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Happy Wednesday everyone

Chris Evans | 10:30 UK time, Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Show over for today.

I'm off for few voice over sessions in Soho.

Then gym, and then the big car auction of the year. Six hours of canny bidding and lots of coffee.

I have my eye on a couple of things but they'll probably go crazy. Which is a good thing, 'cos it means I won't be tempted to buy more tat that frankly we can't afford, have no room for, and have enough of already.

Great fun to watch though.

See you tomorrow.





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Christoff

    Great work again today, I had to laugh when Tash texted in 'A Bus?' Not sure that motor home will fit in that garage of yours, even if it was the Ferrari team bus!



  • Comment number 2.

    Keep your hands in your pockets at that Auction Chris.

    Hi everyone.



  • Comment number 3.

    Morning all!

    Christoff, Mr PF would give his eye teeth to be with you at the car auction today, the petrol head that he is. It would be his idea of heaven. Me, I would rather pull my own teeth! Hope the itching has improved otherwise you could be spending a lot of money, hehe.

    Overcast, wet, dull and dank here today, nuff said.

    Happy hump day everyone.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: I am willing to bet everything in the left-hand pocket of my coat (87p) that you will buy something today! Enjoy!

    Yes, indeed, happy hump day!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Good morning.

    Bit chilly here.

    Chris, don't spend any money at the auction today.

    Chrissie and Ali, thank you. It is lovely to have some days without workmen in the house, I will be glad when they all pack up their things and leave. xx

    Ali, hope your trapped nerve is better soon and good luck with decorating the bathroom. xx

    Hope everyone has a good Wednesday

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 6.

    well in the spirit of getting everyone talking

    a) a bit of fun
    b) an unchristian invite to the devil
    c) a way for kids to learn bribary with menances?

    what do you think?


  • Comment number 7.

    Baggy, A and C for me, we live in the middle of nowhere and there are no kids round about us so it's just another day.



  • Comment number 8.

    d) Another example of the Americanisation of this country.

  • Comment number 9.

    Baggy: definitely (a) in my opinion. When MsS was young, we would have a minimum of 30 kids of all ages at our front door - I gave them all a wee bag with a couple of little chocolate bars and a packet of Sk*ps. When these ran out, any remaining children who showed up got nothing, and we never did experience any "tricks". I loved opening the front door wearing a witch's hat! I appreciate I am talking about 10 years ago - perhaps Halloween is different now.

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Chris! Are we soon to hear all about what half price goodies await us at Mo**isOns? They've recently opened a new store at New Brighton!

    Thank goodness the cars aren't half price, where would you park them all?

    Baggy-When I was a child many moons ago and also when I became a parent less moons ago Halloween was a bit of fun and it still is today for most children but there are some cheeky little darlings around these days who would spit on you if you didn't have the treat ready or if they didn't happen to like the treat. And so I think I'll play it safe and pretend I'm out.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Baggy - A & C for me, but we too live in the middle of nowhere so we're more likely to have a deer on the doorstep than a child!

    I'm in Suffolk today, sun is out now but it poured with rain a while ago.

    Chris - go easy at the auction, but hey, if you can afford it & you want it, then go for it!!

    Happy hump-day afternoon everyone.

    Off out for supper tonight, it's the anniversary of when Mr CG & I met, too many years to remember, but I wouldn't change a day (and neither would he - he told me this morning :-) )

    Laters ..........

    CG xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon my lovelys

    Quick visit before I pop in to the dental lady so she can tell me how bad I am before cleaning my teeth for me

    Christoff, Wonder if you're the proud owner of a bus yet and whether you've plucked up the courage to confess to Tash yet!! Just get Noah to do it! He sounded so cute on the radio I'm sure he can get away with anything!

    Baggy, A for us here with a touch of the ancient believe that you make lots of noise, shine lots of lights and create mayhem to confuse anything that might be hanging around at this time!

    However, Monday is Boy1's burp-day (15!! How did that happen!!!) so sometimes we do, sometimes we don't.

