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Fare Thee Well Movember

Chris Evans | 11:57 UK time, Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Movember - brilliant. Simple as that. Defo up for it next year. Remorseful that I didn't get more involved this year. May have been distracted by Children In Need. I will make sure it doesn't happen again next year. Not Children In Need - you know what I mean, I hope.

Just heard there's going to be a photo shoot for The Military Wives ladies single on Friday. Count me in if required. If not I'll come along to cheer you on anyway.

Lovely day down here today. Miserable yesterday so a big Brucie Bonus. I have lots of plans better get on with them then.

Peace and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    AYE???? Is there two blogs the same or one blog that looks the same?????

    Am already not feeling sane due to me illness ave been under with the past week!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Your eyes aren't playing tricks Bingo!

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 3.

    Am a seeing double or is it me medication sent me over the edge???????????????

  • Comment number 4.

    Bingo, two blogs the same.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 5.

    This is fun!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Thanks MTF & CSN - Ave been so, so ill over the past week with a bad fever and throat infection that ave not even been well enough ter turn on me computer!!!!!!!

    First ave just been catching up on blogs ave missed.....

    CLP & TASH - SUBSTANTIALLY LARGE CONDRATULATIONS ON THE NEWS THERE'S ANOTHER BUN IN THE OVER.... And NOTHING terdo with Saturdee Kitchen TV Buns In The Oven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GOOD LUCK TER YER BOTH & NOAH TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 7.

    Bingo, hope you feel better soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Afternoon all,

    Chris, I am sure the Military wives would be delighted to see you. Weather is much calmer up here too today - thank goodness.

    Well done to all those who took part in Movember - don't forget to shave please ;o)

    MaW - Thank you for sharing your story about your son, what an inspiration he is.

    Susan - lovely news about your daughter.

    Bids - great news about the kitchen.

    Csn - I hope you are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.

    Hazel Love - Happy Birthday xx

    Have a good day folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Basically am still suffering from me throat infection and not good fever!!!!!
    Last week a tried acupuncture & buying loads of stuff from the chemist after becoming ill last Sundee/ Mondee!!!!
    A was all trying ter get mesen sorted for me second visit ter London this time ter see Coldplay & Emile Sande at the Little Noise Sessions that are curated by Jo Whiley!!!!!!
    Anyway still being very ill and getting worse a got the train ter London on Thursdee with me Thai girlfriend... And then straight ter the gig!!!!!!
    A tried ter dose mesen up for the gig but after an 'our of standing a nearly collapsed at the gig!!!!!
    Me legs started shaking uncontrollably and not 'cos of the music!!!!!!
    A fell ter the floor and couldn't move!!!!!!
    In the end the nice people organising let me sit upstairs in the guests only area that's seated... A picked a quiet corner and spent the rest of the gig trembling with me 'igh fever and agonisingly sore ear/ throat canal!!!!!!
    The gig was mega but ter be 'onest a couldn't enjoy it properly!!!!!!
    After the gig the plan was ter stay 2 nights in London seeing the Christmas lights & doing some shopping plus a visit ter the winter wonderland in 'yde Park.... But a got worse and couldn't leave me 'otel room!!!!!!!
    Then Fridee night a 'ad a taxi called ter take me ter 'ospital as a was getting worse!!!!!!!
    A spent 9 'ours in 'ospital... with me temp still going up ter the suprise of the docs.... Up at 105 (40.5c) which is VERY 'igh!!!!!!
    After 9 'ours they got me temp down and allowed me ter return ter me 'otel... complete with much needed medications!!!!!!!!
    Didn't getta chance ter see anything of London.... Feel a let me girlfriend down a lot but luckily she is very easy going and only wants me ter get better!!!!!
    So Saturdee returned 'ome ter Liverpool which wasn't easy on the train... Got no strength ter go out!!!!!
    So now am stuck at me mum's and although slightly better.... A can't eat as am still in agony and it take over an 'our ter drink something!!!!!!!!
    Am off ter the doctor again terdee as am worried ave been taking me anti-biotics for a week but am barely better.... AND am due back at work Fridee!!!!!!
    Been on 2 weeks 'olidee off work.... Just didn't plan ter be ill for me whole 'olidee!!!!!

