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The Archbishop That Just Keeps On Giving

Chris Evans | 11:12 UK time, Tuesday, 8 March 2011

John Sentamu is God's disciple, by his own declaration. Well, I don't know what God's paying at the moment, but whatever it is John deserves a rise - or at least a bonus. Forever smiling, his joy disguises his tiredness. He works so bloomin' hard.

And all he does is give, give, give.

Amen AB JS.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Amen indeed Chris.


  • Comment number 2.

    Yep, there should be more people in the world like him, hear hear!

    Chrissie - thank you my lovely xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    A quick Hello to everyone.

    Just playing catch up at home for taking the weekend off.

    I hope the weather is being kinder, to those of you further up the country, than has been forecast.

    I saw my first glimpse of a swallow while in Portsmouth at the weekend, he was heading south though, so may well have changed his mind!


  • Comment number 4.

    Amen to that Chris!

    Don't worry the Arch Bish will get his reward in heaven, he certainly is a disciple of God a very wonderful man :) Hooray for the Bish xx

    Gingembre - Thinking of you and your daughter today, I wasn't around on the blog three years ago; but can certainly vouch for the support one gets on here xxx Good luck with the exam :)

    Chrissie, I love you I really do, but Westlife - seriously! I don't call them pondlife for nothing. But as you said it would certainly be a dull world if we all liked the same things xx

    Just spent hours trying to find a map that has been decommissioned. I feel like JR Hartley my last hope is with a shop in Montgomeryshire!

    Ever onward and upward


  • Comment number 5.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    John Sentamu is indeed a good man. I should imagine his wages from God is the happiness he feels from being such a caring person and giving so much. We all get caught up in today's materialistic world and this is very difficult to do but the fact is are happier when giving rather than receiving. Apart from giving so much to the taxman HUH!

    You Chris, although being generously paid by the ´óÏó´«Ã½, are also a very caring, giving person. You bring happiness into the lives of thousands of people.

    Today is pancake day but I couldn't give a toss!
    I don't have any flour or lemon juice and I'm not going to the shops just to get two items. We can enjoy pancakes at any time. The lemon squeezy thingy takes me back to my schooldays when we would buy them, drink the lemon and refill with water. Simple things keep children happy but as we get older we want far more.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris: there are just some very spiritual (and I would use the word holy) people on this planet, and John Sentamu is one of them. I absolutely admire anyone who can dedicate their life to God. I'm not one of them - God is part of my life, a big part, but I am far too selfish, by far. Lovely wee blog, though Chris. xx

    MTF: hope you are getting the house back to normal!

    Maddy: I saw what you did there!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    I loved the Christmas show with the Archbishop - what a cool fella he is!!!

    Gingembre - thinking of you and your daughter, and wishing you good luck with the exam x

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 9.

    I shall echo what Jilly said, thinking of you and your princess
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 10.


    I'm so jealous, I'd love to sit through two Westlife concerts. Here's one of my favourites:

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Hello everybody peeps!

    Apologies for absence, had a weird couple of days so have kept a low profile so as not to bring you all down.

    KW - I can't believe it was 3 years ago. Thinking of you and the wee one x

    I've witnessed a bizarre chunk of human behaviour this morning: one of the BIG bosses from Head Office dropped in. We had about 40 minutes notice but the chaos and panic that ensued during that time was hilarous to witness! I'm sorry, but I just don't get it .... why put on a facade? Surely they just want to pop in, say hi, see how we are doing and hit the road again? Even the kitchen recycling boxes were stashed in a cupboard out of sight ..... ridiculous!

    And the guy was here for all of 10 minutes ...!

    Talking of Guy - tonight I'm going to download the new Elbow album. Nic and I are off to see them in a couple of weeks in Brum so need to treat my ears to the new stuff before we venture out.

    I didn't hear the ABJS this morning - I'm in work for a half-eight start. I did, however, hear Chris play Happy Together by The Turtles (when I came out of ELH) and it gave fellow shoppers a smile when I started singing away to my hearts' content!

    Can I go home yet please?


  • Comment number 12.

    Och, Maddy, you are a wee sweetheart, thank you!


  • Comment number 13.