    At One of his favourite restaurants - the one run by those nice chap Frank and Benjamin - all the staff dress up so, as we've all got an extra day off, we might go there for lunch

    The year before last, our waiter had a cleaver through his head - most disconcerting!!

    Right, off to be polished!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Maddy: that is a shocker what you are saying about those kids. Times have changed indeed, no wonder you will pretend to be out.

    Having said that, MrS and I ARE going out on Monday, but that was before I realised what date it is!

    CG: enjoy your anniversary meal this evening - how lovely you both feel the way you do. xx I can remember the exact moment I saw MrS, and I still fancy him as much today ... awww!

    Sezza: when I "refreshed" the page, the first thing I read was your second-last paragraph - it certainly got my attention! I love F&B's - good food, and always a really good atmosphere.

    Back to work - was just having a sneaky wee break!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.


    Didn't get told off today! Have now got lovely shiny teeth but I didn't get a sticker though. :-(

    Wonder what Chris bought at the auction

    Baggy's question about tricky treaters has made me think how lucky we are here. Lots of people in the village take part and the kids wonder round together. Lots of fun!

    Need to carve our Jack O'Lanterns to light up the dark night, to chase the shadows away

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi all

    I'm officially on holiday!!! - well I'm not at work tomorrow, we are packing and travelling down to the airport hotel so that we can get a flight at silly o'clock on Friday.

    I hope Tash managed to talk you out of the bus idea Chris - it really doesn't go with the Ferrari vibe.

    My opinion on the Halloween debate is Baggy's c and Barney's d. Halloween is a valid ancient festival and making lanterns and bobbing for apples are the traditional things that we have done this side of the pond. The trick or treating 'tradition' is an American import that we could well do without. I personally find it menacing and, if I am at home on the night, I never answer the door.

    I hope everybody is OK - too many things to comment on but hugs (as always) are available for those who want them or need them. ((((())))))))

    I may pop in tomorrow.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    What ho!

    I'd love a list of the cars you currently own Chris.
    I find the choices you make endlessly fascinating and never fail to be surprised when you make a non Fezza purchase.
    I don't expect to see a list - can you imagine the green eyed rage that would encourage. Ho hum.

    Hope you enjoyed the auction. Let us know what you got.

    Halloween does my nut in.....
    If I wanted monosyllabic, sulky teenagers hunched over my door step with their hands held out, I'd advertise a garage sale of Deev's goth gear.
    We now have to decorate the house with a variety of pound shop Halloween rejects.


    Roll on bonfire fortnight. I love that.

    Waiting to start work at Heathrow again, so lying down on the bench seat in the back of the fun bus and chilling out while planes seem to skim over the roof.

    Such fun!

    Take care guys.



  • Comment number 17.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 18.

    Good bye....

  • Comment number 19.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 20.

    I'm not getting into this. So carry on and say what you like.
    All I will add is that it was I who had to block and report you.
    Can I please ask you, as I did then, to leave me alone.
    I have nothing else to say to you.
    Thank you.

  • Comment number 21.

    Can I politely ask that no one respond on my behalf? Ta

    Still haven't started work. Still bored.



  • Comment number 22.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 23.

    Hey, so I'll update you a bit...

    Bloke friend = Gone! Not going back there, the ex Mr JG was so angry he wanted his address!!

    The road home was a scary one, cos he uses cruise control, that's fine when you're the driver, not as a passenger, when the bloody thing insists on speeding up at corners!!

    And he keeps saying I can brake via the steering wheel... One crazy car!! I was so tired I could care really!! Just wanted to get home in one piece!

    Baggy, so sorry, we were so tired, he was nervous about meeting people at the funeral! To put added stress on was not right for him!

    Dozy, we drove down togethe, ate together, had a night-cap....and stayed in a twin room ....lol

    Today, he picked up Finlay from the kennels and changed a light bulb too, he might have been a right s**t when he was here, but he's a good friend now!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 24.

