Farewell to Mongrels

Tonight's episode brings to a close this series of Mongrels and I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the lovely viewers that have stuck with us and posted their support on our Facebook site, Youtube, Twitter and elsewhere. More than anything else it makes me happy that I'm not the only who wants a "Morning C****!" T-shirt and a fluffy rat toy for Christmas.
One thing I do hope Mongrels has brought with it is further proof that puppetry is a great and yet vastly underused medium with which to play on adult shows. There's an enormous number of hugely talented puppeteers out there who only really get to show their stuff on kids TV, which to my mind is a criminal waste. As an adult I still find something visceral and wonderfully low-tech about puppetry that you'll never get with CG animation, and yet there's a physicality they bring that humans simply can't replicate.
So thank you, puppeteers, for making me laugh so much over the last five years, and here's hoping for some more puppet shows on TV very soon.
Watch the final episode of Mongrels tonight at 10.30pm on ´óÏó´«Ã½ Three.
Mongrels Uncovered
The Mongrels fun doesn't have to end here! Once you've watched the final episode, pop over to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Three Blog for to see how it was all done. Expect to see some hands up some Mongrel derriers.
Comment number 1.
At 10th Aug 2010, fffffffion wrote:I am so sad that this series is ending!!!!
I hope there will be a series 2!!
otherwise I will be writing in a letter of complaint to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ demanding to bring another series of Mongrels on our screens!!!!!! :) :(
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Comment number 2.
At 10th Aug 2010, Spenti wrote:This is by far the best bit of comedy to come out of the ´óÏó´«Ã½ in ages. I've never laughed so much and I really hope you guys are doing another series.
Top work!
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Comment number 3.
At 11th Aug 2010, whipperdasher wrote:Love this show so much! Characters are so great and i love the humor, the only english kind of thing around. please do another series! anyone know to tell the bbc we love it and want more!?!?
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Comment number 4.
At 11th Aug 2010, Deep4t wrote:please do another series :3
it would seem a shame to end the series so soon, the characters are too likeable.
best show on bbc3 anyway... I'm kinda sad it's over
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Comment number 5.
At 11th Aug 2010, Bungle wrote:this show rocks! but i wouldn't say it was 'too soon' as most bbc series only have a tiny 6 episodes per season. can't wait for a second series..
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Comment number 6.
At 11th Aug 2010, oldkaka wrote:more, more, more, more, more, more, more pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. Refreshing, intellingent, hilarious and naughty. Best new comedic programme in a long time. Already pre-ordered the DVD so I can watch and catch the stuff I missed the first time round.
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Comment number 7.
At 11th Aug 2010, fffffffion wrote:Is there a DVD coming out????
I demand answers people! if anybody knows please put a comment up saying so! xx
Mongrels must come back to our screens soon!!
Why is everything ending??? The Hills is ending on sunday and now Mongrels :D xxx
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Comment number 8.
At 11th Aug 2010, GWoolley wrote:Just seen the making of documentary for the series, its reminds me why I love making stuff for Tv and film; even when its gale force winds and raining non-stop during the entire shoot in winter.
Mongrels has been fantastic these last eight weeks, Maybe I'll finally get my animal show that I've been working on for 5 years produced at some point :)
But I would personally like to thank Creator Adam Miller for a hilarious show and for his reply to one of my questions early on in the series.
Fingers crossed for series 2!
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Comment number 9.
At 11th Aug 2010, Jono wrote:The best thing on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ for years. The whole family could not stop laughing at last nights episode. It should be promoted to ´óÏó´«Ã½2.
We want the ´óÏó´«Ã½ to maake some cuddly toys of Marion, Nelson & Vince so we can stick them on a dash board.
Jono & family. Walsall
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Comment number 10.
At 12th Aug 2010, TankedWater wrote:Really sad that the show has ended and hope there is another series - it would be a shame if there are no more after this. Funniest show on the TV at the moment and it was a refreshing change of pace from the rest of the shows that are on.
Hopefully this show does pave the way for more shows in a similar type of vein, as it seems to be quite popular. Fingers crossed. Finally, agreeing with the cuddly toys - they will sell like hotcakes.
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Comment number 11.
At 12th Aug 2010, Allicorn wrote:I can't believe it's over...
Bum worms! :-(
Also, Destiny calendars and wallpaper pls.
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Comment number 12.
