HIGNFY: Let us pray

Don't miss the new series of Have I Got News For You: you can catch it on Thursdays at 9pm on ´óÏó´«Ã½ One - and then again with 10 minutes of extra stuff on Saturdays at 10pm on ´óÏó´«Ã½ Two. If you're short of things to do, you could even watch both and play spot-the-difference.
Anyway. Read on for today's picture gag!
After news that a town in Italy plans to ban the miniskirt, one resident prays that common sense will prevail:

Photo by Sipa Press / Rex Features
Comment number 1.
At 25th Oct 2010, clint75 wrote:One man nervously awaits his appearance on the Jeremy Kyle show.
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Comment number 2.
At 25th Oct 2010, clint75 wrote:One man hopes it's Dolmio for tea.
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Comment number 3.
At 25th Oct 2010, clint75 wrote:As the row over the Naples rubbish tip continues, one man hopes they haven't spotted he's been putting letter shreddings in the wrong bin.
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