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Rachel's Tuesday Blog

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Rachel | 12:51 UK time, Tuesday, 5 August 2008

A very good day to one and all, it's Rachel here checking in on the blog as Tuesday is my blog day.

After turning up to work very tired this morning, the day seems to be panning out very nicely. The show this morning was hilarious. It ranged from talking to Rob DJ about his diva strop...more on that in a moment....through to Dave & Chris and trying to make me feel better about putting on 6 pounds in 1 week. (I'm sure my scales are wrong).

Back to Rob DJ. The top dog, general bizzle quizzle will be joining us in Newquay for his legendary quiz on Friday. As the show live from a stage at in front of thousands (we hope), Aled and I want it all to look as well (as sound good). Anyway, yesterday I ran the idea of Rob wearing a sparkly quiz master jacket. It didn't get down too well and ended with the line ' we'll see on Friday'. I think my powers of perusasion will have to go up a notch so to speak.

Talking of Rob. Tuesday as I'm sure you know is quiz day. Thought I'd put the questions just in case you missed it. The answers are at the bottom of the blog.

1. Name the artist who had a hit with flashdance in 2004?

2. Which geographical location was the first word spoken on the moon?

3. In Sex & The City Carrie and Miranda used to stop off at 'Magnolias' to buy Vanilla flavoured what?

4. Which of the four main Balearic Islands is closest to Spain?

5. What is a line on a weather map linking places of equal barometric pressure?

You might have heard us talking about our detox in 2005 earlier, when we all attempted to stop drinking and shed a few pounds. Here's the photo that Dave found!


Right that's it from me....have nice day now.
Rach x

1. Deepish, 2. Houston, 3. Cup Cakes, 4. Ibiza, 5. Isobar


  • Comment number 1.

    When are you weighing yourself though Rachel? I'm sure the scales are wrong! My scales have a different result most of the time as well! Like the pic, hope the rest of your tuesday is good. :)

  • Comment number 2.

    Rachel is answer number 1 not meant to be Deepdish??

  • Comment number 3.

    Trick is to NOT step on those scales, Rachel! No one should be measured by numbers, but by how you feel about yourself. If you feel good, who gives a catpoo about weight! Then at least you're working towards a real goal, rather than something numerical. Hope you have a good Tuesday :)

  • Comment number 4.

    Those scales can't be right. No one puts on that much in a week. Not without at least noticing they haven't been to the toilet in a similar time period anyway! And at least then you know what's going on. Give it a couple of days and try again, you'll probably find it's all gone.

    Only two out of five for me on the quiz this week. Rubbish. :(

  • Comment number 5.

    What do u get when u cross a plumer with a ballerina?
    a tap dancer

    wat do u call a man with a bus on his head?

    knock knock
    whos there?
    doris who?
    the doris locked so let me in

    sorry, but im bored and i cudnt think of nufin to do .

    love the show x

    hugh jass

  • Comment number 6.

    chris have a look at the vid i put on youtube,john edge in deeside getting dirty with grab and shift.

  • Comment number 7.

  • Comment number 8.

    Heard that no one comments on the blog...not really. Reading the blog reminds me of laughing my head off in my car on the way to work. Our little one (he will be 5 in September) miss the show due to summer holiday. Will turn on the radio in the kitchen in the morning...but seems like he prefer Cbeebies. Sorry...I still listen to the show every morning from 8:55 to 9:30 while I am on my way to work. Look forward to tomorrow show.

  • Comment number 9.

    Thought I should comment as I heard Chris say yesterday that no one comments on the blog, so have registered as Aled told us all too and as I love the show thought I would leave a comment, so here it is.
    I have to say that I think you all look much better now that you do in this photo.
    Crap I know!!

    Was loving todays show with Andy Peters, loved the broom cupboard chat
    Donna xx

  • Comment number 10.

    WAAAAYYY!!! I've just signed up!! ( as ya'll told us to the other day! )
    what a winner!
    I'm loving the blogs, More people need to comment!
    I think there all just scared incase it gets read out! Like that guy who sent the text in this morning- haha he wasnt expecting a call!!! that was classic though! haha anyway hope you all have a good show tomorrow! Im sure you will.
    from the Newbie - Rizzo x

  • Comment number 11.

    well the new blogs lasted exactly two weeks!

    no Dom blog or Aled today.

    get it together chaps.

  • Comment number 12.

    Rachel win's the most bums on seats award! - so, here's my virtual Bum on the radio seat.. although, I would love to put my real bum on a seat in the R1 studio when u are on-air :)

    Im a Bald radio presenter/producer just like Dom.. but am in bristol, and I also have my own online TV channel where I do my shows on:

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

    is where it's at:)

    rachel and carrie do a fab job with putting up with the hairy team in the studio.. ;)

    As my best mate the JLC say's "Good times" bring-it-on Rachel !

    lol xx

  • Comment number 13.

    thanks. I did quite well this week on Rob Dj's pub quiz!x

  • Comment number 14.

    I wouldnt worry too much about a whole 6 pounds, you can burn that off quickly.

    Btw what cake do you enjoying make the most?

    I am trying to learn how to bake, any suggestions?

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