At 12th Aug 2010, Daisy Norris wrote:The ´óÏó´«Ã½ are going to make a fortune - if they play their cards right - this Christmas. Mongrels could have been much better if they would have left the obvious toilets jokes alone and concentrated on being seriously funny - and a little less 'London'. Also,wouldn't the pub itself have been a funny place?
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Comment number 13.
At 12th Aug 2010, U14580609 wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 14.
At 12th Aug 2010, Andy wrote:LOVED!!! the programme, recommended it to friends and they too are addicted. Marion is a comedy legend!
Series 2 just has to be made NOW!!!
Absolute work of genius, you can tell that people really cared about making a quality programme!
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Comment number 15.
At 12th Aug 2010, Neko244 wrote:I've gotta say, thank you very much for such an awesome show. I thought Gavin & Stacey was funny, but Mongrels is THE best laugh ever! I really do hope for a second brilliant series.
(Also, Allicorn is right. A Destiny calendar would be immense!)
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Comment number 16.
At 12th Aug 2010, Will wrote:Great series. Fingers crossed for a second series.
And my merchandise request is a Marion toy. For, er, someone I know.
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Comment number 17.
At 12th Aug 2010, pip wrote:I loved every episode.Its a good laugh,I hope there's some more in the pipeline
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Comment number 18.
At 12th Aug 2010, beartoby wrote:MONGRELS - WOW! what a show,plz plz lets be having more soon. And for gods sake bring on the merchandise. gotta get me a t'shirt or something. if not a mug will do nicely soz i can show my work mates what all the raving waz about LOL!
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Comment number 19.
At 13th Aug 2010, topaz wrote:Considering the bbc licence fee i am forced to pay, this is the first thing i've watched for ages that i'd gladly renew for! Love the show, love the script, love the voices.. It's one of the few, VERY few, shows that actually makes me laugh aloud every episode... A real genuine hearty thank you for that... And may the bbc be smote down if it doesn't commission another series! Grrrr!! xx
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Comment number 20.
At 13th Aug 2010, Ed_Monton wrote:Enjoyed the show very much and particualrly loved the interaction between Nelson and Marion.
However, found myself less than impressed with Lucy Montgomery as Destiny and was positively irritated by Katy Brand as Kali; what the hell was that accent meant to be?
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Comment number 21.
At 13th Aug 2010, U14580609 wrote:Is it true that the cameo rats are now on loan to that other hands-up-the-arses-acting show 'Eastenders' to make it seem more believable?
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Comment number 22.
At 13th Aug 2010, sknox44 wrote:Love this to bits. Characters brilliant. I agree with those who say they want soft toys of mario.n, nelson et al
Would also love a Marion t shirt with the quote "Christ Jesus, it's a Premier Inn" the campaign starts here!
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Comment number 23.
At 13th Aug 2010, Proverbial Jon wrote:I wish to join the massess and say how much I am looking forward to a second series. Please ´óÏó´«Ã½, commission another series! Mongrels is my favourite thing on TV at the moment. Why bother with the likes of Sherlock when Mongrels is clearly superior! (I love Sherlock too btw, don't hate me Stephen Moffat!)
What a wonderful programme Mongrels is, intelligent, insulting and outright hilarious! We have needed a quality comedy like this for a long time. It is also clear that a lot of love and care has gone into making this show and I really wish everyone involved the absolute best for their careers because you are all so amazing!
I can't get enough of Mongrels, so please shower us with pointless merchandise so we can buy it! I would like a Vince toy which swears when you squeeze him and a Nelson I can play Boggle with!
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Comment number 24.
At 13th Aug 2010, fffffffion wrote:Me and my friedns love mongrels
defo want cuddly toys of nelson, marion and vince!!!!!
maybe they could make one of those toys that when you squeeze its paw it says catchphrases! xxx i have a few ideas of the catchphrases they could say
"Ok Marion lets get the birthday card and get the rock out of here!!"
"Magic Johnson I think I've got rabies"
"Oh nuts I've left my pepper spray in my other purse!"
"Grubby? I am wearing lynx africa!"
"Diana in heaven I'm on bloody springwatch"
"Middle class is magical a safe world safe from strife!"
"Ofsted was a bloody nightmare"
"I am a fox I just don't let it define me... Marion, my water colours"
"Russell Howard! what in the name of Marty Feldman happened to your eye??"
"Morning C****!