    Well done on the weight loss, seen your fb post about new threads, know the feeling! And of course you can go home now, tell 'em I said it was ok

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Hello CLP et al

    I know that some of you here are pretty good, in fact very very good with keyboardy thingys!!! Please can someone tell me how to get an inverted exclamation mark, as in the Spanish version, from an ordinary laptop keyboard?!

    Thanking you very very muchness in anticipation...


    ps hello to everyone and hope you are all good, not got hope in whatever of catching up..!!! And this blog I know is a place of helpfulness!!! xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Fancy some waffle for lunch?



  • Comment number 16.

    Would fancy some waffle but the link don't work....


  • Comment number 17.

    have read it now via fb link, well written as ever


  • Comment number 18.

    Oooooh Bizarre! Will investigate .... x

  • Comment number 19.

    Dreamer - if you're in Word, try searching for the thing you want by using "Insert Symbol" from the Insert drop-down menu at the top.


  • Comment number 20.

    Try this ....


  • Comment number 21.

    Fabulous Deevs

    Thank you!!!!


  • Comment number 22.

    Did it work Dreamer?


  • Comment number 23.

    Perfectly! I was in outlook but it was just the same insert symboly thingy!

    Thanks again!!! xx

  • Comment number 24.

    My pleasure. See - I did listen when I did all those training courses many moons ago!



  • Comment number 25.

    okay, I have been thinking about this and I think we have a blog diet plan; it goes as follows:

    eat less, exercise more
    eat less cake and more veg
    alcohol calories on a Friday don't count
    you should have fish and chips once a week

    anyone want to add anything?

  • Comment number 26.

    Low fat cheese isn't necessarily the Devil's work ....!


  • Comment number 27.

    vegitarian food tastes great and doesn't have to be stuffed full of chemicals

  • Comment number 28.

    Baggy - one of the modules for my Nutritionist course is on Vegetarians. It's a fair way off yet (I think it's Assignment 13 of 14) but I'm looking forward to that one.


  • Comment number 29.

    I know the score, I'm damaging my body, its no good for me etc etc etc

  • Comment number 30.

    I just wanted to share that I have found my map - hooray - the man in Montgomeryshire came up trumps and is popping it in the post to me tonight. He in fact sounded like JR Hartley!

    Also I've taken Deevs good sense and started to cut down on my portions and stop the snacking between meals, unless it's a piece of fruit! Early days yet but I need to loose a few pounds in the next month.

    Just rang the hairdressers to see if I can get an appointment in the next week or two and they can fit me in tonight - double hooray :)


  • Comment number 31.

    Cheryl/Dreamer: now, just because I am so nosey, I thought I would try the symbol thingy. I can find every symbol, and I mean EVERY symbol except the upside-down exclamation mark! Any ideas?


  • Comment number 32.

    Good luck Ali. Happy to help in any way I can!

    Baggy - that's not necessarily the case, is it? Assuming you're eating a "proper" vegetarian diet you should be doing no damage at all to yourself. Although to be honest, I don't get vegetarian "meat replacement" products like not-bacon, not-chicken, not-mince etc. That's just a bit odd to me!


  • Comment number 33.

    Chrissie - try this:

    Insert Symbol
    Font: Txt
    4th row down
    13th in from the left



  • Comment number 34.

    deev - a nutristionst had a massive go at me for being veggie, :-(

    we have some of the fake meat stuff but mainly because mr bp doesnt think he has eaten dinner unless there is something meaty there and it is protein

  • Comment number 35.

    Baggy, millions of people all over the globe follow a vegetarian diet, and are perfectly healthy. Sounds like the nutritionist waso ut of order - unless you exist on crisps and biccies!! (JOKE!!!!)


  • Comment number 36.

    mmmmmm thats not the only food groups in my diet

    In honour of shrove tuesday, what is everyone giving up for lent?

    I'm still deciding, but am going to try and make every bible class between now and eatser, wish me luck!

  • Comment number 37.