    Life 'ere ter test us.... And me next 'olidee's now are March so gotta work right through Chistmas... Now was mean't ter be me special bit of time!!!!!


    PS Am not after sympathy... Just wanter get better ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    how could you mention the idea of Decembeard?????
    Movember turned from Moustache to full overgrown beard and just as i thought the hubby (also ginger called Christoph and incidentily used to be a newsagent as well - spooky!!!) was going to shave the monstrosity off, you mention what a great idea Decembeard is!!!!
    Hubby is siting the fact that you said he could!!
    please advise him urgently that this is not a good idea!!


  • Comment number 11.


    T'other has been dropped at airport and the flight had departed by the time I got home, the boy is off to one of his 'girlfriends' for tea after nursery, so it's just me and the mutt for now............

    Tea and chocolate anyone!!


  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon all

    Been busy busy busy, thought i would check in, trying really hard to get festive but I have a digit change day first on Friday to contend with I shall be 30-12 and no longer 30-11 so trying to feel positive but it is hard work at the moment.

    Deev's lovely idea about the little pup and a springer my friend has one her late husband bought her before he passed away and he is a little star. They are so cute.

    We have a Jack Russell which came from a rescue centre who was born on christmas day. He is an integral part of the family and the boy would be lost without him. In fact I have just purchased Milo's chrissie pressie and shall get his birthday pressie too tonight.

    have a good day

    CB xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Chris the Military wives will want you there. Bingo, hope you are better soon ,don't go back to work until you are.

  • Comment number 14.

    hello all

    Bingo - get well soon -
    hugs to everyone else

    my husband - the lovely mr bp - had a tasche and a beard, and they have been around longer then me - needless to say I hate facial hair on men but I know how much he loves the fluff and therefore it stays

    But all men, please do shave!!!

    PS - I did hear about some girlls joining in movember - not sure what that entails and I haven't asked for photos!!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Just dropping by for a quick Hi!

    I've had a really productive day today - managed to set up and post my first biz blog which I'm proper chuffed with. Also designed and printed a leaflet which I can take to networking thingies, and I've also emailed it out to everyone in my contacts list.

    CLP has posted on Twitter that he's gonig for the Decembeard - I hope he doesn't scare little Noah, and that Tash is OK with the scratchy face thing when all the mistletoe is hung up in Evans Towers!

    Don't forget it's the 1st December tomorrow so I'll be ripping the cellophone off the Bloggers Advent Calendar and taking down your guesses from tomorrow morning. I think an early evening reveal will be the way to go - about this sort of time.

    Right, time to switch lappy off now as shoulders are aching from all that work today!

    Have lovely evenings one and all, and stay warm and safe.

    Muchos Amore.


  • Comment number 16.

    Diva-VPA- extraordinare, my guess is a penguin, pogo-ing!!

    Back when i've defeated the ironing mountain - that'll be about Saturday!!!

    Sezza xxx

    Although watching the sausage-making man on with Kirsty has improved the task!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    Hello beveryody!

    Just dropping in to register my advent calendar guess, as I won't be around till later tomorrow.

    I'm guessing the first picture will be...............A Holly Wreath! ;-)

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 18.

    Oooh Sezza, you beat me to it!

    Watching Kirstie here too, don't think I could make the brawn though!

    Bleugh :-{

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 19.

    Well helloooo there everyone! greetings from the returning long lost blogger that is me - Rambling Cornish (formerly cornishgirlie!).

    i have been thinking about you lovely girls and guys lately, wondering about getting back into blogland, and then two things happened to drive me to it!

    First - baby Evans! it was when CLP announced that Noah was due that I started reading the blog and later took the plunge! so it seemed fitting to return under similar circumstances!

