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How generally great is John Bishop?

Chris Evans | 10:38 UK time, Friday, 5 August 2011

I mean, he's off the scale great. Unlike so so many comics, he's rock solid confident and at ease with himself. He has his head totally screwed on, and has just enjoyed "the best year of my career".

John believe me, if you keep on doing what you're doing and how you're doing it, things can only go from strength to strength.

One Show tonight, 7pm with David Essex and the Welsh wonder. Love Alex to death.

And talking of the all things Welsh, anyone going to the rugby tomorrow? If you are, I'll see you there.

And as Will Carling has just posted on Twitter, if England win it will be classed as a full on test, if Wales win, those of this side of the border will be downgrading it immediately to a poxy friendly. Ha ha.

Have a great weekend, see you on the radio Monday.





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP!

    Nic and I saw John Bishop in Wolverhampton last December, and I can honestly say that he is one of the funniest comedians I have ever seen. I ached for a day or two after from the pure joy of laughter.

    Have a fab weekend at the rugger. I'm introducing my man to my aunt and uncle, aunt and nan, along with my mum and step dad whom he's already met.

    Happy families!


  • Comment number 2.

    From previous blog:-

    I've set up the fantasy football league thingy again if you fancy a bit of free fun!

    Mini League Name: Bloggers United

    Joining Code: 941791-227941

    Muchos Amore.

    x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris: yes, John Bishop is just fantastic. So, so funny. And I love how he speaks about his wife and children at every appropriate opportunity. He's fairly gorgeous, too! Thanks to you for your fantastic show this week - you have no idea just how much you motivate me in the morning!

    Hi to everyone else: will try to catch up with what has been occurring.

    Cheryl: sounds like you have another lovely weekend coming up - nice!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.


    Did John Bishop relate to you his tale of filming a snog scene with Ronnie Anconah ... definitely one for "off air" but very very funny!

    Modded? WHY?!?!?


  • Comment number 5.

    Thanks Chrissie! I'm so looking forward to seeing my nan. I haven't seen her since Dec 2009, just before my move to start afresh with my fella. She's 88 now and her health isn't wonderful, so I'm just really looking forward to seeing her again.


  • Comment number 6.

    Deevs: Hope you have a good time with your nan. As I type this my son is driving to see his Grandma (my Mum) in Mancunia she's 80 on Sunday. As he will be working on Sunday he's going today instead. She's tickled pink.

    I'm off to visit my oldest friend ( who lives in the Lakes ) who's visiting her sister in Staffordshire. They foolishly invited me as well - so I'm off to Staffordshire twice in one week!

    Have a good weekend all. Regards PJ

  • Comment number 7.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Oh yeah! John Bishop is very funny with his stories about life, calm down der calm down!

    David Essex is still going strong too, now in that happy soap Eastenders of course. Despite looking older he still has a certain je se sais quoi. I love all his songs but I think my favourite is A Winter's Tale. Looking forward to seeing him on The One Show.

    MM xxx

    PS The weather here in Wirral is OK, cooler and sunny.

  • Comment number 8.

    A little song, sorry about the Ch**stm*s theme in August!

  • Comment number 9.


    Didn't get to hear much of John, but I must say that there is something about the Liverpudlian accent that makes me go a bit weak at the knees. It must be all those years watching Brookside. I still think you need a girlie as a guest - go on you know it makes sense.

    When I left my workman yesterday I left Radio 2 on and when I got home it was still on. The youngest lad (who must be about 19) said that he really enjoyed listening to it because they played great music. So that's a new convert from Radio 1.

    Just over an hour to go till home time - yippee!


  • Comment number 10.


    John Bishop was fab this morning, really enjoyed the chat and the chuckles

    After a dodgy start today, the sun's finally come out - just in time for my friend's birthday drinkies tonight

    We're bringing her girls home with us so she and her husband can stay overnight.

    I'll raise an FNWC glass to all in the hot tub!


    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon all,

    Well thats another working week for me over and very pleased I am too,but can't complain it's been a good one .

    Chris ,yes I like John Bishop.hes a good laugh and typical Liverpudlian as Ali said .And enjoy your Rugby tomorrow,don't mind who wins reallly ,but I suppose I should support England..

    Sezza,hope your parents have got over their shock with that lightening and that car turning over ,scarey or what .they were very lucky.

    C/bird ,I hope to that your day has been better for you ,accidents are not a nice thing to see choose how big all small,very upsetting for .

    Baggy ,If you've already been to one hen night ,you really should not be committed or expected to go to another one .Just give your apolagies and say that you need to spend time with you lovely Mr bp.

    Ali,s pleased that the boiler is now up and running ,just go steady on that spring cleaning .

