The Now Show want to know your workplace secrets

Last week The Now Show started asking you, the good people of the internet, to contribute to its audience question. For those that don't know, each week we ask our audience a question, and read out the funniest/oddest/most damning answers at the end of the show.
So, if you are so minded, you can post an answer to either the comments section of this blog or Twitter (using the hashtag #nowshow) before 7.30pm tonight, and we'll print out everything we can before we go onstage - Steve and Hugh will pick the best to be read out.
This week's question
The England football team were bugged this week. So, tell us a workplace secret.
Comment number 1.
At 11th Mar 2010, Liam wrote:Of Colonel Sanders 11 secret herbs and spices, 2 of which are the colonel him self. He was a big chap.
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Comment number 2.
At 12th Mar 2010, Sam wrote:Many of the other football teams were also quite annoyed.
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Comment number 3.
At 19th Mar 2010, Crystal wrote:Where have you hidden this week's question, chaps? I live in Singapore and have stayed up until silly o'clock to have a read (and possibly attempt to reply with something witty) - but alas, it's not here!
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