    I'm not sure there's much left for me to give up for Lent! How's about taking up something for Lent - in my case, education!


    ps: my best friend in the entire universe, she dahn in Suffolk, is a vegetarian. She's also the fussiest person I have ever come across in terms of eating. I remember years ago, me and the ex-MrDeevs, and her and her OH went out for a meal. The pub was chosen purely on the strength of its veggie menu (even though the 3 of us are carnivors!) and she turned her nose up at everything on the menu, and asked if the chef could do her cheese on toast ... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

  • Comment number 38.

    I'm not that bad, although as the only veggie at my friends wedding I asked if I could pick my dinner, only to be told I would eat what I was given! lets hope its not the Frankie Boyle option!

  • Comment number 39.

    Without going into great detail, I've been up since 3.30am with a very bad reaction to something I ate last night. I literally didn't know which way to turn ....

    Anyway, for Lent I've decided to give up salad. I know it won't be easy but it's the least I can do! All joking apart, I'm going to try and give up the vino tinto for Lent. Right this minute just the thought of a glass of wine is making me feel wobbly so hopefully I can be strong. So far today I've had one digestive biscuit, some sips of water and a cup of tea ... so far so good but I've got a 45 minute drive home yet!

    jillygoat (always happy to share!) x

  • Comment number 40.

    Cheryl: well, I do believe I found it, but I can't get it on here! Thank you, though!


  • Comment number 41.

    Thank you for sharing Jollygit! Hope you feel betterererer soon xx

    Chrissie - I inserted it into a Word doc then copied and pasted it on here ..... cheat? Me?



  • Comment number 42.


    Chrissie and Deev - just proving I found it and it works¡¡¡

    I remember on here we got lots of tips about the various symbols etc, like french accents and graves....brain refuses to retain this type of information, but yet I can recall every word to Heart of Glass and other 80s tunes that are absolutely no use to me whatsoever, but much more fun!!!

    dreamer xx

    Ps sorry if this now means we are all singing internally to Blondie.....

  • Comment number 43.

    Poor Jilly :( That's not nice at all, hope you feel better soon xxx

    I poisoned myself the day before I was due to fly home from Zimbabwe. I'd cooked a roast for the family I was staying with and then was really ill during the night, thinking I'd made them all ill, but no thank goodness it was only me. Fortunately I'd taken a packet of rich tea with me, so nibbled on those for a day and was a right as rain to fly home. I traced the poison back to some milk I'd had in a cup of tea!! But I honestly thought I was going to die during the night!


  • Comment number 44.

    Ta muchly Deevs. As well as all the other colours I've been today, I'm also tinged with green 'cos you've got tickets to see Elbow. Their new CD is on its way via the long river and I can't wait!! Please give Guy a wave for me - I think he's peachy. Ta. x

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Jillygoat: hopefully things are "under control" for the rest of the afternoon - I'll be thinking of you on that 45 minute journey home! xx I would love to join you in the six week abstinence, but that just ain't gonna happen!

    I'm with Chris: giving up lettuce and courgettes. Not looking forward to it, but a bit of self-control never did anyone any harm!

    C xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Thanks AliB - ooh your version doesn't sound good! It's always in the middle of the flippin' night when it happens isn't it?!

    jilly/jolly x

  • Comment number 47.

    Chrissie - thanks x

    All is calm for the mo but I might have to drive like the wind(!) on the way home!

    I'm not sure how long I'll be able to resist the grape juice over Lent, especially as 'im indoors can get some good deals on the ferries to/from Dover whilst at work ...... heeelp.

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 48.

    Re the diet stuff.

    It's all about having a low level of LDL and a high level of HDL. (bad & good fats).

    After my heart attack I was told no red meat and the substitute Quorn mince etc. made it possible for me to carry on enjoying dishes such as spaghetti bolognaise, etc. Prawns were completely banned.

    This diet stuff does, of course, depend on the individuals's needs and tastes.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    PS I will give up the hot cross buns I became addicted to last Easter until this Easter!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    'Lo everybody

    Was driving along this morning enjoying Chris and the team and GM (interesting) and loved the gob-stoppers today and then the Arch-Bish - surely one of the best of the good guys! Well, anyone who turns up with pancakes is good in my book!

    Made up for the fact that I had to spend the whole morning standing outside a bungalow pressing the same two buttons again and again and again........ my feet have only just thawed out!!