    Deev, Enjoy your family meetings ,its nice getting together isn't it.

    we have friends coming on sunday ,decided to do a late lunch ,early dinner ,thohgt it would be a little more relaxed doing it that way .so a few drinks to srart ,and then gentle eating our way through the afternoon.
    Menu sorted ,just the shoppping list to compile, and the fetching and carriying of.

    Hope that everyone else is AOK and that your gearing up for a good w/end ,just make sure It's a good one.


  • Comment number 12.

    Bids - you forgot about the cooking of it too! LOL

    Right I'm here in capacity of mein host - I declare FNWC open!!!!

    Got a little penguin chards on the go - but gutted of Bristol - Sainers have discontinued it!!!! "I dont believe it" Have found some on-line at much more expense plus delivery - seems now it will have to be the wine for a treat rather than wine of choice :-(

    Chilling weekend for me, going to a friends barbque tomorrow afternoon and nothing planned for Sunday yet apart from a roast of course :-)

    But mostly I am looking forward to a little rendevous north of the border on Wednesday :-) :-) :-)

    Happy FNWC everyone, think I'll wander into the garden to make the most of the early evening sun - cant believe its already too low in the sky to be on my patio after 7.....


  • Comment number 13.


    Have to agree with Will Carling, tomorrow's game will be either be a vital pointer to World Cup form or a pointless waste of time depending on how the result goes for your team.

  • Comment number 14.

    Evening All,

    Loved what I heard of JB this morning. He does seem like a good guy.
    As for Twickers...are you winding me up?!?!
    I've had to turn down an invitation to watch the game from a box there tomorrow, because we've headed out on holiday.
    And guess where?

    Wales!!! Should be fun arriving at the site tomorrow in my England shirt.
    The Current Mrs. Milham has convinced me that as we are saving money to finish the extension before the kids retire - a good solution is to visit a static caravan park near Cardigan Bay. Never stayed in one before and am not sure what to expect.

    To be fair - it looks idyllic - it's set on a farm and ours is about 12' from the beach.
    There is absolutely no entertainment (which was a qualification on my part) except for the farm shop and what nature can conjure up.....cue - rock pools, swimming in the sea, sandcastles and the kids having a lot more freedom to go off and explore than they can have at home.

    Don't tell her, but I'm actually quite excited.

    For me: playing rugby with Max and teaching Ciara to ride her bike during the day followed by hammock, cheese, beer and wine in the evening whilst looking out to sea are unbeatable, and like Chris said yesterday, the weather is what it is.
    We'll carry on regardless!

    How are you lot all doing then?



  • Comment number 15.

    Mr Rips

    Drop by the Milleneum Stadium next week on your way home.

    You never know, I might even buy you the promised pint of Brains.

  • Comment number 16.

    What happened to the tent Rips? Have you gone posh?

    Seriously that is what I call a family holiday, much preferable to sitting in an airport all night.


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    This must be the worst FNWC EVER

  • Comment number 18.

    Hey Barney, do you know what. That is a cracking idea.
    If I can secure four tickets, we're there baby! Any connections your end?
    Hold that thought.

    MM - what, what, what....;0)
    You are bang on, regards airports.
    They used to be part of the holiday. not anymore!
    I was about to launch into a diatribe about the issues of travelling by air, but life is too short, as that experience reminds us.
    Travelling by air on ones self is still (for me) a pleasure.
    Taking the family......a chore.



  • Comment number 19.


    great show as always
    Enjoy the ruggers wont be there as not my sport
    How is everybody?


  • Comment number 20.

    RIPS cardigan bay I want to go there it looks fabtastic

  • Comment number 21.

    Mr Rips

    It would appear that it is almost a sell out, although I find that hard to believe. I usually just pitch up and buy a ticket on the day although with a family I realise that you can't do that. However tickets are still available via Ticketmaster. Might be a bit of expereience for your lad and a good way to round off the holiday. If the current Mrs Rips is not a rugger gal there is a huge John Lewis shop in Cardiff.

  • Comment number 22.

    Good mornig all,

    It's a little bit cooler today here down on the south coast ,feeling a bit autumnal ,the fruit on the tres are ripe and some has even gone over,had a look at our greengages and they are fading ,should have picked then last week ,Oh well !!!

    Well just deciding what to do first today,I did the bulk of my shopping last night ,but just need to pop out for the bits that I could'nt get at the time,a bit of tidying and prepping for tomorrow then I think it will be feet up and a read .

    Rips ,Have a lovely holiday and hope that you and the family enjoy your caravan ,I'm sure you will ,they are so nice inside these days . We had many van holidays in N/Wales when I was young ,right on the beach ,and loved every minute of them .

    Chris , I forgot to ask you yesterday when I saw that photo of you and Mr Bishop ,what is that fluff on your chin ???.

    Well must push on ,this sittig here is getting the chores done ,back later .

    Have a good day all.