"Destiny I hope you've remembered my scotch egg"
"Well Nelson they are both rhubarb"
"Oh well how very quaint"
"Who are you calling a c****?"
"Alright JC how's your dad?"
"Margeret my silver haired princess I am everything you want me to be"
"I want to claw out my own eyes with my own claws! and stamp on my own eyes with my own claws!"
"yeah and seriously we cannot tell anybody about that I am not even joking"
"Christ jesus it's a premier inn!"
"Robin Williams is trapped in board game since 1969..."
Nelson man we are like ninja, NINJA!"
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Comment number 25.
At 13th Aug 2010, muddy biker wrote:This was the best thing on TV for a LONG while. Puuuurrrrlease make more !
I laughed til I cried many times, and am watching the episodes again and again. Love It.
And yeah, seriously, not even joking, I WANT a Marion cuddly toy for xmas.
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Comment number 26.
At 14th Aug 2010, Allicorn wrote:I was trying to work out which episode I liked least. This would be achieved by counting up for which one I'd had the fewest repeat-watches on late night ´óÏó´«Ã½3 and iPlayer.
Trouble is... I lost count at about 7 watches per episode :-)
Oo - also - my vote for a Marion T-Shirt idea is this: on the front, a disgruntled Marion saying "I knew that!", then on the back the furtive Marion aside, "I did not know that..."
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Comment number 27.
At 15th Aug 2010, Dean Lythgoe wrote:Really enjoyed every episode, hopefully season 2 will be coming to are screens in the near future .... not to far though :)
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Comment number 28.
At 16th Aug 2010, Moomba wrote:I am from the U.S., Georgia, and i absolutly love mongrels! i waited eagerly each week for the new episode to come and was sad when i finished and had to wait another week.
i hope there will be more seasons, its great to see this show, and i praise it to all my friends.
please dont end it!
Vince fan #1!
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Comment number 29.
At 17th Aug 2010, U14580609 wrote:Will there be a spin-off "Mongrels" comic strip in Viz Magazine? That way we'll get to find out what Vince is really saying! It can't be swearing because there's so much of it. We think he's saying stuff in favour of the war in Afghanistan and the ´óÏó´«Ã½ management is bleeping it out because it's 'off-message'. At the moment listening to Vince is like listening to Radio Four's "Just a Minute" with a hyped-up Graham Norton's finger on the buzzer.
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Comment number 30.
At 17th Aug 2010, JamieLFC91 wrote:Please please please give Mongrels a second series! There aren't many tv shows that make me laugh out loud, but this was certainly one of them - would love to see more episodes
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Comment number 31.
At 17th Aug 2010, Nolastname wrote:oh please make another series that was the funniest comedy since the nineties and it brought me out of my depression :(
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Comment number 32.
At 17th Aug 2010, vandanalake wrote:Will miss Mongrels. The characters work brilliantly with the silly and rude material. The song about being Middle Class was very funny. Please, please make another series.
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Comment number 33.
At 17th Aug 2010, Mr_mccormack wrote:Too some people this show seems to be like marmite. However I cannot get enough, Like a cocktails of sitcoms on crack, it's laugh out loud comedy that so few shows nowadays succeed in. It such a shame there were only 8 episodes.
It make take a few years but please Make another series. read reviews of your shows, find what people like and didn't like and improve. Be like family guy and rise of the ashes. I know thw show isn't offically cancelled but seeing that it took 5 years to make. I can only hope for more.
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Comment number 34.
At 17th Aug 2010, Mr_mccormack wrote:I can't believe Paul kaye voices vince. such a legend.
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Comment number 35.
At 17th Aug 2010, TankedWater wrote:Anyone else getting withdrawl symptoms from Mongrels not being on anymore?
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Comment number 36.
At 18th Aug 2010, baldmosher wrote:Great timing, ´óÏó´«Ã½ - show us the "making of" documentary, whet our appetites, and then take it off iPlayer less than a week later before we've had the chance to watch it!!
I was halfway through episode 5 last night and this morning there's only episode 8 left to watch. Was website storage allocation one of the recent ´óÏó´«Ã½ cost-cutting measures??
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Comment number 37.
At 18th Aug 2010, samantha wrote:absolutely loved mongrels, can't wait for the next series. please please please bring out some merchandise, t-shirts and teddies etc, gotta get me a marion t- shirt, just love that cat!
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Comment number 38.