    Second - but no less importantly - Deevs, you posted on t'other side that it was advent calendar time! well i wasn't going to miss that was I?!

    Sorry I haven't got a note from me mum, but hope it's ok to have wandered back in!

    oh - and my guess is a Christmas pudding.

    lots of love
    RamblingCornish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    I could just eat one of those sausages right now! Well done Kirstie!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 21.

    Rambling-C..Of course it is, I wander in and out like nobody's business!

    Hope everything is ok with you and yours?

    Feeling a bit sleepy after eating late... got into a text race with new bloke as to who could hit 1000 texts between us this evening lol I might not see much of of him but we certainly keep in contact...and that doesn't count the online chat!!

    Would hate to think about counting that!

    Thanks for the good wishes, I'm feeling much better, and after not eating for a couple of days, seem to be eating for 7 at the moment! Ooops!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 22.

    Thanks, JG, good to be getting back into things here.

    All good in Cornwall thanks! Kids are revving up for the C-word - now its nearly December can I say it out loud?!! LOL! lots going on - school plays, music festival - oh and 12 yr old daughter off to the national final of the Kids Literature quiz at Warwick uni on Friday! the winners of this go to New Zealand! how cool!

    1000 texts in one night?!?! blimey!

    and it looks like you've been poorly - glad you're on the mend!

    RC xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Advent calendar guess.........a twinkly candle!

    JG - mine and t'other's relationship started with texts...only he was in Gibraltar at the time! It was good fun, but expensive!!!

    The boy had a lovely time at his girlfriends house, came home bouncing, went to bed bouncing and is now soundly asleep with his cuddly toys all around him!

    I must remember to get his advent calendar down before I go to bed. We've been given a lovely embroidered wall hanging calendar, which I have dutifully filled with his favourite chocolate!! So it will stay downstairs, where I make sure he isn't sneaking any extra days!

    Should be doing the washing up - but got snagged by Frozen Planet.....


  • Comment number 24.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and take care.

    Very exciting for all the tiny tots tomorrow opening the first window on their advent calendars, my two oldest grandchildren who are three and four are so excited about Christmas.

    Annie and Marjie, hope you are both ok, miss you on here. xx

    Bingo, thinking of you, hope you feel better soon. xx

    Mary, thank you for asking, after four months of living on a building site most of the work is now finished, my house looks so different and I think I am still sane, just. Hope all is well with you. xx

    Deevs, advent calendar. A Christmas tree because two of my grandchildren can't wait for their mummies and daddies to get them out of the loft and put them up. xx

    Maybe I should now think about writing my Christmas cards tomorrow.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.


    Just caught up before I go to bed.

    CSN-Thanks for asking, I'm AOK. Which is more than I can say for my washing machine. For the past few days now and then it suddenly jumps out violently from it's place making a loud noise. Each time the repair called it was running smoothly. Anyway today he called for the third time, again it ran smoothly and he was just about to go out the door when it did it. New part is on order and it will be fine again soon.

    Glad most of your work is now finished, it must be such a huge relief. I must be getting the Christmas tree out soon too.

    Goodnight all!

    MM xxx

    PS Advent calendar-a log fire! Surrounded by a mantelpiece with candles, cards, and hanging stockings. Above is a piece of tinsel, balloons each end and a star in the middle. Roasting on the fire are chestnuts. Warming themselves on the rug in front of the fire are a dog, two cats and a hamster.

  • Comment number 26.

    Blimey Maddy - the windows on the calendar are only about 2" square ..... ;-)

    Morning all

    Happy 1st December!

    Lovely to see some returning friends to blogland for the festive run-in. The Advent Calendar game may be daft, but I think it serves a purpose (as opposed to serving a porpoise, which would be a bit silly) of counting the days til Crimbo and bringing a sense of fun and friendship to the blog.

    Chris - you're on fire this morning. Really making me laugh, and the little lady with the guinea pigs was just so sweet.