  • Comment number 23.

    Good people of the bloggerhood

    Well, that turned out just dandy.

    After my post for 472 years last weekend when I expressed my dread for the forthcoming week and wished I could hop into the Tardis, how did things pan out?

    Lets just say, if had been able to flick that fast forward switch and I was sitting here a few nanoseconds after I last logged in, I'd be a poorer man. In every sense of the word.

    On a financial level I'd be poorer - sure, a weeks pay would have disappeared into the ether - but my self-proclaimed 'week from hell' kicked off on Monday with a cheque from our good friends at HMRC. Totally unexpected, and not an unreasonable amount. Good start.

    But on a far more important level, I would be poorer for the experiences that I would have missed. The big event that I was really dreading was abandoned at the 11th hour, which was a huge relief, but it was the little things that happened that made me realise that every second that we are fortunate enough to be given should be cherished. Going for a run in the sunshine, then coming home and cracking open a bottle of pear cider put a huge smile on my face on Tuesday and it dawned on me then that wishing time away is such a crazy notion. So what did I do on Wednesday? Went for a run in the sunshine, came home and cracked open a bottle of pear cider.

    The moral of the story? Savour every moment and be thankful we have been given them. We've got one shot, don't waste it.

    Fab weekend all. Huge peace etc


    PS Many thanks for the big Bids vibes xx

    PPS Throw away your television

  • Comment number 24.

    Hello Bids & Matt.

    Bids-enjoy your meal tomorrow, you deserve it. And don't forget to put your feet up later today after the shopping and tidying and preparing for the occasion.

    Matt-I told you so! Actually I was going to but didn't in case I was wrong. But it is so often the way that things that we are dreading are not nearly as bad as we thought they were going to be. And even if they are it's such a huge relief afterwards that we feel so much happier for it. If we have life too easy we become softies. As you say savour every moment and be thankful for them.

    MM xxx (who intends being a softie today)

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning all - well nearly!

    Matt, that made me smile! Hope next week is even better for you

    Bids, Have you got anything done yet? ;-)

    We've just had the quietest sleep-over ever! The trick is obviously to keep the kids out til nearly midnight and drink sufficient chards oneself! Then they will fall alseep really quickly and even if they don't, you will!

    Pottering sort of day today and I think there's a Potter to veg out in front of later so all is good

    Enjoy your day, whatever it brings you

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Afternoon all

    I'm just about to try and turn busy bee mode off. I've a nasty feeling the switch might be stuck though.

    Went and food shopped last night after the grindstone in an effort to free up some time this weekend. Well it has, sort of, but the bill was a little more than my list had suggested it would be. Perhaps it's not wise to shop when you don't think you're hungry, but certainly are by the time you're done! I don't want another food shop like that for at least 2 months! Still, one thing's sure, I won't starve in a hurry.

    This morning I treated myself to a bit of a lay in then baked a couple of cakes (one for a do tonight, one for pudding on Tuesday when I'm having a girls night in round a friends house, she's cooking so I offered cake), had breakfast, emptied most of the fridge into the freezer (stocked up on a fair selection of meat during the shop and it needed putting into the freezer in portions), dusted and ran the vacuum round. I think I've earnt my sit down for a few mins ;)

    Next on the list, shower, lunch and off for a walk to ring for a wedding (although the walk may turn into drive if the sky gets any more threatening looking). Later on there's sewing to be done, food to be eaten (left a few bits in the fridge for emergencies ;) ) and a birthday bash to attend. (See what I mean about the switch being jammed?)

    Tomorrow there's the usual Sunday activities (minus the food shop) and the need to locate some more trousers as I appear to have killed 3 pairs in the last 10 days. Might have to resort to a skirt tonight, that will scare the birthday boy ;)

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 27.

    Evening all,

    It's very quiet in here tonight ( wispering ) where have you all gone to???

    Well I've done all the chores on the list ,I popped out for the last bits and Have just started the main for tomorrow. I did have a lovely piece of roast beef ,but then I changed my mind and have bought some lovely diced beef ,and I'm now doing beef in guinness. That is now on to of the oven just simmering away,will turn it off later and let it sit over night so that the flavours should be just right for tomorrow.

    Just taking five minutes before starting the dinner for tonight ,pasta,one of my favorites.and I think a little red to wash it all down with .

    Sezza ,really glad the s/over went well and that you've got to grips on the late night and the liquid ambre ,and I suppose now looking at the time that you're all sat down and settled into Potter..

    Matt ,lovey to see you again ,and so pleased that your week went well and here's to having a good one next week..

    Right ,time to get the pasta started .

    Oh!!! by the way Rips ,are you there yet???

    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 28.

    Back again!

    Bids, I am watching Potter. It's strange to see the stars growing up week by week as they show all the films

    Hope you've all had a good day

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Morning all!