At 18th Aug 2010, fffffffion wrote:So will this show take another five years to make?? or maybe if they get a bigger budget it will take less time to make??? xxx so many questions!! i hope it doesn't take another five years!! xx
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Comment number 39.
At 19th Aug 2010, Vaux wrote:Genius!
The TV licence paying public want more... At least bring out the DVD for Christmas, with a special edition 'spanked-up' mix of **** Chickens. That should guarantee an improved seasonal number one!
Thank you everyone involved.
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Comment number 40.
At 19th Aug 2010, ogwi wrote:Found you by accident and have tried to spread the word - agree absolute genius and please come back with a series 2.
If you don't win any awards for this there is no justice.
Will I be able to put series 1 DVD on my Christmas list?
Love to Kali - you dirty beep beep beep beep-er
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Comment number 41.
At 19th Aug 2010, fffffffion wrote:Anyone wondering about the dvd it was out on the 16th of august. I've ordered it off amazon and I can't wait until it arrives. Also on the Dvd charts Mongrels ranked as the number 10 in the top 100 comedy dvds. Also in the overall chart it ranked higher than Ashes to Ashes, Band of Brothers and An education!! which is something to be proud of xx
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Comment number 42.
At 19th Aug 2010, ARandomUsername wrote:I love mongrels. It was stumbled upon by a friend of mine just after it started and since then it has been a constant topic of conversation at work. Everyone I know who has seen it has found it crude, disgusting, revolting and UTTERLY BRILLIANT! This isn't just for teens either - we are mainly a bunch of old farts knocking well into our forties and have been thoroughly entertained by this unique piece of television. This should be given it's proper dues and repeated on ´óÏó´«Ã½2 where it will rightfully get a much wider audience. Great stuff!!!
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Comment number 43.
At 21st Aug 2010, kozmic_tulip wrote:I would love to see some merchandise from The Mongrels. I would be first in line for a Destiny toy, as well as coffee mugs, t-shirts, calanders of the shows animals...
Please, PLEASE bring more episodes to us!! And, DON'T LET DESTINY DIE!!!! She was fab, I swear my Saluki is Destiny, in looks and attitude. I was hooked from the first show, and I need more!!
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Comment number 44.
At 22nd Aug 2010, PK wrote:I don't think i've laughed as hard at anything new on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ in a long time, dear God please give Mongrels another series!!
Please can we have a DVD/Blu-ray with the swearing uncensored as well? I was rather hoping to hear Vince call people in all its glory!
(Like the sound of a Destiny calender, I have a, uh, friend who'd love it...)
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Comment number 45.
At 22nd Aug 2010, PeerlessKid wrote:I really hope they're planning on merchandise... :D... come on ´óÏó´«Ã½... you can make a fortune here :p
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Comment number 46.
At 24th Aug 2010, jasevx wrote:This was the best comedy series since the likes of Blackadder, my wife, myself and my four kids found it hilarious, it should be on prime time ´óÏó´«Ã½ 1 instead of the drizzle we see there. Amazing show, and I agree, merchandise!
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Comment number 47.
At 25th Aug 2010, Simon G wrote:Just to let people know . . the Series 1 DVD was released on the 16th August. :-)
Where can I buy a Vince soft toy with assorted Vince catch phrases ? please . . .
Oh yes . . . get on with Series 2 already !
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Comment number 48.
At 25th Aug 2010, mandy cairns wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 48)
Comment number 49.
At 25th Aug 2010, mandy cairns wrote:brilliant series. Can't wait for the next one. Loved the dance of the fox. Love Kali's "james bond villan-like" schemes. Her voice is so perfect for a street pigeon and showing her softer side when her mama died and being so fat she had to get cut out of the box! All the jokes and the body language movements of the puppets are just spot on right down to the trembling smaller animals when in Vince's presence. Loved Marion as the party clown. I've got the gas man still as my screen saver. When are the t-shirts coming out? I'd love one of Kali with some machine gun ammunition rounds wrapped around her calling her winged brethern to arms against the humans who've terrorized her kind for centuries! At least a t-shirt with her saying "I did not think that through" or one with Vince on it that says "are you calling me a c***". Can't wait for the next series!
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Comment number 50.
At 26th Aug 2010, exlabman wrote:One of the funniest things for ages, caught it by accident at work, been a fan ever since.
Shame it's disappeared from the iplayer, DVD soon?
We MUST have a series 2, 3, 4, 5, (I think you see where I'm going).
