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Jade and the daggers are out

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Aled | 13:29 UK time, Saturday, 20 January 2007

Finally, there's light at the end of the tunnel for this whole Celeb Big Brother storm. As you may know Jade was evicted last night, and even if she hadn't it does genuinely look like Jade and Shilpa had made up and found common ground.

In the end there wasn't a press conference last night, which, in some ways is disappointing but in other ways I'm relived. Thankfully, despite sharing the same Manager as Jade, Davina didn't shy away in her interview. So much so, I found it pretty tough viewing and rather brutal for Jade to walk straight out of the house and within 5 minutes to be sat in front of 7 million people in front of a TV showing one hard-hitting news clip after another with her as the headlines and politicians condemning what she's done! That's hard going enough without it being done so publicly and faced with a riled up Davina intent on saving Channel 4's backside saddled with the pressure of being seen to be 鈥渄oing justice鈥 on behalf of the viewer.

If I was honest, and at risk of letting down some of the people most offended by her actions, I was rather relived that the press conference didn't happen because I actually felt sympathy for her by the end. Her stupidity in doing what she did, against such a politically sensitive housemate in front of the world's gaze meant she was getting a beating, and I would have found it hard to contribute to the beating in a room with hardened hacks intent on escalating things even further just to get a good headline.

It'll jar with most people, but Jade's price for her story will have tripled from it's already high figure for a tabloid paper now that they didn't get a chance to interview her in the press conference. I know of 鈥渘ormal鈥 BB housemates that have got a quarter of a million pounds for their story, and that's without the celebrity angle let alone the whole circus of the last 7 days. She could now quite easily be looking at a 拢1 million interview. Hardly the start of the downfall of someone's career! Whether they would want to take that cash for PR reasons is another matter. Woolworths incidentally yesterday announced that sales for Jade's workout DVD have escalated on a daily basis during the last 7 days.

The house will now obviously calm down. Danielle and Jo are getting a fair idea of the severity of the situation what with no crowd for Jade's eviction, so it'll be interesting to see how they'll try and start spinning they're own PR within the house and whether they have enough days to see it through successfully before they face the angry audience who still feel they haven't had their panto opportunity of booing the 鈥渂addies鈥 in the Celeb Big Brother soap opera.

Shilpa may very well go ahead and win the series, despite, race issues aside, not being a natural to win what with her posh outlook on the others in the house. Cleo and Dirk the natural favourites may very well be eclipsed in the aftermath of the row against Shilpa who's looking increasingly victimized in the eyes of the media as time goes on.

As for Jade, expect to see her doing her own PR tour of India maybe even hand in hand with Shilpa in the coming weeks. Who knows, she may even star in one of Shilpa's movies or maybe be releasing her 鈥淪h鈥 scent to the world's largest democracy.


p.s.Last night's Big Brother show was watched by 8.8 million people, it was just over 2 million a week ago.

p.p.s Don't forget the Sunday Surgery will look at the whole heated issue of racism and bullying and how much, if any, went on in the Big Brother house, why don't you join in? Sunday evening from 10 on Radio 1.

What are your thoughts? Tell me by going here

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  • 1.
  • At 02:01 PM on 13 Feb 2007,
  • Z F A wrote:

i think its just sooo pathetic. everything was fixed by big brother...about bringing jade and shilpa into the house and shilpa winning was also set up. its just unbelievable that so many people care about something like this when there are much bigger issues going on all around the world.
but oh well.. who cares???

  • 2.
  • At 04:05 PM on 28 Jan 2007,
  • natie wrote:

i think jade made the biggest mistake of her life going back into the big bro house and completely misreading what people where going to find acceptable from the viewers. first i thought jade pretty good the way sh was behaving correcting her mam when she believed her to be wrong and having the guts to say "mum jus stop give it a rest your talking for the sake of talking" and when jack tried to view hes opinion of how much he "hated" shilpa jade calmly told him to "shut up jack"! but when she realised that jack wsasnt the only one who felt threatened by shilpas maturity and confidence she began to sway. when skitty comments began to come from jo and danielle she realised that she wasnt alone but she had an allay of bullies to help her and make her feel big when she was trying to degrade shilpa she did it with brutal hatred!! bouncing around on the sofa raving "why lie why lie" as if shilpa had just revealed the biggest nastiest secret of all! very mature! i personally dont believe that jade was in anyway racist towards shilpa i just believe her vocabulary is so small and that shilpa doesnt have any flaws that jade can comment on that she couldnt have called shilpa any other offensive name than the disgusting name she called her which we all know with out me repeating it! my final thought i think that it is wrong that a small minded, bullying,nasty, foul mouthed, little girl should be allowed to be forgiven for what she did so soon. in time when she has proved herself i will forgive her but i will never buy a magazine because it has her face on like i used to i wouldnt put her perfume on my skin i wouldnt watch another documentary about her as why should i pay money to someone and make them richer when they have no appreciation for people who have worked to get were they are. she was so quick to slag shilpa off for having srevants but she was the one who ran the tv show to find a pa! someone to be at her beckon call!! she was so sweet to people on tv shows after big bro when they challenged her but asa soon as she realised that she had the backing of the interviewer she soon again ganged up as in a bullying fashion!! i wish jade the best for her futuer and i sympathise with the hassle she has had since she got out what a shame for the beautiful, charming, considerate grandparents we had the pleasure to meet and the wonderful children she has been blessed with but i hope jade holds her head down and keeps herself out of the spotlight once she has proven she is truly sorry!