    Sun shone in the end for the bbq and a great time was had by all - weather is very wet though today, so its a staying inside day today me thinks.

    Glad Matt that your week turned out alright in the end

    Looking at the weather on the news this morning me thinks Rips et all will be playing board games today - or getting wet!

    Have a great lunch Bids and happy Sunday to the rest of you

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi everyone:

    Just listening to Aled Jones and thought I would try to catch up with the blog. Yes, it is quiet here, but then it's "holiday time" so it's not always easy to get on the blog for a chat.

    A lot happening ChezS all of a sudden. Our daughter is actively looking for a flat with her boyfriend and they will be living together soon. My lovely Mum would have been horrified! They seem very happy and we are happy for them. She said to me recently: mum, you have to stop worrying about me - this is time for you and dad to have some time for yourselves. What a girl, eh? Of course, she is not to know that I will worry about her until the 12th of Never!

    The next thing is, MrS and I have found a little flat just for the two of us - downsizing to say the least! It is lovely - totally renovated and beautiful. We should be moving in at the start of September. I am excited, and terrified, all at the same time! This week has been busy at work and at home, and I have been clearing out old photographs, letters, diaries etc. But, it's really hard to visit the past where letters are concerned and I have now decided just to shred everything as I just have to live in the "now". I have all my memories when it comes to my deeply loved family and I just have to leave it at that.

    Bids: hope you have a great day with your friends. I absolutely love all your posts. xx

    Rips: have a wonderful time with your gorgeous family. This is a terrific time in your life, so really enjoy it. xx

    Sezza: it would seem you are really enjoying your holiday time with your lovely boys - enjoy!

    kks: really nice to see you back on the blog.

    Debs: I am so excited about seeing you, and the other lovely bloggers on Wednesday - really can't wait!

    Sorry this is fairly long; hope everyone is ok on this very wet and dreich Sunday (in Glasgow)!

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hey Chrissie - wow - downsizing that is something - will get all details on Wednesday!

    Just read this on daily snail - CLP thanks for sharing - I hope people take heed.

    Right time for a coffee I think!

  • Comment number 32.

    Good morning all,

    Morning Debs ,Crissie.

    A sunny day so far here down on the south coast ,some cloud and quite a lot cooler ,which really I must admit is better for me.

    Debs ,glad to hear that the BBQ went off Ok and that you enjoyed it ,and It's great to have a stay at home day on a Sunday .

    Crissie, Wow!!! and Wow!! again ,what a life change that you are going to go through and how brave ,I don't think that at this stage I could even start to think about it. There is enough stuff in our attic ,that it would take forever to clear just that.
    I'm so pleased for your Daughter ,and I hope that she and her lvely fellow will be very hapy ,and it all sounds as though they will be.
    And as you said you'll never stop worrying about her ,no you do'nt ,you worry till the day that you are no more .

    And now it's your time,well,thats going to be some big change eh!!! how exciting ,just like being newly weds all over again and just starting out.
    but like you have said ,all those ( Happy Memories ) you'll be able to take them with you where ever you go as they are no weight at all ( Just Happiness ).

    Well better get this BTM of this seat and go and start my day ,yes I've got that feeling it's going to be rather a busy one .

    Take care all and enjoy what ever you decide to do with your day.


  • Comment number 33.

    Debs: thank you so much for that link. What an incredible piece Chris wrote - I was just blown away by it. So much so, I actually have posted a commet on it - don't know whether it will appear. After Chris had shared what had happened to him, I said to MrS, look, we received that package for the bowel screening, why don't we do it? And he agreed, so that's going to be organised in the next two weeks. Yes, I am worried ... one never knows, but there's no point in pretending, is there?

    Bids: thank you - you are so right, this almost feels like Day One for my husband and me. I know what you mean about the attic - I came home from work one night last week and MrS had brought down SEVEN boxes from the loft to be attended to! What a nightmare - I am such a hoarder. But this time, it is brutal - all my treasured tickets to shows, programmes, birthday cards - all going. There is no room for any of it in the new place.

    Right, off to clear out yet another cupboard! Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Morning all

    Wow Chrissie, what an exciting time for you all! Good luck with the sorting, sounds like you're really in the right frame of mind it!

    Debs, thanks for the link. I've just read it too and have to admit to a lump in the throat as I read the last line

    Bids, I'll join you in a busy day, the garden's going to get it today i think!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Morning all.

    Nice and sunny here.

    I had a lovely day yesterday with little grandson, we went shopping, played in the garden and built a camp. sometimes the simple things you do in life are the best.

    Chris, great show on Friday and thank you for highlighting potty training, daughter has had to order the book as the sales of it have gone sky high.

    Great to see my partner in crime KandKs popping in here.

    Sezza, enjoy the school holidays with your boys.