    KKs, (((x)))) very gently (and distantly if you don't mind!) Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough. When my boys had the pox, I was told to make a cup of very strong camomile tea and pour that into a bath - seemed to ease the irritation

    Jilly, Oh dear, hope you make it home ok and feel a lot better soon

    Not sure what to give up for lent - quite like the idea of taking something up or doing something worthwhile more often but I'll have to think what

    Maybe it should just be to smile more! :-)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Gosh that cash & carry is getting busier I swear! Unfortunately in the age that it has taken me to get back here - i seem to have eaten all the pork scratchings, french fries, twi*lets and drunk all the drinkable stuff;-) Someone else with a stronger will power than me may have to go if we want the shed up and running!

    Did I hear rightly that Mr Evans was discussing eggs today and not a mention of Duck Eggs surely not!


  • Comment number 52.

    PS Lovely google doodle today

    Hi Dook! quack!!

  • Comment number 53.

    Cheryl: nothing wrong with cheating ¡

    Dreamer: yes, thank you for that. Once had love, and it was a gas, soon turned out to be a pain in ........ Ooops, must be thinking of something else!

    Maddy: you are right, what will work for one person, will be quite different for someone else.

    Sezza: from what I hear of the CiN day, you are a very smiley person!

    Dook: Lovely to see you here - I have missed those Quacks! Were you stuck in that cash & carry over Christmas, and everything?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Aww Thanks Chrissie, that's made me smiley now!

    I'll take up the challenge and try a supply run for the shed if you like

    Not sure my will power is any stronger than Dooks tho...........

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Interesting that we've not heard much about international womens day today? Some big companies are having special networking days today and a friend was going to give a contraversial presentation (well we all know how boring these sorts of things can be!) to shuzz thing up a wee bitty - unfortunately sacroiliac put paid to that. Just hope that the event didn't turn out to be the usual pat on the back, nicey nicey affair


  • Comment number 56.

    Afternoon all

    Beautiful sunny day.

    Just been out food shopping, so I will be tossing a few pancakes later and see how many hit the ceiling or floor.

    Chrissie, enjoy the Westlife concerts with your daughter and sister.

    KandKs, thinking of you, take care. xx

    Jillygoat, hope you feel better soon. xx

    Tiggs, lovely to see you. xx

    Deevs, enjoyed reading your blog. xx

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Thanks csn.

    Hi Dook - stick around!

    No pancakes for us tonight, but my FAVE filling is pancakes spread with chocolate hazlenut spread, the scattered with sliced strawberries (room temperature) and rolled up so that the choc spread melts all over the strawbs!



  • Comment number 58.

    Ohhhh Deevs that sounds divine! Will probably stick with the old favourite of sugar and lemon - just can't get into Maple syrup eugh!


  • Comment number 59.

    Ooh I love Maple Syrup on hot toasted crumpets, but you don't need much. All the syrup trickles down the crumpet holes ......!

    I can't get into honey!


  • Comment number 60.

    CSN: enjoy your pancakes! And, thanks, I am so looking forward to next weekend!

    Re: pancakes - MrS is in charge of ours this evening. I like mine plain, and with vanilla ice cream!


  • Comment number 61.

    I was thiking about buyting ready made pancakes but might get batter mix, just for the fu of it, what do you think?

  • Comment number 62.

    Baggy, why don't you make your own.

    Deevs, Dook and Chrissie, all your pancake fillings sound yummy!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.

    CSN, becuase the female gene passed me by and I can't cook, bake or do anything housewifey!

  • Comment number 64.

    This year I will be making mine with Duck eggs! Might have had enough of them as we are going to be having carbonara for dinner made with - yep Duck Eggs;-)

    Just waiting for sage to close down (no doubt with some error as usual since it's upgrade!) then home time.


  • Comment number 65.

    dook eggs, its a shame you dont live closer - I love dook eggs and my supply ran out :-(

  • Comment number 66.

    If you eat hen's eggs please buy fresh ones. I've done so since it was highlighted on TV by Hugh Fernley Whittingstall about the plight of the poor battery hens. Surely we can all pay a little bit more to enable the creatures who supply us with them to have a normal and happy life.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    PS I accidentally joined the campaign of facebook re buyin g fresh eggs when I clicked onto a profile and, lo and behold, it was a Coronation Street character.