  • 3.
  • At 02:30 PM on 27 Jan 2007,
  • Mikee B wrote:

I have to say this about Big Brother and I think alot of people who manage to make their way to my comment will agree....

Do we actually care?

I mean big brother has been on for many years and I am an adamant viewer of the programme. I dont think up until this big brother it managed to grab the attention of the tabloids and the government for that matter....

It is only because of a difference in race and that these people are "celebrities" in some shape or form that the country gets involved..

If we refer back to the stunts that Science made during his time on the show he made some very shocking comments towards Kamal (calling him a female dog just as danielle called Shilpa Shetty) being in women's clothes and to other members of the house....

No speculation was made into this and Science or Kamal were thought of it as being racist.

We have to realise that people remain to have the right of freedom of speech but at most times do not want to upset people around them.

I think the nation has not opened their eyes to the war that is going on at this time or the problems with the home office that i think are more worrying than someone's remarks on a television show.

I would therefore like the nation to grow up and start worrying about what they say to others. We make comments about others behind their back everyday and I think Jade MAY be a scapegoat for the entire country when it is the country who should see they have a little bit of Jade in them no matter what they say.

Complain if you want i have no worries on my mind

  • 4.
  • At 07:22 AM on 23 Jan 2007,
  • wrote:

How ironic that the show that made her etc...

The Davina interview proved once again just how much of a biff she really is without someone to write a speach for her. I found the whole interVw from J's point of view confusing and incoherent. It was evident from D's face that she was not a happy bunny.

But you know at the end of the day, had it been another housemate, would the repurcussions have been so great?

Who cares!


  • 5.
  • At 01:28 AM on 23 Jan 2007,
  • David wrote:


Tell you what was interesting. Post ballerina turns out to support BNP we get half-hearted demo and errr, that's it.
Working class girl says some nasty stuff too, though certainly not BNP level and we all bully her and trash her entire career.
I don't think racism is the interesting issue here, it's class!

PS Interesting you think Shilpa would usually win because she's "posh"

  • 6.
  • At 06:44 PM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • M.C. Glammer wrote:

Danielle is now Public Enemy No.1, seemingly because she called Shilpa a dog. I've head plenty of women called dogs. It's not polite, but it's not racist.

Teddy Sheringham is going to dump Danielle. The man who judged the Miss GB competition, then went out with the half-his-age winner. Maintaining his dignity, then.

The Star [it was the only paper left in the shop] had a poll, "Were you fooled by Jade's crying?" If yes call blah blah, if no call blah blah. Talk about a loaded question.

I read Shilpa's mother wants Shilpa to leave. In her picture she's wearing a caste marking. From Wikipedia: "Caste systems are traditional, hereditary systems of social stratification, enforced by law or common practice, based on classifications such as occupation, race, ethnicity, etc." Race? I wonder how that works.

  • 7.
  • At 10:32 AM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • nomie wrote:

hi i think jade has been used as a scape goat yes she made rasist comments but due to a bad upbringing and bad education she knows no better. jo and dan have also made comments that are just as bad but as jade is the one with the temper they are going to get away with it. Jade stated on her friday night interview with divina that in there contract it states that if they make any sort of rasist comments big brouther will not stand for it and will ask them to leave so who is really at fault here. Why wernt they asked to leave,and why are channel 4 showing these things rather than just taking it off air and i dont think Jade giving her money to charity is right she should not even have been given the money in the first place..

  • 8.
  • At 10:04 AM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • suzanne robinson wrote:

The Point is that all three Girls, Jo, Danielle and Jade were Deliberatly Nasty to Shilpa. Jade instigated this as she took an Instant Dislike to her and Jo and Danielle just followed Jade. Jade was showing off as she had been in the House before and took great delight in Hurting Shipla. She knew the camereas would be on her. No excuse. And who is Jack? I've never known anyone as thick and Ignorant (besides Jade and her Mother) as this young Man. And why did the other housemates just complian to the Diary room about the behaviour - they should have stopped this as it was devloping. Poor Poor Celebs - Ignorant as ever. They need to pull the plug now on BB - It;s gone it's course.

  • 9.
  • At 12:44 AM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • Joe Johnson wrote:

Come on now aled I can't believe you would say this "Thankfully, despite sharing the same Manager as Jade, Davina didn't shy away in her interview." Really aled? Were you even listening to the questions asked by Davina and the answers given by Jade? I think Jade got off rather lightly...!! Davina was a lot worst when she interview makosi for BB6...Any comments back aled?