    Rips, have a great holiday, Cardigan Bay is a lovely place.

    Bids, have a nice day with your friends.

    Chrissie, exciting times for you and your daughter. Even though both my daughters have now left home, got married and have children of their own, I still worry about them all.

    Debs, thank you for the link. Glad the bbq went well and hope you enjoy your relaxing day today.

    Also I must say I'm getting very excited about next weeks visit to Glasgow and meeting up with some of you.

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Good Morning all.

    Just a quick pop in to say, that a few of us over on fb have accessed an Owl cam. More distractions I know, but its fascinating viewing.

    Its on my profile if anyone is interested.

    Extremely soggy in West Somerset, but hey ho, cant do much about that.

    Chrissie, exciting times.


  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon All,

    Just waiting for my rhubarb crumble to cook so thought I'd pop by.

    Chrissie, How exciting for you and your family. Sounds like you've got the packing under control already ;) xx

    mfr, Good to read you and I am glad your week turned out better than expected xx

    csn, You sound like a fab Grandma to me, I want to come and build a camp with you...lol xx

    Hello to Debs, Bids, mtf and Sezza xx

    Thanks for the link Debs very moving reading, he has such a way with words.

    I shall be mostly relaxing this afternoon and may even have a snooze. Enjoy whatever you are all doing xx


  • Comment number 38.

    Happy Sunday Everyone.

    Cold here in Wirral, it's August for goodness sake!

    Debs-thanks for the link to Chris's article in the Daily Snail. I'm sure that a lot of people will now take immediate action at the very first signs that something could be wrong instead of pretending that all will be fine.

    Despite having COPD myself and ignoring the first signs until it became serious I still ignore other possible things. I receive what I call the sh*t kit for folks who are older and wiser (or should be) and come up with excuses for not using it, i.e. 'it's not very nice', 'what if the envelope comes open in the post', I'm OK, it won't happen to me, 'there's no cancer in the family', etc.

    After reading CLP's article, next time it pops through my door I'm going to use it.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    PS I'm beginning to regret putting A Winter's Tale post #8 as it's constantly in my head since, I can't get rid of it!

  • Comment number 40.

    Hello everyone

    Rare Sunday appearance from me, but having just got back from moseying around Kingston, thought I’d log on and see what’s occurring.

    Chrissie, how exciting! Just think, less cleaning! Good luck with the chucking out and enjoy going down memory lane.

    I agree, you never stop worrying about your offsprings, and what a lovely thing to say about you and MrS. She’s a gem!

    Off to read the daily snail article re CLP, and just to say, I’ve recently done ‘the test’, and no it’s not pleasant, but have this week received the all clear results.

    Bright and sunny here, with the odd shower thrown in for good measure. A bit breezy too.

    I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 41.

    hello all

    lovely reading today, great to hear about your weekends and the changes taking place,

    I didn't go to my sisters yesterday, we went down Fri night and my back was aching after the drive so I said it would be too much to repeat the next day. As it was after my appt for laser eye treatment I felt a bit crook and had a quiet day on the sofa. I got a quote for laser eye treatment but itws not cheap so now we have to decide if it worth the risk and the money.

    had a lovely lunch with mr bp today, no where exciting but its nice for us to spend time together just chatting

    Baggy xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Morning peeps!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Morning all

    Sun is shining bright just in time for me to come to work!

    Never Mind, boy2 is playing tennis this week so a bit of sun will be very nice

    Hope you all had good weekend

    And a special Morning Stacy!! Hope the grockles and emmets stay out of your way!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Morning All,

    A bit sunny here too, but a tad chilly.

    Nothing wild or exciting to report, just thought I'd pop in and see what was going on - not a lot by the looks of things.

    Baggy, You've changed your tune about laser eye surgery, didn't you tell Mary (when she had her's done) that you definitely wouldn't have it done because someone you know got cataracts from it. I know a number of people who've had it done and they would all say that it was worth the risks and the money...go for it.

    Right this won't get the baby a new bonnet!


  • Comment number 45.

    Ali - you are absolutely right, and that is still the main reason I am hesitating. However after talking to the professionals they say it has improved a lot over the last 5-10 years (and I won't be over 50 when I have it done) so it should be safe. it is however a very real worry for me and investigating the possibility is not the same as agreeing to have it done. I still stand by what I say, if you know one person who has had complications best to mention it so a well balanced opioion can be formed.

  • Comment number 46.

    Good morning all,

    It's a lovely sunny day here on the south coast with a lovely blue sky.

    We had a lovely day with out friends yesterday ,it all flowed very well ,we had nibbleds and drinkks in the garden when they arrived ,then went indoors for the starter and main .
    Then decided to have anothe sit in the garden and let that go down ,then back to attack the cheese board and dessert .
    Then we al went into the lounge and flopped .never done it like that before ,but do you know it was great and everyone really enjoyed it ,so it was a great succsess .
    Sorry to waffle but thought you'd like to know how it went and thanks for the comments ladies.