    I'm now his friend and a friend of a friend to many Coronation Street characters LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Free range eggs of course Doh!

  • Comment number 69.

    Hi all

    Me again. Nice to see the blog has been busier today. I don't usually do Lent but I'm with Chrissie - giving up lettuce will be a struggle but......

    I would love to have pancakes but (along with many other things) it's something that the OH doesn't do so I haven't had them for years. I do however like all sorts of fillings - I like the gigantic Dutch pancakes with ham and mushrooms.

    I only buy free range eggs - I am sure the flavour is better than battery ones.

    KandKs sorry to hear you are still poorly, it is horrible I know (((gently))).

    Did anybody hear Bingo's double mensh on Drivetime? He had phoned in to Sally Traffic and SM commented that Bingo sees a lot of accidents, to which Sally replied, 'well he does a lot of driving' lol...

    I am trying to pursuade my manager to let me take Thursday off to revise for my exam on Friday (it's me who will be losing money btw).

    Chrissie - can't say that Westlife would be my cup of tea either, I do wish I could get to London on 12th April though (thats when the David Cassidy concert is on) - do you think the audience will scream as much as they did in 1973????

    Sorry for going on a bit but once I started, I kept thinking of things to say.

    Hugs to everybody else.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Soorree I didn't mean to break the blog.

    Watching the One Show - not my favourite person guesting today.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Ello bods!

    Just quickly dropping in before kick off in the VITAL Champions League game for Arsenal against Barcelona. Cushions at the ready to hide behind, missiles out of the way in case I'm tempted to throw owt at the tellybox!

    Nic's going to the pub quiz alone tonight - I think after my tears at Arsenal losing to Birmingham the other week ...... he can take no more of my girlie love for the Norf London men in Red!

    I'm actually quite looking forward to work tomorrow (yes, you did read that right!). Just before 5 today my boss (she wot sighs a lot) gave me a lovely project to get stuck into so I won't be naval gazing tomorrow. Also, on my own from about 3 so will take my course books in and maybe get a tiny bit of reading done too (sorting out satchel tonight during the footie .....!)

    Also just had a mad half hour of disco dancing, weights and sit ups. No time for the gym on a Tuesday so whilst Himself is at little chaps playing daddy I thought I'd work up a sweat!

    Blame It On the Boogie, indeed!

    Right. Kick off time .... see y'all at half time (you can dry my tears!)

    Much love
    (not doing it in Spanish tonight)


  • Comment number 72.

    Evening each

    Just in and it's bloomin' freezing out there - light snow forecast for tomorrow. Bums.

    Gingembre - cuddles to you and yours.

    Hope everyone is well. Off to catch up here and on FB. See you later.


  • Comment number 73.

    Maddy - I get my eggs fresh from the hens of my friend. So much better than the shop bought ones.

    Still haven't caught up.


  • Comment number 74.

    Annie - will you catch up!!



  • Comment number 75.

    Nearly there Deevs. Stop interrupting me!!!!


  • Comment number 76.

    OK .... quiet as a mouse, me!


  • Comment number 77.

    Right - got to the bottom and forgotten everything I was going to say. Huge bottoms.

    I blame Deevs.


  • Comment number 78.

    At last a solution.

    Best 99p I ever spent :)


  • Comment number 79.

    Everyone normally does Annie!


  • Comment number 80.

    Aw bless Deevs. Cuddles for you.


  • Comment number 81.

    The way Arsenal are playing Annie it'll take more than cuddles ....!

    x x x

  • Comment number 82.

    Deevs, LOL!

    Hi Annie, you caught up yet.


  • Comment number 83.

    Mr CSN is watching the game.


  • Comment number 84.

    Wot cost 99p MTF?


  • Comment number 85.

    Headphones mtd.

    Now when I get home, as well as nattering to everyone on fb and dropping in here and the Mayo blog too, I can now listen to the Breakfast show at the same time.

    They aren't those annoying in the ear jobbies either. My ears are too small for them and they wont go in. LOL!!


