A new surprise for the Leaders' Wives
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Isabel Fay writes...

Also our actress Lucy Montgomery (SamCam) could have gone into labour, and she actually did 48 hours later (Congratulations Lucy!).
But amongst all of the eventualities we planned for, we never expected a call from the Tories' advertising agency asking our company Clever Pie to co-produce a Party Political Broadcast for them.
I'm genuinely hoping it went down like this:
SamCam: "Daaayve! I just seen this fing where they pretend to be me and I dunno where they got it but they know you go like a traiiiiin"
Daaayve: "Jolly good on 'em is what I say. Blimey! And I do go like a train, make no mistake. These are the kind of droll chaps we need to get in touch with the commoners, and CHANGE this CHANGE country CHANGE from old CHANGE politics. Get them on the blower! CHANGE"
Of course we said no, as everyone involved in Clever Pie is entirely politically ambivalent and don't even care if this country goes to the dogs.
So before anyone else calls here is our official statement:
"We do not pledge allegiance to any political party. We also portray Nick Griffin's wife as a Nigerian Matriarch, but sorry Nick we can't help you either."
Comment number 1.
At 23rd Apr 2010, James Harris wrote:I think we should have agreed to do it, but only if we insisted on Ray Winstone playing David "Call me Dave, or else" Cameron.
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Comment number 2.
At 24th Apr 2010, Anna Fruen wrote:Proud of you. I'd have been so disappointed if you'd done it!
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