    I'm going to have a look at some new glasses today that had to be sent for ,so I'm hoping to get some new ones , I hoe they will be OK as they are rather nice ,but I don't know how I'm going to tell Mr B just how much they are going to cost ,so how do I not tell a fib as I've never fibbed with him ,always upfront !!!

    We have some errand to do today ,and then we might just pop in and see our younger daughter and have a dose of the grandbobs while we are there .
    We have a couple of little jobs for them to do in the next couple of weeks for us ,so we are just in the throws of negotiating an hourly rate with them ,as they want some pocket money for their holiday ,so this time I thought that they could earn it rather than just dolling It out to them.

    Right a light breakfast before I hit the shower then that's me ready for what ever the day has in for me ,and I have a feeling it's going all good.

    Take care all and catch you later .


  • Comment number 47.

    Now, people of the blog, I need your help!!

    Mr Sezza has put on the calendar that we are busy on Sunday 11th September (6 days after my birthday) but he won't tell me what we are doing!

    As you may have noticed from the myriad of trailers on Radio 2, there is a bit of a do going on in Hyde Park on that day with Chris and a host of perfomers I would love to see and Chris announced another one this morning

    I have, in my little mind, put 2 and 2 together and got a great day out and am starting to get excited when I hear the trailers but I DON'T KNOW if that is where we are going!!

    So, I need some help coming up with other, equally fantastic things we could be doing on that day so, when Mr Sezza tells me and it's NOT Hyde Park, i shan't be disappointed (ungrateful wretch that I am!)

    You're all so good at this sort of thing, I won't even need the fixed "Oh, that's lovely dear" grin prepared!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Good morning lovely Peeps - remember me?

    I have got a sick note for my absinthe (yes, really) they call it nervous exhaustion - I call it a pain in the butt! I am beginning to climb out of the black clouds though, and have to say I haven't even been lurking for the past few weeks.

    But.......... I'm back and hope all you lovely people in Blogland are fine & dandy.

    Doubt I'll add much to the quality of the blog for a while, but I'm determined to get back to some form of normal existence.

    so............ Happy Monday everyone!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 49.

    hey Sezza - maybe you're coming over to my place on 11th Sept? we're having a surprise party for my lovely Dad as it's his 80th birthday, and he shouldn't really be here as he was only given a 10% chance of survival follwing his cancer op last year.

    So - grab a zimmer frame & head on over!! :-)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Sezza ,how lovely for you ,wouldn't that be great ,but as I'm not from your neck of the woods I'd only be wild guessing ,but I'll have a think .
    It might be what you say with a w/end in London ,or is it just for a day???

    Country girl, nice to see you ,I hope that your days start to get brighter ,as those pains in the bitt can't half get you down so here is a big nice warm {{{Hug }}} winging It's way to you .
    Just little steps ,and you'll get there.


  • Comment number 51.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi Ben

    Think this answers your question

    The bit about F1 is about half way down

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi everyone:

    Just to say, thank you so much for all the lovely replies about the house move, I really appreciate them.

    I really am on a mission for this clear-out to end all clear-outs, but I did grind to a halt last night with my books. Oooh, I love them all and can't bear to part with them! I think I may have to investigate cost of storage!

    MTF: I will check out the Owl cam, will have a wee look at lunchtime.

    Pen: just wonderful news that your results came back clear. Bless you, I am sure you must have been feeling anxious waiting for your news. xx Just to say, you are so right about the fact that there will be less cleaning to do for me, not to mention how it will cut down on gas and electricity bills!

    Bids: lovely to hear that your day yesterday was so enjoyable. Sounds like just a great day. Re: your glasses, I am sure Mr Bids will be ok about the cost, from what I can tell about your husband, he will be happy if you are happy. xx

    Sezza: oooh, I do hope you are heading for Hyde Park! But, you know, whatever your husband has arranged, I am sure it will be lovely. How thoughtful of him to have arranged a surprise for you - I am sure you will not be disappointed, in the least.

    CG: lovely to see you - I have been thinking about you. You are really going "through the wars" and I am sorry to hear that. Just hang in there, and don't forget we are here if you need a wee chat.

    Sorry this is a long one!

    C xx

  • Comment number 54.

    RE: getting rid of books - I am going from two bookcases to one and it has been very painful, I have loads of much loved books on ebay as we speak and the local chairty shop is doing well but I just have to make more space and set a good example to mr bp who has the same issues with VHS and DVDs

  • Comment number 55.

    afternoon peeps
    Lunchtime drop-in.
    Today's fare was home made 'summer soup' - apart from a stockcube to add a bit of oomph, the soup was made with just stuff from the garden - yellow and green courgettes, peas, broad and runner beans, onion and celery - absolutely yummy!

