This year he surpassed himself. He got some whipped cream (steady on, you don't know where this is going) and wrote 'I LUV YOU PAT' on the pavement outside so when I woke up on Val Day I would look out of the window and see it. Sadly I got out of bed without opening the nets (I've got a peeping Tom next door and he has been known to show himself to me of a morning. Sounds like a dream come true I know but you've never seen a penis look more like a walnut in your life.) Anyway back to Val's Day. Before I got a chance to see Bernard's message a dog had done its business in it. Julie came by and thought we'd been targeted by race hate BNP types. I said, why would we? We're not black. She said oh yeah and that was that.
P.S. I love you Bernard. But not as much as I love Gary Bellamy. Tee hee! Although granted, he's never written me name in shite so you've got one up on him there.
I've been heaving like a sick puppy this week. I've had that vomming bug. It were disgusting. I was chucking me guts up for hours. I even sprayed the bedroom wall. I were just like that ugly girl out of the exorcist (note to fans - one of Gary's favourite films! Go figure!) I like the look of that priest in that film. He's enough to make any girl go Catholic. Tee hee!
The Making of Bellamy's People of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Episode Four
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Comment number 1.
At 24th Feb 2010, Peter Daly wrote:Congratulations on a brilliant series guys. True classic comedy. We need more of this quality
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