    You and me both Rips. Think we were both reporting at the same time. A case of great minds or fools I wonder! ;-)

    How are the planes tonight?

    My brother does composites (nope, no idea but it sounds good) on aircraft and he's very happy as he's got a job back at Stanstead after working in Stevenage for a year

    If you could get on one of the planes tonight, where would you go?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Nice to hear JG. Well some of it. Sorry for the rest.



  • Comment number 26.

    Hi Sezza,

    About to start work, but in answer to your question: St Tropez




  • Comment number 27.

    JG, Glad you're back safe

    Mr Sezza uses the auto-pilot (or whatever it's called) a lot but I never do! Should learn I suppose but somehow I don't trust it

    Talking about not trusting things, we went to Silverstone yesterday and for some reason that we didn't figure out, the sat-nav lady stopped talking to us! Eventually she decided to stop sulking and tell us where we should be going but not before we had a stern word with her!

    Still don't know what happened - I blame the download or upgrade or whatever she had recently!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 28.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 29.

    Rips, this weekend, probably Harry Potter World in Florida!!

    If I was escaping alone, maybe New England - see the Fall colours


  • Comment number 30.

    Still on the subject of Halloween.

    Why do parents spend 364 days of the year telling their children not to take sweets from strangers, then on one night of the year dress them up and send them out to erm... ask strangers for sweets?

  • Comment number 31.

    Evening All,
    I hope you managed to keep hold of the purse strings Chris, I look forward to hearing about it in the morning.
    Halloween is definitley A in our house, Little Girls birthday is on 1st Nov. (4 this year, where did that go?) So I'll be doing her party on Halloween, then bringing the wee ones trick or treating, (we only go to houses with Halloween Decs) while boywonder goes to his first ever Halloween disco. should be fun!
    T x

  • Comment number 32.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 33.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 34.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 35.

    Home now thank goodness.

    Haven't blogged this much in months (for no other reason than work), but enjoyed it as much as ever.
    Bath, glass of red, then bed.
    Try and escape on you own Sezza. You deserve the break ;0)

    Night all



    Ps only kidding about the goth gear, Deevs x

  • Comment number 36.

    Only houses with Haloween decs then eh.

    I'm sure only people with the purest of intentions would decorate their houses to attract young children.

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi all

    glad to see I provoked some debate, and as for one person, well so out of date, two years I think for the list of names, that not even bothering to think about.

    I have very mixed feelings on halloween, as a child i did trick or treat but called in at one house (with my little sister and her friend) where I saw a very scared lady, felt really bad and apologised to her - it really must be quite meancing to have people turn up at night in dark clothes and masks.

    Also my church preaches that it is bad, and as a church goer I kind of feel guilty about that too.

    But me and mr bp are slightly goth (or alternative) anyway and really like vampires so it does fit into our likes category, although I do hate the blatent commercialism and all the tat in the shops, what happened to making your own clothes and decorations?

    I do realise that some tradtions are British (apple bobbing etc) and that we are trying to get rid of the nasty's before all saints day on the 1stbut I'm thinking that has been lost along the way somewhere.

    Anyway, thats what I think


  • Comment number 38.

    Morning Barney,

    Purest of intentions and two young children of their own who - despite their father's miserable disposition - would like to join in. Perhaps.

    Have a great day



  • Comment number 39.

    Morning peeps.

    Not again!?!? WHY???

    Rips, thanks for the idea of the Goth gear - that could well be my "get up" for Children In Need (3 weeks tomorrow - yipppeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

    JG - huggles honeybunch. Keep focussed and we'll kick back and enjoy life on 16th December with the chaps! ;-)

    Really sorry I've not been around much but please don't think you're getting rid of me that easily! I've been a bit down in the dumps but I am not going into the where's any why-fors on here. But suffice to say I had a really good meeting yesterday pm and feel a whole lot more positive about stuff now. And long may it continue!

