the bathroom was a result

  • Comment number 48.

    Happy Tuesday xx Happy Birthday Birthday buffs xx another day at the office, i'm experiencing a refreshing rainfall here, i can hear the rain dripping from the eaves and bouncing off the sills. I'm often called Mrs. and never married. Lovely day. xx

  • Comment number 49.

    I have just written a very long post and deleted the whole lot.

    I am just hopeless at the individual post things.

    I worry, that I am going to miss someone out and look uncaring.

    I'll catch up with the newsy bits with some of you on fb.

    I am long overdue a holiday and think it may be showing.

    Thank you again.


  • Comment number 50.

    I dont colour my hair, in fact I have grown my fringe so long, that I cant even see myself in the mirror :)



  • Comment number 51.

    Evening all

    Comments from today - Hair, always have it done professionally every 8 weeks or so, I hate the sparkly bits that peep through when it needs doing.

    Fern - it looks like the playitagain will be available tomorrow, so I'll tune in tomorrow night.

    I hope the birthday peeps had good ones.

    Nice piccies of Noggin on t'other side MTF, I must admit I like a blue car (although mine's black at the moment). What a good idea to get an Oliver Postgate sat nav - I do hope you can get one. I know what you mean about the individual response thing - you always miss somebody unintentionally.

    Nothing much to report from the toedipper household, I am still waiting for my exam result. Some good news, I received a payslip at the weekend from my old company. Apparently, as part of my redundancy package, I was entitled to a pro rata company bonus, it was quite a good sum so I was pleasantly surprise. It will definitely pay for a few juices in Chester and Cambridge.

    I've burbled on for long enough now.

    Hugs to everybody.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Here's a 'd' to insert in the post above.


  • Comment number 53.

    Mtd, I wont be getting satnav, ever. LOL!!

    Noggin is dark green :)

    Not long till Cambridge now.


  • Comment number 54.

    Hi all,
    Just look at the time ,where does it go,been so busy and now it's nearly that bewitching hour.

    Chris, hpoe the gardening went well and that you got to have a few ruff and tumbles with the young man himself ans managed to keep the grass outside and not carry any indoors.

    Names ,Well I've had four ,my birth name ,my adoptive name ,my first married name ,and now Mr Bids name.
    I've never considered a name as being important ,more the person .I'm more than happy with my name but more so with myself .I've grown over the years ,hopefully got a little wiser and older and happy and content ,but above all those I'm greatful .

    Now comes the hair debate ,well I'm now totaaly grey ,stated when I was twentyso used to have it coloured on a regular basis ,then moved on to high lights ,then low lights .
    Then about nine years ago the lights got less so I left it ,and as above I am quite happy wth myself and my hair ,you see it's who I am at this stage in my life and thats just where I want to be .
    I'll have to watch you on iplayer Chris then I'll let you know about the hair.

    Hope that everyone is fine and dandy .



  • Comment number 55.

    Morning all!
    phew I'm tired today - I've worked out that a full days work and a 5 hour commute are the reason. So luckily for me I have a work at home day today so the only travel is down the stairs!

    I'm off to the barnet fixers on saturday - I'm in desperate need - but its always a very ouch moment when it comes to paying.

    CLP, loved that you stole James M's jacket for the Fern show - its well sharp - I'd be hanging on to that if I were you!

    Happy belated birthday to Hels Bells, Happy early birthday to Jonny for tomorrow - talking of stretching birthdays - we get our birthday off in my company - how cool is that!

    Loving little Noah on the show too

    Right - up and at em
    Happy humpday everyone

  • Comment number 56.

    Aww - little Noah "happy Wenday eveyone"
    Just after the news at 8 for listen again fans!

  • Comment number 57.

    I shall say this once and thats it.

    1) I did not intend to offend, my surname is in the top ten names in Ireland, which makes it common, as in very widely used, there were only 1500 people in the UK with my original surname which made me feel like part of a small club, I miss that.

    2) we discussed double barrelling etc but mr bp refused to change his name so I have his, so if we ever have children they will have the same name as us

    3)I took his name because I love him dispite the fact I have never liked it, I think that shows my commitment to him and our little team of two

    4) I think your name does affect who you are and Mrs xxxx does not feel like me, but like I said that might be because we have only been married 18 months.

    5) Everyone has their right to an opinion and that is what sparks debate. For the record I also don't like the names Craig (one of my better friends) and Clare, not sure why, they just grate on my teeth. I hate my middle name and try and hide it at all costs, maybe to me this is more of an issue then it is to other people, but the world woould be a strange place if we were all the same.

    6) If someone said they didn't like my name I wouldn't be offended, same as if they said they didn't like my hair colour or me, you can't please all the people all of the time.