Also agree the puppet toys would be great.
"belt and braces... nothing to do with religion"
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Comment number 51.
At 26th Aug 2010, mariette wrote:amazing series
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Comment number 52.
At 28th Aug 2010, megawatts wrote:Went onto the iplayer to find episode 9...
Series 2 purlease...seriously, can't imagine you could spend the license fee any better than on this. The puppetry and puppet design was something Jim Henson would be proud of. Amazing characters, and the last episode was so very very excellent.
Something about the puppetry adds an edge to the comedy which is so much better than animation...the characters are so much more real, and so much funnier...
Congrats and thanks to the team who made this, looks like a labour of love...off to buy the DVD!
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Comment number 53.
At 29th Aug 2010, NeroAntigone wrote:Literally, and I really do mean literally, the hardest I have laughed this year has been at this programme. If there isn't a second series I'll get my stroppy boots on and complain in every medium til my tonsils bleed and my writers-cramped hand seizes up into a claw-like arthritic lump of flesh. Genius writing, amazing puppetry- nothing else like it!
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Comment number 54.
At 30th Aug 2010, some wierd bloke wrote:there got to be anuther seris with so meny fans so meny peopl how want seris 2 to hapen the bbc cant egnor it
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Comment number 55.
At 1st Sep 2010, some wierd bloke wrote:if any one reads this the is a nice guy on youtube he put ech epysode of mongrels but in 3 parts on it my withdwows are over mongrels is like my pot
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Comment number 56.
At 1st Sep 2010, some wierd bloke wrote:there are lots of things you can do with a puppet that cant be dun with humans. like marrian and the 3week old kittan that was a bid destorbin but still funny so i hope thay do more sorry for speling im dislxic
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Comment number 57.
At 2nd Sep 2010, SenorFunkyPants wrote:I totally love this show.
There definitely must be another series with...
More Marion.
Less Destiny.
More Marion.
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Comment number 58.
At 3rd Sep 2010, TankedWater wrote:Confirmed they are making another series! Fantastic! Can't wait! More Nelson and Vince please!
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Comment number 59.
At 4th Sep 2010, Labatyd wrote:Please make another series, in fact, make two!
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Comment number 60.
At 7th Sep 2010, jessegee wrote:I miss it already!
Please come back with a series 2, I'd love to see
Nelson take evening classes with marion to meet women, Destiny fight for garys affection when he gets a new girlfriend , Carly fall for pyramid selling scheme and get her revenge, and Vince , well , who knows !
Come back soon!
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Comment number 61.
At 7th Nov 2010, Grumpygoldfish wrote:Just been talking (and laughing) about this prog and remembering the excellent characters. I really do hope there's going to be another series!!!!
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Comment number 62.
At 7th Nov 2010, Grumpygoldfish wrote:Just been talking (and laughing) about this prog and remembering the excellent characters. I really do hope there's going to be another series!
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Comment number 63.
At 7th Nov 2010, TankedWater wrote:A second series has been comissioned mate.
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Comment number 64.
At 19th Nov 2010, nelson wrote:hello tanked i happy cuz i found a way to do this with ps3 live but i can only be nelson so no more bobby no more vince jonson till new laptop comes
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Comment number 65.
At 20th Nov 2010, TankedWater wrote:That's okay, Nelson is my favorite character anyway, just don't tell Vince.
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Comment number 66.
At 20th Nov 2010, nelson wrote:ok moms the work
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Comment number 67.
At 21st Dec 2010, Mr Fox wrote:Wiki says season 2 is being worked on. Please let it come soon! I need my Nelson fix. I love that fox!!! And ´óÏó´«Ã½ please make some toys or other collectables! My self and many others will buy it. Trust me! :)
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Comment number 68.
At 3rd Feb 2011, DJ D3GENERATE wrote:I must say Job well done on this show! I heard about the controversy of this being too similar to pets. Frankly I watched an episode of pets, not even.. The beginning into it the characters seemed way to stuffed animal like, and very bland scripting. As to mongrels it really is hard to critique,The characters are so like-able, so realistic, and im always excited because the suspense of not knowing what will happen next. I am a hugee fan of family guy and love its series of flashbacks, and puns. Mongrels is a great show and i loved that you guys played the prodigy during the catnip rave scene, I cannot wait for second season ill have my eyes and credit card ready x)
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Comment number 69.
At 29th Mar 2011, woodyapex wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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