    Today - leaflets to trim down, and a networking event this afternoon. Also might make a start on the Christmas Card writing as there's a fair few to do.

    Right, back later .... keep the guesses coming!


  • Comment number 27.

    Morning all

    Just popping in with my advent calendar guess.

    I think I'll stick with my usual Robin (until it appears of course....)


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    morning peeps - apologies for absence of late, just busy, busy - but couldn't forego the advent calendar guesses, so mine is ...... a candle.

    Have a great day, with a 'pinch, punch, first of the month' tara from me.

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 29.


  • Comment number 30.

    Good morning everyone,

    Advent calendar guess for today - a toad in the ´óÏó´«Ã½ duck pond.



  • Comment number 31.

    I knew you would have a fab but VERY unlikely suggestion, and I nearly did the same, so just as a way of 'keeping up with the Dozy', I will suggest - for the ALTERNATIVE advent calendar ...... a hot water bottle

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 32.


    Whatever our Dozymac had for breakfast ...... can I have some too please!


  • Comment number 33.

    Good morning all.

    Maddy-I like your advent picture that your painting there,It sounds very inviting I hope that there is a tipple or two included in it ?? And nice to see you Crumpy and MTD.

    Cheryl-My guess today is a Goose.

    Take care all and have a good day.


  • Comment number 34.

    Me too Cheryl,to early for the sauce ,must be those eggs of hers Haha!!


  • Comment number 35.

    It's five o'clock somewhere! ha ha


  • Comment number 36.

    Good Morning all from a breezy West Somerset.

    Advent guess......

    A fairy hanging upside down in a tree ;)

    Apples, cant give them away!

    Still mustn't crumble, or maybe I should!

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 37.

    Morning peeps
    Happy December 1st!
    My guess today - a sprig of holly

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi everyone:

    Cheryl, hats off to you, the Advent calendar game is working brilliantly - lovely to see some returning bloggers. I think there must be many more to come!

    I'm loving the suggestions already.

    My guess: just because I love them so much ... a snowflake!

    Bingo: what a nightmare for you - I am sorry to hear you have been so ill. Please don't go back to work too soon - though I know that's easier said than done. xx

    Bids: I did mean to say to you yesterday, well done on your clearing out! I know just how difficult it is, but it does feel good when you do it, doesn't it!

    Happy Thirsty Thursday, all!

    C xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Thanks Chrissie - I was hoping the Advent Game would tempt some old friends back to blogsville.

    It's great to see so many returning lovely peeps!

    And where's Roo????


  • Comment number 40.

    Morning all

    My guess is a bauble and will be for the next 3 days please as I don't think I will get back on here until late Saturday as off with my parents to visit the daughter.

    Stay warm and happy people.

    Love Susan xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Hello all!

    So decemebr is upon us and the advents are here two. Evrey year i have a choc calender and a pic calender - and mine contained a choc tree and a christma spressie today.

    But as for my advent caledner gues - a chrismas card. we all need to start writing them soon!

    BCM x

  • Comment number 42.

    Morning All,

    Yes, well done Cheryl. There is a lovely happy feel to the blog today xx

    Chrissie I did think of this before I read your post, so sorry for copying you but I'm going for a snowflake too in the hope that it's the only one I see until Christmas day! ;o) xx

    Happy December everyone!

    Csn - really pleased to read things are getting back to normal for you but more importantly that you are pleased with the results xx

    Bingo - sorry to hear you have been so unwell, I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Have a good day folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Morning all

    Advent calendar guess is a Candy Cane. If it's been chosen, can I please share.

    Hope all is well.

    Back later, hopefully.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 44.

    Morning all.

    Happy 1st of December!

