Annie Lennox is here now
Annie was great. You get a lot of people cracking jokes tonight obviously, what with it being Comic Relief and all, and Ben Shepherd talking about badgers in trees and everything but she just spoke really seriously and passionately about what tonight meant to her. Apparently donations really shot up after her film and song, which she was really chuffed by. She says she hopes this is the most money she ever makes out of a gig. Make it happen.

Comment number 1.
At 13th Mar 2009, TheRealBottsie wrote:You need to show the text number much much much more. You're missing out.
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Comment number 2.
At 13th Mar 2009, hiteshpatel wrote:The nine people that did kilimajaro were great....
You need to thank the porters and helpers that got those 9 people to the top of kilimanjaro on air!!!!!!!!!!!!
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