    Weather check from Wrexham - poured with rain about 7am but trying to be brighter now, although sun has gone back in and it's a bit breezy/chilly.

    Bids - glad you had a lovely meal with your friends. Having had the pleasure of sitting in your beautiful garden, I know how fortunate they are. Having a break between main and pud is always nice coz it allows you to do it justice!

    another bit to follow ......

  • Comment number 56.

    and now the other bit that wouldn't post on #55

    On the glasses front, I have always recalled what a friend - who has to wear her glasses all the time just to SEE - said about spending, what to me seemed an exorbitant amount. She said " I wear these everyday in a place where everyone can see them. If I was going to wear the exact same dress each day, wouldn't I buy the best, nicest etc dress I could?" She said working it out at cost per wear made them seem really inexpensive.
    Try it on Mr B.

    Chrissie - getting rid of books is sooo difficult. I hang on to favourites because I do re-read them over and over again.

    Don't forget to share the new address over on FB - once you are in - or how will be able to sent the 'welcome to your new home' cards!

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 57.

    A fleeting visit as off to work...

    Chrissie, the owl hasn't been in its box all morning, a bit odd.

    Will let you know if he comes back. Evening activities are very entertaining.

    Hi everyone.


  • Comment number 58.

    Baggy: apart from the book situation at home, I cannot begin to describe the horror of the videos scenario! There must be at least 150 - I keep finding them in cupboards and drawers. No-one wants them of course, so they are all for recycling.

    Crumpy: Ooooh, I do like the idea of "welcome to your new home" cards! xx

    MTF: yes, I checked out the web cam - no owl. But A LOT of bugs crawling around and up the walls!

    C xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Chrissie - can you recycle VHS? even the charity shops don't want them, I was thinking they were heading for the dustbin?

  • Comment number 60.

    Baggy: I was told that our local "dump" has a section for plastic, and the VHS tapes can be put in there. I hope that is the case because I would be so upset just to put them in the bin. MrS is taking them tomorrow, so I'll let you know for sure.

  • Comment number 61.


    CG, I'd love it if we were coming to your lovely Dad's party. I wonder if I should knock up a quick card just in case!;-) You've been through a lot recently. I'm not surprised you've had a wobble and I hope you carry on improving but take time x x

    Bids, Your weekend sounds lovely too and I'd be really happy if Mr Sezza had arranged us a visit to you. You haven't had any calls from strange men requesting accommodation have you?

    Sbp, When we moved - a whole year ago!! - I had to cull not only my books but the boys books as well! That was hard! Now boy2 has a worse book habit than I do!

    Chrissie, I really hope that's where we're going to but I'm trying sooooo hard not to think that!

    Crumpy, I think exactly the same as your friend! I did try looking at the budget options last time but still ended up in the designer section

    MTF, any sign of the owl yet?

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Hiya everyone

    Glasses - now don't get me started on the cost of having to be able to see. For quite a few years now my glasses have cost me circa £600 and that isn't going for expensive frames either as I need complicated lenses. If I was your age Baggy I would have my eyes done and no questions as over the years I must have paid for at least each eye to have been done twice! Sorry someone else can have the ranty pants now!

    Sezza I will be so jealous if you are going to Hyde Park but I really hope that you are. Typically we are going away for a few days starting that day mind it is to see George Michael in Verona so shouldn't complain but as you may have noticed I am in one of those moods tonight.

    Suse xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Susan, I won't be disappointed if he says we're going to Verona!!

    There's always next year for Hyde Park


  • Comment number 64.

    Evening All,

    Just popping on to give CG a big hug xx {{{}}}

    Sezza, Can't you see if the boys know anything? xx

    Crumpy, I'm up your way at the weekend, but it is a flying visit so don't think I've got time to arrange a mini meet :( xx

    Bids, Your weekend sounded delightful xx

    Chrissie, I've still got my video player and keep thinking that I will play some videos but never do! xx


  • Comment number 65.

    Hello Everyone.

    The weather here in Wirral today has been more like November than August, cold, wet and windy!

    I've been watching MTF's Dorset owl cam and there's been no sign of Bob & Brenda today, they must have left the nest:(. I've just discovered that there is also a Wirral owl cam although not as good (stills updated every two minutes). Do the UK owls realise that they are reality stars?

    Looking forward to Shooting Stars at 10pm on ´óÏó´«Ã½2! At last some good TV!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Marj, there is Goatcam.

    One of the most entertaining things I have ever watched. I will send you the link tomorrow when they are on again. Its lights out there atm....

    OOh Owls are back.


  • Comment number 67.

    Evening all.

    I have a had a really busy day, spent the morning doing a bit of shopping and had more physio on my foot this afternoon which is going very well, I'm pleased to say.