  • Comment number 86.

    Howdedoody CSN and MTD.

    Yes, have caught up but memory isn't keeping up. Got to the bottom CSN and forgot everything I was going to say to SB, Ali, Deevs, Chrissie et al. Have remembered that Dooks made a re-appearance - Hallo Dooks.

    Deevs, hope Arsenal recover.


  • Comment number 87.

    I think they're on the next flight out of Barcelone Annie!

    Evening everyone .... time to switch lappy off now and sort out me satchel ...!

    Sweet dreams. Will be back tomorrow but probably not until the pm of the day.


  • Comment number 88.

    Night Deevs. I'm off too.

    Just ordered 'Martin Scorsese Presents the Blues' for sister-in-law's birthday. Hope she likes it. Has anyone seen it? Any reviews?


  • Comment number 89.

    Night Annie and everyone.

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    Pancakes, yummy!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Hi how you all doing ,
    Was listening chris to you and the Georgous Archbishop with the pancakes this am ,never thought of having lime instead of lemon ,will try it when we have them as none consumed today.

    Gingembre ,lovely post today .I did go outside and look up and said a wee one and we have lit our candles tonight for such reasons and also for some poorly people that we have heard of today .our thought are with you ,and on a lighter I hope that your Dad has a good B/day .

    Lent ,really want to give something up but can't decide what it will be ,not got long so will sleep on it and start in the morning .

    Hope that you've all had a good day ,I've had a pretty good one as the sun was shining with some heat thrown in and the birds were singing ,now that can't be bad can it .


  • Comment number 91.



    Nite Nite.


  • Comment number 92.

    Time for me to turn in.

    night night all.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Deevs - missed that. Congrats CLP and team - well done.

    Right, I'm off. Night all.


  • Comment number 94.

    Thank you Deevs.

    Congratulations Chris and team.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 95.


    New award is a bit low rent isn't it?

  • Comment number 96.

    Concerned, what is your problem?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Morning all

    CLP, well done on the award, to be recongnised by your peres (piers???) and listeners is a wonderful thing :-)

    I've never won an industry award, but then I'm a bean couonter - can you imagine how dull the evening would be!


  • Comment number 98.

    Morning all!

    Another bright and sunny day here in Bristol, but it rained in the night, me thinks there is prime time grass growing weather ahead of us - a joy to some but as someone who hates cutting the grass its a cloud in an otherwise sunny day.

    So cough update - its soficial - its a chest infection so am now on anti-Bs but hopefully it will knock it on the head

    Sorry to see that KK is still stuggling - hope you get on the mend soon.

    Right hi ho hi ho its off to work I go - but only to my back room - thats an easy commute aint it! :-)

    Happy Humpday everyone

  • Comment number 99.

    Good morning all,

    Another fine & sunny day in Norfolk (sorry, all of you with snow!).

    i really haven't caught up with the blog - I've been poorly again, an ear infection this time. GP said it's all to do with the stress of losing Mum & then I flew to Malta which didn't help the old eardrums. Sigh.......Ah yes - Malta......... the conference was a worldwide conference for the industry I'm in & there were around 300 people attending from 47 countries, and guess what? I was presenting & also chairing it - scary, but in a good way. It went really well & I think (despite the ear infection - which has left me nearly deaf at the moment) it did me the power of good, change of scenery & all that. It was a bit spooky seeing the Libyan fighter jets on the runway, & security was a bit tight at the airport, but all in all a great trip.

    KK's - I had chicken pox when I was 22 & it was AWFUL, I had spots on top of spots and inside places where they shouldn't be allowed (if you know what I mean!!)so I sympathise completely - big hugs for you....err, gentle ones maybe .....(((hugs))

    Deevs - I watched the game too - Mr CG is still depressed this morning!

    Concerned - if you can't think of anything good to say, then stop trying to be big & clever - you're not.

    Finally (sorry to go on a bit)our pancakes were made with our own eggs - yes, we have chooks!And they were yummy.........£1 for 6 if anyone wants some :-)

    Have a good day everyone........

    CG xx

  • Comment number 100.

    CG, would love some eggs, but don't think they will travel?


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