  • 10.
  • At 07:56 PM on 21 Jan 2007,
  • clutcher wrote:

glad jade is out her and the other girls should be ashamed of themselves. dirk to win

  • 11.
  • At 06:34 PM on 21 Jan 2007,
  • dave wrote:

jade was a racist.and so was jo and danielle aswell. i mean, what does " she wants to be white ",and " she shud .... off home " mean ???

if you listen carefully, and most of you in here probably don't, you can tell there is a hatred towards different cultures in there. as for jermaines comment about WHITE TRASH,well, i am white, and nobody can cause me offence like that.
i think alot of people out there need to look at themselves and ask yourself~



alot of people in this country are racists but don't like admitting it.

time they grew up.

  • 12.
  • At 06:07 PM on 21 Jan 2007,
  • melissa wrote:


  • 13.
  • At 03:59 PM on 21 Jan 2007,
  • hana wrote:


i dont think jade has been racist i dnt think she even knows what the word means.

im glad shes out!!

and i hope jack wins!!!

lots of love 2 u all xoxox

  • 14.
  • At 03:42 PM on 21 Jan 2007,
  • Shona wrote:

Jade was right on Friday night when she said 'my career staerted here and it looks like its finishing here' any time she is mentioned now it will be with the tag - best known for racism and bullying in the bb house. I can't say as I particularly feel for her, racist or not, her actions were completely ugly and I am glad she cringed when they were played back to her, the saddest thing of all is, instead of switching the show off we, including myself, tuned in more eagerly to see if Jade got her come uppance, cant help thinking channel 4 were perhaps quite happy about this! it is also obvious to anyone that Jade was completely prepped before she left the house, she wasn't shocked at what Davina told her and her apology was very well rehearsed!

  • 15.
  • At 11:05 AM on 21 Jan 2007,
  • janine wrote:

Hiya Aled

Wow what a week for Big Brother, it almost feels surreal to be honest. It certainly hasn't felt like Big Brother to me. I think something has been missing fom the beginning of this particular series, and more often than not an awkward watch. At no one part has anything made me break into a fit of giggles!

I agree yes the 3 girls were bullying Shilpa but do not think much of it was racist - however the odd comment could be interpreted that way.

As for Jade's career - not sure. She has already got 拢8million so I wouldnt class her as bankrupt yet!!! And as you say Aled she could make a fortune from interviews from now on.

Keep up the good work Aled!

Janine x

  • 16.
  • At 12:39 AM on 21 Jan 2007,
  • paula wrote:

all this rubbish about BB and Jade being racist is just the press trying to stir up (i'll not use the word i have been using) stuff, with the trial of the would be London bombers and the war on terrorism it seems to me people want to keep the world fighting against each other, and what a way to do it than make a girl who always talks before she thinks and who has always spoken her mind, and then later deeply regrets it. If Shilpa is such a big star(as big as Tom Cruise i am told) what is she doing on BB? You wouldn't get any other big name stars on there!What was happenig was girls bitching and yes some bullying, i should know i was bullied at school, but i don't dislike any of them for that, if anything i feel sorry for them, that they have to sink that low, especially Danielle, who is a pretty young woman.

  • 17.
  • At 07:40 PM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • micheal harris wrote:

Well where to start Aled.........

To start with Big Bruv has had its day just think you can only put the mouse through the maze before you get the same results. In short its pants.

As for Jade in reality she is a nomark Celeb as it was cause of that stupid house her fame was made. then she got Good Accountant's to make her money. Shame thay don't do Brain transplants she needs one. But as you said She wl do well from this unfortunaltley.

So could Radio one please Stop its coverage on BB as IT'S JUST ANNOYING NOW.

Well matey sorry to go on but i amjust sick about hearing about this Tosh on the T.V. I do my best to aviod it but turn on radio1 and its there i refuse to listen to other channels they have no talent.

Anyway Ill stop ranting on Stop the coverage of BB. Keep up the good work guys and When is the next instalment of Cockit And Pullit. i love that sketch.

Tara guys and dolls.



  • 18.
  • At 05:45 PM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • Brian Balicki wrote:

What a load of stuff and nonsens! All the hype and garbage over nothing. There was never anything racist, except maybe the jack comment or the jermaine (white trailer trash) comment! All the fighting and arguments were borne out of jealousy because Shilpa was far more articulate, far better looking and way above their stations! Racisim didn't enter into it - only jealousy. The worlds media should get a guick kick in the sack from Russell Brand. Any paper that pays a million squid for Jades story needs its head examining.

  • 19.
  • At 05:07 PM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • wrote:

BB as well as other Reality TV Shows should be flushed down the toilet. Jade in my opinion should receive a pie in the face followed by a water hosing for her actions against Shilpa.

I am already attempting to criticize Reality TV in America after Jade's Behavior towards Shilpa and in light of KDND [Radio Station in California] decision to do nothing when one of their contestants died in a Reality Radio Show after a water drinking contest.

  • 20.
  • At 03:42 PM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • wrote:

And it all started with a stock cube, beef between Shilpa and Jade, BB were too chicken to intervene, and the rest of the housemates were like vegetables sat on the fence throughout the whole thing. Blimey, everybody gains from this dont they?? Jade, the media who hyped it, so much money to be made.

Any money for interviews should now go to charity, just like the voting money.

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