    Pen, really pleased to hear that your results are good, must have been a very worrying time for you. xx

    Bids, your weekend sounds lovely. xx

    Sezza, very exciting and I'm sure whatever your husband has planned for your birthday will be wonderful. xx

    Ali, you would be most welcome to come and stay with us for a weekend and do some camp building with my grandson and I, in return for your efforts i will cook you a nice meal. xx

    Chrissie, we haven't used it for sometime but we still have a video player. xx

    CG, thinking of you, take care. xx

    Annie, hope you had a lovely weekend. xx

    I have just had to replace my driving glasses but now also need reading glasses and must say it has been very expensive and if I was as young as you are Baggy I would definitely have laser eye surgery. xx

    I am also getting very excited about Wednesday and the mini blog meet.

    Lots if love to you all.

    Sweet dreams and sleep tight.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Evening all,

    Well my day has panned out quite well really ,I went to the optitions ,and yes the glasses were in ,and yes I've decided that I deserve ithem,so that's it sorted.

    Mr B and I were going to go and do a couple of errands but decided not to in the end ,so spent the afternoon relaxing ,and I took advantage of the time and got my book out and spent most of the time reading. 'Twas just the tonic and it was a nice ending to a nice w/end.

    Good night and God Bless .


  • Comment number 69.


    Cos you're worth it :)


  • Comment number 70.

    Marj, if you are about....

    Dinner is being served. Yuk!!


  • Comment number 71.

    I've just been watching him/her enjoying dinner MTF, seemed to be the contents of the nest. Yuk!

    I'd love to see the goatcam!


    PS My reading glasses cost me £3 from Eth** A*St**s a few years ago. I would have laser surgery if I was younger.

  • Comment number 72.

    My reading glasses are from the 99p shop, which is just as well as some bloggers will recall, I am prone to snapping them. LOL!

    Goatcam coming your way tomorrow Marj. Such Fun.


  • Comment number 73.

    Morning all

    Thanks for all the advice re laser eye surgery, I'll let you know what I decide.
    Chrissie - thanks for letting me know about the DVD's. The last couple of boxes we gave to our cleaner (how middle class does that sound), but I'm guessing she won't want all of them.

    Peace and love everyone, it cant last forever.


  • Comment number 74.

    Good morning all,

    It may not be such a good morning for all of those people that have been effected by all this unrest that is going on in our Capitol at the moments ,so my thoughts today will be those that need need them .

    Stay safe out there and have a ( Good Day )


  • Comment number 75.

    Morning everyone,

    The sun is shining in Norwich and all is well in my world - I think it's going to be a good day.....hurrah!

    Thank you all so much for your hugs and thoughts, the power of this blog is amazing and you are all such lovely people.

    Thoughts go out to those affected by the troubles in London, and to echo Bids comments - stay safe out there

    CG xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning People of the Blog,

    Sunny in Kent today, but again a tad chilly.

    I am sickened to my stomach about what has happened overnight in our cities and my thoughts and prayers are with those innocent people who have been affected, who have lost their homes and livelihoods. I have a number of friends who are Met Police and one has just got home after 21 hours at work! I am still waiting to hear if the others are home safe. I really don't know what the answer is to the state of our country today :(

    On a brighter note, CG I hope it is a good day for you :)

    Pen, Meant to say I too was pleased to hear that you got the all clear xx

    Bids, Is it OK to feel slightly jealous that you had a nice relaxing afternoon :) xx

    csn, Thanks for the offer xx



  • Comment number 77.

    Just heard that another Met Police Officer friend is home safe, she got in at 6am this morning after a 20 hour shift and has to be back at work at 1:30pm!!! That's two safe home, one to go.


  • Comment number 78.

    Ali - I share you concern, we have many friends/ family in London (right in the areas targeted and I am worried), and my friends shop ( a large chain store) has been ransacked so hes sorting out the damage.

  • Comment number 79.

    Baggy, It's terrible isn't it, thinking of your family and friends too xx

  • Comment number 80.

    thanks ALi, I've had a bit of a check in and everyone is ok, but its a worry

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi everyone:

    I was going to come on this morning and have a wee bit of a chit-chat about trivia, but just feel I have to say I am absolutely devastated at what is happening with the riots. Innocent people, who are just going about their lives, finding themselves caught up in a nightmare.

    I feel so much for all of them - businesses and livelihoods lost, not to mention their peace of mind quite possibly gone for ever. It is horrendous.

    I can only hope that the Police get the help they need - it is impossible, as far as I can see, for the Police to deal with this mayhem on their own.

    AliB and Baggy: what a relief for you both that your friends are safe, but what a terrible worry that they have to be back at work today.

    I can't really find the words to convey how worried I am about the whole situation.

    C xx


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