  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all



    Sick Child

    Is it Thursday yet?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Morning everyone

    KandKs - you're a very lucky lady, loving your job. I stayed away from the blog yesterday as I was having a bit of a bleak black day and was pretty tearful for most of it. I won't go on about it on here as you all know how I feel about my job, but after a night at the local - steak and wine and a good friend for company, I feel much brighter today so here I am!

    Loving the talk of hair dye. I've been colouring my hair since I was about 16 and it's been pretty much every colour under the sun and some in between! I used to have a boyfriend who was a trainee hairdresser and I was his "model" for training nights - my poor mum neverk new what I would arrive home looking like! I think the best was the very short spikey on top, shaved round the sides, dyed black with electric bue tips combo (who remembers "hair mascara"?!?!).

    Huzzah! for Noggin The Nog too. My current car hasn't got a namne but I used to have a mini called Elwood (after Elwood Blues, as it was a blue mini!)

    Office to myself today so iPod here. Fancy a bit of U2 for some reason.



  • Comment number 60.

    Morning all

    Baggy - it would be a very strange place if we were all the same, and give us very little to talk about!

    Very grey day here weather wise rather like some of the hair on here ;)


  • Comment number 61.

    Hi everyone:

    Re: the individual list thingy that MTF and mtd were discussing last night. Well, of course I do this all the time. I would never intentionally miss anyone out, and if I do that, then I apologise. I just read the blog, and if I see something that I think needs a wee mention, that's what I do. Perhaps I am doing the wrong thing, so I'll have a think about that.

    In the meantime: mtd: what a nice wee surprise with the bonus!

    Baggy: if I may answer you. I think you are over-simplifying what you said the other day. I would say to you to re-read your comments on Monday. And, yes, you are entitled to dislike certain names, that is fine - there's loads of names I don't particularly like, but I would never actually state them on a worldwide blog where people have those names! And you were very dismissive of what you said about your name being Irish and common.

    You were at a very low ebb, you sounded desperately unhappy. If your married name is so abhorent to you that it could cause this level of unhappiness, I think you should think again about using it. If you have children, you can be known by your husband's name, and you will all have the same name. There is no reason why you can't keep you maiden name for bank stuff, etc. I am sure if your husband knew how badly this is affecting you, he would understand.

    I accept that you did not mean to offend, but I was offended. I did not go out of my way to feel that way - you wrote what you did, and it leaped out of the page at me. I accept that you did not mean it, but any Christian who unintentionally hurts someone, would automatically apologise. I find it quite unsettling that you, as a Christian don't see the need for that.

    I hope this does not bring the blog down, I am not on FB with Baggy, so have to post my reply here.

    Hope everyone is ok today.

    C xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Hiya again

    Still not thursday yet! :-(

    Sometimes i do a list-y type post if there are things I think I could comment on but usually I forget something (or lose the post) (or lose the plot - yes often I know!)so I am never bothered if anyone misses me.

    Just had a thought. How about as a birthday treat, Johnny gets to do the Blog?

    Who knows what that would bring!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    ...it is always there, but I don't always hear, or i don't acknowledge it. The Flying Scotsman blowing it's horn as it passes on the railtrack over yonder. But, oh, what a pleasure it is when I do. Sometimes, I think, what it is, is that I just get so used to something being there, I start to take it for granted. Or, is it, that familiarity breeds contempt. That sounds too negative for my liking. I think it resides so comfortably with me that I can get along nicely with it just being there. Simply, being. xx Good Morning and Good Day. xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Not sure if/when we'll get a new blog from CLP today - according to his Tweets he's out on the golf course for an early spot of birthday golfage!

    Love the idea of Jonny doing the blog as a birthday treat though .....

    My problem with reading the posts and the commenting on them all individually is that my addled brain forgets who's posted! Dopey Deevs strikes again!


  • Comment number 65.

    Well HELLOOO there!! Tis me, Rambling Cornish (formerly CornishGirlie!). a VERY long time no post from me!! not sure why really, i guess life keeps getting in the way!!

    How is everyone doing??! what've I missed?? haven't even got a note from my mum to excuse my absence, sorry!!

    am spending the morning at home today, baking for the school Easter fayre tomorrow, so while the buns are in the oven I thought i'd drop in and see you all!!

    Chrissie - seems to me that posting on this blog is a very personal thing and for me I like reading the lists and comments just as much as the "full paragraph" type of post! so do what comes naturally i reckon!

    and what a great idea for Johnny to do the blog!! we had one from Tash once didn't we so there is a precedent for it!!!

    I have been colouring my hair since i was a student with bright red streaks (well it was the 80s!) much to my dad's bemusement!! it does change shades from time to time - i usually leave it to my hairdresser who always has an urge for shades of red in it!! i think if i didn't have the job I do it'd be the colour of Jonathan Ross's wife's hair!! one time when i bought new glasses the lady in the opticians said she preferred a particular frame cos they went with my hair! i had to tell her not to let that sway her cos it wouldn't be the same next month!!

    right - icing now!! white, blue or pink for Easter buns?? haven't got yellow so can't do that!!

    love Rambling Cornish (hope you haven't forgotten me!)