    Will dip in and out as work permits. Promise!

    Love y'all.


  • Comment number 40.

    Morning all!

    Dark and very wet this morning driving to work, yesterday there was a mist over the fields and M54 on the way to work, felt very festive.

    Hope you are all well and tickety boo this morning. Bet Tash had a large sigh of relief when Mr Evans came back empty handed this from the auction.

    Halloween, I have never really bothered with as I always felt it was an "americanism". Although went to America over halloween once, crikey they dont arf go over the top for it. I remember seeing them even going into Hotel receptions and trick or treating. Got a bit swept up with it, well it is only polite to respect another countries traditions after all.

    Nearly the weekend and it cant come quick enough as far as I am concerned havent quite got over the digging I did on Sunday at the allotment but all the tatties are up and the cabbage and sprouts are doing well and the winter onions are in. Oh and my toe has suddenly stopped hurting as quickly as it started :-/

    Have a lovely day all you bloggers.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 41.

    I love Hallowe'en, although some of the masks scare me.


  • Comment number 42.

    Sometimes around our area the only thing the kids wear are just masks, very lame really, would prefer it if they put a bit more thought into it instead of just wearing a scream mask.....

    Oh and last night I swear I was in the middle of the blitz the fireworks were going from 19.00 until 23.00 non stop, just as well our Milo is now deaf otherwise none of us would have had any peace last night.

  • Comment number 43.

    Morning all.

    Dark and wet here too.

    I had a lovely visit from oldest daughter and grandchilden yesterday.

    Must say I prefer the carol singers knocking on the door at Christmas rather than the trick or treaters at Halloween.

    I don't really understand why parents let their young children out after dark alone, knocking on strangers doors and the older children don't want sweets they want your money.

    Right, I'm off on my broomstick. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Barney, tut tut, so cynical!
    I'm right beside the kids when they knock on the door, so they are safe and sound.
    Have a good day!

  • Comment number 45.

    I'm not a Halloween fan and we always pretend to be out. I don't like some of the costumes you can buy in card shops and supermarkets, they can really be a bit sinister and threatening. Agree with CSN, much prefer the carol singers :-)

  • Comment number 46.

    Morning all from a very damp Stevenage.

    Had a lovely time out with Mr. CG last night - thanks for your comments Chrissie, and I know just how you feel, it's the same for me (err ... with Mr CG not Mr C-S !!)

    Thanks goodness it's Friday-eve, can't wait for the weekend. Wish I was coming with you all to CiN, but just not possible as I'm hosting an awards evening that night.

    Deevs - keep strong :-0)

    Rips - keep on blogging

    Baggy - how do you like the car so far?

    Have a good day the rest of you, stay safe

    CG xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Coo, good discussion prompt Baggy

    At risk of being banned by Rips, I wonder if Halloween is something we could get more american about. What I mean is, in the states they seem to make Halloween a real family event. Everyone in the family gets involved so you don't have the issue of un-supervised kids causing trouble.

    On our only trip to the states, we spend boy1's 10th birthday Trick or Treating in Disney with Mickey Mouse. Whole familys were there, all dressed up and there was a fantastic atmosphere. HTe best I saw was a family all dressed up as the characters from Wizard of Oz right down to a lickle Dorothy in a pushchair being pushed by a Cowardly Lion!

    For those not interested, round here the kids all seem to stick to "The Rules" You only knock where there is a pumpkin lit up or some such decoration. If you don't want to be bothered, leave your porch light off if you have one, don't answer the door or even just put a note on the door saying No Trick or Treaters. I think most people will just walk on by

    Having a real lazy day here - boys are supposedly doing homework so I guess I should check on them at some point!;-)

    Feel a bit of cake-making coming on maybe

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 48.


    You call me a cynic, I prefer to think of myself as a realist.

    At best you are sending mixed messages to your children, at worst you are putting them in danger.

  • Comment number 49.


  • Comment number 50.

    That's your opinion and everyones entitled to have one.


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