    Chris, great show. xx

    Thank you Mary, I am so happy this morning having the house to myself. xx

    Marjie, hope your washing machine gets fixed very soon. xx

    Deevs, I love the advent calendar idea. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Morning All,

    On this wet, dreary day - but that's not going to stop us all having a good time - NO Siree Bob :)

    A Santa Hat for me please - as that was in my advent calendar this morning. Don't know about little kiddies being excited to open the first door to their calendars, I actually clapped this morning before opening mine.

    csn, Glad that the decorating is nearly over and that you have just about escaped sane after it all xx

    Bingo, Get better soon, you poor thing you xx

    Hi to returning Bloggers, great to read you xx

    Susan, Congrats to your daughter xx

    I'm in the church office this morning and it's music exam time!!!! I was thinking back to this time last year, when there was about 5 inches of snow outside, what a difference a year makes.....right where's the ear plugs :)


  • Comment number 46.

    Thank you Ali.

    I am so happy this morning.

    csn. xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    me again:

    Mary: love your comment about the snowflake! I'm with you on this one, I'd give anything for a non-white Christmas!

    CSN: oooh, when I wrote my earlier post, I did mention you on it - don't know what happened there! So glad for you that the works are now complete and you get your house back. Well done on hanging in there! xx

    Susan: enjoy the visit. xx

    AliB: wow, that was a very quick year - I remember you talking about the music exams as if it was yesterday! Hope it's not tooooo noisy!

    C xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Thank you Chrissie.

    csn. xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Oh Dear, the first person to go in for their piano exam has just come out crying. Her poor Mum is consoling her in the lobby, telling her to get it into perspective and that it's not the end of the world. She sounds like a great Mum. I want to go out there and give them both a hug.

    Chrissie, We do have some in the summer, so perhaps not quite as quick as you though xx


  • Comment number 50.

    Oh Ali, what a shame, she must have been so nervous. I really hope she has done well, even though she doesn't think she did! Ahh, I see what you mean about the summer exams - that explains it!


  • Comment number 51.

    Mornin' all from a very damp east Kent!

    Can I please guess a holly wreath for the advent calendar?

    I've got to spend this weekend looking for our Christmas decorations. Since we moved six months ago I've not ventured down into the cellar (too many spidies and stuff - bleurgh) but I know they're down there somewhere. Might have to 'persuade' 'im indoors to go take a look. If I tell him we'll just have to go shopping for more that should do the trick!!

    CSN - glad you've got the house back again x

    Baggy - women and Movember sounds interesting! I hope it's that they didn't shave their legs otherwise I'd actually be quite curious to see the pics!!!!

    Take care all

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning one and all,
    Took the doggies a walk around the block last night and was quite surprised to see Christmas trees already sparkling in lots of front room windows? A bit early - or are these the peeps that take them down on 1st of Jan because they are sick of the sight of them! Lol...We generally go for the weekend nearest 15th Dec to put our tree up - it works for us!
    my guess for advent calendar Deevs is .........a Christmas Pud.

    Jo x

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning All

    My guess for the calendar is.... a turkey, cos I'm off out now to order mine!

    Love and hugs
    Ann xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Christoff, I’ll keep my thoughts to myself regarding facial hair, but since it’s for good causes, I’ll forgive you ;)

    cSn, very pleased your building site has returned to a home. Your happiness shines through.

    Bingo, it sounds as though you’ve been through the mill. I hope you’re up to full speed before too long x

    Marjie, thank goodness your washing machine played up whilst the engineer was there! I hope you win the advent calendar prize, your description paints a lovely picture.

    Gail, I LOL at your guess.

    Chrissie and Mary, let’s hope the snow stays very firmly away until the big day and then disappears again! And Chrissie, so pleased your meal for three was a success. Is it just the two of you now? - how romantic :)

    AliB, have you still got the ear plugs in?

    Jillygoat, hi! Be brave and get yourself down that cellar, but I do like your thinking.

    Now, I’m not good at lists, so hello to those I’ve missed.

    Pen x
    Who is very much looking to Saturday evening!

  • Comment number 55.

    #54, please add the word forward in the appropriate place, thank you.



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