  • Comment number 66.

    Just a very swift Hello and a message for Chrissie.

    Chrissie, your posts are always very heartwarming and uplifting to read. Its silly old me that gets my worry head on and like I say, its probably a mixture of things.

    Its always nice to read your 'lists' as everything is always included on them and you do them so well.

    I may cut my fringe this morning so I can see a bit more clearly :)

    Sezza, hope GB is feeling a bit better now?

    Lets all get over this humpday then its plain sailing to the weekend.

    Hiya Ramblin.

    Gotta fly.....


  • Comment number 67.

    Cheryl: thanks for letting us know that Chris is elsewhere ... hope he's having a great time!

    Sezza: are you home with sick child? Hope he is starting feel a little better. And, yes, I think it's a terrific idea that Jonny writes tomorrow's blog - why don't you send a wee email to Chris suggesting that - it would be a wee bit of fun!

    RC: welcome! Of course we remember you, nice to see you! Loving the idea of an Easter bun!

    Andy: I did like your wee comment earlier!

    Back to the coalface - 65mins until lunchtime!

    C xx

  • Comment number 68.

    MTF: hope I haven't missed you. Thank you for that lovely message. xx Enjoy being able to see a little more clearly!

    Speaking of which, Mary: how are the peepers doing?


    p.s. sorry if I keep using the word "wee"!

  • Comment number 69.

    Hello Everyone.

    Light rain here today but it smells nice and fresh.

    Chrissie-I love your lists and you always manage to include everyone, if there was the odd occasion that you missed someone I'm sure we are all not that sensitive as to feel offended. When I try to do it I get to approximately the third and then forget. I have done it be writing down on paper a couple of words from each one before typing.

    MTF-I hope Noggin is doing well.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 70.


    Cold and wet here.

    Deevs, thank you for telling us about Chris.

    Chrissie, love reading all your posts.

    Sezza, hope little one is better soon.

    Hi RC, nice to see you here.

    KandKs, thank you for your message. Take care and don't overdo things.

    Sorry, if I have forgot someone.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hello Marjie.

    I write lists for everything because I am now getting a bit forgetful, I wonder why?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Greetings from a dull and wet North Warks! Need to get on and do some jobs (off my to do list) but can't really get motivated today! Where is the sunshine when you need it!??!!
    Love to - do lists - in fact, I think I have a list of lists that I have written! Can't shop without a shopping list - I blame my mum , lol!
    Had GM's kiddiewinkies last night - we counted 12 sleeps till we go on holiday, can't wait - our first holiday as a family of 4 :)
    Have been colouring my hair for 10 years or so - not ready to see how grey I am just yet! Did say to GM when I was made redundant that I would forgo all my other treats and things but not my hairdresser!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi Maddy: thank you. xx

    CSN: thank you, too. How are you feeling today - hope you are a little better. xx

    Would you believe, I did forget to say earlier to AliB, thank you, in advance, for the shout from the top of the Empire State Building!

    boleyngirl: thanks for coming back to re: the books. Yes, I can see it would be rather silly to read the book about Katherine Parr, before Catherine of Aragon!

    Of course, the Queen of never forgetting anyone was our lovely Beez - she was a wonder. Everyone welcomed, everyone acknowledged - amazing.

    Also HLS was excellent at lists - I don't know how she did it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 74.

    CSN -I was starting to get angry there until I saw your extra post LOL!

    AS-I can't do my shopping without a list in order of the things in the shop. If they move things around I'm lost.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Afternoon, from a drizzly location .

    So , my soaf , chair and pouffe (sp) have landed this morning. and not a moment too soon. Thankfully the front door didnt have to come off, or the living room window, so thats something to be grateful for. Mr Mc said it was lovley , but they had delivered the wrong colour ! It was his idea of a joke ................

    Having one of those days, that is going to save me a lot of money at the hairdressers, I have a feeling i may be bald by the end of the week.

    Chrissie, dont ever change xxxx

    Right, back under my stone .

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 76.


    Thanks for the good wishes, boy1 now lying on sofa and has attemped some apple juice and half a slice of toast - all ok so far!

    Should have realised something was wrong when he left the pattern on the plate last night!

    Sezza xxxx

    PS went into work this morning as it's only 5 mins mad dash home if I need to. Left a bit early too

  • Comment number 77.

    Oh, i forgot to say, Rebecca , may I ask what you had for breakfast this morning ???

  • Comment number 78.

    New blog

  • Comment number 79.

    ....good evening morro, ...it's been a bit like christmas really Manc., with the song, the twelve days. In reply. My usual. Nothing.xxx Goodnight dears xxx


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